Diagram for writing a descriptive story. Theme "Seasons. Spring. Pictures-schemes with an algorithm for compiling a story-description Green Summer Kingdom


Tatyana Kazakova

Target: learn write a descriptive story about the season - spring.


1. Form skill make up modeled on simple and complex sentences.

2. Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

3. Consolidate the skills of forming adjectives.

4. Consolidate the skill compiling a story according to the description

Plan compiling a story:

1. What the season has come? What spring months do you know (March April May)

2. What spring sun? Does it warm?

3. What's going on spring with snow?

4. What happens to the trees with the onset spring? (Trees come to life, buds swell, leaves bloom)

5. What happens to flowers, grass with the onset spring? (The first flowers appear, the grass turns green, etc.)

6. What happens to birds with the onset spring? (Migratory birds fly, spring birds hatch chicks

7. What changes are taking place in the life of animals spring? (Bear, hedgehog, awaken from sleep, spring animals have babies

8. What is the work of people spring? (people dig up the ground, plant vegetables, etc.)

9. Why do you love spring?

Exemplary story:

Has come Spring. The spring months are March, April, May. In spring the sun warms. The snow begins to melt, thawed patches appear. Trees come alive in spring, buds swell on the branches, then leaves appear from the buds. The first flowers appear from under the snow - snowdrops, the grass turns green. spring birds arrive - rooks, swallows, birds build nests and hatch chicks. The bear wakes up from its winter hibernation. People plant vegetables in spring, clean up the garbage after the winter. I love spring for that that she is warm.

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GCD in the preparatory group "Compilation of the story" The Seasons "

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 2, Cheremkhovo"

Open event of tutor support

« Modern strategies for the implementation of GEF DO "

Organization of directly educational activities of children in preparatory group

on this topic:

Making up a story« Seasons»


Form skill make up stories according to models with sequentially developing action using complex sentences.

Encourage children to make independent judgments stories.

Systematize ideas about seasons through comparison and analysis.

Continue to enrich the musical impressions of children, develop imagination and independence in creating images in time perception of musical works.

Develop independence in association subgroups to solve the tasks set by the teacher. Cultivate organization, self-regulation.

To form the ability to analyze the results of the activities of other children

Equipment for the teacher:

Presentation « Seasons» , multimedia installation, computer, audio recording « Seasons» , world map, letter.

Equipment for children:

Felt pens, cards with features seasons, green, yellow, blue, brown and orange chips.

preliminary work:

consideration illustrations in encyclopedias, books about continents and different countries, reading stories from different countries watching television by children (at home with parents) on channels: "Discovery", "Planet" and others about the life of people of different races, conversations with children about countries and continents.

1. Introduction (motivation and goal setting)

Guys, today we received an email.

1 slide: (Letter)

Where do you think it came from? (children's reasoning) .

Why do you think so? (answer)

Indeed, this letter was sent to us from Africa by the boy John.

2slide: (Negretenok)

He also sent us photos of nature

3 and 4, 5 slide: (Nature of Africa)

Guys, what do you think, does winter happen in Africa?

It turns out there is winter, and autumn, and spring, but at any season is hot, in winter there is no snow, in autumn the leaves do not fall from the trees.

So John never saw the Russian winter, spring and autumn,

because it's always hot there.

John wants to be friends with you and asks you to introduce him to the features of our seasons of the year.

Well guys tell John about the seasons

2. Main (creating a problematic situation)

But how do we introduce John, because he is in Africa, and we are in Russia (children's reasoning) .

I suggest that we film everything with a video camera and send the video via Internet mail. Do you agree?

Let's ask Yu.V. to become a videographer.

6 slide: (All year round)

Name the seasonal changes of the year?

Four seasons pass, which means it passes (one year)

7slide: (4 season)

Why do you think winter is marked in blue?

Spring is green?

Is summer red?

Autumn - yellow?

Think about what time of year you'll tell John, select the chip corresponding to this season and find a card with these colors on the table.

Lisa about what season you will tell?

Sveta, what are you talking about? you will tell the season?

You have models on your tables seasons.

Write a story about your season with these models.

Don't forget that at the beginning the story needs to name the time of year.

In the middle talk about the seasons.

And at the end, express your opinion on this season.

And in the empty cells you can paint on what else you would like to add about this season.

Making up stories using mnemotables

About spring - 1 child tells, others add

About winter - 1 starts, 2 continues, 3 ends


"The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps"

The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps (Palms folded to the left cheek, to the right cheek.)

Even the wind doesn't make noise.

The sun rose early in the morning (Raise hands up, stretch.)

All its rays sent. (We swing with our hands raised up.)

Suddenly a breeze blew (Swing with open arms.)

The sky is cloudy, (They cover their faces with their hands.)

And shook the trees. (Torso rocking left and right.)

The rain beat on the roofs (Jumping in place.)

Drumming rain on the roofs, (We clap our hands.)

The sun is sinking lower and lower. (Leaning forward.)

That's hidden behind the clouds (We squat.)

Not a single ray is visible. (Stand up, put your hands behind your back.)

About autumn -1 starts, 2 finishes, others add

About summer - 1 child tells, others add

3. Final part

Guys we are today made up many stories to John about the seasons.

Did you like story about autumn?

If yes, raise a funny smiley,

If not, raise a sad emoticon.

What did you like about story?

Did you like winter story?

Why did you bring up that emoji?

What did you like about story?

Did you like a story about spring?

Why did you bring up that emoji?

What did you like about story?

Did you like summer story?

Why did you bring up that emoji?

What did you like about story?

Di "I feel, I feel"

Guys, I suggest you send John one more surprise, make our letter also musical.

Close your eyes, listen to music.

What do you feel?

Which season does this music remind you of?

Tell us about our feelings.

And so we send a letter with our stories to John We'll be waiting for a response from him.

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The seasons are four amazing seasons, each unique and charming in its own way. Spring awakening the living world, fragrant summer, graceful autumn and harsh winter. Nature in all seasons is incredibly beautiful, like a fairy princess trying on different clothes.

Whatever the weather in the yard, be it rainy, rainy or hot, it conveys the mood and colors of its season. Therefore, if you look out the window in a different way, then regardless of the rain or sleet, you want to rejoice and appreciate the opportunity that nature gives us, changing with the seasons.

spring awakening

In spring, nature wakes up after a long winter sleep: every day it becomes warmer, everything around turns green literally before our eyes, and in the forest you can more and more often meet animals and hear the joyful chirping of birds. At the beginning of spring, there is already little snow, but there are still enough cloudy days.

The appearance of snowdrops means that spring has fully come into its own. It is already gradually getting warmer, there are more sunny days, soon a light rain begins to water the blossoming trees. Everyone is looking forward to the first May thunderstorm, which announces that a warm and sunny summer has come.

Green summer kingdom

In summer, the meadows are covered with a fragrant plant tablecloth, and the gardens delight with a riot of colors - everything around turns into a green summer kingdom. It is at this time of the year that nature shows all its richness. A summer night is a special time when you can enjoy the distant stars, falling asleep under the open sky.

The high air temperature and the scorching sun force people to look for shade under the majestic crowns of trees. Bringing short-term relief summer rain allows you to see a real miracle of nature - a rainbow. But the leaves that are starting to turn yellow are already reporting that autumn is ahead.

Gloomy autumn

Autumn is a gloomy time when you don’t want to leave the house at all because of the constant rains. The weather at this time of the year is constantly changing: a bright sun is shining overhead, and in a moment thick clouds covered the sky - a downpour began.

But still, in autumn, nature is incredibly beautiful, because the golden leaves falling from the trees create an amazing atmosphere. With interest, you can watch the birds that fly away to winter in warmer climes, and the animals preparing for hibernation. Everything is fine while the autumn forest is painted with golden colors, but soon the bare trees sadly note that winter will come soon.

Harsh rules of winter

Winter is real The Snow Queen: it covers everything around with fluffy snow, which brings a lot of joy. But this time of year has its own harsh rules to be reckoned with: long blizzard nights are replaced by short non-sunny days. In winter, nature becomes silent - animals are in hibernation, even the chirping of birds cannot be heard.

But still, at this time of the year, nature is beautiful in its own way: a white fluffy tablecloth stretches for many kilometers, snow crunches underfoot and lies on tree branches like a white pillow. But soon the streams will murmur and snowdrops will break through, like news of an imminent spring.

Now many teachers complain that the children who came to the first grade cannot coherently compose a story on a given topic, and there is a reason for this. Somehow missed the modern preschool education this topic. Now we are teaching the children of the preparatory group to read, count and write before telling, and this is wrong. To school, the child should be able to tell. And the teacher is obliged to teach him this. Not to make a writer out of him, no, but at least to give algorithms, diagrams, mnemotables that the child will keep in his head and make up a more or less coherent story based on them. And, of course, it takes practice. It also applies to parents. Print out such algorithms and occasionally ask your child to tell what he knows about some object or animal, following the scheme. And here are the schematics.

Schemes (mnemonic tables) for compiling stories-descriptions on various lexical topics

(Toys, Vehicles, Wintering and Migratory Birds, Vegetables, Fruits, Domestic and Wild Animals, Family, Seasons).


Development of vocabulary, grammar and coherent speech of children.

Scheme of the story-description on the topic "Toys"

  1. The size.
  2. The form.
  3. Colour.
  4. What is the toy made of?
  5. Components (parts) of the toy.
  6. How it is played.

Answer example:

This is a pyramid. It is medium in size and triangular in shape. Multi-colored pyramid. It is made of plastic rings. Rings must be put on a stick. First put on a large ring, then smaller and even smaller.

Scheme of the story-description on the topic "Transport"

  1. Purpose of transport (passenger, cargo, passenger, special).
  2. Type of transport (water, air, land, ground).
  3. Who manages transport (specialty, profession).
  4. What does this vehicle carry?

Aircraft - passenger air transport. The pilot is flying the plane. The plane transports people and their luggage over long distances. It can also carry cargo.

The scheme of the story-description on the topic "Wintering and migratory birds"

  1. Type of bird (wintering or migratory).
  2. The size.
  3. Feather color, appearance.
  4. How it moves, features of behavior.
  5. What does it eat.
  6. Where does he live.

The starling is a migratory bird. It is small in size, slightly larger than a sparrow. The starling's feathers are black and shiny. He nimbly flies and runs on the ground. Starlings build their nest in tree branches, in old hollows, or in man-made birdhouses. Starlings eat insects and worms.

The scheme of the story-description on the topic "Domestic and wild animals"

  1. Type of animal (domestic, our forests, hot countries).
  2. Animal size.
  3. The color of the skin or fur of the animal, the features of the body.
  4. What does the animal eat.
  5. Where does he live (habitat).
  6. Ways of movement, behavior.
  7. Dangerous or not dangerous to humans.
  8. Benefits for humans (only for pets).

The fox is a wild animal of our forests. She is medium in size. The fur coat of the fox is red, and the tip of the tail and breast are white. The fox has a long tail and sharp sensitive ears. Fox is a predator. She feeds on small animals. The fox lives in the forest in a hole. Fox runs fast. She has a good scent. The wild fox is dangerous, you should not come close to it.

Scheme of the story-description on the topic "Family"

  1. What is the name (Name, surname, patronymic).
  2. Home address.
  3. Who do you live with (list all members of your family).
  4. A story about each family member (Name, patronymic, where he works).
  5. How many people.
  6. What does the family do when they get together (hobbies, family traditions).

My name is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. I live in the city of Krasnodar, on Krasnaya street, at number 8. I have a mother, father and brother. My mother's name is Elena Petrovna. She works as an educator in kindergarten. My father's name is Ivan Petrovich. He works as an engineer in a factory. My brother's name is Vadim. He goes to school. There are 4 of us in the family. When we get together we like to play dominoes and watch movies on TV.

The scheme of the story-description on the topic “Vegetables. Fruits"

  1. Colour.
  2. The form.
  3. Value.
  4. Taste.
  5. Place of growth (where it grows).
  6. Method of eating (what is done with this product).

An apple is a delicious fruit. Apples are either red or green. They are big and small. Apples taste sweet or sour. Apples grow on apple trees. Apples are eaten raw, desserts are made from them, compote or jam is cooked.

Scheme of the story-description on the topic "Seasons"

  1. The conditions of the sky and the sun at a given time of the year.
  2. The state of nature at a given time of year (precipitation, grass, trees).
  3. How people dress at this time of the year.
  4. Bird behavior at this time of the year.
  5. Animal behavior at this time of the year.
  6. Children's entertainment and adult activities at this time of the year.

In winter, the sun is low above the ground, it heats badly. The trees are bare. Everything is covered with snow. People put on warm clothes for walking - fur coats, fur hats, winter boots, mittens. Migratory birds fly south in winter. Many animals hibernate. Although it is cold in winter, you can skate and ski, build a snowman and play snowballs.

Any algorithm can be supplemented to make the story more voluminous and interesting. In any case, familiarity with such schemes will benefit the child.

Do you want your child to remember the seasons? Read and discuss with him the story of Natalia Rysayeva. Together with a little kitten and his mother, your baby will easily remember and learn to notice in nature the signs of the change of different seasons.


- Wow, how the blizzard howls outside the window, but don't be afraid, son! said the mother cat to her son, a tabby kitten. It's an old troll up there in the mountains, shaking and knocking out rugs. That's why it's snowing, that's why it's snowing today. And it's warm on the stove, as if in the summer in the sun.

“Mom,” the kitten asked, what is summer? What is snow?

“Son, it’s not always cold and dark outside, sometimes it’s warm. Lie close to me, I'll tell you about the seasons.


“In winter, son, it’s always cold. The days are short and the nights are long and cold. Often the wind howls and the snow sweeps, just like today. It’s hard for us to hunt, because there are almost no mice in our closet, the birds have flown to hot countries, and the fish that can be caught in the old pond sleeps under a thick ice blanket. But our Mistress is a kind woman, and every day she pours fresh milk and sour cream into a saucer for me. Soon you will be older, and I will teach you how to eat from a saucer and how to hunt.

In winter, human cubs ride on such strange things, they are called sleds and skates, sculpt large and wonderful figures from white snow, make snow fortresses and castles.

And there is also a day in winter, which is very fond of all people, both big and small. It is called New Year. On this day, the Owner brings a thorny tree from the forest on a wagon, it is called a Christmas tree. The children decorate the Christmas tree with various outlandish toys, dance around and sing funny songs. In the evening, everyone sits down at the festive table, and a feast and fun begins.

When the children settle down to sleep, and then the Boss and the Mistress, the Snow grandfather flies into the chimney and puts gifts under the tree for the whole family. Here is a morning of joy!

It's snowing frequently in the winter…

Mom, what is snow? the kitten asked again.

- Snow, son, is such a white grain, similar to sugar, but not sweet. From it, the old troll bakes pies and rolls for her grandchildren - mountain trolls. There are also snowflakes - these are lace napkins that the daughters of the Snow Grandfather weave in their ice chamber, and then let them go all over the world. But as soon as they fall on your nose or fur, they immediately melt ...

Mom, does winter last long? the kitten asked a new question.

- Not. Not very long, son. Each season lasts exactly three months, answered the mother cat.


After winter comes spring. It begins like this: first, Grandfather Snow leaves for the North with his daughters. An old sparrow from the nearby forest begins to chirp loudly and call for spring, all the forest birds join his call, and from everywhere you hear:

- Spring, Spring, come soon!

And here comes Spring in a light wagon. Always young, always young, she sings sonorous songs. And where her wagon passes, the snow begins to melt and the drops ring. She waves her magic wand - buds appear on the trees, and then sticky green leaves decorate their branches in bulk.

In spring, the whole world dresses up as if for a holiday, birds and animals change old fur coats for new outfits, everyone preens, and it’s like going crazy: for some reason I want to sing and somersault, and even I, a big cat, like a kitten, somersault and purr: Murr, murr!

And yet, son, in the spring all the forest people are looking for a couple to build housing and bring out children. Noise and din around, because everyone wants to choose the most the best place. Birds fight in such a way that fluff and feathers fly around, deer arrange combat duels, and it is better not to catch their eye, otherwise, beware of one of them kicking with a horn.

Everything around is so clean, elegant, the sun shines brightly ...

- Mom, the kitten asked, - what is the sun?

- The sun, son, is such a yellow circle, it gives warmth to all of us. But you can’t touch it or look at it for a long time - your eyes will hurt, it’s very hot!


The first flowers appear.

“And the flowers, what is it, can you touch them?” the kitten asked.

“Flowers, son, are heavenly angels, they come to earth to please all of us. There are those that fly, called butterflies, they are especially numerous in summer.


— Summer always comes with his wife. Both stately, beautiful, they walk in multi-colored outfits on the ground and sing songs, and where they pass, everything becomes even more beautiful and elegant than in spring. They live somewhere far away in the forest. No one, not even old Sparrow, knows exactly where. But I heard that they have a cozy house, and they sit side by side in a clearing near it. And the husband plays the magic flute, and the wife combs his hair with a magic comb. And if one of the people hears and sees this, then his most secret desire will be fulfilled.

All animal people are busy in the summer raising offspring and raising them: fish in the pond teach fry to swim, birds teach chicks to fly high, hares teach bunnies to wear the right fur coat ...

- How is it, necessary? the kitten was surprised. Do rabbits have more than one?

— Yes, there are two of them. Gray in summer and white in winter. This helps the eared to be safe. And in no case should you confuse which coat to wear, otherwise they will fall into the clutches of a wolf or a fox. It's called hunting, son. But I will talk about this another time.

In summer, everyone lives freely and cheerfully: both people and us. And it seems that it will always be so. But when the rooks, and with them the rest of the birds, begin to gather in flocks and fly away to hot countries, then autumn comes.


Every day it gets colder and colder. The sun is no longer shining as brightly, the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. People and animals prepare for the cold and store food for the winter - people gather crops from the fields, squirrels and woodpeckers drag nuts and berries into hollows, mice carry grains into their burrows.

Summer and his wife go, quiet and silent on the ground, and his wife sings a sad song. Somewhere on the edge of the forest they will meet a stately woman in golden robes. This is Autumn. Silently they nod to each other, greeting and saying goodbye, and then Autumn occupies Summer's house, and sits in it by the window, weaving red rowan beads.


Autumn gives people a harvest, mushrooms and late berries. And we, the animals - new warm coats.

- Will I have a warm coat, mom? the kitten asked.

- Certainly cute. You will have grown up by then, and you will see for yourself how beautiful she will be.

- When the last leaves fall from the trees, Autumn will turn from a stately woman into a decrepit old woman, and no longer golden clothes on her, but a torn black dress. And as soon as she sees herself in the mirror, and how she screams in a loud voice, and cries with tears-rains torrents, know right away, son, that very soon the Snowy grandfather and his daughters will come to replace her, and Winter will come again. That's the whole story about the seasons.

“How interesting you told about them, mommy,” said the kitten. Tell me about the magic flute of Summer, or about the Snow grandfather and his daughters, he asked.

“I will definitely tell you, but another time, baby. And now I will hug you tightly, and we will sleep.

The kitten is sleeping, his mother is sleeping. And you and I, my friend, it's time to sleep too. Goodnight.

Dear readers! Share your feedback on Natalia Rysaeva's fairy tale about the seasons in the comments. What did your children like about what they heard, what questions did they ask. Do they know the signs of the seasons and are they able to notice what changes are taking place in nature in the lives of people and animals?

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