Top 10 business creation mistakes. The ten most common mistakes entrepreneurs make. You can’t open a business without a “crust” and education


Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just some of the items that are rapidly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: it's not buying out of necessity, but buying out of panic. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects the actions of a person. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, “life prizes” go to others. If your self-esteem is getting lower and lower, then the 20 tips in this article will help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts that cannot be rid of. They are so strong that even doing interesting things does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add to the painful sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you consider the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We kill our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, let go of unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison the mind. Be good and positive. Do something nice, something that you have long dreamed of.

A person's life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is individual. If you want to make the most of your life after 30, the following 9 tips will help you.

The fight against complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop a tactic for finding the necessary motivation and further action. It is on such joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness - no matter what anyone says, the goal of life of every person. But is it so difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then you can say with full confidence that you will become healthier than you were before. At first glance, they seem simple, but start doing them and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Resentment is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to a discrepancy with his expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illnesses, psychological problems and the inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your grievances? Then let's look at how this can be done.

Individual entrepreneurship is an area in which the threat lies to a greater extent not in external factors, but in the entrepreneur himself, his mistakes. Novice businessmen often step on a rake that has already hit many others before them. Let's try to highlight the 10 most common mistakes that can be dangerous or even fatal for a small business.

And a little thing can make a big difference

Everyone makes mistakes. But in business, even small and apparently insignificant deviations can have serious consequences. Of course, it’s impossible to do business without mistakes, but it’s important to try to avoid the most common ones that many novice businessmen have. Do not act recklessly, they say, you will not insure yourself from everything. Indeed, the same wrong actions for one business will create a real threat, and in another they will go unnoticed. But if the entrepreneur does not strive to minimize his mistakes, they will grow like a snowball. Negligence in business dealings is unforgivable.

Everyone will have to learn from their mistakes, but in the beginning you can learn from others. To do this, it is worth studying the experience of predecessors and not repeating their failures. Anyone can make mistakes, the smart one will draw conclusions from them.

Rating of the most common mistakes of a novice entrepreneur

10th place

If a friend was suddenly

Partnerships are often a stumbling block for a novice businessman.

Start a business alone? It is difficult - as a rule, there are few funds, and the experience of like-minded friends is useful: who will support you in difficult times, keep you from a hasty decision, stand shoulder to shoulder? And then, will future contractors think that a lone founder suffers from a lack of trust, since no one supports him in his activities? In a word, this path is possible only for very narrowly focused market niches. Any development and advancement will require the sharing of powers. Sometimes the way out is in the family business.

Do business equally? It would seem that 50% shares are a fair decision, but this is only at first glance. Partners with equal rights will not always be able to agree on any sensitive issues, but they will arise sooner or later. It is important that someone has the legal right to the final vote, otherwise conflicts are inevitable and even, perhaps, a division of the business. And this is the end of the joint activity.

The way out is in such a distribution of shares that one participant has a “controlling stake” of at least 51%, which will provide the required point in controversial issues.

9th place

Do not treat formalities formally

Every business starts with papers. First, the activity must be registered, and already at this stage, many annoying blunders are often made that can greatly harm the business:

  • constituent documentation "from the Internet", and not drawn up for a specific case with prescribed important nuances and controversial points;
  • inconsistency of OKVED codes with real activities; everything you do must be noted in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and new activities must be entered there in the prescribed manner, otherwise the counterparty may consider you unreliable;
  • work without a license in the type of activity where it is required in accordance with Art. 12 of the Federal Law No. 99 of May 04, 2011, is unacceptable, this must be carefully monitored, especially changing the profile of work somewhat - it just might fall into the licensed area;
  • careless storage of documents: the lack of the necessary paper in a controversial situation can be fatal.

8th place

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

The most important thing is to honor Labor Code. Unformed or incorrectly formalized employees, personnel inconsistencies, norms for wages, the regime of work and rest, and other points that a labor inspector can catch are fraught with serious troubles: fines, suspension of activities, additional checks.

Many entrepreneurs “stumble” over advertising laws: sending advertising messages, incorrect comparisons with competitors, logos and trademarks, similar to existing ones, signs - all this requires legislative compliance, which will have to be studied or consulted with specialists.

7th place

Don't know right? You're wrong!

In any business, inspections and unwanted contacts are inevitable. A businessman who does not know his rights is practically doomed. All types of inspections should not go beyond the legislative framework, but often frightened and inexperienced entrepreneurs themselves provoke inspectors to violate their authority or allow them to do so. What premises and documentation can be shown, and which ones are optional? What information to give, and what you and your employees are not allowed to ask about? What are the inspectors authorized to do, and what is beyond their authority? The entrepreneur must know all this himself and instruct subordinates.

6th place

"Who do I work for? But for yourself!”

An entrepreneur cannot simply “do business” without caring about target audience and misrepresenting it. Even if he produces a quality product or performs a service, it means nothing if there is no one to buy it. You should study the target audience even before you think about starting your own business: these are the basics of marketing, without which the business is dead. Focus on the needs of this category of people by promoting your products.

An even more dangerous mistake is not enough to study the market in which you have to act: the ratio of supply and demand, prices for similar products, the presence of competitors, etc. These data are key in the organization of any business.

5th place

Do you have a plan?

This does not necessarily mean a real business plan required for lending or investing, but at least an approximate vision of the near future. What will you start with? What points should be taken into account? How much should be invested in it? How long will it take for a business to become self-sustaining? This is only an incomplete list of questions that must be answered before starting a business. Actions "at random" in business can be very costly.

4th place

Don't be overly trusting

You are an honest entrepreneur, but not all of your future partners have similar moral principles. Sometimes the goal of partners and organizations is deception, profit, sometimes you can be set up or let down, not even always on purpose. In business, you have to figure out who you're dealing with. It is better to check the possible unreliability of partners before concluding contracts with them, and not suddenly find out later along with unpleasant surprises in the form of disrupted deliveries, services not rendered, poor quality products, and also the refusal of the tax authorities to deduct VAT. There are plenty of services and other opportunities for due diligence today.

3rd place

Incorrect choice

This is the first danger that awaits a person who decides to start his own business. “What should I do?” he asks himself. Which activity he chooses will determine his future strategy. To reduce the risks of choice, an initial study of the market and the target audience is necessary (see paragraph 6).

It is also important to remember about competitors. Your product should be relevant to customers, but also unique in some way. Don't let competition scare you: it is an incentive for development and insurance against dishonesty. If you choose a narrow sphere with no competitors at all, it means that few people simply need it.

Having chosen the type of activity, correctly enter its OKVED code when registering a business.

2nd place

Money, it's all about money!

There is never much money. But are they enough to start and maintain entrepreneurial activity? If a future businessman does not know how and does not learn to count and distribute funds, he will not see profit.

Some people think that even a small business needs a big one to start. initial capital. But for many types of work, it is not necessary to rent an office, purchase equipment, or spend money on a beautiful sign and business cards. You can often get by with the bare minimum, gradually improving resources as profits come in. In a word, we need a primary plan (see paragraph 5).

Others, having received the first money, rejoice and strive to spend it on themselves, and not on business, taking it out of the business ahead of time, which does not have a financial “airbag” for unforeseen expenses. And they usually end up right here.

Finally, with all due respect to money, you can not do business solely for the sake of it. The main goal, however, is to bring people a certain benefit in the form of a quality service or a product they need, for which they are ready to pay, otherwise it will turn out to be what is called the ugly word “pushing in”: such a business will not last long.

1 place

Rely on others, but don't make a mistake yourself

When creating his own business, a person expects that it will work for him, and strives to delegate as many powers as possible to third-party performers, sometimes not delving into the essence and content too much, demanding only results. Small business, especially at first, cannot work "on the machine", without the strong and active participation of its creator, no matter what the advertising of consulting services promises. At first, the business will require dedication, investment not only of funds, but also of its personal component. Otherwise, it will work for the one to whom you delegate this duty. Any brainchild in its youth needs a selfless parent.

But the second extreme is also dangerous - “Only I know how to do it!” In business, there are specific industries that require education and relevant experience, for example, legal support, accounting. You can’t do something that you don’t know how to do qualitatively, just by reading the instructions on the Web. In the same way, it is impossible to control everything and everything.

SO! In 1st place in importance is an error that can be formulated as an incorrect distribution of responsibilities and priorities.

The most important thing is that if you make a mistake, do not give up, strive to correct it and not repeat it. The secret of the survival of any business lies in the perseverance of the entrepreneur: even if burned, he moves forward, gains experience and skills, and ultimately achieves success.

More than 50% of businesses fail in the first five years. And I am sure that the main enemy of the entrepreneur is himself. Despite the fact that business owners have a huge motivation and desire to make a great product, entrepreneurs often make mistakes that could have been avoided.

Today we will look at 30 mistakes that entrepreneurs make and that destroy their business. Go!

They do not spend time on fundamental tasks

Have you heard stories of people spending huge amounts of money to create a website that is not popular? There are plenty of such stories. And they arise when the entrepreneur did not take care in time to identify a potential buyer, create the right content and make the site user-friendly.

Fundamental tasks cannot be skipped.

They expect fast results with little effort.

It is in human nature to hope for quick success. However, it doesn't exist. You have a long way to go, many tasks to complete before you achieve impressive success.

They don't think long term

To succeed, you must not be distracted by trifles, but focus on the goal and follow the direction towards it. Don't clutter up your time with unnecessary tasks that lead you astray.

Lack of a mobile version of the site

If the site does not look good on a mobile device, then it immediately scares off the audience. Nowadays, all sites should be optimized for mobile devices and look great on iPhone, iPad and any other gadget.

They believe that if they like something, they can successfully sell it.

A business needs a manager, a salesperson, and someone who will provide services or produce goods. The "Do what you love" mindset isn't always a winner. If a person enjoys working on web design, this does not mean that he will make a good studio director.

They don't have support

They don't keep track of time

Without basic time management skills, it is impossible to build a successful business. Therefore, every entrepreneur needs to learn how to properly allocate their time and effort.

They are too focused on competitors

If an entrepreneur sees business only in the form of his own victory, which means the defeat of competitors, then this does not lead to anything good. Such behavior always causes unnecessary stress.

They don't know their audience

To succeed, you need to find your niche and become the best in it. Don't try to work for everyone. Identify your ideal customer and serve them the best.

They don't ask the right questions

Success-minded people are focused on the new experiences that can be gained from any situation. And they are constantly asking questions that help open up new possibilities.

They don't test their hypotheses

Before you run New Product and build a business, you need to test your hypothesis. Analyze the market, talk to potential buyers and find out how interested they are in your product or service. Otherwise it will be too late.

They don't know how to style content

Buyers like a clear structure - readers pay attention to listings and highlights. Make sure your note is easy to read.

They think traffic will get them customers.

Some bloggers dream of increasing traffic to their resource, but questions immediately arise: Why? What for? How will this help your business?

A large number of visitors does not guarantee big sales. Therefore, before taking care of traffic, you should take care of your product and mechanics, with which it will be comfortable for the visitor to get to know him better and purchase your product or service.

They are too focused on tools

Have you seen articles about the release of a new WordPress plugin or the emergence of a social platform that will change the world? How do you usually react to them? Don't drop everything and dive into learning new tools. Focus on current goals.

They waste energy

Successful entrepreneurs put their actions through a test called “So what?”. For example:

This month we have 1000 new followers on Facebook

Indeed, without the collection of email addresses or active purchases, this indicator almost does not matter. Don't waste your time and energy. Focus on what matters.

They avoid criticism

Successful business people know that the only way avoid criticism - do nothing, do not compete with anyone and be invisible. Fear should not be caused by criticism, but by the possibility of going unnoticed.

They are waiting for permission

Nowadays, each of us has the opportunity to learn something new, start businesses and earn money. And you don't have to wait for permission to do it!

They mishandle money

Successful entrepreneurs know that investing in growing their business is the right move. At the same time, they don't waste money in vain. Try to approach spending more consciously.

They think they don't have to study

The most successful entrepreneurs are those who are constantly on the lookout for new knowledge. Therefore, always pay attention to new courses, communicate with more experienced people and enjoy learning in any form.

They focus on popularity metrics

The number of followers on Twitter will not help you pay off a loan or employee salaries. Focus on the metrics that really matter.

They think tactics are more important than convictions

If you have thought of a strategy, but you are worried that something will go wrong, then it will happen. Whatever the strategy, your beliefs play an important role in business.

They don't care about the human factor

Business is people. Salesmen, accountants, assistants, buyers. Each link must perform its function correctly so that everyone is satisfied and the business continues to develop.

They view networking as a sport

Successful entrepreneurs know that networking is about building relationships, not just finding useful contacts. Having your business card with other people will not bring success.

They talk a lot on social media and don't pay attention to real customers.

Social media is a powerful tool. However, first of all, you must take care of your real customers.

They don't mark what works and what doesn't work.

Successful entrepreneurs know where they spend their time and energy and what they get in return. That is why you should carefully monitor the metrics and note what is good for your business, and what is better to refuse.

They don't follow their own path

New opportunities are constantly coming to entrepreneurs. Some of them lead to something good, others can destroy your business. Before making a decision, always ask yourself the question: “Does this fit in with my original plan?”

They listen to the wrong people

Now there are a huge number of "experts" who are ready to do anything to help your business. For a fee. And these people do not always know how to behave correctly in a given situation, deal with the crisis and increase the company's performance. Therefore, before asking for help from an outside expert, make sure that he has experience and really understands your topic.

They avoid email marketing

How many amazing sites have you seen, but then could not remember? This happens quite often. That is why in order to build successful business you need to periodically remind potential customers about yourself. And the best way to do this is by email.

Start collecting addresses as early as possible Email to remind potential customers of yourself.

They quickly recruit a team and rarely fire

Everyone got into a situation where they saw a person and believed that he would fit perfectly into the team. And then they were disappointed. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of such an employee as soon as possible. And next time, be more careful about the process of recruiting a team.

They ignore articles like this.

Don't let these mistakes show up in your entrepreneurial life. Invest in yourself and your business, develop and become better.

Mistakes for a novice entrepreneur can turn into not only a bitter experience, but also a more serious loss - financial investments and reputation. Such a fiasco at the very beginning of its activity will also undermine the morale of a businessman, business fuse and initiative.

There are some of the most common mistakes that beginner entrepreneurs make more often than others. If you make the top 10 such mistakes and study them in detail, then you can avoid an unpleasant fate, because "to be aware is to be armed."

Each field of activity has its own characteristics and errors associated with them. But it is important to highlight the main standard flaws that can lead to fatal consequences.

The first mistake is the fate of one founder

Often, entrepreneurs start their own business alone. When a business is flourishing, this is a profitable indicator, because there is no need to share the profits. But at the start of your activity, it is difficult to do everything on your own. Difficulties can be seen in:

  1. Investing - the involvement of several partners will increase the authorized capital and make it possible to start work faster.
  2. Moral stamina - alone it is more difficult to withstand work troubles, financial collapses and changes in the area where the entrepreneur plans to work.
  3. Idea generation - it is easier for a company to find interesting solutions, ways out of impasses and turn them into reality.

Most of the large corporations famous companies and brands were created by a group of people and continue to function in this format. This suggests that a partner can become a faithful companion and friend who shares achievements and failures.

Also a big plus will be a partnership with a knowledgeable person. This is especially true for start-up entrepreneurs. With the help of a competent business partner, you can learn the principles of paying taxes, filing reports and a lot of other important information.

Mistake two - too large financial injections

In the view of many, starting your own business begins with large financial investments. Office rent, recruitment of numerous staff, purchase of office equipment, purchase of expensive goods, etc. All these acquisitions can be an unbearable burden and the entrepreneur will not be able to quickly recoup them.

Such purchases are especially scary for those who have taken a loan to start a business. In the event that a personal business does not become profitable, the entrepreneur will suffer serious losses. Paying off a loan can become unbearable and ruin not only a career, but also the image of an entrepreneur.

Such a warning does not mean that in the first months you should not buy anything and save. You need to objectively assess your strengths and understand that in the first six months the business will develop sluggishly. This is because customers need time to learn about the existence of the enterprise and evaluate its activities.

It is best to start a business without significant investments. A businessman in this case does not risk big money, but more - reputation. You can turn your hobby into work, for example.

Too much investment at the start can negatively affect financial stability in the future. To determine the full scale of a possible mistake, you need to understand how a businessman will act if he loses all his investments.

Mistake three - rash choice of activity

Any successful activity begins with an analysis of the market, identifying your capabilities and choosing the best type of activity. If you skip one of the points, then you can make a mistake and choose a type of entrepreneurship that will not bring satisfaction and prosperity.

It is important to calculate the risks. This algorithm involves the analysis of the abilities of a businessman, the relevance of the chosen area and the analysis of the assets invested to start the enterprise.

You also need to pay attention to the fashion factor. It happens that a certain business is very popular on this moment and everyone tries to try their hand at it. At the same time, newly minted entrepreneurs forget that the niche has already been filled and competition will become an unbearable burden.

The chosen type of activity should be promising, have development paths for at least a few years, and the owner likes it. This is the only way to achieve heights and love your profession.

It is best to draw up a business plan that will clearly show the rationality of choosing this particular type of activity.

Mistake four - lack of a business plan

Even for a small company, it is important to have a business plan for its development. It will state:

  • how much investment is required for stable operation;
  • how much can be spent on the purchase of equipment, goods and related materials that will ensure uninterrupted operation;
  • the need for labor force, the level of knowledge of the staff and the development of the professional skills of workers in the future;
  • what kind of losses an entrepreneur will be able to survive, and what will become unbearable, and much more.

Drawing up a business plan is hard work. Not everyone can master this occupation, therefore it is important to entrust it to a competent specialist.

Due to the rapidly changing economic situation, it is rational to update the business plan after several years of work. This will allow you to stay "afloat" and keep abreast of the latest financial innovations.

Mistake five - lack of knowledge and a serious attitude to business

Opening your own business is a small achievement compared to what you need to make it successful and prosperous. This will require knowledge and business acumen. Serious attitude to business does not mean that you need to spend 24 hours a day at work and forget about your personal life.

If no mistake is made and the field of activity is chosen correctly, then this means that the businessman understands his work field. It is also important to improve your knowledge and skills, because the principles of doing business are changing under the influence of external economic and social factors.

To raise your business level, you can take courses for entrepreneurs, master computer programs for doing business, or even get a profession as an accountant to understand the intricacies of accounting.

This is the most common mistake small business owners make. Thinking that small volumes of activity do not oblige to serious knowledge, they jeopardize all their work.

If an entrepreneur sees that he lacks knowledge, then there is no need to fall into despair and immediately stop working. To get it working you need:

  1. Leave the situation for a couple of days and get distracted. To do this, you can spend time with family or friends, think less about work and business.
  2. Determine what exactly the businessman is weak in, and think about how you can fix the situation.
  3. Go to training courses, ask for advice from familiar entrepreneurs.
  4. Timely respond to "gaps" in knowledge and fill them.

Studying through the Internet will help to gain the necessary level of knowledge and skills. To do this, there are many training videos, master classes and lessons for beginner entrepreneurs.

Mistake #6 - Self-doubt

For those who are taking responsibility for the first time and starting to realize their business ambitions, it is important to feel confident. The moral factor is very important for the mood and enthusiasm of the beginner. That is why relatives should support the entrepreneur.

If there is no one to provide such support, then you can take an example from any successful businessman and focus on his success. Such an incentive will support morale and allow you not to be distracted by failures.

Entrepreneurs are constantly faced with stress and challenges. Poor customer demand, unscrupulous suppliers, reporting, payment of obligations - all this requires perseverance and confidence in one's calling. Such self-control will also allow not to panic in emergency situations and quickly respond to changes in the business segment.

If an entrepreneur constantly makes such a mistake and thinks that this is not his destiny, then you need to take a course to raise business self-esteem. To do this, you need to read the relevant literature, watch video courses of well-known business coaches and memorize an important business mantra - "I can do anything, I can handle everything."

Mistake #7 - Ignoring Your Competitors

Running your own business means not only constantly analyzing economic changes, but also monitoring the activities of competitors. The market for goods and services is a fluctuating substance, which is influenced by price ratios, product quality, and the volume of services provided. That is why it is important not to lose sight of your main competitors.

It is impossible to constantly be aware of the activities of all business neighbors, because then there will be no time to conduct their own business. It is necessary to identify the main closest competitors and monitor their achievements and failures.

Before embarking on entrepreneurial activity, you need to analyze the industry for the number of occupancy by other businessmen. If it is full, then it will be difficult for a beginner to break through this mass of experienced specialists. In this case, it is rational to find another area to start or surprise customers with something that will make them leave other entrepreneurs.

Mistake eight - lack of marketing policy

But it is also important not to overdo it, because wasteful spending can turn into a crash.

Marketing policy should be aimed at:

  • rational spending on advertising;
  • the optimal choice of the type of advertising (on television, in the newspaper, distribution of brochures and flyers, etc.);
  • timely response to a decrease in demand and raising it with the help of marketing.

For an aspiring entrepreneur, proper marketing is an opportunity to make a name for yourself. Therefore, this opportunity cannot be ignored and you need to take full advantage of it. In the era of computer technology, this has become easier. You can create your own website and promote it on the Internet, or you can attract customers through a personal page in one of social networks. For advertising, all methods are good.

Mistake #9 - Hiring Bad Personnel

If an entrepreneur decides to involve employees, then this must be approached with all responsibility. Personnel must meet all the requirements of the employer:

  • have all the knowledge base necessary to ensure the activities of the enterprise;
  • have high moral character;
  • take responsibility for the performance of their duties.

Where to find such shots so as not to be mistaken? No one can answer this question, because even hiring an employee on the recommendation does not guarantee his high performance.

A good result in this case is achieved by trial and error. To pick a good staff, you can use psychological tricks. There are a number of tests that will identify a promising employee and a would-be specialist.

Also, do not ignore resume analysis. Its style, the information indicated in it, and appearance will allow you to get a first impression of the employee.

You can form a good team if you treat all personnel with equal respect. There should be a system of rewards and punishments, which will apply to each employee, regardless of his position.

An atmosphere of trust and good nature will improve the efficiency and initiative of the state.

Conducting a casting workplace will give status to the enterprise and will allow to select the best specialists.

Mistake ten - bad location

If the business does not operate in a virtual space, then it is very important that its location is convenient. Especially if the company will work directly with customers. A central location will attract more visitors, better connect with suppliers, and add value to the business.

It is also important to consider the scope of the company. If, for example, she is selling building materials wholesale, it is rational that the warehouses are located near railway station or a major highway. Also, there must be a convenient access for equipment.

Even if an entrepreneur will be engaged in Internet sales, it is better that he has an office. This will add weight to the business, the client will not have the feeling that he will be deceived.

Most often, start-up entrepreneurs do not have the funds to purchase or rent an office in the center. In this case, you need to look for a room in the nearest areas.

Conclusions - how to avoid business mistakes

It is very difficult, starting something new, not to make mistakes and do everything perfectly. You can avoid this fate if:

  1. Good luck finding your business niche.
  2. Develop and maintain an effective mental attitude.
  3. Determine the real resources for the functioning of the business.
  4. Analyze the area in which you plan to work, and the main competitors.
  5. Choose the right form of ownership and taxation conditions.
  6. Learn how to write short and long term business plans.
  7. Invent and implement original idea, which will allow you to create a firm popular among customers.

Ecology of life. I have been self-employed for 14 years and made a lot of stupid mistakes along the way. In addition, I have taught people the art of doing business and have seen many of them make the same mistakes. These tips are written to help small business owners and especially aspiring entrepreneurs.

I've been self-employed for 14 years and have made a lot of stupid mistakes along the way. In addition, I have taught people the art of doing business and have seen many of them make the same mistakes. These tips are written to help small business owners and especially aspiring entrepreneurs.

1. Selling to the wrong people

While selling is the lifeblood of any business, you shouldn't try to sell indiscriminately to everyone around you, including friends and family. Moreover, it is a waste of time trying to sell to people who are not at all interested in your offer.

Selling to the wrong people also includes trying to sell to everyone. Selling to some customers is much easier than selling to others. My wife is a small business consultant and she tells her students that there are easy clients and difficult ones. If your potential client worries about every penny spent, if he wants a website but doesn't know why he wants it or doesn't know the internet at all, chances are it won't be the easiest client in the long run. Feel free to say "no" to clients who cause more problems than benefits. Let them go to your competitors. You will save yourself a headache and free up time for fruitful work with the best clients.

Just because a person wants to do business with you doesn't mean you should accept their offer. In my first year of running my business, I said yes to more than 50% of the people who approached me with an offer of cooperation. I wasted a lot of time on projects that were doomed from the start. I agreed to discuss the proposals of complete strangers over dinner, who were simply interested to know "could we come up with something worthwhile together."

None of them ended up bringing me a dime. If you have a suspicion that the meeting does not make sense, most likely it will. Do not rush to cooperate with random people just for the sake of cooperation. Now I accept no more than one such offer out of 10. If the idea did not capture me from the first words, I usually refuse or simply ignore the offer. Most meetings do not justify the time spent on them. Learn to reject mediocre offers, and then you will have the strength to see and not miss out on delicious options.

2. Tendency to spend too much

Until you've built a stable incoming cash flow, don't spend priceless start-up capital without an emergency need. I started my game development business with about $20,000 of personal savings, which quickly ran out and I went into debt. Unfortunately, the original idea didn't work, and it took me five long years before the business started to turn a profit. Then I learned that every dollar invested in a business must be returned through sales.

In 2004, I started a personal development business with only nine (9) dollars invested, even though I had the opportunity to invest much more. I did without an attractive logo, without a chic design for my website, without business cards and stationery. My only expense was registering a domain name. I wasn't going to spend any more until the business started to pay off. All further investments were already from profit.

Your business must be profitable for you. Before you "invest" in it, make sure you clearly understand how to get this money back.

Of course, some businesses require huge amounts of money to start, but in this age of online commerce, you can easily get started. profitable business, investing in it only pocket change.

3. Tendency to spend too little

Being too stingy is also wrong. Don't let frugality get in the way of your efficiency. Hire highly qualified contractors whose efficiency is higher than your own. Buy decent equipment if your income depends on its quality. Of course, you should not overspend and buy fancy office furniture. Furniture should be comfortable and help you work productively. Do not use outdated computers with ancient programs if you can afford something more modern.

Only with time will you gain the wisdom to know exactly when to spend more and when to spend less. Feel free to seek advice from more experienced entrepreneurs. Often the error becomes apparent as you attempt to explain your expenses to someone. And of course, some expenses are simply necessary.

4. Impersonation

Many aspiring businessmen say "we" when referring to themselves. It's very common, although it doesn't make sense. There is nothing wrong with a one-person company these days. About my business of computer games, I always said “we”, but about the business of self-development, I say “I”. My wife's business, VegFamily Magazine, is "we" because her company is an employee and she presents herself as "me" in her consulting work.

If you are the only person working in your company, feel free to say “I”. Pretending it's "we" when it's really "I" is pretty stupid. It doesn't give you respect. Positioning yourself as "me" is even more profitable these days, because customers will know that you are the owner of the business and will personally fulfill all the promises made to them. Commitments made on behalf of the abstract "we" often sound less convincing.

If you are new to business, you should not hide it. Based on your skill level when calculating the price of your products and services. Some aspiring businessmen feel they should act like actors. They invent non-existent merit for themselves and their business. Any attempt to fool your customers will sooner or later turn against them. If your business cannot exist without lies, I would not advise you to start such a business at all. If you can't give people a valuable product or service at the right price, you shouldn't be in business. Instead, focus on developing your skills.

5. Reassessment of the significance of the signed contract

I stepped on this rake countless times. I had signed contracts with serious companies in my hands, but they turned into dust if CEO for some unknown reason, just changed my mind. Of course, I was right, and any court would be on my side. But is it worth switching from your business to litigation? I decided that by doing what I love, I will earn more.

A signed contract is just a piece of paper. Only the relationships behind these signatures are valued. If there is discord in the relationship, then no contracts will save you. The purpose of the agreement is to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each partner. But it is the relationship that guarantees compliance with the contract, and not paper with a seal at all. When I realized this, I began to spend more time working through relationships and less concerned about what is written on paper. My transactions have become much smoother.

As soon as you have to turn to paper to settle a business process, your deal is already in danger. Businesses in creative, high-profit areas almost always deviate from the terms of the contract written on paper. One of my lawyers, who has done dozens of computer game development deals, said that in his entire practice, he has never seen work go according to contract. Some of them didn't even remotely resemble a signed contract. And most of these deals brought in big money. Business relationships are like personal relationships - they cannot be written down on paper.

Of course, written contracts are still important, especially when dealing with large corporations where there is employee turnover. But nevertheless, they are inferior in importance to relationships. Just don't make the mistake of assuming that signing a contract is the basis of a deal. The conclusion of the contract is only a shadow of the entire work on the project. Building relationships is the foundation of a deal. If your relationship with the client is in order, you do not need to worry about what is written on paper.

Sadly, the business is full of scammers. Many of them hold positions of general and financial directors or company presidents. There are people who are not interested in anything but money, and for the sake of profit they will lie and cheat. Some of them have already been caught in unclean dealings and sent to jail. But there is still a huge number of businessmen doing dishonest business.

For example, in the computer games industry, it is not uncommon for developers to be cheated, even by large publishers. They "feed" the developers with promises of an early review of the project, and other empty promises. In fact, they are deliberately delaying the release of the game in order to keep another competitor of their similar games out of the market. Their goal is to have a Christmas sale with fewer competitors. Or they are waiting for the developer to run out of money, and he will sell them his project for next to nothing. Sometimes it happens. Business, especially in the entertainment industry, is not for the timid.

6. Ignoring your intuition

Intuition in business plays no less a role than in other matters. You'd be amazed how many multi-million dollar deals were made or rejected based on one of the directors' "sixth sense". And although it is commonly believed that business obeys the laws of logic, in reality everything is completely different. If you, when making decisions, neglect your intuition and are guided only by logic, you will very soon get yourself serious problems.

People aren't very logical to begin with. Often we simply do not have enough source data to draw logical conclusions. In addition, the result of the transaction directly depends on people, and we do not have a system that allows us to more or less accurately predict the behavior of the participants in the transaction. The inability to predict how people will behave nullifies all our logic. And only intuition can fill this gap. Usually the result of the transaction depends on the actions of several key people and it is the height of self-confidence to assume that everything will go exactly according to your forecasts. Not a single deal goes according to the prescribed scenario.

It can be hard to turn down a project with a tempting budget, but when my gut tells me “you'll regret it”, then in most cases, after a while, I see that I was right. Sometimes, refusing to cooperate with a person, relying on intuition, after many years I hear from colleagues that they collaborated with this person and were deceived by him.

Intuition is an essential part of the decision making process in business. Since business is based on relationships between people, it is very important to get the opinion of other people involved in the project. If several people are negative, it is better to refuse the deal. If everyone speaks positively, then you can proceed with caution.

7. Excessive formalism

I will repeat again. Business is built on relationships. In some cases, a certain degree of formalism is appropriate, but in most cases it only gets in the way. Business relationships work best when there are good relationships between people behind them.

I believe that excessive formalism is not needed even when forming new business relationships. When I receive an email that begins with "Dear Mr. Pavlina..." followed by a long-winded explanation of the nature of the proposed collaboration, I usually throw it in the trash. Especially if a person, referring to himself, says "we". It's much better to start the letter with "Hi Steve!" and then briefly and specifically, without unnecessary formalities, ask me a question of interest. This saves time and opens the door to human relationships. Real people don't want to build relationships with soulless corporations. It is much more pleasant to interact with the same living people ... or, in extreme cases, animals. J

Consider your business relationship like a friendship (or friendly relationship). Excessive formality creates walls, and they do not contribute to the improvement of any relationship. No one likes to communicate through the wall... except the Chinese, of course.

The formalities are boring and tiring. People want to enjoy their work. If someone communicates with me, like a computer, I respond without thinking by pressing the Delete key (delete). But if a person demonstrates that he is a living person, who also has a sense of humor, our cooperation is much more likely.

8. Relinquishing your individuality

In the early years of my gaming business, I took it too seriously, assuming I had to act like a "business person", whatever that meant. Being the head of the company is a very responsible job, and the employees counted on me. Hit or miss!

I started this business at the age of 20, and 20 year olds usually have their oddities. But I assumed that for the owner of the company, the presence of oddities is unacceptable. Therefore, most of my business letters and e-mails were similar in style to licensing agreements from Microsoft. I acted not as a person, but as a "company president". I have learned to repress my identity and my individuality.

Many years passed before I realized the importance of my own personality. Now that I'm a blogger, my quirks and my personality, on the contrary, have become my strengths. My personal quirks have given this blog a whimsical, unique flavor. If I were too serious and wrote more formally, my blog would become boring and dull and would probably lose most of its readers.

It's perfectly okay to have your own quirks and carry them over to your business, especially if you're young and playful. Don't be afraid to be more like Steve Jobs...and less like Steve Ballmer. Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Ultimately, you will enjoy your work much more if you attract clients and partners who accept you for who you really are. Feel free to refer people who want to work with robots to your overly serious competitors. They appreciate each other. J

If people do not understand your oddities, so much the worse for them. Focus your energy on people who are close to you in spirit.

9. Loss of focus on value creation

It is very easy to fall into the trap of feeling that the purpose of a business is to make money. The real purpose of business is to create value. While it is possible to make money in the beginning without focusing on value creation, it is not possible in the long run. Even the criminal business creates some value for someone. When you know that your business is only sucking money from consumers without giving anything worthwhile in return, it will undermine your self-esteem, and the business will not be able to grow.

What is your business for? It exists to provide value to you and your customers. The more you understand the value of your work, the better you can focus on it. The core value of my gaming business was producing quality brain entertainment. The main value of the project lies in the ideas personal growth. But often business owners do not understand the value that their business will provide. They just resell things and hope for the best. It's a lousy business model. The world does not need an increase in the number of sales or goods. The world is interested in receiving true benefit, and it is to provide it that you should direct your efforts.

There are now more than 400 articles on this site in the public domain. These are quite valuable materials. Thousands of people visit this blog daily to get this value. Helping people grow is the main purpose of my business.

10. Lack of focus on business development

While value creation is the key to a successful business, it's naive to assume that you can focus all your efforts on value creation and let the rest take care of itself. You can end up with a business that creates value but doesn't make money. As a business owner, you must find the maximum effective method communicate your value to consumers. Most likely, your first attempts will not be optimal. You will waste a lot of time and effort trying to create and promote value. Don't be upset - this is normal. Most companies go through this. The main thing is not to stop and move forward.

Once you have a working business process, break it down into its component parts and try to optimize each one. Constantly look for ways to improve efficiency. Can the same be done in less time? And at a lower cost? Can you do this operation less often? Or entrust it to someone? How about delegating the entire process?

At the very beginning of my gaming business, I processed all orders manually. My business started in 1994. At that time, I received an order by email or through the site and used some software to send the order back by email. At the end of each month, I manually counted the number of sales. This method worked well when orders were low, but became cumbersome when sales increased. A few years ago I modernized this process.

Now online orders are processed automatically, including instant sending of the order, immediately after payment by the client. All orders are registered in the database, and I can see in real time how the sales of each product are going. It took some effort to set up this system, but it was worth it. This optimization alone allowed me to free up a lot of time and effort. In addition, I do not have to pay for the work of workers hired to process orders.

Do not use outdated methods for routine tasks that have long been possible to automate. Warehouse management, invoicing, bookkeeping, ordering, and more are easy to automate. If you're doing the same repetitive operations month after month, it's time to explore how to optimize them. Otherwise, you will be wasting your resources. And it's usually easier to save time and money than it is to start from scratch.

Internet business has huge opportunities for optimization. Constantly try new ways and measure the results. In the first year of launching this site, I experimented a bit with Google Adsense. A lot of people don't like the current placement of ad units, but this is the most effective placement. I posted them there because they work. Another optimization was the addition of a donation page. Some people click on ads, some donate, and some do both. Even though value creation is the main goal of my business, it is also a commercial project that must generate income. I won't be able to write if I'm hungry. The more money there is, the more time I can devote to new articles. Therefore, value creation and optimization go hand in hand.

Building a successful business requires a lot of effort, but at the same time it provides invaluable experience. I know many people who left their jobs and started own business. Not everyone succeeded in what they planned, but I don’t know anyone who would regret this step. If you take control of your destiny in your own hands, you need your own business. published

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation