Find a high paying job. Appeal to the employment center. How to be a serious candidate


Moscow is a city of opportunities and prospects. According to ongoing research, it is in the capital of the Russian Federation that the highest salaries in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of provincial towns tend to get into the metropolis and find a job in order to get a good income.

But as practice shows, difficulties with finding work in this city arise not only among residents of other regions, but also among Muscovites themselves. They often wonder how to find a job in Moscow with a good salary and acceptable working conditions. Initially, it is worth noting that there are two ways to find a job:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of a recruiting agency.

It is not difficult to find a normal job in the capital of the Russian Federation on your own. But you should initially prepare for the fact that, most likely, you will have to go through more than one interview and spend a lot of time, effort and patience. Moscow employers are very selective in choosing employees when it comes to highly paid specialties, because, as a rule, many people apply for high wages, so employers "have plenty to choose from."

An important aspect in finding a job is citizenship and the presence of a Moscow residence permit (or the Moscow region).

As practice shows, without a residence permit, get a job high paying job not only difficult, but almost impossible.

This is due to the fact that most of the highly paid positions provide liability, so employers do not want to take the risk of hiring a person who lives in another city. We are offering to you

To independently search for vacancies from direct employers, you can use sites such as:

On the above sites, various vacancies are published daily, designed for the female and male half of humanity. Many of these portals post vacancies for citizens of retirement age or people with disabilities. - this portal publishes vacancies for students and graduates of higher educational institutions. People without work experience or education will also be able to find a suitable option here.

The principle of the search is quite simple. A person writes a resume and sends it to the vacancy he has chosen. If the resume meets the requirements of the employer, then the applicant is invited for an interview. For a greater likelihood of employment, it is recommended to post a resume not on one site, but at least on 3-4 portals.

One of the most famous sites where you can find vacancy, is called "The Interactive Portal of the Center for Employment of the City of Moscow".

Finding a job with a recruiting agency

Recruiting agencies are recruiting organizations. Recruitment agencies help in vocational guidance, the preparation and correction of resumes, as well as in their mailing. Many large recruiting firms provide employment training.

When contacting recruitment agencies, it is worth remembering that they charge a fee for their services. On average, you will have to pay from 10 to 35% of the estimated annual salary. The cost of recruiting agency services in Moscow can sometimes reach 60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth noting that the agency only selects a vacant place, but does not employ. The fact of hiring depends on the employer.

The best recruiting organizations in Moscow:

  1. CORNERSTONE. This agency became the best in 2011. The organization selects senior and middle-level personnel. The cost of services ranges from 18 to 20% of the annual salary of an employee.
  2. "Anchor". The agency selects vacancies for all people, regardless of work experience and education. The cost of services is 20% of the annual income.
  3. Kelly Services. The organization is engaged in the selection of permanent and temporary work. The cost of services is 25%.
  4. "UNITI". This firm is the most active in the job search market. She has been working since 1999. For services, the agency charges from 18 to 25% of the annual income of an employee.
  5. Ariva-HR. The organization is engaged in the selection of all vacancies. Through this recruiting agency, you can find both a job as a cleaner in Moscow and a job as a top manager.
  6. "Amalco". This organization specializes in the selection of domestic staff. Through this agency, girls can quickly and easily find a job as a nanny, nurse, governess or maid. Men are offered vacancies for security guards, gardeners, butlers, drivers, etc. The cost of the company's services is equal to one monthly income of an employee.
  7. HUMAN CAPITAL. The organization is engaged in the selection of personnel in such areas as:
  • Information Technology.
  • Pharmaceutics.
  • Advertising.
  • Finance.
  • Industry.

The cost of the company's services varies from 20 to 25% of the employee's annual income.

  1. "Skyman". The organization selects employees for retail trade.
  2. TS Persona. This company is engaged in the recruitment of personnel for the restaurant business.

Basic rules when looking for a job

Initially, a person needs to decide on what position he wants to get and what salary to receive.

The main rules in finding a job are:

  1. Persistence. If several employers have not responded to the resume, do not despair.
  2. Using various sources. You don't need to limit yourself to searching only on the Internet. Today, many vacancies are published in periodicals and newspapers.
  3. A well-written resume is already half the battle. It should be short but informative. A resume should highlight the work experience and personal qualities of a person (advantages and disadvantages). When compiling the document, spelling or stylistic errors are not allowed. Agree, few people want to hire an illiterate specialist who makes mistakes in his own resume.
  4. Proper interview preparation. In negotiations, you must show all your professionalism. It would be useful to find out information about the company, the company where you plan to get a job.


A resume is an important part of a job search.

This is a paper version of a person's presentation to his future employer. Your resume should include information such as:

Employment for different social groups

It is almost impossible for students in Moscow to find a well-paid job. Basically, students get seasonal, temporary work or work with daily pay.

Students in Moscow will be able to easily find a vacancy for a promoter, courier, animator, waiter, sales manager, security guard, salesman, etc. It is worth remembering that these positions are very labor-intensive and low-paid. Basically, the payment for one working day does not exceed 1 thousand rubles.

In the field of education, it will also not be possible to find a job on Good work. A woman who does not have a special education can find a job as a cleaner, dishwasher, maid, waitress, nurse, housekeeper, saleswoman, etc. Men without education are provided with low-skilled specialties: a builder, a loader, an auxiliary worker, a driver, a waiter, etc. P.

Without experience, finding a job with high earnings is also unlikely to succeed. But people with education have a chance to get a job that provides an opportunity for training and further career growth. There are cases when ordinary managers or waiters after several years of work became directors and managers.

Women and men without work experience may be employed with daily payments. Positions with daily pay:

Not every one of us can afford to look for a dream job month after month. There are situations in life when you need to find a job as soon as possible. How to act to reduce the time for job searches, will tell.

Specify salary expectations
Be sure to indicate salary expectations: resumes with a salary “by agreement” are viewed by employers much less often than those whose owners nevertheless indicated the level of desired remuneration. And if your experience is still small, then be especially critical of the figure: salaries with a large number of zeros are paid to professionals who have passed a serious selection (several interviews, test tasks, etc.). This selection takes time, but you just don’t have it. So, if there is no experience, sensibly assess your education and skills, compare all this with average salary a specialist of your level (ours will help you with this) and ... reduce the amount by 10-15%. But do not overdo it, you do not need to make the recruiter doubt your professionalism.

Reduce requests
Think about what requests you are ready to refuse in order to get a job as soon as possible. Yes, this is very bad advice, but it works. Do you really see your future nowhere but in international companies? Are you sure you can't imagine a future job without VHI or other "goodies" of the compensation package? Are you sure that you are not ready to spend an extra 15-20 minutes on the road to work? Decide what you can refuse, and what is important to you, and review your resume. The fewer restrictions, the more offers you will receive, and this is very important if the work is needed immediately.

Expand your search
Even if you have a narrow specialization, it is worth considering considering offers from related industries. Who knows what offers employers are ready to make to you? So give them a chance!

"Ready to start tomorrow...even today!"
Another component of the success of fast employment is your willingness to go to work immediately, right tomorrow. Report it at interviews - in some cases it may be yours competitive advantage. It happens that a vacancy needs to be filled urgently, and the candidates are all busy: one finishes things in the same place, the other has planned a vacation ... Meanwhile, some area of ​​​​work remains uncovered, the company loses possible profit and becomes more accommodating.

Assessing Your Resume Critically
If you want to find a job quickly - evaluate your resume again. Is it clear enough to the recruiter that you are professional and adequate? Is your experience and achievements clearly presented? Edit your resume for each job you apply for: try to draw attention to that part of your experience that may be of interest to this particular employer. For more information on how to describe your achievements in a resume, read.

Downloading the mobile app
Good jobs close very quickly. To send your resume faster than your competitors or quickly respond to an invitation from an employer, use our mobile job search application. Update your resume and call the employer directly from the app:

Work on your job search! Every day!
This is the most important point. None of the above will help if you do not search carefully and systematically. View new job postings every morning; send resumes to suitable companies; clarify the fate of your resume in those companies that did not respond to your letters; in case of refusal after the interview, ask recruiters for advice on what you need to do in order to succeed in the next company. Don't sit back! Only persistent job seekers quickly find a job!

Good luck and fast employment!

Today it is not easy to find any job, and if we are talking about a highly paid one, it is clear to every job seeker that this is an almost impossible task. If you knew a strong conspiracy, finding a good high-paying job would not be difficult! Often even young and ambitious graduates of prestigious universities are left without a promising job after the liquidation or bankruptcy of enterprises and institutions. Sometimes they are so unprepared for such a turn of events that they become patients in psychiatric clinics, recover for a long time and often cannot return to good shape at all. Could this be avoided? Undoubtedly!

How to find a high-paying job with the help of a conspiracy? Elementary! Read on.

How does a conspiracy for a good job work on a person?

This is an old genre of folk magic (according to Ushakov's dictionary). Any conspiracy has as its goal the implementation of real first aid to a person in need with the support of otherworldly forces.

CONSPIRACY- this is a strictly defined set of verbal formulas that have wonderful healing power, the ability to magically change reality in the direction the caster needs.

In Ancient Russia, the pronunciation of conspiracies was considered an important and difficult matter, first you had to prove that you had certain abilities. Then there was a tough selection according to moral criteria: a strong character, a powerful will, the absence of food and other addictions, that is, a non-smoker, a non-drinker ...

A selection of conspiracies

It is known that the word heals and the word hurts. Much is known about the power of the word. But it is not clear how the conspiracy affects so much that even the bleeding in front of the eyes literally stops. On the other hand, it is not clear why the conspiracy has such power on some people, but not on others. But nevertheless, conspiracies work. Especially clearly their impact is seen on those who firmly believe in help from a conspiracy or prayer. This is confirmed by albeit few, but very representative studies.

Below you are two good conspiracies that will definitely help you!

Option 1: "Conspiracy for a Highly Paying Job"

An effective conspiracy for a highly paid job: get as much as you deserve!

Our labor week starts on Monday. And this conspiracy must also be read on this day. You need to get up at dawn, it is important to capture the first rays of the sun. Even if your windows face the sunny side, it is still better to go out into the yard. Take a piece of twine or a thick strong thread with you, you can twine. You will begin to tie knots on this thread. In this case, you need to pronounce the following text in recitative:

The knot is strong, do not untie,

Likewise, me a servant of God (your name)

Tie to my boss

Tie tight and fast!

When the plot is read once, tie one knot. Read it again, tie another knot. Finally, read the third time and tie the last knot. Then carefully lay the thread along your threshold, but so that it does not move, so that the draft cannot blow it to the side. Therefore, it is important that the thread is not just strong, strong, but also quite weighty. Other

When you go to the interview, step over the threshold (do not step on the thread!) Turn around and take the thread with you, putting it in a secluded pocket or bag. It will be very good if the bag is red. Carry a bag of thread with you until successful employment, then secretly burn the thread and wash the ashes with water.

Option 2: "Conspiracy for a profitable job"

One more rite I offer you. He will help you find a highly profitable place, and raise your salary, if necessary. The healer who shared this plot recommends reading the magic formula at dawn, every morning, until the work is found. Here is the conspiracy.

Few are satisfied with their salary. Therefore, people so often think about how to find a well-paid job.

What is a well paying job? Each person interprets this concept individually. But most dream of finding a job that pays at least a few thousand more than at the current or previous work. It happens that a person has worked at one job for some time, and quite successfully. But career growth is not expected there, and the salary is clearly low. In the article we will talk about such situations: what to do to find a job with a better salary.
Assessing yourself and the job market
Before active actions aimed directly at finding a job, you need to prepare. The first thing you need to do to find a well-paid job is to adequately evaluate yourself as a staff member. To do this, you need to analyze all your skills, work experience, level of education, degree of knowledge of foreign languages, and so on. After all, this usually depends on the salary. And unreasonably inflated claims will not allow you to achieve what you want.
If you are sure that you have soberly assessed everything, you can begin to analyze the job market. As the saying goes, you can't jump above the ceiling. Therefore, one way or another, you will have to focus on the upper limit of wages in your region in your specialty. View jobs with requirements that you, as an employee, meet. And you will very quickly understand whether you can count on a higher salary.
Note! If the chosen specialty wage small in general, then you can consider related areas of activity or even completely different ones. Perhaps there you can really get more.
After you have studied the salary levels offered in the areas of interest, decide how much you would like to receive. Of course, here you can name an arbitrarily large figure. But that's why you studied the job market: this figure must be real.
Resume update
The next step is to update your resume. Perhaps you have acquired new skills since you last edited it: you learned a foreign language, got a driver's license, and completed refresher courses.
By the way, if you have never thought about the principles of writing a resume and the role of this document before, we recommend that you create it from scratch. If you are really focused on finding a good job with a good salary, you need to make every effort. We have already written how to write a resume correctly. In addition, on our site we considered typical mistakes in summary, offered for viewing interesting videos on this topic. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with these materials: they will really help you write a good resume. Try to do everything neatly, without mistakes - and you are already halfway to getting what you want.
AT recent times personnel officers often began to pay attention to the presence or absence of a cover letter. It's becoming a fashionable trend: the evaluation of a candidate already begins when the personnel officer or even the head of the company sees the cover letter or its absence. It will not be superfluous to write such a thing. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for writing a cover letter. Naturally, this may be different for different vacancies, but we still recommend that you practice and prepare several cover letter templates in advance. Job search
Now we come to the most important thing - the job search itself. Where to look for it? Most job seekers today use the internet to find jobs. This is logical, since most employers use it to post vacancies. There are many job sites out there today. There are all-Russian sites, there are regional ones. View them daily, respond to suitable vacancies. Of course, do not forget to correctly write a cover letter. You need to check jobs often. New vacancies appear every minute on the Internet, and if the place is good, then there will be a lot of people who want to get into it. Missing a day or two, you may miss your chance.
In addition to the Internet, to search for a job, you can use the services of an employment service or the services of private recruitment agencies.
Note! Another source of getting a good job is your relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Mention that you are looking for a job and would be grateful for information about vacancies if they have it.
If you did everything correctly, then the result will be. How soon depends on many factors. If your goal is just to increase your income a little, and other factors are not too important to you, then you will find a job quickly. But it sometimes takes months to find a job that is really good in all respects.
And now the important moment has come - you were invited for an interview. It is important to prepare here, because you can only make a first impression once. Not only what you wrote in your resume will be evaluated, but also your appearance, the ability to speak and hold on, confidence. Try "to the fullest". On our site, by the way, there are useful materials about the interview. For example, about how to behave on it and what mistakes candidates usually make during an interview.
Reasonable Caution
If you've been called for an interview, don't get too excited just yet. It does not hurt to exercise reasonable caution, because various pitfalls can be hidden behind the proposed high salary.
For example, the job ad was not submitted by a serious company at all, but by adherents of network marketing. Or in this company a high salary, but huge fines for everything that is possible and impossible. Or the company is famous for gray wages. And some employers are not at all averse to exploiting someone else's labor almost for nothing. So, a good applicant is promised a high salary, but only after passing probationary period. At the end of such a person is simply fired.
In other words, there can be a lot of trouble. Therefore, it would be wise to make sure that the company is trustworthy before going to the interview: look on the Internet, what it does, how long it has been in existence, what reviews are available about it.

Few people are satisfied with their wages. Therefore, people so often think about how to find a well-paid job. What is a well paying job? Each person interprets this concept individually. But most dream of finding a job that pays at least a few thousand more than their current or previous job. It happens that a person has worked at one job for some time, and quite successfully. But career growth is not expected there, and the salary is clearly low. In the article we will talk about such situations: what to do to find a job with a better salary.

Assessing yourself and the job market

Before active actions aimed directly at finding a job, you need to prepare. The first thing you need to do to find a well-paid job is to adequately evaluate yourself as a staff member. To do this, you need to analyze all your skills, work experience, level of education, degree of knowledge of foreign languages, and so on. After all, this usually depends on the salary. And unreasonably inflated claims will not allow you to achieve what you want.

If you are sure that you have soberly assessed everything, you can begin to analyze the job market. As the saying goes, you can't jump above the ceiling. Therefore, one way or another, you will have to focus on the upper limit of wages in your region in your specialty. View jobs with requirements that you, as an employee, meet. And you will very quickly understand whether you can count on a higher salary.

If in the chosen specialty the salary is small in general, then you can consider related areas of activity or even completely different ones. Perhaps there you can really get more.

After you have studied the salary levels offered in the areas of interest, decide how much you would like to receive. Of course, here you can name an arbitrarily large figure. But that's why you studied the job market: this figure must be real.

Resume update

The next step is to update your resume. Perhaps you have acquired new skills since you last edited it: you learned a foreign language, got a driver's license, and completed refresher courses.

By the way, if you have never thought about the principles of writing a resume and the role of this document before, we recommend that you create it from scratch. If you are really focused on finding a good job with a good salary, you need to make every effort. We already wrote. In addition, on our site, typical mistakes in resumes were considered, interesting videos on this topic were offered for viewing. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with these materials: they will really help you write a good resume. Try to do everything neatly, without mistakes - and you are already halfway to getting what you want.

Recently, personnel officers often began to pay attention to the presence or absence of a cover letter. It's becoming a fashionable trend: the evaluation of a candidate already begins when the personnel officer or even the head of the company sees the cover letter or its absence. It will not be superfluous to write such a thing. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with. Naturally, this may be different for different vacancies, but we still recommend that you practice and prepare several cover letter templates in advance.

Job search

Now we come to the most important thing - the job search itself. Where to look for it? Most job seekers today use the internet to find jobs. This is logical, since most employers use it to post vacancies. There are many job sites out there today. There are all-Russian sites, there are regional ones. View them daily, respond to suitable vacancies. Of course, do not forget to correctly write a cover letter. You need to check jobs often. New vacancies appear every minute on the Internet, and if the place is good, then there will be a lot of people who want to get into it. Missing a day or two, you may miss your chance.

In addition to the Internet, to search for a job, you can use the services of an employment service or the services of private recruitment agencies.

Another source of getting a good job is your relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Mention that you are looking for a job and would be grateful for information about vacancies if they have it.

If you did everything correctly, then the result will be. How soon depends on many factors. If your goal is just to increase your income a little, and other factors are not too important to you, then you will find a job quickly. But it sometimes takes months to find a job that is really good in all respects.


And now the important moment has come - you were invited for an interview. It is important to prepare here, because you can only make a first impression once. Not only what you wrote in your resume will be evaluated, but also your appearance, ability to speak and hold on, confidence. Try "to the fullest". On our site, by the way, there are useful materials about the interview. For example, about what mistakes candidates usually make during interviews.

Reasonable Caution

If you've been called for an interview, don't get too excited just yet. It does not hurt to exercise reasonable caution, because various pitfalls can be hidden behind the proposed high salary.

For example, the job ad was not submitted by a serious company at all, but by adherents of network marketing. Or in this company a high salary, but huge fines for everything that is possible and impossible. Or the company is famous for gray wages. And some employers are not at all averse to exploiting someone else's labor almost for nothing. So, a good applicant is promised a high salary, but only after passing the probationary period. At the end of such a person is simply fired.

In other words, there can be a lot of trouble. Therefore, it would be wise to make sure that the company is trustworthy before going to the interview: look on the Internet, what it does, how long it has been in existence, what reviews are available about it.

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