Determine the average annual number of labor resources. Methods for calculating the number of labor resources. I. Sources of the formation of labor resources


Labor resources as an economic category represent the part of the population that, depending on age and health status, is either actually employed or able to work. There are two main methods for calculating the labor force: demographic and economic.

The demographic method is focused on the sources of the formation of labor resources and is reduced to the following algorithm:

where T is the number of labor resources; Ntv - population in working age; I, 2 - the number of disabled people of I and II groups in working age; Рpodr - the number of working adolescents under the age of k; years; P, |ens - the number of working pensioners.

The demographic method of calculation shows that the main and determining element of labor resources are people of working age. However, depending on the actual employment and health status, they are either supplemented by persons who are not of working age, but are engaged in labor activities (working adolescents and working pensioners), or are reduced by persons who are of working age, but are not able to work due to disability (disabled people of groups I and II).

The economic method is focused on the actual employment of labor resources and boils down to the following algorithm:

where T3 is the number of employed people (including those employed in personal, auxiliary and farms); Tdx - the number of persons of working age employed in the household and childcare; Tu is the number of out-of-work students aged 16 and over; T6 - the number of unemployed; - the number of other unemployed people of working age.

The economic method of calculation implies that the composition of labor resources includes economically active population, mobile reserve and a certain number of remaining unemployed people of working age. Economically active population includes those employed in the economy, including those employed in personal, subsidiary and farm enterprises, as well as the unemployed:

mobile reserve unites people of working age, employed in the household and child care, as well as out-of-work students aged 16 and over:

The number of labor resources is usually set as of a certain point in time (for example, at the beginning of the year). However, in practice it may be necessary to calculate it for a period of time as a whole. In this case, the average number of labor resources is determined depending on the availability of initial data, but using formulas similar to those for calculating the average population given in Chap. 14 of this textbook.

A statistical study of labor resources, as a complex and rather mobile object, cannot be built on the basis of one or more particular indicators. For this purpose, a system is involved, which includes indicators:

  • 1) the number of labor resources (the number of labor resources as of a certain point in time, the average annual number of labor resources, etc.);
  • 2) the composition of labor resources (distribution of labor resources by sex, age groups, place of residence, city or village, etc.);
  • 3) placement of labor resources (the share of labor resources living in a certain territory; physical density of labor resources; economic density of labor resources, etc.);
  • 4) natural movement of labor resources (absolute natural recruitment, retirement and growth of labor resources; coefficients of natural recruitment, retirement and growth of labor resources, etc.);
  • 5) migration movement of labor resources (absolute migration recruitment, departure and growth of labor resources; coefficients of migration recruitment, retirement and growth of labor resources, etc.);
  • 6) reproduction of labor resources (absolute increase in the number of labor resources; coefficients of general replenishment, retirement and growth of labor resources; replacement rates of labor resources; average life expectancy of the population of working age, etc.);
  • 7) the use of labor resources (employment and unemployment rates of labor resources; labor productivity, etc.).

Only a comprehensive application of indicators characterizing the state, movement, reproduction and use of labor resources allows you to get a detailed and comprehensive idea of ​​the role and place in modern society that part of the population that, due to age and health status, is either actually employed or able to breastfeed. At the same time, in the statistical analysis of the dynamics of the most important indicators of labor resources, the closest attention is rightly paid to natural and migration components, which significantly predetermine changes in their number, composition, distribution and reproduction.

During any certain period of time (month, year), the components of the natural and migratory movement of society, interacting with each other, transform the number of labor resources (Scheme 15.1).

Scheme 15.1.

Natural replenishment of labor resources includes persons of working age, and natural disposal - persons who died at working age, reached retirement age and retired for health reasons, i.е. who received disability of I and II groups. Migration replenishment implies labor resources that have arrived in a given territory (for example, from other regions of the country), and migratory departure on the contrary, labor resources that have left the given territory. The difference between natural replenishment and disposal is natural increase, and the difference between migration recruitment and departure, respectively, according to migration growth of labor resources. In sum, natural and migration increase form overall increase in labor resources, which allows you to link the number of labor resources at the beginning and end of the period under consideration:

In order to interconnect the unidirectional components of the formation of the population under consideration, it is customary to calculate the total replenishment (Tc || + Tmp) and the total retirement of labor resources (Tc in + Tm in), the difference of which again allows us to reach the total increase in labor resources:

All the absolute indicators discussed above have the disadvantage that they do not allow one to judge the intensity of the natural and migration movement of labor resources. To solve this problem, in practice, the coefficients of natural and migratory movement of labor resources are used, which are calculated in relation to the average number of labor resources for a certain period of time (Тav) and can be systematized as follows:

1) coefficient of natural replenishment of labor resources:

2) coefficient of migration replenishment of labor resources:

3) coefficient of general replenishment of labor resources:

4) coefficient of natural retirement of labor resources:

5) coefficient of migration retirement of labor resources:

6) the coefficient of the total retirement of labor resources:

7) coefficient of natural increase of labor resources:

8) coefficient of migration growth of labor resources:

9) the coefficient of the total increase in labor resources:

The coefficients presented above characterize the size of natural, migration or general replenishment, retirement and growth per 1000 people of the labor force, i.e. in relative terms, and therefore can be widely used in the process of statistical comparisons and comparisons.

Demographic(according to the sources of formation)

Economic(according to actual employment)

economic method

Ѕ tr = S tv S in + S sub + S penny

where S tr - the number of labor resources;

Stv - the total population of working age; S in - the number of disabled people of I and II groups in working age;

S sub - the number of working adolescents under the age of 16;

S pence - the number of working pensioners

demographic method

S tr = S zan + S dx + S uch + S jobless + S unzan

where S zan - the number of employed people, including those employed in personal, subsidiary and farm enterprises;

S dx - the number of able-bodied population of working age, employed in the household and childcare;

S uch - the number of students with a break from work at the age of 16 years;

S unemployed - the number of unemployed;

S unzan - the number of other unemployed people of working age

economic method

Demographic and economic methods for the whole country give the same results. However, at the regional level, due to migration, the size of the labor force may differ.

List number of employees - it is a momentary indicator determined for a specific date. It includes employees who worked under an employment contract (contract), as well as the owners of the organization who worked in it and received wages.

The list number of employees (S cn) for each calendar day consists of those who came to work (S wa) and absent for any reason (S absent)

S cn. = S I'm in. + S implied

The headcount in whole units includes employees:

1) those who actually came to work, including those who did not work due to downtime, as well as homeworkers employed on a part-time or part-time basis in accordance with an employment contract, working at a foreign enterprise.

2) those who did not show up for work for the following reasons: due to leave (annual, additional, maternity, childcare, educational, without pay due to family obligations or the initiative of the administration), a day of rest for early hours worked, illness, fulfillment of state duties, strikes, absenteeism, being under investigation: until a court decision, as well as off-duty training, if the organization retains a salary for work, business trips and temporary work in other organizations.

In order to avoid repeated counting of the same people in generalizing indicators in the number of employees in the economy as a whole, The following employees are not included in the headcount:

1) employed concurrently from other organizations;

2) who performed work under contracts of a civil law nature;

3) recruited to work in an organization in accordance with special agreements with state organizations for the provision of labor (military personnel and persons serving sentences in the form of imprisonment);

salaries are maintained;

5) those who have been sent by the organization to study in educational institutions with a break from work and receive a scholarship at the expense of the funds of these organizations;

6) who filed a letter of resignation and stopped working before the expiration of the warning period or without warning the administration; They are excluded from the payroll of employees from the first day of absence from work;

7) non-working owners of this organization.

Based on the data on the payroll number of employees, they calculate

indicator of the average number of employees for the period (month, quarter, year).

The average number of employees per month is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the payroll number of employees (T sp) for all calendar days of the month divided by their number of calendar days of the month (D cal) On weekends and holidays it is taken equal to the number of employees on the list for the previous working day:

In order to avoid distortions when using the indicator of the average headcount in the calculations of other economic indicators, some categories of employees on the payroll are not included in the average headcount. These include:

1) women who are on maternity leave or additional parental leave;

2) employees studying in educational institutions and who were on additional leave without pay;

3) persons who are not on the payroll and involved in work under special contracts with state organizations for the provision of labor;

4) persons who worked part-time in accordance with an employment contract; they are counted in proportion to the hours worked. The average number of employees for a period of more than 1 month is determined by the formula of the arithmetic mean simple from the average monthly data:

The average number of employees for the reporting month can be obtained by dividing the number of appearances and absences for the entire month by the number of calendar days of the month:

Based on the momentary indicators of the payroll number of employees at the beginning (end) of each month, the average headcount of employees can be determined by the average chronological formula:

where T 1, T 2, ... T n - payroll employees at the beginning (end) of the month;

n is the number of months in the period.

The calculation of the average number of external part-time workers is carried out in the following order:

1. determine the total number of people in days (D f) worked by part-time workers, for which the total number of man-hours worked (H f). In the reporting period, divided by the established working hours hours (H n):

D Wed = ;

2. find the average number of part-timers () for the reporting period, for which the number of man-days worked (D f) is divided by the number of workers

calendar days in the reporting month (D cal).

The study of labor resources involves an assessment of the process of their reproduction. Under the reproduction of labor resources is understood the process of their constant renewal. Reproduction of resources by sources is divided into natural and mechanical, and in directions - to replenishment and retirement. In combination, this allows you to determine the following absolute indicators of reproduction.

    natural replenishment– replenishment of labor resources due to the entry of the population into working age and the involvement of people older than working age and adolescents.

    natural disposal– retirement from ore resources under the influence of natural processes: exit from working age, termination of work by persons older than working age and adolescence, illness, disability, death;

    natural increase is the difference between natural recruitment and natural growth.

    Mechanical replenishment– increase in the number of labor resources due to the movement of the population of working age to a permanent place of residence from other territories;

    mechanical retirement- a decrease in the number of labor resources due to the relocation of the population of working age to a permanent place of residence in other territories.

    Mechanical gain- the difference between mechanical replenishment and mechanical disposal;

    General replenishment- consists of natural and mechanical replenishment.

    General disposal- consists of natural and mechanical retirement.

    General gain can be defined in two ways, as the difference between total recruitment and total disposal, or as the sum of natural and mechanical increase.

The assessment of the intensity of the processes of reproduction of labor resources is carried out by calculating the coefficients of natural replenishment, natural retirement, natural growth, mechanical replenishment, mechanical retirement, mechanical growth, total replenishment, total retirement, total growth. The coefficients are calculated by dividing the corresponding absolute indicator by the average annual number of labor resources. They are usually determined in ppm (0/00). Thus, the natural recruitment rate is calculated as

2.2.5. Prospective calculations of the number of labor resources

Forecasting the development of the economy involves the calculation of the prospective number of labor resources. The number for the future is determined by two methods.

1. Method shifting ages(local method);

2. Method extrapolation(global method).

The age shift method is based on indicators of mortality (survival) tables and is mainly used to calculate the number of labor resources of certain ages. For example, determining the number of people entering working age makes it possible to assess the process of natural replenishment of labor resources and develop programs to attract people beyond working age to work or to attract labor migrants. Knowing the number of persons leaving the working age helps to solve the issues of social and pension provision for pensioners. The method makes it possible to accurately determine the prospective number of labor resources, but due to its laboriousness it is used only for certain ages.

Extrapolation methods, which are based on indicators of the reproduction of labor resources and on their possible changes in the future, are deprived of this drawback. Calculations are carried out according to the formula:


where TR o - the number of labor resources of the base period;

TR n- the number of labor resources through n years;

K - the coefficient of the total increase in labor resources.

In cases where the indicators of the reproduction of labor resources are not known, this formula is used to calculate the prospective size of the entire population. Then, an adjustment is made for the share of labor resources in the total population in the base period.

The disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of using it in the long term. As a rule, it is used for calculations for 3÷5 years.

The sources of information for determining the prospective number of labor resources are the current population records, population census materials, the results of special surveys on employment problems, and other information obtained to determine the number of labor resources.

Population statistics (demographic statistics) studies the patterns of quantitative changes in the population. In accordance with this main task, it studies: the number, composition and movement of the population; causes and factors of population change, its migration, birth rate, mortality, life expectancy. It studies the composition of the population on various grounds - gender, age, social status, education.

Tasks of population statistics:

study of the number, location, demographic and socio-economic composition; analysis of reproduction and population dynamics; determination of the prospective size of the entire population and its individual contingents.

The population is the starting point for calculating many indicators and is of great economic and social importance. Knowledge of it is necessary for managing, planning the economic and social development of the country. The size of a country is usually judged by its population.

The population is constantly changing due to birth and death rates, as well as due to the spatial movement of the population.

The population is determined as of a certain point in time, i.e. as a result of censuses. The census is now the main method for accurately determining the population. However, population censuses are relatively rare and population data are constantly required. Therefore, in the periods between censuses, the statistical authorities carry out the so-called current estimate of the population, i.e. carry out the calculation based on the data of the last census and the materials of current statistics on the movement of the population. Its calculations are specified on the basis of the results of the next census.

There are two categories of the population taken into account in the census: the permanent settlement and the actual population. The permanent population includes persons who usually live in this locality, and the cash population includes all persons who were at the critical moment of the census in this territory, regardless of whether they permanently or temporarily live here. In order to determine the size of the resident population, the census process takes into account those who are temporarily absent and temporarily residing. Temporarily absent are considered to be permanent residents of the given locality who have temporarily left it. Thus, those temporarily absent are part of the permanent population. Temporary residents form part of the present population.

The resident population can be determined by:

where is the actual population;

- temporarily absent;

- temporarily arrived.

Of great importance in population statistics is the indicator of the average population. The average population can be calculated in different ways. The most accurate method is the method of person-years lived by the population. In this case, the total number of person-years lived by a given population for the studied period of time is determined and divided by the length of this period. Often the average annual population is defined as half the sum of its population at the beginning and end of the year.


where is the population at the beginning of the year;

is the population at the end of the year.

If there are data for several dates equidistant from one another, the calculation can be made using the formula for the average chronological simple:


If the time distance between the dates is not the same, then the calculation is carried out according to the formula of the arithmetic average (chronological) weighted:

To calculate the change in population over time, indicators of dynamics are calculated.

The population is the main material component of society and the study of the patterns of its development is of great importance for the country's economy.

For each individual country, the total population can vary due to two factors:

natural movement (fertility and mortality); migratory (mechanical) movement.

However, not only the total population is changing, but also the composition.

Four complementary sources of population data are currently used in statistics:

population censuses; current registration of the natural movement of the population and its migration; sample and special demographic surveys; registers and various population records.

The data from these sources are used for different purposes and cannot replace each other. However, there is a close relationship between them: each source complements or continues the other.

The main source of population data is the census, which is conducted once every 10 years. The accounting of the population during its implementation is carried out by settlements as of a certain point in time, which is called the critical moment.

When characterizing the dynamics of the population, two circumstances must be taken into account:

1) it is possible to compare the population of only one category (either permanent or present);

2) if there were administrative-territorial changes, then the population data should be comparable in relation to the territory.

Total absolute population growth ():

or ,

where is the natural increase;

- mechanical growth.

Wherein ;


where is the number of births;

- the number of deaths;

- the number of arrivals;

- the number of dropouts.

Both general and natural, and migration gains can be positive or negative. Absolute growths are interval indicators, they are calculated for certain periods of time (annual indicators are of the greatest importance).

Population data are presented in a territorial context (within administrative-territorial units). Structural indicators are used to characterize the distribution of the population. These are: 1) the proportion of the population living in certain regions; 2) an indicator of the physical density of the population, which is calculated as the ratio of the population to the area it occupies (the highest population density - 15539 people per 1 km2 - in Monaco).

One of the main characteristics of the distribution of the population is its division into urban and rural. According to the accepted classification, cities are divided into:

small - with the number of inhabitants up to 50 thousand; medium - 50-100 thousand; large - 100-250 thousand; large - 250-1 million; largest - more than 1 million

Studying the birth rate, death rate and natural population growth, statistics, first of all, determines their absolute size, i.e. establishes the number of births, the number of deaths and the difference between these numbers, called the absolute indicator of natural population growth. These indicators are calculated for a certain period of time - a year, a month, etc.

Relative indicators are also calculated for these quantities, called coefficients.

Birth rate per 1000 people:


where is the number of births;

is the average population.

Mortality rate per 1000 people:


where M is the number of deaths.

Natural growth rate:

or equal to the difference between the birth rate and the death rate:


The coefficient of vitality of the population (Pokrovsky):


shows how many newborns are accounted for by one deceased.

Child mortality rate (Rats formula):


where - dead before 1 year;

- born;

- born in the year before this one.

The specific fertility rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of births () to the average number of women of reproductive age (15-49 years old):

The total fertility rate (n) is equal to the product of the special birth rate and the share of women aged 15-49 in the entire population ():


where .

Migration balance:

Total absolute growth: .

Mechanical population growth rate:


Population growth rate:

or .

Among the indicators of the natural movement of the population include indicators of marriages and divorces. The indicators of population migration are also calculated. Distinguish between immigration and emigration. Migration indicators are the number of arrivals in a given settlement, departures and the difference between them - the balance of migration. The balance can be positive (mechanical population growth) and negative. The intensity of migration and emigration, as well as the relative change in population, is defined as the ratio of these indicators to the average population, multiplied by 1000.

Labor resources are the part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, health, education, qualifications and professional knowledge to work in the national economy. Labor force statistics studies the following categories:

population of working age; able-bodied population of working age; labor resources.

The number of labor resources of the country is primarily determined by the working-age population.

Labor resources as a whole are potential labor resources. In addition to them, there are also existing (functioning or used) labor resources. This is part of the total labor resources employed in the national economy. The difference between potential and existing labor resources characterizes the absolute value of unused labor resources.

To characterize the age structure of the population in terms of labor resources, a number of relative indicators of structure and coordination are calculated. This is the proportion of people younger than working age, working age and older than working age in the total population. The higher the proportion of people of working age, the more effective the age structure of the population is in terms of labor resources.

The able-bodied population is a set of people capable of work by age and state of health. Working age limits are established by labor legislation. In the Republic of Belarus, the working age population is considered to be: for men - 16-59 years; for women - 16 - 54. The rest of the population is considered disabled according to the age criterion. It is divided into two specific groups: the pre-working age population (10-15) and the post-working age population (men aged 60 and over, women aged 55 and over). The first of them is a source of compensation for the loss and replenishment of labor resources in the future. The second is the “pension burden” on the working population.

The population of working age is not all able to work. Therefore, it is divided into the able-bodied population and the non-working population of working age. Students of working age who study off-duty at universities and vocational schools, and persons in military service do not participate in social production. In addition, they include a part of the population employed in their household, taking care of children and other reasons).

The second group includes the population of working age, having I and II groups of disability and persons receiving a pension for preferential terms.

The number of labor resources is determined as of a certain point in time. When calculating a number of indicators, the average annual number of labor resources is used, which is determined in the same way as the average annual population.

On the basis of these contingents of the population, two coefficients of working capacity are determined:

the entire population; working age population.

The coefficient of working capacity of the entire population:


where is the working-age population of working age;

- the entire population.

The working capacity coefficient of the population of working age:


where is the working-age population.

Retirement load factor:


where is the population of retirement age.

Labor force replacement rate:


where is the pre-working age population.

The total load factor (the economy factor of the age composition) reflects the degree of load of the population of working age by the population of all non-working ages:

or .

The employed population, in addition to the able-bodied population, includes working pensioners (people of retirement age who have not retired; disabled people of I and II disability groups), working adolescents under 16 years of age.

To characterize the change in the number of labor resources over time and the rate of its change, the absolute increase, growth rate and growth rate of labor resources are calculated.

The change in the number of labor resources from one date to another within a year is called the movement of labor resources. There are natural and mechanical movement of labor resources.

The natural movement is made up of the replenishment of potential labor resources due to the transition of the younger generation to working age (15-16) and their loss due to:

exit of some people beyond working age; transition to disability and retirement on preferential terms; of death.

With mechanical movement, replenishment occurs due to immigration, and a decrease due to the emigration of the population.

The number of potential labor resources can be determined at the beginning and at the end of the year, with and without taking into account the balance of migration. the difference between the number of potential resources at the beginning and end of the year is the absolute natural increase (). To characterize the intensity of the reproduction of labor resources, the coefficient of natural increase () is calculated:

; ,

where is the coefficient of natural replenishment;

– coefficient of natural retirement;

- the average annual number of labor resources.

Natural recruitment rate:


where is the natural completion.

Natural retirement rate:


where is the natural outflow.

Then the coefficient of natural increase:

An indicator characterizing the demand and supply of labor - the vacancy rate:


where is the declared number for the required labor force;

- the average number of employees of the enterprise.

The level of intensity of the expected release of labor force:


Unemployment rate:

Important for the Republic of Belarus and its regions are indicators that characterize the age structure of the population in terms of labor resources.

test questions

How to determine the average annual population? How to find absolute population growth per year? How to determine the Pokrovsky coefficient? How to determine the specific fertility rate? Labor resources, main categories. How to calculate the pension burden ratio of the population?

Topic 14. Labor force statistics

The labor market is an aggregate economic relations regarding the purchase and sale of a specific product - labor power; a market in which labor is exchanged for wages. The labor market determines the demand, supply and price for labor and, consequently, for labor services. The subjects of economic relations in the labor market are, on the one hand, entrepreneurs - large monopolies, medium and small businessmen, the state, and on the other - individual workers or their associations (trade unions). The prices prevailing in the labor market are the rates wages, which are the monetary form of the cost of labor. The conjuncture of the labor market is characterized by the ratio between vacant jobs and unemployed and job seekers able-bodied citizens. There are the following labor markets: external (professional) and internal. The external labor market implies the mobility of labor between firms. Thus, the external labor market is characterized by a higher turnover of personnel compared to the internal labor market, where the movement of personnel is carried out mainly within the enterprise.

Trends in economic development which lead to a reduction in working hours, give rise to a new form of functioning of the labor market - a flexible labor market.

Structural restructuring of the economy, a reduction in the share of employment in industry and an increase in the service sector with its possible organization of non-standard forms of employment, continuous renewal of the material base of production, constant changes in the volume and structure of demand for goods and services have changed the needs of enterprises in the quantity and quality of labor. Strict regulation of working conditions for workers in standard employment modes has become an obstacle to the flexibility of production, leading to a decrease in the competitiveness of the enterprise. The formation of a flexible labor market was also facilitated by social factors: the changing needs of workers in working conditions throughout their working life, the need for periodic updating of knowledge, the expansion of the professional profile, the ability to choose the appropriate working hours.

There is also a labor market for individual professions. Here we are talking about fluctuations in the supply and demand of individual professions, which is associated with scientific and technological progress and the restructuring of the economy.

Along with the international market for goods, services and capital, the international labor market is now gaining more and more strength, which is not just a system of national markets, but represents a new qualitative development of the labor market in the context of increasing processes of internationalization of production, growth of integration between nations.

The object of sale and purchase in the labor market is the right to use the labor force, the subject of bargaining is a certain type of human ability and the duration of its use. It also characterizes relations in the field of employment regarding the exchange of functioning abilities for work for the monetary equivalent of means of subsistence, that is, for wages.

The constituent elements of the labor market are people who act as carriers of the labor force and are endowed with such human qualities as psycho-physiological, social, cultural, religious, political, etc. These features have a significant impact on the interests, motivation, degree of labor activity of people and are reflected in the state of the market labor.

The main tasks of labor market statistics at the present stage are:

– study of current data on the economically active population, employment, unemployment, employment structure by types economic activity;

– study of data on the movement of labor;

– study of data on labor costs, their structure and dynamics;

– study of data on labor conflicts, calculation of indicators characterizing labor conflicts by types of economic activity, causes, etc.

The able-bodied population is the population of people capable of working by age and health. Different countries have different working age limits. In accordance with the legislation in Russia, the working age is considered to be: for men - 16-60 years, for women - 16-55 years.

The working-age population consists of the able-bodied population and the population unable to work for health reasons. The latter group includes non-working disabled persons of groups 1 and 2 of working age, as well as non-working pensioners of working age who receive an old-age pension on preferential terms.

Labor resources - the part of the population that, due to age and health status, actually participates or is able to participate in socially useful work. The able-bodied population of working age makes up a significant share of the labor force, which is determined on the basis of the current legislation on the basis of gender and age of people.

The calculation of the number of labor resources can be done in two ways:

- by sources of formation (demographic);

- by actual employment (economic).

According to the demographic method, labor resources are calculated as follows: the number of non-working disabled people of groups I and II of working age is excluded from the population of working age and the number of working adolescents under 16 years of age and working persons of retirement age are added.

By economic method The labor force includes the entire actually employed population, including working pensioners and teenagers, people of working age, employed in the household and childcare, out-of-work students over 16, and the unemployed.

These calculations should give the same results, however, in the regional context, they may not coincide due to pendulum migration.

When determining the number of labor resources according to the first method, they proceed from the principle of permanent residence of the able-bodied population in a given territory. The second method is based on the number of employees in enterprises and institutions, as well as the number of students of all educational institutions located in this area. However, among the workers and students of this region there may be persons who permanently reside in the territory of other regions. At the same time, the labor force of a given region may include persons who work or study in other regions.

The average number of labor resources is determined by the formulas:

where TR N and TR K- the number of labor resources at the beginning and end of the period.

If there are data for several equally spaced dates, then the average number of labor resources can be determined by the formula of the average chronological simple:

where n is the number of observations.

Mechanical movement includes a change in the number of labor resources due to persons who arrived in a given region (replenishment) and left the region (departure) for permanent residence. All other causes of changes in the number of labor resources are classified as natural.

The natural replenishment of labor resources consists of the number of persons who have reached the age of 16 and the number of actually working pensioners and adolescents.

The natural retirement of labor resources consists of the number of able-bodied persons who have reached retirement age, the number of able-bodied people who have become disabled, and the number of deceased labor resources.

Relative indicators of the movement of labor resources are determined similarly to indicators for the entire population, i.e. as the ratio of the corresponding absolute indicator to the number of labor resources.

Relative indicators are calculated on a date or over a period of time (as averages). Let's consider some of them.

Employment rate of labor resources:

From the number of employed, the number of persons employed or studying in the given region, but living in other regions, is subtracted. The denominator of the formula takes into account the number of labor resources permanently residing in a given territory, without labor resources who are employed or study in other regions.

The coefficient of working capacity of the entire population:

The working capacity coefficient of the population of working age:

In formula 4, the entire population is taken as the basis, without taking into account age and health status, and therefore the working capacity coefficient of the entire population characterizes the level of working capacity only in general terms. The indicator calculated according to formula 5 gives a more complete, accurate idea of ​​the degree of working capacity of the population, taking into account its age and state of health.

The coefficient of the pension burden of the population:

The replacement (reimbursement) ratio of labor resources:

Total load factor (economic factor of the age composition):

In economically developed countries, due to the peculiarities of natural reproduction and the age structure of the population, a higher burden is characteristic of people older than working age, in developing countries - people younger than working age.

Example 1. The number of able-bodied population of the region at the beginning of the year was 1540 thousand people. During the year, 352 thousand people entered the working age of able-bodied people, 136 thousand people left the working age, 23 thousand people retired at working age, 16 thousand people died at working age, arrived from other regions 108 thousand people, 85 thousand people left for other regions. working population.

Define for the year:

1. Mechanical, natural, general increase in the working population.

2. The average number of able-bodied population.

3. Coefficients of mechanical, natural, general growth of the able-bodied population

1. Mechanical growth = the number of able-bodied people who arrived in the region - the number of those who left for other regions:

Thousand people

Natural increase \u003d number of able-bodied people who entered working age - number of people who left working age - those who retired at working age - those who died at working age:

Thousand people

The total increase is equal to the sum of mechanical and natural increases:

Thousand people

2. The average number of the able-bodied population is determined by the formula of the arithmetic mean simple. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the number of working-age population at the end of the year:

Thousand people

Thousand people

3. Calculate the coefficients of mechanical, natural, general growth of the able-bodied population:

Example 2. Based on data on the population structure of the region:

population at the beginning of the year 2650 thousand people including at working age 1150 thousand people number of teenagers under 16 460 thousand people

Determine: coefficients of pension burden, labor force replacement, total burden in the region:

To total load. = 392.5‰ + 173.6‰ = 566‰.

This means that at the beginning of the year in the region, for every 1,000 people of working age, there were 566 people of non-working age.

The prospective number of labor resources can be determined by the formula:

where TR t - prospective labor force through t years;

S0– initial population;

K total- coefficient of general population growth in the previous period;

d TR is the share of labor resources in the total population.

Example 3. Based on the results of the population census, the following data were obtained for the region:

1. At the beginning of the current year: total population, 1545 thousand people including labor resources 825 thousand people 2. For previous years, average annual coefficients, ‰ fertility mortality migration


1. The coefficient of general population growth.

2. The prospective number of labor resources in three years, provided that the overall growth rate remains at the same level, the share of labor resources will be lower in three years by 0.01 points compared to the current year.

1. Determine the coefficient of total population growth:

2. Calculate the prospective number of labor resources according to formula 10:

Thousand people

The number of able-bodied population characterizes the labor potential of the country, i.e. number of people actually able to work. It must be distinguished from the available labor potential, which is characterized by the economically active population.

The economically active population includes the employed and the unemployed. The economically active population is divided into those employed in the economy, religious worshipers, military personnel, and the unemployed.

All persons employed in the economy, depending on the type of work performed or the occupation of the employee, as well as his qualifications, are distributed by type of employment in accordance with All-Russian classifier occupations (OKZ), which consists of 9 enlarged groups, subdivided into subgroups, composite groups and basic groups, each of which is assigned an appropriate code. Part enlarged groups included:

1. Heads (representatives) of government and administration at all levels (including heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises).

2. Specialists top level qualifications.

3. Specialists of medium skill level.

4. Employees involved in the preparation of information, paperwork, accounting and maintenance.

5. Workers in the service sector of housing and communal services, trade and related activities.

6. Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fish farming and fishing.

7. Skilled workers large and small industrial enterprises art crafts, construction, transport, communications, geology and exploration of the subsoil.

8. Operators, apparatchiks, machinists of installations and machines, fitters.

9. Skilled workers.

Employed and unemployed (economically active population) are part of the labor force.

The number of the economically active population differs from the number of labor resources by the size of the economically inactive population of working age. The economically inactive population includes: pupils and students of daytime educational institutions; persons engaged in housekeeping, caring for children, the sick; persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income, etc. The composition of labor resources is shown in fig. 14.1.

Labor resources: able-bodied population (men from 16 to 60 years old, women from 16 to 55 years old); older persons and adolescents aged 14-16 years employed in the economy

Rice. 14.1. The composition of the labor force

Along with the absolute number of the economically active population, employed, unemployed, relative indicators are also calculated: the level of economic activity, the level of employment, the unemployment rate. These indicators can be determined both at a certain moment and over a period of time.

Level of economic activity ( Y EAN) is determined by dividing the economically active population ( S EAN) to its total number ( S):

Employment rate ( Y ZAN) is calculated as a percentage of the number of employees ( S ZAN) to the economically active population:

Unemployment rate ( Y WITHOUT) is equal to the ratio of the number of unemployed ( S WITHOUT) to the economically active population:

Statistics studies the composition of the employed in industries and sectors of the economy, the structural shifts taking place in the distribution of the employed. The intensity of structural shifts can be measured, for example, using the Salai coefficient:

where d1 and d0specific gravity the number of people employed in individual industries or sectors of the economy for the reporting and base periods;

n is the number of groups accepted in the classification.

The Salai coefficient varies from 0 to 1. The closer it is to one, the greater the changes in the structure of the employed.

Example 4. There is data on the distribution of the number of employees by sectors of the regional economy for two years (thousand people):

Indicators Base year Reporting year 1. Average annual population 1463,7 1494,9 2. Total employed in the economy 648,5 676,6 including: at state and municipal enterprises and organizations 222,9 215,7 in the private sector 222,9 387,2 in public organizations, foundations 3,6 5,1 in joint ventures 3,5 4,0 at enterprises and organizations of mixed forms of ownership 195,6 64,6 3. Number of unemployed 37,1 87,8

Determine for each year:

1. Number of economically active population.

2. Levels of economic activity of the population, employment, unemployment.

3. Salai coefficient.

Draw your own conclusions.

1. Calculate the economically active population:

Thousand people

Thousand people

2. Levels of economic activity, employment and unemployment of the population:

In the reporting year, compared with the base year, the population remained almost unchanged; the unemployment rate more than doubled (11.5:5.4=2.1) and the employment rate decreased by 6.4% (88.5:94.6=0.936).

3. Determine the Salai coefficient. We will calculate the indicators in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1

Salai coefficient calculation

Areas of employment d0 d1 d1 - d0 d1 + d0 State and municipal enterprises and organizations 34,3 31,9 –2,4 66,2 –0,0363 0,0013 Private sector 34,3 57,2 22,9 91,5 0,2503 0,0627 Public organizations 0,6 0,8 0,2 1,4 0,1429 0,0204 Joint ventures 0,6 0,6 1,2 Enterprises and organizations of mixed forms of ownership 30,2 9,5 –20,7 39,7 –0,5214 0,2719 TOTAL: 100,0 100,0 0,3563

Insignificant changes occurred during the period under review in the structure of the employed, as the share of those employed only in the private sector and enterprises of mixed forms of ownership changed.

The balance of labor resources is a system of indicators that make it possible to determine the availability of labor resources, their distribution by types of employment, social groups, sectors of the economy, and forms of ownership.

The balance of labor resources is compiled annually for the country as a whole, for the republics within Russian Federation, edges, regions with distribution to urban and rural areas.

A brief scheme of the balance of labor resources can be presented in following form:

For the beginning of the year Admission Retirement At the end of the year Human Resources Economically active population: employed population, distributed by industry; unemployed Economically inactive population

The study of labor resources in an organization begins with a description of their number.

The presence of employees of the enterprise can be characterized by the following indicators:

- momentary (as of the reporting date, the date of the survey, census, etc.);

- interval (average for the corresponding period of time indicators of the number of employees).

The main indicators of the number of employees of the enterprise are:

1. Payroll, attendance number and the number of actually working employees as of the date;

2. The average payroll, the average attendance and the average number of actually working for a certain period of time.

It is customary to single out:

- employees who are on the payroll of the enterprise (their work books must be handed over to the personnel department of the enterprise, and in the order of appointment it is stipulated that we are talking about position, full rate, etc.).

- part-time workers, in the order on the appointment of which it should be stipulated that the duration of their working day should not exceed 50% of the time established by law for this category of workers (the work books of such workers are kept at the place of their main job);

– employees working under work contracts (orders).

The payroll includes all employees hired for permanent, seasonal and temporary work for a period of one day or more, from the date of their admission to work in accordance with the concluded labor agreements (contracts). The list of employees should include both actual employees and those absent for any reason.

The list number of employees characterizes their presence on a certain date, for example, on the first or last day of the month. The number of employees of the enterprise does not remain constant, but is constantly changing, as employees are hired and fired during a given period. To determine the number of employees for the reporting period, the average number of employees is calculated, which is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages and other indicators.

The average number of employees for the reporting month is calculated by summing up the number of employees payroll, according to timesheet data for each calendar day of the month, i.e. from the 1st to the 30th or 31st (for February - to the 28th or 29th), including holidays (non-working) and days off, and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the reporting month. When calculating the average number of employees, the number of persons on the lists on weekends and holidays is taken equal to the data for the previous working day.

where T- payroll number of employees for each calendar day of the month (including holidays and weekends);

T/ - the number of employees for each day not taken into account when determining the average headcount (part-time workers working for a fee without a conclusion employment contract and etc.);

D is the number of calendar days in a month.

For the quarter and for the year, the average number of employees is calculated by summing the average number of employees for all months included in the reporting period, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of months.

If the enterprise worked for an incomplete year (seasonal nature of work or newly created), then the average number of employees is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months of the enterprise’s operation (the payroll for those days (months) when the enterprise did not work is taken equal to zero) and dividing the resulting amounts to 12.

Average headcount workers can be obtained by dividing the number of attendances and absences for the entire month by the number of calendar days in the month.

where - man-days of attendances (the number of actually worked man-days and the number of man-days of whole-day downtime);

– man-days of absenteeism.

From the payroll of employees, it is necessary to distinguish the attendance composition, which shows how many people from those on the list came to work. The number of actually working is the number of personnel not only who appeared, but actually started to work. The difference between the attendance number and the number of actual employees shows the number of people who are idle all day long (due to lack of electricity, materials, etc.).

Example 5. The newly formed company started operating on September 26th. The number of employees according to the list was: September 26 - 122 people, September 27 - 155 people, September 28 - 170 people, September 29 - 175 people, September 30 - 172 people.

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