Alexander Sviyash “How to open your own business. Alexander Sviyash: “It’s worth saying thank you to the crisis…


Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash



The time for miracles has passed, and we

Finding the reasons

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why exactly this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you drawn to the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with our works and they left some trace in your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will not only have the strength and patience to read it to the end, but also put into practice the ideas and recommendations outlined in it. We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about? Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or will it be a waste of time?

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be good. But, unfortunately, this does not work for everyone. Maybe you have sometimes stopped the crazy run through life towards these or similar goals and asked yourself: why am I doing all this? And did you find the answer to this question?

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life gives only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If this and other questions have been on your mind, then this book is for you.

This book is the first step into the Intelligent World. To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable or irrational world is. This is the world in which most of us live. This is a world in which people are dissatisfied with life and each other. They are constantly striving for something, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most of the goals remain pipe dreams.

This book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable world, where you yourself will be the master of your life. A reasonable world is the world in which you can make conscious decisions, because you know the causes and consequences of certain life events. Not the hectic and unpredictable world in which most people live. If something doesn't work out for you, you'll know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

Is all this possible? We claim that it is available to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not find it hard to finish reading our book to the end.

You can find some of the thoughts expressed here in three earlier books: How to Shape the Events of Your Life with the Power of Thought, What to Do When Things Don't Go the Way You Want, and How to Cleanse Your Court of Karma. Here we have put these blocks into a single system of views that allows a person to understand the causes of most of the events that happen to him and learn how to manage them. How well it turned out, you be the judge.

Experiences - from the unknown future. Since you will be able to make conscious decisions after absorbing the ideas presented here, you will not have any ground to worry about. After all, any experience is a misunderstanding of the underlying causes of your problems. And the prediction of your future troubles arising from this uncertainty.

You do not know the patterns by which certain events in your life occur. And the unknown is always scary. Previously, people were afraid of incomprehensible thunder, lightning, fire. Today they are afraid of an unpredictable future, which, as it seems, does not depend on the will, desires and practical efforts of a person.

In fact, this is not true at all. We create our own future! Well, of course, not quite themselves. Many forces unknown to us take an active part in this. And if you know the laws and requirements that guide these forces, then you can consciously predict your future. It will become known, and you will have no ground for worrying!

This book is the rules of life. We hope that this book will become for you something like the rules of the road - only the rules of the road in life. Here you will find those unspoken laws that our whole life is subject to. These are the very traffic lights, signs and signs that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. In this book, we will try to make them visible and understandable.

How you dispose of the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. Of course, you can also run a red light. You can go where the "brick" hangs. Take risks if you have health! But if you want to stay safe and sound, then you can’t do without following the rules. Moreover, if you meet certain requirements that the Higher Forces impose on us, then you can count on receiving support from them. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Our theory is only the first step towards a great Goal. The book sets out a system of views on the world, which we called the General Theory of Karmic Interactions. It reveals the requirements that are made by the Higher powers to a person coming into this world. Fulfillment of these requirements makes a person's life more calm and comfortable.

Of course, our "General Theory ..." so far contains only a small fraction of the system of knowledge that could lay claim to this grand name. These are only the first and timid steps towards systematizing the knowledge that a person needs to consciously manage his life.

Someday a person will learn all the rules and laws of the existence of our material and non-material worlds and will consciously manage his life. The life of the current and, perhaps, the future. The development of such a system of reasonable relationships between man and the forces of the Unmanifested World is our distant and great Goal.

Worlds Manifested and Unmanifested. We want to apologize in advance to those of our readers who hold atheistic views on life, because in this book we will use a number of special terms, including the concept of "Unmanifested World". What does it mean. Our world is the Manifested world. That is, one that can be felt, measured, seen or heard. But this, as you understand, is not the whole world.

Our senses are limited in their capabilities, so scientists and inventors are constantly coming up with new devices or ways to get to know our Manifested World better. But the capabilities of the instruments are limited by our level of knowledge, technology, etc.

Every year (or even a day) we learn something new about our own world. And apparently, this will continue for quite a long time. That is, in addition to our Manifested world, there is also the Unmanifested world, which we have not yet learned to feel or measure.

What is this very Unmanifested world? Yes, everything that we do not know today. And much more is known than is known. For example, each of you is visited by questions from time to time: is there a God, angels, demons, aliens, etc.? If there is, what are they? What are the limits of human capabilities? Why do we live? Will there be a Last Judgment? Why did something suddenly happen to me that cannot be, because it can never be? Etc.

Any person can come up with many questions for which there are no answers with evidence. There are as many versions as you like, but there are no exact answers.

Therefore, in the book we will use the term "Unmanifested World", in which we will invest the broadest meaning. We use this term to denote everything that is unknown to man. This is in a broad sense.

And in a narrow sense, we use this term to designate the place where, perhaps, there are intelligent entities that help (or hinder) us to go through life. We will put forward some versions about the structure of this very Unmanifested world. And we will not invent everything anew. And we will try to somehow rely on the Christian tradition, that is, on the knowledge (or theories) that humanity has developed over the millennia of its existence.

Why do we use the term Creator. Referring to the Supreme Being who created this world, we use the term "Creator" without indicating the name accepted in one or another religious system. We suggest that you turn to him with prayers or other rituals accepted in your belief system. Therefore, the system of knowledge set forth in our book can be used by Christians and Muslims, Buddhists and Hare Krishnas, atheists and Theosophists, etc. And if we indicated that one should pray, for example, only to Jesus Christ, then we would thus exclude representatives of many other religious denominations. And why is it so depriving them?

Moreover, condemnation can be either explicit - in the form of critical car horns, deliberate movement along the left lane at a limited speed, forcing other drivers to overtake on the right or into the oncoming lane, and other similar actions. Or hidden, when aggressiveness constantly boils in the soul, but does not manifest itself in any actions.

In any case, your "caretaker" reveals this idealization and takes his "educational" measures. They will consist in destroying your beliefs in the need for everyone to be absolutely disciplined. You will come across a lot of unruly drivers who, by their actions, will force you to break the rules yourself. It is possible that in the end you will have an accident, and the guilty party, most likely, will be you. So you will be “educated” until you give up your idealization of order on the roads.

This does not mean that our subconscious does not like discipline. He is completely “up to the lantern” the rules of human behavior invented by people on the roads or in society. It takes care of the purity of your soul, so that it does not become embittered and does not condemn anyone. Including violators of the order.

We examined the erroneous beliefs characteristic of motorists. But in the same way, one can separately consider the typical erroneous beliefs of businessmen, politicians, scientists, artists, etc. etc. Each person belongs to some professional environment and sometimes shares the erroneous beliefs characteristic of it.

But you have already learned to consider all the events of your life from a single point of view: if this happened, then I am being “educated” for something. It remains only to understand why, and correct.

Such is life, and we cannot change it. We can only understand its laws and try to live in accordance with them. And sum up at the same time.

1. Any thoughts and actions of a person are under the constant control of Life. A person is constantly “educated” in accordance with the norms of behavior established by Life.

2. A person can do whatever he wants. But at the same time, he should not attach excessive importance to any idea, event or feeling.

3. Family life There is one area where our idealizations are being actively destroyed. To do this, in love marriages, spouses usually idealize different values. As a result, they continuously spiritually “educate” each other, which is one of the main causes of conflicts in the family.

4. Children also tend to idealize values ​​that are opposite to those of their parents. Thus, mutual “education” and the destruction of idealized values ​​take place.

5. Failures and collapse of all plans at work is a sign of your active spiritual “education” on the part of Life. It is necessary to change your attitude towards plans and other idealized values, and the situation will change to the opposite.

1.9 Methods of spiritual “education”

In this paragraph, we would like to talk about what methods Life (or our “caretaker”) uses to enlighten our lost souls.

If you remember, the degree of our delusions can be determined by the level of filling of the “experience store”. We also told that our "caretaker" uses a variety of ways to prove to us the fallacy of our beliefs. Today we know five ways that Life will use for our "education". Let's consider these methods in more detail.

1. Education through direct confrontation with another person who has the opposite (or just a different) value system.

Such a procedure of spiritual "education" is quite actively carried out in a family where spouses usually have opposite value systems and therefore are "spiritual educators" for each other (although they do not know about it). If parents have idealizations about their children, then the latter will simply be forced to destroy these beliefs. Friends and business partners destroy each other's value systems and thus carry out the "educational" process. Chiefs "educate" subordinates, subordinates - chiefs, and so on.

2. The next way of “education” is by placing a person in a situation in which ideals that are significant to him are destroyed.

Here it is already difficult to identify which person is carrying out the “educational” process. Most likely, there are many of them, and all together they unconsciously create a situation in which your value system is destroyed. For example, a person who idealizes money is left without them, and it is often impossible to determine whose fault such a situation arose. He may become part of the team of a failed firm, or his personal business will collapse under the burden of taxes or market fluctuations. Something will happen, but there is no specific culprit.

Why is it necessary to take money away from a person who idealizes it? What is the essence of such an “educational” process? It seems to us that it is proved to a person by example that at any moment of time he lives in paradise, and his dissatisfaction with his position is a typical erroneous belief. Don't believe? Let's see how Life proves it to us.

Let's say you earn two thousand rubles a month and you are unhappy with your life. Yes, and what to be satisfied with - others earn three, five, or even a hundred thousand. Why can't you?

In principle, of course, it is possible. But for this you need not be offended by your life, but look for real ways to increase income. But if you chose the path of insults and condemnation of other people, then Life in the order of “education” will make it so that you will receive only three hundred rubles (allowance).

Receiving three hundred rubles, you will still live, but the previous two thousand may already seem like a very tempting income. If you do not accept the new situation as a lesson and do not ask Life to forgive you for your judgments and insults, then the “educational” process may continue. These three hundred rubles will also be taken away from you, and in return you will receive complete poverty and slight paralysis, and instead of the former position of the “earner”, you will become a burden for relatives. And now, lying on the “duck”, you will remember your former life, when you received two thousand rubles, were healthy and could find a job with the desired pay. It was practically heaven compared to the current situation, wasn't it? Well, if you lived in paradise, then why did you take offense at your life?

If in this new, very difficult situation, a person manages to realize the fallacy of his beliefs and asks for forgiveness for his insults and condemnations, then he will be allowed to return to his previous state (with a couple of thousand rubles a month). If a person is grateful for this, then he will be able to receive much more - almost as much as he can accept without the emergence of new idealizations.

This is exactly how spiritual “education” takes place in the presence of idealization of money (more precisely, for dissatisfaction with the amount of money received). Education is very upsetting and painful, in the opinion of the “educated person”. And very correctly, in the opinion of the “educators”.

The “education” of people who idealize power, goals, careers, abilities, control of the surrounding world, etc. takes place in approximately the same way. “Education” occurs through the creation of such situations in the world around you, when your values ​​are destroyed and you are actually proved that your attitude to life was wrong.

3. The next way of “education” is by placing a person in a situation in which he himself is forced to commit those acts for which he previously condemned or despised other people (or even himself).

This happens when you condemn a person for stupidity, inefficiency, indiscipline and other violations of norms - morality, rules of conduct in society or other rules of conduct that are significant to you.

Remember if there was a time in your life when you were unhappy and criticized the behavior of another person. For example, for his being late for an important meeting or for inappropriate clothing for the occasion. And was there a situation a little later when, due to circumstances beyond your control, you yourself were late for an important meeting or could not dress appropriately for the situation? Surely this happened, but you did not connect these cases with each other. Moreover, they could be separated by a period of several days to several months (or even years). And the circumstances under which you violated your own principles did not depend on you. That's how it seems to you. But we would like to assure you that such circumstances were created precisely so that you would find yourself in the situation of the person whom you condemned. That is, you yourself formed this event, without suspecting it.

Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation that gives you great discomfort due to your violation of your own principles and norms of behavior, then try to understand why you were given this situation. Remember when and whom you condemned for such behavior. If you remember this and mentally ask for forgiveness for your judgments, then Life will no longer need to put you in this situation.


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Three videos at once with effective techniques for getting rid of fears and clearing emotional blocks
Reception of work with fear "Cinema"

Acceptance of work with fear "We will laugh"

How to clear emotional blocks Reception Blow off the energy ball

Alexander Sviyash
Master of Positive Thinking

Hello, my name is Alexander Sviyash. This is my website.
I have many fields of activity - I am a writer, psychologist, trainer, consultant, coach, PhD, etc.
I consider myself a Master of Positive Thinking.
All my life I have been researching something, and sharing the results of my research with people. That's why I'm a writer and trainer.
I have many different hobbies and projects. This site features my main project- Training and Consulting Center for Positive Psychology "Smart Way"
I also have a USEFUL BLOG, an ONLINE store, a mailing list “Your possibilities are endless!” , photo albums and more.
I hope all this will be interesting and useful to you. I work for you.
I present the programs of the training center "Smart way". All programs have been defended at the Methodological Council, so I guarantee the high quality of our services.


Alexander Sviyash: recipe for success

A. Gordon, A. Sviyash - Science of the soul 25:33

Fighting stress - Alexander Sviyash in the program ...

City stories - Alexander Sviyash 26:30

My village - visiting Alexander Sviyash - program 1 12:59

My village - visiting Alexander Sviyash - program 2 13:00

Recipe for success! - Alexander Sviyash, Good morning Russia.

They say about such people: "Lucky!!!" A man with golden hands! Everything he touches brings good luck, luck and money. Hitting the jackpot, winning the lottery for Giuseppe is a common reality. Luck just follows him! True, some psychologists do not believe in luck and are skeptical of the lucky ones.
Anna Kartashova, psychologist: "To say that this is a lucky one? Well, this is a matter of chance. Well, from the point of view of probability theory, someone must win the jackpot. So what!!! What's wrong with that!!! "
Having opened up with the film crew, Giuseppe admitted that he has his own secret of constant luck - a successful briefcase for documents.
And do not look that it is so old, shabby and not fashionable, whatever I put in it, documents or a contract, Everything brings me good luck, says Giuseppe.
He himself does not remember where he got the magic briefcase from. He only remembers a middle-aged woman who once went to meet him. Suddenly she stopped and imposed a magic bag. Since then, Giuseppe has not parted with a shabby bag. And for a business meeting and a date, the talisman of good luck is with him all the time !!! Stop Giuseppe thinks that every coin he finds can bring him a million!!! And so he carefully picks it up and puts it in his briefcase.
Irina Goncharova, psychologist: "Here I touch this talisman, and I will succeed! And everyone has them in life, someone has a wedding dress, baby booties"
The famous writer Natalya Pravdina is no longer even asked by her friends how she is doing? They already know everything about her!
Natalia Pravdina, writer: "I have a recipe for a successful day.. Every morning, I say: Today is my happiest day, the luckiest!!! And it works!"
We decided to test Giuseppe for the element of luck and luck. And even before the interview, they bought 10 lottery tickets. The first ticket drawn turned out to be a winner. True, the winnings amounted to only 10 rubles.
In parting, Giuseppe advised to catch luck, and most importantly - do not be afraid of it! And then maybe the bird of happiness of tomorrow will choose you!!!
Today we will talk about luck, failure and fate with the guest. We have a well-known psychologist and esoteric Alexander Sviyash in our studio.


1.1 How to become a REAL WOMAN? We open the springs of femininity in the heart, tired of the struggle. Part 2.

1.2 How to become a REAL WOMAN? We open the springs of femininity in the heart,
tired of fighting. Part 1.

1.3 REAL LEADER. How to discover the qualities of a REAL MAN in yourself?

1.4 How to change yourself without making any effort?

1.5 How to change yourself? How to discover new qualities and opportunities in yourself?

1.6 Why do people not want to change?

1.7 What if I have no will at all?

1.8 Why can't anyone love me? Features of the male psyche.

1.9 Why does my son drink and not work? How to change it?

1.10 How to start thinking well of yourself?

Many people feel dissatisfied with themselves, complex, feel discomfort from the fact that they cannot afford to live the way they would like. The reason for this is low self-esteem. Can you upgrade it yourself? Let's discuss this topic.

Alexander Sviyash: we create our own reality


Moscow Region: Cash Flow Energy 02:10

2.1 How to get rid of dependence on loans?

2.2 Do I need to think about money all the time?

2.3 How to correctly formulate your thoughts when looking for a new job?

What's stopping you from being rich?

What's stopping you from being rich?

What's stopping you from being rich?

What's stopping you from being rich?

I want to be rich! The psychology of money...


How to find love: advice from a psychologist Alexander Sviyash

3.1 Why did my lover suddenly leave me?

3.2 Marriage strategy of a woman in her 40s

In youth, almost all men are primitive and to attract their attention, you need to demonstrate a high, but reasonable level of closeness and inaccessibility. With age, some men become more rational, so the strategy for building relationships with them at the dating stage should be completely different.

3.3 Is it easy for a woman to remain a real woman?

In the first material (in the mailing list) I showed that we all live in a world created by men. And women who have allowed themselves not to follow the traditional path of a housewife with many children are forced to act according to male rules. And in doing so, they inevitably lose their femininity.
Look at the West and America that have gone ahead of us. This is a solid unisex, gender differences are revealed only after complete undressing. Our country has not yet caught up with the West in this regard, and we would like it not to catch up for a long time. That is, so that our women always remain feminine and beautiful, not only outwardly. But how to achieve this is not clear.
In response to a previous article on this topic, I received many responses, I thank the authors of these letters.
Elena L. sent an interesting letter. She is an architect, works in a reputable company, that is, she personifies the very modern woman who sometimes finds it difficult to remain a woman. Her letter is long, so I leave only the most interesting excerpts:

“….In the meantime, about female energies and sports.
For me, exercise comes naturally. Tried a lot.
In our office world, exercise is as essential to the body as air. And this is one of the manifestations of self-love.
If for a man in sports competition, achieving victory, goals are important, then for a woman, classes are important that make it possible to direct her attention inward.

I'll try to explain with an example.
I work for a company that has built a fitness center in its office building. The center works both for company executives, employees, and for third-party visitors. Small. Fitness room and group exercise room.
….. We do sports mainly in the evening.
… Meet with the words: “The saunas are already warming up. Would you like to make tea? Maybe juice? And this moment of caring for you already “switches the switch” from one type of energy to another. It is quiet and calm here, after classes and saunas you can sit with a cup of tea by candlelight. Or just relax with a massage.
... Our current coach is a supporter of the idea that everything is in our head and every time we come to class, we give joy to our body and take a step towards our beloved. There is no violence. No big loads. If you do not feel very well, you speak and the coach selects the best exercises.
Our new classes are a mixture of different systems and techniques.
There are strength exercises with dumbbells and a bodybar, stretching, something from yoga, Pilates, something for balance and endurance. We also do not forget about the muscles of the face and neck. Something found by the coach intuitively. And all with a smile. Easy and playful. Even if it doesn’t work out, then ... we do it as it turns out. Till. And we present (visualize) as if it has already happened. We make and see ourselves young, beautiful, healthy. And we are. We are only praised. And there is a reason.
Sometimes we, smiling, call our exercise therapy classes.
In general, this is a mixture of exercises performed with pleasure, enjoyment, feeling every cell of the body in an atmosphere of love and care.
And if we talk about other "entertainment", then:
Meditation, psychological gatherings for women with meditations and candlelight Swimming pool; aquapark; spa; most treatments in the salon where you can close your eyes, relax and be taken care of.
Leave, fly away and just wander around Prague, Venice, turning off the phone and where there are no crowds of tourists.…

But the last paragraph confused me a little ... “Only I don’t ask about traditional women’s activities such as knitting - modern business and active women, of which there are more and more, do not do this.”
I am an architect. I don't know if I can be called a businessman - I'm not a director and not the owner of a huge company, but several rather big objects have been built. It seems that I am modern, and businesslike, and active. And she always embroidered. Even when tired, cross-stitching was a kind of meditation. Now it's scrapbooking, drawing. I know a girl who made scrapbooking a profession even though she used to be a broker. And she is very active and businesslike.
And for me, meditation is baking bread. Yeast-free. In the oven. But sleep first. And there the sourdough will do. And without hurrying anywhere, without looking at the clock, knead the dough, stand it. And this is a mutual process. You can only make bread slowly, in a calm state. And when you do, you are filled with its calm power. It is possible and looking at the clock, but it will not be the same. It's almost a day, home day. No fuss. With a book, needlework. A day for bread and for myself.

You can still write, but now in my life there are such classes that help me ... "
As you can see, Elena managed to find something to do in order to remain a full-fledged woman - sports, meditation, knitting - an excellent set.
True, her work is creative, and, most likely, she does not need to manage a group of employees in order for her business to give her a decent income.
Antonina also admits that modern business women do not disdain knitting:
“As for women's activities, where to look for them. At first I thought in classical literature, then I remembered who wrote it and changed my mind. Maybe dig into history? it's kinda disappointing too
And then I had a seditious thought. Or maybe it’s impossible to divide their classes into men’s women’s, maybe it’s necessary to do them like a woman? or masculine.
Just more masculine. Here the other day, Tchaikovskaya, in the lines of fate on culture, said that ice dancing began as a primordially English sport, ours were not able to repeat it, so they created their own style, and won! So maybe in these classes, for well-known reasons, women copy the male style and simply do not bother creating a female one? Do male chefs cook delicious food? and do not consider that they are engaged in women's work. In short, if you understand me, then you understand, if not, then you don’t need to! So I didn't understand what I was trying to say! And that means there is nothing of value in it.
By the way, modern business and active women do just about anything! For example, now it is fashionable to embroider with a cross. And they embroider! I know a couple of doctors of sciences here who embroider. And the officers crocheting two floors of departments! Honestly! Itself in the breaks between reviewing diplomas and interpreting the eighth chapter of the Constitution no no yes and I’ll smacrame (from macrame) a purse-pouch for the phone.”

Alena found a slightly different path to femininity:
“There is such entertainment and a sports game that allows masculine women to become more feminine!!!
This is ballroom dancing. Yes, and any pair dances are suitable where the partner leads.
Yes, this is the only place where I can feel led, experience it with my body))) And it (the body) itself “runs” to the lesson, you don’t even need to force it.
Femininity by nature sooooo want to live, and the truth is nowhere else))))”

Anna L. offers something similar, but with a sexual twist:
“If we talk about activities that can develop femininity and sensuality, then I recommend going to an erotic dance school. It combines physical training (try to keep yourself on a pole) and stretching. And aerobatics will be a dance to the music where it will be important to move beautifully and evoke desire.

Elena U. clarifies the details of what they do there:
"Hello, Wise Men! For business and busy, but who want to develop the necessary Yin energies of women, there is imbuilding (intimate gymnastics) and poly-dance - acrobatics on a pylon + private dances, which will make both the abdominal muscles and priests elastic, and add so much femininity ... So there is classes needed! And also skirts, stockings and heels :)”.

Probably this good way even excellent. Only not available to everyone, of course.
Nadezhda N. offers special dances:
“There is a recipe. I found it recently, but I'm absolutely delighted.
This is the Gymnastics of the Slavic Charmers, recreated by G. Adamovich. He has such a book, sold in Moscow. According to it, however, it is impossible to figure it out and study on your own, you definitely need a teacher who, in practice, would explain the nuances of performing exercises and calculate an individual complex. I am extremely lucky. I got to a seminar with Inessa Dashkovskaya, his student.
I can't call it entertainment or sports games. These practices are much more serious and extremely effective.”

The thing is probably good, but you will not find teachers for everyone, apparently.
Well, I conclude the review with a letter from Irina:
“I want to write you my vision for “women's” classes.
in my opinion, these should be constructive, calm deeds. What the creation leaves behind.
Take, for example, floriculture. as an outlet from close business - this is a very positive occupation for a woman. when she is tired after work, comes home and sees a new, hatched leaf from her favorite plant, this relieves all stress and fills her with joy. It does not take much time, and a busy woman can afford it. When a flower blooms, a woman is proud of her creation, she creates beauty ...
Or, for example, sewing and knitting. You say that modern women do not do this. Why? very busy….”

That is, the conclusion from everything is the following. If a woman wants to remain a woman, then there is a certain range of activities that strengthen her femininity. Meditation, yoga, knitting, dancing, preferably with a sexual orientation. Cooking, growing plants, and other activities can help with this. If the rhythm of work allows, children, and there is a great desire to work on themselves.
The authors of several letters were quite critical of the idea of ​​the development of femininity. And Victoria B. even writes that this is impossible without fulfilling certain conditions:

“Unfortunately, only the presence of a beloved man makes a woman a woman. And a single woman does not have the opportunity to develop such qualities as softness and sensuality, but instead, cynicism and rigidity appear.
Here I completely disagree with Victoria. If a woman is "cynical and cruel", then she has very little chance of seeing her beloved man next to her. She confuses cause and effect. If a woman is soft and sensual, then many men may want to be near her. And vice versa, if she is cynical, then who wants to open her soul with her? That and look, she will spit there ... suddenly did not like it.
Therefore, in order for a beloved man to be nearby, a woman must remain a woman. And I once again return to the idea that IF YOU DO NOT MAKE SPECIAL EFFORT, then in our male world you can very quickly lose your feminine.
For example, office work involves many hours of sitting in one place, often at the computer. This is a straight back, which over time literally ossifies and becomes inflexible. And along with her back, her mistress becomes inflexible. A person with movable joints is flexible in life. If the joints are ossified, then the person becomes stubborn, dogmatic, strongly resists any changes (including personal life).
And life is very dynamic and changeable. If you do not follow its course, then you can come into conflict with the whole world (become tough and cynical). Therefore, it is very necessary to knead the body, regardless of any mode of operation.
Dancing is good for this, but sports are more accessible. And here women are in for a big ambush - almost all sports are built on male energies.

True, some of my readers resist and defend that this is not so. For example, Julia writes:
“... This is a typical male view of what is happening. From a female point of view, the ability to take the ball in the same tennis, and especially badminton, and redirect it is a manifestation of female energies.
I think this is hypocrisy. There is no women's tennis, there is a struggle between two "opponents" - that's what athletes in tennis are called. If a woman plays tennis or volleyball, then there cannot be any “male” or “female” energies, everything is the same, there is only the energy of victory.
Yes, there is also women's boxing, women's athletics, women's rowing, bodybuilding, and so on. I have met several "women" who do this professionally. Their "shell" is more or less female, and the "stuffing" is completely masculine - ambitious, sharp, strong-willed, cynical - otherwise you won't win in sports. Yes, and they live mostly not with men, but with feminine women.
Almost every sport is based on martial arts. All sport games came up with men for men, there are all "opponents" to each other. And if women start playing in them, then they will not find any “female” energies there, no matter what they come up with. Or they will have to play at quarter strength. And it will no longer be a game, but affectation, but with a competitive effect. Then it is better to play billiards - it gives the best chances to appear in the most seductive perspective.
By the way, about dancing. Probably, ballroom dancing was created specifically for women. But all the rest - Latinos, national and others - they can also carry a large charge of aggression. I was recently in Argentina and watched a tango show in Buines Aires. So it was simply terrible to look at some dancers - so they waved their lower limbs in different directions. It seems that tango was a self-defense dance, originated in the slums (in "flavels", to put it correctly), and only through Europe was it recognized in Argentina by rich people.
If you take different Russian dance or Ukrainian hopak, this is also practically a combat warm-up, something like Chinese kung fu. In general, women pick up and use what men have come up with for themselves, and then in more simple version given to women.
This is our reality. Men dream of meeting a feminine woman, but unconsciously involve them all the time in their masculine games. And then they are offended why women catch up and overtake them, and then stop admiring and loving them. They themselves are to blame (in the sense of men).
Therefore, I will be glad to receive more comments from you with thoughts on what can be attributed to purely female activities. Not in the sense of giving birth and or raising children. And in the sense of what kind of activities develop in a woman the feminine energies of acceptance, forgiveness, sensuality, a calm response to male madness. You can even collectively make a list of those activities that can be classified as specifically female activities that increase femininity and attractiveness to men.

I will start this list with your letters, and you will continue:
Dances, namely:
- belly dance,
- stripplasty,
- sexy dancing
- ballroom dancing
Needlework, that is
Scrapbooking (what is it?),
Growing flowers
Cooking unusual food
Gymnastics and body work, namely
- yoga
- imbilding
- gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses
- massage, SPA
Sports games, namely:
- I don't know any...
Let's make this list together. Join now!
I ask you to express your thoughts only in the "Reviews" section on the blog - then other people will be able to read them. And all further discussion will go only on the blog.
The "Reviews __" button is located at the bottom of this post. There is a special window - write down your thoughts there.
I remind you that we have a competition for best review for those who subscribed to the Newsletter. You can get my book with a dedicatory inscription and a disc from the Superaudiosetup series from
So feel free to speak out and get a prize! B8/


4.1 How to get rid of nightmares

4.2 Why did I become irritable?

Some time ago I received the following email:
Hello Alexander Grigoryevich.
I work as a seamstress in a garment factory and in recent times I notice that my colleagues are starting to distract me from work, I don’t want to complain to someone or the boss, it turns out to be gossip.
But what to do in such a situation? It has a very bad effect on me. The work is already painstaking, but here they also talk.
Then the next problem appears - for some reason, when I come home, I start to get annoyed over trifles. How to avoid this?
I always take a shower after work. I heard that water soothes, but apparently this is not enough for me. I walk after work too. And I don’t know what to do.
Sincerely, Olya.
As you can see, the topic is quite relevant - most of us begin to become more irritable over time, and what did not bother us before, now begins to hurt and interfere with life.
Is it possible to get rid of this? See my answer to this question.


5.1 How are emotional blocks formed in the body? Or why joy goes away, but resentment remains?

We all experience emotions from time to time. They are positive and negative. And here's what's interesting - we experienced joy and forgot, but resentment or irritation, although we experience them many times, do not go anywhere. On the contrary, they kind of accumulate in us (in the STORAGE OF EXPERIENCES) and make us conflict again and again, and with the most important people for us. Why is this happening? Can it be stopped? In this film you will find the answers to these questions.

5.2 How to get rid of accumulated experiences?

We are often surprised by the behavior of the people around us - they do things that are inexplicable to us and believe that this is how it should be. As a result, we begin to experience irritation, anger, or other unhappy emotions.
This happens because when we use the word “man”, we are used to understanding some average creature similar to us.
This is a mistake, people differ greatly in many indicators, including the degree of their intelligence or instinctiveness. We do not take this indicator into account, and as a result, our expectations from the other person are destroyed. I offer several films that will help you correctly assess your partner in your personal life or work, and understand what mechanisms drive his behavior besides his consciousness.

5-5 How to formulate the goal of marriage

Irina asks to check whether she correctly formulated her goal - to get married. But at the same time, she had strong experiences in the past, with which she did not work on purpose, since they were “forgotten”. This is a mistake that can lead to another disappointment.
Irina's letter itself can be read here:
Hello Alexander Grigorievich!
My name is Irina, I am 31 years old. I had a strong love, they were already planning a wedding, but my chosen one met another girl, fell in love with her .. and went to her. I had a terrible, terrible depression with antidepressants, tranquilizers.
I was leaving for about 6 years, I lived just like in a fog, just pills. And only acquaintance with you and \"Reasonable life\" brought me to\"people\". Over the years, I married without love, because I thought that I could no longer fall in love and that I had to marry the one who turned up first. So tormented for 5 years. A year ago we broke up and now I want to meet exactly my man.
I formulated what kind of husband I want. And now I ask you to check if there are any disagreements in my requests, will fate be able to find my ideal for me? Is there a mistake in the wording of desires?:
\"I am married to a guy (man). With whom I live happily until old age (100 years). We have mutual love and care for each other! We are faithful, passionate lovers and cheerful friends! My husband is handsome externally and internally, cheerful, generous, smart, wealthy, successful in business and life, with a developed sense of humor! We are happy and caring parents of our two healthy children!!! We are easy, fun and interesting together!!! And our life is favorable for me and the world around us!\"
I really look forward to your comment. It is very important for me. This is the second letter that I am sending you ....because I did not see the answer to the first one. I hope this time I will succeed! Thank you!

5.6 Why I'm having a bad time again...

Today I am answering a letter from a girl who forgot to introduce herself (I will not answer letters without a signature from now on). She asks why everything was fine with her, and then old grievances suddenly surfaced.
I would appreciate your feedback on this situation. Perhaps you have other explanations for what is not happening with this girl - share them, do not be greedy.
You can read the letter itself here.
"Hello, Alexander! Thanks a lot for your books. They completely changed my life and helped make many dreams come true. For the last 7-8 years I have lived according to the laws of the rational world. The results are impressive! I really liked my life, it got better every day. Dreams came true easily, people around me began to change for the better. Story! I just got used to problems. The last time I had serious problems was 5 years ago. And then I turned them to my advantage. But a few months ago a strange process began. Tests of life rained down (grandmother died, the cat was euthanized, mother fell ill). Naturally, I began to decide everything according to the laws of the Republic of Poland. Basically successful. Those. of course, nothing could be done about the deaths, only to be accepted, but I changed what could be changed for the better. It seems now the situation is formally resolved. I have many reasons for joy: for example, my mother's treatment is now going well (pah-pah). And the rest is in order.
But suddenly I was twisted, as the demons seized me. Long-forgotten emotions woke up: unmotivated aggression, fears are mostly ridiculous, insults are mostly funny and stupid. I don’t understand where these emotions come from and why it suddenly became difficult for me to control myself now ... Before that, for more than a year I didn’t even have to fill out a diary of introspection, only a diary of joy. And now every week, as at the beginning of the journey ... at the same time, desires are fulfilled very quickly and as soon as I swear or criticize, I immediately receive a fulfilled \"order \". Maybe you know why this happens? And what to do? I intend to live in joy, love and acceptance.”

5.7 START LIFE AGAIN. 4 steps to a new reality

Do you want to change something in yourself? Increase self-esteem? Stop blaming or judging yourself? Get rid of the past? Stop being lazy or overreact to what is happening? Learn to see new opportunities to raise money? Build relationships with the people you need? And so on ad infinitum.
Most likely you want to. But they explained to you long ago that “the way you were born is the way you will die”, nothing can be changed.
This is mistake. More precisely, this is a fact for those who do not understand the hidden mechanisms that control our behavior. If you know them, then VERY MUCH BECOME POSSIBLE. And INDEPENDENTLY!!!
How to do it? You only need to take 4 steps. In a strictly defined sequence.
What are these steps? Not difficult at all, although it does require some effort.

Step 1. Discharge our warheads.
If you have read my books or watched the videos from Section 5 on the Useful Blog, then you know that every time reality does not match our expectations, our body automatically goes into a state of excitement. He gives us the energy to go and clean up. That is, by force they drove reality into our expectations. Here the simplest example: you get annoyed (that is, go into a state of increased energy) when your husband comes drunk. Or when a child brings "the wrong mark." Or when you see yourself in the mirror. Etc.
Since you usually do not use this energy in full, it is deposited in the body in the form of an energy charge (emotional block). If this charge is very strong, or there are a lot of them, then they take control and begin to force you to take actions that you do not need. As a result, you get irritated for no reason, react very strongly to repetitive situations, and so on.
The first step is to remove most of these "munitions" from the body, otherwise they will block all your attempts at change.
This can be done using a variety of techniques. One of the most effective is the "Effective Forgiveness" technique.

Step 2. Change beliefs about yourself.
Next, you need to take an "inventory" of all your beliefs about yourself. That is, to pull out from your storerooms of the Subconsciousness everything that you are guided by today in different spheres of life.
Then you need to select from these beliefs those that prevent you from living the way you want (negative, limiting beliefs).
In the next step, for each limiting belief, you make positive statements opposite to them. In which you prescribe what you now want to be guided by limiting beliefs.
Next, you download these new positive beliefs into yourself. Here you will find great difficulties, since our Subconscious mind is well protected from forced changes. In addition, all limiting beliefs have their support in the form of energy charges that will prevent them from being erased. Therefore, it is necessary to apply techniques for erasing these energy blocks and loading new beliefs in a state of energy excitement (for example, this approach is used by M. Norbekov in his trainings: there, under the guidance of a trainer, people go into an ecstatic state of "Octave", in which they give themselves commands to change) .
You can do all the same yourself and effectively with the help of special techniques.
The result of such work is a transition to a state of causeless joy and a positive attitude towards everything that happens. As one of the participants of the Total Reset training said: “I have never laughed so much in my life, although nothing special happened.” Laughter for no particular reason indicates an increased positive energy state of a person.

Step 3. Working with our goals
If you have moved into a state of unreasonable joy (not earlier!!!), you can begin to make further changes in yourself. That is, give yourself (your Subconscious) commands for the internal changes you need.
It is clear that these should be reasonable, clearly and correctly formulated goals. Grabbing other people's positive affirmations and mindlessly pushing them into yourself is a great way to either create problems for yourself or get the Unconscious Mind completely blocked from all your attempts to load something into it (turn on "fool protection").
If you do everything correctly and enter commands for the necessary changes in the trance state, then you can get a lot of positive changes. For example, completely change the attitude towards yourself, accept and love yourself. Change your attitude towards money, sales, negotiations, close people, and so on.
At this stage, you can download external goals on the device of personal life, increase in income and so on. The subconscious mind will take them kindly and arrange for you the “best-favored nation” regime on the way to your goals. It is clear that this will not be a miracle, that is, you will have to move towards your goals. But you will be in the flow of luck, that is, the situations you need will arise as if by themselves - you just need to use them.
In general, if you have done Step 1 and Step 2 correctly, then the Unconscious mind will be very friendly to your efforts to get the changes you need.
The problem with most other transformation training is that people try to get straight into Step 3. But trying to put new positive beliefs or goals on a dirty foundation is met with fierce resistance from existing beliefs and the emotional blocks that support them. Therefore, real and long-term changes occur only in a small number of participants who have a "cleaner" internal content.

Step 4. Consolidate the results
You can quickly go through steps 1-3 and feel real changes. But they can be short-lived if they are not specifically fixed.
The experience of many schools shows that new states must be maintained in oneself for at least 21 days. BUT better days 30-40. Then they will register in the body and become a natural state for it.
It is clear that in the course of these transformations, you will need to additionally work with your value system, your unconscious benefits from the absence of changes, with your self-esteem in the area where you intend to make serious changes.
As a bonus, at this stage (not earlier!!), you can try to “remember” all the knowledge of foreign languages ​​that you once downloaded into yourself, but they were forgotten due to the rare use of them.
You can work with your diseases and intensively get rid of some of them. You can make conscious contact with your Subconscious and get the tips you need from it.


5.9 Based on the results of using "EFFICIENT FORGIVENESS"

5-10 Modernized Effective Forgiveness Technique
Lesson Three - Modernized Forgiveness Technique

Today I invite you to take a look at a piece of the webinar “Start life again. 4 steps to a new reality. We are in Step 1 and are discovering the Modernized Forgiveness Technique, which includes 5 posture forgiveness formulas:
- I'm sorry
- I forgive…
I'm erasing all my memories of...
I take energy from...
This is a completely new and very effective technology of working with yourself in the first step.

How to find and realize your purpose? 3 people asked this question. How to realize who you are, and why, what is your mission? And how to realize the true purpose in life?

You may not like my answer. Because imagine, there are 7 billion people on the globe. And everyone is born. And everyone thinks that he should have some kind of personal mission, what will you do. And who will distribute those 5 billion missions, and every single day another 20-30 million new people are born, and many die without fulfilling any mission? It is necessary, what kind of administrative headquarters to have in order to give everyone a mission at birth? I don't think there is any state. And if we think that someone should have given us some kind of task, a goal that we must realize, then this is probably a mistake.

There is a universal mission. Why do I say? There is such a technique, automatic writing. When we start writing, we piss off all our thoughts through writing on paper. I sometimes conduct trainings on this topic, and it turns out that after about an hour of work, each person begins to automatically deduce what the subconscious tells him, you can turn to the subconscious, ask questions about work, about health, and get answers. Very good, sensible answers. You need to clear this channel first.

The image is like this. That a tap with water sticks out of the wall. You know that there is water there. You open it and something flows out of it. Rust flows, dirt that has accumulated there for many years, until the tap was opened. And now you need to let this dirt through yourself. If you don’t miss it, I immediately took a piece of paper or a pendulum, and I immediately want to get answers. You will get dirt. And when you get through yourself, you get sound answers.

Almost all people got in touch, we have only the most skeptics, controllers, they do not succeed. The rest get it. So we periodically asked a question there, I say, "let's get in touch with our guardian angel." According to Christianity, it is believed that every person has a certain guardian angel, an accompanying entity that guides us through life, is responsible for our soul, and not for the body. The brain is responsible for the body. And we got in touch with the guardian angels, asked: what is my purpose in life? And they got exactly the same answer, absolutely. Everyone went about the same. Your mission is to live and enjoy life. Live and smile. Help other people to live happily. Take care of people. Live well yourself. Accept life as it is. Be glad that you live in such a beautiful world. Here are some of the responses that we received from about a hundred people. Identical absolutely. When I ask a question, people do not yet know what will happen. And I already know that the answer will be approximately the same. Maybe the set of words is 3-5 words different.

The main purpose of a person is to live this life joyfully. From a custodian's point of view. And from the point of view of some of our bottom patrons, to make more money, I don't know. But I do not think that everyone has such a goal. It's an introduced program - to be rich.

Here is such a key task in general - to live life joyfully. You can live life joyfully when you have some craving for something. You're better off doing what you're passionate about. Don't be afraid of this. Because it can be some complicated business. Any business can be made money if approached correctly.

But not all people have some kind of craving. Maybe the baby had something, but his parents trampled him, sit, do not breathe, be silent, walk on my command. And if at first the child had some innate abilities and interests, they have all gone out, and by the age of 20-25 a person no longer wants anything. What is my purpose? I don't know.

All trainings are for their intended purpose... By the way, we also have in-depth autopsies on this topic soon. When from childhood some interests, hobbies, abilities showed up, whether you use them or not. Here are all the trainings dedicated to this. Reveal in a person what he had internal preferences for. And then whether these preferences were used or not.

For example, I am a person who has been doing what interests me all my life. As a child, I was fond of technology, I went to a chemical university, graduated from it, and will defend a candidate's dissertation technical sciences, and it seemed my career, I soon became the rector of the institute. And it simply became uninteresting to me, the technique departed, I abandoned the technique, and went to the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, became, worked in the laboratory of chemical creativity, was engaged in the creative development of children's abilities. Because I was interested in the person, and the process of finding new ideas and solutions.

Then all this knowledge was revealed, and I went into esotericism. He opened 3 eyes, followed the trail, examined the aura.

Then he cooked among psychics. I saw that people can do a lot. But they are all unhappy, because what is called secret happiness is a good comfortable life. When you have an interesting job, when you have a good income, when you have good living conditions, when you eat well, when you are lucky in life.

And psychics, they are not adapted to life. They live in a certain little world, they have interesting states, maybe, but they lack everything else. They are not adapted to life.

And I understood, I took everything from this esotericism only that it is necessary to properly organize the work of thought. You need to correctly formulate goals, you need to remove internal barriers on the way to your goal. Then you will be capable of a lot. And this is the first.

Second, if there is interest in something, you need to go and do it. If there is an interest in music, and the bank pays more money. And you go to the bank to work, longing takes. Because there is a lot of money, but there is no joy. And a person who has gone into music, he can get less, but enjoy the fact that he is doing what he loves.

A person who works as a teacher earns less than those who work in trade, but he receives part of the income of joy from the gratitude of the children in whose fate he participates.

This is me to the fact that I have been all my life, often, when my interest ended, I thought for a long time what to do. I was doing something the same, and looking for something else to do.

Then, when a new view opened up to me, I took up a new one. I changed my direction of activity 5 times in my life. Now I'm the last time, now I'm interested in managing Internet projects. In March I graduated, studied at a business school on the topic "Internet Project Management", went to classes 3 times a week. thesis I haven't written, but I've been writing a lot lately.

Me new topic fascinated, and I'm doing as long as I'm interested. But it is not yet profitable, more profitable than before. And I do that too. Gradual transition.

I mean, if some kind of craving, interest, then there is no need to be afraid, here I feel good, here I have it, new profession, new acquaintances, but it's safe here. Again, the survival instinct says: “sit down, don’t go anywhere!” What kind of creativity do you have there, what kind of self-organization? Sit down, you have a feeder here. Sit down and don't go anywhere.

If you follow your instincts, you lose the joy of life. If you overcome any changes by willpower only by passing through a zone of discomfort, pass. Take a step somewhere. And then, if you think normally, but you can earn money anywhere. There are teachers who earn little and who earn a lot. What is the difference? One has found a school where one can sell oneself dearly, the other goes to where little money is paid.

Musicians too, some get a lot, others get less. Those who get a lot, they looked for a place where they pay more for this work. Maybe a little bit there you have to adapt to the requirements of the market, but still. Any business can be turned into a profitable one, maybe not like banking, or some kind of trade, small marketing.

Anyway, you see that 3-4 people win in what they do, and 96 who are engaged in unloved business, they lose in this. If you do what you love, then most likely you will win in relation to those people who are doing something else, and they do it not because they like it, but because they got there somehow.

Here, I told you the general purpose. And this idea that I have some kind of goal, and I have to be someone, a baker there, or a politician, there is no such goal in life. I think you won't like it, but my experience shows that it is.

And some abilities, some goal can manifest itself periodically, and there are exhaustions. That's how my interest in technology was, was, and then once - how it was cut off. As much as I know the technique, I myself repair electrical appliances, I don’t get into complex ones, but something within my competence, but I’m not interested in doing this. If possible, I give it to some specialist, I'm sorry to waste time on this. There are other interesting things as well.

Where to go? Ask yourself. There is such a technique. Ask your subconscious mind. It is important to ask this question correctly. It can give you some moment of understanding what you want. You must clearly understand what you want, what kind of activity you want. You write a command to yourself: “I find and implement such a type of activity that will allow me something that will correspond to my interests and abilities. Which will give me an income in the amount of some thousand rubles, dollars, hryvnias. Which is associated with travel, with travel, or work with computers, or work with people, or work without people. Which will be in the office, or somewhere with movements. Write exemplary requirements to what you want. And then, you just start repeating this goal to yourself. Write it down somewhere, and with breathing you can. So that the subconscious mind understands that you are serious about this. And allow yourself to just be in it. For now, just try on what might be interesting in order to give an impulse to the subconscious mind, what it likes and what it doesn’t like. And then at some point you will understand what you are interested in. You will be hit by it. I get hit often during seminars.

Of course, emotional blocks need to be cleared. These blocks will interfere, return. And they prevent you from giving a signal from the subconscious.

At some point, it will hit you.

I'll tell you my example. I am a typical left hemisphere, an analyst, I am engaged in dismemberment. And I always envy people who live spontaneously, with the right hemispheres, they write science fiction, my books are very logical. My favorite writers are science fiction writers, this is Pelevin, I re-read it several times, and I admire it. I missed that spontaneity. And I tried to do something like that, right-brained. I tried to draw. But this hand must be put, it is difficult, not mine. I tried to write poetry, it's not my thing at all. I tried to draw, too difficult. I was looking for some kind of activity related to artistic creation.

I probably tried this for a year and a half, and then at night it somehow comes to me ... I sleep. I wake up, and suddenly it dawns on me that I'm so torn. In fact, everything is close. I am a techie. Loved taking pictures. But I took pictures, like everyone else. Here I am standing with the Taj Mahal under my arm. I'm standing there, and there the pyramid of Cheops peeps out of the corner. And people are interested in the pyramid and the Taj Mahal, but I'm not interesting. And I always crawl forward, and stand, take half the photo. As everybody.

And suddenly I have an understanding that, it turns out, there is an artistic photograph. Which is completely different. She has her own rules, her own laws. You don’t need to draw there, you just need to choose the right angle, take a picture, maybe process it later. And it becomes a work of art. You need to see this beauty in the world. And in people, in everything.

And when I realized this, I realized that this is it, always there. And I could never understand. Since I was an amateur photographer, I had to go to photography courses. I took photography courses for a year. The teacher told me something, at first I did not understand. Then he started taking pictures. I have a photo that comes out blue, then gray. Who knows there, the white balance is off. And I realized that I don't know something. And I went to the courses for the second time. And this is for the sake of the fact that I began to distinguish a good photo from. ... I began to participate in competitions, did not take any places. But, nevertheless, what it gave me. Now I see what beautiful clouds we have when I walk. I see flowers are beautiful, leaves, sunsets. How wonderful! When we are all the time immersed in our affairs, we do not see all this. At one time I even carried a camera with me, and then, when I got 10 thousand photos, I stopped this business, because what to do with them. But still, when I go to beautiful places, I take pictures. I have an exhibition, I have photo albums there, Nepal, some other countries. Me, what I like, people, nature. It hit me.

The only thing is that when I formulated it for the right hemisphere, I forgot to say that it would generate income. And in the end, it only gave an expense, because lenses, cameras, a lighting workshop, all this costs a very large amount of money. But, it adds life and spontaneity.

You can also ask yourself in this way to set a goal that you want, what it should correspond to. And even if you do not know your abilities, at some point this understanding will come. And you "so I had it, I just forgot about it."

This is roughly the path you can take.

author of more than 10 bestsellers with record circulations in Russia and abroad. Well-known psychologist, creator of a unique methodology for a conflict-free and successful life, president of the Center for Positive Psychology "Reasonable Way" and editor-in-chief of the magazine "Reasonable World".

In this video message, Alexander Sviyash talks about the mistakes that entrepreneurs make before starting their own business.

As you know, 9 out of 10 businesses go bankrupt after a few years. Therefore, you need to properly tune in before opening a business and know exactly what you are doing and why, whether you are ready to take risks.

Mistakes on the way to starting a business:

Wrong definition of your desires. Open a business and develop it autonomouslywork or entrepreneurship, i.e. work for yourself. A person leaves work because he does not want to obey and works for himself, that is, he sells his labor at a higher price. But vacation and sick leave are not paid, you have to look for clients, conclude contracts, etc. There are big risks and after a while a person gets hired and becomes a worker again. Or he starts a business, but gets a lot of problems, stress, works 12-14 hours a day, takes big risks and realizes that this is not what he wanted.

Too cautious entry into business. Without leaving your work, without investing time,energy and money. That is, "I'll try a little and maybe it will work out" will not work. You have to give in to the work.

Wrong motivation for starting a business. If you want to get away from addiction and work for yourself, then you will get a new addiction to your business.

Alexander Sviyash also gives advice on how to choose the right field of activity, which corresponds to the internal state and desires of a person.

Watch the video and leave comments.

A step-by-step program in which you step by step:

You will remove barriers that hinder income growth,

Decide on goals

Determine sources of money

You will attract people who bring you money,

And in the end, get satisfaction from life, some call it happiness.

The money that you spend on the Program with benefit and they will return a hundred fold, you will still spend somewhere and will not notice any improvement in life. Therefore, feel free to sign up for a step-by-step program .

When ordering, you will receive from me the following gifts:

1. Audio mood "Day after day without stress!"

2. Audio mood "Will to live"

3. Audio mood "Live with love and gratitude"

4. Audio mood "Life without pain"

5. Electronic book"1000 and 1 affirmation"

6. Recording the Forgiveness of Money technique by Alexander Sviyash

7. Video film “Money. Energy Attraction Codes of Money»

To receive gifts, write a letter to the address [email protected] a site with the theme "Gifts", in which indicate the order number, email when ordering and the address where to send gifts.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation