Ecological action "feed the birds in winter". Environmental action in the preschool educational institution "Feed the birds in winter Action feed the birds in winter


Ekaterina Mandrygina, Angelina Stupak, Alena Shishchenko

As part of the regional action "Week of Good Deeds" in the Cordoba school, students attending extracurricular activities "Nature through the eyes of the soul" developed an action for grades 1-6 in order to attract the attention of students and villagers to the protection and care of birds, feeding them in the winter .



Ecological action"Help the wintering birds!"

Winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is harsh and snowy. In order to somehow help the birds, the children of our school with a great desire decided to take part in the environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter!”

Purpose of the action: To draw the attention of students and villagers to the protection and care of birds, feeding them in the winter.

Action objectives:

  1. To generalize and systematize students' knowledge about wintering and nomadic birds of the Kuraginsky district
  2. Conduct a quiz "Birds of the Kuraginsky district"
  3. Hold a competition for the manufacture of feeders and environmental leaflets among grades 1-6
  4. Hang feeders in the Cordoba forest and organize bird feeding
  5. Distribute leaflets among the villagers with a request to help the birds in the winter.
  6. To cultivate love for our feathered friends, the desire to care for and help them.

Preparatory work

Organization and holding of the environmental action "Help the birds!" Designed for students in grades 1-6. This event requires a lot of preparation. In advance, competitions for the best ecological leaflet and feeder are announced in the classes, it is proposed to prepare for the "bird" quiz. The guys prepare proverbs, sayings, poems on the topic of the action. Grade 9 students studying under the additional program "Nature through the eyes of the soul" spend class hours in grades 1-6 (Appendix 1), where they introduce the children to the birds of our region, make riddles for them, and make memos.

Equipment and materials.

An exhibition of feeders, environmental leaflets, a wall newspaper and posters: “It is difficult for birds to winter, we need to help the birds!”, “Birds are our friends, do not forget to feed them!”, “Help the birds in winter, they will delight you in spring!”. Multimedia presentation that accompanies the entire course of the action, different types bird feed, diplomas and prizes for the winners of competitions.


Student 1 . Man has long paid attention and cared for birds. Since in terms of beauty and brightness of outfits they are not inferior to butterflies, and many are still endowed with amazing voices. Covered with shiny feathers, cheerful frisky birds are considered an adornment of nature. Without birds, forests and steppes would be deserted, that fabulous music of nature that gives us so much pleasure would be hidden. Birds, like flowers, belong to those creations of nature that exist to give people joy, to serve as a constant object of their delight and sympathy. Birds gave humans the idea of ​​flight by defying gravity millions of years before the first winged machines took to the air. Birds became the music teachers of our distant ancestors. We also love birds because they regularly, from year to year on their tireless wings, bring the long-awaited spring. Birds are our friends! They are of great benefit, exterminating harmful insects.

Student 2. It was a very difficult time for the birds, difficult to get food. Birds are not afraid of cold, but hunger is terrible. It is the main cause of death of birds in winter. During severe frosts, according to scientists, up to 90% of tits die, by spring, approximately 8-9 wintering birds die of starvation. Therefore, the birds need to help, feed them in the winter. (The game "Auction of words" is being held: The guys name the wintering and nomadic birds of our area. The one who says the last word wins. The winner receives a prize. Wintering birds: crow, magpie, dove, sparrow, raven, woodpeckers, owls, nuthatch, crossbill, nutcracker, tits, wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, etc. Nomadic birds from the northern regions: bullfinches, waxwings, tap dances, carduelis). How many species of birds stay winter with us and some of them need our help.

Student 3. Guys! You have taken an active part in the competition for the manufacture of feeders. Many used to make feeders plastic bottles, juice boxes, some children were helped by their parents and they made wooden feeders, practical and durable. All well done! Do you know what should be the menu in the bird canteen? (Stage miniature:a student in a titmouse costume tells what types of food different birds prefer: seeds, bread crumbs, millet, wheat, cottage cheese, burdock seeds, oatmeal, boiled unsalted potatoes mixed with oatmeal or bran, grated carrots. Tits and woodpeckers love unsalted lard, bullfinches and waxwings - berries of mountain ash, viburnum, dog rose. The leftover products from our table will also do - pieces of porridge, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, pieces of minced meat and even sausages. You can not feed the birds with rye bread and salted lard, because of this they can get sick and die.)


Now we are going to award. We want to thank everyone who did not remain indifferent to bird troubles and made a feeder. We decided to give the main prizes to those guys who worked hard, who spent time, who showed imagination, who attracted adults to make the feeder. These guys are the winners of our competition! The awards are made in the following categories:

"The most ecological"

"The most economical"

"The lightest"

"Most Practical"

"The most beautiful"

"The most unusual"

Speech of the environmental propaganda team

(using environmental leaflets submitted for the competition)

1 reader

Flocks of birds have flown

Forest in snowdrifts to branches,

That's when we waited

Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,

Silver humiliated all

Without leaving this earth

Many birds are left here.

2 reader

The frosts are severe this year.

Anxious for the Bug: in her kennel

The same frost as in the yard.

But most of all I'm worried about the birds

For our sparrows, jackdaws, tits.

Let's help! They need to be fed

Then it is easy for them to survive the cold.

3 reader

Every day when we get up

me and my brother,

Taking cereals and bread crumbs,

Let's run to the porch.

Many affectionate, good

Flies to us friends.

4 reader

At the feeder, sitting, birds

They clean their beaks.

There are carduelis, siskins, tits

And sneaky sparrows.

Waiting for us also patiently

And handsome bullfinches.

Everyone is used to - not shy,

Take them with your hands.

5 reader

Here in this most difficult hour
Rescue birds are waiting for us.
Feed them! Warm up!
Hang a house on a bitch!
Scatter the crumbs on the snow
And then semolina ...
And the poor things will come to life!

Gliding merrily across the sky
Feathered friends fly

And sing, chirping:
"Thank you very much!"

6 reader

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And they are warm.

Tame the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring!


Guys, your attention is invited to a quiz about birds

  • Why is the woodpecker called the "helper" of other birds? (The woodpecker crushes the bark of trees and thus makes it easier for other birds to get food)..
  • Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by? Owl, owl.
  • Why did scientists justify the cuckoo, despite the fact that foundling cuckoos throw other chicks out of the nest? (The cuckoo is the only bird that eats hairy (poisonous and the most voracious, destroying hectares of forest) caterpillars. No other bird touches these caterpillars.)
  • What birds were used in ancient Greece to send messages over long distances? (Pigeons. Pigeon mail exists in our time).
  • What is the main reason for the flight of birds to warmer climes with the advent of autumn? (Only because of the lack of food. Cold is not the reason for the flight. A hungry bird freezes, full - never.)
  • What birds come to us first in spring? (Rooks.)
  • Why do rooks “open” spring, and why do swallows arrive later than other birds? (Because of the way they feed. Rooks seek food in the soil, and swallows catch insects in flight. Insects in the air appear later, respectively, and swallows arrive later than other birds.)
  • Why are migratory birds in such a hurry in spring, but not in autumn? (Birds do not fly away in autumn as long as there is food.)
  • Which birds don't fly at all? (Ostriches, penguins.)
  • What bird's chick does not know its mother? (Cuckoo chick.)
  • Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn? (On trees in gardens and parks, gathering in small flocks.)
  • What is the name of a male crow? (A crow, and a raven is a completely different bird, although they are relatives.)
  • Who rests sitting on the wires? If it flies low to the ground, it will rain. (Martin.)
  • What is the name of the meeting of two roosters? (Cockfighting.)
  • What time does the sparrow wake up? (Last of all birds, but always at the same time at 5-6 o'clock in the morning.)
  • What bird is the symbol of peace? (Pigeon)
  • What birds prepare food for the winter? (Jay, nutcracker, nuthatch)
  • What is worse for birds in winter - hunger or cold? (Hunger, cold is not terrible for them, because their body temperature is about 42 degrees)
  • Which bird breeds chicks in winter and why? (Klest, because it feeds on the seeds of coniferous trees, which ripen by the end of the year)
  • What bird can be called a "forest journalist"? (Magpie)
  • What bird is called a "feathered cat"? (owl)
  • Why should birds be protected? (Because they are of great benefit, destroying pests).
  • What bird helps to settle the cedar? (Kedrovka)
  • Bird-acrobatic of our forests. (Nuthatch)
  • The largest wintering chicken bird in our forests, which feeds on pine needles in winter. (Capercaillie)
  • The bird that comes to us with the first snow. (Bullfinch)
  • Which bird helps to sow the forest? (Kedrovka, jay, fieldfare thrushes, waxwings)

Then the winners of the leaflet competition are awarded.

Practical part of the action


Guys! I think that each of you understands the need to help birds. After all, it is not at all difficult to feed them on frosty winter days, and the remnants of food, pieces of bread are in every home. In order to draw the attention of all villagers to this problem, young ecologists have prepared and published environmental leaflets that can be attached to shops, post offices, and schools. Now the practical part of the action will begin, we will go to the Cordoba Forest and hang the feeders. Classes will receive leaflets to distribute to residents. In each class, it is necessary to choose those responsible for feeding the birds. Leftover groceries can be taken from the school cafeteria. Let's be kinder to each other and to our feathered friends. After all, our kindness will help save the lives of little birds that will delight us with sonorous songs in the spring.

(We go outside and hang the feeders, pour food into them

Attachment 1.

Classroom hour

"Birds in Winter"

The class hour is one of the events of the Help the Wintering Birds Campaign

Purpose of the event: expansion and enrichment of knowledge about wintering birds.

Event objectives:

  • to consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds;
  • to cultivate a desire to help birds in difficult times for them;
  • develop interest and love for the environment of the native land.

The event was structured in such a way that every student took an active part. The class hour has a practical focus: the children prepared messages, leaflets, feeders, poems ..


  1. organizational part. Words on the board:

"I can't calm the blizzard,

Don't melt the snow

But for the birds to sing

It's in my hands."

What time of the year is this quatrain talking about?

To whom is our Classroom hour?

Determine the theme of our work. ( Birds in winter).

Our class hour is held as part of the "Help the wintering birds" Campaign.

  1. Knowledge update. Formulation of the problem.

Prepared students read E. Blaginina's poem "Frosts", the level of his perception is clarified.

1 student. Frosts are severe this year...

Anxious for the apple tree in our garden,

Anxious for the Bug:

In her kennel

The same frost

Like in the yard.

What is the weather like in winter? (frosty, cold).

2 student. But most of all I'm worried about the birds,

For our sparrows, jackdaws, tits:

After all, it is very cold in the air for them.

Can we help the defenseless?

Why worry about the birds? (they are cold, they are cold)

3 student . Let's help! They need to be fed, and then

They will easily survive the cold.

How can birds be saved from the cold? (they need to be fed).

How to help the birds in winter is a problem that we must solve.

What should we study today in order to properly organize assistance to birds?

Let's make a plan.

1. To study which birds winter in our village and region

2. Study what kind of food the birds eat.

3. Learn how you can organize help for the birds.

  1. The solution of the task.

1. Conversation - Some birds eat only insects and caterpillars, others - plant food, but there are those that eat both: insects, berries, seeds, caterpillars - they are omnivores(sparrow, crow, dove, titmouse).

Which birds do you think are better adapted to life in nature? Why?(Omnivores - because with the disappearance of one food, they switch to another and survive - they are more viable)many of these birds stay with us for the winter - they are wintering.

What birds stay wintering in our village? (sparrows, doves, magpies, crows).

What birds come to the city for the winter? (tits, bullfinches, nuthatches, waxwings)

What do the birds that stay over the winter eat?

(They look for insects and their larvae hiding in the bark for the winter, eat buds, fruits and seeds of plants - mountain ash, maple, hawthorn, etc.)Is this food enough to feed all the birds left in the city? ( No).

Who can help the birds with food? (people).

Let's summarize the results of part 1 of our plan.

What birds winter in our village?

Everyone calls one bird at a time until they list all the birds wintering in the city.

Well done. Now we know which birds winter with us.

2. Let's move on to the second part of the plan. What should we know?

(What do different birds eat? What is suitable for treating birds?)

Children come up with projects about birds. (pre-prepared)

Sparrow. In winter, sparrows stay in flocks - it's easier to find food. Companion bird. Their cheerful chirping is always heard in the thaw. In cold weather, sparrows stay closer to human habitation - it is easier to get food there.

(Presentation of Tikhvin Kira).

What kind of treat can be prepared for sparrows, pigeons?

Tit. The tit is very mobile, moves rapidly in the branches, quickly examines them in search of food. With such mobility, she needs a lot of food. The titmouse is omnivorous, except for insects, it eats seeds, meat, fat, fish. It is interesting to observe how a titmouse, having found solid food, quickly flies up onto a branch and, holding a seed or something else between the toes of tenacious feet, quickly and accurately strikes a strong sharp beak, soon crushes the shell or shell of the seed. The motley outfit of the titmouse helps her to get lost among the sun glare in the branches. Her song is sonorous - “Tin-tin!” The tit is very smart: it easily breaks polyethylene, in which fish, meat, bacon are hung or put on the balcony; she easily opens bottles of milk and cream, eats butter.

Nuthatch. It has big toes with long, prehensile claws that hold onto the bark. long andsharp beak helps him pull out of holes and crevices inbark fodder. It is no coincidence that the coloring of the bird is light, the color of the back merges with the bark of aspen, poplar and other trees, and the bird is hardly noticeable. Let's try to guess why this bird was called a nuthatch?(She moves, clinging to the trunk, as if crawling along the bark, but she does it quickly).

Bullfinch. The bullfinch mainly feeds on berries and plant seeds.Frozen berries lend themselves well to a powerful, albeit short, beak. A flock of bullfinches looks very nice on the branches.

Waxwing. - What do you think, is it worth picking mountain ash, small apples to feed bullfinches, waxwings? (no, the birds themselves will eat them on the trees, no need to break the branches of mountain ash, apple trees, bird cherry, but you can put berries dried in the summer from the dacha)

So, many wintering birds eat different foods - this helps them survive the cold. The food of wintering birds is insects, worms, kidneys, seeds, berries; you should not give fresh bread. In extreme cold, birds huddle close to human habitation, where it is easier to find food. The paws, beak and coloration of birds are well adapted to obtaining food.

  1. Consolidation of knowledge.


  1. Which bird hatches in winter?(Crossbill). What does she feed her chicks with?
  2. Think about who this text is about

“The head of this bird is in a black cap, the back, wings and tail are dark, and the chest is bright yellow, as if dressed in a vest. In summer, she eats bugs, worms, and in winter she eats everything without food: various grains, bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But most of all she is a hunter for fresh unsalted fat.(Tit).

“A little boy in a gray Armenian coat darts around the yard, collecting crumbs.” ( Sparrow )

"Black-winged, red-breasted

And in the winter he will find shelter:

He is not afraid of a cold -

With the first snow right there" ( Bullfinch).

"White as snow,

Black as coal

Spinning, singing

It creates noise." (Magpie)

  1. "Who flew to the feeder?"

I put a branch of dried mountain ash, bread crumbs, millet into a bird feeder, hung a small piece of bacon and began to observe.

First, small gray birds flew in a noisy flock. They chirped merrily and pecked at bread crumbs and millet. These were ( sparrows).

Behind them flew birds with yellow breasts and black ties. They squeaked thinly and swayed amusingly on a twine, on which pieces of lard hung. These were(titmouse).

When only one mountain ash remained on the feeder, the birds scattered. And then fluffy grayish-brown birds with red breasts flew up to her. The ends of the tail, wings and head were black and blue, and on the wings there were white stripes. After their visit, nothing remained on the branches. These were(bullfinches).

And after all, two white-black birds flew to the feeder, which, with their round curious eyes, looked at what was left after the guests? These were(magpies).

Well done. And now let's make a Memo "Help the wintering birds."

What can we do to help keep birds warm?


  1. Get people's attention. Draw pictures, flyers, newspapers.
  2. Organize a bird canteen, regularly feed the birds.
  3. Talk about your work, involve parents, relatives.

5. Reflection. Children take turns reading Mikhail Glazkov's poems "Share food with birds ...".

Crumble bread for them on a saucer.

Let them under the blizzard trouble

They won't lower their wings, they won't bend.

With small friends, countrymen,

If you value that friendship

And the hearts in your chest are not a stone.

So that they, as soon as the snow melts,

Flew over the water

To their nesting noisy flock.

And they will repay with a good song.

Well, life is more interesting with a song,

Until a hundred years old, you will all be young.


Class hour "Birds in winter" is one of the events of the "Help the wintering birds" Campaign. The goal was to draw attention to the problems of wintering birds, to generalize ideas about the birds wintering in our village (often found, the most common), to organize assistance to the birds, in the course of the conversation, to explain to children what to feed the birds. I think that the event held contributed to the formation of the desire of students to take part in the Action, to provide all possible assistance, to save the lives of birds.

"Give the birds life"

Carried out by educators: Tyabokina T.S. and Vorozhtsova I.A.

Feed the birds in winter! (A. Yashin)

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to us, like home,
A flock on the porch.

How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

The relevance of the action is to help the birds survive the cold winter.

Purpose: the formation of ecological knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Project objectives:

  • expand children's knowledge about birds
  • to develop the skills and abilities of birdwatching
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult times
  • increase the level of environmental activity of parents.

The implementation of the action provides for educational work with children for 4 months (November 2016–February 2017).

Project participants: educators, children, parents of the group.

Our environmental action consists of three stages:

  1. Organizational stage (determination of the goals and objectives of the action, development and accumulation of material and literature on the topic).
  2. main stage (manufacturing of feeders, hanging them on the group site, educational activities,).
  3. The final stage (processing of the obtained results, registration of the results of the action in the form of a presentation).


  • Children learned about wintering birds;
  • Learned to observe and care for them;
  • Parents became active participants in the educational process;
  • Participation in the municipal competition "Let's Make a Bird House" as part of a national holiday "Larks" .

In our group, an organized educational activity on cognitive development was held, dedicated to the problem of feeding birds in winter. As a result of the work carried out, the children learned about three wintering birds - a sparrow, a tit and a bullfinch; got acquainted with the types of feeding, realized that they needed human help.

A particularly important part of the environmental action is the involvement of parents in the work. With their help, feeders were made, hung on the site, stocks for feeding birds were replenished in a timely manner. Parents are our helpers!

The kids really enjoyed watching the flying birds. Observations of the life of birds helped children to become closer to nature, helped to understand that it is necessary to take care of the world around them. The children also remembered the names of birds - titmouse, sparrow, bullfinch. We learned to distinguish them by external signs.

Registration of the exhibition in the reception group "Feeders for birds" . Parents took a very active part, everyone responded and brought a feeder or bird feed. Visual information for parents was also placed in the reception area - a folder for moving, booklets.

Khara Natalya Vladimirovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 5 "Droplet"
Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kuraginsky District, Krasnokamensk settlement
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Environmental campaign "Feed the birds in winter"
Publication date: 06.06.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Environmental campaign "Feed the birds in winter"

MBDOU No. 5 "Droplet" middle group "Spikelet"

The head of the ecological circle "Rodnichok" Khara N.V.

Participants of the action children middle group 4-5 years

Relevance: Really,


severe and snowy. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Need to support

birds in winter, make feeders for them and do not forget to pour food into them.

Over the years, with the onset of cold and heavy snowfall in

our group , on the basis of the ecological circle "Rodnichok" , has become a tradition

holding campaigns “Feed the birds in winter! »



traditional action "Feed the birds in winter!" Stocks like this are great.

an opportunity to show empathy and kindness.


formation of ecological culture in children and parents;

environmental education and upbringing of the population;

instilling love for nature;

fostering a caring attitude towards her;

formation of cognitive competence and cognitive abilities

children preschool age.

Preliminary work:

cognitive development- Conversations: Where does the bird live? Describe what the bird looks like?

(parts of the body) What devices did man come up with to make life easier for birds?

Are birds afraid? Who and what? What are the benefits and harms? How can you help

birds and when? "What is necessary for wintering birds to overwinter?" "Which

food and for which bird you need to prepare", "Who needs beaks for what?" "We are in

responsible for those who have been tamed?" "Do we need birds?"

Observation on a walk of crows, sparrows, bullfinch. Viewing a presentation

"Birds of our land", Use of media resources (video, cartoons about birds,

Experiments and birdwatching in winter.

Social and communicative development- Manufacture of feeders in collaboration with

parents and teachers of activities Placement of feeders in the children's area

garden. Bird feeding. Didactic games, exercises "Third extra",

"Wintering and migratory birds”, “Guess by the description”.

Speech development - Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "Long-tailed robbers".

A. Yashin's poem “Feed the birds in winter”, M. Glazkov “Feed

birds. Reading the stories of M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi.

Making riddles, learning poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs.

Compilation of descriptive stories “Describe the bullfinch”, “A sparrow flew to us”,

“What kind of bird is a small titmouse?”

Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing "Sparrow", Application

“Bullfinch”, “We made a feeder, we opened a canteen” (collective)

Modeling - "Sparrow". Construction from natural material "Sovushka" - owl"

Physical development- outdoor games - Outdoor games "Flight of birds",

"Birds in nests", "Owl - owl"; "The Birds and the Cat"

Finger games “How many birds are in our feeder. Arrived? » «Sparrows

- sparrows", "Bird feeder", "Woodpecker", "Magpie".

Expected Result:

Children have a system of knowledge about wintering birds;

Action plan with parents:

Booklets: "Feed the birds in winter."

Reminders: "Menu for birds."

Instructions for making feeders.

Making bird masks.

The final events were:

1. Evening of riddles "Birds are our friends".

2. Posting leaflets on the billboards of your village for the purpose of campaigning

population to help the birds.


Children have a system of knowledge about wintering birds.

The necessary conditions have been created in the group for the formation of a holistic

ideas about the life of wintering birds.

The children had a desire to help the birds in the winter season.

Parents showed interest in the educational process, a desire to communicate with

nature, participate in the life of the group

During the week, the children watched whether the birds flew into the feeders, it turned out that

"feeders - dining rooms" are very popular with birds, and this suggests that

that the work was not in vain!

Our children are not indifferent. It is only necessary to help them understand it, to direct

their inquisitive mind and children's energy back on track. And spring will come to us with

it is more pleasant to hear from the thought that we have helped to preserve this restless and

restless happy choir.





Here are the feeders

made by children together with


Children called adults and children

feed the birds in winter.

Fly birds to us.

We are very happy to have guests!

“We made feeders.

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor

came for lunch."


preschool age- a valuable stage in the formation of the ecological culture of the individual. IN

At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops emotionally.

Value attitude to the surrounding world, the foundations of moral and environmental

positions of the individual, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature, in the awareness

continuity with her. This makes it possible for children to develop ecological

ideas, norms and rules of interaction with nature, education of empathy for it,

activity in solving some environmental problems, the development of emotional and

moral and effective relationship to nature. Ecological culture is the result

education, which is expressed in the ability of the individual to achieve harmonious relations with

the nature surrounding it.

My target settings is to create conditions for the formation of ecological

culture of preschool children. Formation of the ecological culture of the individual -

complex and lengthy process. Children need to be taught how to be environmentally friendly

life. Work in this direction should begin from the early preschool age,

when the foundation of cognitive activity is laid in children.

To achieve the set goals pedagogical activity, I decide the following tasks: 1.

Creation of an ecological developing environment. 2. Formation of a system of elementary scientific

ecological knowledge,

accessible to the understanding of the preschool child through an integrated approach.

3. Development of cognitive interest in the natural world.

4. Formation of initial skills and environmentally friendly

competent and safe behavior for nature and the child himself, the ability to observe

natural objects and phenomena.

5. Education of a humane, emotionally positive attitude towards the natural world and

the surrounding world as a whole.

6. Formation of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking,


7. Development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.

8. Increasing the level of information culture and pedagogical competence of parents in

issues environmental education.

9. Formation in parents of the need for knowledge about environmental culture in life and

desire to pass them on to their children by their own example.

As a theoretical and methodological basis for solving the set goals and objectives

environmental education of preschoolers, I use the results of domestic research,

positive experience of working with preschoolers in the field of environmental education:

The program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A.

Vasilyeva, which contributes to the creation of the most favorable conditions for a full-fledged

living by a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of ecological culture in

according to age and individual features preschool children;

Program "Safety" edited by N.N. Avdeeva, N.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina,

contributing to the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, healthy lifestyle values, norms

safe behavior of preschool children.

The program "Our home is nature" edited by N.A. Ryzhova

Program "Young ecologist" , edited by S. N. Nikolaeva;

"Welcome to ecology" edited by O.A. Voronkevich,

"Environmental activities with children" edited by T.M. Bondarenko

“Enter nature as a friend”, edited by Z.F. Aksenova

"Environmental window in kindergarten» edited by V.M. Kornilova.

My work methodology with children is based on the emotional impact of nature on feelings

child - surprise, shock, admiration, aesthetic pleasure.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment. Children are constantly in one form or another

come into contact with the natural environment. The content of the work on environmental

I build the education of preschoolers in the following blocks: I and nature. Water. Air. Sand,

clay, stones. The sun. The soil. Plants. Animals. The forest and its inhabitants. Human and nature.

In my work on the environmental education of children, I use a variety of forms and methods.

in complex. The choice of forms and methods of teaching and the need for their integrated use

is determined by the age capabilities of children, the nature of educational and educational

problems to be solved by the educator.

Forms of organization of environmental education of children:

Directly educational activity (Educational areas "Knowledge", "Labor",

"Artistic creativity", "Socialization", "Music", "Safety", "Health".

"Communication"; "Reading Fiction" Physical Culture» and their integration),

didactic games, creating pedagogical situations, observing the work of adults,

nature, walking seasonal observations, etc.

Joint activities of the educator with the child (targeted walks, excursions into nature;

discussion with children of the rules of safe behavior in nature: “Wild animals: friends or

enemies? ”,“ Why are mushrooms dangerous? ”,“ Rules of the friends of nature ”,“ Return purity to nature ”;

heuristic conversations, during which children get the opportunity to prove their judgments,

using the accumulated experience; feasible work in nature, search and research and design

activities, etc.

Independent activity of children in an ecological developing environment (maintenance and

filling the corner of nature observation, looking at books, pictures, albums, transferring

natural phenomena in drawing, modeling, applications, board-printed games, theatrical

games, children's activities in the experiment corner, houseplant care,

observation of seasonal changes, etc.).

In my work on environmental education I use the following methods and techniques:

observations with the connection of various analyzers, experiments and experiments, problematic

situations or experiments that allow “discovering new knowledge”; verbal methods

(conversation, problem questions, stories - description, Practical activities in nature (work in

nature, environmental campaigns, visual activities with a display of nature), gaming

methods, practical work and search activities; project method.

The ecological and social situation of today puts before us the task of finding

universal means of environmental education in modern conditions. One of these

funds is a project activity. The use of design technology helps

me in the work in the chosen direction of pedagogical activity, as it is

an effective way of developing, personality-oriented interaction between an adult and

child. Project activities ensure the development of creative initiative and

independence of project participants; opens the door to creating your own

life experience of communication with the outside world; implements the principle of cooperation between children and


The ecological corner of the group is one of the favorite places of the children in our group. It focuses on:

indoor plants requiring different care methods, care materials

plants, "Garden on the windowsill" for organizing observations of plant growth and

consolidation of knowledge about growing garden crops (onions, parsley, dill, etc.) and caring for

them. A weather calendar with diagrams depicting weather phenomena is designed to

daily work with children. In the natural corner, children take care of plants with pleasure,

assembled various natural material. I actively use labor in nature: in autumn - cleaning

dry leaves, twigs; in winter - clearing the site of snow, buildings made of snow; spring - participation in

processing shrubs, planting flowers in a flower bed; in summer - participation in planting and weeding the garden,

flower beds.

The environmental education corner contains didactic games about nature, pictures and

illustrations for the section "The World of Nature", books about the inhabitants of a corner of nature, encyclopedias,

environmental fairy tales and stories compiled by children, which we designed in the form of books, etc.

Organized forms of educational activities in ecology include

theoretical and practical parts (experiments). To nurture the child's interest and

positive attitude to the objects of nature, various methods are used:

Independent work with handouts;

Didactic games and game exercises: “Who is superfluous”, “What has changed?”, “From which tree

sheet?”, “Find the mistake”, etc.

Individual work;

Observations on a walk;


Comprehensively used visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques.

Performing tasks, children get acquainted with the objects of nature, their diversity, interaction

with each other, can easily establish causal relationships between actions

man and the state of nature.

The work on environmental education of children has led to the following results and as a consequence:

The formation of the beginnings of ecological culture among preschoolers, which is revealed with the help of

monitoring (2 times a year);

Formation of an emotionally friendly attitude towards living beings in the process

communication with them;

The development of interest and love for the native land, the formation of ideas about environmental

hometown problems;

Clarification, systematization and deepening of ideas about animate and inanimate nature;

Understanding cause and effect relationships within the natural complex: familiarity with

features of animal life, the relationship of plants and animals with each other and with the environment


The ability to create and maintain the necessary conditions for the growth of plants and animals in

Responsible and careful attitude to pets, plant wealth of our

Education of responsiveness and sociability, the desire to sympathize with other people,

support them in difficult times, respect for the traditions of their people;

Formation of ideas that a person is a part of natural objects, and their safety

- the direct duty of a person;

Protection and strengthening of children's health, their proper interaction with nature;

Formation of ideas that the state of human health depends on the state

environment and own behavior.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the formation of ecological culture is awareness

a person of his belonging to the world around him, unity with him, awareness

the need to take responsibility for the implementation of self-sustaining

development of civilization and conscious inclusion in this process. Ecological culture as

part of the general culture is a process that is associated with the development and growth of knowledge,

experience, technologies and their transfer to the older generations of the younger ones in the form of moral concepts.

At the same time, ecological culture is the result of education, which is expressed in the ability to

individual to achieve harmonious relations with the outside world and with himself. As a child it

the ability is formed in the process of assimilating special knowledge, developing the emotional sphere and

practical skills of ecologically expedient interaction with nature and society.

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