Plan of the premises of the cafe for 50 seats. Restaurant app. To register a legal entity, you will need


Relevance and importance of the project Nadterechnoe". One of the activities of the school is the environmental and labor education of schoolchildren. The school yard and school territory have become an effective means of shaping the ecological culture of students, the formation of their new civic consciousness. We consider this work as part of the system of social development of the individual. Create a single complex where you could realize all your abilities, requests, interests, an ideal model small world flowers - that was the intention of the authors of this project. The courtyard for us is a world where everyone feels comfortable, has ample opportunities for self-realization for the benefit of themselves and others, gaining experience of creative success in life.

Thus, our school yard is a universal tool that simultaneously performs a number of functions: cognitive, developing, spiritual and moral, the function of social hardening, civic development of the personality, the function of designing one's own activity. A holistic perception of nature, namely such a perception is developed by the school territory, opens the way to a new worldview, awareness of the role and place of one's self. Becoming participants in the project, schoolchildren try themselves in various social roles, which contributes to their successful socialization in society. The "School Yard" project is an effective means of forming an active civic position of schoolchildren and their environmental culture.

Goals and objectives of the project: creation of an aesthetically and environmentally attractive space near the school; the most rational use of school territory in educational process and economic activity schools; improvement of the ecological situation in the school and on the territory adjacent to it due to green spaces and flowers; education of diligence, love for one's school, respect for nature; development of research activities of schoolchildren; development of creative abilities of students; formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

Stages of the project The first stage - February-March: students develop projects for the improvement of the school territory, landscaping and rational use school area; student projects are defended. The second stage - April-May: preparation of planting material - seedlings and flowers; inventory preparation; spring tillage; works on improvement of the territory and the area adjacent to it, repair of the fence; pruning shrubs; spring planting (implementation of projects); setting up experiences.

The third stage - June-August: planting care at the school site: watering, weeding; experimental work; systematic harvesting. The fourth stage - September-October: autumn tillage; autumn tree planting; Summing up the experimental work, preparing reports; Celebration of the exhibition of gifts of nature, flowers, crafts made from natural materials; Winner's reward ceremony.

Content and stages of the project implementation In the summer of 2014, a partial improvement of the courtyard area of ​​the school was completed. 1st zone - play area (playground for schoolchildren of the extended day group); sports playground for playing volleyball, basketball 2nd zone – inner courtyard (school yard, paved area and paths); 3rd zone - economic (school yard near the gas boiler, garages); 4th zone - green (on the facade of the school from the side of the village and in the courtyard of the school) 5th zone - educational and experimental (school area).

Objectives of the work: 1. Delimitation of zones of the school territory in order to create the most favorable environmental conditions, improve the sanitary and hygienic regime on the territory of the school. 2. Creation of conditions for rest and play for students elementary school and daycare groups. 3. Creation of conditions for conducting sports games for students of basic and high schools and children living in nearby houses. 4. The widest use of the school territory in the educational process and extracurricular activities.

Conclusion We have identified the relevance of our problem, the goals and objectives of the project, which we have to solve in the future. The relevance of this problem for our school is dictated by time, in the education of children's ethical taste, the formation of a sense of responsibility for their school and the desire to change the face of the school for the better. "The theater begins with a wardrobe, and a school with a school yard, because the yard is the face of the school. We will do everything so that the appearance of our school has an aesthetic appearance, and this is what instills in children a taste, a perception of beauty. The value of this work lies in the following 1. Acquisition of experience in the improvement of the school and adjacent territory by students and at the lowest financial cost 2. Conducting consistent and purposeful work on environmental education and charitable activities 3. Finding moments of cooperation between schoolchildren and management in solving the problem of social issues 4. Development mutual assistance, support, mutual assistance, friendly relations among adolescents.

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Landscaping and landscaping of the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev


territory landscaping landscaping

Environmentally friendly complete external environment along with other factors is an important prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening people's health. The vast majority of schools are located in cities and villages, and only a small part of them operate outside the settlements. An indispensable environmental requirement is the location of children's institutions at a sufficient distance from enterprises, highways, etc., but it is not always fulfilled. Therefore, the landscaping and landscaping of the school territory is of exceptional importance.

The school is our common home, which we love and want to see beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

The school yard is a universal tool that simultaneously performs a number of functions: cognitive, developing, spiritual and moral, the function of social hardening, civic development of the individual, the function of designing one's own activity.

The problem of improving the school territory has become relevant from the first years of its existence. On the territory of the school yard, flowerbeds are laid out, trees are planted, there are sports grounds. As the school grows and develops, this problem remains relevant for us at the present time, which contributes to the formation of environmental thinking in students, the formation of a sense of responsibility for their school and the desire to change the face of the school for the better. Children spend most of their time at school, so landscaping and landscaping is a must. Landscaping plays an important role, because if you properly arrange landscape objects, divide the territory into zones that will functionally interact with each other, this will make it convenient to use the territory, which will allow children to develop in a favorable environment, study and relax.

In their works, such authors as V.V. Tabolin, V.S. Zanadvorov, A.V. Zanadvorova, V.B. Zotov, Yu.L. Khotun people considered the problems of landscaping management and landscaping. Activities in the field of landscaping and gardening at the federal level are regulated by the Town Planning Code Russian Federation dated January 10, 2005 No. 190-FZ, which normalizes relations in the field of creating a system of resettlement, urban planning, development, improvement and environmental protection in order to ensure favorable living conditions for the population. The Code delineates the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of urban planning, including the improvement of the territory of populated areas. Landscaping and landscaping of populated areas is a set of works on the creation and use of green spaces in populated areas. In urban planning, landscaping and landscaping is an integral part of the overall set of measures for the planning and development of populated areas. It is of great importance in human life, has a huge impact on the environment. The purpose of this work is to develop a project for landscaping and landscaping the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev, located at st. Kalinina 9.

1. Describe the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev

2. Develop project proposals for improving the improvement and landscaping of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev;

4. Propose a plan for the improvement of the territory.

Subject of study: the territory of secondary school No. 1 named after Peter Badmaev

Section 1. Overview of sources

The issues of improving the land, ennobling nature are especially relevant for Russia, because it so happened that a lot of things are neglected and abandoned in their native open spaces, in cities, and especially in rural areas. At the same time, in recent years, the increasing craving of Russians for nature, its beautiful places, the desire to create a wonderful world of wildlife in their settlements, estates, and houses has been noticeable and understandable.

Improvement of populated areas covers part of the issues united by the concept of "urban planning", and characterizes, first of all, the level of engineering equipment of the territory of populated areas, the sanitary and hygienic condition of their air basins, water bodies and soil. Improvement of the territory of the municipality is a set of measures aimed at creating favorable, healthy and cultural conditions for life, work and leisure of the population within the boundaries of the municipality and carried out by state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities.

The organization of improvement and gardening of the territory of the municipality is regulated mainly by municipal legal acts, which are adopted in accordance with urban planning and housing legislation, the requirements of SNiP and other federal and regional acts. Among the acts that, as a rule, must be adopted by local governments include:

Rules for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the municipality;

Rules for land use and development in the municipality;

Regulations on the regulation of urban planning activities on the territory of the municipality;

Regulations on the passport of the exterior decoration of the facades of buildings and structures;

Regulations on the procedure for installation, commissioning, accounting, replacement and demolition of temporary structures on the territory of the municipality;

Passports for the improvement of the adjacent territory, etc.

Requirements for the location and functional composition of the territory. Buildings of general educational institutions should be located in separate areas of the territory, taking into account the prospective development of a residential area and sanitary protection zones of existing and planned facilities. At all stages of designing buildings of educational institutions, it is necessary to calculate the expected noise levels from vehicles and other noise sources. If necessary, measures should be developed to protect against increased noise levels with mandatory efficiency calculations.

In areas of the territory of general educational institutions, division into the following functional parts should be provided:

physical culture and sports,

educational and experimental,

Leisure and economic.

Sections of the territory of educational institutions must have a fence around the entire perimeter, at least 1.5 m high and have safety devices that prevent students from running out onto the carriageway of the street from the side of the entrance to the building. Along the fence, a strip of green spaces with planting of trees and shrubs should be provided.

Green spaces along the school site protect not only from chemical pollution, but also reduce noise from moving cars, which of course has a positive effect on the educational process.

Green spaces reduce the concentration of harmful particles in the air by 4 times, reduce wind speed by 5 times, reduce the concentration of gases from cars to 15% per unit volume of air, that is, make the air more breathable. They also purify the air from dust, harmful gases, radioactive substances, humidify it, slightly lowering its temperature in summer and raising it in winter. They give oxygen and carbon dioxide, are noise absorbers. In addition, plants emit volatile substances - phytoncides, which have a bactericidal effect and have a beneficial effect on human tone. A medium-sized tree in 24 hours restores as much oxygen as is necessary for the breathing of three people.

The usual leaf cover in summer and even a small layer of snow on the branches of trees and shrubs in winter is a good protection against street noise. Dense bush plantings reduce noise by 10-12 decibels.

Different tree species differ in the intensity of absorption of certain substances from the air. It is believed that the best carbon monoxide absorbers are alder, aspen, maple, spruce, birch. Lead absorbers: horse chestnut, linden. And a plant like lilac is resistant to pollution.

The well-maintained school territory will be a platform for the implementation of the program environmental education and education. As a result of the work on the project, a single complex will be created, where one could realize all one's abilities, requests, interests. The school site will become a place where everyone will feel comfortable, will have ample opportunities for self-realization for the benefit of themselves and others, and gain life experience.

Section 2. Characteristics of the object

2.1 Features of the location of the object

Secondary school No. 1 is located in the Duldurgin district with. Taptanay on Kalinina street 54a. It started functioning in 1909. Over the past years, the school district has tripled in area and the number of students has increased. Therefore, there was a need to re-landscape and plant the territory of the school.

The entrance to the building is located on Kalinina street. The Duldurga-Aginskoye highway runs along this street. The distance from the carriageway to the school fence is 8 meters. The territory of the school is fenced with a metal fence approximately 1.5 m high.

2.2 Facilities located on school grounds

The territory of the school is divided into a sports zone, an economic zone, a recreation zone.

Objects located on the territory: the main building - a school building, a garage, a boiler room, a monument to the heroes of the Second World War, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, a swing, various types of trees.

Section 3. Project Proposals

This course work focused on the improvement and landscaping of the school grounds. It is necessary to plant trees, shrubs and ornamental plants, create garden paths, install decorative hydraulic structures, small architectural forms, and plant a lawn.

The planning of the territory of the site will include the construction of paths, planting trees and flower beds, placement of engineering systems and equipment.

3.1 Engineering preparation of the territory

Site preparation includes the following activities:

· freeing the territory from garbage, wastes of chemical production, remains of foundations formed during the development of old walls and foundations, underground structures, backfilling of pits, recesses, removal of stones, construction debris;

· creation of a reference geodetic network, which allows finding the necessary relief marks at all stages of the construction of the object;

· the organization of a relief - a vertical lay-out according to design marks depending on specific conditions;

protection of territories from flooding, strengthening of slopes and banks of reservoirs and ravines;

· laying of underground communications - drainage, plumbing, storm sewerage, electric lighting, telephone cable;

· Removal of dry, dying trees and shrubs infected with pests and diseases, clearing the area of ​​branches, foliage, logging residues of wood, as well as small household waste, stones, glass, etc.;

protection of valuable woody plants with the help of special devices, carrying out measures for the care of valuable plants - pruning of branches and shoots, top dressing;

Identification of areas with valuable herbaceous cover, removal of sod cover, moving and storing it to specially designated places for further use in landscaping and landscaping;

· identifying areas with fertile soil, removing the top layer of such soil and moving it to specially designated areas, storing it in piles for further preparation of plant land for landscaping work at the facility;

Provision of an object with plant land for the growth of plantings directly on the objects, if there is an upper infertile soil layer that requires improvement in physical and biochemical properties, or preparation of plant land at special landfills with its subsequent delivery to the objects in the volume required by calculation.

3.2 Justification of the need for improvement

For a village with difficult climatic and economic conditions Along with the availability of places of application of labor and comfortable housing, it is also important to create the necessary conditions for a comfortable environment, to provide conditions for recreation for the population. Therefore, there is an urgent need to plan and engage in the improvement of public areas.

Green spaces are of no small importance in cleaning the rural air from dust and gases. Vegetation has a wide variety of shapes, colors and textures. Trees purify the air, shrubs, flower beds and lawns give the school grounds a pleasant appearance.

Surely, many people know the fact that the green color promotes rest and relaxation. That is why we feel so good and comfortable in nature, where this color is dominant.

A variety of sculptures and beautiful landscapes will leave good and memorable impressions on the villagers.

3.3 Description of the designed plants

When designing a landscaping system, in no case should one forget about the biological characteristics of plants, the most important of which is the structure of the root system.

So, for example, a spruce with a superficial root system cannot be planted in a near-stem circle surrounded by paving: as the plant grows and develops, its root system will also develop and eventually go beyond the near-trunk circle, which will first lead to cracking the paving, and then to the death of the plant.

When forming mixed (multi-species) groups of trees and shrubs, it is also important to know and take into account the mechanical, physiological, biophysical and biochemical factors that affect the interaction between plants. Thus, Scots pine, planted at a distance of 2 m from a warty birch, suffers greatly from whipping its leaves and various substances secreted by it, and at a distance of 5-6 m from each other, these trees grow well.

Trees and shrubs are one of the main components of a traditional garden. Flower beds, paths, rock gardens form the lower level of the garden, while trees and large shrubs create volume for the garden, give natural comfort to places of rest, protect from wind and summer heat. It is the trees and shrubs that determine the shape, color, smell of the garden, it is the evergreen trees that give the garden a decorative effect in late autumn and winter, when all other plants have faded and fallen off, and the flower beds are hidden by snow.

Deciduous plants are decorative, mainly in the summer. They are even more diverse than conifers, because, in addition to different leaf colors and crown shapes, they can bloom beautifully and smell fragrant (birch, mountain ash, lilac).

Lilies of the valley, asters, tulips, carnations, iris, gladiolus, roses, narcissus and chrysanthemums will be planted in the flower beds. Hanging plants will hang on the gazebo. Ground cover plants can cover empty areas in the flower garden.

Vertical gardening will be carried out using climbing plants, vines or cut trees, which is widely used in landscape design. The purpose of vertical gardening in short term in conditions of a lack of territory, get a large green area, as well as arrange and decorate gazebos, create green walls to isolate individual sections from each other.

An ordinary (simple) lawn spreads throughout the selected territory. Because it can occupy large spaces and is equipped on any side - sunny or shady

It differs from the parterre in the quality of tillage, the thickness of the vegetation layer and lower costs.

Section 4. Estimated part

To make a decision on the implementation of the project, it is necessary to calculate and evaluate the economic effect - the profit that the owner will receive in connection with the implementation of the project. In this project, the owner will not receive profit from the sale, since the object is used exclusively for recreation of the population and aesthetic perception. This section discusses the costs of its implementation.

The documents that allow solving the organizational and financial issues of the design object are the design and estimate cost, which includes price indicators characterizing all types of work on the territory.

In construction, clear reporting and cost estimates are always important. Drafting budget documentation includes work on the calculation of the estimate, the choice of the form of the estimate, as well as the use and knowledge regulatory framework, indices and coefficients.

Estimated calculations are usually at the intersection of the interests of the Customer (Payer) and the Contractor (Executor), with the possible exception of the case when the Customer and the Contractor are combined in one person. Accordingly, the economic interest of the Customer lies in minimizing the estimated cost (final estimate), and the Contractor, on the contrary, in the maximum possible increase in this cost.

Estimates are prepared by professional estimators, who must be well versed in the technology of work for which estimates are made.

Estimated part


unit of measurement

Cost, rub.)

Number of units

Total amount (rub.)

Design work

Garbage clearance

Organization of work

paving slabs

Tree planting:

Site device:


Creation of flower beds:




Lighting system:


Small architectural forms


For the device of the design object, cheaper materials were used. Based on the data in the table, for the implementation of the object, it is necessary to spend approximately 857,088 thousand rubles. The results of these calculations are relative, since they largely depend on the prices of the supplier of goods and services, on the amount of payment for the work of contractors, and on many other factors.


For all developed countries of the world, the environmental situation is the subject of special attention of official authorities at all levels, political parties and social movements, means mass media and the general population.

Improvement should be understood as a set of measures aimed at ensuring and improving the sanitary and aesthetic condition of the territory of the municipality, increasing the comfort of living conditions for residents of the municipality, maintaining a unified architectural appearance of the settlements of the municipality.

Improvement of the school territory is a set of measures aimed at creating favorable, healthy and cultural conditions for life, work and leisure of schoolchildren, employees, visitors.

Thus, the improvement of the territory of the municipality combines a set of measures that contribute to the improvement of life and management on the territory of the municipality, including measures for engineering improvement (engineering training and engineering equipment, artificial lighting), social improvement (improving the system of social and consumer services for the population ), on external improvement (landscaping, organization of traffic and pedestrians, equipping the territory with small architectural forms and improvement elements) and improvement measures related to the improvement of the environment, improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions of residential areas, ensuring environmental improvement of the territory. Landscaping works include territory cleaning; maintenance of elements of external improvement; landscaping of the territory of the municipality; maintenance and operation of roads; lighting of settlements of the municipality.

Landscaping is understood as a complex process associated with the direct planting of trees, shrubs, flowers, the creation of grassy lawns, and with the implementation of various types of engineering preparation and landscaping of green areas.

List of sources

1. Building codes and regulations II-L.4-62, paragraph 2.4;

2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions";

3. Improvement of residential areas of urban areas. Kaznov S.D., Kaznov S.S. - Publishing house: M.: Publishing house ASV, 2009. - 220p.

4. Landscaping of populated areas. Urban foundations; V.S. Theodoronsky; G.P. Zherebtsova., - Publishing house: M. - "Academy". 2010. - 360s.

5. Garden and park construction. V.S. Teodoronsky, - M .: GOU VPO MGU, 2003 - 336s.

6. Bogovaya, I.O. Landscaping of populated areas. [Text]: textbook for universities / I.O. Bogovaya, V.S. Teodoronsky - M.: Agropromizdat, 1990. - 280s.

7. Teodoronsky B. C. "Landscape construction": a textbook for universities. - M.: GOU VPO MGUL, 2003.

8. Lepkovich I. P "Landscape art - LNG: Dilya Publishing House", 2004.

9. Protsenko L.V. The design of your garden: lane with it. - M.: My world, 2008.

10. Krizhanovskaya N. Ya "Fundamentals landscape design"- Rostov N \ D: Phoenix, 2005.

11. Rubtsov L.I. - Trees and shrubs in landscape architecture. - M, 2000.

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Relevance of the topic

The priority of moral education today is recognized by our civil society.

At school, everything should be permeated with the desire for beauty, so at present great attention is given to the improvement of cities and villages, territories adjacent to educational institutions. We need to learn to feel, understand, appreciate and, most importantly, create beauty. Everything must be done so that the very premises of the school, its territory are attractive, somewhat magical.

Landscaping and landscaping of the school area plays an important sanitary and hygienic and educational role.

The implementation of this project helped to solve an important problem: the lack of a single, compositionally built, aesthetically designed space of the school territory.

The school is a cultural center. The child spends half of his day at school. Naturally, what surrounds him is important for his further personal development. Seeing daily well-groomed beautiful, always blooming flower beds, the child will not only receive positive emotions, but also learn to protect beauty, create it with his own hands.

In addition to the aesthetic function, the practical function is very important. The modern school is focused on ensuring that the child receives not only theoretical knowledge, but also direct practical skills. Therefore, what the student learns during the design and implementation will be useful to him in the future.

The peculiarity of our location educational institution is that it is located in the center of the village. Therefore, the condition of the school territory is always in the field of view of fellow villagers. This imposes on the team a great responsibility to educate students, their parents and villagers in respect for the wealth of the region, aesthetic taste and the ability to appreciate beauty. In the municipal educational institution "Laptevskaya NOSH" a system of moral education of students has developed, an important part of which is instilling in students a love for nature and work. The system allows successfully solving the problems of teaching schoolchildren various labor skills and abilities, enriching them with new knowledge about plants and the technology of their cultivation.

The action of improvement and gardening traditionally takes place at the school every year in four stages from February to October. It involves teachers and students in grades 1-4.

The first stage - February-March:

* development of projects for the improvement of the school territory, landscaping and rational use of the school site;

The second stage - April - May:

* preparation of planting material - flower seeds;

* growing seedlings;

* preparation of inventory;

*spring tillage;

* work on the improvement of the school territory and the area adjacent to it, the repair of the fence; pruning shrubs;

*spring planting (implementation of projects);

Third stage - June - August:

* care for plantings in the school area: watering, weeding;

The fourth stage - September-October:

* collection of seeds;

* autumn tillage;

* autumn plantings of bulbs;

* Summing up the work, preparing reports;

Poor motivation among students of the school to form the moral and labor qualities of the individual.

Labor, collective creative activity is one of the real ways of forming these qualities.


In the process of working on the project, there will be an integration of educational and work activities, which, in our opinion, will increase the motivation for learning and, as a result, the quality of student learning will improve. Awareness by the project participants of responsibility for the common cause will improve the moral and psychological climate in the educational institution.

Object of study- Ecology of the village Laptevka.

Subject of study- environmental situation around the municipal educational institution "Laptev primary general education school"

Objective of the project - creation of an aesthetically and environmentally attractive space near the school, improvement of the environmental situation in the area adjacent to the school due to green spaces and flowers in order to foster industriousness, love for one's school, respect for nature, development of creative abilities of students, formation of healthy lifestyle skills and implementation of the principle of practice-oriented learning.

Combining the efforts of teachers, students, parents, the general public, aimed at the improvement, aesthetic design and landscaping of the school, the creation of a single spiritual environment, through participation in common cause common interests and desires.
landscape ecological design of the environment of your village on the example of a school site
delimitation of zones near the school territory in order to create the most favorable environmental situation, improve the sanitary and hygienic regime on the territory of the school.
creation of conditions for recreation for school students, as well as for everyone living in the village.
the widest use of the school territory in the educational process and extracurricular activities.

Project type

Practice-oriented, research, informational, interdisciplinary.

Project Manager:

Head of the school - Pisarenko Irina Vladimirovna

Project participants:


Implementation of the project "Landscaping the school area"




Approval of the theme of project activities


Pisarenko I.V.

Lecture "Project activity", methodological developments

Organization of a creative group of teachers working on the topic of the project.



Determination of the goals and objectives of the project


Pisarenko I.V.

Toporina L. A.

Analysis of the territory of the school site


Kuleshova S. I.

Toporina L. A.


Implementation of a site design sketch.



Pisarenko I.V.

landscape design sketch

Purchasing garden tools


Pisarenko I.V.


Work to create a flower bed



Kuleshova S. I.

Toporina L. A.


Conducting a subbotnik


1-4 grades

Planting seedlings


events MOU "Laptevskaya NOSH"

for the autumn two-month landscaping

September to October 2012





Ecological subbotnik in assigned areas to clean up the school grounds and the surrounding area

Within two months

Cl. leaders

Planting seedlings of trees, shrubs and fruit trees,

repair of plantings of past years

Within two months

Cl. leaders

Holding class hours"Ecology and us" in grades 3-4.


Cl. leaders

Drawing competition "In defense of nature" (grades 1-4)

Primary school teachers

Conversations in the primary grades "The Earth is our home" (Grades 1-4).


Cl. leaders

Organization of a book exhibition on an environmental theme


Toporina L. A.

Class reports on the work done with the presentation


Classroom teachers

To implement the project, it was necessary to create "green building facilities": a complex of flower beds, borders, paths that bring aesthetic pleasure, joy to all participants in the school-wide project and local residents.

In 2012, the landscaping of the school yard was completed. Several design objects have been identified:

1st object – Rock garden (main entrance):

* backfilling hills with soil, laying boulders

* laying a path to the rock garden

2nd object – Complex of flower beds;

3rd object - Central alley of ornamental shrubs and rowan alley.

Among the many design options, one of the most magnificent means of landscape design was chosen - the creation of an alpine slide. The construction of an alpine garden meant the creation of a plant composition, the main role in which was given to plants and stones, reminiscent of a high-mountainous alpine climatic zone. Such a decision gave our garden a special mood and charm.

On the next year it is planned to enrich the territory of the hill. It will smoothly move into the adjacent pond with artificial flowers. Such an alpine slide device will be very in a good way connect it into a single whole with other elements of the territory. A very good background for an alpine hill is also a flower lawn. When arranging the lawn, our teachers selected the plants so that they would harmonize with the rest of the plants growing on our site in terms of their height, flowering time, color of flowers, leaves and picturesqueness. It attracts with many colors in spring, summer and autumn. Nearby successfully combined: daffodils, tulips, irises, peonies, Turkish carnations of different colors and shades, chamomile, viola, asters, nasturtium, etc. A path of flowers seems to be running towards the hill. In spring, these are daffodils, and from mid-summer to the end of autumn - marigolds.

The construction of the alpine slide has become a creative process, which is comparable in its significance to the work of a sculptor and an artist, and therefore requires knowledge and experience. Our teachers are constantly improving, finding new solutions.
The school rock garden is a very popular place. Adults and children come here to admire, dream, relax, take a break from daily worries ...

Flowers are an ideal and versatile tool in landscape design. They gave our schoolyard a unique charm. Flower beds have become decorative elements of the school area, serve as a wonderful decoration for it.

In winter, we calculate the number and type of plants that are needed for planting, grow seedlings and plant them according to the pattern and color scheme. We design flower beds in such a way as to ensure the extraordinary in its splendor, as well as the long-term flowering of our garden. Every year, flower beds have different sizes, shapes, compositional solutions, combinations of ornamental plants. Their features are taken into account - the height and diameter of the bush, flowering time, compatibility with other species, environmental parameters (tolerance of light and shade) and many other aspects. Beauty is fleeting, most flower gardens look completely different in a month. However, our plantings are well planned and attractive throughout the year and are truly works of art. We admire salvias, annual and perennial phloxes, ageratum, petunias, marigolds, zinnias, annual dahlias of various colors.

The next object of landscape design is to make a recreation area for children located next to the school building. This is an area overgrown with grass and nothing pleasing to the eye. We want to make this corner our next attraction.

In order to create a holistic aesthetic picture of the school grounds and exciting memories of the road leading to the school threshold, we wanted to improve the design of the central alley. Diversify the species composition of flower beds.

Evaluation of results

1. It became possible to rationally use large areas for the organization of design areas of the school site.

2. The ecological situation and the sanitary and hygienic condition of the school territory have improved.

3. It became possible to use flora as a visual material in educational and extracurricular activities.

4. Flower beds and ornamental shrubs from early spring to late autumn are pleasing to the eye, contribute to the education of students, their parents and villagers of respect for the wealth of the region, aesthetic taste, and the ability to appreciate beauty.
The ongoing improvement work has not only environmental, but also social character. Its importance is undeniable. It is of great importance for the formation of labor and communication qualities of students. Concern for the restoration and conservation of nature helps in solving the problem of educating ecological culture and the need for healthy way life. Environmental activities brought together different age groups of students and adults to jointly solve the problem of creating comfortable conditions for living space. Many activities have been carried out in order to plant greenery on the territory of the school. New seedlings of fruit and berry trees and shrubs have been planted.

The territory of the school has been cultivated.

Our friendship with nature is a guarantee of the health of both parties. And, what is especially important, the love for nature of adults will certainly pass into the hearts of children. The work on the improvement and gardening of the territory is a great school of labor and creation of love for all living things, environmental education. So let's be reasonable - sowers of goodness and beauty, and at the same time - diligent students of mother nature: we need her generosity and beauty so much in life. We want to make our school park environmentally friendly and aesthetically beautiful and enjoyable for the younger generation. Showing tolerance, we call not for destruction, but for creation. In our work, we tried to reveal the main problems of our area, although there are many more, and tried to implement some of them.

Municipal educational institution

MOU "Laptev primary school"

Landscape gardening and design


4th grade student

Golodnev Daniel


Pisarenko I. V.,

Primary teacher


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