It is not allowed to occupy catching dead ends. VII. Maneuvers on the main and receiving-departure railway tracks (shunting work at railway stations)


56. Maneuvers on the main railway tracks or crossing them, as well as going beyond the entrance arrows, can be allowed in each case only with the permission of the station's chipboard with the corresponding entrance traffic lights closed, blocking the entrance to the railway tracks and arrows on which maneuvers are performed.

In the receiving and departure parks of a railway station, maneuvers can only be carried out on those railway tracks (arrows) that will be indicated by the station's chipboard when giving the task to the compiler (chief conductor) for shunting work.

57. It is not allowed to maneuver with the train leaving the border of the railway station for a haul on single-track and on the wrong railway track on double-track sections without the consent of the DSC and the chipboard of the neighboring station and without the established permit issued to the driver. Maneuvers with the exit of the train beyond the border of the railway station along the correct railway track on double-track sections are allowed with the consent of the DSC with the oral permission of the station's chipboard.

The permission to leave the shunting train outside the border of the railway station on a single-track stage is:

1) in case of automatic blocking, a wand key given to the driver of a shunting locomotive before opening the corresponding output traffic light. After the first departure of the shunting train beyond the border of the railway station at the open exit traffic light and wand key, repeated trips to the stage if the driver has a wand key are carried out without opening the exit traffic light. In sections equipped with automatic blocking, where at railway stations there are special shunting traffic lights associated with traffic lights, the departure of the shunting train outside the border of the railway station is carried out with the permissive indication of this shunting traffic light. In the absence of a wand key or a special shunting traffic light for maneuvers with departure from the border of the railway station, the driver of the shunting locomotive is issued a Travel Note;

2) in case of semi-automatic blocking - the key-baton of this stage, and in its absence - the Travel Note;

3) with an electric wand system - a wand or a key-wand of a given haul;

4) with telephone means of communication - Travel note.

58. In all cases, the departure of the shunting train beyond the border of the railway station for a single-track stage with the issuance of a Wayspot to the driver can be carried out only with the permission of the DSC, transmitted simultaneously by the chipboard of the stations limiting the stage, without closing the main means of signaling and communication during the movement of trains.

After obtaining such permission, the DSP stations exchange telephone messages:

“Can I perform maneuvers with departure from the border of the station”;

“I authorize the production of maneuvers with departure from the border of the station.”

The receipt of the last telephone message serves as the basis for issuing a Travel Note to the driver, at the top of which a hand-written note is made “maneuvers with departure outside the station border”.

The exchange of these telephone messages is carried out by train dispatcher communication, under the control of the DSC.

It is forbidden to make a request and give permission for the shunting train to leave the border of the railway station when the haul is occupied by an oncoming train.

If consent is given at the time of the passage of the train, sent from the railway station for the production of maneuvers, the stage is considered busy until a message is received from the neighboring railway station about the arrival of the train and the notification of the end of the maneuvers is transmitted to this railway station:

"The maneuvers with the departure of the shunting staff outside the station are completed."

All negotiations on the departure of the shunting train abroad of the railway station are made out by entries in the journal of train telephone messages.

59. If it is necessary for the shunting train to leave the border of the railway station along the wrong railway track of a double-track or one of the railway tracks of a multi-track haul that is not equipped with a two-way track blocking, the blocking action on this railway track of the haul is closed in the prescribed manner. After the blocking is closed, the shunting train leaves the border of the railway station with the issuance of a Travel Note to the locomotive driver, which is drawn up in the manner provided for in paragraph 57 of this Appendix, while the words “on the wrong track” are added to the mark made at the top of the Travel Note form.

In case of two-way automatic blocking, after switching the block system to the corresponding direction of movement, the shunting train can leave the border of the railway station along the wrong railway track according to the rules provided for single-track hauls.

60. As a rule, it is not allowed to occupy the receiving and departure railway tracks with individual wagons or groups of wagons. Temporary occupation of receiving and departing railway tracks by railway rolling stock during the performance of maneuvers can be allowed only with the permission of the station's chipboard.

At intermediate railway stations, temporary occupation of receiving and departing railway tracks by individual cars or railway rolling stock of the station can be allowed only with the permission of the DSC.

Catching dead ends are not allowed to be occupied by any railway rolling stock, and safety dead ends by passenger and freight cars occupied by people, and freight cars with dangerous goods.

245. What conditions must be met when parking at a railway station, outside of trains, wagons with dangerous goods of class 1 (BM) and tanks with liquefied gases?

Wagons with dangerous goods of class I (explosive materials) and tanks with liquefied gases when parked at a railway station outside of trains, with the exception of marshalling yards under accumulation on the railway tracks, must be installed on specially allocated railway tracks specified in the technical and administrative act of the railway station . Such wagons must be coupled, securely fastened against departure and fenced with portable stop signals.

246. Who ensures the correct placement and coordination of actions of all workers participating in maneuvers?

Commands for the movement of the locomotive performing maneuvers should be given only by one employee - the head of the maneuvers, responsible for their correct implementation.

247 The main requirement for the leader of maneuvers in terms of the general organization of shunting work

The head of maneuvers is obliged:

ensure the correct placement and coordination of actions of all employees involved in the production of maneuvers, on the basis of familiarizing them with the plan and methods for performing the upcoming shunting work;

form trains in strict accordance with the requirements of the rules and regulations and these Rules;

organize shunting work in such a way as to ensure traffic safety, personal safety of workers involved in shunting, safety of railway rolling stock and cargo. Maneuvers with cars occupied by people, with passenger cars when cars move forward, oversized and dangerous goods of class I (explosive materials) must be done with extreme caution.

248. Who manages the shunting movements of a locomotive that is not serviced by the compiling team or the chief conductor?

The shunting movements of a locomotive that is not serviced by a compiling team or a chief conductor are led by an employee (shunt leader) who has the right to dispose of the production of maneuvers in a given area, or, at his direction, a signalman (duty switch post).

249. Duties of the locomotive crew in the production of maneuvers.

The locomotive crew serving the locomotive during the production of maneuvers is obliged:

Accurately and timely fulfill tasks for shunting work;

carefully follow the given signals, accurately and timely follow the signals and instructions on movements;

closely monitor the people on the railway tracks, the position of the arrows and the location of the railway rolling stock;

ensure the safety of maneuvers and the safety of railway rolling stock.

250. What should locomotive crews working with combined trains know?

must know the procedure for shunting work at a railway station, specified in the technical and administrative act, instructions for maintenance and organization of traffic on a non-public railway track.

251. Based on what documents are trains formed?

Trains must be formed in full compliance with these Rules, the consolidated timetable and the train formation plan. The norms for the mass and length of freight trains in directions and for each section are established in the schedule and the plan for the formation of trains and must correspond to the type of locomotive, the profile of the railway track in the sections of train circulation and the useful length of the receiving and departing railway tracks at the railway stations of these sections, and at electrified lines - the conditions of technological power supply.

252. What wagons are not allowed to be placed on trains?

wagons are out of order, threatening traffic safety, as well as wagons, the condition of which does not ensure the safety of the transported goods;

wagons loaded in excess of their carrying capacity;

platforms and gondola cars loaded in violation of the technical conditions for the placement and securing of goods;

wagons with sagging springs that cause the body to warp or hit the frame and body of the car on the running gear, as well as wagons with a malfunction of the roof, creating a risk of tearing off its sheets;

wagons that do not have a template for the production of established types of repairs, with the exception of wagons following special documents, or according to transportation documents, as cargo on their axles;

wagons with loose bunkers, tanks, hoppers, grain carriers, cement carriers and similar railway rolling stock with open top and bottom loading and unloading covers;

gondola cars with open doors and hatches or hatches closed by one throw of the locking mechanism;

empty boxcars with doors open and not locked;

Wagons that have derailed or been on a train that has suffered a wreck or accident are allowed to be used on infrastructure, non-public railway tracks only after they have been inspected and deemed fit for traffic.

253. Under what conditions of the following is it not allowed to put platforms on trains?

platforms, conveyors and gondola cars with oversized cargo, if no instructions are given about the possibility of such cars to follow;

platforms with open sides, with the exception of cases provided for by the rules and regulations;

254. Which bitumen carriages are not allowed to be placed on trains?

wagons for the transportation of oil bitumen with wheelsets not cleaned of bitumen on the rolling surface (circle).

255. What wagons are not allowed to be placed in passenger and mail-luggage trains?

wagons with expired periods of periodic repairs or with expired terms of a single technical audit;

freight wagons, including those with dangerous goods.

256. What wagons are not allowed to be placed on motor-carriage trains?

The inclusion of postal and baggage cars in the composition of a passenger train is allowed only with their placement as the first or last cars in compliance with the rules and regulations.

257. Under what conditions is it allowed to put wagons with dangerous goods and empty tanks from liquefied gases into freight-passenger trains?

In exceptional cases, on low-intensity lines (sections), where no other trains, except for passenger and freight trains, circulate, wagons with dangerous goods (with the exception of wagons with class I dangerous goods (explosive materials) may be placed on them by decision and in the manner established by respectively, the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks.

258. In what part of a heavy or long train should empty cars be placed?

When forming freight heavy and long trains, empty cars must be placed in the last third of the train.

259. How should a multiple unit rolling stock be placed on a freight train when going to or from repair?

Motor-carriage railway rolling stock, when going to repair or from repair, is placed at the tail of a freight train in one group.

260. What kind of cover from a locomotive and open rolling stock with rails, beams, logs, and other similar loads should cars occupied by people in a freight train have?

Passenger and freight cars occupied by people, except for service ones and with conductors (teams) accompanying the goods, are placed in freight trains in one group and must be covered from the locomotive, open railway rolling stock with loads that can move during sudden shocks and stops, and at least one carriage from the tail of the train.

The procedure for transporting people in freight trains is established by norms and rules.

261. Under what conditions is it allowed to put wagons with dangerous goods and empty tanks from liquefied gases into human (not counting military) trains?

Not allowed put in freight trains containing 10 or more wagons occupied by people who are not passengers (hereinafter referred to as human trains) (with the exception of trains engaged in military transportation), wagons with dangerous goods, as well as empty tanks from liquefied gases.

262. With what number of wagons occupied by people, a freight train is considered human?

trains containing 10 or more cars occupied by people who are not passengers

263. What cars should be included in the auto-brake network?

In passenger trains, the auto-brake network should include all cars with passenger-type auto-brakes, and in freight, utility, and human trains, all cars and special rolling stock with freight-type auto-brakes.

264. On what type of braking passenger and mail-luggage trains should be operated?

Passenger and mail-luggage trains must be operated on electro-pneumatic braking. When included in passenger and mail-luggage trains of wagons of "RIC" size, these trains are allowed to run on pneumatic braking.

265. How many axles of the rolling stock in one group with a span highway can be placed at the head or in the middle of freight and utility trains?

Freight and utility trains can be equipped with railway rolling stock, as well as special rolling stock with a span line, but not more than 8 axles in one group.

266. How many axles of the rolling stock in one group with a flying highway can be placed in the tail of a freight and utility train in front of the last two cars?

At the tail of the train in front of the last two cars - no more than 4 axles. The last two cars must have properly operating automatic brakes.

267. What is the main difference between full and reduced testing of auto brakes?

Full testing of automatic brakes in trains with checking the condition of the brake line and the operation of the brakes for all cars

Reduced testing with checking the condition of the brake line by the action of the brakes in two tail cars.

268. In what case is a complete testing of auto brakes performed?

at the railway stations of the formation before the departure of the train;

after changing the locomotive;

at railway stations separating adjacent guaranteed sections of freight trains, during maintenance of the train without changing the locomotive;

before the issuance of a motor-carriage train from the depot or after it has settled without a brigade at the railway station;

at railway stations preceding hauls with long descents, where the train stop is provided for by the timetable.

Before long descents of 0.018 and steeper, a full test is carried out with a ten-minute exposure in a braked state. The list of such railway stations is established, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks.

When changing the direction of the train from head to tail, if the locomotive does not change, a reduced test of the brakes is performed.

On non-public railway tracks, full testing of automatic brakes is carried out at technical service points for specialized trains (at least once a day) with a ten-minute exposure in a braked state and when changing locomotive crews at open-pit mining enterprises.

269. In what general case is a train driver issued with a certificate of brakes of the VU-45 form?

After a complete test of the brakes in the train, as well as after a short one, if a complete test of the brakes from a stationary device or a locomotive was previously carried out at the railway station, the inspector of the cars hands the driver of the leading locomotive a certificate of form VU-45.

270. What is the inspector of wagons obliged to do after an abbreviated testing of automatic brakes?

At each reduced testing of automatic brakes, the wagon inspector, and where this position is not provided, the employee who is entrusted with this duty, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks, makes a note on the reduced testing of automatic brakes (including a note on the change in the composition that has occurred) in the available locomotive driver certificate form VU-45.

271. What is the employee responsible for testing the brakes obliged to do if the brakes of two tail cars do not work during the shortened testing? In the event that the brakes of two tail cars do not work during the shortened testing of the auto brakes, the employee who is entrusted with testing the auto brakes is obliged to take measures to prevent the departure of the train.

272. The minimum number of brake shoes that must be on a train locomotive and multiple unit train?

Locomotives and multiple unit trains, in addition, must be equipped with four brake shoes in case it is necessary to secure the train on the haul.

273. Who manages the movement of economic trains on a closed haul?

Management of the movement of economic trains on a closed haul is carried out by the head of work within his competence or a person authorized by him. The duties of these employees are determined in accordance with the rules and regulations.

274. What locomotive is placed at the head of a train following with two or three operating locomotives?

In trains that follow with two or three operating locomotives throughout the circulation section, a locomotive with more powerful compressors (steam-air pumps) is placed at the head of the train

275. Who has the right to give operational instructions on the movement of trains on the site directly to the performers (ie, operational workers associated with the movement of trains)?

The movement of trains on the section is managed by only one employee - the train dispatcher, who is responsible for the implementation of the train schedule for the section he serves.

276. For employees of what services are the orders of the train dispatcher (DNTs) obligatory for unconditional fulfillment?

Orders of the train dispatcher are subject to unconditional execution by employees directly related to the movement of trains on this section.

277. What conditions must be met if two or more station attendants (DSP) work at the station in one shift?

At railway stations, depending on the track development, there may be several duty officers at the railway station or at the parks of the railway station, each of which alone manages the movement of trains within its area of ​​work. The delimitation of control areas at such railway stations and the scope of duties associated with the movement of trains, each officer on duty at the railway station or in the park of the railway station are indicated in the technical and administrative act of the railway station or in the instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on a non-public railway track.

278. Which of the workers serving the train located at the station (during parking or when the train is moving through the station) is obliged to obey the instructions of the station attendant (DSP)?

At railway stations, the driver of the leading locomotive (multi-carriage train), special self-propelled rolling stock and all other employees serving the train obey the instructions of the duty officer at the railway station.

279. On what ways should a train pass without a stop at a railway station?

Trains that do not stop at a railway station must, as a rule, pass on the main railway lines.

280. What document regulates the procedure for the use of railway tracks for the reception and departure of trains?

The procedure for using railway tracks for the reception and departure of trains is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the railway station.

281. What should the station attendant (DSP) provide in terms of organizing the reception of trains?

The duty officer at the railway station is obliged to ensure the availability of free railway tracks for the timely reception of trains and to prevent unreasonable delay of the train at the closed entrance signal.

282. With whose permission at intermediate stations it is possible to temporarily occupy the receiving and departing tracks with individual wagons or groups of wagons?

At intermediate railway stations, the temporary occupation of receiving and departing railway tracks by individual wagons or groups of wagons may be allowed only with the permission of the train dispatcher.

283. What kind of rolling stock is prohibited from occupying safety dead ends?

passenger and freight wagons containing people, freight wagons with dangerous goods

284. What kind of rolling stock is prohibited from occupying catching dead ends?

any railway rolling stock

285. What trains are allowed to be taken on one track, divided into two sections by a route traffic light?

At separate railway stations, with a length of the railway track sufficient for the installation of two multiple-unit trains, it is allowed to divide the railway track with a block traffic light into two sections, where these trains can be received.

286. What is the fundamental difference in the organization of reception at the station of pushing locomotives, locomotives following to and from the depot for trains, and recovery, fire, utility trains, SSRS and other moving units?

To receive at the railway station pushing locomotives and locomotives following to the depot located at the railway station, or locomotives following from the depot to the trains, to establish certain sections of the railway tracks.

In necessary cases, it is allowed to receive recovery and fire trains, auxiliary locomotives, locomotives without wagons, snow plows, special self-propelled rolling stock, as well as utility trains (when performing work with the closure of the haul) on free sections of station railway tracks.

287. When can the chipboard open the entrance traffic light to receive the train?

after making sure that the route for receiving trains is ready, the switches are locked, the receiving route is free and maneuvers on the switches of the receiving route are stopped.

288. The maximum speed of the train when arriving at the railway station on an invitation signal or special permission from the officer on duty at the railway station?

no more than 20 km/h


The duty officer at the railway station, and in sections with dispatch centralization - the train dispatcher, before accepting the train, must:

make sure that the railway track for receiving the train is free;

stop maneuvers with access to the railway track and the train reception route;

prepare a route for receiving a train;

open the traffic light.

290. An intermediate station on a double-track (multi-track) section. The approach to the station from one side along the stopping distance has a descent steeper than 0.006. Under what additional condition is it not allowed to receive trains from different directions at the same time?

If it crosses the route of receiving a passenger, mail-luggage, cargo-passenger or human train.

291. What is the purpose of the chipboard (signalmen, turnouts on duty), in addition to checking the condition of the train, meet trains and under what conditions is this necessary?

The duty officer at the railway station meets each arriving train, monitoring its condition, the presence and correct indication of train signals.

292. In what cases is it forbidden for an officer on duty at a railway station to send a train without the consent of an officer on duty at the railway station to which it is sent?

The duty officer at the railway station is not entitled to send trains on single-track and along the wrong railway track on double-track sections without the consent of the duty officer at the railway station to which the train departs.

293. In what case can a special self-propelled rolling stock not equipped with safety devices be sent from a railway station?

Departure from a railway station of a special self-propelled rolling stock that is not equipped in accordance with paragraph 10 of Annex No. 5 of these Rules with safety devices is allowed, at the direction of the train dispatcher, to an inter-station haul free of trains.


make sure that the haul is free, and in case of automatic blocking - the first block section;

stop maneuvers with access to the train departure route;

prepare a departure route;

open the exit traffic light or give the driver another permission to take the haul.

The procedure for the actions of those on duty at railway stations and train dispatchers for performing operations related to the departure of a train is established by the rules and regulations.

295. In what cases is it allowed to send a train to a stage without the permission of the chipboard?

It is not allowed to send a train to the stage without the permission of the duty officer at the railway station

296. Who has the right to open the exit traffic light?

Duty officer at the railway station (and in areas equipped with dispatcher centralization - train dispatcher)

297. In what cases, in the presence of permission to occupy the haul, the driver of the leading locomotive can leave the path that does not have an output traffic light?

The driver of the lead locomotive, if he has permission to occupy the haul, is not entitled to set the train in motion without the instruction of the duty officer at the railway station transmitted by radio, or the departure signal given by the duty officer at the railway station or, upon his instruction, the duty officer of the railway station park, the operator of the centralization post, duty switcher, signalman or conductor chief of freight trains (train compiler). The procedure for submitting the departure signal in this case is established, respectively, by the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks.

298. What trains are escorted by DSP?

The duty officer at the railway station escorts each train departing or following non-stop through the railway station, monitoring its condition, the presence and correct indication of train signals.

299. The employees of which economy are responsible for the maintenance of train signaling devices that indicate the tail of freight and passenger-and-freight trains, their hanging and removal from these trains?

Maintenance of train signaling devices indicating the tail of freight and passenger-and-freight trains, hanging signaling devices on these trains and removing them are assigned to the employees of the wagon economy.

300. What documents at the railway stations of the formation are issued to drivers of freight and passenger trains?

For all freight and passenger trains at the railway stations of formation, before the train departs, the driver of the leading locomotive is issued an accounting document, which is drawn up at the railway station of formation of the train in accordance with the rules and regulations and accompanies the train along the entire route (hereinafter referred to as the full-scale list), and transportation documents in sealed form.

301. What means of signaling and communication during the movement of trains according to PTE are considered the main ones?

The main means of signaling and communication during the movement of trains are automatic and semi-automatic track blocking.

302. What function does the automatic locomotive signaling (ALS) perform in sections equipped with automatic blocking (AB)?

When organizing two-way traffic on double-track and multi-track hauls equipped with automatic blocking in one direction, the movement of trains in the opposite direction (along the wrong railway track) can be carried out according to the signals of locomotive traffic lights.

In some sections, automatic locomotive signaling can be used as an independent means of signaling and communication.

303. What function does automatic blocking (AB) and semi-automatic blocking (PAB) perform in areas of dispatcher centralization (DC)? Appendix 6 p 85.

304. What is the permission for a train to occupy a block section in case of semi-automatic blocking?

305. What serves as a permission for a train to occupy a haul in case of automatic blocking?

In case of automatic blocking, the permission for the train to occupy the block section is the permissive indication of the exit or through traffic light.

306. What is the permission for a train to occupy a block section with automatic locomotive signaling used as an independent means of communication?

With automatic locomotive signaling used as an independent means of signaling and communication:

permission to occupy the first block section is the permissive indication of the output traffic light;

permission to occupy the next block section is the permissive indication of the locomotive traffic light.

307. The maximum allowable speed of trains on side tracks on turnouts from rails of the R-65 type with a 1/11 brand cross?

for transfers from rails of the R65 type with a crosspiece of brand 1/11 - no more than 50 km / h

308. The maximum allowable speed of trains on side tracks on turnouts with a crosspiece of brand 1/11 and steeper (on turnouts from rails lighter than R-65 type)?

should be no more than 40 km/h

309. The maximum allowed speed of movement of passenger trains on lateral ways on turnouts with a crosspiece of brand 1/9?

no more than 25 km/h

310. On what turnouts the movement of trains on side ways with a speed no more than 70 km/hour is allowed?

for symmetrical turnouts with crosspiece brand 1/11

311. On what turnouts the movement of trains on side ways with a speed no more than 80 km/hour is allowed?

according to transfers from the cross of the brand 1/18

312. Traffic light speed with one yellow (non-blinking) light (no more)?

The speed of trains passing a traffic light with one yellow (non-flashing) light should not exceed 60 km/h

313. The speed of the train wagons forward (no more)?

The speed of the train moving forward by cars is allowed no more than 25 km / h, for utility trains with radio communication on the locomotive

314. The speed of the train, taken on a dead end track, at the beginning of the journey (no more)?

When receiving on dead-end station railway tracks, the speed of the train at the beginning of the receiving path should be no more than 25 km / h, and on non-public railway tracks - no more than 15 km / h.

315. The speed of movement of a multi-unit train upon admission to a free section of the track, when the next section of this path is occupied by another multi-unit train (no more)?

The speed of movement of a multi-unit train when entering a free section of the railway track, when the next section of this railway track is occupied by another multi-unit train, is allowed no more than 20 km / h.

316. The speed of the train on the section fenced with signal signs "Beginning of a dangerous place" and "End of a dangerous place" in the absence of a warning or instructions from the driver in the order of the head of the railway (no more)?

The speed of movement in a place requiring a reduction in speed must correspond to that specified in the warning or order, respectively, of the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks, and in the absence of these instructions - no more than 25 km / h, and on non-public railway tracks - no more than 15 km/h.

317. Conditions for the departure of a train with goods that go beyond the limits of the loading gauge, when, when following this train, it is necessary to reduce speed or observe special conditions.

In cases where it is necessary to ensure special vigilance of locomotive crews during the movement of trains, appropriate warnings are issued for trains. The issuance of warnings for trains is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the rules and regulations.

318. In what cases is it allowed to move trains by carriages forward?

when driving on non-public railway tracks and on these railway tracks and back;

during the movement of economic, recovery and fire trains; in other cases established by the rules and regulations.

319. What is the driver obliged to make sure after hitching the locomotive to the train?

make sure that the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock is correctly coupled to the first car of the train and the connection of air hoses and electrical wires, as well as the opening of the end valves between them;

charge the brake line with compressed air, make sure that the pressure drop does not exceed the established norms, and test the auto brakes;

obtain a certificate on the provision of the train with brakes, compare the number of the tail car indicated in it with the full-scale sheet and make sure that the brake pressure in the train complies with the established standards;

get acquainted with the full-scale list with the composition of a freight and freight-passenger train - the presence of wagons occupied by people, goods of certain categories specified in the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, as well as open railway rolling stock;

get acquainted with the full-scale list with the composition of the passenger and mail-luggage train - the presence of wagons occupied by cargo luggage and luggage;

if the locomotive is equipped with an individual call radio, set the assigned train number on the radio control panel.

320. Duties of the locomotive brigade in the conduct of the train.

monitor the freedom of the railway track, signals, signal signs and signs, comply with their requirements and repeat to each other all the signals given by traffic lights, stop and speed reduction signals given from the railway track and train;

monitor the condition and integrity of the train, and on electrified sections, in addition, the condition of the contact network;

observe the readings of instruments that control the uninterrupted and safe operation of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock;

when entering the railway station and passing along the station railway tracks, give the established signals, follow the turnout indicators for the correct route, for the freedom of the railway track and the signals given by the employees of the railway stations, as well as for the movement of trains and shunting movements on adjacent railway tracks, immediately taking measures to stop in case of a threat to traffic safety.

After stopping the train at the railway station, if any malfunctions are found in it, the driver is obliged to immediately report this to the duty officer at the railway station, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, to the train dispatcher.

If it is necessary to stop at the railway station, the driver is obliged to stop the train without passing the exit traffic light (in its absence, the limit column) of the receiving route. In this case, the freight train locomotive must be stopped at the output signal (in its absence, at the limit column). Before reaching them, the driver can stop the train only if he is convinced through the station attendant by train radio communication that the entire train is set within the boundaries of the useful length of the receiving path.

In case of detecting a malfunction of traffic lights, auto-blocking, damage to the railway track, contact network and other structures and devices, malfunctions in trains following adjacent railway tracks, the driver is obliged to inform the duty officer of the railway station of the nearest railway station or the train dispatcher. If there is a train radio communication, the driver must transmit a message about these malfunctions by radio to the duty officer at the nearest railway station or the train dispatcher, and, if necessary, to the driver of the train following the adjacent railway track.

When following in conditions of limited visibility (fog, rain, snowstorm, etc.) signals, signal indicators and signs, the driver is allowed to reduce the set speed of the train to ensure traffic safety.

321. In what cases, when driving a train, the driver may not use the means of emergency braking in case of a sudden occurrence of an obstacle?

immediately apply the means of emergency braking to stop the train.

322. In what cases on the route does the driver have the right to turn off properly operating safety devices?

In no

323. How many people are allowed to ride in the working cabin of a locomotive?

It is not allowed to travel in the working cabin of the locomotive of persons who are not part of the locomotive crew, with the exception of the main conductors (train compilers), as well as officials who have permission for such travel, in accordance with the rules and regulations and the decision, respectively, of the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of non-public railway tracks, but no more than two people at the same time.

324. In what case is the fencing of a passenger train that has stopped on the stage (with operating means of signaling and communication)?

passenger - when requesting a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive - immediately after the call;

325. In what cases is it not allowed to stop a train?

passenger trains in all cases;

on hauls equipped with automatic blocking or automatic locomotive signaling used as an independent means of signaling and communication;

during fog, blizzard and under other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to distinguish;

if the stopped train was sent when all means of signaling and communication were interrupted.

326. In what cases can a stopped train start moving before the arrival of an auxiliary locomotive?

If a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive, is requested, then the stopped train cannot start moving until the requested assistance arrives or the appropriate permission to move is given.

leading to safety and trapping dead ends - the direction to these dead ends.

In certain areas of the station and posts, it is allowed not to set the arrows to the normal position.

The list of such arrows is determined by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

The established normal position is indicated at the stations of non-centralized switches and the casings of the switches drives of electrical interlocking and must be indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station and extracts from it.

Arrows are transferred to another position in case of:

preparation of routes for the reception and departure of trains;

performing shunting work;

occupation of tracks by rolling stock;

the need to protect obstacles and carry out work on the station tracks;

cleaning, checking and repairing arrows.

At stations with electrical interlocking, it is not necessary to set the switches to the normal position, with the exception of the switches leading to catching and safety dead ends, which must be set to the normal position by automatic return devices, and in their absence, by the station attendant.

16.4. The railroad switch laid on the haul is assigned to one of the neighboring stations.

The procedure for maintaining such a turnout in operation is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.5. Each switch and signal control post should be run by only one employee who is responsible for the transfer of switches and signals controlled by him and for traffic safety, the station centralization post should be run by the station duty officer, the executive post should be run by the operator of the centralization post, the switch post should be the duty post, post of centralization of a mechanized and automated sorting hump - an operator or a duty officer on a hump.

It will be allowed at the service stations of two turnout posts by one turnout duty officer, and individual shooters and posts directly by the station duty officer.

The order of maintenance of such arrows is determined by the technical and administrative act of the station.

At stations located on sections with dispatcher centralization, the transfer of switches and signal management is carried out by the train dispatcher.

16.6. To control the work of turnouts on duty at stations with a large track development or a significant amount of work, senior turnouts on duty are appointed.

At the stations, the list of which is established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization, senior turnouts on duty may be appointed directly to serve the post or simultaneously to serve the post and control the work of other turnouts on duty in this area.

16.7. The procedure for storing keys from responsible switches (leading to the tracks, wagons with dangerous goods allocated for parking, recovery trains, safety and catching dead ends, etc.) is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.8. The transfer of centralized arrows when preparing a route for receiving or departing trains and during shunting work is carried out by the station attendant or, at his direction, by the operator of the centralization post.

In the case of the transfer of switches from central to local management, it is allowed to transfer switches by employees specified in the technical and administrative act of the station.

Before transferring a centralized turnout transferred to local control and transferred from a local control column (or transferred by a kurbel) and not having control over the vacancy of the turnout section, the employee serving it must make sure that the turnout is not occupied by rolling stock.

The transfer of non-centralized switches when preparing a route for receiving or departing trains is carried out by the switch post duty officer, the senior switch post duty officer or the station attendant when servicing the switches.

Switching arrows when preparing a route for the reception and departure of trains by other persons is prohibited.

The transfer of non-centralized arrows during shunting movements is carried out by signalmen, turnouts on duty or other employees by order of the person in charge of the maneuvers.

The list of switches that are not serviced by signalmen or switches on duty, as well as the lists of employees who are allowed to transfer them during maneuvers, is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.9. The order of the station on duty or the senior turnout on duty to switch switches when preparing the route must be repeated by the operator of the centralization post or the turnout on duty to make sure that this order is understood correctly. Upon execution of the order, the operator of the centralization post or the switch post on duty is obliged to immediately report this to the person who gave the order.

At stations that have control devices that allow the station attendant to control the position of the arrows in a given route, the duty officer makes sure that the order is correctly executed according to the readings of the control devices.

16.10. If it is necessary to carry out repair work at the turnout, the signalman or the turnout duty officer may allow the workers of the track or signaling service and communications to carry out repairs only with the permission of the station duty officer.

Upon completion of the repair, the signalman, the turnout duty officer (the senior turnout duty officer) are obliged to make sure that the state of the turnout ensures safe movement and report this to the station duty officer, who is obliged to make an entry in the inspection log about the work done at the station.

16.11. Control of the technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fixing and replacement of individual bolts of non-centralized turnouts and blind intersections are carried out by the turnouts on duty serving them.

The procedure for monitoring the technical condition, cleaning, lubricating, fixing and replacing individual bolts is established:

centralized, as well as non-centralized turnouts that are not under the control of the turnouts on duty, and deaf intersections - by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization;

turnouts and deaf intersections transferred to the jurisdiction of the production divisions of the organization - by the head of the organization.

Heads of stations and relevant departments (industries, workshops, etc.) of the organization are obliged to ensure that the turnouts at their disposal are kept clean and in good condition, as well as to ensure the cleanliness, serviceability of operation and lighting of the turnouts.

16.12. It is allowed to assign on duty low-activity turnout posts, in addition to their main work, the duties of workers of other professions (on duty for low-activity, nearby crossings and other workers).

The list of such turnout posts, as well as the operating procedure for on-duty turnout posts, which ensures traffic safety, are established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

shunting work

16.13. Shunting work is carried out according to the established technological process of the station and according to a plan that provides:

the need for technological transportation and uninterrupted maintenance of production facilities, as well as consignors, consignees and contractors;

timely supply of rolling stock for cargo operations and its cleaning after completion of cargo operations;

uninterrupted reception of trains at the station and their disbandment;

timely formation and departure of trains;

rational use of shunting facilities and technical devices of the station;

traffic safety, safety of people, safety of the environment, rolling stock and transported cargo.

16.14. Maneuvers at the station should be carried out only at the direction of one employee - the station duty officer, the shunting dispatcher, the hump on duty, and in areas equipped with dispatcher centralization - the train dispatcher.

Maneuvers on the tracks of locomotive and wagon depots and other rolling stock repair points can only be carried out under the supervision and on the personal instructions of the depot duty officer or another person who is entrusted with the management of maneuvers on these tracks.

Maneuvers within the production subdivisions (industries, workshops, etc.) of the organization are carried out by order of the person responsible for the operation of transport in this subdivision.

The delimitation of areas for managing shunting work, as well as the distribution of duties between employees, is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.15. It is forbidden for the driver of a locomotive of a special self-propelled rolling stock performing maneuvers to set in motion a locomotive or a special self-propelled rolling stock if he does not know the work plan and has not received an instruction from the head of the maneuvers personally, by radio communication, two-way park communication devices or a signal given by hand-held signaling devices.

In addition to indicating or signaling the head of the maneuvers, before leaving for the arrows of the centralized shunting routes, the driver must make sure that there is a permissive indication of the shunting traffic light, and at the centralized arrows, receive a signal or message from the turnout on duty (personally, by radio, two-way park communication devices) about readiness shooter for maneuvering movements.

In the absence of shunting traffic lights, if it is impossible to open the traffic light to enter the centralized turnouts, the driver must receive a message about the readiness of the turnouts for shunting movements from the station attendant (personally, by radio, two-way park communication devices or transmitted through the maneuver manager).

At stations with electrical centralization of switches and signals, in cases of transfer of switches from central to local control, entry and work in such an area is carried out on the signals of the employee who is entrusted with the transfer of switches, who received the task from the station duty officer personally, with permissive indications of shunting traffic lights.

Departure from the local government area with the closed position of the shunting traffic light is carried out with the permission of the station attendant, transmitted by radio or two-way park communication.

When driving along centralized arrows and the impossibility of opening shunting traffic lights (due to a malfunction, false employment of an isolated switch section, etc.), as well as along non-centralized arrows that are not serviced by the turnouts on duty, the locomotive driver is guided by the signals of the drafting team, the indications of the turnout indicators and the position of the switch wits .

The shunting movements of locomotives not served by the compiling team are supervised by the station compiling team or an employee who has the right to dispose of the shunting in the given area.

The movement of a shunting locomotive (with or without wagons) from one shunting area to another is allowed only with the permission of the station attendant.

16.16. The main means of transmitting instructions during shunting work should be radio communications, two-way park communications, equipped with UARs.

Signaling during shunting work is carried out by traffic lights, hand-held signaling devices.

The task for the preparation of shunting routes can be given by radio, two-way park communication, a combination of sounds of various durations (locomotive whistles and maneuver supervisors whistles) or other means in the manner prescribed by the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.17. Maneuvers are performed at a speed of no more than:

40 km/h - when driving a locomotive with wagons attached to the rear, as well as when following a single special self-propelled rolling stock on free tracks;

25 km / h - when moving cars forward along free tracks, when moving empty slag carriers, when moving recovery trains;

15 km/h - when moving laden slag carriers, as well as laden and empty iron carriers with a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons, when moving loaded and empty bogies for molds with oversized loads of lateral and lower oversized cargo of the 4th, 5th, 6th stages (according to classification of instructions approved by the federal executive authority in the field of railway transport);

10 km/h - when moving wagons with dangerous goods;

5 km / h - when jerking maneuvers; when a wagon uncoupler approaches another wagon in a foothill park, when loaded and empty cast iron locomotives with a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons are moving along the ways of loading and unloading cast iron and along turnouts, as well as loaded and empty cast iron locomotives with a carrying capacity of more than 100 tons, including a mixer type, when movement of trolleys for molds, when moving in industrial premises, within open and closed warehouses; at loading and unloading fronts;

3 km/h - when a locomotive (with or without wagons) approaches the wagons; when placing wagons on a wagon dumper; when moving wagons on wagon scales; when coupling wagons with dangerous goods of certain categories requiring special care (in accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail), with other wagons or with a locomotive.


If the scales, due to their design features, allow movement along them at a higher speed, then the maximum speed is set in accordance with the passport characteristics of these scales and is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

The speed of movement on overpasses is set by local instructions in accordance with the project.

The speed of dissolution of wagons on hump yards at different signals of hump traffic lights, as well as the conditions that ensure traffic safety and the safety of rolling stock, are established depending on local conditions and the technical equipment of the humps and are indicated in the TR.

The speed of movement of wagons with oversized, heavy and long cargoes is set in accordance with the instructions for the transportation of oversized, heavy and long cargoes on industrial railway tracks and is indicated in the local instructions.

16.18. For the movement of wagons at the loading and unloading fronts, their supply and removal from individual units and devices, special shunting means (pushers, remotely controlled locomotives, shunting bogies, electric winches and other devices) must be used to ensure traffic safety, the safety of workers associated with the shunting and cargo work, the safety of rolling stock, technical devices and structures.

The procedure for using special maneuvering means is established by local instructions.

16.19. Maneuvers crossing the main tracks, as well as going beyond the entrance arrows, can be allowed in each case only with the permission of the station attendant, with the corresponding entrance signals, blocking the tracks and arrows on which the maneuvers are performed, closed.

16.20. It is forbidden to perform maneuvers with the train leaving the border of the station for a haul on single-track and on the wrong track on double-track sections without the consent of the officer on duty at the neighboring station and without the established permit issued to the driver.

Maneuvers with the exit of the train beyond the border of the station on the right track on double-track sections are allowed with the permission of the station officer on duty.

16.21. Maneuvers on station tracks located on slopes, where there is a danger of wagons leaving for haul, can only be carried out with the locomotive on the side of the descent, and, if necessary, with the inclusion and testing of the wagons' automatic brakes.

If it is not possible to place the locomotive from the downhill side, the maneuvers should be carried out by pulling back, and the auto brakes of the cars should be turned on and tested.

The procedure for performing maneuvers that ensures traffic safety at stations with such tracks is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.22. When performing maneuvers in the area where switches are located that are not serviced by the switch post on duty, it is allowed to transfer these switches by employees of the locomotive and compiling crews, as well as other employees performing their functions, and specified in the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.23. Before arrivals of shunting locomotives, railway cranes, special self-propelled rolling stock in areas where there are switches not serviced by turnouts on duty, as well as when returning from such areas, the compiler, and in his absence, the locomotive brigade (brigade of special self-propelled rolling stock) , must coordinate their actions with the station attendant.

The procedure for coordination is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.24. The head of the maneuvers before entering the area not served by the turnout on duty must:

coordinate the work plan with the drafting or locomotive team (team of special self-propelled rolling stock) of the locomotive (special self-propelled rolling stock) operating in the area;

check the condition of the tracks and the position of the arrows in the area and make sure that there are no obstacles to movement;

inspect the wagons standing in the area, check the presence of brake shoes and warn the workers on the tracks about the upcoming maneuvers.

idle locomotives, railway cranes;

technological special rolling stock and dump cars;

platforms and gondola cars loaded with side and bottom oversized cargoes of the 4th, 5th, 6th degrees and top oversized cargoes of the 3rd degree (when loading by destination on the external network and arriving from the external network) and the corresponding degrees of oversizedness according to the Instruction for the transportation of oversized, heavy and long cargoes along industrial railway transport;

rolling stock with the stencil "Do not lower the hill" ("Do not lower the hill"), as well as the corresponding marks in the documents.

16.26. Rolling stock on station tracks must be installed within the boundaries indicated by limit posts or signals.

Cars standing at the station without a locomotive, train sets, special rolling stock must be coupled and securely secured from leaving with brake shoes, hand brakes or other established means of securing.

The procedure for securing wagons and trains is established by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport and is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

The procedure for securing technological special rolling stock is established by local instructions.

16.27. Cars with dangerous goods when parked at stations outside of trains, with the exception of marshalling yards under accumulation on the tracks, must be installed on specially allocated tracks. Such wagons must be coupled, securely fastened with brake shoes and protected by portable stop signals.

The arrows leading to the parking path of such cars are set to a position that excludes the possibility of entering these tracks.

When wagons with dangerous goods are accumulated on the tracks of marshalling yards, special precautions established by the Instruction must be observed.

The procedure for the transportation of dangerous goods along the ways of industrial railway transport is established by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods on industrial transport.

16.28. The movement of the locomotive performing maneuvers should be directed by only one employee - the head of the maneuvers, responsible for their correct implementation.

The employees who are assigned the duties of leaders of maneuvers in each shunting area are established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

Shunting work is carried out by a drafting team, one drafter or a locomotive brigade.

In some cases, participation in the performance of shunting work is allowed for employees of production units of organizations that have the appropriate certificates for the performance of shunting work.

The procedure for training and testing the knowledge of these employees is established by the head of the organization.

16.29. The head of maneuvers is obliged:

ensure the correct placement and coordination of actions of all employees involved in the production of maneuvers, on the basis of familiarizing them with the plan and methods for performing the upcoming shunting work;

ensure the supply of rolling stock to the production units of the organization (consignors, consignees, contractors) in accordance with the current schedules;

organize shunting work in such a way as to ensure traffic safety, the safety of people, the safety of rolling stock and transported goods;

when in front of a shunting train moving cars forward, monitor the correctness of the prepared route, given signals and immediately take measures to stop the train in case of a danger to people and obstacles to traffic.

Shunting movements of special self-propelled rolling stock along the station tracks are carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

16.30. The locomotive crew during the production of maneuvers is obliged:

Accurately and timely fulfill tasks for shunting work;

carefully follow the given signals, accurately and timely follow the signals and instructions on movements;

closely monitor the people on the tracks, the position of the switches and the location of the rolling stock. Immediately take measures to stop the train or locomotive in case of danger to people and upon detection of malfunctions and obstacles that threaten traffic safety;

ensure the safety of the locomotive-compiling brigade;

ensure the safety of maneuvers and the safety of rolling stock.

The control of the locomotive during maneuvers is carried out by the driver. The transfer of control of the locomotive to the assistant driver is permitted only in cases where the driver himself directly supervises the work of the assistant and bears full responsibility for his actions.

It is forbidden for the driver to transfer control of the locomotive to an assistant under adverse visibility conditions, a difficult profile, at night.

16.31. Locomotive crews, as a rule, must be assigned to certain shunting locomotives.

Locomotive and drafting crews (or other employees responsible for performing shunting work and directly performing it) must know the procedure for shunting work at the station, established by the technical and administrative act of the station and local instructions.

16.32. When maneuvering in the places of work of track crews, with the intersection of crossings, on the tracks of warehouses, production units of the organization, wagon and locomotive depots, workshops, etc. drafting and locomotive crews must be especially vigilant, give sound signals in a timely manner when approaching people near the track or on the platforms.

In these cases, the specific responsibilities of the organization's employees to ensure traffic safety and people's safety are established taking into account local conditions by the head of the organization.

16.33. During shunting movements, the location of the leader of the maneuvers, the procedure for transmitting instructions on movements and measures to ensure traffic safety are established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

The head of the maneuvers must have radio contact with the locomotive crew and the station attendant.

Train formation

16.34. Trains sent to the railways without processing at the junction station must be formed in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation.

Trains circulating within the railway tracks of industrial railway transport are formed in accordance with these Rules and the formation scheme approved by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

16.35. The norms of weight and length of trains are established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization on the basis of traction calculations and experimental trips, taking into account the technological requirements of the objects being serviced.

Departure of heavy trains is allowed with the permission of the head of the shift (dispatcher) of the organization's railway transport in the manner prescribed by the head of the organization's railway transport department or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

16.36. The length of the train should not exceed the useful length of the receiving and departure tracks in the section of its circulation.

It is allowed to set the length of trains and more than the useful length of the specified station tracks with the simultaneous establishment of the procedure for receiving and passing such long trains.

wagons are out of order, threatening traffic safety and the condition of which does not ensure the safety of transported goods;

wagons loaded in excess of their carrying capacity (taking into account the permissible overload), with one-sided loading or with one-sided rest of the cargo;

wagons that had a derailment or were in a train (shunting train) that suffered a wreck or an accident, until they are inspected and recognized as fit for movement;

ladles filled with metal or slag in excess of established norms;

wagons loaded in violation of the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo;

hoppers (including coke carriers, pellet carriers, sinter carriers, etc.) with open unloading hatches;

platforms with open sides, gondola cars with open hatches or hatches closed by one throw of the locking mechanism, as well as dump cars with open sides, except when the movement of these cars is permitted by local instructions;

empty boxcars with doors open and not closed to the door;

tanks, cement trucks and other rolling stock with open covers of loading and unloading upper and lower devices;

tanks with a leak;

wagons for the transportation of liquid bitumen with wheelsets not cleaned of bitumen in a rolling circle;

platforms and gondola cars with oversized cargo, unless special instructions are given on the passage of such cars;

dump cars with a faulty tipping mechanism, if there is a threat of self-tipping;

wagons with sagging springs, causing the body to skew or the frame and body of the wagon to hit the running gear.

16.38. The procedure for placing wagons with dangerous goods on trains is established by the Instruction

In trains circulating between separate points of the organization, wagons with dangerous goods must have a cover from the locomotive in accordance with the standards established by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport and the rules for the transport of dangerous goods on industrial transport.

16.39. The procedure for placing wagons with dangerous goods, as well as the norms for covering in trains sent to railways, is established by the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation on December 27, 1994.

The list of dangerous goods is established by the federal executive authority in the field of railway transport in the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Railways.

16.40. The procedure for placing and following wagons with oversized cargo in trains circulating on the organization's tracks is established by local instructions in accordance with the instructions for the transportation of oversized, heavy and long goods along industrial railway transport.

The procedure for placing and following wagons with oversized cargo in trains sent on the way of railways is established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

16.41. The necessity and procedure for placing wagons with brake pads on trains is determined by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

The procedure for applying the brakes in trains

16.42. The procedure for switching on autobrakes and providing hand brakes for trains sent on public tracks without processing at the junction station is determined by the norms of the junction railways.

16.43. In trains circulating along the tracks of industrial railway transport, the provision of brakes must correspond to the weight of the train, the speed of movement and the leading descent in each section, as well as the realized values ​​of the brake pressures.

The need for brakes for trains circulating along the organization's tracks is determined by the head of the organization's railway transport department or the head of the industrial railway transport organization in accordance with the norms for providing trains with brakes, determined in accordance with the rules for brake calculations for industrial railway transport.

Depending on the technical equipment of the rolling stock, including special rolling stock, braking means are installed:

the smallest brake pressure for every 100 tons of train mass;

calculated rates of pressing brake pads on the axles of the rolling stock, including special rolling stock;

standards for providing trains with hand brakes and other information necessary to perform brake calculations.

The specified norms and information are indicated in the local instructions.

16.44. Testing of automatic brakes in trains is carried out full and reduced.

Full testing of automatic brakes with checking the condition of the brake line and the operation of the brakes for all cars is carried out:

at the stations of the formation before the departure of the train;

after changing the locomotive;

at stations preceding hauls with long descents (except for open pit mining), where the train stops for technical reasons;

at the maintenance points of specialized trains (at least once a day) and when changing locomotive crews in the transport of open mining.

Reduced testing of automatic brakes with checking the state of the brake line by the action of the brake at the tail car is carried out:

after hitching a train locomotive to the train, if a complete test of the automatic brakes from the compressor unit or the locomotive was previously carried out at the station;

after any separation of the hoses in the train, connection of the hoses due to the hitching of cars, as well as after closing the end valve in the train;

after changing the control cabin;

when changing locomotive crews (except for open-pit mining).

After a full or reduced testing of the autobrakes along the route, in addition, their operation is checked without stopping the train by reducing the pressure in the brake line until a braking effect is obtained.

The procedure for including in the auto-brake network of cars in trains of increased weight and length, connected, special rolling stock in the compositions of freight and utility trains, as well as testing auto-brakes in such trains, is established by a local instruction developed in accordance with the relevant instructions established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport .

16.45. After full testing of the automatic brakes in the train, the automatic inspector or wagon inspector, and at stations where these positions are not provided, the compiler hands the locomotive driver a certificate of the established form on the provision of the train with brakes and their proper operation.

Notes on the testing of automatic brakes can be made in a special book located on the locomotive.

The form of such a book must correspond to the form of a certificate on the provision of a train with brakes on railways.

At stations where the positions of an automatic inspector and a wagon inspector are not provided, and trains are not accompanied by a compiling team, testing of auto brakes is carried out by a locomotive team or other workers trained in performing the operation of testing auto brakes. The list of positions of such employees is established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

Train equipment

16.46. All locomotives must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and, if necessary, in the manner prescribed by local regulations, lifting equipment.

Locomotives and special self-propelled rolling stock, in addition, must be equipped with brake shoes according to the standards provided for by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport, to secure the train on the haul in case of damage to the brakes.

16.47. Locomotives engaged in the transportation of wagons with dangerous goods are supplied with fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the standards established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

Train maintenance

16.48. Trains are serviced by a locomotive crew, a crew for managing special rolling stock in transport mode, or a locomotive crew and compiler.

Special self-propelled rolling stock, in addition, is served by a team appointed to manage and maintain this rolling stock in working condition in accordance with the instructions for its operation.

The change in the quantitative composition of the locomotive-compiling teams, depending on local working conditions and the procedure for servicing trains by them, is determined by the head of the organization in the prescribed manner.

16.49. With electric and diesel traction, one locomotive crew can serve several locomotives controlled by a system of many units from one cab, if they are equipped with special devices in accordance with the project.

16.50. It is forbidden to travel on a locomotive of persons who are not part of the compilation team, except for employees who are allowed to travel by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization, but not more than three people, except for the locomotive compilation team.

Placement of locomotives in trains

16.51. Operating locomotives are placed at the head or tail of the train, depending on the local conditions for servicing production (consignors, consignees, clients) and the organization of train traffic.

In necessary cases, it is allowed to place the locomotive in the middle of the train.

The place of staging of operating locomotives in trains is established by local instructions and indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

16.52. In trains that follow with two or three operating locomotives throughout the section, a locomotive with more powerful compressors is put in the lead.

16.53. The order of hitching and the number of hitched cars to single following locomotives is established by local instructions and indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.


General requirements

17.1. The movement of trains along the hauls should be managed by only one employee - the train dispatcher of the railway transport department of the organization or organization of industrial railway transport, responsible for the safe and timely movement of trains on the section he serves.

Orders of the train dispatcher are subject to unconditional execution by employees directly related to the movement of trains on the site.

It is forbidden to give operational orders on the movement of trains on the site to anyone other than the train dispatcher.

17.2. Each station in terms of managing the movement of trains and each train must be at the disposal of only one employee at a time:

station - station duty officer (dispatcher);

post - duty officer;

a section equipped with dispatcher centralization - a train dispatcher;

train - locomotive driver (compiler).

At large stations, there may be several duty officers at stations or posts, each of which alone manages the traffic within its area of ​​work.

The delimitation of control areas at such stations and the scope of duties associated with the movement of trains, each officer on duty at the station (post) are established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

The procedure for the actions of station attendants and train dispatchers for performing operations related to the reception and departure of trains is established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

At the stations, the compiler accompanying the train and the driver of the locomotive of the train, a special self-propelled rolling stock not serviced by the compiling team, obey the instructions of the station duty officer, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, the train dispatcher.

17.3. The station duty officer is obliged to ensure the safety of train traffic and shunting operations, the availability and readiness of free tracks for the timely reception of trains, the implementation of the train schedule, contact schedule, shift work plan, as well as the safety of employees associated with train traffic and shunting work.

Occupation of receiving and departure tracks by separate cars uncoupled from passing trains and intended for loading or unloading, repair and other operations, as a rule, is not allowed.

Temporary occupation of these tracks by separate wagons may be allowed only with the consent of the train dispatcher.

It is forbidden to occupy the catching and safety dead ends of the rolling stock.

17.4. The head of the station is obliged to ensure the safety of train traffic, the performance of shunting work and the safety of the work of station workers, timely transport services for the production units of the organization (consignors, consignees, contractors), proper maintenance and efficient use of the station's technical facilities.

The head of the station is obliged to control the work of the station attendants, operators of centralization posts, signalmen and turnouts on duty to perform operations related to the reception, departure of trains and the production of maneuvers, especially in the event of a disruption in the normal operation of signaling devices.

17.5. The right to enter the premises of the station duty officer (shunting dispatcher) is enjoyed only by the station manager, persons directly working or performing their official duties together with the station duty officer (shunting dispatcher), as well as employees monitoring their work and the serviceability of control devices.

17.6. The movement of passenger trains, as a rule, on the tracks of industrial railway transport is not allowed.

If necessary, passenger transportation is permitted by the federal executive authority in the field of transport.

Technical devices, rolling stock and the organization of passenger transportation in this case must comply with the Rules for the Technical Operation of the Railways of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents regulating the work of transporting passengers on the railways of the Russian Federation.

The movement of passenger trains along the tracks of technological special rolling stock with hot ingots, molten metal and liquid slag, as well as along the entrance trenches and mobile tracks of open mining is strictly prohibited.

Train reception

17.7. Reception of trains at the station should be carried out on free tracks, intended for this by the technical and administrative act (TRA) of the station, with an open input signal.

Trains containing wagons with dangerous goods are accepted on the tracks indicated in the TRA stations.

It is allowed to receive trains in a shunting order on tracks partially occupied by rolling stock, as well as directly to technological production facilities by a shunting signal installed on the mast of the input (route) traffic light.

In the same order, if necessary, it is allowed to receive recovery trains, single locomotives, snow plows, special self-propelled trains, as well as utility trains.

The procedure for receiving these trains, which ensures traffic safety, is established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

17.8. The entrance traffic light is opened by the station attendant personally or at his direction by the operator of the centralization post. In sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, the entrance traffic light is opened by a train dispatcher.

It is forbidden for the station attendant to open the entrance traffic light without making sure that the route for receiving the train is ready, the arrows are locked, the receiving path is free and the maneuvers on the arrows of the receiving route have been stopped.

The entrance traffic light should be closed automatically after the first wheel pair of the arriving train passes it, and at stations that do not have electric track circuits, by the station attendant, the operator of the centralization post or the switch post on duty after the traffic light passes by the entire composition of the arriving train.

In sections with carriages moving forward, the entrance traffic light must be closed after it has been passed by the entire train.

Prior to the re-equipment of existing electrical interlocking devices, it is allowed to block the input (output) traffic light from the first wheel pair of the train.

Acceptance of trains to the station with a prohibitory indication or the main lights of the entrance traffic light extinguished can be carried out by invitation signal or by order of the station duty officer in accordance with the procedure established by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

The speed of the train when arriving at the station at the invitation signal or by order of the station attendant should be no more than 15 km / h, while the driver must drive the train with special vigilance and readiness to stop immediately if an obstacle is encountered for further movement.

17.9. The duty officer at the station, and in sections with dispatcher centralization - the train dispatcher, before accepting the train, must:

stop maneuvers with access to the track and the route of receiving the train;

make sure that the train reception path is free;

prepare a route for receiving a train;

open the traffic light.

17.10. The possibility of simultaneous reception of trains of opposite directions and the procedure that ensures traffic safety, if the approach to the station from at least one side is located on a long descent, are established by the technical and administrative act of the stations, taking into account the track development and operating conditions of the stations.

17.11. The train arriving at the station must be stopped between the exit traffic light and the limit column of the receiving path, and where there is no exit traffic light, between the limit columns.

The procedure for receiving long trains is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

A train arriving on a partially occupied track must stop between the rolling stock on the receiving track and the limit post. In this case, the distance between the arriving train and the rolling stock standing on the way must be at least 10 m.

17.12. The station attendant meets the arriving train, monitoring its condition, the presence of installed signals on it.

At stations where, according to local conditions, the station duty officer cannot meet trains, he is convinced of the arrival of the train in full force according to the report of the turnout on duty or other employees specified in the technical and administrative act of the station.

At sections with dispatch centralization, where there are no station attendants, and at stations with electrical centralization of arrows and signals, where the station attendant cannot meet trains due to local conditions, and there are no other employees who are entrusted with these duties, the arrival of trains is controlled according to indications control devices.

The list of stations where station attendants may not meet trains, the conditions for ensuring traffic safety when receiving trains are established by local instructions.

17.13. The time of the actual arrival or passage of each train and its number must be noted by the station attendant in the train traffic log or on the schedule of the completed movement and immediately inform the attendant at the neighboring station that sent the train and the train dispatcher.

In addition, the station attendant must ensure the transfer of relevant information to the automated control system.

Departure of trains

17.14. The station attendant is prohibited from sending trains on single-track and on the wrong track on double-track sections without the consent of the station attendant to which the train departs.

On double-track sections, the departure of trains is carried out at the direction of the station attendant from which the trains depart on the correct track, after receiving a notification of the arrival of a previously sent train, and in case of automatic blocking, after the release of the first block section. The prior consent of the officer on duty at the station to which the train departs is not required.

The procedure for sending trains on the wrong track on double-track sections is established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

On sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, the departure of trains is carried out at the direction of the train dispatcher.

When trains move by means of one wand or one locomotive, trains are sent by order of the duty officer at the station where the wand or locomotive is located, with the consent of the duty officer at the receiving station.

The procedure for the departure of utility trains and special self-propelled rolling stock from stations that limit the haul, their following along the haul to the place of work, ensuring traffic safety, is established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

17.15. The station duty officer, and in sections with dispatch centralization - the train dispatcher, before the train departs, must:

make sure that the haul is free, and in case of automatic blocking of the first block section;

stop maneuvers with access to the train departure route;

prepare a departure route;

open the exit traffic light or give the driver permission to take the haul.

17.16. It is forbidden to send a train to a stage without the permission of the station attendant.

The permission to occupy the haul for the driver of the departing train is:

permissive indication of the output traffic light, and in case of its malfunction or when the train departs from tracks where there are no output traffic lights, a written permission of the established form;

permission of the station attendant transmitted by radio in the presence of UARP or registered in the train traffic log;


For utility trains and pushing locomotives returning to the departure station, in addition, a wand key belonging to this haul is issued.

17.17. It is forbidden for the station attendant, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, for the train dispatcher to open the exit traffic light or give other permission to take the haul, if they are not convinced that the maintenance and commercial inspection of the train is completed, maneuvers on the arrows of the departure route are stopped, the route ready for the departure of trains, the switches are locked, and at the stations of formation of trains or stations where the wagons were hitched or uncoupled at the tail of the train, in addition, there are tail signals (if provided).

The output traffic light must be opened by the station attendant personally or at his direction by the operator of the centralization post. In sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, the exit traffic light is opened by a train dispatcher.

The exit traffic light should be closed automatically after the passage of the first wheel pair of the departing train, and in areas with constant movement of cars forward, as well as when moving alternately cars or a locomotive forward - after the passage of the traffic light by the entire composition of the departing train.

At stations that do not have electric track circuits, the exit traffic light must be closed by the station attendant, the operator of the centralization post or the switch post on duty after the entire set of the departing train has passed the traffic light.

17.18. Permission to occupy a haul where there are no exit signals, as well as in cases of train departure at a prohibiting indication of the exit traffic light, is given to the driver of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock by the station attendants personally or through one of the employees of the locomotive crew of this train or through other employees established by the technical - the administrative act of the station.

The driver is obliged to verify the correctness of the received permission to occupy the haul.

At individual stations, in the manner prescribed by the technical and administrative act, it is allowed to issue permission to the station attendants to occupy the haul in parallel with the preparation of the departure route.

The procedure for issuing permits to locomotive drivers to occupy the haul is established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

17.19. When a train departs from station tracks with a prohibitive indication of the output signal, as well as from tracks that do not have output signals, it is prohibited for the driver of a locomotive, a special self-propelled rolling stock, if he has permission to occupy the haul, to set the train in motion without instructions from the station attendant, transmitted by radio, or a departure signal given by the station attendant or, at his direction, by the post attendant, the operator of the centralization post, the switch post on duty, the signalman or the compiler of trains.

The procedure for giving a departure signal is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

Before setting the train in motion, the driver of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock and his assistant must check whether stop signals are being sent from the train or station workers.

17.20. The possibility of simultaneous departure and reception of trains traveling in the same direction, and the procedure for ensuring traffic safety at stations with long descent approaches, are established by the technical and administrative act of the station, taking into account the approach profile, track development and station operating conditions.

17.21. The station attendant, as a rule, escorts the train departing or following non-stop through the station, monitoring its good condition, the presence and correct indication of the installed train signals (if any).

The station duty officer is personally convinced of the departure of the train in full force, according to the report of the turnout station on duty or another employee specified in the technical and administrative act of the station.

In sections with dispatcher centralization, where there are no station attendants, and at stations with electrical insulation of tracks and switches, where the duty officer cannot escort trains due to local conditions, and there are no other workers (signalmen, turnouts on duty), the departure of trains is controlled according to indications control devices.

The list of stations where station attendants may not see off trains, and the conditions for ensuring traffic safety when trains depart, are established by local instructions.

The employee accompanying the train is obliged to make sure that the train has left in full force.

In the event of a malfunction in the train that threatens traffic safety, the employee who sees off the train is obliged to take measures to stop it.

17.22. Station workers, before the train departs, must, in strict accordance with the technological process of the station, the train formation scheme, check the correct formation of the train, the correct loading and securing of goods, make sure that the safety of goods is ensured, the train has installed signals (if any).

The responsibility of station workers for the correct formation of the train, hanging and removing train signaling devices indicating the tail or head of the train is established by the head of the railway transport department of the enterprise or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

It is allowed to move trains without tail signals. At the same time, the procedure and methods for checking the departure and arrival of the train in full force are determined by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization and are indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

17.23. The time of the actual departure or passage of each train and its number, the station attendant is obliged to note in the train traffic log or on the schedule of the completed movement and immediately inform the station attendant to which the train was sent, and the train dispatcher, and, if necessary, transfer other information characterizing the composition trains. In addition, the station attendant must ensure that the necessary information about the train is transferred to the automated control system.

Means of signaling and communication during the movement of trains

17.24. The means of signaling and communication during the movement of trains are automatic and semi-automatic blocking.

From now on, until the reconstruction in low-traffic areas, an electric wand system and a telephone can be used as a means of communication during the movement of trains.

In inactive areas, in addition, train traffic is allowed:

by order of the train dispatcher;

by means of one wand;

with one locomotive.

17.25. With automatic blocking:

permission for a train to occupy a block section serves as an enabling indication of an exit or through traffic light. As an exception, at the traffic lights (except for those in front of the entrance traffic lights) located on long rises, it is allowed in each individual case with the permission of the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization to install a conditional permissive signal - a shield with a reflective sign in the form of a letter "T".

The presence of this signal serves as a permission for a freight train to follow a red traffic light without stopping. At the same time, the driver must drive the train in such a way as to follow a traffic light with a red light at a speed of no more than 15 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to immediately stop it if an obstacle is encountered for further movement.

In the event of a train stopping in front of a traffic light with a red signal, as well as with an incomprehensible indication or extinguished, if the driver sees and knows that the block section ahead is occupied by the train, he is prohibited from continuing to move until the block section is free.

If the driver does not know that he is on the block section of the train in front of him, he must, after stopping, release the autobrakes and, if during this time a permissive signal does not appear at the traffic light, drive the train to the next traffic light at a speed of no more than 15 km / h with special vigilance and readiness stop immediately if there is an obstacle to further movement.

If the next traffic light is in the same position, the movement of the train after the mandatory stop continues in the order established above.

17.26. With semi-automatic blocking:

the permission for the train to occupy the haul is the permissive indication of the exit or through traffic light;

on single-track sections, in order to open the exit traffic light, you must first obtain consent from the officer on duty at the neighboring station to which the train departs.

17.27. With an electric system:

the permission for a train to occupy a haul is the baton of this haul, handed over to the driver;

all telephone conversations on the movement of trains, as well as the extraction and insertion of wands, the issuance and receipt of them can only be carried out by the station attendant. When installing wand devices in the premises of turnout posts, the extraction and insertion of wands, their issuance and receipt can be carried out by the senior duty officer of the turnout post with the permission of the station duty officer;

the station attendant has the right to transfer, without a pass through the wand apparatus, the wand received on the tracks from the arriving train to the train departing for the same haul. In this case, you must first obtain the consent of the person on duty at the neighboring station to which the train departs.

At stations where wand devices have wand keys, it is prohibited to pass the wand without a pass through the wand apparatus.

It is forbidden:

request permission to remove the wand before the train is ready for departure, with the exception of non-stop passing of trains or parking and according to the schedule no more than 5 minutes;

to keep active wands not inserted into the apparatus;

carry the wand to the neighboring haul.

17.28. With telephone means of communication, a written permission serves as a permission to occupy a haul by a train.

On single-track hauls, as well as on double-track hauls when departing on the wrong track, before issuing written permission to the locomotive driver, the station duty officer must obtain the consent of the station duty officer for the departure of the train.

On double-track hauls, when departing on the right track, a written permit is issued after receiving a notice of the arrival at a neighboring station of a previously sent train.

In the presence of the UARP, the permission for the departure of trains and the occupation of hauls by them (without the issuance of written permits) are:

on single-track hauls, as well as double-track and multi-track when departing on the wrong track - the consent of the duty officer at the receiving station of the train and the permission of the duty officer at the departure station, transmitted to the driver by radio;

on double-track hauls when departing on the right track - the permission of the duty officer at the departure station, transmitted to the driver by radio.

In this case, the UARP fixes the text of the permission (corresponding to the text of the written permission given in the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport), transferred to the driver by the duty officer at the departure station, the consent of the duty officer at the receiving station and confirmation by the driver of the receipt of permission.

17.29. In the presence of UARP, trains are dispatched in a similar manner in cases of switching to telephone means of communication in the event of a malfunction of the automatic, semi-automatic blocking, electric wand system, malfunction of the output (route) traffic light, when trains depart from tracks that do not have output traffic lights, as well as a malfunction or absence route indicator of the departure route at a group traffic light.

17.30. In the event of a break in the operation of all installed means of signaling and communication, the movement of trains is carried out on single-track sections by means of written notices, and on double-track sections - with a delimitation of the time set for the train to travel between stations.

The procedure for organizing the movement of trains during a break in the operation of all installed means of signaling and communication is established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

17.31. Between two separate points, the boundaries of which are the junction of the frame rail or the limit posts, the movement (of trains, trains) is carried out in a shunting order in accordance with the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

Train order

17.32. The speed of movement of trains on hauls is set by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the organization of industrial railway transport.

The speed of trains is set based on the technical condition, plan and profile of the track, the design capabilities of the rolling stock, the weight of the circulating trains, their provision with brakes and other conditions for ensuring traffic safety (visibility conditions, the presence of road intersections, etc.).

When determining the speed of trains, the safety requirements for the transportation of technological cargo and technological special rolling stock are taken into account.

When trains move forward in wagons, the speed should not exceed 25 km / h, when driving trains with traction units - 35 km / h; for utility trains with radio communication on the locomotive and special self-propelled rolling stock, depending on the design of the special self-propelled rolling stock and recovery trains - no more than 35 km/h. The speed of snowplows is set by local regulations.

The speed of movement when receiving trains on dead-end station tracks, on partially occupied tracks or on technological production sites should not exceed 15 km/h at the beginning of the receiving track.

The speed of movement in a place requiring a reduction in speed must correspond to that indicated in the warning or the corresponding order, and in the absence of these instructions - no more than 15 km / h.

The speed must not be exceeded:

25 km / h - when moving empty slag carriers;

15 km/h - when moving laden slag carriers, laden and empty iron carriers with a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons, as well as loaded and empty carts for molds, platforms for scoops;

10 km / h - when driving cast-iron mixer-type ladles;

5 km/h - when moving trains with bogies for molds, iron carriers with a carrying capacity of more than 100 tons.

17.33. In the case when, when the trains travel through stations and hauls, it is necessary to ensure special vigilance of the locomotive-compiling brigades, written warnings are issued for trains.

In the presence of UARP, it is allowed to issue warnings by radio.

The procedure for issuing such warnings is established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

Warnings are issued:

in the event of a malfunction of the track, contact network devices, artificial and other structures, as well as in the course of construction and repair work requiring a reduction in speed or a stop on the way;

when new types of signaling and communication means are put into operation, when new traffic lights are turned on, or existing traffic lights are moved or abolished, as well as when these signals malfunction, when it is impossible to bring them into a prohibitory indication;

when departing a train with goods that go beyond the loading gauge, when it is necessary to slow down or observe special traffic conditions when following this train;

when working on a double-track haul of snowplows, a ballast, a tracklayer, a crane, a crushed stone cleaning and other machines, as well as performing loading and unloading operations;

when placing on a train a rolling stock that cannot move at the speed set for a particular section;

during the operation of removable mobile units, as well as during the transportation of heavy loads on track cars;

in all other cases when a reduction in speed or a stop on the way is required, as well as when it is necessary to warn the locomotive-compiling crews about special train traffic conditions.

The issuance of warnings for trains is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

17.34. On double-track hauls, each main track, as a rule, serves for the movement of trains in one specific direction.

Trains are allowed to run on the wrong track.

Measures to ensure traffic safety when trains follow the wrong track are established by the Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on industrial railway transport.

It is allowed to use each of the tracks of a double-track or multi-track haul for permanent two-way traffic.

On multi-track hauls, the order of movement along each main track is established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

17.35. The following of the train by carriages forward on hauls is allowed if there is a compiler or another person performing his duties on the first carriage along the way. If, when the wagons are moving forward, the train is not accompanied by the originator or the person performing his duties, then the security measures are established by the head of the railway transport department of the organization or the head of the industrial railway transport organization.

In open-pit mining, when specialized trains (turntables) are moving forward, not accompanied by the originator, cars forward, the first car along the way must be equipped with sound and, in the dark, with light signals.

17.36. If necessary, trains can be connected and run with operating locomotives at the head and middle of the train.

The organization of the movement of such trains and the order of their passage along the hauls and stations is established by the local instruction.

17.37. The movement of economic trains during their work on the haul is carried out at the direction of the head of work or a person authorized by him.

The procedure for driving trains by locomotive drivers

and special self-propelled rolling stock

17.38. The driver must:

know well the design of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock, the profile of your section, the location of permanent signals and signal signs on it and their meaning, current schedules, technical and administrative acts of stations and local instructions;

when accepting a locomotive, a special self-propelled rolling stock, make sure that it is in good condition, paying special attention to the operation of brakes, sandboxes and radio communications, check the availability of signaling accessories and fire fighting equipment;

ensure the safe running of the train in compliance with the timetable.

17.39. After hitching the locomotive to the train set, and the special self-propelled rolling stock to the service train set, the driver must:

make sure that the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock is correctly coupled to the first car of the train and the connection of air hoses and electrical wiring, as well as the opening of the end valves between them;

check the pressure in the brake line and make sure that the pressure drop does not exceed the established norms, and test the automatic brakes;

after a complete test of the automatic brakes, obtain a certificate or make an entry in a special book about the provision of the train with brakes and make sure that they comply with the established standards;

make sure the radio is turned on.

17.40. When driving a train, the locomotive crew must:

monitor the clearness of the path, signals, signal indicators and signs, comply with their requirements and repeat the readings of the signals to each other;

monitor the condition of the train and the signals given from it, and on electrified sections, in addition, the condition of the contact network;

observe the readings of instruments that control the uninterrupted and safe operation of the locomotive and special self-propelled rolling stock;

ensure the efficient use of the locomotive with the rational use of electricity, fuel and lubricants;

when entering the station and passing along the station tracks, give the established signals, monitor the correctness of the route, the clearness of the track and the signals given by the station workers, as well as the movement of trains and shunting locomotives on adjacent tracks, taking immediate measures to stop when there is a threat to traffic safety.

After the train stops at the station, if any malfunctions are found in it, the driver is obliged to immediately report this to the station duty officer, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, to the train dispatcher.

In cases of detecting a malfunction of auto-blocking signals along the route, damage to the track, contact network and other structures and devices, malfunctions in trains following adjacent tracks, the driver is obliged to inform the duty officer at the nearest station or the train dispatcher, and if necessary, the train driver following the adjacent path.

If it is necessary to stop at the station, the driver is obliged to stop the train without passing the output signal of the receiving path (in its absence, the limit column). Before reaching them, the driver can stop the train only after making sure that the entire train is set within the boundaries of the useful length of the receiving path.

17.41. When driving a train, the driver must:

have braking devices always ready for action, check them along the way, prevent pressure drops in the main tank and line below the established norms;

in case of prohibiting indications of constant signals, indications of speed reduction signals and other signals requiring speed reduction, applying service braking, stop the train without passing the stop signal, and proceed with the speed reduction signal at a speed not exceeding that set for a particular signal;

in the event of a sudden signal to stop or the sudden appearance of an obstacle, immediately apply all means of emergency braking at his disposal to stop the train at a distance not exceeding the braking distance for a given place;

during heavy fogs, downpours and snowstorms, sharply limiting the visibility of signals, drive the train with special vigilance and, if necessary, reduce speed so that traffic safety is fully ensured.

17.42. On the way, the driver is prohibited from:

exceed the established speeds;

be distracted from the control of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock, its maintenance and monitoring of signals and track clearance;

transfer control of the locomotive to an assistant in conditions of poor visibility or in areas with an unfavorable profile that require driving the train with special vigilance;

disable security devices or interfere with their operation.

17.43. On the way, the locomotive-compiling team monitors the condition of the wagons and cargo on the train. If a wagon malfunction or cargo breakdown that threatens traffic safety is detected, the locomotive-compiling team is obliged to take measures to stop the train and eliminate the detected malfunctions.

When moving, the compiler must be on the tail or the first car in the direction of the train.

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