Environmental action in the preschool educational institution “Feed the birds in winter. Ecological campaign "Feed the birds in winter" Expected results of the campaign


Feeding the birds this year in the environmental center "EcoSphere" in Lipetsk began in December 2016. The promotion started on January 9, 2017 and will continue until March 9, 2017. Students of the children's associations of the EC "EcoSphere" in Lipetsk made feeders from cardboard blanks presented by Telemir, our social and pedagogical partner. The participants of the action watched an educational film about wintering birds, took part in a quiz, and once again remembered the rules for feeding birds. The opening was completed by hanging feeders on trees near the center. Young reporters gave interviews to correspondents of the Lipetsk Time television company. Anyone can join the action: both children and adults.

ON THE SITE OF MBU TO EC "EcoSphere" Lipetsk

To participate in the action, you need to make bird feeders and organize regular feeding in the winter.

Address Email for a photo report: [email protected]

1 - 3 photos in *.jpg format, - in the file name the name of the educational institution N.jpg or FirstNameLastName of the Participant.jpg should be sent before March 10, 2017

Action coordinator: Likhovozova Galina Aleksandrovna

methodologist environmental education and education 27-02-69, 89066812917

What to feed the birds in winter?

Birds willingly eat the seeds of watermelon, melon, pumpkin, sunflower (not fried), weeds, rowan berries, as well as waste from our table: crumbs, pieces of unsalted fat and meat, crackers and others.

Do not give birds black bread and very salty foods!

Importance of bird nutrition in winter

Many people thought about how hard it is for birds to survive in winter?
It has long been known that many birds die in winter not because of the cold, but because of the lack of the usual good nutrition. Therefore, in order to preserve the bird population, many of them need additional feeding.
Winter is a difficult time of the year for all birds, but not because of the cold and frost, but because with the onset of cold weather, their food supply disappears or is significantly reduced. In order to keep warm, they need a lot of energy to keep warm. To do this, you need to constantly eat, and more often and more than in the summer. “The well-fed frosts are not terrible” - this can be said about birds. The winter day is short and the birds have little time to search for food. Therefore, birds tend to go where it is easier to find food and hide from the winter cold - to cities, towns, villages, closer to people.

Feeding birds in winter - taking care of nature

Bird feeders are not just about taking care of our smaller brothers, but also taking care of yourself.
Imagine if all the birds destroying pests disappeared at once, the consequences would be simply catastrophic and would threaten humanity itself.
First of all, this applies to small representatives of the feathered family, remaining for the winter. The diet contains plant foods, as well as various insect pests. In winter, many of these birds move closer to humans, to cities, towns and villages, because here it is easier for them to feed and survive.
Properly organized top dressing will help more birds survive in winter, their gratitude in summer is the destruction of pests in forests, parks, squares and household plots.

Wintering birds or which birds stay wintering

Insect-based birds are the most vulnerable in winter. Usually these are representatives of the sparrow order and more than others need human help. These birds can be attributed both to urban birds and to the inhabitants of parks, alleys, gardens and other urban green areas of large and small cities.

As part of the All-Russian children's action "With love for Russia, we are united by good deeds"

Date: December-April 2013
Venue: with. Milkovo, Kamchatka Territory
Participants: children and adults from. Milkovo
Responsible: E.S. Mezheritskaya, coordinator of the children's public movement "New Generation"


Feed the birds in winter.
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.

How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

A. Yashin

Winter is the most severe time for birds, especially in our Kamchatka region. Birds can withstand the cold, but only if there is plenty of suitable food around. A large number of birds in the winter months die precisely from starvation. And it is very important at the end of winter, when there is no food left, to take care of our birds. In the children's public movement "New Generation", which operates within the framework of the All-Russian Children's Public Ecological Movement "Green Planet", the action "Feed the birds in winter" was held.

Purpose of the promotion:
- Help wintering birds in our area survive the cold season

Action objectives:
- To introduce children to the species diversity of birds living in Kamchatka - to conduct an educational environmental quiz before the action.
- To instill in young residents of our village love for their native land, its nature, to instill in them the practical skills of environmentally sound behavior
- Prepare bird feeders with the children, hang them in the vicinity of the village. Milkovo and fill with food during the winter.
- Make a common piggy bank of bird food in the RDDT and use it to fill other feeders on the territory of the village. Milkovo
- To draw the attention of the inhabitants of our village to the problems of wintering birds.

General information about the promotion

Winter this year is colder than ever. The action "Feed the birds in winter", which is held annually by the district House children's creativity, much needed. Flocks of birds sit on the trees, where the feeders hang.

This action consists of several stages.
1. Cognitive.
2. Practical
3. Final.

At the first stage, the children participate in various quizzes, competitions, listen to lectures, prepare all kinds of performances, learn a lot about birds and animals, about the diversity of the flora and fauna of Kamchatka.
On February 22, a quiz was held in the assembly hall, students of the associations of our House of Creativity took part, more than 70 children participated in it. At the end of the quiz there was a presentation about the birds of Kamchatka. Here the results of the competition for the best feeder were summed up, in which the Geological and Ecological Association (headed by V.M. Krasilnikova) won. The guys from this association built ten wonderful feeders.

Second phase. This stage of the Feed the Birds in Winter action is the most interesting and touching. There is already a tradition where feeders are hung. In the early years it was the territory of the House of Creativity. Then the guys turned to people who are fond of skiing. We have in the village of Milkovo a ski base "Veselaya Gorka". The guys hung feeders on the track 3 and 5 km. And they turned to all lovers of this sport so that when they go skiing, they take some grains for the birds with them.

The guys hang out feeders near their houses, where they also hung posters appealing to the inhabitants of the houses so that they would not remain indifferent and feed the birds.

In addition, students from the "Ecological Police" association (headed by Mezheritskaya E.S.) continued the action at the bus station with. Milkovo. They appealed to the residents of our village, who are going on a trip along the Milkovo-Petropavlovsk highway, to the drivers of intercity buses. They were given leaflets and feeders, and the drivers were asked to hang them in the village of Ganaly, where the intermediate stop is located, and the passengers were asked not to forget to pour food for the birds.

The final stage. The results of the action are summed up, the minuses and pluses are analyzed so as not to repeat the mistakes on next year. Students provide materials about the actions in the media, on websites.

Students of the House of Children's Creativity are always happy to participate in environmental campaigns, we still have the campaigns “Clean Roads” and “Let's Save the Forest from Fire!” ahead of us!

Natalia Bezrukova
Campaign "Feed the birds in winter!"

Municipal Preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten № 6 "Sun"

In the preparatory group


Educator Bezrukova N. G.


Explanatory note.

Despite the fact that winter has already passed into the second half and the day has begun to increase, it is especially gloomy in the forest at this time. It is especially difficult for wintering birds. You look out the window, and there the titmouse sits, looks at you with pleading glances and seems to say - “I’m freezing, I’m starving, I won’t live until spring”!

Watching on a walk with children for birds, we unanimously decided to help our feathered friends and organize a traditional share

« Feed the birds in winter.

Together with the parents of our pupils, an exhibition of do-it-yourself feeders was organized, each of the participants came up with his own, special feeder, showing talent, creativity and compassion for the wintering birds. Children enthusiastically told each other about the difficulties in making bird houses.

We were pleasantly surprised by the number and variety of feeders brought! Moms, dads, grandparents of the children did their best! An exhibition was organized where everyone could look at the work of the participants and choose the most interesting, functional feeder.

Target stock:

to form in children a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwintering birds birds birds


To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds(name, habits and behavioral features, etc.) ;

Continue to form the rules of behavior in nature;

Improve connected speech

Members: children and caregivers preparatory group, parents.

Integration of educational regions: Speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development

preliminary work:

Observation on a walk of crows, sparrows, bullfinch.

Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "Long tailed robbers".

Poem by A. Yashin “ Feed the birds in winter, M. Glazkova « Feed the birds» .

Didactic games ( "Cut pictures - birds» , "In the bird yard", "Martin").

game exercises ( "Birds", "Birds in the nest", "Find differences", "Who gives a voice", "Who flew away?").

guessing riddles.

Drafting descriptive stories, conversations.

Parent survey What do you know about wintering birds»

As a result stock children get acquainted with the habits, living conditions, learn about the benefits birds on earth.

wintering birds birds starve and even die.

They come to our homes for help.

And we must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

With her report, Nastya R.

"Wintering birds they are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hiding in cracks in the bark, in the cracks of houses and fences, look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during snowfalls, snowstorms and severe frosts birds starve and even die.


Questionnaire for parents.


Dear parents!

Please answer our questions.

1. Do you feed regularly winter with your baby birds? If not, then when?

2. What time of day do you feed?

3. Where, in what place do you feed? (on the balcony; on the feeder that was hung out; near the house; in kindergarten or other).

4. What to feed birds?

5. Who is the initiator top dressing: You or the child?

6. What birds come to you to feed?

7. Do you and your child manage to observe behavior birds at the feeder? How often?

8. If you don't watch your feeding birds what's stopping you?

9. Is the child interested in feeding birds, how is it shown?

10. Have you noticed any changes in the behavior and character of the child after the start of feeding birds?

11. Do you use fiction to maintain interest and develop love for birds?

12. Do you watch television programs about nature with your child? If so, which ones?

13. Did you and your child make feeders for birds? Who was initiator: You or the child?

14. Would you like to take part in the competition for making feeders and get involved with your child in winter feeding birds in kindergarten?


Riddles, poems:

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

The bird is talkative,

The most chatty. (Magpie)

This everybody knows the bird,

Does not fly to a warm land

This bird - all year round

Lives in our yard

And she chirps

Loud in the morning:

Wake up quickly. -

Everyone is in a hurry. (Sparrow)

With a yellow breast at the window

Picks up crumbs

Guess what bird?

It's called...


Wants this since childhood bird

Become a famous singer.

Day and night restless

"Kar-kar-kar!" - sings ...

(Crow) .

All trees with interest

Studying Doctor of the Forest.

If a tree is eaten by a beetle,

Doctor right away: KNOCK-KNOCK!


He lives in the squares

On trees and branches.

He coos, does not sing,

Vigorously pecks seeds.


Feed the birds in winter!

Feed the birds in winter,

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is poor

One handful is needed

One handful - and not terrible,

They will have winter.

How many of them die

Do not count, it's hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And they are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

They could fly away, but they stayed winter.

Along with people.

We made a feeder.

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

Will you winter lunch!

Visit on the first day of the week

Two tits have flown

And on Tuesday - bullfinches,

Brighter than the dawn!

Three crows were on Wednesday

We didn't expect them for dinner.

And on Thursday from all over -

Ten greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The dove ate porridge.

And on Saturday for cake.

Arrived seven forty


Conversation with children.

Topic: « Feed the birds in winter»

Target: to form in children a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwintering birds; develop cognitive interest in children in the life of wintering birds; develop a caring attitude towards birds, desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

The teacher talks about the fact that winter has long come into its own rights: cold winds are blowing, frost has bound the earth, snow lies all around, bare trees will hold together from the cold.

And how is life birds in winter? (hungry birds, insects in hibernation, fruits, berries, grass seeds - under the snow. Little food is found birds in winter. From morning to evening they are looking for crumbs of food. Downy, warm, feather coats protect from the cold, but not from hunger).

In harsh years, out of ten tits, only one survives the winter. Nine die of starvation.

It's a pity? (Very sorry)

Listen to a poem by N. Gribachev.

Well, frosts, well, frosts,

Nose out - oh - oh - oh!

Even white birches

In a gray icy crust.

Even squirrels are restless

Waiting for the heat

Do not scurry to the branch from the branch,

They don't come out of the hole.

And a hungry tit

Quietly crying at the window:

"Nowhere to bask and feed,

No goats, no grain.

The day smokes a frosty distance,

The nights are cold and dark

I'm freezing, I'm hungry

I won't live until spring!"

Guys, who can help the hungry birds?

Correctly, birds people must come to the rescue. And we must hurry! Expensive every hour!

Listen to the continuation of the poem.

And said Seryozhka: "Okay!

Be patient for a long time…”

And he got out of the closet

Long nail and hammer.

Crunching on the snow crust,

Where dodged the tracks of foxes,

Pinned to an old Christmas tree

There is a plywood sheet on the stump.

And on the leaf - grains,

And on the leaf - millet,

Hemp two handfuls -

Gather, guests!

Guys, do you want to help? birds? But as?

That's right, you can make and hang feeders.

The teacher offers different options for feeders. Children review and share ideas about what kind of feeder they will make at home with their parents for "Bird Cafe". You can invite children to make two feeders, one for kindergarten and one for home.

But what are we going to feed them? It is good if the seeds of weeds, trees, fruits of shrubs are collected in the summer. And if not? What to do? I must say that in the winter birds become less picky about food and eat what they would not eat in the summer. Therefore, food from our table is suitable for feeding. You can hang pieces of unsalted bacon, fat, meat, cottage cheese. Can be offered birds remnants of cereal porridge and bread crumbs. Crows love cleaning vegetables and any food, sparrows - cereals, seeds, bread. Bullfinches - seeds of watermelon, pumpkin; waxwings - mountain ash, olives; pigeons - cereals, bread.

To properly feed birds, it is necessary to observe some regulations:

During feeding, do not litter, do not leave plastic bags, cans, boxes on the street;

Feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, birds will themselves arrive by this time;

Feed birds regularly, daily, you can not feed from time to time, it is in frosts that food is needed every day in order to birds survive;

Put a little feed, just in order to feed, support in difficult times.

The teacher says that during feeding birds it is interesting to watch them as they quickly flock together, as if informing each other.

Which appearance at birds? What behavior? What do different people eat? birds?

If you stand quietly, without moving, without making noise, you can discover many bird secrets.

Guys, listen to A. Yashin's poem.

Feed the birds in winter,

Let from all over

To fly to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is poor

One handful is needed

One handful - and not terrible

They will have winter.

How many of them die

Do not count, it's hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And they are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And remained winter

Together with people...

If we take care of birds in winter, summer birds take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc.

What wintering birds you know? (Sparrows, pigeons, tits, magpies, crows, bullfinches, woodpeckers, etc.)

wintering birds with our help, they will survive until spring and ...

Gliding merrily across the sky

Feathered friends are flying

And sing, chirping:

"Thank you very much!"


Game Library

"Sparrows and a cat"

mobile game

All players represent sparrows and are outside the circle. Leading - the cat stands in the middle of the circle. Sparrows then jump into the circle, then jump out of it. They collect grain (chips are scattered inside the circle). The cat runs around and tries to catch them. The sparrow, touched by the cat, pours out all the collected grains, then starts collecting them again. At the end of the game, the most agile sparrows are celebrated.

"Flies - does not fly"

word game

Didactic task: to develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.

game rule: Raise your hand only if a flying object is named.

Game actions: patting on the knees, raising a hand, acting out forfeits.


Children sit in a semicircle, put their hands on their knees.

The teacher explains the rules games: I will name objects and to ask: "Flies?", for example: Does the dove fly? Is the plane flying?, if I name an object that actually flies, you raise your hands. If I name a non-flying object, do not raise your hands. You need to be careful, because I will raise my hands both when the object is flying and when it is not flying. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a fant.

Patting on the knees, the teacher and the children say "Let's go - let's go", then the teacher starts game: "Does the jackdaw fly?"- and raises his hand.

The kids are in charge: "Flies" and also raise their hands. "Does the house fly?"- the teacher asks and raises his hands. The children are silent.

At the beginning of the game, many guys involuntarily, by virtue of imitation, raise their hands every time. But that is the meaning of the game, in order to hold back in time and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named. Who could not resist, pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

"What the bird

folk game

Didactic task: teach children to describe birds recognize them by their characteristic features and description.

Game rules: describe arrived bird it is necessary not only with a word, but also with an imitation of its movement. Who will correctly name bird, he becomes the driver.

Game actions: imitation of movements of different birds, guessing about what the bird is told. The choice of a leading counting rhyme.


Photo report on the event stock« Feed the birds in winter

Our group "Sunny Bunnies" of the kindergarten held an ecological share"Feed the birds in winter! "

posed a problem: Help wintering birds. Children wrote letter: "Dear winterers birds! We invite you to our kindergarten, we have prepared a lot of feeders and feed for you. You will be fine with us, we are waiting! "Parents and children made feeders. Feeders were made innumerable, there are all kinds of feeders here. Made of wood, plastic, and many other things. But most importantly with soul! We will definitely please the birds winter! "

Our children came up with motto: "We are rescuers and friends birds!

municipal state preschool educational

establishment of the city of Novosibirsk

"Kindergarten No. 238 of the combined type"

Novosibirsk - 136, st. Kyiv 7/1, tel./fax 340-22-30

TIN 5404154277 KPP 540401001 PSRN 1025401486604

Ecological action

"Feed the Birds in Winter"

Group number 4 "Fidgets"

Educator: Vorontsova O.V.


Ecological action "Feed the birds in winter".

Purpose of the action - the formation of ecological knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them. Activate the cognitive interest of children in the nature of their native land and contribute to raising the level of ecological culture of preschoolers.

Action objectives:

    formation of ecological culture among preschoolers;

    clarification and expansion of children's knowledge about wintering birds;

    the formation of skills and abilities to observe them;

    to learn to establish a connection between the habitat and the way of life of birds;

    to cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds, to help wintering birds in difficult times.

Participants of the action

Educators, children of all age groups and their parents take part in the action.

Scenario of the event "Feed the birds in winter"

Event goals:

    To broaden the horizons of students, pay attention to the difficult existence of birds in winter;

    To instill love for nature and educate humanity, talk about the benefits of birds, about their protection.


    To acquaint with the diversity and characteristics of birds wintering in our area;

    Show the need and ways to help birds in winter.

Event progress.


There are different birds.

Some are afraid of blizzards

And fly away for the winter

To the kind, warm south.

Others - those people are different,

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

More terrible than a fierce cold.

To their ruffled feathers

Snowflakes don't come

They are under the powder

Striking for a warm-up

But if it snows for a long time

And the blizzard lasts a long time

Then, friends, you have to

Our birds are tight.

Guys, name the birds that you know and see in our city.

What are the names of the birds that fly south? (Migratory.)

Why are they flying away? (There are no insects they feed on, no seeds.)

What is the name of the birds that do not fly away? (Winterers.)

Name the wintering birds (Sparrows, crows, tits, magpies, woodpeckers.)

These birds spend the whole winter with us, trying to please us with their beauty and unusual sounds. But they are very difficult.

Riddles about wintering birds.

Watching a video about wintering birds.

covered with snowdrifts

Gardens, courtyards, paths.

Birds can't find

Not a grain, not a crumb.

Here in this most difficult hour

Rescue birds are waiting for us.

Hang a house on a bitch

Scatter the crumbs on the snow

And also semolina.

And the poor things will come to life!

Gliding merrily across the sky.

Feathered friends fly

And sing chirping:

"Thank you, you are great!"

So that the birds do not die, you need to hang feeders that your parents do with their own hands. What wonderful feeders you have!

Did you know that birds love to peck? Yes, almost all small birds have a favorite dish - sunflower seeds. But you can still feed the birds with other grains. The more varied the treat in the feeder, the more different birds will fly into the "dining room".

Let's go to our sites and hang the feeders!

The result of the action - the parents of the pupils were invited, who made bird feeders with their own hands.

Kindergarteners' parents donated houses to those in need

Citizens are urged to do the same

Children are told that not all birds fly to warmer climes with the onset of cold weather. Tits, sparrows, pigeons and many other winged birds remain for the winter. To help them survive in difficult times, kids and their parents make feeders

Adults got creative - some bird houses turned out really impressive

Feeding troughs were hung in the garden. The guys filled each of them with bread crumbs and seeds.

Parents are our helpers! Made bird feeders.

Watching a movie about birds.

We get acquainted with the wintering birds of our region.

Let's feed the birds!

Let's play - that's how fun we live!

"Give the birds life"

Carried out by educators: Tyabokina T.S. and Vorozhtsova I.A.

Feed the birds in winter! (A. Yashin)

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to us, like home,
A flock on the porch.

How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.

Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

The relevance of the action is to help the birds survive the cold winter.

Purpose: the formation of ecological knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Project objectives:

  • expand children's knowledge about birds
  • to develop the skills and abilities of birdwatching
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult times
  • increase the level of environmental activity of parents.

The implementation of the action provides for educational work with children for 4 months (November 2016–February 2017).

Project participants: educators, children, parents of the group.

Our environmental action consists of three stages:

  1. Organizational stage (determination of the goals and objectives of the action, development and accumulation of material and literature on the topic).
  2. main stage (manufacturing of feeders, hanging them on the group site, educational activities,).
  3. The final stage (processing of the obtained results, registration of the results of the action in the form of a presentation).


  • Children learned about wintering birds;
  • Learned to observe and care for them;
  • Parents became active participants in the educational process;
  • Participation in the municipal competition "Let's Make a Bird House" as part of a national holiday "Larks" .

In our group, an organized educational activity on cognitive development was held, dedicated to the problem of feeding birds in winter. As a result of the work carried out, the children learned about three wintering birds - a sparrow, a tit and a bullfinch; got acquainted with the types of feeding, realized that they needed human help.

A particularly important part of the environmental action is the involvement of parents in the work. With their help, feeders were made, hung on the site, stocks for feeding birds were replenished in a timely manner. Parents are our helpers!

The kids really enjoyed watching the flying birds. Observations of the life of birds helped children to become closer to nature, helped to understand that it is necessary to take care of the world around them. The children also remembered the names of birds - titmouse, sparrow, bullfinch. We learned to distinguish them by external signs.

Registration of the exhibition in the reception group "Feeders for birds" . Parents took a very active part, everyone responded and brought a feeder or bird feed. Visual information for parents was also placed in the reception area - a folder for moving, booklets.

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