Yakunin Vadim Sergeevich contacts. The success story in business of Vadim Yakunin is connected with an indifferent character. Place of birth and education


Yakunin Vadim Sergeevich

Yakunin Vadim Sergeevich - is the chairman of the Union of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations (SPFO), a member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Consumer Market of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Protek-SVM.


The main assets of Vadim Yakunin are concentrated:

  • distribution and production of medicines (CJSC CV PROTEK, OJSC PROTEK, Rigla Pharmacy Chain).



  • In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) (qualification "engineer-physicist").
  • In 1989 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Has a Ph.D. technical sciences.

  • 1990 - 2000 - held office CEO CJSC CV PROTEK.
  • 1998 - 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC CV PROTEK.
  • Chairman of the Union of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations (SPFO);
  • member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Consumer Market of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

At the consecration of the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist near Bor in November 2015

In 2015 V.S. Yakunin was awarded the Order of St. blgv. book. Daniil of Moscow II degree for work in the restoration

Great son of Great Rostov

The entire biography and business success story of the billionaire, politician and statesman Vadim Yakunin is connected with Russia. The future pharmaceutical tycoon was born on January 5, 1963 in one of the most ancient cities in Russia - Rostov the Great (as it is popularly called). Today the city of Rostov is the regional center of the Yaroslavl region. Here the boy grew up, graduated from high school. Love for the native land lives in the soul and heart of Vadim Yakunin all his life. Many years later, in August 2009, Vadim Sergeevich will become the founder Charitable Foundation named after St. Gregory the Theologian. Within its work will take place many charitable actions, more than one socially significant project will be implemented. The founder of the foundation will dedicate one of them to his native city. "Rostov the Great - the Spiritual Center of Russia" - this is the name given to the cultural project, which will be presented to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. But all this will come later...

The leaders of the Gregory the Theologian Foundation introduce the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation to the project "Rostov the Great - the Spiritual Center of Russia". Source: site mospat.ru

After graduating from eleven classes of the Rostov high school graduate Vadim Yakunin decided to continue his studies, get higher education in the capital. He came to Moscow, passed the exams and entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which he successfully graduated in 1986 with a degree in engineer-physics. Vadim Sergeevich, however, did not leave the university, but continued his studies in graduate school. In a brief biography of a businessman, it appears that in 1989 he received the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Russian by nationality Vadim Yakunin remained to live, work and build own business in Moscow. Until the beginning of the 90s, he worked for hire - in the scientific and production association of computer equipment.

How the pharmacological holding Protek Group was born and grew

In 1990, Vadim Yakunin, together with a friend from the Institute of Physics and Technology Grigor Khachaturov, created CJSC Protek Implementation Center. Vadim Sergeevich took the position of General Director in the company. In 1998, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Implementation Center Protek. Initially, the partners were engaged in the import of computers, writing programs, and the tourism business. In Hungary, the businessman met with representatives of the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Gedeon Richter and decided to start importing medicines to Russia. Thus, the main direction of the company's activity was determined - the distribution business.

"In the early 90s Russian market medications resembled a flea market in Luzhniki. And Vadim Yakunin and his comrades from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology managed to introduce into business processes the factors that many companies still lack today: consistency and regularity of actions, development management, information accessibility,” they write about CV Protek on the website of one educational company.

In the early 2000s, an open Joint-Stock Company"Protek". Board of Directors new organization headed by Vadim Yakunin. From then until now, the biography of the entrepreneur is closely connected with several areas of the pharmaceutical business. Over the fifteen years of the company's existence, it has become the largest importer of medicines in Russia. Today, the Protek Group of Companies has become one of the 7 key pharmaceutical companies in Russia. It occupies three segments of the pharmaceutical industry. The production is carried out by the Pharmfirma Sotex plant, distribution is carried out by the distribution center CV Protek, retail- pharmacy chains "Rigla" and "Be healthy". The main owner of Protek PJSC is our hero Vadim Yakunin.

Perhaps the secret of Vadim Yakunin's success in business lies in his constancy. Once having chosen the pharmaceutical industry, the entrepreneur remains faithful to it until now. A businessman does not change the field of activity, does not build pyramids, but confidently and professionally goes his own way.

With Sergey Krivosheev, founder of Pharmacy Chain 36.6, at the awards ceremony for the best Russian brands. Source: sostav.ru

Reference. The first robotic pharmacy "Rigla" appeared in Yekaterinburg in 2012. The principle of operation is as follows: a pharmacist at the checkout enters the names of medicines into the computer program, a robot in the warehouse forms an order in 20 seconds, the medicines are delivered to the trading floor on a tape. Modern electronic equipment cost 200 thousand euros.
An eloquent fact. In the same 2012, an emergency occurred in the central office of the Rigla pharmacy chain. The lawyer came to work, put on a camouflage, took a weapon and opened fire indiscriminately. As a result of the incident, 6 people died, 1 woman was injured. As compensation, Protek PJSC paid the families of the victims one million rubles each. The company also committed to paying a monthly allowance for children and students.

In February 2016, pharmaceutical tycoon Yakunin, together with ChemRar co-owner Andrey Ivashchenko, created DNA Heritage LLC, a company that conducts DNA research for those who wish to establish a relationship or find out their origin. A year later, Mikhail Shelkov, a millionaire from the Forbes list, acquired a share of the company's shares.
In 2017, Protek Group of Companies opened a new pharmaceutical warehouse in the settlement of Tarasovskoye, Pushkinsky District. The Transservice logistics park, which belongs to Vadim Yakunin's company, is already located here. The new warehouse pleased the district with new jobs and investments in the amount of 13.7 billion rubles. “Protek's investment program for the next five years also includes an increase in the production capacity of the Pharmfirma Sotex plant. It is planned that this will be achieved through the acquisition of the Rafarma plant, Vadim Sergeevich tells reporters.

Today, Sotex produces medicines in ampoule forms, and solid drugs, such as antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs, have so far been produced at the sites of partner companies, among which the Rapharma plant has always been listed. A powerful enterprise annually produces 2 billion units of products. V.S. Yakunin assured journalists that Protek Group would not stop providing services contract manufacturing.

Member of the Forbes list does not like loud statements and is engaged in charity

The fortune of Vadim Yakunin, according to Forbes magazine, in 2017 is estimated at $1,200 million. For the last year financial reserves businessman increased by $850 million. He is the only one of the participants in the list of 200 richest people in Russia who has risen by 117 positions and, according to the results of last year, occupies 83rd place. Also successful in 2017 was, perhaps, only Oleg Tinkov, who climbed 90 positions. The main capital of the entrepreneur is the distribution and production of medicines, as well as retail trade through pharmacy chains.

V.S. Yakunin is actively involved in business, social and charitable activities. He chairs the Union of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations, works as a Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Consumer Market of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. A prominent businessman is a member of the expert advisory council under the chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The biography and success story of Vadim Yakunin is inextricably linked with the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry in general and personal growth in particular. While the financial condition of the businessman increased, his charitable deeds also grew.

And Vadim Sergeevich shares. In 2009, he founded the charitable foundation named after St. Gregory the Theologian, within which, together with the Russian Orthodox Church, he performed many good deeds and held hundreds of charity events. At Protek PJSC, the charitable foundation was established even earlier - in 2006. His main area of ​​work was the program "Health for people". According to the program, the company provides financial and medical assistance to socially unprotected citizens of the Russian Federation.

Yakunin Vadim Sergeevich - is the Chairman of the Union of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations (SPPO), a member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Consumer Market Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Protek-SVM.


The main assets of Vadim Yakunin are concentrated:

  • distribution and production of medicines (CJSC CV PROTEK, OJSC PROTEK, Rigla Pharmacy Chain).




  • In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) (qualification "engineer-physicist").
  • In 1989 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Academic degree

He has the degree of candidate of technical sciences.


  • 1990 - 2000 - held the position of General Director of CJSC CV PROTEK.
  • 1998 - 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC CV PROTEK.
  • from 2002 to the present - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO PROTEK.

Social and political activity

  • Chairman of the Union of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations (SPFO);
  • member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Consumer Market of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

The Protek Group, which owns Russia's largest pharmaceutical distributor and Rigla pharmacy chain, will sell 18-22% of its shares on Russian stock exchanges in May-June. As it became known to Kommersant, only half of the $400 million raised during the IPO will go to Protek, the rest will go directly to the founder of the group, Vadim Yakunin, who needs the money to develop Rostov's tourism infrastructure.

The head office Protek will carry out the placement in May-June, President of the Protek group Vadim Muzyaev announced yesterday. On the RTS and MICEX will be sold the shares of OAO owned by the Cypriot Tantarra Holdings Limited and Streitum Investments Limited - both companies are controlled by the founder and chairman of the board of directors of "Protek" Vadim Yakunin. "The number of shares and their value will depend on the results of the road show, which will be held in April in Russia and abroad, but we expect to raise about $400 million," Mr. Muzyaev said.

The organizers of the placement are Renaissance Capital and UBS Investment Bank, which evaluate Russian company, according to the capital's investment banker, at about $ 2-2.2 billion. In 2008, the German Celesio AG, which planned to acquire half of Protek, then estimated the entire business of the group at about $ 1.6-1.8 billion, a source told Kommersant close to a deal. Based on these estimates, Protek's free float could be 18-22%.

Protek Group of Companies includes the largest pharmaceutical distributor Protek Implementation Center (according to the results of 2009, it held 22.2% in wholesale sales on the pharmaceutical market), the Rigla network (576 pharmacies) and the Sotex production complex in the Moscow region (produces Actovegin, Antakson and others). The group's consolidated revenue in 2009 was RUB 91.581 billion. (in 2008 - 77.514 billion, in 2007 - 63.265 billion rubles), EBITDA - 5.837 billion rubles. (in 2008 - 3.478 billion, in 2007 - 2.124 billion rubles).

Only half of the funds raised during the IPO will return to the company: Tantarra will buy out part of the additional issue of Protek. Additional issue of 117.5 million shares (approximately 20% in the increased authorized capital) with a par value of 0.01 rubles. was registered Federal Service on financial markets on March 19. The Hungarian Gedeon Richter also has the pre-emptive right to buy, now he owns 4% of the OJSC. Protek plans to use the borrowed funds to develop Rigla, expand Sotex's product portfolio and modernize storage facilities.

Thus, Mr. Yakunin personally could get about $200 million from the sale of his shares. Mr. Muzyaev does not comment on how the businessman will dispose of them.

Graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Vadim Yakunin and Grigor Khachaturov created the distribution company Protek in 1990 and until the mid-1990s worked exclusively with foreign manufacturers, in particular with Gedeon Richter. By 2005, the distributor becomes the main supplier of the Additional Drug Provision Program (DLO) and becomes involved in a corruption scandal: the Prosecutor General's Office accused private pharmaceutical distributors of inflating prices, and Vitaly Smerdov, ex-president of Protek, was among the suspects. Later, "Protek" was among the companies on the basis of which the Ministry of Health and Social Development proposed to create a state distributor, to which all deliveries under the DLO will be transferred. To avoid possible nationalization, Protek's shareholders tried to sell Celesio AG's business, but the deal did not go through. According to Forbes, Vadim Yakunin ranks 82nd in the ranking of the richest Russians with a fortune of $0.5 billion.

According to a Kommersant source familiar with Mr. Yakunin's plans, the businessman plans to "create a tourist center and restore cultural and architectural monuments" in Rostov, Yaroslavl Region, where he comes from. A high-ranking official of the Rostov administration yesterday confirmed to Kommersant that an agreement had been reached with Vadim Yakunin on investments in the region. In particular, it is planned to create a pilgrimage center in the Rostov Kremlin (it can serve as the residence of the Russian Orthodox Church), the All-Russian Center for Baptism and Wedding. Among the possible commercial projects, according to Kommersant's interlocutor, is the construction of a hotel and other tourism infrastructure. "The final amount of investment and the form of cooperation with the businessman are now being discussed, but the negotiations are at the final stage," he added.

Irina Parfentieva; Denis Lupekin, Yaroslavl

Short info:

  • FULL NAME: Yakunin Vadim Sergeevich.
  • Date of Birth: 05.01.1963.
  • Education: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
  • the date of the beginning entrepreneurial activity/ age: 1990
  • Type of activity at the start: pharmaceutical company "Protek Implementation Center".
  • Current activity: pharmacological holding Group of companies "Protek".
  • Current state:$1,200 million, as of 2017 according to Forbes.

Great son of Great Rostov

The entire biography and business success story of the billionaire, politician and statesman Vadim Yakunin is connected with Russia. The future pharmaceutical tycoon was born on January 5, 1963 in one of the most ancient cities in Russia - Rostov the Great (as it is popularly called). Today the city of Rostov is the regional center of the Yaroslavl region. Here the boy grew up, graduated from high school. Love for the native land lives in the soul and heart of Vadim Yakunin all his life. Many years later, in August 2009, Vadim Sergeevich became the founder of the St. Gregory the Theologian Charitable Foundation. As part of its work, many charitable events will take place, and more than one socially significant project will be implemented. The founder of the foundation will dedicate one of them to his native city. "Rostov the Great - the Spiritual Center of Russia" - this is the name given to the cultural project, which will be presented to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. But all this will come later...

Figure 1. The leaders of the Gregory the Theologian Foundation introduce the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation
with the project "Rostov Veliky - the spiritual center of Russia".
Source: site mospat.ru

After graduating from eleven classes of the Rostov high school, graduate Vadim Yakunin decided to continue his studies, get a higher education in the capital. He came to Moscow, passed the exams and entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which he successfully graduated in 1986 with a degree in engineer-physics. Vadim Sergeevich, however, did not leave the university, but continued his studies in graduate school. In a brief biography of a businessman, it appears that in 1989 he received the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Russian by nationality Vadim Yakunin remained to live, work and build his own business in Moscow. Until the beginning of the 90s, he worked for hire - in the scientific and production association of computer equipment.

How the pharmacological holding Protek Group was born and grew

In 1990, Vadim Yakunin, together with a friend from the Institute of Physics and Technology Grigor Khachaturov, created CJSC Protek Implementation Center. Vadim Sergeevich took the position of General Director in the company. In 1998, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Implementation Center Protek. Initially, the partners were engaged in the import of computers, writing programs, and the tourism business. In Hungary, the businessman met with representatives of the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Gedeon Richter and decided to start importing medicines to Russia. Thus, the main direction of the company's activity was determined - the distribution business.

Figure 2. Main page of PJSC "Protek".
Source: website protek.ru

“In the early 1990s, the Russian drug market was like a flea market in Luzhniki. And Vadim Yakunin and his comrades from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology managed to introduce into business processes the factors that many companies still lack today: consistency and regularity of actions, development management, information accessibility,” they write about CV Protek on the website of one educational company.

In the early 2000s, an open joint-stock company "Protek" was established. The board of directors of the new organization was headed by Vadim Yakunin. From then until now, the biography of the entrepreneur is closely connected with several areas of the pharmaceutical business. Over the fifteen years of the company's existence, it has become the largest importer of medicines in Russia. Today, the Protek Group of Companies has become one of the 7 key pharmacological companies in Russia. It occupies three segments of the pharmaceutical industry. The production is carried out by the Pharmfirma Sotex plant, distribution is carried out by the distribution center CV Protek, retail trade is carried out by the pharmacy chains Rigla and Bud Zdorov. The main owner of Protek PJSC is our hero Vadim Yakunin.

Perhaps the secret of Vadim Yakunin's success in business lies in his constancy. Once having chosen the pharmaceutical industry, the entrepreneur remains faithful to it until now. A businessman does not change the field of activity, does not build pyramids, but confidently and professionally goes his own way.

Figure 3. With the founder of Pharmacy Chain 36.6 Sergey Krivosheev
at the awards ceremony for the best Russian brands.
Source: sostav.ru

Reference. The first robotic pharmacy "Rigla" appeared in Yekaterinburg in 2012. The principle of operation is as follows: a pharmacist at the checkout enters the names of medicines into the computer program, a robot in the warehouse forms an order in 20 seconds, the medicines are delivered to the trading floor on a tape. Modern electronic equipment cost 200 thousand euros.

An eloquent fact. In the same 2012, an emergency occurred in the central office of the Rigla pharmacy chain. The lawyer came to work, put on a camouflage, took a weapon and opened fire indiscriminately. As a result of the incident, 6 people died, 1 woman was injured. As compensation, Protek PJSC paid the families of the victims one million rubles each. The company also committed to paying a monthly allowance for children and students.

In February 2016, pharmaceutical tycoon Yakunin, together with ChemRar co-owner Andrey Ivashchenko, created DNA Heritage LLC, a company that conducts DNA research for those who wish to establish a relationship or find out their origin. A year later, Mikhail Shelkov, a millionaire from the Forbes list, acquired a share of the company's shares.

In 2017, Protek Group of Companies opened a new pharmaceutical warehouse in the settlement of Tarasovskoye, Pushkinsky District. The Transservice logistics park, which belongs to Vadim Yakunin's company, is already located here. The new warehouse pleased the district with new jobs and investments in the amount of 13.7 billion rubles.

“Protek's investment program for the next five years also includes an increase in the production capacity of the Pharmfirma Sotex plant. It is planned that this will be achieved through the acquisition of the Rafarma plant, Vadim Sergeevich tells reporters.

Today, Sotex produces medicines in ampoule forms, and solid drugs, such as antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs, have so far been produced at the sites of partner companies, among which the Rapharma plant has always been listed. A powerful enterprise annually produces 2 billion units of products. V.S. Yakunin assured journalists that Protek Group would not stop providing contract manufacturing services.

Member of the Forbes list does not like loud statements and is engaged in charity

The fortune of Vadim Yakunin, according to Forbes magazine, in 2017 is estimated at $1,200 million. Over the past year, the businessman's financial reserves have increased by $850 million. He is the only one of the participants in the list of 200 richest people in Russia who has risen by 117 positions and, according to the results of last year, occupies 83rd place. Also successful in 2017 was, perhaps, only Oleg Tinkovwho climbed 90 positions.

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