Tinkov Oleg, Tinkoff Credit Systems


In the field of entrepreneurship, this man has reached dizzying heights. Moreover, he was able to realize himself in several areas of business: the sale of electronics, the manufacture of semi-finished products, brewing, banking. It was thanks to these niches that the odious businessman Oleg Tinkov amassed a multi-million dollar fortune. Since childhood, he gravitated toward gainful acquisition, although initially he had no one to learn the art of “buy cheaper and sell more expensive” from. Often had to learn science by trial and error. Of course, the biography of Oleg Tinkov will be of interest to many people who are just taking their first steps in business. What was remarkable about her? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Years of childhood and youth

Oleg Yuryevich Tinkov - a native of the village of Polysaevo (Kemerovo region). He was born on December 25, 1967. The parents of the future businessman did not belong to the number of wealthy people: his mother worked as a simple dressmaker, and his father mined coal in a mine.

The boy went to a regular school, and his childhood was the same as that of thousands of "Soviet" children.

First experience

However, already at this stage of life, the biography of Oleg Tinkov is not without remarkable facts. The teenager was seriously interested in cycling. After some time, he was already the gold medalist of the championship held on the scale of his native region. And then the young man began to regularly participate in competitions held in the Central Asian republics. And on them Oleg showed amazing success. In between workouts, he managed to “quickly” go shopping and buy several items of scarce clothing, which, upon arrival in Kuzbass, he sold several times more expensive. Naturally, no one had yet canceled the article for speculation, so the teenager tried not to advertise his small business.

Army and institute

It would seem that the biography of Oleg Tinkov will be inextricably linked with sports, but the young man chose a different path. Having received a certificate of maturity, he goes to serve on the Far Eastern border.

Demobilized, Oleg Yuryevich Tinkov returns to his native land, but soon decides to study at a university. He goes to the "city on the Neva" and enters the Mining Institute. But the young man will not be able to get the coveted diploma, because the leadership of the university will become aware that he is engaged in speculation ...


Oleg Tinkov quickly realized that it is very difficult for a student to live on one scholarship. The young man began to look for options for additional income. At first, he traded in alcoholic beverages within the walls of the hostel, then he began to buy jeans and perfume from foreign students, which he sold with a “cheat” in his homeland. After some time, he began to actively engage in the shuttle business, not only in the USSR, but also abroad.

And then the idea of ​​trading in foreign equipment arose in the head of a novice entrepreneur. The young man managed to arrange the supply of televisions and tape recorders from Singapore, and he focused on commerce completely, relegating his studies at the institute to the background. But this, of course, is not limited to the biography of Oleg Tinkov. The young man successfully develops his business: he barely manages to meet the regularly growing demand, and soon he opens a Sony store in the Northern capital. In 1994, Tinkov already had two such stores, which some time later he renamed Technoshock. By 1996, the businessman already owned 7 outlets under the Technoshock brand.

Oleg Yuryevich decides to expand the horizons of his business and acquires the Shock Records recording studio. After some time, albums of popular musical groups "Leningrad" and "Bricks" are released on it.

Business sale

In the second half of the 90s, Technoshock stores brought huge profits to their owner. And all thanks to the fact that entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov was able to competently organize the business. He spends money on staff training. To increase sales, the businessman tries to keep prices down, he invests in radio and television advertising, and provides customers with a free home delivery service. It is not difficult to guess that such steps provoked a huge demand for products. However, in 1997 Oleg Yuryevich sells his profitable business for $7 million and invests in new projects. As it turned out, they will bring him even more profit.

restaurant business

The story of Oleg Tinkov is a guide to action for absolutely every newcomer to business. Currently, the businessman is happy to share the secrets of his own success with others. The main thing, according to Tinkov, is to start acting and not be afraid of potential failures.

In 1998, Oleg Yuryevich began to implement a new business plan. He decided to start selling low-alcohol drinks through his own restaurant in St. Petersburg. The entrepreneur decided to trade in beer. Soon the well-known Tinkoff brand appeared. The drink really enjoyed unprecedented demand, and the profits from the new commercial project "flowed like a river."

In 2005, Tinkov got rid of this asset, and InBrev (Belgium) became its new owner. However, beer restaurants remained in the ownership of Oleg Yurievich.

Production of semi-finished products

The businessman continues to look for new horizons. He invests in the food industry. Tinkov establishes the company "Daria" (named after his daughter), which is engaged in the production of dumplings. Over time, the "brainchild" expands the range of products: the plant supplies cutlets, pancakes, meatballs, etc., produced under the brands "Petersburg Smak", "Ravioli", "Thick Kok" to the food market. The turnover in "Daria" is simply off the charts. But Tinkov again changes priorities in business.


In 2006, Oleg Yuryevich actively shows interest in banking. The businessman acquired the Himmashbank credit institution, which was renamed Tinkov Credit Systems CJSC.

Soon he became the head of Tinkoff Bank (TKS Bank) and announced in principle new model business lending. The entrepreneur refused to build a network of bank offices, saying that one main institution in Moscow was enough. All banking operations in its structure began to be carried out in the "online" mode. To use banking services, the client must have access to the Internet, email, social media account and mobile phone. Moreover, all operations can be performed without leaving home, which is very convenient.

Success Secrets

For several years now, his author's program “Business Secrets with Oleg Tinkov” has been published on the Internet, where he tells his colleagues about the pitfalls of entrepreneurial activity in Russia. In addition, he writes books on the proper organization of his own business. “Don't be afraid to take risks! Strive to create something new! - Oleg Tinkov confidently declares. "How to become a businessman?" - This book has already become a real bestseller in the business environment. In addition to her, he wrote another one - "I am like everyone else." It will also help the aspiring entrepreneur navigate the tough business world. The main idea of ​​the second book comes down to the following: "Anyone, absolutely anyone can succeed in business!" And Oleg Tinkov tirelessly repeats this phrase. How to become a businessman? He gives the answer to this question in expanded form in his books.

Outside the profession

Oleg Tinkov, whose personal life has developed in a favorable way, is not only a successful businessman, but also an exemplary family man.

He met his wife Rina Vosman while still studying at the Mining Institute. They saw each other at a disco, and we can say that it was love at first sight. After some time, Oleg and Rina already lived together. But the newly minted unit of society immediately ran into financial difficulties. But after the head of the family started doing business, they gradually began to disappear. Oleg Tinkov's wife supported and helped him in all his endeavors. Rina gave birth to a wife of three children: sons Roman and Pavel, daughter Daria. The businessman simply idolizes his family, which gives him new strength for accomplishments. Oleg Tinkov's wife leads active image life, having time to do business and raise children.

The owner of Tinkoff Bank, Oleg Tinkov, was one of the first to radically change the management model of the bank, applying the American experience. Judging by the growing popularity of the project, the ideas were in demand and found their fans.

The story of Tinkoff Bank

Oleg Yurievich Tinkov.

The path to the idea of ​​forming a bank took a long 17 years. It all started with the fact that at the institute in 1989 Oleg met his beloved, who became his commercial pointer on the path of life.

The path to banking was not easy

First, the future millionaire was engaged in fartsovka in a hostel, then selling equipment from Poland and Germany. Oleg increasingly acquired connections and honed his business skills. Rina helped him in everything, she herself transported clothes and cigarettes from Warsaw to Germany and sold them right at the station and immediately went back for a new batch. In order to accumulate at least some capital, Oleg and Rina saved utterly, did not buy anything extra.

In 1991, Tinkov left for America “for knowledge”, from that moment on he will often return to the USA, even finish economic courses at one of the country's universities, and then Berkeley University itself at the Faculty of Marketing.

After the first visit to the United States, the business of the entrepreneur went much better - he and his friends opened the companies Petrosib, Tekhnoshok, which were engaged in wholesale and retail technique. Then there was the case for the production of semi-finished products "Daria".

Tinkov's zeal and desire for big money always amazed his friends. Each of them speaks of Tinkov as a stubborn, in a good way, courageous entrepreneur.

By 2013, Tinkov was able to double the capital and took the 1210th line in the Forbes list. was just under $1.5 billion.

In 2015, the bank changed its name to Tinkoff.

Who is at the helm?

Oleg Tinkov - CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Bank. He has 53.6% of the company's shares, the rest of the shares were divided by several companies.

Tinkov as director

The office of Tinkoff Bank is located in the center of Moscow, its walls are painted with graffiti, there are several restaurants for employees on the premises, gym. Tinkov's office, decorated with gold leaf, is located on the first floor, from where several entrances to the building are clearly visible, and the walls of the office are made of durable glass. As Oleg says, you can immediately see who smokes and who works.

Employees of the company speak of Oleg as a quick-tempered, rude, but at the same time quick-witted and reasonable director. Beginners often cannot stand the director's curses - he can swear at everyone. Experienced employees know that "Asshole" or "Reptile" is Tinkov's promotion, which is not easy to earn.

Tinkoff Bank is the only brainchild that has been kept in the Tinkoff property for so long. In this field, Tinkov received several awards, for example, "For the development of an online bank."

Oleg as the head of the family

Oleg loves his family, in interviews he often talks about his wife and children. Family Oleg is the same as for work - strong-willed and decisive.

According to him, the main thing is self-education, he does not spare money for endless travels around the world and education. Oleg spends money rationally, he has not even changed his car for more than 10 years. Tinkov drives a Rolls-Royce.

At the same time, romanticism is well combined with rudeness - you can often find funny or sentimental pictures of evening gatherings with your wife.

Oleg does not forget to brag about the fact that Rina is his only woman, and does not like to flaunt sexual achievements.

What does Oleg say about himself?

Oleg loves cycling and other active entertainment, he has. Another of his hobbies is freeride - downhill skiing on an unpaved track. This hobby, as Oleg says, is for real men.

Oleg talks about such his advantages:

  • perseverance;
  • the ability to find a common language with anyone;
  • an extraordinary approach to any business.

Also, Oleg’s advantages include energy in everything and a modern approach to business - he promotes Tinkoff Bank in all known social networks, leads own .

Among the shortcomings, Oleg notes an absurd character - he uses obscenities in his speech, cannot resist a sarcastic comment.

What journalists say about Tinkov

For journalists, the head of a bank is both a goldmine and a punishment. Oleg knows how to impress and pay attention to his own person.

Many cases are noted when he became the instigator of fights. Oleg manages to settle disputes even after his resonant comments.

Most journalists consider Oleg stupid, which he does not hide - there are cases when Tinkov, in his opinion, joked well with them. For example, information about Tinkov's homosexual orientation got into the press, he laughed for a long time and at the same time cursed all the "morons" who wrote this nonsense.

The founder of Tinkoff Bank, according to many people, is an outstanding personality, which combines rudeness, energy and the will to win. As the growing capital shows, these qualities benefit his business. stable family life and close relationships with his wife and children also confirm that Oleg managed to find a balance between his ambitions and caring for his family.

Oleg Tinkov is a successful Russian businessman who today is one of the the richest people in the country. He is considered one of the most eccentric entrepreneurs in the CIS, who from his youth was actively engaged in entrepreneurship and achieved high results in this area. Tinkov is successful in everything he does not undertake - in brewing, in the production of dumplings, in the restaurant business and in the serious banking sector.

Tinkov Oleg Yurievich was born on December 25, 1967 in the southeast of Western Siberia, in the village of Polysaevo, Kemerovo Region. His father worked as a miner in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, and his mother worked as a seamstress. The childhood and youth of the future businessman passed like other Soviet children. Oleg graduated from school without outstanding success, where he was no longer interested in exact sciences but sports. In the sports direction, namely in road cycling, Tinkov achieved success and in 1984 won the title of candidate master of sports.

After graduating from school, Oleg Tinkov was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. Oleg got into the border troops and served in the Far East. Having repaid his debt to his homeland, the future businessman decided to receive higher education, for which he went to the cultural capital of Russia and entered the Leningrad Mining Institute.

In his student years, Oleg Tinkov realized that his biography would be connected with business. Then Oleg began to show his entrepreneurial abilities - he earned his first money on vodka, which he bought at the same price during the day, and at night he sold to students in the hostel twice as much. Then the student businessman made friends with foreign students. Oleg bought from them any imports brought from home, and then resold the goods at a high price among students or in his native Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Oleg Tinkov developed his student business to a significant scale. By the third year of university, he already had business partners who also became successful entrepreneurs in the future. Among them were Andrey Rogachev, the founder of the Pyaterochka chain of stores, Oleg Leonov, the founder of the Dixy stores, and Oleg Zherebtsov, the creator of the Lenta chain of stores.


The first major business project of Oleg Tinkov was "born" in 1992. Then, in his third year, he decided to leave the university and devote himself to the dream of big business. At that time, the student opened the Petrosib trading company, which traded in Singapore office equipment. First it entrepreneurial activity was carried out only in Russia, and then expanded to European countries such as Poland and Germany.

A year later, Tinkov's business began to grow - the entrepreneur opened a store in St. Petersburg household appliances"SONY", and a year later he founded the network of electronics stores "Technoshock". At that time, the first specially trained sales assistants in Russia appeared in Oleg Yuryevich's stores, who made the stores prestigious in the country, as people were ready to buy goods from Tinkov, despite the fact that he set prices 20% higher than the average market.

In the mid-90s, Oleg Tinkov expanded his business and acquired the Shock Records recording studio, whose first client was the Leningrad frontman. A year later, the entrepreneur reorganized his studio into the MusicShock music store, as the studio turned out to be unprofitable.

In 1998, the businessman got bored with his field of activity, so he sold Technoshock and created the first Tinkoff brewery restaurant in Russia, which became a successful chain in just a year. The products of the Tinkov beer company were a success with both Russians and Americans, due to which they sold well in Russia and the USA. In 2005, Oleg Yurievich sold his brewing business to a Swedish company for $200 million.

Along with the restaurant business, the entrepreneur opened the Darya semi-finished products factory, specializing in the production of dumplings. At the same time, Tinkov was engaged in the production of products under other trademarks, such as "Tsar Father", "Good Product", "Thick Kok". In 2001, the businessman sold this business, as he was mired in credit debt.

One of the latest “brainchildren” of a businessman was Tinkoff Bank, which in 2006 was the first financial institution in Russia to provide remote services. In order to obtain a banking license, the businessman acquired Himmashbank, on the basis of which he created a nominal bank. Within a few years, the bank became very successful in a tough business environment and showed a 50-fold increase in profits in the first few years of its existence.

Personal life

Oleg Tinkov's personal life is as successful as his business career. Since his student years, he has been in love with his fellow student of Estonian origin, Rina Vosman, with whom he has been living for almost 30 years. The couple of Oleg and Rina attracted the special attention of society by the fact that for many years they lived in a civil marriage, without legitimizing the relationship.

Over the years of their life together, Vosman gave birth to Tinkov three children - a daughter and two sons. The wedding of the oligarch with his beloved took place only in 2009, after 20 years of marriage. The wedding ceremony took place in Buryatia, only the closest people were invited to it.

The businessman calls his family the main success in life. He admits that he is madly in love with his wife and children and always tries to behave sensitively and restrainedly with them, despite the fact that he is known for his quick temper and sharp statements in relation to others.

In addition to business, Tinkov continues to enjoy cycling. He is the main sponsor of the Tinkoff-Saxo team, in which he annually invests at least 20 million euros. The entrepreneur is also fond of writing books in which he shares with readers his secrets of success in commercial activities, and maintains popular accounts in " Twitter and Instagram.

Oleg Tinkov now

Today Tinkoff Bank raises questions and receives negative feedback on the Internet because of the communication policy followed by bank employees and Oleg Tinkov himself.

For example, in the spring of 2016 there was a scandal over a businessman's post on Instagram. The company timed the International Women's Day for a beauty contest, the prizes of which were 100,000 rubles, a crown and the title of "Queen of Tinkoff Bank". A couple of days before summing up the results of the competition, a young bank employee was photographed wearing this crown. This photo on his own Instagram was posted by a businessman that "our fool" dreams of becoming a queen.

Such an appeal outraged subscribers. The Internet community reminded the banker of business etiquette as well as banal courtesy and respect. Subsequently, Oleg Tinkov deleted the offensive post.

By 2017, the degree of dissatisfaction with the actions and words of the businessman and the bank owned by Tinkov had grown so much that in August of this year the YouTube channel "Nonmagic" created an author's review in which he criticized Oleg Tinkov. In a video filled with obscene language, bloggers said that the bank was deceiving customers, and Tinkov did not respect employees, while the authors of the video compared what was happening with slavery.

In response, the businessman demanded that the authors of the video remove the critical video, apologize, and also pay the banker 500,000 rubles as compensation for moral damage. This requirement was not met, and the businessman filed a lawsuit for the protection of business reputation, accusing the bloggers of defamation.

Already in September, officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the bloggers with a search, while, as the lawyer of the men noted, these investigators flew to Kemerovo from Moscow. It also seemed suspicious to experts and ordinary users. While it is often difficult to initiate legal proceedings, here the investigators showed a speed and zeal that surprised the public.

Oleg Tinkov also published a video in which he said that he knew about the negative consequences and the effect, but could not endure insults and lies. By this time, the number of views of the Non-Magic video was already approaching 6 million.

The community of bloggers, as well as people connected in one way or another with the Internet and the IT industry, came to the defense of Nemagia. urged bloggers to distribute a critical video and shot their own videos in support of the guys. Also, video bloggers publicly refused to cooperate with Tinkoff Bank.

Condition assessment

Oleg Tinkov's fortune for 2016 is estimated at $500 million. The businessman considers his goal in life to get into the Forbes rating of billionaires and overtake the creator of the Magnit supermarket chain in it.

« Guys, stop working for a paycheck and wipe your pants in the offices while working for assholes like me. DO YOUR JOB. Stop hunchbacking for a salary, and even a meager one, in most cases! I urge you to do YOUR business, take risks and create NEW! Our country is full of prospects! The possibilities are endless. No need to be lazy!» Oleg Tinkov

Oleg Tinkov is very often categorized as the so-called businessmen of the new direction. Start-up entrepreneurs deserve more attention than they currently receive. According to analysts, it is precisely these changes that will take place in the near future, when the “creators” will be respected by an order of magnitude more than the current “oligarchs”.

The main activity of Oleg Tinkov is the creation of a new business with its subsequent sale to a larger company. As the entrepreneur himself says, he is incredibly interested not only in creating something new, but also much easier to do than to maintain and develop an existing business.

Success Story, Biography of Oleg Tinkov

Oleg Yurievich Tinkov was born on December 25, 1967 in the small town of the Kemerovo region Polysaevo. The father of the future entrepreneur worked as a miner, and brought little money, his mother was a dressmaker in an atelier. Here is how Oleg himself recalls this period: “We lived in a two-family barracks, without water, central heating. All amenities 50 meters from the house…”. Under these conditions, Tinkov decided to succeed.

At school age, Oleg Tinkov was quite seriously interested in road cycling and reached serious peaks, a multiple Champion of Kuzbass, won more than 30 races in total! He was a member of the national team of the region and the region, went to training camps in the southern regions, Leninabad (Tajikistan), Fergana (Uzbekistan), etc. At that time, entrepreneurial abilities began to wake up in Tinkovo. " What we had in shortage in Siberia: scarves, boots and other imports, for obvious reasons, was not in demand among southerners, we, being athletes, bought it with all our parental money and, upon arrival, sold it on the market or to our neighbors three times expensive. Then it went - it went ... not so much earned, but learned trading tricks”- Oleg recalls.

In 1986, Tinkov leaves to serve in the army. Here is how Oleg recalls those years: “ I was preparing to get into the SKA, but since I didn’t have a shaggy hand, they threw me with the army sports club, took the son of a Novosibirsk military man, whom I overtook with one foot. And in the military registration and enlistment office they told me: “Master of sports, 1m89cm - excellent, in the BORDER VOICE!» After serving in Nakhodka for a year, he was transferred to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, where he understood what mosquitoes meant, and -55C. It is not surprising that Tinkov did not think about business in those years.

After returning from the army, together with his girlfriend, Oleg decided to leave for the summer in the camp, where a tragedy happened to him, which partly influenced his future fate. A KAMAZ crashed into the bus in which Tinkov and his girlfriend were traveling. Unfortunately, Oleg's beloved died, and he left a scar on his face as a memory of this terrible day. Due to the loss of a loved one, Tinkov could no longer stay in his hometown, and after he was discharged, he decided to leave for Leningrad.

There he enters the Leningrad Mining Institute, where in the hostel of this university he begins to speculate, resell perfumes and jeans. He bought all this from foreign students (both Americans and Germans from Germany studied there) and resold them in Leningrad, and Leninsk-Kuznetsk took larger consignments. This is how the thinking of an entrepreneur manifests itself, to find a place where you can sell at a higher price.

Passion for commerce led to the fact that Tinkov never graduated from the institute. This was facilitated by the active trade in equipment from Singapore in the early 90s. This business began with banal calculators, which were bought in Singapore for $7, and in Russia they were sold for $70 apiece. After calculators, televisions and VCRs came into play, as it was possible to get more profit from larger equipment. Thanks to successful trading, which was carried out mainly in bulk, Oleg Tinkov opened his first company, Petrosib, in early 1993. Subsequently, this company owned such networks as Technoshock and MusicShock. In general, a factor that deserves respect pushed Tinkov to commercial activities. According to Oleg, he was driven to engage in commerce by the desire to live, and not to vegetate on a meager salary, the desire to move to a prestigious apartment and have enough money. It is also worth noting that some of Oleg Tinkov's fellow students later also became quite successful entrepreneurs. So, Oleg Zherebtsov founded the Lenta hypermarket chain, Oleg Leonov founded Dixy, and Andrey Rogachev founded the well-known Pyaterochka.

The opening of Technoshock in 1994 immediately made a splash in the city. This became possible thanks to the use of creative ideas and innovations in the work of the company. Oleg Tinkov: « Where was the breakthrough idea? – We are the first in Russia to create a marketing-integrated company. Those. what we did - we filmed a television commercial (together with Oleg Gusev, who filmed “My Bunny”) covered the whole city with posters + radio + magazines and newspapers. For me it was nonsense - we suddenly became super famous! TECHNOSHOK! I even remember that we had a slogan: “You don’t need to carry a bag with you - Technoshock will deliver all the goods to your home!” We did deliver goods to your home. I remember that we even took our salesmen to America for training. Thus, we had a shocking service - people came and the staff told them which radiogram to buy, etc. Those. we brought, I’m not afraid of this word, one of the first (then the “Party” too) civilized retail in the country in 1994. The "party" wanted to buy us, but then we did not agree on the price with Minaev. "Partiya" was a huge company - if in 1996 we had a turnover of 60 million, then they had 600 million. But, nevertheless, they learned a lot from us. The guys from TechnoSila even admitted that they got the name itself because they were under our impression.»

Buyers were not stopped by prices, which were 15-20% higher than the average for the city. But this fact was fully justified, since, apart from the Technoshock service, from the very beginning of its existence, it sold only reliable equipment. And it was the right decision, because even in the difficult 90s, there were still buyers for good equipment. In those years, people also tried in every possible way to demonstrate their status, their security and independence, even if somewhat exaggerated. That is why it was prestigious to buy equipment in Technoshock, despite the significantly inflated prices. This network management allowed Tinkov to sell the network in 1997 for $7 million.

In 1998, the attention of the entrepreneur turns to the developing market of low-alcohol drinks, namely beer. At that time, he could not open his own beer production, so he opened a beer restaurant in St. Petersburg, which quickly began to bring good profits, and this despite investments for opening $ 1.2 million.

What was the difference between this restaurant, which today has already turned into a whole network?

In the same 1998, Tinkov founded a company engaged in the production of dumplings. At the factories of the Darya company, not only dumplings were produced, but also frozen cutlets and pancakes. During the development of the company, Tinkov created a number of popular brands: Daria, Ravioli, St. Petersburg Smak, Tolsty Kok and a number of others, which brought the company a solid profit.

In 2001, Tinkov decides to sell the Daria company. Here is how Oleg recalls the deal for the sale of the Daria company: “ On the one hand, the business brought hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit every month and that suited me. On the other hand, the dumpling market was worth a couple of hundred million dollars a year, and our share of it was already high. After studying at Berkeley (in 1999, Tinkov attended a marketing course at the University of Berkeley in California), I began to understand what volume and market share are. In a large market, you can make good money with a share of three percent, but in a small one you need to be a powerful player. Naturally, it is very difficult to increase the share if you are already the largest player - competitors tend to pinch off a piece. And then Andrey Beskhmelnitsky, the manager of food assets of Roman Abramovich, called me (a highly profitable, but small business with a beautiful name "Daria" interested the oligarch) and began to persuade him to sell the business.

I did not believe that I would meet with Abramovich. But I put such a condition in the negotiations. We arrived at the famous Sibneft office on Sadovnicheskaya Street. Abramovich came out to us and personally escorted us to a beautiful guest room. I am a businessman and should have good intuition. Among the oligarchs there are extremely unpleasant types. Abramovich made a very good impression on me. He's definitely not a f**k like some people are. Although it is impossible to say that he is smart and erudite. The saying "Be quiet - you will pass for a smart one" is about him. In half an hour he said about four phrases (Ellochka the Cannibal had a wider vocabulary). One of them is something like this: “Well. Oh well. What will you do with the money when you sell? And the last were the words: "Well, pay him guys." All!»

The proceeds of $ 21 million allowed Tinkov to finally start producing beer. He intended to engage in the production of expensive beer under the brand name Tinkoff.

By the time Oleg Tinkov's first brewery was opened, his beer restaurants had been operating for quite a long time and were bringing solid profits. By the way, Tinkov's desire to engage in the production of beer is considered not accidental. In the already distant XVIII century, one of Tinkov's ancestors was a brewer, whose beer was famous throughout Siberia. True or not, it doesn't matter. The hype raised around this fact created a name for Tinkoff's delirium. This is precisely the main task of Oleg Tinkov - building a brand for the most profitable sale.

The Tinkoff brand has become a real asset. The brand of beer and the chain of restaurants, united under one brand, were very popular among young people, who were attracted by life to the fullest in the atmosphere of restaurants and various concerts of famous musical performers in the chain of restaurants. Do not forget about the advertising campaigns conducted by Oleg Tinkov to promote his brand. Frequent use of the topic of sex, according to Tinkov himself, is the best way to attract public attention to the advertised product. It is also worth noting that for the first time in Russia, Tinkov's factories began to produce "live" beer.

In 2003, the Tinkoff brand was awarded the main prize in the Brand of the Year 2003 nomination.
2005 is considered the peak of Oleg Tinkov's brewing company. His Tinkoff beer has 1% of the total beer market share in Russia, which was an important factor for such a relatively small company. But the adoption of a law banning beer advertising before 10 p.m. dealt a rather serious blow to the company. This was the reason that Oleg Tinkov began to urgently look for a buyer for his brewing company. And the buyer was not long in coming. It was the Belgian company InBrev, which acquired the company for $201 million, while Tinkov himself received about $80 million and left the restaurant chain behind. In addition, despite the sale of the company, InBrev offered to join him on the board of directors.

In November 2006, Tinkov acquired a small Moscow Himmashbank and became chairman of the board of directors of this credit institution, which received a banking license back in January 1994 and entered in February 2005 in the register of banks participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system. In December 2006, the bank was renamed into CJSC " Tinkoff credit systems"(TCS). This virtual bank, which did not have a single branch, began to specialize in issuing credit cards, using direct mail technology for their distribution and serving customers with only a phone and the Internet.

Oleg Tinkov:

The financial market is one of the most promising markets in Russia today. And the most interesting niche here is, of course, credit cards. Luckily for us, no big brands have been built in the financial arena.

State-owned banks in the Soviet Union served enterprises, they did not care about consumers. The private banks that followed have overwhelmingly continued this tradition. Therefore, there is a possibility in short time build a strong consumer brand.

In fact, there are no niche offers on the market - this is a huge potential for development, which we will use. Our bank is the first real monoliner in Russia, that is, a bank that will deal with only one product - credit cards. He will not have any other business, no branches, no accounts for individuals or legal entities.

We want to become the largest player in our sector, we see every opportunity for this and believe in success. We have a very strong team - one of the strongest on the market. We collected all those who were the best in credit cards in the post-Soviet space in our bank. I am proud of my team and we have great prospects.

This business turned out to be successful for Tinkov, despite the global financial crisis: in November 2009, Kommersant, citing the bank's financial statements for 9 months of the year, reported that TKS had increased profits by more than 50 times. At the same time, the bank showed a “record low” level of delinquency on international standards bank reporting - only 5 percent, and its loan portfolio since the beginning of 2009 has grown from 4.2 to 5.9 billion rubles

Like any of his companies, we can assume that the bank belongs to Oleg Tinkov temporarily. The media wrote about Tinkov's plans to make his bank successful, and then sell this business as well. They also announced the intention of the businessman to one day enter the list of dollar billionaires.

In January 2006, Tinkov presented the new and only at that time Russian professional cycling team Tinkoff Restaurants, which at the end of the same year changed its name to Tinkoff Credit Systems. The team has won numerous victories in the modern peloton, including two stages at the Giro d'Italia. Initially, Tinkov signed a sponsorship contract for a period of three years, and in September 2008 he decided to refuse to cooperate with the team. In November 2008, on the basis of the team financed by Tinkov, a new Russian professional cycling team Katyusha was created, sponsored by Itera, Gazprom and Russian Technologies.

Among Tinkov's other hobbies, there is also skiing outside prepared tracks (freeride). The businessman writes a column in the Finance magazine, he is an active blogger: under the pseudonym olegtinkov, he has registered accounts in the LiveJournal blogging service and the Twitter microblogging service.

The business he is engaged in, in addition to business, namely the promotion and popularization of entrepreneurship deserves special attention and respect. He really tries to break stereotypes and encourages others to do the same - in words, but rather in deeds, urging them to become entrepreneurs themselves, to try, not to be afraid, to achieve their goals - and this one is really cool!

He runs the Business Secrets program on Russia.ru. Oleg Tinkov is visited by both leading Russian entrepreneurs and secular characters who have their own business. They share their secrets of success, tell how they got on their feet and grew in business. I liked a lot of episodes of the program, check it out!

From purely personal qualities, I liked the fact that Oleg, being a competent businessman, remains a simple person, “his boyfriend”, who does not stick out something supernatural from himself, does not make himself a superhero. He remains a man with his positive and negative qualities, and he equally recognizes both his successes and his failures and flaws.

Tinkov is married. He met his future wife Rina, an Estonian from Kohtla-Jarve (a working town in a mining region), back in 1989 at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Despite three children (daughter Daria and sons Pavel and Roman), Tinkov married Rina only twenty years after they met - the wedding was played in June 2009 in Buryatia. Tinkov himself in one of his interviews called his family his main success in life.

In 2010, Oleg published the book “I am like everyone else”, where he talks about his life and business path. From an artistic point of view, the book may not have much value, but as a motivator for action - the effect of the book is huge! It makes you look at everything from a different angle, from a different side, to feel a different vision. It's very nice. Therefore, I advise everyone to read this book! You are sure to get something out of it.

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