The story of businessmen who started from scratch. How to build a business: real stories


Many examples have already been described. successful business in world practice, whose owners are millions, billions of dollars. Nothing surprising, you say, a minimum of bureaucracy, a normal legal field, a loyal tax system. Is it possible to raise a million-dollar business from scratch in Russia in an honest way? Can. And they prove it real stories. There is only one thing that connects them: the owners of these companies are young people who showed their perseverance, were ready to learn and believed in their success.

To begin entrepreneurial activity not everyone is at risk. On the one hand, it attracts not only thought, but also independence, the opportunity to reveal oneself, to become successful. Many stop already at what they think is what to start profitable business only possible if you have a good start-up capital. Another category of people believes that they do not have the necessary skills, abilities or ambitions to start a new business. And the majority, in the presence of all factors successful businessman, they just think too long, at a time when someone is already taking the first steps to realize their idea.

From 2011 to 2013, VK was seriously developing, acquiring new functions, including the possibility of making money online. At the same time, the FSB begins a series of actions against Durov, demanding the closure of certain groups that are disloyal to the authorities. Pavel refuses and ends up on the appropriate lists with all the ensuing consequences.

As a result, Pavel Durov resigns as CEO in 2014 and leaves the country.

Oleg Tinkov: from a beer shop to Tinkoff-Bank

Like many of today's businessmen, Oleg Tinkov's entrepreneurial vein began to appear even at the Mining Institute. He bought perfumes and jeans from foreign students and resold them for more. Having visited relatives of his future wife in Poland, he drew attention to the fact that household appliances there are much more expensive than in Russia. This is how the trade in Russian television sets began in Warsaw. Business flourished, and Tinkov decided to drop out of school. The goal - to become the director of a mine in his native city with a salary of a thousand rubles, ceased to interest him.

In search of new ones, Oleg even had to deal with the repurchase of cars, which he drove from Siberia to St. Petersburg. This session raised $30,000. This became the starting capital for the start of trade in equipment from Singapore, where it was much cheaper than in Russia. Deciding to reach a large turnover, Tinkov begins wholesale sales of equipment, creating the Petrosib company for this.

After some time, he opens several more stores and organizes a network of electrical engineering stores "Technoshock", in which all domestic trade standards were crossed out. Thanks to the European style of the chain, the queues in stores did not stop, despite the prices, which were sometimes higher than those of competitors.

Further, a network of music stores "Music Shock" and a recording studio "SHOK-records" were created. Life goes on, goals change, so the sale of all networks gave way to the development of the new Tinkov. And the bottom line was that he began to develop it and sell it. These companies were:

  • Production of dumplings "Daria"
  • Beerhouse of live beer "Tinkoff"
  • Beer factory "Tinkoff"

Admitting that selling a business gives him the pleasure of completing the process and closing deals, Oleg Tinkov says: “Selling a business is cool.”

In 2005, having become a business-free billionaire, he creates a new project " Tinkoff Credit Systems”, in which Internet technologies are fully used. Work with clients is carried out using the telephone and the Internet. In the crisis of 2008-2009, Tinkov's bank only increased its momentum. In Russia today it is the only banking Internet project.

Ilya Sachkov: cyber agency "Group-IB"

One of the young Russian entrepreneurs who, at the age of 29, was included in the Forbes lists in the intellectual field. Entrepreneurial skills were manifested as early as the 9th grade, and fame and money brought Ilya Sachkov not only great interest in the chosen industry, but also specialized education, a constant thirst for knowledge and a tendency to think over every step.

The idea came after reading a book about cybercrime. Having borrowed 150,000 rubles from his older brother, he organized an agency to investigate cybercrime. It was completely in Russia. The Group-IB company is engaged in:

  • detection and suppression of cybercrime
  • investigation of major thefts and hacks in the network
  • investigation of hacker attacks on IT companies
  • fight against cyber terrorism
  • preventing unfair competition

In 2016, the company entered the international level and began working on a project for international protection against cyberterrorism. Group-IB is now one of the world's leading cybersecurity companies.

Sergei Galitsky: Magnit retail chain

The creator of the unprecedented leader in Russia in the product segment of TM Magnit, billionaire Sergey Galitsky, is one of those who, in childhood, except for football, did not show much interest in anything. Moreover, he was not famous for great success in his studies.

He entered the institute after the army, in absentia. Here, Sergei's extraordinary abilities and his potential were manifested. In his third year, the Finance and Credit magazine publishes his article, which impressed the head of one of the banks so much that he offered him a job as a post. The banking career will end as a Deputy Head of Human Resources and will continue as a member of the VTB Supervisory Board.

“If work does not give pleasure, there is nothing to do with it” Sergey Galitsky.

The business started with a $30,000 loan. This money was spent on the purchase of a wholesale batch of cosmetics for subsequent retail sale by the TransAsia distribution company, of which he became a co-owner in 1993. After 5 years, Sergey decides to start an independent business and opens a one-of-a-kind store in Krasnodar that operates in the Cash & Carry format.

A good idea soon allowed to open a whole chain of stores. The success was that Sergey opened stores in small towns where there was not much competition.

The chain of stores began to specialize in the food and cosmetics segment and changed its profile to discounters selling goods below the retail price. So, in 2007, the first Magnit hypermarket appeared.

Today Sergey Galitsky is included in the list of 300 richest people on the planet. In 2016, he single-handedly held a 35.3% stake in Magnit. Heading the Magnit network for 25 years, in 2018 he decides to say goodbye to him by selling VTB a 29.1% stake. It was very ambiguous, which Sergey Galitsky commented as follows: “... something needs to be changed in my life ... Shareholders and I have different views on the development of the company ... Then Magnit will go on without me.”

Different people, different stories, and even if the story ends, it means that a new project has appeared on the horizon. These entrepreneurs, who were able to start a business from scratch in Russia, are united by the desire to follow their dreams, crazy hard work and the ability to correctly build a strategy for business development. Their stories show that even when there is a crisis in the country, it is necessary to strive to improve life in it.

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    There are quite a variety of stories regarding the way to the top of the businessmen who are on this list. And not all of the options say that the guys really had nothing at the beginning except talent and ambition.


Well-known financial sharks who managed to build a business from scratch In order to name and describe all the happy owners of billions in capital, a whole book is not enough.

Most of the participants in the Forbes rating lists are businessmen who made their capital by privatizing the assets of large enterprises and firms. But we will talk about those who created their financial empires starting from the bottom.

So who are the top 10 entrepreneurs who own multi-billion dollar companies built from scratch?

The first place is occupied by the Russian businessman Sergey Galitsky, who is the director of the Magnit retail chain. Galitsky began his career as a student, helping the deputy manager of a Krasnodar bank. Such a non-dusty position allowed him to acquire useful connections and influential acquaintances.

Having managed to get initial capital in the amount of $ 30,000, Galitsky chose to invest them in the purchase of a commodity that was popular at that time, namely cosmetics and perfumes. Such a first investment fully justified itself and paid off in full, after which Galitsky registered the first distribution company Trans-Asia, which became the prototype of the future Magnit.

At the moment, the general condition of a businessman is estimated at $3 billion.

The second place was taken by billionaire Aras Agalarov. In a short period of time, the businessman turned from a graduate of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions into an influential general director of the Crocus company.

Agalarov took his first steps in business by exporting souvenir products from Russia, importing computer equipment and components in return. Despite the success in trade, it was decided to stop this type of activity and establish a new, exhibition business format.

Aras Agalarov is the creator of the first Moscow boutique, located on Stoleshnikov Lane. At the moment, the main business that brings Agalarov income in the amount of $1.5 billion is his company for the construction of large shopping centers.

The third place went to the alcohol tycoon with Georgian roots Rustam Tariko, whose determination can only be envied (of course, white envy). Holding the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian Standard Bank, he successfully provided assistance to Italian tour operators, settling tourists in the Rossiya Hotel, which was inaccessible at that time.

The appearance of new influential acquaintances from among Italian businessmen helped Tariko conclude a contract for the supply of elite Martini alcohol. It was an unheard-of success that gave a financial impetus to further development Tariko empire.

The businessman's fortune is estimated at $1.5 billion.

The fourth place rightfully belongs to Alexander Dzhaparidze (state about $1.1 billion). Success came to him after Japaridze, being an ordinary geologist as part of a geophysical expedition, led a joint project with the Americans, the purpose of which was seismological exploration of the area.

After the collapse Soviet Union Alexander Japaridze managed to buy the necessary equipment and provide seismic services on a private basis.

Fifth place was headed by the owner of the Fashion Continent, and concurrently the governor of the Tula region, Vladimir Gruzdev. got mine start-up capital by issuing a loan in the amount of $500,000 by Sberbank. This became possible after successful management activities under the leadership of the well-known entrepreneur Oleg Boyko.

The governor's fortune is estimated at $950 million.

Sixth place is former employee Institute of Oceanology Andrey Rogachev, with a modest capital in $900 million. The idea of ​​creating a business did not initially arise in the mind of an entrepreneur, but in the late 80s Rogachev introduced unusual idea on the supply of devices for measuring concentration to enterprises harmful substances in products.

Thus, the first LEK cooperative was created. Having received a long-awaited loan, Rogachev was engaged in the supply of such equipment for three years. The next source of income was the business of resettling communal apartments. After Andrei Rogachev left for the banking business, the beloved commercial network"Pyaterochka".

Seventh place went to the insurance magnate Sergei Sarkisov (capital $950 million). Favorable ground for the creation of an insurance company was provided by connections in Ingosstrakh.

Being fluent in Spanish, Sarkisov was able to attract the Spanish insurance company Iberia Seguros, which made a significant contribution to the development of a single "Russian-European Insurance Company".

Eighth place was taken by the founder of Maxi-Invest, Nikolai Maksimov. Together with his wife, he was engaged in the trade of wood and paper, after a preliminary loan of 75,000 rubles. Over the years of existence, the Niktan company could boast of millions of turnovers. Guided by the desire to expand the business, Maksimov started buying shares in large metallurgical plants. This was the beginning of the creation of the now famous Maxi-Group. The capital is almost $950 million.

Ninth place belongs to Viktor Kharitonin, the owner of the Ufa-based pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard. The total capital is valued at $900 million.

Kharitonin began his career while still studying at the institute, opening an intermediary organization LLP "Creditinform". Later, having moved to Moscow, he became the founder of a brokerage company specializing in exchange trading in vouchers. A big leap in creation big business, was the purchase of shares in the company "Ufa-Vita".

Tenth place is proudly occupied by Samvel Karapetyan, President of the Tashir construction company. Karapetyan is a graduate of the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute. He achieved his first financial success by creating a sewing cooperative "Zenith", specializing in sewing overalls and fashionable at that time T-shirts with the image of pop stars.

After moving to Kaluga from his native Kalinino, Karapetyan became the head of the Kalugaglavsnab company, it was on its basis that the Tashir corporation was created. The core issues of the company are the construction and operation of shopping centers and exhibition halls.

And finally Reading a brief history career of each of the 10 people mentioned, it may seem that the process of creating a business from scratch is an elementary procedure that does not require ordinary mental and financial capabilities. Only now, if the financial issue can be solved with the help of loans, with ingenuity, everything is not so simple. Definitely, these people are special in their own way, if they were able to achieve such heights. It remains only to wish them good luck and professional success.

In every disaster, in every failure, there is a breakthrough, a seed of success, new opportunity but we just don't know about it. We just weren't taught it. We perceive every failure as a blow of fate, as a slap in the face, as a bandwagon, as bad luck, as a catastrophe. But only through the struggle with failure can you achieve something worthwhile if you stubbornly continue your work.

All over the world, successful, rich, healthy people treat life's trials and blows of fate in the same way. Their motto is: "Whatever doesn't kill makes me stronger." A strong person perceives any test and failure as a stage of growth.

The weak and the poor also have the same attitude towards failure. Failure for them is God's punishment, bad luck. Born at the wrong time, in the wrong country, received the wrong upbringing. In short, any pain kills them. A weak person, weak in all respects - spiritual, physical, moral, mental - any failure makes even weaker. Faced with adversity, he feels only fear.

We invite you to be inspired by the fates of people who, it would seem, from the deepest bottom, from the deepest abyss, flew up, turning into beautiful, great princes and queens.

Michael Jordan

I have missed more than nine thousand times in my sports career. I have lost over 300 matches. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the final shot for the team to win, and I've missed. I fail again and again. That's why I'm the Champion!

These words belong to the greatest athlete of our time, the legendary man Michael Jordan. The great basketball player who earned about five hundred million dollars during his sports career. The man who became the idol of the youth of the whole world.

In America and Europe, Michael Jordan is a megastar. Moreover, this person is not just an excellent athlete, but also an exemplary father, an exemplary family man, teacher, and thinker. And it is his words that perfectly describe the attitude of outstanding people to failure.

Michael Jordan didn't get picked on the high school basketball team as a kid because the coach decided he didn't have the talent. It was a test. And what did the black boy do? Filled with tears, dismissed nurses and forever abandoned your favorite sport? By no means! He just started working out more. Much more than his peers, the happy members of the school team! So, from defeat to defeat, from misunderstanding to misunderstanding, from test to test, he became an outstanding athlete and champion.

Each failure carries a huge charge of success. No wonder the Chinese and Japanese characters for "catastrophe" have two meanings. The first meaning is failure, catastrophe, and the second meaning is new opportunities. If you ask any businessman, entrepreneur, what caused him to take off, you are sure to get to the bottom of the true starting point. It will be nothing but failure.
V. Dovgan

Michael Bloomberg

Hear the life story of the mayor of the world's financial capital, New York City, Michael Bloomberg. The multi-billionaire created a unique company with a multi-billion dollar turnover and became a vivid embodiment of the Cinderella story or the great American dream. A young man from a poor family, almost accidentally entered college, after graduation he began to work in a brokerage company. He gave this company many years of his life, but he was fired. Disaster, failure, fiasco. Why did they fire him, and not some other employee? Because he is the weakest of all? Because he's a loser? After all, he gave this company so much time and heart, treated it like a family!

It would seem a complete failure, a complete disaster. But it was at this moment that Bloomberg's great empire was born. Today, not a single financial institution in the world can do without TV channels and information systems that he created. He achieved not only tremendous success in business, but also in politics, becoming one of the brightest mayors of New York, and this is a very complex city with large debts, high crime, and huge problems - all of which he inherited from previous mayors .

When he was elected mayor, he discovered that the city budget was in a catastrophic state: it was bursting at all seams, New York had been living beyond its means for many years. But Bloomberg didn't mind. He said he would work for one dollar a year to make up the shortfall more quickly. He, like all ordinary New Yorkers, rides the subway, and when the subway workers put forward demands that were impossible for the city and went on strike, he calmly went to the store in front of all the townspeople, bought a bicycle and rode to work on a bicycle.

Marvelous bright person, bright destiny! But it would not have taken place if Michael had not been fired. He would not become a multibillionaire, he would not become a famous politician.

Walt Disney

Another loss story. Walt Disney is a man who left an indelible mark on the earth. Young Walt was fired from the newspaper with the degrading, shameful wording "for lack of ideas." Some small newspaper, some insignificant editor-in-chief, throws Disney out with a verdict that he is mediocre, that he is a fool. And it was this pain, this tragedy in his fate that led to the birth of a great empire, the great world of Walt Disney.

The second failure was waiting for Disney for a very short time - having drawn his first cartoon character Oswald the donkey, he tied himself up with a partnership with an extremely dishonorable person who secretly redid all the contracts behind his back. One fine day, when Disney came to work, he heard: "All cartoons, all contracts with film distributors belong to me, and even the donkey Oswald, who has already become famous, also belongs to me. Here, dear Disney, you have a salary, work for a pittance You are no longer the owner or author, just nobody!"

A vile stab in the back, a vile betrayal. But that was precisely what inspired the birth of the famous Mickey Mouse character. Who knows, without this betrayal, the history of world animation could have gone in a completely different way, and you and I would never have had the opportunity to laugh and grieve with this wonderful character, there would not have been such an unusual attraction in the world as Disneyland. At the moment of the betrayal, Disney was killed, he suffered a colossal nervous breakdown. But he found the strength to say to this scoundrel: "Take this freak! In the world with which I am friends, there are a huge number of new heroes!" And on the way home, he drew the famous Mickey Mouse.

Don King

An interesting story of the rise of the famous boxing producer Don King. The black boy grew up in the backyards of a big city - in a Negro ghetto, where alcohol, drugs, and crime reigned. What fate could await him ahead? Prison or death.

At first, that's how it happened. As a gambling guy, Don King held an illegal sweepstakes. After a fight with a debtor whom he killed, he ended up in jail for a long time. And this is where the miracle happens. He begins to read smart books from morning to night, begins to completely change his life, his worldview. The prison administration, seeing positive changes in the prisoner, filed a petition for early release.

A completely different person came out of prison. A highly educated, well-read person who constantly quotes Dostoevsky, Socrates, Plato, Einstein. He took up producing in professional boxing, took it to a whole new level and became his legend. Don King went down in history as the man who first organized the fight between Muhammad Ali and Furman with a prize fund of the then unthinkable amount of $ 10 million. Who knows, if a tragedy hadn't happened in his life, if he hadn't gone to jail, maybe he would have simply become a drug addict, drunk himself, turned into a homeless person.

Soichiro Honda

Every failure brings new opportunities.

These words are quite applicable to the fate of one of the entrepreneurs - Soichiro Honda. An illiterate locksmith from a small Japanese village dreamed of starting his own business. Having collected all the money, even selling his wife's jewelry, he set up the production of piston rings for the Toyota automobile company. His fellow villagers were puzzled and surprised - how could an illiterate person open a business? In addition to making piston rings, Honda was constantly working on his technical inventions. For a long time he did nothing.

Colleagues laughed at him, they believed that we should just continue to produce these rings and not invent anything new, otherwise he would soon go bankrupt. They mocked him, and it always happens, because little people who are afraid to take risks, afraid to take a step, in general, to do something themselves, enthusiastically accept any of your defeats. They are glad that you didn't succeed either. This is an excuse for their gray, boring, beggarly life. This is an internal guarantee that they live correctly, do not stick out, do not take risks and do not suffer.

Imagine how Soichiro Honda felt when he heard those taunts. But it was at this moment that a miracle happened. Soichiro figured out how to ride a bike without expending effort. He attached a small motor to his wife's bicycle and made his first moped. If at that moment he had listened to the "well-wishers" and refused to continue inventing, maybe all his life he would have been just one of the thousands of Toyota suppliers. Nobody knows, but quite wealthy person.

It was out of failure that the great Honda empire was born, which is now one of the five largest automotive giants and produces 75 percent of all motorcycles in the world and a huge amount of necessary household appliances. Remember Soichiro Honda's formula for success: "99 losses equals one victory!"

Akio Morita

Let's look at how Sony was born. Designer Akio Morita's first product was rice cookers, which worked horribly, burned rice, and often broke down. It was a defeat. The product was extremely unsuccessful. But it was precisely this failure that prompted Akio Morita to create the first tape recorder, the first transistor.

The first failures of the Sony company changed its face, determined a completely different path of development. And it was this path that turned out to be fantastically successful, and it was he who brought Morita wealth and fame (in the 70s, Akio Morita was the richest man in the world).

Pietro Ferrero

All of you are well aware of such wonderful sweets as "Roche", "Raffaello", "Kinder Surprise" - chocolate eggs with amazing toys. But few people know how the Ferrero empire was born. Today it is a company with a turnover of more than 10 billion dollars and a worldwide reputation.

It was after the war in a small provincial Italian town. Pietro Ferrero decided to make a homemade candy business and bought cocoa, milk powder, butter, sugar, investing all his savings in them. The family prepared for the city holiday for several days and made sweets, hoping to sell them profitably. And just a day before the holiday, a tragedy occurred. The day was very hot and all the sweets melted. Ferrero's wife, having entered a makeshift warehouse, saw instead of sweets a spreading sweet mass. The tragedy was so strong that her legs buckled, and Ferrero himself, looking at this catastrophe, simply turned gray.

But a way out was found. They cut the bread and spread it with this sweet paste, making sweet sandwiches. The next day, Ferrero and his wife not only saved themselves from complete ruin, but also earned good money, because these sweet sandwiches flew away "like hot cakes on a frosty day." Thus, an amazing product was born - Nutella chocolate-nut spread.

Later, when the Ferrero company experienced financial difficulties, Ferrero proudly said: "Saint Nutella will help us!" Indeed, this product has always given the Ferrero company super profits and has been popular with children around the world for decades.

on the picture : Michele Ferrero, son of the founder of the company, who contributed to the development and success of the Ferrero Group

Joanne Rowling

We all admire the amazing literary hero Harry Potter. But few people know that the miracles that happen to this amazing boy and his friends are nothing compared to the miracle that happened to his literary mother, writer Joan Kathleen Rowling, or Jo, as she was called from childhood in the family.

This amazing woman was born on July 31, 1965 in England, in the small town of Chepingrodtree. She spent a typical childhood of a girl from a small town without any troubles and upheavals. After graduating from school, Joan enters the University of Exeter, where she chooses the specialization "Philology", studying in depth French, Latin and ancient Greek.

Joan began writing her first Harry Potter book back in 1990, when she was twenty-five years old and worked as a secretary in a London publishing house. She did not have a computer, she wrote her bestseller on pieces of paper and put them in a shoe box.

At the age of 26, Joan goes to Portugal to teach English language and soon meets Jorge Arantes, a journalist and playboy, and marries him a year later. The ambitious husband could not find a job for a long time, and therefore Joan, in order to support her family, had to teach English almost until the birth of her daughter Jessica. And already in October, Joan, family life which did not work out, with a three-month-old Jessica in her arms, she went to the only relative and close person - to her sister in Edinburgh. She became a semi-poor single mother and lived on public assistance on the outskirts of the city in a gloomy slum. Rowling received only 70 pounds a week, which was completely spent on food and some clothes for Jessie. She was very embarrassed by her plight, literally turning into a beggar.

The death of her beloved mother, the constant lack of money, the difficult separation from her husband, who literally pushed her out of the house with a small child in her arms, contributed to the development of severe depression. Sometimes on rainy evenings, when her daughter was sleeping, it seemed to Joan that this black streak of life would never end. From the terrible reality, Joan escaped only at the desk.

Joan wrote her first book for almost five years. Joan sent the manuscript of the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" retyped on an old typewriter to various publishers, from where the standard replies came: "Too difficult for children. Children will not be interested."

But in 1995, the streak of terrible failures finally ended - the manuscript ended up in the Bloombury publishing house, which specialized in the production of children's books. From that moment on, an amazing turn takes place in the fate of JK Rowling - the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan.

The first book was published in July 1997, the same year Joan received a grant of 12 thousand dollars and finally bought a computer. Further more. The Americans bought the rights to The Philosopher's Stone from her for $110,000, and by the summer of 2000, the first three books had sold thirty-five million copies and were translated into 36 languages. Harry Potter books literally conquered the whole world. And Rowling herself has become a superstar, a cult writer of our time. What about our time! All times!

Oprah Winfrey

The number one star in show business, TV presenter Oprah Winfrey has broken all records in the field of making money and in popularity on television. Today, tens of millions of viewers look with admiration at this full African-American woman. She is an idol for millions of people on the planet. Imagine what this means in America, where two hundred years ago black people were slaves, and a hundred years ago they were refused even to ride in the same bus or buy goods in the same store.

But Oprah did not come quickly to her victory. In childhood and adolescence, Oprah's fate was not the best. She was born in the slums of one of the poor quarters, where prostitution, violence, drugs, crimes were almost the main occupation of young people. She left home very early, wandered, took alcohol and drugs, and was promiscuous. At 16, she gave birth to a dead child, not even knowing from whom. As a child, it was only by chance that she was not sent to a juvenile prison for theft - she was saved by the fact that the prison was overcrowded.

A tramp, thief and drug addict, Oprah naturally skipped classes for months and wrote with a lot of errors. Most people with her fate would have laid down their hands long ago and never dreamed of millions of dollars, of fame, of fame. But Oprah had a hope, a dream to achieve the best in life. And fate smiled at her: she managed to find a job at some small provincial radio station. At first she did all kinds of auxiliary work in the office, then she was entrusted - for the first time in her life - to go on the air.

And the star lit up! Today she is the owner of more than a billion dollars, a giant world megastar!

Believe in yourself, you too can achieve great success if you really want to! Good luck! We know YOU CAN!

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Someone turns millions and billions, but it's not you yet? Now, to be honest, what do you think when you hear success stories about Her or Him, in which everything goes fantastically well: the first million years at 25, the most expensive car, a luxurious house, several active businesses that inspire assets .... The success stories of rich people, in fact, are too diverse to be “combed” with one brush and taken in a stereotyped way.

It can often seem that rich people become rich without lifting a finger, because behind such a person successful person there were already golden mountains, green rustling banknotes donated by parents, and not taking advantage of all this is a sin.

So that nothing seems, and finally understand the reality for yourself - that you can sit in a soft leather interior of a car, or open a bottle of the most expensive wine on your own terrace, and all this without reference to ready-made soil, we will simply demonstrate 10 real stories of becoming the richest people in the world from virtually nothing. From scratch, without support and golden diapers.

By the way, not all the biographies of the rich people of the world, which we will now tell about, are familiar to you. If you were guided only by Forbes ratings, there will be an opening. Why not expand your own boundaries?

10. Michael Rubin opens the top ten richest people on the planet. The future billionaire and founder of Kynetic sold seeds to his neighbors as a child. At the age of 10, the enterprising boy was already hiring 5 guys to remove snow from neighbors' lawns for a fee. At the age of 14, Michael already had own store, and at the age of 23 under his leadership was a company with a turnover of 50 million dollars. Michael's fortune is estimated at 2.3 billion dollars. Almost always strong personalities begin in this way: with the manifestation of an entrepreneurial vein from an early age.

9. Oprah Winfrey will be the only woman in our ranking of the richest people in the world. Yes, not in the first place, but if it were a rating of diligence and dedication, she could be safely given the championship. Now she is 62 years old and her path to success has nothing to do with the story of Cinderella. She can answer questions about how rich people became rich based on personal experience: she plowed and achieved everything herself. Oprah Winfrey was born into a poor family. Mother was a maid and father was a miner.

For the first 6 years of her life, Oprah lived with her grandmother in the wilderness. The American TV presenter herself admitted in an interview that she was raped at the age of 9 and became pregnant at 14. The child died shortly after birth. At the age of 17, Oprah began working as a reporter, and in 1986 she created her own program, The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 2011, she launched her own TV channel, OWN. The state of the TV presenter is estimated at 3.2 billion dollars.

8. This guy doesn't make tens of billions like some of the top rankings do, but he does have something in store: almost $10 billion in hard-earned capital. He owns a 7.6% stake in Facebook. Dustin Moskowitz was born into a Jewish family in Washington DC. The father worked as a psychiatrist, but more information about Dustin's family was not disclosed.

7. On the honorable seventh place in our TOP-10 the richest people Canadian-American engineer Elon Musk. He is 12 years older than Dustin Moskowitz. Elon Musk's net worth is $12.3 billion. He founded SpaceX and The latter, after merging with Confinity, was called PayPal and was sold for $1.5 billion. Musk was born in South Africa. True, the father was a businessman, and the mother was a famous model, so it is difficult to call the family poor. But there is a downside to the coin - Elon was often beaten at school, and this, of course, left a significant mark on the level of self-esteem.

At 12, Elon made his first video game and sold it for $500. It was the first independent earnings on the way to billions. If you look at what such children do from an early age, you can predict for them future success. And success "overtook" Elon.

6. Meet Li Ka-shing, the richest and most powerful man in Hong Kong and Asia. While Forbes was estimating Hong Kong's Superman net worth at $25.5 billion, it has grown to $34. And this is 2015 data. We think Li still did well in 2016. In narrow circles, this enterprising Hong Konger is called "Superman" and is now 87 years old.

Li Ka-shing is the chairman of the boards of Cheung Kong Group and Hutchison Whampoa, which have a capitalization of about 15% of the Hong Kong stock market. Among the stories of rich people who started from scratch, his is one of the most difficult. For understanding: Lee was born in the family of the most ordinary teacher.

From the fifth grade, Kashin began selling watch straps, and a little later he got a job at a plastic watch factory. 16 hours of work in a factory and after attending an evening school - this is how the Hong Kong guy Li Ka-shing began his journey to the first million. Having gained experience in the factory, he began to trade in plastic flowers himself, and soon headed his own company.

5. The stories of rich people who started from scratch are not the same. Like the story of Sergey Brin, who also falls into our ranking of the richest people in the world in fifth place. Sergey is nothing at all - 42 years old and he is a co-founder of Google. Sergei was born into a Jewish family of mathematicians who moved to the United States in 1979, and the future billionaire was only 5 years old. In 2016, according to Forbes magazine, the fortune of an American entrepreneur with Russian roots was estimated at almost $35 billion.

4. You probably heard about this guy too. Larry Page is an American billionaire who, together with Sergey Brin, created the first search engine, which eventually grew into the most powerful tool for finding any information - Google. Larry was born into a professorial family, and while getting an education at the prestigious Stanford University, he met Brin. The joint launch of Google, as we see, has become a gold mine for the guys. Now the state of Larry Page is estimated at $ 32.3 billion, and this is the 17th place in the Forbes rating, however, in 2014. We dare to assume that in 2 years a couple of billions have increased.

Biographies of the richest people in the world: TOP-3. Who is in the lead?

3. Another example of crazy success without any seemingly chance of it from birth is American businessman Sheldon Adelson. Sheldon is one of the twenty richest people according to Forbes magazine. Adelson once again proves that the richest people on the planet are not those who were born and immediately fell into golden diapers. The son of a taxi driver, a newspaper salesman at the age of 12, a court reporter and even a toiletry salesman. Sheldon got a lot. The future American billionaire was born into a Jewish family. And by the way, he is recognized as the richest Jew.

According to the most recent figures that have been announced, Sheldon Adelson's net worth is $38 billion. Not bad, right? The billionaire receives the main income from his investments in real estate: the construction of casinos, hotels, shops, expo centers, etc.

2. We only write "Mark", and you already understand who we are talking about. And yes, you are not mistaken. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social network Facebook, also enters the TOP 10 richest people in the world. In May, Mark's wealth was updated (talking about money), and the capital amounted to $ 51.6 billion. But the guy is only 32 years old! By the way, like many on the list, he is of Jewish origin. Father is a dentist, mother is a psychiatrist. Mark has 3 sisters. How much do you think doctors could provide for 4 children? While still a schoolboy, Mark developed a network version of the game "Risk", and while studying at Harvard - an internal social network, which he himself did not bring to mind, but the guys came to the rescue: Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and others.

1. The ex-president of Inditex could not be outside our list of the TOP 10 richest people in the world. And, you know, we put it first. While many multiply their income several times, Amancio Ortega, we are sure, is not "lost". It was he who in October last year received the title of the richest man on the planet according to Forbes magazine. But in May 2016, his fortune was estimated at 72.9 billion dollars. If the name of the Indetex company does not tell you anything, then you have heard about the Zara brand. Here Amancio is the founder of this brand as well.

Amancio's father was a railroad worker, and his mother was even "better" a servant. The family was so poor that the guy didn't even graduate high school, and from the age of 13 he began working as a messenger in a shirt shop. Yes, did the 13-year-old guy then think that in 2015 he would lead the ranking of the richest people on the planet? We doubt. Today, the billionaire invests considerable sums in real estate in Florida, Madrid, London, as well as in banks and tourism.

This is how the ranking of the richest people in the world looks like, who started the path to their success from scratch. Are there no borders? They really don't exist. Just act, and any goal will be achieved. Who knows, maybe you will find yourself in the Forbes ranking in a couple of years.

It is believed that in order to develop a business, it is required to have initial capital. In reality, there are examples when successful businessmen today started their journey from the very bottom. Consider the top stories of creating a successful business from scratch.

KFC, David Sanders

KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a famous American fast food chain. Specializes in the preparation of chicken meat. The brand was founded by David Sanders. He was born on September 9, 1890. While still a boy, he left home. At the age of 16, he went to serve in the American army, forging documents. Then began a period of vagrancy, during which he learned a lot, including cooking.

Way to success

  • When David turned 40, he opened a gas station. On it, he treated visitors to fried chicken according to his own recipe, adding special spices and herbs. As a result, customers began to come to him, primarily to feast on chicken, and not just fill up the car.
  • Sanders improved the recipe by pressure frying the chicken and rented a larger space. In 1950, the governor of Kentucky personally presented him with the title of Colonel. A few years later, Sanders saved up some money and began to introduce a franchise.
  • When the Colonel was 74 years old, he sold the company to Kentucky businessmen for a couple of million dollars, but retained his right to Canadian franchises. By that time, the total number of restaurants was 600.

Sanders left this world in 1980 at the age of 90. He was buried in the famous white suit - the personification of the image of the founder of KFC.

Today, the menu at KFC includes many different dishes based on chicken meat. In total, several tens of thousands of restaurants are open in countries around the world, including Russia.

Whatsapp, Jan Koum

WhatsApp is a free messenger through which about 50 million messages are sent daily. The founder of the messenger is Jan Kum. He is originally from Ukraine and today is the second most influential person on Facebook after Zuckerberg, but this was not always the case.


Jan was born into a poor family in the winter of 1976, in the town of Fastov. His father was a construction worker and his mother was a housewife. Sometimes there was not enough money even for electricity and heating. The family emigrated to the United States and received a small apartment with the help of a social program, but poverty continued to dominate their lives. Kum tried to study and work as a cleaner in a store at the same time. Later, his mother developed cancer and the family began to live on her disability allowance.

Student years

By the time he came of age, one of Jan's hobbies was programming. He studied discipline from textbooks, borrowing them . Later, Koum joined a large group of hackers who hacked into the servers of well-known companies.

As a university student, Ian met Brian Acton, who later became his co-founder via WhatsApp. Brian got Ian a job at Yahoo, seeing potential in him. To devote himself to work, Koum dropped out of the university. When Yahoo began to experience difficult times, Jan and Brian left the company and set off on a free voyage.


Yang tried to get a job at Facebook, but he was immediately rejected. After a while, he bought himself an iPhone and came up with an interesting idea - to create a mobile messenger application. It appeared in 2009 and did not arouse the slightest interest among users. Brian persuaded Ian not to abandon his idea, but to wait a bit.

When the pop-up messages feature appeared on the iPhone, the WhatsApp messenger immediately became popular. In the winter of 2014, Facebook, the company that had once upset Yang so much by denying him a job, bought the app from Yang for $16 billion.

On the this moment Jan Koum is the CEO of Facebook and is on the company's board of directors. He has a fortune of $ 9 billion, but continues to spend all his time at work.

Alibaba, Jack Ma

Jack Ma is the founder and chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba. He owns a fortune of $ 25 billion, but for a long time he was accompanied only by failure.

Jack Ma (Ma Yun - real name) was born in the fall of 1964 in the Chinese city of Hangzhou and was the third child in their poor family.

Education and job search

At school age, he worked as a guide, offering tourists a free walk around the city - so he wanted to master English. One of the tourists with whom Ma developed friendships came up with the nickname Jack for him.

Jack really wanted to break into people and on the third attempt he was able to enter the Pedagogical Institute in his city. In 1988, he received his diploma, after which the job search began.

Jack got rejected everywhere, even at KFC. Finally he got lucky and became an English teacher. At a local university, he received only $12 a month. Despite this, teaching unexpectedly came to his liking.


During a trip to the US in 1995, Jack first learned what a computer and programming are. He was an interpreter for a business delegation from China. His first search query was "Beer". Jack was surprised that beer from his country didn't show up in the search results, so he decided to start an Internet company at home.

His first ideas were not successful, but after 4 years, Jack convinced his friends to invest in his new online marketplace Alibaba. On it, suppliers could display product offers, and consumers could order products directly. In 1999, Aliaba received significant investments from telecommunications investment company SoftBank (Japan) and Goldman Cash Bank. In total, investments amounted to $25 million. In 2005, Yahoo invested $1 billion in the company, acquiring a 40% stake from the latter. Subsequently, this brought significant profits to Yahoo.

In 2013, Jack became chairman of the board of directors, transferring his duties as CEO. Alibaba went public with an IPO the following fall, making Jack the richest man in all of China.

lifestyle now

Despite his huge fortune, Jack continues to lead a modest lifestyle. His hobbies are meditation, health exercises, poker, reading and writing kung fu stories. . He also advocates for the environment and highlighted cash for the creation of a natural Chinese reserve of 10,000 hectares of land.

Jack is married to Zhang Ying, whom he met while teaching, and has a son and a daughter.

Starbucks, Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz is a well-known American businessman, is the executive director of a large network of StarBucks cafes (today it is a real symbol of modern America). Thanks to his personal qualities and perseverance, Howard became a great businessman.


The boy was born in the summer of 1953 in Brooklyn. His parents worked constantly, but there were no excesses in their family. Mom and dad dreamed that their son would get a good education and be able to provide for his family in the future. Howard lived in a government-issued low-income home. The only entertainment for local poor kids is the basketball court.

The boy began to work from the age of 12. At first he sold newspapers, and then worked as a cashier at a local cafe. At 16, Howard was stretching hides, a job that was physically demanding and low-paid.

After receiving his bachelor's degree in 1975, Howard worked for several years in sales at Xerox, after which he moved to the Hamamaplast representative office. This Swedish company sold coffee grinders and other household appliances Starbucks and similar organizations.

How did the idea come about

Once Howard tried Starbucks coffee, and since then his life has changed. He loved the drink and the company. For a whole year, Howard pestered the director with calls asking him to hire him. . Finally, he gave up and offered the young man the position of marketing director with earnings 2 times less than he received at Hamamaplast. This was the starting point for the rapid development of Starbucks.

Thanks to Howard, Starbucks introduced new types of coffee - latte and espresso. A concept was developed for creating cozy establishments where connoisseurs of good coffee would gather, and the first cafe-shop instantly gained popularity. Cafes began to appear in other cities, and then even at airports and airplanes. Later, Starbucks began to conquer the world market, after which - the Internet space.

At the moment, there are 17,000 Starbucks coffee shops around the world open in the world, and Howard's fortune is estimated at $ 1.5 billion. Schultz loves to travel with children, writes books, telling in them the story of his life and the peculiarities of doing business. Success came to Howard thanks to his business model, which takes into account the psychology of modern people.

GoPro, Nick Woodman

Nick Woodman is the founder and CEO of GoPro. He is a living example of how obsession with your favorite hobby can bring you a fortune without investment.

One day while on holiday in Australia, while watching surfers, Nick was struck by the idea: to make an inexpensive and convenient camera that would allow you to create high-quality pictures in motion. The GoPro was first introduced at the Action Sports Retailer Show in 2004. After him, Nick received an order for the manufacture of the first hundred of the same cameras. During the year of sales, Woodman became the owner of $350,000.

This was just the beginning. Nick always dreamed of becoming a race car driver and decided to develop a camera that could easily be mounted in the car. Users were also attracted by the affordable price of the camera - only two to four hundred dollars for high-quality video recording. In 2011, Nick attracted investors and received $ 88 million to develop his business. .

Today, Nick is called a crazy billionaire. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time for his extreme pastime.


Despite the fact that the article discusses different types of business, their founders have several things in common:

  1. lack of initial capital and influential connections;
  2. original and unusual idea;
  3. perseverance;
  4. Believe in yourself;
  5. diligence.

The experience of David Sanders, Jan Koum, Jack Ma, Howard Schultz and Nick Woodman proves that anyone can become a millionaire, the main thing is to offer people an original and elegant solution that will improve their lives.

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