Scenario for mother's day in the preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" in the preparatory group. The video clip "Mom" is shown on the screen


Mother's Day at DOW. Scenario. preparatory group

Target: joint leisure activities for teachers, children and their parents.
1) To promote the development of speech as a means of communication.
2) Expand the vocabulary of children.
4) Develop general motor skills, auditory attention.
5) Cultivate a sense of respect for mom.
Preliminary work: making gift cards-hearts for mothers, learning poems, songs for the holiday, handing out invitations to mothers for the holiday.
Holiday participants: educators, children and mothers, grandmothers. The presenters come out.
Presenter 1: The day before his birth, the child asked God: “I don’t know why I am going into this world. What should I do?"
Presenter 2: God replied: “I will give you an Angel who will always be with you. He will explain everything to you."
Presenter 1:"But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language."
Host 2:“The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.
Presenter 1:"What is my Angel's name?"
Lead 2“It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him Mom."

The exit of children with heart balloons ("Mom dear"), become a semicircle.

Why, when I'm with my mother,
Even a gloomy day is brighter?
Because because
There is no cuter mom!

Why when it hurts
Am I in a hurry to see my mother?
Because because
There is no mother more tender!

Why when we're together
Am I the happiest of all children?
Because because
There is no better mommy!

Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!

Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a joke!
Mom is a treat!
Moms love everyone!

Mom will smile
Mom is sad
Mom will regret
Mom will forgive.

Mom - golden autumn,
Mom is the dearest
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help!

Mom, you are not dearer
Mom can do everything
Congratulations mom today
We wish moms happiness.

The song "Mama" is performed ("I kiss your hands ..")
1. I kiss your hands, my dear
You are more tender than anyone in the world, I know for sure
You are not dearer in the world, you are in my heart
Hold me tight, I want to warm up!
Mom, always be with me!

Mom, don't be sad!

Do you hear, mother, always be with me!
Mom, I don't need more!
Mom, don't be sad!
You me for everything, mommy, forgive me!

2. Only you will always support and reassure
And you will hide me from envy and anger.
I love you - you are an angel, I live with you.
With gratitude, I kiss your hands.
3. Light in the window, we are together
It's light in my heart.
Mommy dear, how warm it is with you!
I pray at night that you live
So that you are healthy, mommy!
My mother gave me life
More than anything in the world, I love you!

There is nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
Like the light of the sun,
Darkness will dispel unsteady!

Like a tail shine
gold fish,
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!

What a pity that weeks
They fly so slowly!
That children, as they are born,
Don't speak right away!

And that would only
I saw my mother
As soon as, as soon as
"Thanks!" - she said.

The song "Mother's Smile" is performed
1. Mommy dear,
I love you!
All flowers are spring
I will give you!
Let the sun smile
Looking from above
How cool is that
That I have you!
Mom's smile
Brings happiness into the home.
Mom's smile
I need everything.
Mom's smile
I will give to everyone.
mother dear,
I love you!

2. There is no better
And nicer eyes.
Mom is the most beautiful
I will say without embellishment!
And without you to me, mommy,
Don't live a day.
How cool is that
What do you have for me!
3. The first snowdrops
I give you
Your hands are tender
I love very much.
Well, how cool is that?
that I have you.
Kind and gentle
My mommy!

And now we have very important information. Our holiday today is not ordinary, when children perform, and you look at them. Today your children will admire and be proud of you. And you - to show your knowledge and skills.
Dear mothers, do you like fairy tales? And, of course, read them bedtime stories?
So let's check how well you know fairy tales.
1 task. Fairy tale riddles:
1. Waiting for mom with milk,
They let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children? (goats)
2. Ivan's arrow
Like a bird in flight.
Ivan's wife
Lives in a swamp. Who is she? (Princess Frog)
3. Oink-oink-oink - what three brothers
No more fear of the wolf
Because that beast of prey
Will not destroy a brick house. (three pigs)
4. Alyonushka has sisters
They took away the little brother of the bird.
They fly high
They look far. (Swan geese)
5. What kind of birds, for girlfriends
Helped a frog fly?
These birds are like a girlfriend
They took a frog with them. (ducks)
6. This housekeeper
Better than any castle
He is not afraid in the forest
No bear, no fox. (Hedgehog)
7. Walking briskly along the path
Buckets carry water. ("By magic")
8. Someone opened his mouth,
Someone swallowed something
Everything around went dark.
Oh, what a fright everywhere! ("The Stolen Sun")
9. Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut,
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? ("Three Bears")
10. There is neither a river nor a pond,
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof ... ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Leading Well, what can I say, you really read fairy tales to children. Well done!

Mother's Day is a special holiday.
Let's celebrate it in November:
Winter awaits nature
And the slush is still in the yard.

But we are dear to our mothers
Let's give a merry holiday!
We wish you warmth and smiles.
Hello, we will leave our children!

Let the wind carry with it
What I will reveal to everyone:
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mom is the best.

The lights are dimming outside the window,
Sit with me, talk before bed.
The whole evening you were not with me,
You have everything to do.

I do not stand above your soul,
I keep waiting
Everyone is silent, like a big ...
Sit with me
Let's talk before bed
Let's look at the lights outside the window.

Dance "Mom" (girls with scarves) is performed.

We have prepared a test for our mothers and children. The competition "Walk with the baby" is announced. At the first stage, mothers must swaddle the baby doll. Their children should put the doll in the stroller and walk to the second landmark, then come back. Moms unwrap the doll, run to their team.
The competition is held to the music "Oh, mommy, on a sledge ..."
Leading: And now we are you guys,
We want riddles.
You need to listen to them carefully
And then answer in unison.
Children make riddles, and when the answer sounds, they show objects.
1 child: Who goes to bed late and gets up early?
Does he spend the day in worries and is very tired? (mother)
2 child: In my mother's ears sparkle
And they don't melt at all.
Silver ice crumbs
In my mother's ears ... (earrings)
3 child: These balls on a thread
Don't you want to try on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box ... (beads)
4 child: Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated with flowers,
headdress mystery,
Our mother has ... (hat)
Leading: There are riddles on the table, our riddles.
Isn't it time to play?
Which one of you guys wants to decorate their mom?
Ira "Decorate your mother"
(Beads, rings, clip-on earrings, bows, barrettes, bracelets, hats, glasses are offered)
Dear mothers, dear children, now we will play the game "Know your child's agu".
There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers. I will start, and the mothers from the teams should complete the proverb.
When the sun is warm, (when mother is good).
Maternal care does not burn in fire, (does not sink in water).
The bird is glad of spring, ah (mother's baby).
Maternal caress of the end (does not know).
For a mother, a child under a hundred years old (baby).
The child recites a poem:
For your care, mom, I thank you.
Kiss your most gentle on this day I give you.
Presenter 1: What is the most important thing for a child? This, of course, is a home and a mother who will always regret and call with the kindest and most tender words: the sun, a kitten, a bunny ... Is that what you call your children? And now the guys will tell their mothers the warmest, most tender words.
Host 2: Guys, my heart is in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Who, at the end of the music, will have a heart in his hands, he will say an affectionate word to his mother.
Under the song "Mom's smile" the game "Affectionate word" is held.
Presenter 1: Following the results of our competitions, friendship won in a stubborn struggle.

Concert script for Mother's Day for children 6-7 years old

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, stand in semicircles. The head of the kindergarten greets mothers and grandmothers.


There is nothing more wonderful in the world

And stronger than a mother's love.

With what to compare it? Maybe with a song

What do nightingales sing at dawn?

The kindness of a beautiful mother

There is nothing more amazing

This world, to whose fate we are involved,

Warmed by maternal kindness!


We congratulate beloved mothers

Happy mother's day.

We wish you many happy days

And we make promises!

Child. Do not upset you very often.

Child. Will help you to the best of my ability.

Child. And do not argue with you in vain.

Child. And go to bed on time.


We know how tired you are!

Business from morning to evening.

Child. There is no equal to you in any work.

Child. And there is no heat at home without you!

The song “Guests have come to us” sounds, music by An. Alexandrova, lyrics by M. Evensen.

Children sit down.

Leading. Dear mothers and grandmothers! Your children were looking forward to this holiday and prepared a small concert for you.

1st child.

Dear beloved mothers!

You look into all eyes.

Forget worries, fatigue,

After all, miracles will begin now!

2nd child.

The cold wind is tearing the leaves and spinning.

The snow is flying, ringing with the earth.

Today we need to congratulate the mothers of all -

Mother's Day on the planet of the whole Earth.

3rd child.

We are embraced by gentle hands,

For us they cook, darn and sew,

Let the songs of this caressing sounds

Our guys will sing for you.

The song "I love my mother", music by Y. Mikhailenko, lyrics by I. Skladany.


Mom worked for a long time -

All business, business, business.

Mom is so tired for the day

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand by.

Let her sleep a little

I will sing a song to her.

I'll get closer to my mother

I love my mother very much

It's a pity that he can't hear

Mom my song.

There is no better song!

Maybe sing louder for me?

To mom this song

Did you hear it in your dream?

For mommy a little audible

I'm singing!

Sleep, my dear!

My darling!

Oh woke up!


I draw the evening -

Dark houses.

I light in the windows

Lights herself.

Lit up red

yellow, blue,

I draw rain

Puddles under the pine.

I'm not at all difficult

Evening draw,

Just very sad

Mom is a long time to wait.


If a cloud frowns in the sky,

If snow flies in the garden,

I look out the window at the street

And I'm waiting for my mother from work.

I'm not even afraid of lightning

The rain is pouring - so be it

I only remember my mother's smile -

And I'm not afraid at all!

M. Plyatskovsky


What a gift for mom

We will give on Women's Day?

There are many for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -

It is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the tub

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers.

It would be nice if the ceiling

Too bad I'm not tall.

presenter. I think moms will be delighted with such a surprise! And now we will play with moms, have fun with them!

The game "Take your place."


If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste time

I wouldn't jump on the street

I'd wash my shirts.

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room.

I would wash cups, spoons,

I'd peel the potatoes myself

All my own toys

I would put it in place!

Why am I not a girl?

I would love to help my mom!

Mom would have said:

"Well done, son!"


And now we're all dancing

Look at our dance!

"Dance with stomps" - hopak (Ukrainian folk music).

Leading. Now listen to the riddles.

Adults first:

Can't hear with the ear

Doesn't breathe through nose

Wherever he visits, he will lose his tail. (Needle and thread.)

White doves sit around the hole. (Mouth and teeth.)

mother and daughter, daughter and mother,

Yes, grandmother and granddaughter

In total - three. (The granddaughter's grandmother is the daughter's mother, so there are three of them.)


Well done, moms, you guessed it! Now riddles for children:

Even ice blocks melt

From a warm word... (thank you).

Green old stump

When he hears ... (good afternoon).

If you can't eat anymore,

Tell grandma... (thank you).

Both France and Denmark

They say goodbye ... (goodbye).

Find your child game.


No, girls can't

Cheer up our moms!

There is another recipe for sadness.

Girls. Another? Tell me - which one?


I'll tell you, friends, straight to you,

Simply and without further ado:

Swap places with mom

I've been ready for a long time!

Well, think - worries:

Laundry, ironing, shop,

Holes in pants, compotes...

It doesn't take much effort!

Is life easy for me?

After all, worries are endless:

Learn a poem

Songs, dance, round dance...

How tired I am!

I would rather be a mom!

Leading. Now the guys will have such an opportunity! Let's play!

Help Mom game.

Song "Our mothers", music by Y. Blinov, lyrics by V. Semernin.


I will give you a riddle, and you will guess it.

Who puts on the heels of patches,

Who irons and cleans the linen?

Who cleans the house in the morning

Breeds a large samovar?

Who plays with the little sister

And takes her to the boulevard?

Whose hair is whiter than snow

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom do I love and pity?

Who are the poems about?

Children. It's a grandmother!

The game "Who will help grandma faster?".


Well, what kind of grandmothers are old women?

These are our best friends.

How much is two and two

What are islands

Why did the bear climb into the den,

Where does the Snow Maiden live?

How an airplane flies

Grandmothers can answer everything.


We barely have time to get out of bed -

As our grandmothers already did:

We braid pigtails,

Sweep the floor in the apartment

Give water to green plants.

Cook delicious porridge.

Buy bread in the store, -

We are very lucky with our grandmothers!

Song "Grandma Barbara", music by E. Ptichkin, verse by M. Plyatskovsky.

Leading. Let's play sweet words. Whoever says more warm words about mom will win.

Game "Say the magic word"

Children stand in a semicircle.


Both children and adults know:

From tender mother's hands

Cozier and at home, and in space,

And as if lighter around.


So don't worry and hello

All mothers of the planet Earth!

Let the dawns be radiant, clear

They rise above you, ringing.


Listen, listen, listen!

Today we sing for you.

All the purest, the best

Warmed by the warmth of your eyes.

The song "Mom, Mom", music. S. Yudina, lyrics by E. Leshko.

Leading. Well, here's how we celebrated Mother's Day! And how he came to an end, did not notice.

How many dances did they dance

But remember for once:

Have you ever called

Your mother to waltz?

Let it spin you now

Mom's waltz, mom's waltz!

Children invite mothers to a waltz, stand in pairs, mothers with their backs, and children face in a circle.

"Waltz", music by N. Golubovskaya, composition of movements by T. Koreneva.


All participants of the holiday enter the music.

Host: There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables, a simple word "MAMA",

And there are no words more precious than it.

Happy Mother's Day to you dear! Let this holiday be bright! Let sorrows go away and dreams come true! Let the people of the whole world give you kindness and smiles! Every last Sunday in November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day. And our children should know about it. So we will cultivate in children's hearts reverence, respect and love for the mother.

Glory:"Mother's Day" is a special holiday,

Let's celebrate it in November:

Winter awaits nature

And the slush is still in the yard.

But we are dear to our mothers

Let's give joy to the hearts!

We wish you warmth and smiles

Huge you baby

All: Hey!

Irina: Dear grandmothers and mothers!

We know that you have countless worries,

But today we will prove to you

It's not for nothing that you have us.

Song "Mother's Day"

Leading: Mum! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the World. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is - 5 or 50, he always needs a mother ... And now the children will tell you about how they love you.

Seryozha: It doesn't get any better than this,

All children know this from birth.

Though we are angry, stubborn -

Our beloved mother forgives us everything!

Lena: So many warm, tender words

We want to tell you, mom:

You are kindness, kindness, love,

You are the most wonderful person!

Anya: And on a joyful holiday for us,

We, mommy, wish you:

So that every day and every hour

You were happy, dear!

Nastya: Beloved mother, I congratulate you,

On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.

You are in my heart, even if apart,

I always remember your tender hands.

Yana: Knowing no fatigue

No rest every hour

Day and night mother

Everyone is worried about us.

Irina: Mom, there is no more you.

Mom can do everything.

Congratulations mom today

We wish moms happiness!

Leading: There is nothing more delicious in the world

Grandma's pies and buns,

There are no socks and mittens warmer,

That will warm the body, and the soul.

What is a house without grandmother's pies and borscht, warm socks and wise advice?

Arina Trandenok: Mom and dad are on the job.

Where to find time for children?

To and from work

Hurry up to the store.

Who will walk with us

Will you sing a lullaby?

Our grandmother is dear

Protects our childhood.

Liza Yusupova: Who scolds us the least?

Who bakes pies for us?

Who accompanies us to the kindergarten

And leads back home?

Well, of course, this is the most

Dear our man!

Let the gray head -

You, grandma, are the best!

Dance with spoons

Leading: Once you came to visit your grandmother:

We drank, we ate, we wanted to play!

You played with your sister, with your brother

And - with whom does not happen? - well, they scattered everything!

Grandma doesn't want to upset you...

So, isn't it time to start cleaning?

Competition "General cleaning".

Children are invited to collect cubes (candy wrappers) in a box

Leading: Dear mothers and grandmothers, and now the task is for you!

Try to guess what we are talking about now?

Which of the heroes of fairy tales could place such an ad in a modern newspaper?

Do you remember the names of these literary works?

The presenter reads the "newspaper ads", the parents name the fairy tale, its author and the character of the fairy tale.

  1. I offer a new trough, a hut, pillar nobility in exchange for washing machine. (The old woman from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin).
  2. I lay golden eggs. Expensive. (Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen")
  3. Lost precious metal key. (Pinocchio from the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio" by A.N. Tolstoy)
  4. Veterinary services with departure to any part of the World. (Doctor Aibolit from the fairy tale of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky)
  5. I offer free services. I'll wash everything! (Moidodyr from the fairy tale of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky)
  6. The travel company organizes an air travel along the milky river with kissel banks. (Russian folk tale "Geese-swans")
  7. With the help of this item, the main character of the tale found happiness and a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow from Russian folk tale"Princess Frog")
  8. With the help of this item, you can make the most wonderful things, or you can kill the terrible hero of a Russian folk tale. (Needle from the fairy tale "Koschei the Immortal")
  9. What very unusual mode of transport did the hero of a Russian folk tale use to get to the king's palace? (Stove in the fairy tale "Emelya")
  10. Who spoke about himself like this: “It was then when beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived amicably and cheerfully, but one day a fragment of an elf mirror got into my eye, and I saw everything evil and ugly. (Kai from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen")
  11. Who are these verses talking about?

“She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,

In any case, she showed skill,

She baked bread and wove tablecloths,

She sewed shirts, embroidered the pattern,

I was a white swan in the dance,

Who was this craftswoman? (Vasilisa is beautiful)

  1. She came from Andersen's fairy tale. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. (Thumbelina)
  2. In which fairy tale do vegetables act like living beings: onion, tomato, pumpkin? (The Adventures of Chippolino)
  3. The toy is the main character of the book, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. ("Cheburashka")

Presenter: Family life is full of worries and troubles. And if children grow up in a family, then there are even more of them. But in a friendly family, children always help adults, and not only with deeds, but also with jokes. And now funny ditties performed by your children will sound.

Put your ears on top

Listen carefully,

They will sing ditties for you!

Oh, how wonderful!

Arina Trandenok: Our dear mothers!

We will always love you.

We will give you ditties,

And to ditties - topotushki.

Lena: Mom in the morning our Mila

Gave me two candies

I barely had time to give

And then she ate them herself.

Anya: Mom asked Luda

Wash dirty dishes.

For some reason, Luda became

Just as dirty as dishes.

Liza Yusupova: Daughter asked mom

Take a puppy home with you.

Feed for two days

And I forgot about the puppy.

Arina Zakharova:"I will help my mother" -

Our Seryozha says.

But how do you wash dishes?

His stomach hurts.

Together: We finish singing ditties

And we give this advice:

Help more moms

They will live a hundred years!

Leading: Thanks to our artists! But that is not all. And ahead of us game-competition "Breakfast for daughter".Mothers, acting as daughters, sit on high chairs. Children acting as parents carry a bib, put it on the “daughter”, then bring a toy and a spoon. It is necessary not to make a mistake and give the spoon in the right hand. “Daughter” - mom should take a spoon, pick it up and say: “Wa-wa!” Children, in the role of parents, must “feed” their daughter. The one who does it faster wins.


Leading: Our children are very fond of fairy tales, and now we will ask parents to show the children a little fairy tale. It has many different roles. Adults will draw a lot for the role that they have to play.

Having drawn out the role (Autumn, Wind, Rain, Leaflets, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on horseback), parents choose the attributes necessary for its performance (a wreath for autumn, a handkerchief for a princess, wooden spoons, wooden horse, wolf masks, dogs, 2 crowns for the prince and princess, sultans for rain and wind, etc.)

Leading: Have all the artists picked up the necessary attributes? Is there nothing left? I will tell the tale, and you, the newly minted actors, in the course of the tale, in the right place, will portray the actions of your character. And so the fairy tale begins...

Autumn came. The wind blew hard. A cold autumn rain has fallen. The trees rustled with leaves. Far away in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. The dog barked furiously in response. And in a beautiful castle, the princess wept bitterly: she was not allowed to the ball. Suddenly, a clatter of hooves was heard from afar, it was the prince who had arrived. He put the princess on a horse, and together they rode to the ball. (In the course of the tale, the characters perform the action of their character.)

Leading: thanks for funny fairy tale. What talented parents we have!

Motherhood is the great mission of women. The mother finds herself in selfless love dedicated to her children. And the children respond to her with love, attention, care. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is the happiness of her children. She is strict, exacting, because she feels great responsibility for her son or daughter, wishes them well. Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest and most faithful. And now mom (say child's name) read a poem.

Is it a lot or a little?

Is it happiness or a cross?

And it's impossible to start over

And I pray now for what is:

For crying at night, for milk, diapers,

For the first step, for the first words.

For all children, for each child.

I am a mother! And therefore right.

I am the whole world. I am the rebirth of life.

And I would like to hug the whole world.

It's a delight

No one can take away from me!

Dance "Away from Mom"

Arina Zakharova: We will not buy a gift for mom -

Let's cook it ourselves, with our own hands.

You can embroider a scarf for her, you can grow a flower.

You can draw a house, a blue river,

And also kiss MOM DEAR!

Children give gifts to their mothers

Leading: Alexei Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy of the world comes from mothers.” Let me once again congratulate you on Mother's Day! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! Let your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love. Good luck, dear ones!

Purpose: to create conditions for full communication between adults and children.

Program content:

  • create an atmosphere of goodness and joy on the eve of the holiday;
  • give parents the opportunity to feel the value of emotional communication with children;
  • to develop the initiative of adults and children through participation in joint games, dances, dramatizations;
  • nurture love and respect for the mother.

Preliminary work:

  • selection of literary material;
  • learning poems, musical numbers;
  • making gifts for mothers;
  • exhibition of portraits "Mom is my sunshine" ;
  • making costumes from junk material for fashion shows by mothers.

Equipment: a table set for dinner, a doll, costumes for the heroes of the scene, scarves and caps for ditties, caps for dancing; play material: colorful chamomile (18 petals), different outfits in a bag, mom's things in a box, 2 baby dolls, 2 diapers, 2 strollers, 2 racks, 2 tables.

Methodical methods:

  • parable "Conversation with God"
  • dance to the song "Be always with me mom"
  • song
  • karaoke song "Lullaby of the Bear"
  • a game "Porridge"
  • dramatization of a poem by E. Serova "Three Moms"
  • competition "Colorful Daisy"
  • boys dance
  • skit Mom comes home from work...
  • competition "Mom's Thing"
  • competition "Walk with the baby"
  • ditties:
  • a game "Pass the bag"
  • competition "Name the story"
  • fashion show
  • dance "Oh, that'll be cool!"

The course of the holiday

Mothers sit in the hall on children's chairs arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Sounds like an audio recording "Conversation with God" .

To the music, children enter the hall and stand behind their mother.

Dance to the song "Be always with me mom"

After the dance, the mothers sit in the auditorium, the children take their places.

Presenter: "Good evening" - we tell you. And he is really kind, because at the end of November we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. Today we greet all mothers and everyone who came to our holiday, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, and, of course, the most beautiful - our mothers! And in honor of today's wonderful holiday, we have prepared a festive concert for you.

Children read poetry.

1. What did I find out guys!

I did not sleep at a quiet hour

And by chance I heard

We will have guests here!

2. Will there be guests? Who are they?

We passed all the checks

And the commissions are big.

No irregularities were found.

3. Oh, what a mess!

Who needs to look for them?

We will be in the hall, guys,

Meet our lovely mothers!

4. Here they are, all our mothers!

And we don't want to hide

All concert program

Let's dedicate it to them today!

5. And the guys are all with us -

It's just top notch!

We can do everything: dance and sing,

There is something for you to see!

Presenter: Let your endless worries, patience, love and devotion resonate in the souls of children with light and kindness. And now the children will give you a piece of their warmth. Listen to their song.

Song "It's good that I have you"

1. Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile

The one who is called my mother.


Mommy, my dear, my mother,

Mommy, my dear, my mother,

It's good that I have you!

2. The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,

Mommy in the house - no fear.


Mommy, my dear, my mother,

It's good that I have you!

Mommy, my dear, my mother,

It's good that I have you!

3. Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -

Mommy is right next to me.


I love my dear mother very much

I will give this song to her.

I love my dear mother very much

I will give this song to her.

Presenter: Mom with love and trepidation was waiting for you to be born, she was most happy about your appearance, the first cry. Mom gently and carefully swaddled, put to bed, singing lullabies. Moms, I invite you all to sing a song together "Lullaby of the Bear" .

Karaoke song "Lullaby of the Bear"

Presenter: Guys, when you were little and could not eat yourself, your mothers fed you delicious porridge. Do you like porridge? (Yes). Now we will check if you know what products are needed to make porridge. Need to answer "Yes" or "No" and mothers will help you cope with a difficult task.

A game "Porridge"

"Magpie - white-sided" I decided to cook porridge to feed the children.

I went to the market and this is what I got:

Fresh milk - yes!

Chicken egg - no!

Semolina - yes!

Head of cabbage - no!

Pickled cucumber - no!

Meat jelly - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans - no!

Melted butter - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bay leaf - no!

Chinese rice - yes!

Prunes and raisins - yes!

Chocolate delight - no!

Bulgarian pepper - no!

Tatar sauce - no!

Strawberry jam - yes!

Biscuits - no!

Good porridge - navarista ... And what is there in it! (name incorrectly named products, only an ax is missing, if all products are named correctly, praise the children for their efforts).

Host: It's been a while. You guys have grown up, began to visit us in Kindergarten and they themselves became mothers for their dolls. And you, mothers, remained for your mothers, your grandmothers, guys, the same little fidgets that you were in childhood. Don't believe? See for yourself!

Dramatization of the poem by E. Serova "Three mothers"

Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening

And the doll asked:

How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

It's just trouble with these daughters,

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Tanya's mother came home from work

And Tanya asked:

How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden,

Managed to forget about food again?

Lunch! Grandma screamed a hundred times

And you answered:

Now! Yes now!

These girls are just in trouble.

Soon you will be as thin as a match!

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Here grandmother, mother's mother, came

And she asked her mother:

How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again, I didn’t find food for a minute,

And in the evening I put it in my mouth

Dry sandwich?

You can't sit all day without eating!

She has become a doctor, but everything is a fidget!

These girls are just in trouble.

Soon you will be as thin as a match!

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with daughters stubborn?

Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!

(Heroes bow and leave).

Presenter: Our mothers can do everything! They take care of children, husbands, cook, clean, wash. Do you know, dear women, that during the year we wash 13,000 dishes? Do we go shopping 2000 km a year? After such loads, you want to relax, right? And now there is a competition for our mothers "Colorful Daisy" . With the help of this chamomile, we will find out how moms most like to spend their free time.

Competition "Colorful Daisy"

(Moms alternately tear off the petal and read the answer from behind the petal).

  • WASH

Presenter: Our mothers know how to do everything in the world: they build houses, treat people, act as artists on stage, raise children. Our girls, when they grow up, will also definitely be mothers.

1 girl: I will definitely be a mother,

What should I name my daughter?

I know there will be many difficulties.

You need nipples, a stroller, a bed.

2 girl: You need to wash your daughter's pants,

shake, lull, sing,

3rd girl: Kiss her scratches, bumps.

How much does mommy need to do

Feed and wash dishes

5 girl: And in winter, ride a sleigh,

Be patient and kind

6 girl: Can I really do all this?

How tired I must be!

Who will take pity on me, warm me?

Yes, of course, my mother!

Presenter: Mom is a word in all languages ​​of the world pronounced affectionately and tenderly. Throughout life, mother's love warms us. And how important is the word MOM for your children. With all their hearts, the guys give you poems and congratulations!


Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,

This is the kindest holiday

Comes to us in autumn.


It's a holiday of obedience

congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration -

Holiday of the best words!

Presenter: And now for our mothers a surprise.

Boys dance

Presenter: And now let's see the scene prepared by the guys. Maybe one of them recognizes himself?

scene Mom comes home from work...

(Two children participate in the scene as mother and son)


Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her boots

Mom goes into the house.

Mom looks around


Was there a raid on the apartment?



A hippopotamus comes to us?



Maybe the house is not ours?



Maybe the floor is not ours?


Seryozhka just came,

We played a little.


So it's not a crash?



So the elephant didn't dance?



I am very happy.

It turned out. I needlessly worried.

Host: Well, guys? Who recognizes themselves in this scene? I want to believe that you help keep your mothers in order at home.

And now the competition for our guys. It's called "Mom's Thing" . I will show the thing that each mother gave us, and the guys must find out whose mother this thing is.

Competition "Mom's Thing"

Host: Well done, you did your job. Everyone knows the things of their mothers very well.

We have prepared a new test for our mothers and children. Competition is announced "Walk with the baby" . At the first stage, mothers must swaddle the baby doll. Their children should put the doll in the stroller and walk to the second landmark, then come back. Moms unwrap the doll, run to their team.

Competition "Walk with the baby"

Presenter: And now the guys will perform ditties for their mothers.


To all moms on this day

We give ditties

So that our mothers

There were fun!


1. Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you

We heartily congratulate you

And hello huge helmet.

2. I am an assistant, no matter where,

Cleaning is nonsense for me,

I looked into the vacuum cleaner

Sucked into the tube nose.

3. I washed dishes, soaps,

I broke my mother's cup.

What a bad utensil

I won't wash it again.

4. To get mom to work

The evil alarm clock did not wake up

I am to him tonight

Unscrewed two pieces.

5. Oh, we are tired, we are tired,

They did housework.

If you need help-

Call, we are not away!

6. We are remote guys,

Cheerful such.

Brought fun to you

So clap for us!

(Send the girls to dress up for the fashion show).

Host: I know that our children are very fond of dressing up. Do you think your mothers liked to dress up as children? Then invite moms to the circle!

A game "Pass the bag"

(There are different outfits in the bag, it is transmitted to the music. When the music stops, the one with the bag takes out something and puts it on).

Presenter: And now let's check how attentive our mothers are? You need to guess the name of the fairy tale by individual words.

Competition "Name the story"

Sun, snow, shard, mirror, rose, friendship. "The Snow Queen"

Wind, princess, pipe, dogs, hollow, coins. "Flint"

Swallow, burrow, toad, mouse, elf. "Thumbelina"

Clock, stepmother, ball, fairy, slipper, pumpkin. "Cinderella"

Queen, shower, princess, mattress, pea. "Princess on the Pea"

We congratulate our mothers -

Mommy is a couturier.

Fashion designers Zaitsev and Yudashkin

We would envy our mothers completely!

What a delight! How much flavor!

Fashion is art!

Presenter 1: We present to your attention a festive fashion show from our young ladies, and their mothers will help them in this.

Costume show

(Mothers and daughters display their outfits and hats made from junk material.)

Presenter: Being in kindergarten, your children remember you and patiently wait for you in the evening, try very hard, prepare for the holidays and get very upset when you do not come. Thank you for being with us today, for the meeting, for the desire to be close to the children. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of our mothers, and most importantly, the happy eyes of the children! After all, they are our most precious treasure in the world!


How many stars are in the sky

These stars to mom

I will give again.

And one morning

Looking at me

Mom will smile

"My little star!"

All children in chorus:

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! - There is no better word!

Presenter: Guys, let's invite moms to a fun dance.

Dance "Oh, that'll be cool!"

Our dear mothers, your children have prepared gifts for you. Guys, give this bouquet to your mom, kiss her and tell her how much you love her. (Children give gifts).

And now, over a cup of fragrant tea, we will once again say kind words to our mothers. We thank them for their care, for their skillful hands, and, of course, we will share the recipes for various delicacies that you have prepared together.

Mother's Day holiday script in the preparatory group

Target: Formation of family values, love and respect for the mother.
- creating a friendly and cheerful holiday atmosphere;
- development of interpersonal communication skills;
- the formation of moral and aesthetic values, respect for the mother;
- Invite parents to participate in the life of the group;
- development of children's creative abilities.
Preliminary work:
- draw portraits of mothers,
- arrange an exhibition of portraits "My dear mother";
- make a congratulatory gift;
- presentation design with photos of children and mothers;
- learning poems, songs, dance with children;
- decoration of the hall, according to the theme of the holiday.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. They have handmade flowers in their hands. Tea and sweets are organized for mothers.

Presenter: Hello dear mothers, grandmothers and guests! We dedicate our holiday to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring and hardworking, and. of course, the most beautiful - YOU, dear mothers!
1. Mom, mommy ... This word murmurs merrily, like a spring stream,
2. gently warms like a warm sun,
3. fills the heart with joy, kindness and love.
4. Mom, mommy ... This is her gentle voice singing lullabies,
5. it is her gentle hands that smear children's bruises and bumps with green paint,
6. it is her kind heart that forgives children everything in the world.

Presenter: Who is dearer to all mothers? Of course they are children! Not always obedient, sometimes stubborn, but the most, most beloved! And for children, the most important word is mom. And there is no better word in the world!

Children read poetry
1. How beautiful mothers are
On this festive day!
Let them be proud of us:
Mom, here I am, your son!

2. Here, and I am your daughter,
Mommy, mommy, hello!
Smile, my dear
Wave back quickly!

Don't worry, don't rush
And wave everyone at once!
I congratulate you too
I wish you happiness and love!
Moms are smiling
The holiday begins!

3. Let's sing from the heart now
Song, moms, for you!
For beautiful, dear,
Dear, kind and dear.
Let the whole world know
There is nothing more precious than a mother!

Children sing the song "The kitten has a mother .."

1. Mom, dear, happy holiday to you!
Gently kiss, hug you.
I made you a bouquet myself -
Be always happy, my mommy!
We want to give you flowers.
Thank you sons and daughters!

Children give their mothers flowers made with their own hands. Moms put flowers in vases that are on the table. After that, the children sit down on their chairs.

There are many poems about this holiday,
But we won't get tired of congratulating him.
Let the voices of children, merging into a friendly choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!

Children go out (6 people)
1. We congratulate our mothers
Beautiful and beloved.
We always want to see you
Healthy and beautiful.

2. Mother's Day today!
And the children will say together:
Dear mothers,
You are the best in the world!

3. Let the wind carry with it,
What I will reveal to everyone
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mom is better!

4. I love you, mom, the warmth of your hands.
Because you are my most reliable friend.
I love you, mom, for what - I do not know.
Because you are the only one in the world!

5. Mommy, I want to wish this:
Smile more, relax more.
The most beautiful you in this world.
I was lucky with my mom - the best on the planet!

6. We dedicate a song to our beloved mother
I love you, my dear.
I wish you a long life - up to 100 years to live
To take my grandchildren to kindergarten!

Children sing the song "The holiday of our mothers is coming"
Words and music by Alexander Babin

There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother. Whether our mothers know them, we will now check. You need to complete the proverb:
* It's warm in the sun ... (when mother is good)
* Maternal care does not burn in fire ... (does not sink in water)
* The bird is glad of spring, (and the mother's baby)
* Maternal affection ... (does not know the end)
* For a mother, a child ... (child up to a hundred years old)
* There is no sweeter friend (than your own mother).

How clever are our mothers!
For everyone in the world, children are a joy, a happiness. Let's hear how your moms talk about it.

mothers read poetry
1st mom: What is happiness? Happiness is easy!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
These are undershirts, booties and a bib,
A brand new described mother's sarafan.
Torn tights, knocked knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor.
2nd mother: Happiness is soft warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.
It's a whole bunch of broken toys
It's a constant rattle of rattles.
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.
Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,
It's a constant "What?" but why?"
3rd mom: Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.
A small candle on a huge cake.
This endless "Read me a story"
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.
This is a warm nose from under the blanket,
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.
4th mother: Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.
Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.
What is happiness?
Moms will answer you -
Happiness is a holiday
Under the name CHILDREN!!!

This is what happiness is.
And now - the game! I will ask everyone to stand together, we will play now.

Game with a tambourine "You roll a cheerful tambourine"
Adults and children become in a circle, and pass a tambourine to each other saying the words:
"You roll a cheerful tambourine,
Quick, quick hand.
Who has a tambourine left
He will now dance for us.

Everyone sits down

What good fellows our mothers! Now, say it straight:
Does your mom have a mom?
Does your dad also have a mom?
Who will cook compote for you,
Will you sew a dress for the holiday?
Bake pancakes?
Well, of course………… GRANDMA!
For you, dear grandmothers, only for you, a poem will sound:

About grandma. (read by one of the children):
Mom has a job, dad has a job -
They have Saturday left for me.
Grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me
Seated, feed:
"Don't rush,
Well, what happened to you there? -
I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,
Grains of buckwheat sits, sorting through ...
We're good like this together,
Without a grandmother, what a house!

Our dear mothers, but our children have already grown up and are starting to help you, and we will now find out how they do it:

Dance - song cook
To the music, one child in a chef's hat brings in a tank or a large pot with a ladle and puts it in the middle after, the children scatter around the hall.

1. We got up early today (stretch)
And while mommy is sleeping (fold their hands and show that they are sleeping)
They decided to cook porridge for her, (spread their arms to the sides)
Something to surprise.
While we were looking for cereals, (the hand is at the forehead and they are looking for)
Milk ran away (shrugs)
How it happened, we do not know, (scratching the back of the head)
Apparently it's slick

Boil, cook porridge (make circular movements in front of you, as if stirring porridge, the child in the middle is stirring with a ladle in a saucepan)
Cook and have fun
Today we will please all our friends
Boil, cook porridge
Cook don't be lazy
The plates and spoons are already waiting for you. (clap their hands)

2. Together we decided
Outsmart milk (threaten with a finger)
And this time a bucket
To be sure, pour
To make porridge delicious
They added what they could (spread their arms to the sides)
Sausage, sweets, bun
Salted from the heart. (rub hand in hand)

(Between verses, hands wave left and right)

3. What did you children cook here
Where was this recipe found? (saying these words, a mother girl runs out to the middle and grabs her head)
Mom was still surprised.
We are such mo-lo-dtsy! (raise arms to the side)

Of course, we still have to study and study to cook porridge, but our guys will be able to feed their mother with a sandwich.

Game "We cook pizza"
Children are divided into two teams. Members of each team must prepare a slice of pizza. Each child takes turns placing one ingredient on the slice. (all ingredients can be made from felt and other materials). At the end of the game, we check the correctness of the pizza preparation in each team and determine the winners.

Dear mothers and grandmothers! Accept another gift performed by a young gymnast. (if you have talented children in your group who are engaged in some type of activity, then they can be included in the script as a separate number).
The moderator thanks you for your presentation.

And now game: "Guess the child by the voice"
(The voices of the children are recorded in advance of the holiday, the children begin with the words: “My mother ... and then each child tells what kind of mother he has: kind, gentle, etc. At the holiday, mothers guess the child by voice).

Now, on the contrary, let's play game "The most attentive"
(Before the festive event, we ask mothers for any thing: a watch, a bracelet, lipstick, a mirror, etc. At the holiday, children must guess their mother’s thing)
Dear mothers! You have such wonderful children!
Take care of your children.
Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?
Let me wish you goodbye.
Don't get old, don't get sick, never be sad!
So stay young forever!

Goodbye! See you soon!

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