A short story about good and evil. Students' work "compose a fairy tale." A tale of kindness: can a little girl change the world


Good and Evil (Turkmen tale)

The young couple had a son. He grew up quiet, affectionate. When he was seven years old, an incident happened.

There was a man in the neighborhood who liked to show off. “There is no smarter than me in the world!” he often repeated.
Once he was digging the ground and came across a chest. I looked back and forth, tried to open it - it does not give in. “Probably a golden treasure,” the braggart rejoiced. He knocked down the lock and just lifted the lid, as a snake jumped out of the chest and wrapped itself around the neck of this braggart. Hissing and showing a sting, she began to grow before our eyes.
“Snake, I freed you, did a good deed,” the braggart pleaded, “and you respond to good with evil - you want to strangle me.
- And I was always taught this, - the snake answered in a human voice.
They argued for a long time who was right and who was wrong, but they did not come to anything. At this time, a caravan of camels was passing by. The braggart asks the oldest of them:
- Tell me, camel, is it possible to return good with evil?
- It is possible, - mumbled the camel. - All the camels walking in front are my sons and grandsons. I raised and raised them. And now that I'm old and can barely drag my feet, they want to leave me alone in the desert. Is this a good deed?

Do you hear, - the snake hissed maliciously, tightly wrapping itself around the neck of the braggart.
“Wait to choke,” the braggart pleaded, “we’ll ask more from others.

Went. On the way I met a large dried mulberry tree. The braggart stopped and asked:
- Hey tree! You have lived a lot in the world and seen a lot in your lifetime. Tell me, is it possible to return evil for good?
- It is possible, - the mulberry tree creaked. - For many years I gave a thick shade for rest to all living things, silkworm ate my juicy foliage. My master got rich on cocoons and silk. And now he wants to cut me down for firewood. Is this the way to repay goodness?
- Do you hear, - the snake hissed again and squeezed its neck even tighter.
“Wait, snake, wait,” the boaster began to ask again. - Let's ask someone else.
They go again. They got children along the way. Seeing a snake on the old man's neck, they forgot about the game and fled in all directions. Only the seven-year-old son of the young couple remained in place.
The braggart approached him and asked:
- Tell me, boy, is it possible to return good with evil?
- Eh, father, - said the kid, - do not ask about evil and good. Better tell me - why do you have a snake around your neck?
- I dug the earth, - began the braggart, - and dug out a chest. It seemed to me that there must be a golden treasure in it. I opened the lid, and a snake jumped out and wrapped itself around my neck. Now she won't let me go and wants to strangle me for saving her.
- Ba, - the kid was surprised, - you are probably not telling the truth. How can such a large snake fit in a chest?
- It's true, boy, - began to assure the braggart. - She was in that chest.
“Hey, snake,” said the little one, “is it true that you, being so big, could fit in a chest?”
“Yes, it did,” hissed the snake.
"It can't be," the kid said stubbornly.
“You don’t believe it, look,” the snake hissed and, slipping off the old man’s neck and releasing the air, lay down in the chest, leaving its head outside.
- Eh, but the head does not fit! - the kid chuckled.
“It still fits,” the snake hissed, hiding its head.
The boy immediately slammed the lid shut, locked the chest, and asked the overjoyed braggart:
- Father, did you hide this chest yourself where you found it?
- Not.
- If you didn’t hide it, then you need to remember the proverb: “Do not take what you yourself did not put!” Now we need to take the chest back to where it was.
The braggart was surprised at the boy's prudence and thanked him from the bottom of his heart for his salvation. He buried the chest in the place where he found it, and he never boasted again in his life.

Who is kinder than whom

To then who is stronger, who is scarier than whom - that's what the animals were arguing about yesterday all day.

At first, they thought: the worst of all, the strongest of all - the BODY SLAM.

Then they decided: no, the worst of all, the strongest of all - BEETLE-ROGACHOK.

After the stag bug, the worst of all, the strongest of all is the GOAT.

Behind the goat - RAM - BEAT IN THE DRUM.

Behind a ram with a drum - BULL - PUMP HORN.

Behind the bull - RHINO-ROCK.

And behind the rhinoceros, and behind the rhinoceros, the worst of all, the strongest of all, is the FANGED ELEPHANT.

This is what the animals said to the elephant:

You, elephant, are the strongest! You, elephant, are the scariest!

But the elephant was offended.

Of course, he nodded, I am the strongest. But am I the scariest and most evil? Not true!

Elephants are kind.

Please don't scare anyone with me.

I love all little ones!

Fairy tale good and evil

The young couple had a son. He grew up quiet, affectionate. When he was seven years old, this happened.

There was a man in the neighborhood who liked to show off. “There is no smarter than me in the world!” he often repeated.

Once he was digging the ground and came across a chest. Looked back and forth, tried to open - does not lend itself. “Probably a golden treasure,” the braggart rejoiced. He knocked down the lock and just lifted the lid, as a snake jumped out of the chest and wrapped itself around the neck of this braggart. Hissing and showing a sting, she began to grow before our eyes.

Serpent, I freed you, did a good deed, - the braggart pleaded, - and you respond to good with evil - you want to strangle me.

And I was always taught this, - the snake answered in a human voice.

They argued for a long time who was right and who was wrong, but they did not come to anything. At this time, a caravan of camels was passing by. The braggart asks the oldest of them:

Tell me, camel, is it possible to return good with evil?

You can, - mumbled the camel. - All the camels walking in front are my sons and grandsons. I raised and raised them. And now that I'm old and can barely drag my feet, they want to leave me alone in the desert. Is this a good deed?

Do you hear, - the snake hissed maliciously, tightly wrapping itself around the neck of the braggart.

Wait to choke, - the braggart pleaded, - we will ask more from others.

Went. On the way I met a large dried mulberry tree. The braggart stopped and asked:

Hey tree! You have lived a lot in the world and seen a lot in your lifetime. Tell me, is it possible to return evil for good?

You can, - the mulberry tree creaked. - For many years I gave a thick shade for rest to all living things, silkworm ate my juicy foliage. My master got rich on cocoons and silk. And now he wants to cut me down for firewood. Is this the way to repay goodness?


A girl lived in a sunny country. She always did good deeds, helped everyone. Her name was Dobrunya. She didn't have any parents. They were taken by an evil wizard whom everyone was afraid of.

Once, when Dobrunya was watering flowers in her garden, they told her that her parents were in the Black Country. Good deeds are never done in this country, no one helps anyone. Dobrunya decided to go save her parents. She set off on her journey, and suddenly she sees an old woman carrying a heavy bundle of brushwood. Dobrunya came up to the old woman and helped her. And at that moment the old woman turned into a beautiful princess. And the princess told that an evil wizard had bewitched her and said that only goodness would help to remove the spell. Princess Dobruna gave a ball that will show the way to the Black Country.

Dobrunya goes for a ball and suddenly sees: a kite wants to kill a sparrow. Dobrunya drove the kite away, and the sparrow flew up to her, and tells her in a human voice: “Thank you girl for saving me from death. For this I will give you a grain. Throw it away and it will grow into a forest."

Dobrunya went further and saw flowers. They asked her: "Kind girl, fields us, please." Dobrunya poured water into a ladle and poured them over. For her kindness, she received a wand as a gift. And the wand was magic. It is worth throwing it into the water, and it will turn into a bridge.

Dobrunya thanked the flowers for the gift and moved on. She saw the gate to the blue sky. I opened them, and there it was dark, dark. Suddenly, an evil wizard appeared in front of her: “What do you want, girl? Why did you come?” the wizard asked. “I came for my parents,” Dobrunya answered. "Good. I will let you take them, but only after you grow a forest for me, will you cross a huge deep lake without a bridge. Trust me, there's nothing left in the world good people who could help you!" Dobrunya threw grain, and immediately a dense forest grew. Dobrunya threw a magic wand into the water, and it turned into a bridge. Dobrunya crossed the lake, and on the other side her parents were waiting. And as soon as she stepped ashore, the gates of evil collapsed, the evil wizard disappeared, and kindness returned to the world.

Maria Druzhkova
A story about good and evil.

I hope that this fairy tale will help you, dear colleagues in your moral and ethical education of preschool children.

Tale of good and evil.

Once upon a time, there were Good and evil. Good always helped people, and Evil hindered. They always followed each other. Good was white, and Evil-black.

An old man was walking along the path. Walks, leans on a cane. The traveler is tired, his path is long, long. He walks, wiping the sweat from his forehead, barely moving his legs. saw him Good, he felt sorry for the old man, turned around Good Good well done on a horse and invites the old man to take him to the nearest grove. The old man happily agreed. And along the way told good fellow where the path leads. It turned out that the old man's daughter was ill, she could not walk after the illness for 10 years. And the old man heard from good people that there is a miracle tree behind the mountains, behind the forests, the leaves on it are white, they have great healing power. So the old man went to look for this tree. Good fellow said ready to help the old man. The old man was delighted, during the conversation they did not notice how reached the grove, sat down to rest in the shade of trees. Old man He speaks: "I'm tired, I would like to drink now". Suddenly, out of nowhere, a jug of water. The old man rejoiced and drank plenty of water. And he doesn't know what it is Kind the fellow blinked his eye, and now the water appeared. Let's go on horseback Good fellow and old man. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a swamp in front of them. Yes, such that the eye cannot grasp its width and length. The old man was sad. He had no idea that this Evil blocked their path. BUT Kind well done reassured his: “Nothing, we’ll think of something now”. He blinked once, twice, and the horse's wings grew. They sat down with the old man on a horse and flew over the swamp. As soon as they flew over to the other side, the swamp disappeared, turned into a black crow and flew after them. The raven overtook the winged horse, and made a mountain on their way.

The mountain was so high that even a horse could not fly over it. Our travelers stopped, and the old man began to cry again. "Don't cry, we'll think of something now" says the old man Good fellow. Good said well done to himself magic words and turned into a Bogatyr of unprecedented strength. The Bogatyr hit the mountain with his fist and it crumbled into pebbles. The old man rejoiced, but Evil is not appeased. The Bogatyr and the old man sat on their trusty horse and rode on, and Evil flew ahead of them. Evil turned into an ocean of immense length and width. Our travelers stopped in front of him and do not know what to do. "I figured it out",-Bogatyr said. He clapped his hands three times and before them appeared darkness, darkness of horses. They began to drink water, drank and drank and drank almost all of it. Bogatyr and the old man got on the horse and rode on. Evil again turned into a black crow and flew ahead of them. Our travelers rode and rode on horseback, and finally reached the place where the grove with the miracle tree should be. They look, and around there is only ashes alone, there are no trees, no grasses, no bushes. The old man sat down and wept. The Bogatyr was also saddened. He put his hand to his forehead, looked around, looks, and far beyond the river stands another miracle tree. The light coming from it is white. Said about this Bogatyr to the old man and they mounted a horse and galloped into this world. They flew across the river, began to tear the leaves from the miracle tree. And Evil is not appeased. It turned into black, menacing clouds. A terrible thunderstorm came upon the travelers. And the travelers picked leaves, mounted a horse and flew off. They are ahead, clouds, behind. Bogatyr blew that there is urine on the clouds. The distance between them is getting bigger and bigger. Finally they flew away from Evil and it did not catch up with them. The old man and Bogatyr entered the hut where the old man's sick daughter lay. Daughter ate a few leaves from the miracle tree and got out of bed. She hugged the old man and cried. The old man says her: “I went through a difficult road, and this one helped me along the way Good fellow." The old man turned around, but there was no one in the hut. "Gone,"- said the old man. "Thanks to him, if not Good fellow, I did not get the miracle leaves. And then the old man realized that Good fellow - it was good, and all the obstacles on their way were repaired by Evil. "If not Good-said the old man to his daughter, "I can't defeat Evil alone."

Once upon a time Good and Evil argued.
“It’s only in fairy tales that you defeat me,” Evil said, but in life everything
on the contrary, I am stronger than you. Look how much evil is around: wars, theft,
quarrels, diseases.
-Do not brag! What would it cost if not for me,” said Envy to Evil. -
It's only because of me that you're so strong. This is me pushing people to all sorts
bad deeds!
“Not only you,” Greed joined in the conversation. I also help Evil.
After all, it is thanks to me that people are so insatiable. I'm always something
not enough, even if they have everything. That's why they fight. We are with you
reliable friends. And then there is Hate. She is also very strong, though,
you never know if it will show up or not. But if it appears, it destroys
all around.
“Whatever you say, but I am stronger than you,” Good objected to them.
there was more Evil than Good in the world, people would have destroyed each other long ago. And
there would be nothing in this world. And all wars end anyway
the world.
Look around, how many miracles I create. Here you are, Envy, sometimes
you say you're "white" and not that bad. And you, Greed,
even pretending to be useful and repeating that the greed for knowledge,
for example, is good. And Hatred generally says that from it to Love
one step. That is, you all want to appear good.
But I also have helpers such as Compassion, Generosity,
Love. And many more. They don't have to pretend like you, they do
good ones.
“Yes,” said Compassion, “I always feel sorry for everyone. If I were
omnipotent, I would warm everyone and help everyone. But I do so much.
It is thanks to me that people do not lose faith in their strength, support each other
friend and get out of the most difficult situations.
“I also help the Good,” responded Generosity. How much money and effort
give people for good deeds! And when necessary, they give away the last thing they have
there is! And all thanks to me!
“But I generally rule the world,” Love said quietly. That's what everyone says. I am this
the best thing in the world. A person without love is not a person at all. After all
only love reveals all the best that is in him, gives him strength and
inspires good deeds.
Envy, Greed, Hatred subsided, there was nothing for them to object to Good.
So judge now who won in this dispute.

good and evil

In a beautiful city there lived a princess
Kindness. She was very beautiful and smart. Kindness creates only good
deeds, she helped the inhabitants of the city. Everyone loved the princess. AT
Queen Evil lived in another city.
Evil was ugly and only did
bad things and bad things. That's why no one loved her. Evil was very envious
because Kindness was very beautiful. One day Evil said she wanted
arrange competitions in various deeds: good and evil. To whom will they reach out
people, he won. Here comes the day of the competition. Evil began to foul
everyone. She thought that people would be afraid of her and respect and love her for it.
Kindness did good things and people liked it. Kindness won.
Evil was very upset, but Kindness took pity on her and taught her to do good. With
Since then, the queen's name is not Evil, but Zlata. And she only does good.

There lived an old man and an old woman. And with them - a dog and a cat. Once upon a time, an old man picked them up on the street hungry and sick. He looked after them, treated them. Both the dog and the cat became his devoted friends. They always accompanied the old man wherever he went.

The old man was an avid fisherman and spent the whole summer with a fishing rod on the river, and the dog and the cat were with him. The dog usually ran after butterflies, tried to hunt birds. The cat was not interested in hunting, he sat on the shore next to the old man and waited for him to catch a fish and treat him. In the evening they returned home. The old woman did not complain about either the dog or the cat.

"Idlers, parasites!" she scolded them. The cat especially got it. The old woman strove to kick him with her foot. And after the mouse settled in the house, the cat began to get even more from the old woman. Every time the old woman discovered that the mouse had gnawed the cheese or gnawed a hole in the bag of grain, she raised a terrible cry: “Drown the cat, old man! Why feed this slacker!” At such moments, not only the dog and the cat hid somewhere far away, and the mouse froze in its mink, but the grandfather went into the yard, trying not to catch the old woman's eyes. The cat could, of course, catch the mouse, but he became friends with her for a long time, he knew that she had been looking for a warm, dry mink for a long time, she had been homeless for a long time, so he felt sorry for her and did not want to harm her. Yes, and the mouse ate very little, so the damage from it in the old woman's household was not great. They lived like this for a long time, until a story happened that dramatically changed the attitude of the old woman towards the dog, cat and mouse. And it was like that.

One morning the old man was sitting in the yard sorting out fishing gear. The dog and the cat were next to him, and the mouse sat quietly in its hole. The old woman was preparing breakfast. In the pantry, removing the cheese from the shelf, she saw that the edge of the cheese had been gnawed by a mouse. The old woman was terribly angry and screaming, spewing threats against the cat, dog, mouse and grandfather, rushed into the yard. She was so angry that she completely forgot about the old abandoned well covered with boards in the yard. From old age, the boards rotted, and the old woman collapsed into the well. Fortunately for her, there was no water in the well for a long time, and the walls were crumbling, so that the old woman did not break, but only scratched herself on the boards and was very frightened. However, she could not get out on her own, the well was still deep enough. Hearing the cry of the old woman, grandfather, dog and cat ran to the well. Grandfather lay down on the ground, reached out to the hands of the old woman and tried to pull her out, but he did not have enough strength. He asked for help from the dog and the cat, and the cat also called the mouse. And although the angry old woman never had a kind word for them all, they still helped her grandfather to pull her out of the well. “You see, old woman, and the dog, and the cat, and even the mouse came in handy for you. If not for them, you would have been sitting in the well for a long time, while I would have found helpers, ”the grandfather said edifyingly. The old woman was silent. However, in the house she put three bowls on the floor and now every morning in one bowl she threw a bone for the dog, in another she poured milk for the cat, and in the third she poured some cheese for the mouse. She had a kind word for everyone. So the grouchy old woman, thanks to the good deed of the dog, cat and mouse, became kind and affectionate.

Don't rush to evil respond with evil, answer good and from this life on earth will become even more beautiful.

Tamara Werner

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