Materials for the production of wet disposable wipes. Manufacturers of wet wipes in Russia. Contract manufacturing of wet wipes in Russia


When looking for a highly profitable business idea in a manufacturing niche, it is important to choose products that are in constant high demand among consumers - this way you can quickly establish sales of all manufactured products. This type of product includes wet wipes. It is not difficult to start your own workshop in this niche. Moreover, here it is possible, both the production of wet wipes with a custom logo, and their mass production. Having developed a business plan and clearly following it, an entrepreneur will be able to quickly reach the break-even point, receiving consistently high incomes. Wet wipes are hygiene products made of non-woven material and a special impregnating composition.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

So how to open your wet wipes production from scratch, which will be distinguished by high profitability?

Expanding the range of products

Main advantage this direction- high consumer demand. But this also gives rise to one significant drawback - considerable competition in the segment. Take a look at the shelves of stores and pharmacies - there is always the widest range of wet wipes. And one of the most effective ways struggle with competing enterprises, in addition to the production of quality products - to offer consumers a large selection of products. So, from the very beginning it is worth focusing on the fact that within the walls of the workshop we will receive wet wipes in individual packaging for various purposes.

All wet wipes produced today can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • household purposes (for glasses and mirrors, for leather, for office equipment);
  • cosmetic purposes (cleansing, antibacterial, hygienic, children's).

And baby wipes, in terms of technology, are produced on the same equipment and by the same method as other types of products. And the difference between them lies only in the formulation of the moisturizing composition.

In order not to spend impressive funds on the development of special recipes, it will be enough for a novice entrepreneur at first to work on only 2-5 impregnating compounds. And in the future, as profits grow, you can think about further expanding the range.

What raw materials will need to be purchased to produce products?

When setting up your wet wipes business, it is important to establish contacts with trusted raw material suppliers. And it is better if all components are supplied to the workshop in bulk - so there are less costs.

What raw materials are used to produce high-quality wet wipes?

Non-woven material. This is the basis of future napkins, consisting of cellulose and synthetic fibers. And in order for the products to be of high quality, the material must be carefully selected, since its range is quite wide, and the ratio of natural and artificial fibers here can vary. And the "naturalness" of raw materials is largely reflected in its cost. The choice will depend on what type of napkin is planned to be produced. For example, if you plan to make wet wipes for children, you should purchase only environmentally friendly material, but wipes for wiping glasses can contain more than half of artificial fibers.

Impregnation. Not a single operating enterprise will open its own formulations of impregnating compounds. The liquid can contain a variety of components - fragrances, aroma congestion, disinfectants and antibacterial agents. And when selecting impregnating liquids from suppliers, one should focus on the type of product that is planned for release. For example, wet wipes for intimate hygiene in the composition of the impregnating liquid should not contain caustic and skin-irritating substances.

Package. Finished products can be packaged in different ways - from plastic bags to plastic containers. To offer customers cheaper products, it is worth buying plastic containers.

By including the cost of purchasing raw materials in the business plan for the production of wet wipes, you can calculate how much money will be spent monthly on providing a raw material base.

What technology is used to produce products?

Since all operations in the workshop are carried out using automated equipment, the technology for the production of wet wipes is extremely simple.

And it consists in the following:

  • Material preparation.
  • Impregnation of the material.
  • Cutting the web of material into separate napkins of given geometric parameters.
  • Napkin packaging.

Since we are talking about personal hygiene products, cleanliness must be strictly observed in the production hall. And this should be taken into account when choosing for further work production room. Here you should either immediately look for a renovated room that meets all norms and standards, or invest your own funds to bring the workshop into proper order.

If the supervisory authorities find any violations in occupational health, the company will face fines or, even worse, a ban on activities.

What equipment to equip the production workshop?

Wet Wipes Production Line

To buy equipment for the production of wet wipes, the entrepreneur will have to make a significant investment. There is no way to purchase each machine separately - only fully equipped lines are presented for sale, the cost of which will vary depending on the power, functionality and degree of automation. The average price of equipment for the production of wet wipes with a capacity of up to 50 packs / min is 900,000-1,500,000 rubles. In the absence of such funds, it is worth thinking about buying less productive equipment - up to 20 packs / min. Such machines will cost the entrepreneur 500,000-700,000 rubles.

To be able to produce high quality antibacterial wet wipes, the line must be equipped with the following types of machines and devices:

  • saturation chamber,
  • cutting machine,
  • packing machine.

Production equipment is not difficult to manage, and therefore, 2-5 people can serve it every shift.

How profitable is the planned business?

As in many other manufacturing niches, it will take some time and money to promote products on the market. And the mini-production of disposable wet wipes as a business will only pay off when all manufactured products are sold to customers.

Who can offer a product?

  • large retail chains
  • private grocery stores
  • pharmacies,
  • wholesale stores.

Also, even small workshops should think about offering a potential audience the manufacture of hygienic products to order. Many private institutions (for example, medical clinics) distribute free disinfectant wipes with the company logo on the packaging to their customers - this serves as some kind of advertising for them. It’s great if the entrepreneur receives a state order for the supply of individually wrapped napkins, which must be supplemented with first-aid kits and dry rations in army units.

But even without such large orders, the enterprise can pay off quite quickly - in less than 2 years. Specific terms will depend on capital investments. To buy a machine for the production of wet wipes, prepare the premises for work, work out the packaging design, purchase raw materials and obtain all permits for implementation production activities, it will take at least 2,000,000 rubles. And it will not be a high-power line, but medium-power equipment - 20-30 packs / min.

The revenue that the shop will bring to the entrepreneur will depend on sales volumes and fixed prices on the finished goods. On average, a small pack of tissues is sold on the market for wholesale price at 8-20 rubles / pack. If you sell all the products received (without equipment downtime), the entrepreneur can have a net profit of 70,000-150,000 rubles per month.

Napkin production: types of napkins + paperwork + search for premises + whom to sell napkins wholesale + purchase of equipment for the production of napkins + technology for the production of paper napkins + how wet wipes are made + hiring people to work + calculating profits.

Napkins are a consumer product. We use them for table setting, like bows. Wet wipes serve as an antiseptic, we wipe our hands and even our faces with them.

The production of napkins will always be in demand, because we cannot do without this hygiene product, and there is nothing to replace them with.

How to make your successful start in business, we will discuss later in the article.

Assortment for the production of napkins

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
TOTAL: 923 000 rubles
1. Opening of IP and paperwork60 000
2. Rent of industrial premises100 000
3. Public utilities80 000
4. Purchase of equipment480 000
5. Raw material (1 ton)60 000
6. Wage133 000
7. Advertising - logo design10 000

Now, step by step, we calculate the approximate profit from the production of napkins:

  1. For 1 minute of the production line, you can get 30,000 pieces. napkins.
  2. Working day - 8 hours. That is, we receive 240,000 pieces per shift. For 20 working shifts, we will receive 4.8 million rubles.
  3. There will be 100 wipes in the package, i.e. per month we will receive 48 thousand packs of products.
  4. The minimum price for a pack for a wholesale buyer will be 15 rubles.
  5. Revenue for 1 month of operation of the enterprise is approximately 720 thousand rubles.
  6. From this amount we subtract the cost of rent, public utilities, wages, purchase of raw materials.
  7. The net profit for the month of production will be around 150 thousand rubles, but only in the event of a complete sale of the goods produced.

With these indicators, your business will pay off in 8-12 months.

Note that the calculations are approximate. Everyone builds a business in their own way, so the cost of producing napkins can vary significantly.

Try to expand your assortment as much as possible in order to cover the largest possible audience of consumers. The main thing in this business is to find a large wholesale buyer, and there will always be a buyer for such a product.

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Many have faced such a situation when clean hands are urgently needed, but there is no water nearby. In the spring and summer, such situations occur quite often. Is it possible to solve this problem? Of course, there is a solution - logo wet wipes companies and other personalization! Wet sanitary napkins will help to feel comfortable in any conditions (at home, at work, on the road, on vacation) to all your colleagues, clients and business partners. And they will thank you!

It is difficult even to list all the areas of business in which they can do good service logo wet wipes. Any company may need to produce this promotional souvenir. The range is very wide - from the restaurant business and cleaning companies to legal agencies and security companies. There are several formats of wet wipes packages. Here are some of their characteristics:


White packaging for promotional napkins can be made in "economy" and "standard" versions. In the first version, the manufacturer's information is placed on the back of the pack. In the second, the turnover is clean, nothing distracts attention from your logo!


Branded hand wipes in stylish black packaging. The turnover of the pack is without manufacturer's information.

Manufacture of wet wipes for hands and face

The most common and convenient type of wet wipes, used everywhere and always, and therefore especially popular as an advertising medium, - wet cleansing wipes for hands, face and other parts of the body in a package of 15 pieces. On vacation, at an event in a shopping or exhibition center, in any store - they can be needed at any time.

Thanks to special impregnation compositions promotional wet wipes Premium have not only a cleansing, but also a cosmetic effect: hand wipes or persons care for the skin, moisturize it, gently removing impurities and neutralizing unpleasant odors. To impregnate napkins, water from the Arkhyz glaciers is used. It rejuvenates, refreshes, has healing properties. It is also possible to produce wet wipes with a logo specifically for removing make-up, with a matting effect, moisturizing, for men.

Premial wipes in black, white and silver packaging

Premium perforated napkins with logo

Premium wipes in white and black packaging that can be customized with your company logo. Each pack contains 15 perforated napkins. Size of each napkin: 150*180mm. Minimum circulation: 5000 packs. The cost is calculated individually.

We offer napkins of two types: small honeycombs and regular perforation.

Car wipes with logo

Every motorist knows how important it is to wet wipes for the interior, glass, plastic or leather were always in the glove compartment. They will quickly get rid of pollution, protect your favorite "swallow" from dust. Therefore, a prudent car dealer or car service owner knows for sure that wet wipes for cars with a logo are his permanent and reliable advertising tool. After all, the client will grab a pack of cleansing or polishing wipes more than once and each time will remember with gratitude the company that gave them to him!

Other types of wet wipes for business

In addition to those mentioned above, there are other options for using wet wipes in business and everyday life. We make wet wipes not only for hands and face, but also for for furniture, for care of animals, plants, office equipment.

There is also a separate direction for branding wet wipes for kids.

Wet wipes with logo in individual packaging

Wet hygienic napkins in individual packaging- another popular advertising medium. A noticeable logo and the practicality of the souvenir will serve as a guarantee of strengthening partnerships with the client. Wet sanitary napkins are always on hand!

Wet wipes in large packages (50, 60, 72 pieces)

A corporate souvenir with a very long term of advertising contact, - napkins in large packages. Our collection includes napkins in large packages of 50, 60, 72 pieces. Your company logo, placed on such packaging of wet wipes, will be visible for several weeks or even months!

Wet wipes with logo in a tube

Another option for a corporate souvenir with the symbols of your company. The tube has a large usable area, which can be printed with a logo and other the necessary information. Each tube contains 30 wet wipes. Cleaning wipes with a logo in plastic tubes - a souvenir of long use. Advertising contact with the client lasts several weeks or even months. Another distinguishing feature of plastic tubes is their strength. The sticker on the tube does not wrinkle, the information placed on it is always easy to read.

Personalized Wet Wipes for Wedding

Wet wipes- A useful souvenir for a thoughtful wedding. During the celebration of the wedding celebration, everything should be perfect. At weddings where every detail is taken into account, during the off-site part - for example, walks around the city, street photo shoots, outdoor events - wet wipes for hands and face are vital, and it's great if they come in personalized wedding packaging.

For wedding bookings special conditions for minimum runs!

Branding items with branding is an important part of the business. The more branded souvenirs a company has, the more its weight in the eyes of existing and potential clients. It is especially good if branded items are not just carriers of the company's corporate logo, but also perform some practical function.

Will offer you the option of wet wipes that is suitable just for your needs. All our customers who have used this type of advertising were satisfied with the result, many order hygienic wet wipes every year. Wet wipes with logo, production which you can order for your company - this is the kind of advertising that really works!

For a more detailed discussion of the order, contact the manager.

If not listed on this page prices for the souvenirs you are interested in, which means that the cost is calculated individually. First of all, it depends on required quantity and desired timing. If necessary, all gifts can be made in a single copy, but then the price will be appropriate. Therefore, be sure to indicate the circulation and the period! If there are restrictions on budget Also, please let us know right away.


Need a manager's advice? Call or write!

In requests for edible and non-standard souvenirs, we ask you STRAIGHTAWAY tell us three magic numbers: desired QUANTITY, TERMS of order execution and available BUDGET!

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