Is it possible to find a job after 45 years. Unemployed again. Respectable age is an advantage


Ageism is flourishing in Russia - age discrimination. To such disappointing conclusions came " Russian newspaper» during the regular survey of employees and employers. Every second employer admits that age is the reason for refusal to hire. Even if you skim through the vacancies on any site, you can see a direct violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - almost all employers indicate age in vacancies. And while federal channels tell us that there is a vacancy for any pre-pensioner, ageism is flourishing in Russia. Why is that bad?

Ugly statistics

Ageism is a really common problem in Russia. This is the opinion of 47% of respondents under the age of 25 and 68% of those over 45. On average, the number of applicants who notice age discrimination was 59%. In 2015, they were 31%.

A person after 40-45 years old is simply illiquid, no one is interested in your professional level, personal qualities, and appearance can be quite well-groomed and young. In our state, already at 40, everyone needs to retire, because they refuse to work every other time. Yes, by law we have a woman equal in rights with a man, but in fact, at first they don’t take you because you have no experience, then because you have a small child (children), then because you are already 35,40,45, - writes a woman from the forum, desperate to find a job.

A study by the HeadHunter portal also found that 40% of job seekers over 45 have to look for a job for more than six months. During the first week, only 9% of applicants manage to find it. At the same time, the level of wages, as a rule, is greatly reduced (this problem was identified by 55% of respondents).

Employers are just stupid. Women at this age already have experience in work and life. They have already given birth and raised children, which means they won’t go on maternity leave and take sick leave, and they still have a lot of health, ”says another forum member.

Why are they oppressed?

Experts name 4 main reasons why employers do not want to hire people "over 45".

  1. Older people are more likely to get sick.
  2. Young applicants are better versed in modern technologies and quickly adapt to new conditions, they are able to think outside the box and come up with ideas.
  3. Young people are easier to tolerate processing and are ready for greater physical exertion.
  4. The expectations of job seekers over 45 often do not match what the employer is willing to offer.

I clung to any straw,” Natalia tells Meduza reporters. - But it was all to no avail. They didn't take me anywhere. Somewhere they were not even invited to interviews. Out of desperation, I tried to get a job as a deputy head of the post office, although I felt that this was not my thing at all. But I decided that I would try everything. I read a bunch of articles on the Internet about how to get a job the right way. But, in the end, you call and they tell you: “There are no vacancies”; "Let's go in a month, two, three"; "We will call you back".

What can this lead to?

Ageism leads to serious distortions in the labor market. It turns out that it is almost impossible for a woman after 45 to get a more or less decent job even in Moscow. In the regions, the situation is even worse. Either connections are needed, or a woman should not particularly choose from offers. That is why many hold on to any job, just to endure until retirement. All this leads to the fact that the Russian economy is often inefficient, labor productivity remains low, and shadow unemployment remains high.

I wanted to find something close to my old work, something that I could handle. I called in good faith for all suitable vacancies, but no one even called me for interviews. They asked: “How old are you? .. What is your experience? .. Goodbye!” They didn’t really ask further,” says 49-year-old Lydia.

Paradoxical situation

As a result, a paradoxical situation is emerging in the country. It is difficult for a young person without work experience to find this job, because no one wants to train a young employee. An experienced employee who is approaching retirement age is denied only because he will soon retire (even if he is not going to retire). Prime Minister Medvedev recently said that "we must make every effort to eliminate any restrictions on the employment of people who have already reached a certain age." But in practice, such discrimination still exists.

  • Start by updating your resume, because this is your calling card. Reflect in it only necessary information And don't forget your cover letter.
  • Use all search channels, because you never know where the desired offer will come from. Your task is to be present on all the resources that recruiters use.
  • When describing your experience, focus on accomplishments and most successful projects. Let the recruiter know that you meet the job requirements and will be useful to the company.

Blame the stereotypes that are firmly rooted in Russian society. It is believed that after the age of 45, the employee's ability to work decreases. It is more difficult for him to adapt in a new team and more difficult to master new knowledge and technologies. The first health problems appear.

“For more than a year I have been trying to find a job,” admits Alexander, 49, head of the logistics department. – I have an excellent track record, experience in Russian and international companies, positive references. But even getting an interview at this age is not easy. Now I am looking for a job through acquaintances, since I can no longer compete with the younger generation. ”

For Europe, such a situation is nonsense, because there 45-50 years - the heyday of a career. And a recruiter can get fired if he asks about his age in an interview. In Russia, any discrimination is also prohibited by law, but this does not make finding a job easier for those over 45.

Despite the difficulties, older candidates can successfully get a job - but the search process will require special preparation and concentration.

Where to begin?

Need to fix it first summary. Many describe in detail each job, including part-time student days. The recruiter is only interested in your “fresh experience”, so it’s better to limit yourself to the last two or three positions. The ideal format is 1-2 A4 sheets.

If you feel it necessary to list your entire track record, or if your career flourished in earlier experience, use a different resume structure. List successively periods of work, company names and positions held. In a separate block, indicate the main competencies and achievements. The main advantage of such a resume is that you immediately draw the recruiter's attention to your advantages.

It is even more difficult for those who have worked at the same enterprise all their lives or have changed companies only once. In this case, all positions and achievements for each of them should be indicated. The recruiter should see that you have not just sat in one position for 20 years, but have developed professionally.

A cover letter is your chance to stand out among applicants, because few people know how to write them really well.

If you have not written a resume for a long time, look at examples of other applicants on recruiting sites. At the same time, you will be able to evaluate potential competitors and understand what you are losing and what knowledge you need to improve.

Or use the service of work sites: a consultant by phone or in person will help you highlight key competencies, which will save a lot of time.

should not be neglected and cover letter. This is your chance to stand out among applicants, because few people know how to write them really well. Remember the 3 golden rules:
1. Enough 2-3 paragraphs.
2. Don't duplicate resumes.
3. Change the content depending on the vacancy.

Your task is to reflect your advantages and explain to the employer how your experience can be useful for this position and the company as a whole.

Main question - whether to indicate age. Many advise to skip this item, but there are nuances. In the resume that you send by mail, it is better not to hide how old you are. This will only alert the recruiter, and he will still try to get to the bottom of the matter - for example, calculate by the date of graduation from the institute.

On websites, many recruiters set the range “from 30 to 45 years” when searching. Here, by hiding your age, you increase the likelihood that your resume will at least be opened. Read or not - depends on the presentation of information.

Where to look?

To make your job search effective, it is worth using all possible channels and making sure that you catch the eye of the recruiter several times.

The most popular tool job search websites. There are really a lot of vacancies, but even more applicants. And one small mistake can bring all efforts to naught - competitors will quickly bypass you.

If you don’t have a high-quality business-format photo that makes you look fresh and well-groomed, it’s better to abandon the idea of ​​​​a photo altogether. Also, do not include many positions that are potentially interesting to you in the title of your resume or career goal. This makes it clear that you don't know what you want or are desperate. Both will alienate the recruiter.

In second place - social media . If you don't have a Facebook account yet, now is the time to get one. Create an informative profile and start searching for jobs in specialized job search groups. Social networks are also good because it is easy to make new acquaintances there.

Gradually expand your network of contacts, communicate with HR, feel free to "promote" your candidacy, ask for a meeting, ask for help and advice on employment. Insolence is the second happiness, and when it comes to finding a job, happiness is doubly.

Place special hope in recruiting agencies not worth it. They work according to the needs of the customer, and if the client said that he is not ready to consider candidates 45+, your chances are extremely small. But you can send resumes to major agencies. They will add you to the database, and if there are suitable vacancies, they will contact you.

But if it is a rare or highly specialized position, consultants will be able to offer worthy options. There are few candidates for such vacancies, and many are ready to turn a blind eye to age. Moreover, in science-intensive industries, construction, medicine, education, and energy, candidates 45+ are even welcome. After all, by this age they accumulate unique knowledge and expertise.

Try to move away from the usual standards and consider other forms of employment, such as remote work. So you can get a job in a company that is located in another region of the country. And the time that was previously spent on the road, devote to family or hobbies.

You can also consider the positions of an adviser or mentor. Now it is a common practice to invite an independent consultant who is able to take a fresh look at the problem and find a solution. In this capacity, you can work with several companies at the same time.

“I was often rejected because of my age,” recalls 50-year-old Anatoly. - They said that the company has a young team, mostly people under 30 work. I heard from recruiters: “You will not fit into the corporate culture, it will be difficult for you to adapt to the team, and it will not be easy for young employees to find an approach to you.” As a result, I began to consider alternatives - remote work or freelancing. Now I work for a large publishing house from home, proofreading texts. Sometimes I take translations on freelance sites. It's a decent income."

At the interview

Good experience is not enough, it is important to skillfully present it, competently build communications with the interlocutor. Your self-presentation appearance, should be top notch. Carefully study the job description before the meeting and talk about your experience, based on the wishes of the employer to the candidate for this position.

“I thought that my task was to convey the maximum about myself as a professional and as a person,” says 54-year-old Piotr, head of the AHO department. - It turned out to be a very long story, no one listened to it to the end. I shortened the story to 15 minutes and talked only about the most successful projects, how I can be useful in the vacancy, what I have achieved. My candidacy was more often promoted to the second stage. I advise everyone to review their presentation and do not forget to remind them of their candidacy if they did not receive feedback. One call or email won't turn you into a pushy candidate."

Don't lower your requirements ahead of time. If you have long experience as a manager behind you, don't immediately "roll down" to a line position, because someone said that no one needs leaders your age. Not the fact that it will be easier for you to find a vacancy for an ordinary specialist.

On the contrary, the company will look at you doubly, because the level of your competencies implies a higher position. Will you be able to obey a young employee? Do you get bored in this position? Suddenly get an offer for a managerial position and leave?

The same applies to monetary compensation. Many immediately lower the bar, believing that this will give them an advantage in competition with young people. More likely no than yes. After all, a young employee can also reduce material expectations. A recruiter may be alerted by the level of the desired salary that is too low for your qualifications.

Don't push for pity. It is not necessary to tell how hard it is at your age to find a job and that you are ready to take on any. The HR manager cares about your experience. A burned out, psychologically crushed candidate will definitely not pass to the second stage of selection.

No matter how hard it is, play the role of a positive and in-demand employee. And in response to the question “Why have you been out of work for so long,” say that you are looking for a company for a long period and carefully approach the choice of offers.

Go for concessions."Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." It is difficult to predict how long it will take you to look for a new job. Much depends on the professional area and how you can present your experience. If the job search is delayed, you will have to make the first sacrifices.

For example, consider vacancies with a lower income level or pay attention to offers with relocation in Russia. Of course, moving to another region is stressful, especially if you have to part with your family for a while. But the competition for these vacancies is slightly lower, and your chances of getting an offer increase.

We are increasingly focusing on Western experience, where employees over 45 are valued no less than young ones.

Perhaps it makes sense to look at small companies that are not spoiled by a large stream of applicants. There, every unit counts, and the climate in the team in most cases is much more pleasant than in medium and large businesses.

And not all employers have a negative attitude towards candidates over 45. Yes, there are “young” companies on the market where the average age of employees is no more than 30 years old. Even if you manage to get there, adapt to an unusual for you corporate culture it will be extremely difficult. However, Russian business is gradually moving away from established standards and stereotypes. We are increasingly focusing on Western experience, where employees over 45 are valued no less than young ones.

“There are no age restrictions in our companies,” comments Anna, 35, director of human resources for a diversified holding. - I do not think that after 45 people should retire and feel like an outcast in a working society. Many of our employees over 50 perform better than younger people and are worth their weight in gold. They not only show good results, but also pass on knowledge to the next generations. In addition, employees at this age have undeniable advantages: they are responsible, value their work, are not burdened with small children, are psychologically stable, and negotiate well. As for health problems, young people are sick very often now, so this is definitely not a reason to refuse a person to work.

about the author

- Head of the department for the selection and adaptation of personnel at

How to work for a woman after 40 years

40–45 years to search new job It's not sunset yet! AT Western countries The heyday of a career begins precisely at this age. We, too, are not so hopeless.

If a woman is left without a livelihood, having crossed the forty-year milestone, do not despair. Age is not a hindrance to building a career. Right now, everyone has such an important experience in finding a new job. And the skills and abilities acquired over the years increase the chances of solving the question: where to go to work after 40–45 years for a woman with such a variety of new professions. Often female applicants complain about age discrimination, that high paying job it is impossible to find, even if there are two higher educations and high level professionalism and considerable experience.

Where can a woman go to work after 40, and what jobs can you be guaranteed to get? There is no single answer here. Everything depends on many factors. In the articles on our site we will try to focus on them especially.

If a woman has a specialty that is in demand on the labor market, she knows a lot about what she was taught, while she was engaged in self-education, followed current trends, changes and requirements for their specialty, this one will find a job painlessly even at 55. And with decent pay.

What if the situation is completely opposite? In this case, where to go to work after 40–45 years for a woman who wants to earn money? It is natural and absolutely clear that in the world there is the only workplace created just for you. But how to find it?

First, categorically forbid yourself to think that age is an obstacle in acquiring a certain position. Don't hide your age. The deception will soon be revealed, and this fact will play a cruel joke against you. The chances of finding a job will increase significantly only if you forget about your age.
Secondly, be firmly convinced that you have an excellent education, significant professional training. You are full of strength and energy, you know a lot, you know how, and, most importantly, you want to work. A woman who is confident in herself and her significant strengths will not be rejected by a smart and self-sufficient employer.
Thirdly, at the interview, speak the pure truth, do not think of extra victories and merits. The fact itself will not go unnoticed, and a lie will only hurt. It's not in your best interest. The employer needs to be convinced that even if you don’t know something, you are ready to learn innovations, as you have a high degree of learning.
Fourth, carefully prepare for a meeting with a potential leader. Choose clothes for the interview wisely and a minimum of jewelry. A Christmas tree is appropriate only for winter corporate parties. Be moderately relaxed, friendly, and sociable enough. There is no need to hesitate in looking for a job.

Problems lie in wait for those women who want to radically solve the question: where to work after 40 years. Their eyes are attracted by such newfangled professions as a merchandiser or promoter. But this sales job involves spending most of the day on your feet and in high-speed mode, which not everyone can do. Not all women of Balzac age are suitable for work in the fields of IT technology, logistics or marketing. Although there are exceptions. After all, these specialties are not so difficult that they cannot be trained even at the age of 45.

Focus on your professionalism, knowledge, experience and practice. Look for jobs where these qualities are in demand. These are such areas of activity as medicine, accounting, pedagogy, personnel work, scientific practice, economic and production activity. Women in adulthood Employers willingly take on administrative and organizational positions, managers, believing that young people with such a burden of responsibility will not be able to cope due to lack of work experience.

But who to work after 40, if there is no work experience and no higher education? There are factories, bakeries, confectionery shops where specialists are required. For active women, work as a nanny, a maid in the house of wealthy young people who are busy building a career is suitable. Can be organized at home Kindergarten and look after several kids at once, which will significantly improve the financial situation. Such jobs are well paid, and many ladies after 40–45 years old are happy to work on them. You can open your own business if an entrepreneurial vein accidentally manifested itself. Work on the Internet at home is not excluded. The labor market is full of such proposals!
Some of our tips will help women find work for ...

What to do to always be at a good job

Engage in self-education, constantly update knowledge and professional skills.
Actively monitor the job market, actively search for a job.
Try to stand out from the rest of the job seekers with a unique and competent resume, indicating a colossal professional experience.
Learn the latest computer programs, stay up to date with the latest technology trends.
Visit corporate websites, contact the employer directly, send resumes, call, ask friends and acquaintances about work, present yourself at the interview as a comprehensively developed person.

Self-confidence, optimism, active life position, positive and friendly energy - and problems with employment will certainly bypass you!

That 81% of Russians believe that companies need employees strictly under the age of 50.

58% of employers prefer to hire young people. At the same time, 74% of managers value mature employees for their responsibility, and 60% are ready to help them find employment.

Why then the chances of finding a job in Russia after 45 tend to zero?

Why workers over 45 are not in demand in Russia

One of the main reasons is that company executives have become much younger.

According to RBC, on average, top 500 company executives hold office for 43 years. In small and medium-sized businesses, a 30-year-old director is the norm.

It is difficult for young managers to adequately assess the performance of "adult" employees. Therefore, there are stereotypes about people over 45:

  • Poor health

It is believed that after 45, workers are more likely to take sick leave. In fact, there is no data to support this.

  • Family first, not work

At the age of 45-50, priorities really shift towards the family. But here's the paradox - now it takes much less time for a family. Children have grown up or already have children of their own. The employee is again motivated to work and earn. In addition, after 45, thoughts about retirement come more often, and a decent income is needed - pension points will not fall from the sky

  • Older workers do not master new technologies well

And this is not true. Computer literacy has become almost universal, and modern technologies designed for any user

Stereotypes have taken root so much that the workers themselves believe in them. If at the age of 25 10% of employees are afraid of competition, then at the age of 40-50 - already 48% (data from Antal Russia).

How to increase your chances in the job market when you're 45

The main recipe is not to wait to be appreciated and called.

You can hang your diploma on the wall and forget about it. Lifelong Learning - lifelong learning is the main idea of ​​the modern labor market.

Refresher courses, online courses, webinars, co-working, consultations with foreign colleagues - all this will help you stay in the know and prove that you are ready to learn new things.

Become more flexible. Think about what related profession your skills are in demand. Perhaps you should start an expert blog to share your experience. Or maybe it's time to change careers.

Activity and positive attitude. This is also very important. Set yourself up for success and actively look for a job. Raise old connections, use all contacts.

How to write a resume

Details about correct summary told.

If you are over 45, the following rules apply:

  1. Don't include your age on your resume. Sometimes employers set age limits, and resumes simply will not be seen.
  2. Do not list in detail all the places of work and positions. Indicate only the keywords for this vacancy. Do not forget - for each vacancy make a separate resume
  3. Do not list multiple desired items. You should not write, for example, "accountant, administrator, sales manager, janitor, sales assistant, secretary." This immediately betrays that the applicant is desperate to find a job.
  4. Post your resume on all major job sites, including . Send resumes to companies. Write about yourself on social networks
  5. Always send a cover letter. In it, tell the main thing about yourself. Try to write interesting and original

What are the possibilities to consider

Do not neglect the help of the employment service. Unemployment benefits are not superfluous. Since January 1, 2019, its size has almost doubled. Now you can get from 1500 to 8000 rubles a month. If no more than 5 years are left before retirement - up to 11,280 rubles.

The employment service will tell you what professions are in demand in the region. If you are in the category of pre-pensioners, you may be sent to. By the way, retraining can also be done by working pre-pensioners. Even a scholarship will be paid.

Consider vacancies with a remote form of employment or move to another city. Many regions offer paid housing and good lifting allowances for experienced professionals.

Another option is to try yourself as a self-employed person. It is easier to obtain such a status than an individual entrepreneur, and pay less taxes.

So far, self-employed people are registered in Moscow, the Moscow Region, the Kaluga Region and Tatarstan, but from 2020 the list of regions will be expanded. Huge demand now for taxi drivers and nannies. You can also become an independent consultant or tutor.

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