Become a clothing dealer without investment. Partnership proposals. Overview of dealership offers from manufacturers


"If you don't believe in cooperation, look what happens to a wagon that loses one wheel."
- Napoleon Hill -

Beautiful Life Co.LTD. (LLC "Beautiful Life") expands the dealer network in Russia and invites organizations, individual entrepreneurs and just individuals interested in creating a new business with high level profitability.

We offer to become our Exclusive Dealer in your region of Russia!

Our company has its own production, which provides batches of any volume without violating delivery dates.

You receive a fixed dealer remuneration and up to 100% compensation for logistics costs.

You receive regular orders and customers from your region. As well as customers who will buy from you and additional services such as - INSTALLATION. And this is plus 100% profit!

The main principle of the dealer policy pursued by the Manufacturer is the principle of honest and transparent partnerships. The Dealer's activities are carried out on the basis of a dealer agreement concluded between the Dealer and the Manufacturer, which stipulates the mutual obligations of the Parties, the amount of price discounts provided to the Dealer and other conditions of commercial relations.

We are convinced that our cooperation will become long-term and mutually beneficial. Take the first step to fruitful and successful development Your Company right now!

SPECIAL OFFER! Only for our Partners!

Respectable partners! We offer you a DISCOUNT up to 100% for forwarding services! The offer is valid with a quantity limit! You can take advantage of this offer after the conclusion of the contract. For more information, please contact your manager.

For designers

The company offers special conditions to work with designers, design bureaus and studios, people responsible to customers for the selection of material and other interested parties.

You will really like the conditions of our work, flexibility and maneuverability in relationships, the quality of services, all this will definitely help in your direct work.

We know how to build partnerships and appreciate every minute of communication with you!

To apply, please fill out the form. We will contact you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please include them on the form as well.

Trading networks

Our company produces absolutely New Product, to a greater extent, not yet known to the consumer. The growth of popularity and demand for our 3D panels is increasing every day. Offering cooperation to Large Trade Networks, we understand the risks of including a new product in the assortment, the demand for which and the dynamics of sales are not known in advance. Therefore, we are ready to minimize your risks by offering CALCULATION ON THE FACT OF THE SALES OF PRODUCTS. A transaction aimed at selling goods for sale is executed through a commission agreement.

The prepaid system of calculation is more welcome by us, and, accordingly, the amount of remuneration will be much higher.

More detailed information about cooperation with Trade Networks and the sale of our products in them is discussed and agreed upon individually.

To apply, please fill out the form. We will contact you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please include them on the form as well.

Nice bonus for our partners!


We compensate up to 100% of the cost of delivery of your orders.

* This offer does not apply to sample delivery and cannot be combined with other specials. store offers. You can get more detailed information from our managers.

What is required from you:

A legal entity of any form of ownership or an entrepreneur operating without forming a legal entity that meets the requirements of our Company can become a dealer:

1. It is welcome to have a store, office, showroom, retail space, design studio, any premises where you could carry out your activities;

2. The presence in the state of qualified employees who will be entrusted with the implementation of the sale of goods;

3. Ability to transfer orders via telephone, Email;

4. Willingness to carry out an advertising and marketing policy agreed with the Company;

5. The presence of any web resource is welcome: an online store, a business card site, a blog, a group, a community in social networks, etc.;

  • Who is a dealer
  • Is it easy to become a dealer

We often hear the expressions “official dealer”, “dealer network”, “use the services of a dealer”. Most often they are associated with car dealerships. And this is no coincidence, because car dealership is the most famous and widespread direction in this area. But dealers work not only in the field of vehicle sales. Moreover, dealership is one of the proven ways to successfully build your business.

In the article you will learn who a dealer is, what are the features of his activities, how to become a successful dealer.

Who is a dealer

"Dealer" - from the English "dealer", which means a merchant, agent.

Dealership means:

  • trading intermediary activity. Dealer - legal or individual, which purchases products at its own expense and on its own behalf from the manufacturer in bulk and then sells them to end consumers;
  • activity on the stock exchange. Dealer - a private person or company that conducts exchange operations on its own behalf and at its own expense, independently buying and selling securities, currencies, precious metals.

Let's talk about trade and intermediary dealer activities.

Many commodity producers do not create their own trading network, but sell their products through intermediaries. One of them is a dealer. For example, none of the car manufacturers has its own network of car dealerships. Cars are sold through dealerships that form a dealer network.

In principle, any seller of a product can be considered a dealer of the manufacturer of this product. But it is important to understand that there is just an intermediary, but there is an official dealer - a partner with whom a dealer agreement and a direct contract for the supply of goods are concluded.

Dealer is a link that connects the manufacturer of goods and / or services directly with the consumer. Often another element is added to this chain - a distributor. A distributor is a distributor of goods for the manufacturer and a supplier for the dealer, he does not have a direct connection with the end consumer.

The distributor works on behalf of the manufacturer, and the dealer - on his own behalf. By the way, your name and brand is the main advantage of dealership overfranchise. The dealer has more freedom and independence.

The main profit of the dealer depends on the size of the dealer discount, which the manufacturer provides him with his products. The amount of the discount varies depending on the size of the consignment of the purchased goods, as well as on the turnover. With a large volume of sales, the dealer receives an additional remuneration from the manufacturer. Dealer relations are beneficial for both the manufacturer of products and the official dealer.

The manufacturer receives:

  • expansion of sales markets, without going into their regional features;
  • business scaling without serious investments;
  • additional channels for selling products without renting additional space and hiring employees;
  • increasing turnover of goods;
  • profit growth.

The dealer company receives:

  • good quality goods with a package of documents for sale, while the manufacturer is responsible for the quality;
  • support from the manufacturer, including the provision of promotional materials;
  • placement of contacts on the manufacturer's website;
  • free training (many manufacturers organize mandatory training for their dealers);
  • receiving discounts on the purchase of goods and premium bonuses upon successful implementation.

It is believed that the creation of a dealer network is one of the most budgetary ways to expand sales markets and increase product sales channels.

How to become a company representative

Dealership is a business. And the organization of any business requires a serious approach. A dealer, selling someone else's products, works under his own name and brand, it is important for him to have a good reputation in the business. Very often, a dealer creates his business reputation just by promoting the goods of a manufacturing partner.

As a rule, a dealer business requires considerable investments, because you need to:

  • purchase a certain batch of goods;
  • rent or own premises to store and sell this product.

To become an official dealer of the company, you must meet a number of requirements. They depend on the specifics of the activity and may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The main requirements that manufacturers impose on their dealers:

  • registration as a legal entity (for example,OOO) or IP- it is necessary to conclude a formal contract;
  • awareness in the field of activity of the company, an additional plus is experience in this area and / or with similar products;
  • stable financial position;
  • availability of a number of documents in accordance with the specifics of the products sold.

You can search for a company for cooperation in different ways:

  • register on the job search site:

post a resume with a proposal for cooperation or look for suitable job offers from manufacturers and send feedback;

  • search the Internet for companies that are looking for dealers. Information about this is available on the official websites. Often there is also an application form for proposals for cooperation;
  • analyze the search options for manufacturers of new dealers.

Here are some options:

  • Participation in exhibitions is a good opportunity to personally meet future partners. Unfortunately, exhibitions are held infrequently and not everywhere;
  • analysis of information about companies in various online directories;
  • participation in business forums;
  • analysis of advertising on business management sites;
  • search on YouTube - many businessmen have their own channels there and often voice proposals for cooperation.

If you have your own store, you can become an official dealer of the manufacturer / manufacturers of products that are already sold in point of sale. It will take your business to the next level.

Step-by-step instructions on how to become a dealer of a large company

To become a reseller, you must complete the following steps.

  1. Choose a niche in the dealer business. For this you should:
  • take into account their preferences, knowledge, skills;
  • research the market in your region;
  • choose the type of products you will sell;
  • thoroughly understand all the characteristics, properties and capabilities of the selected product;
  • study competition and competitors in the region;
  • evaluate the number of potential customers and channels for attracting them;
  1. Register a business form if you do not have your own business;
  2. Develop a business plan;
  3. Find money if you don't have enough of your own. At this stage, you can consider obtaining a loan orattract an investor;
  4. Find manufacturers or suppliers using various methods. At this stage, you can select several companies in order to compare the proposed terms of cooperation and choose the most suitable ones;
  5. Choose a company for cooperation;
  6. Submit your resume to the company and be interviewed. It can be carried out both in the office of the company and via the Internet, for example, via Skype, if the partner company is far from you;
  7. Enter into a contract. For dealers, there are two options for cooperation:
  • on working capital- consists in fulfilling the requirements for a certain fixed volume of purchases, and, consequently, fulfilling the plan for sales and profits;
  • in terms of legal content - it consists in the possibility of creating your own network of sub-dealers as a General Dealer in a certain territory;
  1. Create conditions for the sale of products, if required:
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • state set;
  1. Purchase a consignment of goods specified in the contract;
  2. Advertise products through various channels;
  3. Realize the product.

How to become an authorized Toyota dealer

Toyota is constantly expanding its dealer network in Russia. In 70 cities of the Russian Federation there are 112 official dealer centers and 3 authorized service center. Toyota Motor LLC imposes mandatory requirements on applicants for dealership, which relate to:

  1. Locations of the land.
  2. His characteristics.
  3. Showroom.
  4. Service zone.
  5. Warehouse and spare parts department.

Here you can download the questionnaire, fill it out and send it to the company.

Is it easy to become a dealer

The main goal of the dealer is to promote and successfully sell the partner-manufacturer's products on the market. The dealer must have the following qualities:

  • have the skills of a good seller;
  • be able to negotiate, communicate freely with customers;
  • be able to prepare a competent proposal and presentation of products;
  • be a good organizer;
  • be stress resistant;
  • have high speed reactions, good memory, analytical skills;
  • be able to foresee, calculate the situation.

Is dealership possible without investment?

It is possible to become a dealer without investments if you:

  • implement trade "on order" - conclude a dealer agreement with a manufacturer or supplier, enter goods into a catalog and / or place on your website (your outlet can also be an online store) marked "on order". The client orders the product, pays for it, you buy the product from the manufacturer at dealer prices with the money received and transfer it to the client. This option of cooperation is possible for relatively inexpensive goods (from 3 to 25 thousand rubles);
  • you take the goods for sale - you conclude an agreement with the manufacturer, which specifies the terms for the sale of the goods. Your goal is to sell the products on time, otherwise you will have to pay for it, and the price will be higher than the dealer price. Sometimes suppliers take back unsold goods. All conditions are specified in the contract;
  • perform free testing of the product - you get product samples from the manufacturer for free and try to implement them. However, it is very difficult to find a company that will agree to work on such conditions.

Overview of dealership offers from manufacturers

Dealership is possible in various areas:

  • vehicles and auto products;
  • windows and doors;
  • constructionand finishing materials;
  • equipment and tools;
  • books;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • electronics and electrical engineering;
  • computers and software;
  • communication services;
  • promotional products;
  • insurance companies, etc.

Proposals for dealer cooperation can be found on websites on the Internet.

How to become a company representative in your city: success stories

The TROKOT company is engaged in the production of framed autoshades that replace tinting and save car owners from the blinding sun and prying eyes. The company has a wide dealer network, consisting of almost 200 representative offices.

"There is nothing more criminal than to invent great idea, but not implement it, ”says Donald Trump. If you dream of your own business (beauty salon or something else), financial independence, nothing should stop you, even the lack start-up capital for business development. When there are a lot of ideas for building your own project, and things are not going well with finances, you can try to become a dealer.

Who is a dealer?

A dealer is an agent of a manufacturer who acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer of a particular product and a wishing natural or legal entity buy it.

In Russia and other countries, there are manufacturers who do not have their own sales offices and wish to sell their goods through dealer networks. For such companies, such cooperation is beneficial. They do not need to spend money on opening outlets. At minimal cost, they can quickly convey information about their products to a wide range of potential buyers.

Dealers are divided into several categories depending on the field of activity. There are intermediaries working on the stock exchange. They are participants in the securities market. Another type buys certain products in bulk and sells them to retail customers. There are representatives of large enterprises, for example, automobile holdings, which find buyers and receive a percentage of sales. If you decide to become a dealer, first of all decide in which area you want to work.

To become a manufacturer's dealer is not just to represent the products of a certain company, it is to be its regional face (for example, a manufacturing company). Dealer sales consist of the following stages:

  • discussion of cooperation issues, current prices, percentage of sales, etc.;
  • make a deal;
  • sale of related products of the plant;
  • providing additional services(service, installation, transportation from the factory).

Becoming an exclusive dealer of a manufacturer means getting the right to represent the company in a particular region. This status gives privileges in partnership, as the representative gets rid of competitors, receives special financial conditions.

To become an intermediary is to take an intermediate place in the chain "manufacturer - end consumer". His main role is to find a buyer and close the deal.

How to become a manufacturer's dealer?

In order to become a dealer, you need to determine But the choice of the manufacturer is not the only criterion. In order to become an official representative of the plant, you need to prepare.

Qualities required to work as a dealer

Practice shows that not all people can become a dealer, like, and reveal themselves in the field of trade. Experts have identified a number of qualities that a person should possess:

  1. activity;
  2. sociability;
  3. the ability to negotiate, to convince;
  4. stress tolerance;
  5. initiative;
  6. competitiveness.

If you see the above qualities in yourself, you can try to realize yourself in this area and become a dealer.

Advice: when negotiating, you must "exude confidence", since the main task in this activity is to convince that the proposed products are of the highest quality.

If you are trying to establish cooperation with a store representative or other trading network, convince him that if you take the product for sale, it will literally be swept off the counter. To do this, you need to be persistent, be able to present products, indicate its advantages and benefits for the buyer.

It is important to be prepared for rejection. Unsuccessful transactions are an essential attribute of working as a dealer. It is important here not to be upset, to analyze the mistakes made during the negotiations and move on, looking for buyers.

Required Documentation

To become a manufacturer's dealer, you need to prepare a package of documents, since this business is serious and can bring a lot of money.

In most cases major manufacturers To sign a partnership agreement, the following conditions must be met:

  • you must be a legal entity;
  • availability of an office;
  • conclusion of a mediation agreement.

For cooperation, you must also provide:

  1. passport data;
  2. articles of association (if you are a legal entity);
  3. memorandum of association;
  4. certificate of tax registration;
  5. certificate of state registration;
  6. ownership or lease (sublease) agreement on non-residential premises where the place of sales will be organized;
  7. Bank details.

The list of documents may differ depending on the requirements of the manufacturer. If you plan to work in automotive business, you need to provide permission to sell Vehicle from the traffic police.

Description of activity

After signing a cooperation agreement in a certain region, it is necessary to draw up a promotion strategy, a development concept.

At the first stage, analyze the market in the assigned territory, the level of demand and options for promoting products. Determine ways to optimize sales, how to interest a potential buyer. Do not disregard competitors, monitor their work.

After that, you need to try to form your client base. To do this, make a list of companies that may be interested in the product being sold. Before making an appointment with potential clients, direct the maximum number of inquiries about them, develop a methodology for negotiating. The more extensive client base the higher the income level.

If you want to become a dealer from a prestigious company, a large factory, you need to overcome the competition from other applicants. In order to have an advantage over them, you need to take into account a number of factors.

First, they pay attention to experience in this area. Secondly, a lot depends on the region of placement. If a representative applicant wants to become a dealer in a city that is saturated with regional representatives of this company, most likely they will refuse him. If the manufacturer does not have a representative office in the specified area, he will more willingly agree to cooperate. The developed client base is especially appreciated. Also, the decision to partner is influenced by:

  • reputation;
  • availability of a technical base, premises for work;
  • the possibility of attracting qualified personnel;
  • the possibility of warranty service.

How much money should be invested?

For reference mediation investments are needed. In order to become a manufacturer's dealer, you do not need the same amount of capital as, for example, to build. But most often investments in the selected project are needed.

It is difficult to name a certain amount, it all depends on the manufacturer's company. But if you manage to negotiate with the manufacturer on the receipt of goods for sale, you can avoid large investments. You will be able to pay after the sale of products, but the price in this case will be higher than with advance payment.

If you have the opportunity to pay for the goods immediately, then the amount of investment will largely depend on the type of product, the volume of the purchased lot. It is also worth including in the business plan the costs of transportation, rental of warehouses, office space, personnel recruiting, legal and accounting services.

How to become a dealer without investment?

If the initial capital could not be raised, you can become a dealer without investment. There are several ways to do this.

Realization of products under the order

Perhaps, looking through the price lists for a certain product, you had to see the mark “On order” opposite the “Price” line. This means that you first need to deposit money into the specified account, after which it will be transferred for use. The algorithm for executing this scheme is as follows:

  • the manufacturer signs a contract with the supplier for the supply of products at a dealer price;
  • products are put up for sale at the dealer's point of sale (not a product, but the name of the unit in the price list);
  • the buyer makes an advance payment, which makes it possible to purchase goods from the manufacturer;
  • the purchased goods are sent to the buyer, who, in turn, deposits the rest of the money into the dealer's account.

The specified scheme is suitable for goods of an average price category. Each person will buy inexpensive products in the nearest store, albeit at an inflated price, but without waiting. For items that are too expensive, an office or shop is needed. For example, automobile intermediaries rent large areas for showrooms.

Provision of goods for sale

Today, many manufacturers provide their goods for a certain time, during which the intermediary must sell it. After the end of the agreed period, the products must be paid, and 1-3% higher than if the dealer paid without installments. The possibility of a return is prescribed in the contract. Most often, if the goods are not sold in full, you have to pay the full price, which increases the risk of financial losses for the intermediary.

Free testing

In some cases, the manufacturer agrees to send free samples their products, which help to test them, present them to potential buyers. For an intermediary, such a scheme is extremely beneficial, but, unfortunately, today manufacturers rarely agree to work on it.

If the idea of ​​becoming a dealer does not suit you, consider

This Policy explains how Trokot LLC processes and protects the personal information of users that they left on the company's website - www..

Trokot LLC does not control and is not responsible for the websites of third parties, to which the user can follow the links available on the Trokot LLC website. Third party websites may have their own privacy policies and other personal data may be collected or requested from the user.

By using services, products and providing Trokot LLC with the information necessary to initiate further interaction, you agree to its use in accordance with this Policy.

1. Personal data of users received and processed by Trokot LLC

1.1. For the purposes of this Policy, "user's personal data" means:

1.1.1. Personal data that the user provides about himself independently when registering (creating an account) on the site or in the process of placing an order. The information required for the provision (rendering) of the Services is clearly indicated. Such information includes: surname, name and patronymic, e-mail address, mailing address order delivery, contact phone number, payment details. Other information is provided by the user at his discretion.

1.1.2. Other information about the user, the collection and / or provision of which is determined by Trokot LLC for the provision of individual Services additionally, which is explicitly indicated when ordering individual Services.

1.2. The user's personal data provided by Trokot LLC are considered unreliable and can be blocked until the user or his legal representative agrees to the processing of the user's personal data in any form additionally indicated by Trokot LLC, in addition to that provided on the Site.

2. Purposes of processing personal information of users

2.1. Trokot LLC processes only those personal data that are necessary to provide (fulfill obligations) and improve the quality of the Services.

2.2. personal information Trokot LLC can use the user for the following purposes:

2.2.1. Identification of the party in the framework of the provision of the Service.

2.2.2. Providing the user with personalized Services.

2.2.3. Improving the quality of Services and developing new ones.

2.2.4. Conducting statistical and other research based on depersonalized data.

3. Transfer of the user's personal data to third parties.

3.1. With respect to the user's personal data, its confidentiality is preserved, except for the cases of processing personal data, access to which is provided to an unlimited number of persons by the user or at his request

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation