Quick chicken coop. How to build a chicken coop: instructions for building a "mansion for chickens" in the country. Care after winter: how to handle walls


Many owners of suburban areas dream of breeding domestic animals, for example, chickens, but they are often stopped by the fact that there is no room where you can keep a bird. This problem is completely solvable, since almost any owner of the site can build a chicken coop with his own hands, having the necessary tools, materials, enough space for construction, and, of course, having at least minimal, basic skills in carrying out construction work.

All parameters of the planned building will primarily depend on the number of chickens that are planned to be purchased. In order for the chicken coop to become comfortable for its inhabitants, it is necessary to heed the advice of the masters, those who have already successfully installed this adjoining structure and have successfully kept the bird in it for more than one year.

Chicken coop requirements

In order to design and build a chicken coop correctly, you need to know the basic requirements that this structure must meet. Otherwise, due to an ill-conceived design or due to other conditions unfavorable for domestic animals, poultry breeding will not bring the desired results and will only result in losses and frustration.

  • The safety of the inhabitants must be ensured from the penetration of small and large predators who like to eat fresh eggs, and even chicken meat.
  • In the chicken coop, it is necessary to ensure the absence of drafts, which can lead to the death of the bird, since chickens can also catch a cold and pick up an intractable "sore".
  • You can’t do without reliable thermal insulation in the poultry house, especially if you plan to keep chickens all year round, and not just in the “country” season.
  • Mandatory condition - organization effective ventilation of the chicken coop, since the lack of fresh air also has an extremely detrimental effect on poultry.
  • Proper lighting of the room is also very important, since the house must be illuminated for a certain number of hours a day, otherwise the chickens will not lay well.

The project for the future construction of the poultry house begins to be drawn up after the obligatory consideration of all these requirements listed above.

Chicken coop design

  • The first thing to determine when drawing up a project is the area that can be allotted for construction, taking into account not only the poultry house itself, but also its integral part - platform for bird walking.

When choosing a place, the dimensions of the “walking yard” must be taken into account

The place for construction should not be in a lowland, as the room will become damp, will not dry out quickly, because atmospheric moisture always concentrates in such places, the morning fog lasts longer. It is best to place the house on a small hill.

  • Further, it is necessary to roughly calculate the size of the chicken coop, based on the fact that for every five laying hens, for their normal coexistence and development, at least 3 m² should be allocated, for example, a room can be 1500 × 2000 mm in size.

If it is planned to have only 2 ÷ 3 birds, then they will need a platform with a size of at least 1 m².

It is necessary to observe such dimensions in order for the chickens to be able to move freely, and this requires a certain space. You need to know that the more mobile the lifestyle of chickens is, the higher their egg production will become.

  • A fenced area for walking is also arranged taking into account the number of birds planned for breeding. So, for five chickens, 6 ÷ 7 m² of space should usually be provided.

The area for walking and access to it for the birds should be located, if possible, on the south side of the house. This area should be protected from open wind. Above the enclosure, fenced, a canopy is necessarily arranged, which will be a good protection from the hot sun and heavy rain.

  • If the site is flat, it is recommended to create a slight elevation for the chicken coop using an embankment of layers of sand and crushed stone of the middle fraction. To protect the chicken coop from rodents, a layer of clay mixed with broken glass is laid on top of the arranged embankment.

  • Immediately you need to think about how to properly arrange the natural lighting of the chicken coop. The most optimal an option would be a glazed door, which is installed on the southeast side of the building - it is from this direction that the sun stays the longest during the day.
  • The ceiling in the chicken coop is raised to a height of 2000 ÷ 2200 mm for the largest possible amount of air space in the room.
  • If the window is installed separately from the door, then it is raised to a height of 1100 ÷ 1200 mm from the floor, and its size must be at least 500 × 500 mm.
  • In order to make it convenient to get eggs from nests in the summertime, they are attached outside the house, and holes are cut in the wall for chickens to enter them. Roof of the nest building d should open - then it will not be necessary to go inside the house to pick up the clutch.

Masonry nests must be at least 400 × 400 mm in size.

Video: the main parameters taken into account when building a chicken coop

Foundation for a chicken coop

  • When building a frame structure of a poultry house, you can do without a concrete foundation - it will be enough to make an artificial embankment using the above technology from sand, crushed stone and clay, since the chicken coop will not be an overly massive structure.

But in this case, it is necessary to raise the structure above the embankment by at least 300 mm, and the space under it must be tightened with a fine-mesh chain-link mesh. It will protect the house from the penetration of small predators.

The lower frame frame must be firmly installed on a surface of clay mixed with glass, sprinkled on the outside with fine-grained gravel. On top of the clay surface, to the height of the frame bar of 100 mm, it would be good to make an embankment of fine-grained expanded clay, which rodents generally always bypass.

  • If the building will be built of brick or, then you cannot do without a reliable foundation.

Any type of foundation is suitable for this building, whether it be a tape, monolithic or columnar structure.

- A vapor barrier is laid on top of it, and plywood is fixed on it.

- After the attic floor will be completely ready, you can start assembling the truss system, and then - and installation roofing material.

Having erected and insulated the walls and roof, you need to proceed with the arrangement of ventilation.

Prices for popular types of heaters


Chicken coop ventilation

In any building where domestic animals are kept, good ventilation is indispensable, since all animals need fresh air supply, which dislodges accumulated musty smell. Especially the ventilation system is necessary in summer, at high air temperatures outside.

  • The ventilation system may be natural. It consists of several holes located on opposite walls. One of them is located at the bottom of the wall, at a height of 150 ÷ ​​200 mm from the floor, and the other - at the same distance from the ceiling, on the opposite wall. Doors in the form of valves are installed on each of the ventilation openings, which will help to manually adjust the intensity of air flow.

Such ventilation works on the principle of natural air circulation in the room due to the intake of fresh air masses from the street.

  • Another option is forced ventilation. It is arranged in the same way as natural, but an electric exhaust fan is installed in the upper vent. The ventilation window in which the fan is installed must also have a door so that in winter it can be closed completely and opened only when necessary.

The interior of the chicken coop

  • One of the most important elements of arranging a chicken coop is the perches on which chickens spend most of their lives. It is wrong to think that the bird sleeps in nests or on the floor, since almost all nights and even part of the day the hens sit on the nests.

- The perch is a bar with a cross section of 50 × 60 mm, and of such a length that it will be equal to the width of the chicken coop. Such perches need to be made as at least two. The corners of the bar must be rounded so that the bird cannot injure its paws on them.

- Perches are fixed horizontally on the walls, on top 500 mm from the floor. In this case, you need to measure the distance from the wall to the first pole, it should be 250 mm, and between the first and second perch - 350 mm.

- It is recommended to install perches at the same level, otherwise there will be constant fights for the “upper floors” in the chicken coop. In addition, birds sitting on top will pollute those sitting below with their droppings.

- For each bird living in a chicken coop, it is necessary to take 250 mm of poles. Based planned livestock birds, the required number of "seats" is calculated, that is, the length and number of perches.

  • The second necessary "element of the interior" for the chicken coop, which will contain laying hens, is nesting, at the rate of one nest for 5 ÷ 6 laying hens.

- Nests should be located in secluded corners of the room, where the least light enters. So the most optimal an option would be to add boxes for fire zd outside the chicken coop. It remains to make holes in the walls through which the chickens will enter them. Nests need to be very well insulated.

— Nests should be 300 x 300 mm wide and 400 mm deep, or, if space permits, 400 x 400 x 400 mm. Masonry boxes are filled with sawdust, straw or hay.

- If the nests are arranged inside the chicken coop, then they are raised above the floor by 400 ÷ 500 mm and installed under the window so that the light never gets inside the boxes.

- They can be installed in two tiers, since they have a roof on top, and the layers will not interfere with each other in any way.

- If the nests are raised too high, then a crossbar must be installed along them, and a wooden ladder is leaned against it so that the chickens can climb it to the masonry places.

  • Another important element is the door for the chickens to go out to the aviary.

- If the chicken coop is raised to a sufficiently high height from the ground, a ladder is installed and fixed to the exit opening.

- In the case when the opening is not high from ground level, then the door itself can serve as a descent for the birds, if you make it open from above so that it reclines on the ground in the form of a ramp.

- The manhole must also be equipped with a mesh door installed inside the chicken coop. The manhole can be used as an additional vent, leaving the main door open, and closing it only with a mesh.

Chicken coop lighting

The performance of laying hens largely depends on how it will be organized in the chicken coop. With a lack of light, the egg production of birds will decrease, and in addition, in a dark room, their activity decreases, they move little and become lethargic, which can lead to their death.

Chicken coop lighting is a very serious issue.

Therefore, as mentioned above, the window must be located on the south or southeast side of the building. The standard window area should be at least 1/12 of the floor area.

Windows must be opened without fail - to ensure ventilation of the room, but it is very important to provide all window openings with a mesh with cells of 10 ÷ 20 mm. A window with such protection can, as necessary, be left open at night in the summer, since small predators will not be able to penetrate through it.

In order for laying hens to have high egg production, it is necessary to provide them with lighting for 16 ÷ 18 hours a day, which is impossible to do in winter and autumn. Therefore, artificial lighting is indispensable.

To illuminate 3 m² of the chicken coop, it is necessary to install a lamp, necessarily protected by a ceiling lamp, having an incandescence of 30 ÷ 40 W. Artificial lighting should be aimed at nests, feeders and drinkers, but should not illuminate masonry nests.

To save on electricity, and at the same time not think about when you need to turn the light on and off, special connection blocks with sockets equipped with a timer are purchased.

All chicken coop lighting is connected to such an outlet, and the time is set on the timer when the light should turn on and off. In this way, it will be possible to accurately set the “light day” for birds. For example, a timer can be programmed so that the light will turn on at 6 am and turn off after two hours, that is, at 8 am, when there is enough natural light. Then, for example, the lighting will turn on again at 17:00 in the evening and will work until 21:00. With the help of this device, a constant lighting schedule is established in the chicken coop. As daylight changes seasonally, the timer will be easy to reprogram.

Heating in the chicken coop

In the event that the chicken coop building is good, it can be operated year-round, unless, of course, a comfortable temperature microclimate is created for the bird. The normal temperature for chickens is 15 degrees Celsius, and in winter they need to heat the room to at least 10 degrees.

Therefore, in a year-round chicken coop, heating devices simply cannot be dispensed with. At the same time, it is necessary not only to create desired temperature indoors, but also to keep the humidity comfortable for the birds, since its excess can lead to illness and death of chickens. Therefore, poultry farmers with many years of experience in raising chickens are advised to use electric convectors for heating in the poultry house.

The best solution for heating a chicken coop - electric convectors

- Due to the properties of these devices, they are able to meet the requirements for creating the necessary microclimate in the chicken coop to the maximum extent.

- The efficiency of these devices is much higher than that of oil heaters, due to the good air circulation created in the convectors.

- dry the air quite well, about the same as wood stoves, but they are safe, and cause much less trouble.

- These heaters consume less electricity when compared with other types of heaters, since, when heated to the temperature set on them, they turn off, and then, as the air in the room cools, they turn on on their own.

– The best solution would be to install two convectors, one of which will work around the clock, and the second one will turn on by timer only at night, thereby maintaining the desired temperature in the house. This is convenient because at night low temperature outside, the room will maintain a constant level of heat.

Perhaps for those who first got acquainted with the information on the construction and maintenance of a chicken coop, at first glance, keeping chickens will seem very difficult. However, believe me, when everything is arranged wisely and enters into a constant rhythm, it will become clear that there is no particular difficulty in this process.

You can organize the provision of the chicken coop with everything you need in such a way that you have to go there every three to four days in order to clean the floor. And on other days, it remains only to collect eggs from the nests.

By the way, the chicken coop can be made not only convenient for poultry, but also very beautiful, capable of making an interesting “touch” to the design of a personal plot.

Video: beautiful compact chicken coop

And if there is not enough space at all, but there is a desire to breed at least a few chickens, then you can build a mini-house, spending very little money and time on it.

Video: miniature chicken coop - in a few hours

You can breed chickens even on a small suburban area. The costs will be very small. And all because you can build a chicken coop for 10 chickens with your own hands, taking as a basis a ready-made drawing.

The general arrangement of chicken coops and their types

All chicken coops consist of two main areas: for night stay and daytime walking. Based on this, poultry houses can be conditionally classified as follows:

  1. Chicken coop with free range area. The chicken house stands separately, and the birds can move freely around the site. Such a chicken coop has one drawback - it is difficult to control chickens that can spoil the flower beds. Wherein chicken manure will be dispersed throughout the area.
  2. Combined chicken coop. This is the best option for the full keeping of the bird. The main thing at the same time is to choose the correct dimensions of the building and the area for walking.
  3. Closed chicken coop. As a rule, these are greenhouses converted for keeping birds. Require constant cleaning. Well established as a summer home for chickens.
  4. Cells. If the size of the site does not allow the installation of a full-fledged chicken coop, hanging cages for keeping chickens can be equipped on the wall of a barn or house. They are placed at a low height, in several rows one above the other. The walking area is either left free, or a small aviary is set up. Such bird houses have proven themselves well in growing chickens of meat breeds.
  5. Mobile chicken coops. Most often, these are small summer houses that can be carried or transported using the wheels installed at the bottom. They are designed for 5-10 chickens. Made from lightweight material.

Photo gallery: different types of chicken coops

A closed chicken coop will prevent birds from running all over the site A free-range chicken coop requires attention from the owner, as he will have to keep an eye on the birds A chicken coop with an aviary is suitable for a plot of any size The aviary can be placed under the chicken coop itself Chickens can be kept in specially equipped cages Cells can be arranged in rows Mobile chicken coops can be easily moved

The interior of the chicken coop

The chicken coop must be equipped with a perch, a drinking bowl, a feeder and a nest. The state of health of the birds and their egg production depend on how correctly and conveniently the house is equipped.

The perch is a perch with a diameter of 5–7 cm. They are installed at a height of 40-60 cm from the floor. The length of the perch is taken at the rate of 20–25 cm per head. There can be several perches, they can be installed in different ways.

Bird nests are located in the darkest places, usually opposite the perch. They can be made from wood, baskets, plastic boxes.

It is very important to carry out timely cleaning of the litter, as it releases ammonia and can provoke disease in chickens. Straw bedding, which needs to be changed periodically, will help facilitate this process. But if the chicken coop is small, the floor can be made of welding mesh and a special aluminum pallet.

To exclude diseases, pre-treat the walls inside the chicken coop with lime.

Both in the chicken coop and on the paddock, there must be feeders and drinkers. They should be installed in such a way that the birds do not overturn the contents, and they can be easily replenished. Feeders can be put bunker type. Drinkers are better to choose drip. They do not accumulate debris and do not stagnate water.

It is important that the chicken coop has a window. Its size is at least 1/4 of the floor area. In winter, they turn on additional lighting, artificially extending the daylight hours to 15–17 hours. This allows the hens to lay eggs throughout the year.

The walking area for different breeds of chickens will vary in size. If birds are raised for meat (Langshan, Cochin, Plymouth Rock, Brahma, Broiler breeds) they must be kept under conditions restricting movement. The walking area should be kept to a minimum.

For laying hens (Lenorca, Hamburg, Andalusian, Russian White breeds), the walking area should be spacious enough so that the hens do not get fat and stop laying.

How much and what material is needed

Of course, if you have certain skills, you can build a brick chicken coop. But it is labor intensive and expensive. Alternatively, reinforced concrete blocks can be used. But this pleasure is not cheap, which requires additional insulation.

The best material for building a chicken coop is wood. As a rule, the remains after the construction of the house are used: fiberboard, chipboard, OSB-plates, timber, board. You can also build a chicken coop out of reeds if it grows in your area. During construction, materials and paint with a pungent odor should not be used.

To warm the winter chicken coop, you can choose any heat-insulating material. Styrofoam, mineral wool is ideal. But it is necessary to insulate in such a way that there are no gaps between the joints of the main materials, and the birds cannot get to the insulation and peck it out.

The roof is covered with slate, roofing felt, polycarbonate. For summer chicken coops, it is not recommended to use a metal profile, since it heats up very much.

The aviary for birds, as a rule, is fenced with a chain-link mesh or reinforcing mesh, but you can also use a plastic garden one.

The canopy is made of a material that can protect against rain. It could be polycarbonate reinforced film, linoleum.

Photo gallery: chicken coops with different types of roofs

OSB chicken coop can be sheathed with PVC panels Wooden chicken coop with a thatched roof looks very unusual A pitched roof chicken coop is very common.

Drawings of different designs with dimensions

The summer chicken coop is the simplest and cheapest design. For its manufacture does not require a large amount of material, the presence of any special skills and abilities. In most cases, summer chicken coops are built without a foundation, providing additional protection from rats and other predators.

If desired, an old greenhouse can be converted into a summer chicken coop. At the same time, the house itself can be small, and the walking area is spacious. Bird nests can be equipped on the side of the chicken coop, in a separate compartment.

In order for the bird not to overheat in the sun, the aviary is equipped with a canopy.

The winter chicken coop differs from the summer one in its large size and insulated walls. For such houses, a foundation is necessarily made and an additional vestibule is installed in order to better retain heat in the room. In winter chicken coops, additional lighting is provided, ventilation is installed and a fenced area for walking is equipped.

The size of the structure is calculated based on a sufficient area for one bird (three chickens need 1 m 2 of area). As practice shows, it is better to build a freer chicken coop, since in the future the number of livestock may increase, and the bird will be crowded.

The mobile chicken coop can be easily moved, which means that its dimensions will be minimal. It provides for the possibility of feeding and caring for a bird without the presence of a person inside. As a rule, they are designed for a small number of birds (from 3 to 10 pieces). The frame is made of bars, and the main elements (doors, roof) are made of OSB-plates, fiberboard, slab and other improvised materials.

The diagram should be as detailed as possible. Even a small chicken coop should be tall The diagram must indicate all dimensions and materials used.

Step-by-step instructions for making a summer house for chickens in the country

Step-by-step instructions will help you easily make a chicken coop with your own hands.

Choosing a place to build

The choice of location is only important if you are not making a mobile chicken coop. Otherwise, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • a rectangular chicken coop should be built in the direction from east to west;
  • the windows of the chicken coop should face the south or east side so that there is maximum lighting throughout the day, it is desirable that the bird hole be on the same side;
  • it is recommended to place the chicken coop away from noisy places, in the back of the courtyard, because stressful situations negatively affect egg production;
  • you can choose an elevated place so that water does not stagnate under the house, since the birds do not tolerate dampness in the room, and chicken droppings, once in the water, can lead to the spread of infection;
  • the chosen place should be protected from the wind, because chickens do not tolerate drafts.

Foundation laying

To build a summer chicken coop, a columnar foundation is usually used. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. With the help of pegs and a cord, the boundaries of the future building are outlined.
  2. The top layer of soil (up to 20 cm) is removed with a shovel.
  3. Pits 50 cm wide and 70 cm deep are dug in the corners. In a rectangular chicken coop, columns are additionally installed along the long side every 0.8-1 m.
  4. The required level of supports above the ground is beaten off with a rope (20-25 cm).
  5. A layer of gravel is poured to the bottom of the pits (about 10 cm).
  6. Together with the cement mortar, the first two bricks are laid, the next two are placed perpendicularly.
  7. The masonry is driven out to the desired level.
  8. The solution is left to solidify for at least 7 days.
  9. When the solution has completely hardened, the poles are treated with bitumen or special mastic. The entire area where the earth was removed is filled with gravel. It performs the function of drainage.

How to build a frame with your own hands

After the foundation is built, you can start building the frame:

Final outdoor work

After the frame is ready, you can begin to equip the chicken coop. First of all, a window is outlined and cut through. You need to do it from the east or south side. A hole for chickens is also cut. It can be made in the form of a door that opens outward or a special valve.

The door to the chicken coop should open outward so as not to crush the birds that may be near it.

If the hole is located high, additional ladders will need to be made so that the bird can easily get into the street. In this case, it should be next to the perch on the same level with it.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that various predators like to visit chicken coops - a ferret, a fox, rats. Therefore, you need to monitor the absence of cracks. Along the entire perimeter of the enclosure, it is better to dig a strip of metal or slate into the ground, 30 cm above ground level.

How to build a mini chicken house: step by step instructions

Little material is required to make such a chicken coop. Its base is no more than 1x1.5 m, and its height is only 1.2 m. It is designed for 3-4 laying hens. It can contain chickens if the ladder is placed at a lower angle of inclination.

Since such a chicken coop does not require a foundation, all work can be carried out right on the spot:

  1. Frames for the lower box are assembled from the timber using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. A mesh is immediately attached to them with a construction stapler.
  2. They are also connected to each other, after which two crossbars are attached to them.
  3. Upper frames are made. A window frame is attached to one of them so that you can open the chicken coop from above and put food and water. A mesh is attached to them with a construction stapler.
  4. A compartment for the future “house” is fenced off, for which boards of the right size for the floor are stuffed.
  5. The remaining three walls of the "house" are drawn up, a hole is cut through and a ladder is installed.
  6. Ready-made side frames are installed on the upper box, fastened together. Ends are closed by a grid.
  7. The ridge part is being drawn up, for which you need to attach three longitudinal boards on top. A cross member is attached to the free end to enhance the rigidity of the structure.
  8. A door is installed in the "house", a nest and a perch are made out. Installing the bolts.

Video: building a mini chicken coop

Features of the construction of a frame winter chicken coop with your own hands

The winter version is a more complex design. It must have a foundation or a very well-insulated floor, additional lighting, a ventilation system, and a vestibule. It is advisable to install a thermometer inside. In the event that there will be chickens in the chicken coop, you need to consider additional heating.

Many people think that winter chicken coop can be equipped in an ordinary barn, insulating it. But this is not entirely true, since about a third of the area is used for keeping poultry, and the entire room needs to be heated. That is why it is better to build a compact winter chicken coop.

In advance, you need to think about the insulation of the walls. But remember that due to the thickness of the insulating material, the internal area decreases.

As a heater, you can use foam, mineral wool. The main thing is to carefully close the material with plywood or boards.

The ventilation pipe should be located at the top of the coop. In severe frosts, it can be covered with rags so that cold air does not get inside the chicken house.

Video: comfortable winter chicken coop

How to make a mobile house for chickens

Mobile means quickly and easily moved. For the manufacture of such chicken coops, only light materials are used, for example, plywood, OSB-plate, thin boards. To facilitate the movement of such chicken coops, special handles or wheels are used. They are easy to attach if you initially foresee this in the design when drawing up the diagram.

Such designs are designed for 5-10 birds. During the summer period, as needed, the house can "roam" throughout the site.

Photo gallery: mobile chicken coops

Small wheels allow you to move from place to place Wheels in the center and handles on the back of the chicken coop make it easy to move the structure You can also use small bicycle wheels Multi-layer chicken coop can be easily moved

Video: mobile chicken coop on the site

By designing and building a chicken coop on your own, you can provide for all the nuances of keeping a bird, get the maximum result and enjoy further use.

Are you planning to breed chickens in the country, but do not know how to build a chicken coop with your own hands? You can make it from scrap materials and without using any fancy tools. In our article you will find many tips, as well as detailed photos, videos and drawings that will help you build a poultry house correctly.

Preparatory work

Before you get started, you will need to choose the most suitable chicken coop design. Think about its size, location and seasonality in advance, because these characteristics will not be possible to change after construction is completed. In addition, if you try hard, then the chicken coop will become not only a reliable haven for chickens, but also a real decoration in your country house.

Location selection

Building a chicken coop with your own hands should begin with choosing a good location. Try to place the room on a hill. So you can protect it from flooding during heavy rains. Think in advance how much space you need. If you plan to expand your farm over time, then immediately pick up a large area.

Also try to correctly position the house relative to the cardinal points. There must be windows on the south side, so you will extend the daylight hours for the birds, which will increase egg production. Doors are best placed on the west or east side, so you will save the room from the cold north wind.

Most breeds of laying hens are quite restless birds, and the presence of sources of noise near the poultry house can significantly impair their productivity. Try to find a place in the country where they will not be disturbed by various harsh sounds. It will also be a good solution if we build a chicken coop with our own hands, surrounded by a hedge that will protect the birds from stress.

Materials and tools

To build a chicken coop in the country, you will need to stock up on a sufficient number of boards and beams. They will form the basis for the floor, walls and roof. When building a foundation, you will need bricks and cement. In addition, when you build a chicken coop, stock up on a lot of insulating materials, such as roofing material, mineral wool, or sawdust. To build an aviary, you will need several meters of metal mesh.

Also you will need basic set tools. Before you start building your chicken coop, make sure you have everything from this list:

  • a hammer;
  • saw;
  • nails and screws;
  • ruler with a level;
  • shovel.

Building a chicken coop

Building a comfortable chicken coop with your own hands is not difficult if you follow the entire sequence of actions correctly. Before that, you can watch photos and videos to better understand the construction process. Having decided on the place and the list of materials, you can start building a building in the country.


First, decide if your chicken coop needs a foundation. If you are going to build a small poultry house, then you can do without it. But at the same time, do not forget to deepen metal plates around the perimeter to protect birds from predators.

If your poultry house is quite large, then the construction of the foundation will be mandatory. The best choice when building a chicken coop, a columnar foundation will become. It is fairly easy to build and can be made from the cheapest materials. In addition, by properly building such a foundation, you will be able to avoid the penetration of predators and provide good ventilation for the floor.

  1. To begin with, study the drawing and, according to it, hammer metal rods into the corners of the future building.
  2. Connect them with a rope and, just in case, take verification measurements.
  3. Remove the top layer of soil by about 20 cm. If this is fertile soil, you can use it to good use in the country by transferring the land to the garden.
  4. Further along the perimeter, it is necessary to build pedestals that will become supports for the future building. The distance between them must be at least 1 m. A hole about 60 cm deep is dug under each cabinet.
  5. Pedestals should rise above the ground by about 20-30 cm. Using a level, make sure that they are even and located at the same height.

On this, the construction of the foundation will be completed. It is necessary to give him time to compact, so it is necessary to continue building the chicken coop no earlier than after 5 days.


If you are trying to build a chicken coop in the country, which can be used both in summer and in winter, then the floor should retain heat well. The best solution in this case would be to make a double floor. To do this, immediately above the foundation, a “rough” floor is spread, which can be made of any materials. Next, beams are laid on it, a layer of insulation is laid and the main floor is laid. It should consist of even boards and not contain cracks and openings.

Frame and walls

Walls also need to retain heat. Therefore, it is recommended to build a chicken coop using a frame of bars. Do not forget to leave openings for windows, they must be made to ensure good ventilation. After fixing the bars, it is necessary to upholster them with boards on both sides. Place insulating material between them. For these purposes, mineral wool, sawdust or other insulation is well suited.

The height of the walls should be at least 1.8 m. Otherwise, the chickens will be very limited in space, which can also adversely affect egg production. You can also paint the walls in your favorite color. This will not only improve the aesthetic appearance of the house, but also prevent damage to wooden structures by insects. Also, do not forget to install windows that can be removed or opened during a hot period.


If we decide that we are building a chicken coop in the country, then in the same room we place everything necessary for caring for the bird. It is enough to make a gable roof, and under it you can place tools and feed for your layers. In addition, this design will avoid the accumulation of snow and rain, which can lead to dampness.

It is not difficult to make such a roof. First lay the flooring, then fasten the ceiling beams at an angle. The floor must be well insulated. Insulation can be made from improvised materials, for example, from coal slag or expanded clay. Further, roofing material is attached to the beams, which is covered with slate or other roofing material.


If you decide to build a chicken coop with a paddock, then you will need to attach an aviary. Its size should be 1.5-2 times the area of ​​the house. Try to build it on green grass to provide birds with access to healthy food while walking. To build an aviary, you can make several sections of the bars, tightening them with a net. One of the sections can be attached with hinges, making a gate out of it. You can see examples of interesting enclosures in the photo and video in our article.

Inner space

When building a chicken coop, it is very important to pay attention to its interior decoration. It is necessary to properly place perches and nests and make sure that the layers are calm and comfortable inside. You can see various options for interior arrangement in the video.

First of all, take care of the number of perches. Calculating it is very simple: each chicken needs at least 30 cm perch. It is best to make them from a 40x60 mm timber, which is recommended to be rounded. Perches should be placed at a height of 70-80 cm, while they cannot be fixed on top of each other. To make cleaning easier, you can place trays under the perches.

If you are building a chicken coop for laying hens, then you will need to take care of comfortable nests. Wooden boxes filled with sawdust are suitable for this purpose. Place them in the corners of the house at a height of about 30-40 cm from the floor. Be sure to also lay sawdust, straw, or other dry material on the floor. It will make the birds feel more comfortable and also make it easier to clean the house.

Photo gallery

Have you decided to build a chicken coop in the country, but have not yet decided on the design? Maybe one of these photos will inspire you!

Drawings and diagrams

Video "We build a chicken coop in the country with our own hands"

In this video, you can learn even more about how you can build a chicken coop with your own hands. Here is waiting for you detailed instructions, as well as many useful tips, which will greatly simplify the manufacture of a summer house.

The owner of the cottage, who constantly lives on it, will not hurt to acquire a small chicken coop. The benefits of this solution are obvious: fresh domestic eggs are a complete food product, and bird care does not require much effort and large expenses.

By calculating the cost of feed, and comparing them with the cost of the eggs received, you will be convinced of the profitability of your mini-farm. If we add to this a full-fledged organic fertilizer, which laying hens will provide your garden for free, then economic effect will be even higher.

How many birds should be kept in order to provide the family with an excellent dietary product and at the same time not burden oneself too much with care? How to build a chicken coop for 10 chickens efficiently, inexpensively and quickly? We will try to give comprehensive answers to these questions that concern beginners of home poultry farming.

Features of the construction of a small chicken coop

To provide a small family of 2-3 people, 10 laying hens are enough. 20 birds are able to feed a larger family with a delicious omelette. More chickens should not be started at their summer cottage, so that there are no problems with neighbors and the sale of finished products.

Building a mini chicken coop with your own hands is relatively easy if you make a drawing in advance and think through all its important elements. A superficial approach is unacceptable here, since the productivity and health of the bird directly depend on the conditions of detention. Therefore, immediately tune in to quality work, rejecting the prevailing opinion that a poultry house can be built at random from any materials at hand.

Choosing a place for a chicken coop

The place for building a chicken coop should be dry and well lit. Low areas and shaded areas under trees are not suitable for him. It is very good if the terrain has a slight slope. This will allow rainwater to drain quickly without soaking the soil. Walking for chickens and the entrance to the house should be located along the south side. The sun's rays in this case will warm up the room and the ground well even in winter.

The dimensions of the walking area are calculated by experienced poultry farmers, so you do not have to do your own research. There should be at least 1m2 per 1 laying hen. Therefore, a chicken coop for 20 hens should have a walking area of ​​​​20 m2.

The geometric proportions of the enclosure are best tied to the size of the house. Therefore, if you have a dwelling for 10 layers 2 meters wide, then you need to make a paddock for them 2x5 or 2x7 meters in size.

The size of the poultry house is also chosen on the basis of veterinary standards: 3-4 laying hens can be placed per 1m2. Therefore, for 10 chickens, led by a rooster, there will be enough "living space" of 2x2 meters.

Building instructions

Having determined the dimensions of the house and aviary, you can begin construction. We do not recommend placing a chicken coop directly on the ground. The bird in such a house will be damp and cold, and insects and rodents will be able to freely enter it. Therefore, build such an object according to all the rules, starting from a reliable foundation.

There are two options for this solution:

  • Slab concrete foundation;
  • Column foundation with a floor raised above the ground.

We make a concrete foundation-slab for a poultry house in the following sequence:

  1. We mark the dimensions of the future building with the help of pegs and a cord;
  2. We remove the top layer of soil under the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house to a depth of 30-35 cm;
  3. We pour out a pillow of sand and small gravel 10-15 cm thick and compact it with a rammer;
  4. We make formwork from boards;
  5. We lay a steel masonry mesh (cell 5-10 cm) on a sand-gravel cushion and fill it with strong concrete (M200);
  6. Having withstood the concrete for 2 weeks, you can start laying the walls.

The foundation of a columnar structure for a small chicken coop is easier to manufacture. To do this, you need to drill holes along the contour of the poultry house with a depth of 0.8-1.0 meters and a diameter of 15 cm. After that, they need to install formwork from several layers of roofing material twisted into a pipe.

Before concreting, reinforcing bars with a diameter of 12-14 mm are placed in the formwork, 2-3 pieces for each column. The pitch of the posts for a 2x2 meter house is 1 meter. One of the reinforcing bars must have a threaded end for a nut. We will need it to fix the supporting wooden beam on which the floor will be laid.

If you plan to use the space under the house for walking, then the height of the foundation column above the ground should be at least 50 cm.


A small one should have warm and windproof walls. On a monolithic foundation slab, they can be built from light blocks (foam or aerated concrete, porous ceramics or sawdust concrete).

Another good option is to build a panel formwork and fill it in layers with a clay-straw mixture (adobe). The final choice depends on your preferences and finances. The main thing that wall material warm and easy to style.

Before laying, the foundation must be waterproofed using bituminous coating or by laying 2 layers of roofing material.

For the option with a columnar foundation, the frame structure of the walls is optimal. It is built quickly and at minimal cost.

A timber support frame is the best basis for frame walls and floors. All you need for this job is a sufficient number of bars for racks, horizontal bars and struts that increase the rigidity of the structure.

A long support beam can serve not only as the basis for the walls of the house, but also as the lower part of the paddock fence. The frame of the walking platform and the door is easiest to make from a metal corner. After that, it remains to fix the chain-link mesh on it and cover the paddock with polycarbonate or slate.

The walls of the house are insulated after the assembly of the frame is completed (in the process of sheathing it with a board). For thermal insulation, ecowool or mineral wool is best suited. Styrofoam is better not to use. This material practically does not pass water vapor. Therefore, the house will always be wet and damp, which is highly undesirable.

Another good option is walls made of logs or timber. They are warm, durable, easy to assemble and look great. The house-log house looks especially good on the estate with a residential building made of the same material.

For lovers of original solutions, we can offer a variant of a mini chicken coop in the form of a gazebo.

The poultry house and the paddock are located here under a common roof, saving the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and pleasing the eye with unusual shapes.


If a small chicken coop for a summer residence is intended for winter operation, then in addition to insulating the walls, the floor must be reliably protected from the cold. For a columnar version of the base, its design should be double. The assembly technology is simple: lag bars are attached to the support frame and they are hemmed from below with a board. Then, a heater (mineral wool or ecowool) is laid in the space between the lags and a finishing floor is laid from an antiseptic grooved board.

For the slab base of the poultry house, it is enough to lay wooden logs and insulate the space under the finishing floor with ecowool. Minvata is worse in this respect. It accumulates moisture and gives it poorly, so waterproofing must be laid under a layer of such insulation.

If you decide not to insulate the floor in the chicken coop, then in the winter, do not spare dry bedding from chopped straw or sawdust. Its thickness in frosty months should be at least 20 cm.


The best type of roof for a poultry house is a gable roof. It increases the useful height of the room, eliminating the need to build high walls. Under the condition of good insulation, this design does not require laying the ceiling.

Roofing material for a small chicken coop can be anything: slate, reeds, roofing material or metal tiles. The lower part of the rafters should be sheathed with boards or chipboard, and the gaps between them should be insulated.

Interior arrangement

It consists in the installation of natural ventilation, lighting, perches for birds and nests. Part of the ventilation and lighting functions will be taken over by windows. You can make several or just one. The main thing is that the total area of ​​​​windows (according to the norms) should not be less than 1/12 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor of the house.

Keeping the window constantly open for ventilation is not an option, especially during the cold season. Chickens do not tolerate drafts, so supply and exhaust ventilation should also be installed in the house. To do this, an exhaust pipe is placed above the perch, extending beyond the roof. The second (supply) pipe is placed in the far corner of the chicken coop at a height of 0.4-0.5 meters from the floor.

It is desirable to make a hole for chickens on the south side of the house. Its width should be at least 30 cm, and the height should be from 30 to 40 cm. The manhole can be combined with the front door by cutting it through the bottom of the canvas.

For the manufacture of perches, planed wooden slats of square section 4x4 cm should be taken. They are fixed at the same level in increments of about 50 cm. The height of the perch from the floor is from 60 to 80 cm.

Convenient nests for laying hens are a guarantee of productive masonry. Therefore, do not go the easy way, adapting empty can boxes for them, but make a capital structure.

There are many options here. Someone makes nests according to the “house in a house” principle, and someone approaches from a scientific point of view, calculating the angle of eggs rolling out and doing auto-cleaning.

Whichever option you choose, remember that the main principles of such a design are the correct dimensions (height 35 cm, depth 40 cm and width 35 cm) and ease of cleaning. According to the norms, 1 nest should be allocated for 3-4 chickens.

Bird nests can be placed directly in the chicken coop, but it is better to partially take them out, providing them with a lifting lid or doors.

It is this option that is most popular among summer residents today. In this case, it will be easier for you to collect eggs, change bedding and inspect birds.

Some keep the bird in half-rotted sheds and other "back rooms", but this big mistake. Everything must be done to make the birds feel comfortable - in this case they will grow quickly and bring a lot of eggs. Build on your lot nice chicken coop everyone can do it by hand. To do this, you first need to choose the right type of construction in accordance with the goals and objectives, as well as select the appropriate materials.

The first thing you need to decide is whether you are going to keep throughout the year or just in the summer. If you keep a bird all year round, you will have to insulate the building well - in this case, even in February frosts, you can count on fresh eggs on your table. The layout of such a chicken coop can include a special vestibule, which will reduce heat loss.

Buildings consisting of an interior and a courtyard fenced with bars have proven themselves best. A bird living in such a chicken coop, if desired, can both sit inside and take walks in the fresh air.

Also, you must choose foundation type.


High reliabilityHigh price: this option is more suitable for building a house than a chicken coop

Cheapness and ease of constructionLess than that of strip columnar foundations, reliability

Reliable and easy to install: two people can easily drive modern screw piles into the groundHigher price than a columnar foundation

Most often, summer residents and owners of their own plots choose columnar foundations, which provide the building with a reliable support and at the same time do not require high costs during construction.

Material selection

To build a chicken coop, you can use:

  • foam blocks;

  • shell rock;

  • wood;

  • brick;

  • cinder blocks.

Foam blocks are an expensive material, but a bird in a chicken coop made of foam blocks will be as comfortable as possible. Some choose brick - a building made from it, made in compliance with the technology, will last for many decades.

But most poultry farmers prefer to build wooden chicken coops. This material is very practical and economical, and with proper processing of boards and beams, it is also very durable. A wooden chicken coop will fit perfectly into the decor of most sites.

Styrofoam can be used as a heater. It must be closed, otherwise the chickens will pinch it. Geese generally perceive the foam as food - in case they sometimes wander into the chicken coop or you keep them there, it is necessary to close the foam. If the chicken coop is made of boards, mineral wool can be placed between the outer and inner layers.

Styrofoam - chicken coop insulation

In order to make a roof, you can use any roofing material:

  • slate;
  • corrugated board;
  • metal tile.

In this case, the type of roofing material does not play any role. The main thing is to lay the roof correctly to avoid leakage. Expanded clay, coal slag or roll insulation are suitable for warming a chicken coop, designed for year-round poultry keeping.

Curbstones for a columnar foundation can be made from almost any material at hand. Most often, a brick is used for this - you can take both new and old ones. Another option is a regular stone.

The strip foundation is usually made of reinforced concrete, for this you will need metal reinforcement, from which the frame is assembled, and components for preparing a concrete solution. For the pile foundation, special reinforced concrete or metal piles are used. An excellent modern option is screw metal piles that can be screwed into the ground on their own.

Chicken coop location

It is better to place the chicken coop on a hill, where it will be easier for the bird to walk. It is often damp in the lowland, in spring the ground here does not dry out for a long time after the snow melts, and after the rains puddles form. It is better to place the building away from active recreation areas - the bird loves peace.

Note! It is better if the windows of the chicken coop face south: the more sunlight the birds get, the better they feel. But in the heat, the windows will need to be shaded so that the chickens do not overheat.

If possible, it is worth arranging the chicken coop so that there is free space for future buildings: it is quite possible that over time you will want to increase the number of birds on your farm. Another option is to enlarge an old chicken coop. If 20 birds provide an abundance of eggs for a large family, then a larger population can already bring a good profit.

Structure drawing

Whatever type of chicken coop and materials you choose, the first step is to make a detailed drawing in three projections, on which all dimensions should be indicated. A good building plan will help calculate the required amount of materials and avoid mistakes during construction.

The size of the chicken coop must be calculated in such a way that 2 birds have at least one square meter of space. It is also necessary to additionally provide a place for feeders and drinkers. Given this, the minimum building area for 20 birds is 15-20 squares. The optimal height of the structure is about two meters, in this case both you and the birds will be comfortable inside it.

If the bird is placed in a confined space, it will feel uncomfortable and start to get sick. For example, 20 chickens in a chicken coop with an area of ​​20 square meters will almost certainly produce more eggs than 30 birds housed in the same building.

When creating a drawing, you need to decide on the type of roof. The best option is a gable roof with an attic where you can store everything you need - food, inventory, and so on. Some also opt for a pitched or flat roof, but these options are less practical.

Video - Chicken coop project

Video - Do-it-yourself chicken coop

Foundation preparation

Consider the preparation of a columnar foundation:

On a note! In order for the building to be even, before you start digging holes for the pillars, you need to measure all the corners with a square and measure both diagonals with a tape measure. When you lay out the pillars, do not forget to also use the level to make sure that the foundation is even.

After the cabinets are laid out, it is necessary to take a break for a week so that the mortar sets well. After this time, it is necessary to apply a protective coating on the cabinets - it can be either ordinary bitumen or special mastic. As lags, you can use a beam with a section of 150 × 100, which must be laid on an edge, or a square beam. The space between the pillars and the ground, as well as the internal period of construction, must be covered with gravel. On this, the preparation of the foundation can be considered completed.

Construction of strip and pile foundation

In order to make a classic strip foundation, you must first assemble the frame from metal reinforcement, then install it in the formwork and pour concrete. This is a solid and reliable foundation option for a small building, but more often it is used in the construction of more solid structures - for example, houses.

Video - Making a strip foundation

Video - Shallow strip foundation

Screw pile foundations are a relatively recent option, but quickly gained popularity. Its advantages are reliability and relative simplicity of construction. In order to make such a foundation for construction, you just need to screw the required number of piles into the ground. This can easily be done by two people. The main thing is to choose the right length for the structures. To do this, you must take into account the type of soil in your area.

Video - Screw foundation from A to Z

Building a chicken coop

Consider building a chicken coop with an uncovered corral. After the foundation has been prepared, it is necessary to lay the floor, erect walls and make the roof of the structure, as well as put up a fence.

Video - Chicken coop device. Personal experience


The easiest way to build a floor is to lay boards on the logs.

A more complex option is a two-layer floor with insulation, which is suitable for a year-round chicken coop. In this case, first fix the logs, install cranial bars and a subfloor under them, lay mineral wool or any other suitable material for insulation, and then lay a finishing floor from boards.

When erecting a building, do not forget to carefully measure all horizontal and vertical surfaces with a level in order to end up with a smooth and solid building.


Walls wooden chicken coop can be built using frame technology. Support beams and plywood or boards must be used. Walls can also be made single-layer or double-layer with insulation.

Another option is to make walls out of logs or timber. Such a chicken coop keeps heat well, besides, it will be strong enough to stand for many years.

If you are building brick walls, there are no special secrets to its construction. The main thing is to prepare a high-quality and durable solution and do not forget to provide space for the door and windows.


In order for the chickens to always have fresh air, it is imperative to make good ventilation. Many people think that the warm, suffocating air inside the chicken coop is what they need, but this is not so. It is necessary to equip ventilation before erecting a roof.

The best option is to make a pair of ventilation ducts located at different ends of the room. One end of the ventilation duct should be located at ceiling level, the other half a meter lower. It is necessary to make dampers in the ventilation pipes, with the help of which it will be possible to regulate the access of fresh air and the temperature inside the chicken coop.

You can also make ventilation holes in the floor. For the winter, they can be closed with corks, and in the summer, grates can be used that will not interfere with the access of fresh air.

Roof and ceiling

In order to make a reliable ceiling, it is necessary to expose the ceiling beams, install, then lay the ceiling itself and insulate it. For insulation, you can use expanded clay, coal slag, roll insulation or any other suitable material.

The rafter system is built according to one of the schemes proposed below.

In order to inner space the chicken coop did not overheat in the heat, it is better to make shutters on the windows that can be easily opened and closed if necessary. Already when the temperature rises to 25 degrees, the chickens begin to feel uncomfortable, and the number of eggs they carry decreases. If there are no shutters, you will have to come up with some other ways to block the access of sunlight inside.

Interior decoration

After the chicken coop is completed, it must be equipped with perches, nests, drinkers and feeders. After this stage is completed, the bird can be launched into the chicken coop.


A perch can be made from a bar:

  • it is necessary to take a bar with a section of the order of 40 × 30 or a little thicker and slightly round its upper edges;
  • choose a place in the chicken coop where you do not have to go often;
  • and fix the perches at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from each other.

The optimal total length of perches for twenty chickens is at least six meters. In this case, each bird will have 30 cm of perch, and the birds will not have to crowd. Waste trays can be placed under the perches, in which case it will be much easier to clean the chicken coop.

Preparing nests, feeders and drinkers

Bird nests can be open or closed. In closed nests, chickens feel more secure, but it is quite possible to get by with open nests. Optimal size nests - 40 × 30 cm or a little more. It is also better to make them from wood; boards or plywood are suitable for this. A dozen of these "seats" are enough for 20 chickens. They need to be lined with straw so that the laying hens are comfortable. Another option is to line the bottom with sawdust.

It is also better to line the entire floor of the chicken coop with sawdust or hay - in this case, you can easily ensure cleanliness inside. It is better to place feeders and drinkers at some distance above the floor so that less debris gets into them.


Another important point is that if the chicken coop is intended for year-round keeping of birds, it is necessary to conduct light. It will be necessary to use it from autumn to spring to extend the day for laying hens. This will require some electricity, but the result will be good health and excellent egg production throughout the year. It is better to cover the light bulb with a cover to protect it from dust, cobwebs and hay. In a summer chicken coop, you can do without light.

Video - Chicken coop lighting

Thus, there is nothing complicated in the construction of a chicken coop. But at the same time, it is not worth approaching the matter in a slipshod manner. A good building will last for many years, providing your chickens with reliable protection from bad weather, cold and heat. A bird that is comfortable in its coop grows quickly and produces many eggs.

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