class hour on the topic. People of courageous professions. class hour on the topic The most courageous professions


In childhood, almost all boys want to be superheroes with superpowers and saving the world from villains. After all, such characters gain fame and popularity. But the boys grow up and become men who choose a profession. Often the chosen occupation is much more courageous than it seems at first glance. Consider the most courageous professions of our time.

Lumberjack (lumberjack)

This profession is considered courageous, as testosterone levels rise significantly during work. This has been proven after a relevant study. The lumberjack profession is also in the top because it requires a lot of effort and a physically strong and strong man can master it. In addition, during the felling of the forest, assertiveness is needed, and even aggression.


The exclusively male profession of a miner is considered synonymous with the word "courage". Miners regularly take risks and are exposed to dangers. Diseases of the respiratory system, collapses in the mine, the risk of getting lost - all this and much more can overtake at any moment. In addition to the risk, such a profession involves constant coal dust on the skin and clothes. For a woman, this is unforgivable, but for a man it is a normal phenomenon, embodying the courage of the profession.


Not everyone can be firefighters. If you don’t like physical activity, don’t have lightning quick wit and don’t like working in a team, then, as they say: “They don’t take them as astronauts.” Only fit, physically strong, "team" and quick-witted men can be firefighters. This is the profession of a real superhero. It is full of danger and risk. Representatives of this courageous profession climb buildings engulfed in fire, save people and wage an uncompromising fight against the flames.


This is a very ancient profession, which was mastered by the Egyptians during the time of the pharaohs. Today, modern pyramid builders - masons work on construction sites of any scale. They work with bricks, stones and other heavy materials, which largely provide the strength of the structure. To be a bricklayer means to be a strong and courageous man who bears great responsibility for his work.


Even an amateur in this business knows that the danger of this profession lies not in tools, not in sunstroke, but in a fall from the roof, which can be fatal.


Not all men consider this profession the best. However, she deservedly got into the top of courageous activities. The butcher slaughters the cattle, butchers it and prepares it for sale in markets, shops, etc. This profession requires physical strength and certain skills that women cannot do.

agricultural worker

The main components of agricultural activity: tractors, combines and other technical power of cooperatives, increase productivity, however, do not guarantee the safety of workers. This is perhaps one of the most risky courageous professions. During the performance of his duties, the agricultural worker should not lose vigilance and caution, otherwise the negative consequences will not be long in coming.


The progress of computer technology has not yet replaced the stuntmen. During each trick they risk their lives. Such activities require dexterity, caution and physical strength.


This does not mean fishermen sitting alone with a fishing rod on the shore of the lake, and not drunkards under the guise of fishing activities, but those guys who, even in the violence of the water element, wield special dangerous tools while on the ship. The ability to fish professionally at any stop is considered a courageous activity, as it requires courage and preparation.


Being a trucker is not just about driving a truck. Long-term driving in any weather, concentration on traffic conditions are integral components of this courageous profession. In addition, the trucker must have the physical strength to "serve" the truck and fight back with scammers and bandits who may meet during the route.

Such professions deserve respect. Moreover, it is a real embodiment of boyish dreams. If you belong to one of them, it means that you combine true masculine traits, and your activity is comparable to the actions of your favorite superheroes of your childhood.

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Most professions associated with masculinity require a person to have such qualities as strength and fearlessness. It is no coincidence that these professions are associated with masculinity, because they require serious physical effort and are often associated with danger. All these professions inspire respect not only from the opposite sex, but also from the authorities.

If for some reason you are experiencing difficulties at work, then the following will definitely help you. So, we present to your attention a list of 10 most courageous professions today.

Lumberjacks are considered masculine because of the testosterone levels that rise after work. According to a study conducted several years ago, testosterone levels in men rise sharply after chopping wood. An argument in favor of the masculinity of the profession of a woodcutter is the fact that a lot of strength is required to complete the work, therefore, as a rule, only men can cope with it.

Logging is not only routine, but also an activity that requires some aggression. It is not surprising that sometimes the concepts courageous" and " lumberjack» are interchangeable.

This profession involves serious occupational hazards, such as:

  • pollution and lung disease,
  • risk of getting lost in a cave,
  • the risk of getting hit by a cobblestone,
  • be fatally poisoned in a gas pocket.

Because of the many dangers associated with the job, only a man can be a miner. In addition to the risks, the miner involves a constant presence in the mud. Only men can afford to be covered from head to toe in a layer of black coal dust.

To join the ranks of firefighters, you need to be physically fit and healthy, have a quick mind and the ability to work in a team. As a rule, only men are suitable for professional firefighting due to the dangers associated with the work. The history of the profession shows that many firefighters have lost their lives in the line of duty. official duties because of the need to climb tall buildings and enter buildings on fire.

Since this profession is primarily associated with saving lives, this profession can hardly be associated with women. By the way, the women found the time and made up, where the firefighters also took a leading position.

Although the profession of a butcher is not the ultimate dream of most men, it is one of the few associated with masculinity. Some consider this profession so masculine that they compare it to the work of stuntmen in action films.

The butcher is engaged in slaughtering cattle, skinning and preparing meat for eating or selling. Most butchers work in supermarkets and are mostly men. Carrying out the duties of a butcher requires strength and certain skills, which women can have difficulty with.

It is believed that being a paratrooper is very courageous. In general, airborne soldiers must be physically fit and have a courageous posture. Although this is just a stereotype, for most women vedeveshnik - an attractive man in a green outfit and a blue beret. These men are famous for their endurance and are always ready for hand-to-hand combat.

Since they provide power protection from the sky, they must be quite healthy and hardy. Each of them undergoes special training in order to correspond to the military powers assigned to them. This profession is definitely one of the most courageous, because it is difficult to imagine a woman as an airborne soldier.

Crab fishing is one of the most profitable fisheries in Primorsky Krai. However, it is also one of the most dangerous. Because of the risks associated with the activity, being a crab catcher is very, very courageous. Among the representatives of the profession, the mortality rate is 80% higher than in other types of marine fisheries. The risks associated with catching crabs have made the profession particularly masculine.

Because it's hard to imagine women riding horses all day and getting into fights, being a cowboy is courageous. Cowboys are typically portrayed as handsome men who are the epitome of traditional stoicism.

During the day they ride horses, and in the evenings they eat beans and shoot revolvers. However, real American cowboys spend most of their time grazing and also guarding their lands. However, it is very difficult to imagine a woman in this capacity.

Steelmaker is one of the most difficult professions in our rating. These people are truly as if forged from steel. with ore requires enormous efforts and skills that are peculiar only to men. This profession requires not only physical strength, but is also fraught with danger. The red-hot bubbling lava of metal is capable of destroying all living and non-living things. And caustic fumes cause irreparable harm to the eyes and lungs.

farmer involves daily exhausting work. Due to the fact that they are engaged in plowing the land and growing plants, farmers usually have calloused hands, which is very undesirable for any woman. This profession is considered courageous because farmers are often forced to endure physical pain that only men can probably endure.

Even though women farmers can sometimes be found, Agriculture is inherently one of the most courageous activities.

Bricklayers are usually strong and dexterous guys. This is most common on construction sites where workers are handling rocks and blocks of various sizes. Since this profession requires a lot of strength, it is much more suitable for men than for women.

It involves the need to work with bricks, cinder blocks and other heavy materials all day. Needless to say, only a man can handle such a job.? Without any doubt, this is the most courageous profession in our ranking.

Our life is so unpredictable that it is even impossible what misfortune will await you around the next turn.

But at the same time, we should not forget that we are surrounded by people who are always ready to give us a shoulder. If friends are not ready to do this, then you can rely on professionals.

They know their business well and can help at any time. Remember films about rescuers, how beautiful and attractive they are, how well they do all the tasks.

Well, of course, the movie is one thing, but real life is completely different. Often fighting fire, flying to the moon or saving human lives is the responsibility of ordinary guys with whom we studied at the same school, and maybe even in the same class, played together in the sandbox or ran in the yard. Life is so amazing that sometimes people choose a path for themselves, which, it would seem, they could not go. Someone is forced by circumstances, someone by life principles, and someone is really interested.

If any of your friends or friends serves in the missile forces, then beautiful congratulations on the Day of the missile forces will come in handy for you. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to give preference to poems, it is possible in prose, but from the bottom of the heart to say warm and tender words of gratitude and wish what others can only dream of. Believe me, whatever the congratulations, it is always nice if a person says it really sincerely, and not with a malicious smile and doing it only because it is customary.

Do you know that there is a lifeguard day in Russia, which is really celebrated? Don't be afraid to be honest about it. Because only a few people know about the existence of such a holiday. But the courage of the brave guys working in this specialty deserves real respect.

No matter what they say, not everyone can work as a lifeguard. Because not everyone will like to risk their lives, and let their children prove themselves in such a specialty. After all, only brave guys can constantly get into dangerous situations, risk not only health, but also life. b in their professional holiday everyone should, not only their relatives and friends, but also ordinary people who at least once encountered their profession. Although, it is also impossible to promise that you will never encounter them, because it is simply impossible to protect yourself or your relatives from such things, no matter how hard you try.

Summary of the class hour for grade 8

Scenario class hour for career guidance "I want - I can - I must"

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.


Class hour devoted to the problem of conscious choice of profession.

AT recent times on the Russian market work, a paradoxical situation is emerging: on the one hand, there is an acute shortage of workers in industry, and on the other hand, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, 16% of young professionals with higher education are unemployed. Experts say that this is the result of an incorrect professional choice young people. Our task is to help the children find the profession in demand. In the classroom scenario, a variety of forms and methods of work (conversation, lecture, problem situation, group assignments, testing) are used.

Goals: expand children's understanding of various professions; to form a positive attitude to work, to professional growth; encourage children to search for information about professions, to make a conscious professional choice.

Conduct form- hour of communication.

Preparatory work with children: invite 2-3 students to prepare an illustration of a conscious choice of profession (a sample text is in the script).


In large letters, write the topic of the class hour on top of the board, so that there is room on the right for the words “= conscious choice of profession”;

Write on the board the words: profession, specialty, qualification, position;

Write on the board professional characteristics for the game "Business Card":

2. Mathematics teacher of the highest category, director of the school.

3. Mechanical engineer, senior specialist, tool shop foreman.

4. Carousel turner of the 6th category, foreman of the 3rd brigade.

5. Pastry chef of the 3rd category, head of the dining room;

Pictures, photographs (labor processes, people of different professions).

class plan

I. Interactive conversation on the topic "Professional characteristics".

II. Game "Business card".

III. Group work on the topic "The most necessary professions."

IV. Problem situation "Whose choice is this?"

V. Mini-lecture "Profession Formula".

VI. Demonstration of a conscious choice of profession "This is my choice!"

VII. Testing.

VIII. Final word.

IX. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour progress

I. Interactive conversation on the topic "Professional characteristics"

Classroom teacher. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will have to choose your path in life. And this path will begin from a crossroads, from which not 3, as in a fairy tale, but 50 thousand roads diverge - that is how many professions exist now. And it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing the path. After all, a lot depends on this choice: material wealth, social circle, interests, and happiness in life. No wonder they say that by choosing a profession, a person chooses his destiny. What is a profession? There are 4 words written on the board that relate to professional activity person: profession, specialty, qualification, position. How would you explain the difference between these words?

(Children give answers.)

Let's summarize. I will give brief definitions of these concepts, and you can see how close you are to the truth. So.

Profession is the labor activity of a person, which gives him the means for existence and development.

Specialty - a type of occupation within the same profession.

A qualification is a level of professional skill.

A position is a position occupied by a person in an organization.

As you can see, many of you have given correct interpretations of all these words. All these words together contain the professional characteristics of a person.

II. Game "Business card"

Classroom teacher. After parent meeting some parents left me their business cards. These business cards, in addition to the name, surname, patronymic, also contain professional characteristics. Can you make sense of this pile of information? Now we will check it. On the board are written professional characteristics, taken from business cards. Try to determine the profession, qualification, specialty, position in each characteristic.

(The teacher reads professional characteristics from the board, the children give answers.)

In our time, qualifications are determined not only by categories and categories, but also by the real skill of a specialist. And he shows this skill in his work. It is about such masters that they say: "An artist in his own business."

III. Group work on the topic "The most necessary professions"

Classroom teacher. Guys, what do you think will happen if all the dairies in the world suddenly triple their output and all the stores are filled with milk, sour cream, yogurt, etc.? (These products will be very difficult to sell, they will start to deteriorate, they will disappear, which means that someone’s labor, money, profit will be lost ...)

The same is true in the labor market. If some specialists produce more than necessary, they cannot find a job, unemployment sets in. Profession, specialty, qualification - this is what a person sells on the labor market. From time to time, some professions and specialties become very necessary, in demand, prestigious, others lose their positions, and still others become a thing of the past. I suggest you make a list of such professions. To do this, we will divide into groups.

The first group will make a list of the "Most Fashionable Professions".

The second group is "The Most Forgotten Professions".

The third group is "Professions that are always needed."

The fourth group is "The most courageous professions."

(Music turns on, children discuss, make lists.)

Let's hear what you got.

Approximate list of professions:

The most fashionable: lawyer, economist, manager, top model, TV presenter, web designer, journalist, programmer, car mechanic, oilman, plastic surgeon, president, speaker, environmentalist, etc.

The most forgotten: groom, valet, housekeeper, saddler, chimney sweep, cooper, coachman, etc.

Professions that are always needed: doctor, teacher, janitor, builder, chauffeur (driver), hairdresser, policeman, baker, farmer, livestock breeder, cook, accountant, plumber, etc.

The most courageous: fireman, stuntman, submariner, test pilot, astronaut, mountain rescuer, race car driver, sapper, miner, military man, etc.

Of course, we have not listed all professions here. There are about 50,000 of them in the world, as I already said. But when choosing our specialty, we focus not on the whole world, but on the society that surrounds us, on the country in which we live. 8V. IV. Problem situation "Whose choice is this?"

Classroom teacher. One scientist, who wrote a book on choosing a profession, worked for many years at school and was always interested in the future fate of his students. When they met, he asked them the same question: “Are you satisfied with your chosen profession?” And he received a depressing answer: about every third (!) Made a mistake in his choice, and every second admitted that he was not completely satisfied, and if he had started over, he would probably have gone along a different path. Why do so many young people make the wrong choice? How do you think?

Sample responses from children:

- "Press" parents.

They follow fashion.

They do not know anything about the profession they have chosen.

They choose "for the company."

They don't want to know about negative sides professions.

They do not have the abilities and inclinations for this profession.

Imitate the heroes of movies and television series.

Classroom teacher. You have listed the most common causes of mistakes in choosing a profession. This is the pressure of parents, lack of knowledge about the chosen profession, the pursuit of fashion, overestimation of one's own strengths and abilities. But how then to choose the right profession?

V. Mini-lecture "Profession Formula"

Classroom teacher. Please tell me what happens if we multiply the length of our classroom by the width (writes on the blackboard: a x b = S)? (Area of ​​the classroom.)

And what happens if you add up the three words that are brought out in the topic of today's class hour: “I want”, “I can” and “I must”?

(The teacher crosses out the dash between the words in the title of the class hour topic with chalk, pluses are obtained. Children make assumptions.)

I'll tell you a secret: it will work right choice professions.

Career guidance specialists have established that only a conscious choice of profession can be right.

(The teacher writes on the blackboard after three words of the class hour: “= conscious choice of profession.”)

How to explain this formula? It has only three dimensions:

I want - this is everything that I like, what my soul lies in;

I can - this is all that I can do, according to my abilities;

It is necessary - this is everything that is needed for society, the country.

Together, we get a formula for a conscious choice of profession. A conscious choice is a choice in which a person takes into account both personal aspirations (I want), and their capabilities (I can), and the needs of society in this profession precisely in this moment(necessary).

VI. Demonstration of a conscious choice of profession

"It is my choice!"

Classroom teacher. How does the formula for conscious career choice work?

Now you will see it performed (names, surnames).

(Students come to the board, read or pronounce texts.)

Student 1. I want to be a fashion designer, hairdresser, seamstress. I can be a hairdresser, a seamstress. Now seamstresses are required everywhere - I will become a seamstress.

Student 2. I want to be a stuntman, astronaut, driver, pilot, mountain rescuer. I can become a driver, tractor driver, mountain rescuer. Drivers are required everywhere now, my father is a driver. Maybe I'll be a driver too.

Student 3. I want to become an artist, TV presenter, reporter. I can become a seller, an advertising agent. I will study, work on myself and I will definitely achieve my goal - I will become a reporter.

Classroom teacher. How many of you also want to demonstrate how the formula for conscious career choice works?

(Children raise their hands, offer their options for informed choice.)

The ratio between "I want" and "I can" is in your hands. If a person has a dream and he is firmly moving towards his goal, he will definitely achieve it. But for this you need to understand yourself, find out your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities and shortcomings.

VII. Testing

Classroom teacher. Maybe a comic test with geometric shapes will help you understand yourself a little. Using three geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle, a square, draw a little man, consisting of 10 elements. All three types of figures must be used. The quality of the drawing doesn't matter. If extra elements are drawn, they must be crossed out; if they are not enough, draw the missing ones. Execution time - 30 s.

(Children draw figures.)

Now count the number of triangles.

(Children do the task.)

Now listen to the key to the test (reads).

The first type: 6-8 triangles - the type of leader, good teachers. The desire for leadership is clearly expressed, they are well versed in people, work with information.

Second type: 5 triangles. Responsible performer, good organizational skills. A professional who thinks through his work to the smallest detail.

Third type: 4 triangles. Variety of interests and talents. A penchant for individual work.

Fourth type: 3 triangles. scientist type. Rational, objective, easily switches from one type of activity to another.

Fifth type: 2 triangles. Interest in art and people. Subtly feels everything new and unusual.

Sixth type: 1 triangle. Inventor, designer, artist. Has a rich imagination.

Of course, this test does not reflect the diversity of your talents. But maybe it will help you think about yourself, about your capabilities and abilities, and start developing these abilities. Ultimately, this will help you in choosing the path of life.

VIII. Final word

Classroom teacher. Choosing a profession is a very important event in the life of every person. But no matter what profession you choose, the knowledge gained at school will always come in handy. Therefore, try to determine the area of ​​​​your interests right now, read more, gain experience and knowledge. To do this, you need to try yourself in a variety of areas. As one wise man well noted: “In order not to make mistakes, you need to have experience. To have experience, you have to make mistakes.”

IX. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. What are your feelings after class? What discoveries have you made for yourself?

Sample responses from children:

There are positive feelings. We will choose a profession consciously.

I discovered that, it turns out, I have the type of a scientist, this is very strange.

He discovered that there are 50 thousand professions in the world. I don't know yet which one to choose.

There are no feelings left, the test is interesting, but it will not affect the choice of profession.

Wherever my parents say, I will go there after the 9th grade.

The main discovery - figured out professional characteristics person. I will definitely find out all this about my parents.

Rescuer is a profession of the brave.

If you ask which profession is the most important, different people will name different professions. Some will name difficult male specialties, while others will name professions related to mental labor. After all, there are many good and necessary professions in the world. But when you list these professions, do not forget that there are times in life when we simply cannot do without the intervention of, in my opinion, several of the most important professions.

At all times, people needed help during fires, earthquakes and natural disasters, and firefighters, doctors and police officers came to their aid.

And 25 years ago, in general, not so long ago, appeared in Russia new profession- rescuer. And this happened when, on December 27, 1990, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the creation of the Russian Rescue Corps. In 1994, this service became known as the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management.

And now all of us are well aware of the abbreviation - Ministry of Emergency Situations. And everyone knows that brave, courageous, selfless, noble people serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Rescuers are those people who come to the rescue one of the first. This profession includes several specialties at once: fireman, physician, driver, climber, diver.

How often representatives of this profession have to save lives, and it all depends on their professionalism, ability to make the right and timely decision. And you can’t make a mistake, since the price of a mistake can be a human life.

Rescuers must instantly assess the situation, organize, if necessary, evacuation, remove the wounded, and provide first aid. Often employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have to work without waiting for the end of the disaster, risking their own lives.

These brave people are at their important post day and night and are ready to help at any moment.

In their work, they constantly face someone else's pain, they themselves find themselves in dangerous situations. And not a single person can hold on to such a difficult profession if he does not feel a real need for it.

Rescuers are not born, rescuers are made! Only through long and exhausting training, many years of study, striving, hardening and real masculinity can one become a real rescuer.

From the bottom of my heart I thank all those for whom risking their lives to save people is daily dangerous work. I wish you good health, fortitude, happiness, peace and kindness. Let fate reward you a hundredfold for every saved life. Many thanks for your courage and courage in your truly courageous and dangerous, but one of the most needed professions.

Nikhat Abbasov

9th grade student

Kolpinsky district


People of courageous professions

The rescuer is one of those people who comes to the rescue one of the first.

Our life is so unpredictable that it is impossible to even predict what misfortune will be waiting for you around the next turn. And at the same time, we should not forget that we are surrounded by people who are always ready to give us their shoulder. They know their business well and can help at any time.

Do you know that there is a Day of the Rescuer of Russia! Not everyone knows about the existence of such a holiday. But the courage of the brave guys working in this specialty deserves respect!

No matter what they say, not everyone can work as a rescuer, because risking your life is very difficult. Only brave guys can risk not only their health, but also their lives in dangerous situations.

I believe that everyone should congratulate them on the holiday, not only their relatives and friends, but also ordinary people. I want to be like them. Thank you for your pure and brave heart!

Lahtanova Anastasia,

8b class

gymnasium No. 227

Frunzensky district


“I serve myself, madam. Every day at nine in the morning

I must go to my magistrate.

I won’t say that this is a feat, but there is something heroic in it!”

Grigory Gorin "The same Munchausen"

Sometimes our life does not portend anything unexpected to us, everything flows as usual, we don’t even think that trouble can knock on our doors. But often peace and tranquility is the work of people who have come to our defense. No, I'm not talking about superheroes and people whose superpowers have saved the world more than once in comics and books, I'm talking about real people dealing with real problems of the real world!

Who is a hero? Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary gives a definition that a hero is a person who performs feats, unusual in his courage, valor, selflessness. In Ushakov's dictionary, the hero is an exceptional person in courage or in his valor.

Police officers, ambulance doctors, firefighters, rescuers - all these people are ready to sacrifice not only their time and health for us, but also their lives!

Our world can be imagined as a mirror: on the one hand, we, people living in peace and security, and on the other hand, people thanks to whom we can sleep peacefully, knowing that our children, our families, our relatives and our lives are protected!

What is heroic in the profession of a rescuer?

I have been asked to write about the heroic in the lifeguard profession, and I would love to write about them, but I will write about all the people to whom I owe my safety! When we feel bad, we need a doctor, when we are robbed, we need the police, when we are under rubble, we need rescuers, and every time we need help, these heroic people will always come to us and help, wherever you are whatever help you need, they will come, day and night, in fire and water, they will come!

We often think that our salvation and the help provided to us by rescuers, ambulances or the police is their direct responsibility; we should not thank them - after all, this is their job, but we hardly thought about what these people go to help us help!

Helping people is a rather difficult and hard work that requires complete dedication, courage, fortitude and dedication to your work!

These people are ready to go through pain and suffering, through fire and ice, to overcome themselves, to do the impossible for our salvation, these are real heroes! This is not just a job, it is a responsibility for our lives and our world, which these heroic people stand to protect!

Just imagine how many lives, how many destinies, how many families, daughters and sons were saved thanks to people like rescuers, how many crimes were prevented by the police, how many diseases were defeated by doctors!

We are indebted to these people, people who simply took and stood up for our defense, who gave their lives to serve a person, homeland, country, world!

I am 15 years old, and I have not saved a single person, I have not cured anyone, and, probably, I will not become either a rescuer or a doctor. Probably, I am not fit to be a hero and I will not be able to take responsibility for the life, health and safety of a person, but I just want to say “thank you” to people who care, who care about my life and health, people who do everything for our safety!

Sometimes we get so caught up in the heroes of books and movies that we forget who the real heroes are. These are people just like us, they also need to sleep and eat sometimes, but they protect and protect us, and for this I say “thank you” to them! We often remember their heroism only when trouble knocks on our doors, but we should never forget about their courage and heroism, because they never forget about us!!!

Yursha Alisa

9a class

GBOU secondary school No. 292

Frunzensky district


Every year, on the twenty-seventh of December, the day of the rescuer of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is celebrated. For twenty-five years, workers have shown heroism, courage, valor and courage. Many employees died during the rescue: people, houses or even entire cities.

From the purest heart you save us in any weather, and at night and during the day you sit without sleep, watch everyone to help us out of trouble ... Brave, strong, courageous, go to the aid of animals and people without fear, everyone, everyone who needs it ... From fires, floods, earthquakes, you help us to be saved when we are confused ...

You will always help us to save ourselves from death!

And on this beautiful day, we wholeheartedly congratulate the rescuers on the 25th anniversary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation!

Baar Albina

5 "a" class

boarding school № 20

Petrogradsky district


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