Growing grapes for home business. grape growing business sample grape growing business plan


Due to its beneficial properties, grapes have long been in high demand. This berry is rich in vitamins, glucose and fructose. People have mastered the cultivation of grapes for a long time, since already at that time this occupation brought a certain profit. Viticulture is also relevant today, as the demand for such a product remains high. It is used in the production of wine, beverages, and in many food industries.

Based on the cultivation of grapes, it is possible to organize enough profitable business, which will bring considerable income to the entrepreneur. Today, there are many business ideas related to growing and selling this versatile berry. The popularity of such business is based on the growing demand for such products. This does not require special financial investments, however, such an activity requires considerable physical effort.

Features of growing on the roof

If an entrepreneur decides to build his business on growing grapes on the roof, then he needs to know some of the features and subtleties of this business. The fact is that this culture requires a specific approach to the issue of breeding. Proper organization of the technological process of growing grapes on the roof allows you to get a fairly high yield. Meanwhile, such a business requires the purchase of some equipment and equipment.

Depending on the roof area, it is necessary to plan the number of boxes in which grape seedlings will be planted. The size of the landing container should ensure the convenience of its movement. Irrigation of the root system is an integral part of the technological chain. To do this, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate water pumps, the performance of which will ensure proper nutrition of the vineyard.

Business organization

To organize such a business, you need to decide on the place where the location of the vineyard is possible. If we are talking about the roof, then it must meet certain requirements. Firstly, its area should be sufficient to accommodate the planned number of seedlings. Secondly, such a space must have the necessary access to sunlight, since such a culture needs good natural light.

In addition, there must be all necessary communications on the territory of grape cultivation. The entrepreneur must ensure sufficient watering and water drainage. To do this, you should organize a network of engineering systems, which include pumping equipment and pipelines. A sewer system is also necessary, so you need to take care of its presence in advance.

Business plan

Since grapes are heat-loving crops, it is better to grow them in warm regions. If we are talking about a colder climate, then you need to take care of a closed form of cultivation. This means that on the roof where the vineyard is planned, it is necessary to build a greenhouse. If climatic conditions allow, then such a crop can be grown on open ground.

First of all, the entrepreneur must take care of the appropriate soil. The fact is that grapes require limestone, sandy or peaty soil, which provides the best harvest. Today, such soil can be purchased in specialized stores, where you can also choose the appropriate container for growing. Since the application of fertilizers provides the best yield, it is necessary to buy such additives.

The basis of a good harvest is the acquisition of high-quality seedlings of a certain variety. Therefore, it is better to buy planting material in specialized stores, where experts will advise on the purpose of each variety. Properly selected seedlings for certain growing conditions can produce up to 20 kg of yield from one bush. Thus, the productivity of a given vineyard can be calculated.


Given the high demand for such products, it is safe to call such a business promising. Well-organized marketing can double the entrepreneur's profits. The payback of such a business is quite high - the investment can pay off in a year, depending on the vineyard area and growing conditions. With the expansion of grape production, you can get a fairly high profit.


Starting a business like growing grapes on a roof has a number of significant advantages. These include savings on rent. land plot, ease of care, as well as the low cost of maintaining a vineyard. Given the growing demand for such a berry, you can be sure of the constant profitability of such a business.

In general, the cultivation of grapes can be called a fairly profitable event. Quick payback, high profitability, as well as low initial investments put such a business on a par with the most successful financial projects.

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Grapes are considered a very popular fruit and are recognizable all over the world. Its cost is quite high. These are important factors that will help us get the most out of growing such a tasty crop.

Before you start a grape growing business, you need to draw up a competent business plan, and also learn in detail about planting such a crop, you should understand it in the most detailed way. The first thing you need to get along with is the type of soil and climatic conditions. Fortunately, now there are varieties of grapes that will survive even in the frosts of the middle lane and in any normal soil, but certainly not in saline conditions. Almost all of these varieties are bred in Russia and they practically do not need any additives. The level of presence of genetic tools in their selection is almost zero.

Foreign ones are more beautiful, and large, often without flaws, but require various sprays and surveillance. Although it is not often necessary to follow them, because the main disadvantage of foreign grape varieties is that they are more artificially modified, especially new varieties. But if you want something exotic, then these varieties are exactly what you need.

Vineyards as a business - organizational moments

To start own business for growing and selling grapes, you need to decide on the organizational form of your business.

If you plan to “try with small volumes” on a personal plot, then this will be your personal subsidiary plot.
If you are planning a business for growing grapes in a larger - industrial volume, then you should take care of opening a peasant (farm) economy. By the way, under this case, you can get both land and a grant from the state.

Business plan for growing grapes

Competent business plan will help to realize your business in the vineyards, it is necessary to include such items as:

  • average prices for grapes in your region;
  • planned production capacity (vineyard area;
  • purchase of seed material;
  • plant protection products
  • costs for necessary equipment
  • stock availability Money because the payback is not fast
  • opportunities and ways to sell products

Grape business - cons

The main disadvantage of growing grapes as a business is that you will have to wait at least 3 years before the first fruits without profit and even without grapes. Next will be the first gifts of nature, but on the condition that the varieties have taken root normally with the ground. If there are various problems, then the bitter taste of the grapes is possible. This will have to be corrected depending on the reasons.

It is not desirable to grow grapes in high proximity to the sea, as salty water will give a certain taste of salinity. I've dealt with this myself. People who are accustomed to this taste of water will be very loyal to it, but people who have not drunk salt water will refuse such grapes.

The taste can be negatively affected by various layers of clays or saline steppes. This business best suited for farmers who are already involved in other crops (e.g. growing beans) and want to expand their range of products.

Land Requirements

It is advisable for the first few years to debug the work of a larger vineyard in your country house, constantly arranging tests for various grape varieties in your area. At the same time, natural selection can be carried out, some varieties are only transferred in this way.

When planting grapes, it is necessary to choose the most open areas of land for its bushes so that the rays of the sun always fall on it. The land itself must be fertile, otherwise you will have to work a lot with it, which is very inconvenient.

Already when planting cuttings on large arable land, it is worth planting the bushes as symmetrically as possible and leaving a distance between them, so that already adult bushes do not cover lower bushes from the light.

An important factor in the land for good growth of grapes is the absence of wind on it. There are no mountains in central Russia, but the terrain is hilly in many places, it is best to plant it behind the hills. Or away from any such places so that there are no drafts. Focus on the wind directions that are popular in your area and avoid them.

In some cases, special high fences are created that can serve as protection from thieves and wind. But make sure that the fences do not become a catalyst for drafts.

You can also plant high species of plants on the outskirts of your lands, such as bamboo, or reeds known to us. Bamboo will be more convenient, since it practically does not break from the wind, but only shakes, but it is quite rare in our area. Therefore, the reed of the local strip of reeds will be very useful.

planting grapes

There are several methods for planting grapes depending on the type of soil.

If the test plantings in the dacha are very fast, due to the small amount of work, then it will take a long time to plant several hectares of land, you can use working labor or plant such seedlings yourself for several days.

For successful business on growing grapes We will consider the most profitable type of soil, and planting cuttings in it. This is a type of soil in which groundwater is fairly close to the ground. In such a land, it is simply worth burying plant cuttings in a row and installing a special holder next to it.

The holder itself can be installed in the form of a rod immersed in the ground, near each bush and a bush can be tied to it. Or you can install several dozen wands around the entire perimeter of the site, and stretch an iron wire between them. The second option is more time-saving.

Further, after the seedlings have already been installed (and it is best to do this in the spring), you should water them for the first two to three years. To do this, it is convenient to use a special hose, and go through all the territories watering the bushes. I do not recommend installing permanent fixtures that after some time automatically spray the plants, because after about two or three years the grapes will not have to be watered, its roots will become stronger in the groundwater and will receive water themselves.

In order for the main shoots to grow, cut off the extra branches, so you leave your grapes cultivated and they can't go wild again, and will also grow much faster.

Grape Business - Expenses

At the testing stage, you will need about 60,000 rubles for several dozen varieties of grapes, 20 seedlings each.

You need to find out which varieties of ray will take root in your area, and most importantly, which ones will not just take root, but will bear fruit normally. Some winter varieties do not bear fruit very well in southern conditions, and southern ones have to be adapted to northern conditions.

To cut off unnecessary parts of the vineyards, you will need a special pruner, its cost is about 800 rubles, but if you wish, you can use ordinary types of scissors.

The hose is the length of the entire perimeter, which can reach all the bushes. Water can be obtained by drilling the base to groundwater and using a pump, or using a water carrier. The use of a water carrier will significantly increase the cost of maintaining the vineyard in the first three years, so it would be more correct to drill groundwater.

In order to plant 1 hectare of land, you will need about 10,000 seedlings, and about 1,000,000 rubles for them, if you yourself do not prepare cuttings for planting from test varieties. Renting such a plot of land usually costs about 10,000 rubles per month.

Growing grapes as a business - Income

4 years after planting 10,000 grape bushes, you can already have your full grape harvest. With 1 bush of grapes can harvest about 10 kg of grapes depending on the variety. As a result, approximately 100,000 kg or 100 tons can be harvested from 1 ha of land.

It is possible to sell such grapes on the market, but usually they do not reach there due to redemption by wholesale buyers, who sometimes send them to the market, but often immediately sell them for processing into wine or other types of grape products.

Having spent about 1,600,000 rubles for the maintenance of a vineyard estate for 10,000 bushes, and about 300,000 rubles for collection and storage before the fence by wholesalers, you can get about 30 rubles for each wholesale kilogram on the country's wholesale market, and about 60 rubles per 1 kg. The annual income from the grape business for the third or fourth year of operation will be approximately 2,000,000 rubles, which will practically cover all expenses.

Further, you will not need to water your bushes with water, but only monitor the absence of diseases in plants. Every year the volume of fruit bearing will increase, by the age of 10 it will be approximately 40-60 kg per bush.

As we can see, the grape business can bring significant profit to those who devote themselves to this interesting and promising business.

Read more: Growing greens as a business

Grapes contain a large amount of useful vitamins, mainly fructose and glucose, so the berries are quite valued not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Also, everyone must have tried the amazing grape wine, which can be purchased from merchants. In this article, we will talk about growing grapes as a business.

What are the pros and cons of this way of earning and how to succeed in this business? Let's figure it out.

Grapes are heat-loving plants. A comfortable temperature for ripening berries is + 25-30 degrees above zero. If the air temperature drops below 8–10 degrees, then the crop may die or its ripening will be long enough, which is also unprofitable. Therefore, grapes are grown mainly in the southern regions of the country.

Growing grapes in a greenhouse

Grapes can be grown in a greenhouse. Thus, in almost any region of the country there is an opportunity to start a business. Let's discuss the advantages of this method of growing berries.

Benefits of growing grapes in a greenhouse

  • Harvest quality

In the greenhouse it is possible to provide the plant desired temperature air and lighting. Thus, in a short time you will get a good harvest. In addition, in the greenhouse it is much easier to protect the plant from pests;

  • natural products

Growing grapes in a greenhouse significantly reduces the use chemicals plant care. Thus, the berries are environmentally friendly and healthy, while retaining their natural taste.

  • Not afraid of cold and spring frosts

A greenhouse is an equipped room that allows you to maintain a constant, stable temperature and humidity. Therefore, no natural elements can harm your vineyard.

  • Possibility of cultivation in any region of the country

Greenhouses are the only way growing grapes in the northern regions of Russia. Due to the unfavorable climate, it is almost impossible to grow grapes in the cold regions of the country, and thanks to the greenhouse, it is not only realistic, but also quite profitable, if you turn this business into a business.

Vineyard business plan

If you decide to build a business growing grapes in a greenhouse, then you should start drawing up a competent business plan. First of all, you need to calculate the profitability of the idea. To do this, you must take into account the degree of competition in the region. Competition is important factor on which the success of your business will directly depend. After evaluating competitors, proceed to the next step - identifying market value products. It is required to competently study the pricing policy and decide on the distribution channel. If after all the calculations you come to the conclusion that the project is profitable, you can start implementing your business idea.

Construction and equipment of the greenhouse

We have already decided that growing this plant in greenhouse conditions is much more profitable, so it’s worth starting to install a greenhouse.

To equip a greenhouse, a certain area is needed. If the land is not owned, the land must be leased. Immediately decide on the volume of cultivation. I recommend that you start with a small plot, with success, you can always expand your greenhouse business.

For convenience and reliability, it is best to build a greenhouse on the foundation, this will enable you to grow grapes all year round. To build the frame of the future greenhouse, you will need metal pipes, frames, profile. The use of polycarbonate is recommended as transparent walls. This material perfectly transmits sunlight, retains moisture and allows you to maintain the desired air temperature. Be sure to equip a drain so that water does not accumulate or stagnate in the greenhouse.

With your own hands or a finished greenhouse to order

At this stage, everything will depend on your skills and start-up capital. If you have the ability and basic concepts of how to build a greenhouse, then it is cheaper, of course, to build it yourself.

You can make a ready-made version of the greenhouse of the desired size to order. Therefore, if you are unsure that it will be possible to build a structure on your own, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. They will do everything efficiently and quickly, and in the near future you will be able to start growing a vineyard. Approximate cost of a greenhouse 100 sq.m. from 5000 dollars.

Grape cultivation and care

In order to get a good harvest, you must follow all the rules for growing this plant.

  • Heating and ventilation

Maintaining a comfortable air temperature is an important nuance that will provide you with high yields. Therefore, it is desirable to install a climate control system in the greenhouse. Also used for heating infrared lamps. In addition, be sure to equip the greenhouse with vents for ventilation.

  • Irrigation system

To maintain the level of soil moisture and provide the plant with the necessary microelements, it is necessary to equip the drip irrigation system with water. The cost of such a system is about $100.

  • Choosing a grape variety for growing in a greenhouse

It is a mistake to believe that any variety can be grown in a greenhouse. For example, in varieties such as Vostorg, Strashensky, December, the yield is higher just when they are grown in open ground.

  • "Bulgaria sustainable" - a variety bred specifically for growing in a greenhouse. It is well pollinated and fructifies, high productivity is in greenhouse conditions.
  • "Laura" - characterized by large clusters. High yield when grown in a greenhouse;
  • "Song" is an early grape variety. Good yields in comfortable greenhouse conditions.

If you plan to sell grapes all year round, then you need to choose both early and late grape varieties. At the end of spring, varieties such as Chasselas, Royal, Foster and Frankenthal will bring yields. In winter - "Gros Kolman" and "Muscat of Alexandria". You can buy elite grape seedlings from 20-50 dollars.

The technology of growing grapes in a greenhouse

The ideal time for forcing grapes is the period from mid-February to April. If additional heating is equipped in the greenhouse, then planting can be started earlier, somewhere at the end of autumn.

Soil fertilization is an important and responsible stage. Before planting, you need to fertilize and moisten the ground.

When planting grapes, you need to observe the distance, which should be approximately the same. Seedlings must be placed along the side walls of the greenhouse. After that, it is required to build a frame of thin wire.

When growing grapes in a greenhouse, it is required to observe necessary modes temperature at all stages of maturation.

The bud break period is the growing phase. The required air temperature ranges from + 7-10 degrees at night and from 10-15 degrees during the day.

Growth and flowering. During this period, it is required to provide temperatures from 18–20 degrees with a plus sign at night and from + 18–20 degrees during the day.

fruit ripening period. Compliance with temperatures from 14-16 degrees with a plus sign at night and from 25-30 degrees during the day.

rest phase. During the day, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature from 0 to +5 degrees.

Business expenses and profits

Starting a business in this area from scratch, of course, is unrealistic. Even when using open field cultivation technology, you will still need to purchase the necessary grape varieties, fertilizer, build a frame, etc. All this requires financial resources. After all, if you plan to do business, then the cultivation of grapes should be large-scale.

Growing grapes in a greenhouse, costs:

  • Construction and equipment of a greenhouse and a warehouse for storing crops - from $ 10,000;
  • Purchase of seedlings - from $ 1,000;
  • Purchase of tools and other - from 1.5 thousand dollars;
  • Wages for workers who will be engaged in harvesting - depends on the region and the number of employees.

Business profit

Everything will depend on the degree of yield of grapes and the quality of the variety. The approximate cost of 1 kg of grapes on the market is from 3-7 dollars. The average yield is from 5 kg per 1 sq. m. Thus, the payback period for a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​about 150 square meters. m. is from 3 to 5 years. Long enough, but despite this, this way of earning is quite justified and profitable.

Typical business plan for growing grapes and producing wine (vineyard). Vineyard business plan with calculations according to bank standards and the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture. Investment, payback business plan for growing grapes (vineyard), wine production

Executor AMICO
the date 05.03.2018
Number of pages 141 pages
Price 35 000 rub. 35000 RUB
print version

After placing and paying for the order, within 1 (one) business day, a marketing research / business plan will be sent to the specified e-mail. Accounting documents will be sent by regular mail. Our managers will contact you on the specified numbers.

diagrams - 27, graphs - 4, tables - 31

Description "Typical business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard)":

Objective of the project consists in developing a business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard) in one of the wine-growing regions of Russia.

The business plan is accompanied by an electronic financial model that can be adapted to any region for growing grapes. The model can be independently corrected by changing only the initial parameters for calculations. The calculation model is provided to the client in Excel format.

The concept of a business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard):

The concept of the project involves the creation of a grape growing farm in one of the wine-growing regions of Russia.

***% of funds spent on planting vineyards will be subsidized. Subsidized revenues will be reinvested to increase the area under crops.

The lease of sown areas with an area of ​​*** hectares is envisaged, with the subsequent expansion of the area.

Vineyards suitable for wine production germinate within 3 years, so revenues begin in the fourth year.

The planned yield of vineyards will be *** tons per year.

The main characteristics of a business plan for growing grapes with the production of wine (vineyard):

  • Manufactured products - grapes, table wine.
  • The average yield of vineyards in the wine-growing regions of Russia is *** tons per hectare.
  • The total costs for the production of wine materials are *** rubles.
  • The selling price of grapes will be *** rubles. per kg.
  • The project pays off in *** years.
  • The discount rate used in the calculations for the project is 12% per year

The business plan covers:

Viticulture in Russia:

  • The volume of gross grape harvest in Russia in the dynamics of 2012-2016
  • The structure of the gross harvest and sown areas of grapes by categories of farms, regions and federal districts.
  • Cultivated areas of grapes, its productivity in the context of regions and federal districts in Russia.
  • Grape yield in dynamics by federal districts and regions of Russia.

Winemaking in Russia:

  • The volume, dynamics and regional structure of the production of grape must and wine materials in Russia.
  • The volume, dynamics and regional structure of the production of wine, grape must and wine materials in Russia.


  • The total amount of investments amounted to *** thousand rubles.
  • The structure of investments in the cultivation of vineyards with the production of wine by cost areas.
  • The project is invested at the expense of the investor's funds and subsidies.

In the financial model, indicators of the effectiveness of creating vineyards with further wine production were calculated, namely, net present value, internal rate of return, profitability index, discounted payback period of the project, and others.

Market Attractiveness:

  • The area under grapes in Russia in 2016 increased by ***% and amounted to *** thousand hectares. At the same time, the vast majority of them (***%) falls on the lands of agricultural organizations.
  • Dagestan accounts for a quarter of the total area of ​​fruit-bearing vine plantations in Russia.
  • In 2016, agricultural organizations harvested ***% of grapes than a year earlier.
  • In 2016, the yield of grapes in all categories of farms increased by ***%, and in agricultural organizations by ***%.
  • Leading in terms of wine production in Russia Krasnodar region, where about ***% of all wine was produced in 2016. It is followed by the Republic of Crimea and the Stavropol Territory, which accounted for ***% and 9.2% of the total production volume.
  • In 2016, *** million deciliters of grape must were produced in Russia, with the entire volume produced in the North Caucasus Federal District.

The business plan contains 27 diagrams, 31 tables and 4 graphs.






3.1.1. General characteristics...8

3.1.2. Soils and their influence on the quality of grapes ... 9

3.1.3. Planting grapes...11

3.1.4. Cycles of development of grapes...16

3.1.5. Harvesting grapes...23


3.2.1. General wine production technology...26

3.2.2. Red wine production technology...30

3.2.3. White wine production technology...31

3.2.4. Rosé wine production technology...31

3.2.5. Sparkling wine production technology...32

3.2.6. Technology for the production of special wines (strong and dessert)...32

3.2.7. Technology for the production of wines such as Madeira...33

3.2.8. Port wine production technology...33

3.2.9. Technology for the production of caramelized wines such as Marsala...34

3.2.10. Production technology of flavored wines...35

3.2.11. Technology for the production of film wines such as Sherry...35


3.3.1. General classification...36


3.4.1. Licensing...39

3.4.2. Labeling of alcoholic products...40

3.4.3 State regulation of the cost of alcohol...41

3.4.4. Market regulation retail alcohol...42


3.5.1. Vineyard area...44

3.5.2. Gross harvest...58


3.6.1. Wine-growing regions in Russia...85

3.6.2. Production of grape must in Russia...86

3.6.3. Production of wine materials in Russia...88

3.6.4. Wine production in Russia...91



5.1. LAND LAND RENT...104

5.2. PERSONNEL...105











8.4.1. General directions and volumes of current costs ... 119






List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Area of ​​vine plantations in farms of all categories, thousand ha

Diagram 2. Distribution of vine plantation areas by farm categories in 2016,%

Diagram 3. Area of ​​vine plantations in agricultural organizations, thousand ha

Diagram 4. Distribution of grape planting areas by federal districts in 2016,%

Diagram 5. Distribution of grape planting areas by regions in 2016,%

Diagram 6. The area of ​​plantations of grapes in fruiting age in farms of all categories, thousand hectares

Diagram 7. Distribution of grape planting areas in fruit-bearing age by categories of farms in 2016,%

Diagram 8. The area of ​​vine plantations in the fruiting age in agricultural organizations, thousand hectares

Diagram 9. Distribution of grape planting areas in fruit-bearing age by federal districts in 2016,%

Diagram 10. Distribution of grape planting areas in fruiting age by region in 2016,%

Diagram 11. Gross grape harvest in farms of all categories, 2012-2016, thousand centners

Diagram 12. Structure of the gross grape harvest by farm category in 2016, %

Diagram 13. Gross grape harvest in agricultural organizations, 2012-2016, thousand centners

Diagram 14. The structure of the gross grape harvest in farms of all categories in 2016 by federal districts, %

Diagram 15. The structure of the gross grape harvest in farms of all categories in 2016 by region, %

Diagram 16. The yield of grapes in farms of all categories, centners per 1 ha of harvested area

Diagram 17. Grape yield in agricultural organizations, centners per 1 ha of harvested area

Diagram 18. The volume of grape must production in Russia, 2013-2016, thousand deciliters

Diagram 19. The volume of production of grape wine materials in Russia, 2014-2016, thousand deciliters

Diagram 20. Structure of production of grape wine materials by federal districts in Russia in 2016, %

Diagram 21. Structure of production of grape wine materials by regions in Russia in 2016, %

Diagram 22. Volume of wine production in Russia, 2013-2016, thousand deciliters

Diagram 23. Structure of wine production by federal districts in Russia in 2016, %

Diagram 24. Structure of wine production by regions in Russia in 2016, %

Diagram 25. The structure of the current costs of the project

Diagram 26. Structure of investment costs

Diagram 27. Income plan

List of tables

Table 1. Area of ​​vine plantations by federal districts, 2015-2016, thousand ha

Table 2. Area of ​​vine plantations by regions, 2015-2016, thousand ha

Table 3. Area of ​​vine plantations at fruiting age by federal districts, 2015-2016, thousand ha

Table 4. Area of ​​vine plantations in fruiting age by regions, 2015-2016, thousand ha

Table 5. Gross grape harvest by federal districts, 2015-2016, thousand centners

Table 6. Gross grape harvest by regions, 2015-2016, thousand centners

Table 7. Grape yield by federal districts, 2015-2016, centners per 1 ha

Table 8. Grape yield by region, 2015-2016, centners per 1 ha

Table 9. TOP-150 largest companies by revenue in 2016 in the grape growing industry

Table 10. Volume of grape must production in Russia by federal districts, 2013-2016, thousand deciliters

Table 11. Volume of grape must production in Russia by regions, 2013-2016, thousand deciliters

Table 12. The volume of production of grape wine materials in Russia by federal districts, 2014-2016, thousand deciliters

Table 13. The volume of production of grape wine materials in Russia by regions, 2014-2016, thousand deciliters

Table 14. Volume of wine production in Russia by federal districts, 2013-2016, thousand deciliters

Table 15. Volume of wine production in Russia by regions, 2013-2016, thousand deciliters

Table 16. TOP-100 largest companies by revenue in 2016 in the wine industry

Table 17. Increase in area

Table 18. Staffing

Table 19. Production plan

Table 20. Production plan

Table 21. Parameters running costs project

Table 23. Assessment of risks and ways to reduce them

Table 24. Baselines for the project

Table 25. Dynamics of project revenue

Table 26. Dynamics of current costs for the project

Table 27. Tax rates

Table 28. Tax payments for the project

Table 29. Cash flow statement

Table 30. Profit and loss statement

Table 31. Project performance indicators

List of graphs

Chart 1. Income plan

Graph 2. Dynamics of revenue, costs and profit

Chart 3. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 4. Project NPV and Undiscounted Cash Flow

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When organizing a grape business, there are two ways to go: growing vines in the open field and in a greenhouse. In certain places, it is almost impossible to get a crop without greenhouses. Grapes are a heat-loving crop. And you can’t make your profit dependent on weather conditions. Therefore, we will consider both options for cultivating a delicious berry.

Planting and caring for grapes in greenhouses

In some regions, it is impossible to grow grapes in open ground. The way out is a greenhouse.

Greenhouse equipment:

  • homemade or ready-made greenhouse with vents for ventilation;
  • drip irrigation system to maintain the optimum level of soil moisture;
  • heating and lighting devices.

Features of agricultural technology:

Daytime air temperature during bud break is 10-14°C, nighttime temperature is 8-10°C. During the growing season and flowering - 24-26 ° (day), 14-16 ° (night). During the development of bunches and ripening of berries - 28-30 ° (day), 18-20 ° (night).

  1. The forcing of the vine in greenhouses begins in February-April. You should not do this before, because. A lot of money is spent on heating and lighting.
  2. The dormant period for grapes is 2-2.5 months. At this time, the temperature in greenhouses is maintained at 0-5 °.
  3. Growing grapes at home is not a short-term investment. It requires a certain amount of patience. Since the first harvest can be obtained no earlier than in the second year.

If you arrange beds for greens and vegetables in the free space in the greenhouse, then the investment will return faster.

Growing grapes from a cutting using an accelerated method

The traditional cultivation of grape seedlings from cuttings gives a harvest no earlier than in the 3rd year. But greenhouses allow you to grow a good vine from a cutting in the first year, and get a crop in the second. Only on condition that the cultivation of grapes from cuttings will be carried out according to a special technology to accelerate the growth of the vine.

The whole secret lies in the depth of planting the cutting. All literatures describe that it should be planted at least 50 cm deep in order to winter frosts did not kill the root of the vine. But if you plant a cutting in the spring to a depth of only 5-10 cm. (this is enough to get a reliable and viable tap root system), then in the fall you can already get several meters of vines. And on next year good harvest. While the traditional technology for this period gives only 50 cm, a maximum of 1 meter of vine.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE! Since cuttings are planted at a minimum depth, soil moisture should be controlled to prevent drying out, which destroys the plant. Cuttings die for only two reasons:

  1. Shoots dry out with a lack of moisture.
  2. Roots rot from lack of air.

Do not forget about devices for opening additional access of oxygen to the soil (the most elementary thing is that the tube is stuck into the soil to a depth of 10 cm near the root). After all, oxygen will not only preserve the root system, but will also perceive the intensive growth of the vine.

When propagating grapes, you can get a crop in the first year, but this method is not cuttings.

Katavlak is the propagation of grapes by cuttings from a whole bush by laying the vines in the ground at a distance of 1.5-2 meters (as shown in the figure). This method of transplanting gives a small harvest in the first year and is more reliable than cuttings.

Growing and caring for grapes in the open field

The vineyard is best identified on the warmest and sunniest part of its land. This culture loves light and light sandy soil.

Preparation of ridges and planting grapes:

  1. Distance between rows - 2-3 m. Between bushes of medium-sized varieties - 1.5-2 m, vigorous plants - from 2 m.
  2. Planting pits are prepared half a month before planting seedlings. The size of one hole is 80 * 80 * 80 cm. They dig and immediately water well so that the soil settles a little.
  3. Humus (2 buckets), sand for drainage and lightness (bucket), fertile soil (2 buckets), wood ash as the first top dressing (1 kg) are poured into the finished pit. All this mixture is mixed and spilled with two buckets of water. The remaining volume of the pit is filled with fertile soil.
  4. Tapestry is installed along the ridges to support the bushes. They can be made from acacia branches up to 3 m long. The bark is removed from them, the surface is burned. The lower part, which will go into the ground, is doused with hot resin. The ground part of the branches is painted. Such preparation will preserve the structure for a long time. Tapestries are placed at a distance of 3-4 m. A wire is pulled between them in 40 cm increments.
  5. Grape seedlings are planted in pits at an angle of 45 ° to the trellis. Sprinkle with clean earth, slightly shaking the bush so that the roots take the right direction. Abundantly watered.

Further care of grapes:

  1. Watering the grapes after planting is carried out (4-5 times per season, if drought - more often). On the second day after watering, be sure to loosen the soil.
  2. Grapes are regularly cared for and pruned.
  3. Preventive treatment for diseases and pests (3-4 times after the buds open, but before the berries go). And pruning the vine (to reduce the load on the bush and get larger clusters).
  4. Preparing the vine for winter.

Grape varieties for open ground and for greenhouses

The plan of your own grape business is simple: purchase of seedlings, planting, cultivation and care, harvesting and sale. To get good grapes, you need to purchase quality planting material.

Different varieties of berries are suitable for open and closed ground. With any option for organizing a business, it is better to give preference to bushes with a closed root system.

Grape varieties for open ground:

ripening time

Features of berries




115-120 days

White berries with a harmonious taste, large clusters (500-700 g).

High yield and good taste

The market is saturated with this variety, on the second day after harvesting the berry is covered with spots

Laura (Flora)

110-115 days

White berry with a harmonious taste, large clusters (600-800 g).

Good yield (up to 30 kg per bush), excellent transportability and pleasant taste

The predominance of flowers of the female type, because of which the grapes are poorly pollinated; bushes are sensitive to loads with inflorescences and clusters

Kishmish seedless

125-130 days

Pink berries with dense pulp and light nutmeg aroma, bunch weight - 200-600 g

Good transportability, tasty berries without seeds

The variety is demanding on the quality of agricultural technology, prone to diseases


110-118 days

Dark purple berries in large clusters (400-600g)

Good transportability, fast ripening, preservation of taste qualities for a long time

Variety "sin" pea

Nadezhda AZOS

120-135 days

Red-purple berry with a sweet and sour taste, bunch weight - 500-800 g

High yield - up to 70 kg per bush, long-term preservation of the presentation

Ripens at a time when the market is oversaturated with grapes

Laura and Arcadia are suitable for cultivation in greenhouses.

Varieties for greenhouse farming:

Ripening period

Characteristics of grapes

Song (White Wonder)

105-110 days

Large white berries with fleshy juicy pulp, bunch weight - up to 1 kg

Disease resistance, good transportability

Responds to stress with inhibited development

Bulgaria sustainable

115-125 days

Large amber berries with a pleasant nutmeg flavor

In greenhouses, very high yields and pollination

Insufficient resistance to mildew, low frost resistance


110-125 days

Papillary large yellow berries, pleasant sage-nutmeg flavor

Excellent yield, few seeds in berries (2-4)

When the bushes are overloaded with crops and in thickened plantings, the ripening period is delayed

Frankenthal (greenhouse black)

Berries are medium, black with a reddish tinge, with a dense skin

Good taste, good maturation

Sensitive to mildew

Ways of implementation

Marketing channels for grapes:

  • vegetable market;
  • grocery store;
  • wineries;
  • juice production companies.

The search for distribution channels should be done two months before the harvest.

It is easier to sell grapes out of season. And you can get it in greenhouses. In the season, the implementation is more difficult. The market is full of berries. To be in demand, you will either have to lower the price or offer the buyer an exquisite grape variety with high palatability.

There are also grape varieties that do not lose their taste and useful properties during quick freezing. With the help of freezers, you can significantly increase the shelf life of grapes to sell it in the most cost-effective periods of the sales seasons.

Freezing grape varieties

According to numerous experiments, the best grape varieties were noted, suitable for freezing and subsequent storage:

  • Sevan;
  • Ichkimar;
  • Milari;
  • Kakhet;
  • Karmir-Kahani and others.

The main feature of varieties for freezing is the features of berries that have a color and hard flesh.

The technology of quick freezing of grapes occurs in several simple steps:

  1. Sorting and culling of damaged berries.
  2. Short-term freezing at a temperature from -40 to -45, for 4 hours.
  3. Continuous storage at minus 18-20 degrees.

An interesting fact is that with this technology of storage of special varieties of grapes, not only the taste of berries is preserved, but also biologically active substances with vitamins. Even after 8 months of storage, the grapes received high marks in control tastings.

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