The structure of useful supply of drinking water. Features of energy saving in the water supply of cities. Features of energy saving in KVH


With the implementation of 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency ..." in the water supply and sewerage complex Russian Federation difficulties arose. "Currently, there is no one-to-one correspondence between energy efficiency, energy consumption and the quality of services provided. Saving water by consumers has led to serious costs for water utilities. Further reduction in water consumption may lead to degradation of water supply systems." From an article by the Executive Director of the Russian Water Supply and Sanitation Association, Ph.D. Dovlatova Elena Vladimirovna.

The importance and value of water is difficult to overestimate. It ensures the vital activity of all mankind, is an integral attribute of the health of the nation, and also contributes to the stability of the socio-economic development of the state. Long before the advent of electricity and heating, water was the first public resource to be centrally distributed through gravity-fed distribution systems. Today, the scale of the water supply and sewerage complex of our country is one of the largest in the world: more than 5 thousand organizations, 500 thousand employees, more than 667 thousand km. networks, more than 45 thousand pumping stations, more than 7.5 thousand units of treatment facilities, more than 9 billion cubic meters of water per year passes through the water supply network, more than 48 billion cubic meters of wastewater enters the sewer network.

The sphere of water supply and sanitation is considered one of the most energy-intensive and technologically complex sectors of housing and public utilities Therefore, the state pays special attention to the issues of improving the energy and environmental efficiency of the water supply and sewerage complex. One of the basic documents in this direction was Presidential Decree No. 889 dated 04.06.2008 “On Improving the Environmental and Energy Efficiency of the Russian Economy until 2020” and Federal Law No. 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. The issues of energy efficiency in the water supply and sewerage sector became highly relevant long before the adoption of the law in question. This is due to the fact that the share of electricity in the tariff of water supply and sanitation enterprises is more than 35%, and it must be purchased at market (free) prices in the amount of 100%. This situation arose after at the formation from January 1, 2011 of free (formed under the influence of supply and demand and not subject to state regulation) prices (tariffs) for electrical energy (capacity) supplied to consumers of electrical energy by energy sales organizations that are not guaranteeing suppliers (Federal Law of 26.07.2010 N 187-FZ). At the same time, since the same year, the tariff regulation of the industry has been tightened, which determines an ever smaller and smaller possible increase in the tariff, which does not cover the necessary needs of enterprises, which has led and continues to lead to a constant increase in the debt of water utilities to electricity suppliers. Thus, even before the adoption of the law on energy efficiency, many water utilities in large cities were actively engaged in reducing electricity consumption by introducing energy-saving technologies, and by the time this document came into force, they had already reached a certain limit. Therefore, further implementation of the law by some WSS enterprises cannot be carried out, as there are no opportunities for further reduction of energy consumption.

Another problematic point for enterprises of the water supply and sewerage complex was the provisions of Article 13 of the Law, according to which the produced, transmitted, consumed energy resources are subject to mandatory accounting using metering devices for used energy resources. Norms 261-FZ gave an extensive equipment algorithm apartment buildings common house and individual metering devices. The lack of practical incentives for consumers to use meter readings to pay for services has led in some places to sabotage of law enforcement by management companies and residents. The situation was aggravated by the inconsistency of the given policy in the field of rationing of consumed resources, which led to the dismantling of already installed metering devices. Against this background, the obligation of the resource supplying organization to carry out activities to install, replace, operate metering devices for the energy resources used, which they supply or transfer, collides with the reluctance of residents, which hinders the implementation of the Law.

It is obvious that vesting water utilities with police functions is at least strange.

The resolution of the current situation is possible both by economic incentives (increase in fees for services consumed according to the standard) and administrative methods (penalties for non-compliance with the law).

Both approaches have their drawbacks and their application should be preceded by public discussions.

However, as of 2013, more than 15% of apartment buildings are provided with individual cold water metering devices. The situation with common house meters is slightly better - almost 30%. These small figures on a national scale nevertheless significantly reduced the consumption of water resources, which had the most negative impact on the production processes of enterprises in the industry. . The thing is that the active construction and development of communal infrastructure, which took place in the 70-80s, was focused on large capacities due to the growth and expansion of cities. But in fact, the planned enlargement of settlements did not happen. On the contrary, there is a trend of migration from small towns to large ones. At the same time, in large cities, due to the migration of the population from villages and villages, the volume of water consumption did not increase, but rather fell, because the installation of individual and common house meters affected the reduction in water consumption by consumers. For example, in some cities there is an annual reduction in water consumption by 3-5%. As a result, today the infrastructure is not operated to the extent it was planned. The decrease in actual water consumption has led to a number of technical problems:

  • The residence time of water in pipelines doubled, which led to the threat of secondary pollution drinking water and exacerbated the danger of networks freezing;
  • Reduced efficiency of pumps: equipment is operated in a non-optimal supply mode.
  • the mode of operation of pumping equipment changes (each pump has an optimal mode of operation, if it is operated above or below the level set by the manufacturer, then its accelerated depreciation occurs).

Solving these problems, water utilities are forced to restructure the operating procedures for work at stations and networks of the water supply system. Specific action programs are being developed:

  • at water intake facilities and water treatment stations, where possible, entire technological lines have been mothballed, and where this is not possible, the volume of operational work related to washing equipment and technological complexes for water treatment has been increased.
  • on the networks, the amount of work related to flushing and sanitation of pipelines, the establishment of additional water quality control points and more frequent sampling, for which it was necessary, incl. to rebuild the software at automated drinking water sampling and quality control points.

As a result, a reduction in water consumption and a decrease in wastewater volumes contributed to not reducing the costs of enterprises in the industry and the release of additional funds, but on the contrary, increase operating costs and search for additional investments for modernization production processes. In other words, Saving water by consumers has led to serious costs for water utilities. Further reduction of water consumption may lead to degradation of water supply systems.

At the same time, saving water has reduced the overall volume of runoff, which has led to an increase in the concentration of pollution from the population and industry. The larger the volume of wastewater, the better the pollutants dissolve in them and vice versa. The current situation, when the amount of pollution remained the same, but the volume of waste water decreased, required the water utilities to purchase additional reagents and cleaning agents. As a result, the enterprises of the water supply and sewerage complex again found themselves in a situation where the reduction in the load on the wastewater infrastructure brought not new funds released from savings, but additional costs for operating costs.


Due to the high share of the electricity component in the tariff of water supply and sanitation organizations (up to 40%) and the absence of any benefits for the purchase of this energy resource, the tasks of energy saving and energy efficiency are highly relevant for enterprises in the water supply and sanitation industry. Meanwhile, the lack of balance between the sectors of the public utilities when purchasing electricity (unequal distribution of energy prices for different sectors of the housing and communal services) leads to significant opportunity costs for water utilities, which are associated with the absence of: contractual relations with energy suppliers; lack of advance payments for electricity; the lack of the possibility of reimbursement of expenses due to a change in the contractual volume of electricity consumption. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the introduction of amendments to the RF GD No. 442 dated May 4, 2012, which will make it possible to extend the principle of deferred payment to the guaranteeing supplier for electricity to water utilities. Another option may be the possibility of making appropriate changes to the legislation, allowing water and utilities organizations to purchase electricity at tariffs for the population.

Currently, there is no one-to-one correspondence between energy efficiency, energy consumption and the quality of services provided. Due to the fact that improving the quality of drinking water and wastewater treatment requires large energy costs, and the norms of 261-FZ require a reduction in energy consumption, there is a clear contradiction between the goals of the enterprise and the requirements of the law. To solve this problem, it is necessary to identify market segments and sectors of the economy where the operation of the law is most appropriate, where energy efficiency does not change other production processes. In other words, energy efficiency should be considered in the context of other production processes in the industry, in the context of the overall goals and objectives of the industry.

Losses of drinking water during its production and transportation The results of the analysis of the total water balance of supply and sale of water are given in Table.

Tab. Results of the analysis of the overall water balance of water supply and sale

No. p.p.


unit of measurement







Volume of raised water

thousand m 3



Supply volume to the network

thousand m 3



HPW loss volume

thousand m 3



HPW loss volume




thousand m 3


Based on the analysis carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The sales volume of cold water in 2013 amounted to 8.09 thousand m 3 . The volume of water losses during the sale amounted to 1.43 thousand m 3 . The volume of water intake from underground sources is actually dictated by the need for water volumes for sale (useful supply) and water consumption for own and technological needs, water losses in the network.

Over the past years, there has been a trend towards rational and economical consumption of cold water and, consequently, a decrease in the volume of sales of cold water by all categories of consumers and, accordingly, the amount of water disposal.

To reduce and eliminate unproductive costs and water losses, the structure is analyzed monthly, the amount of water losses in water supply systems is determined, the volumes of useful water consumption are estimated, and the planned value of objectively unavoidable water losses is set.

As a result of the analysis, unaccounted for and unavoidable costs and losses from the water supply networks of the Manzherok rural settlement» can be divided into:

Useful costs:

  1. expenses for technological needs of water supply networks, including:

  • tank cleaning;

  • flushing dead-end networks;

  • for disinfection, washing after the elimination of accidents, scheduled replacements;

  • expenses for annual preventive repair work, flushing;

  • flushing of sewer networks;

  • extinguishing fires;

  • testing fire hydrants.

  1. organizational and accounting expenses, including:

  • not registered by measuring instruments;

  • not taken into account due to the error of measuring instruments for subscribers;

  • not registered by means of measuring apartment water meters;
Losses from water networks:

  1. losses from water supply networks as a result of accidents;

  2. hidden leaks from water supply networks;

  3. leaks from the seal of network fittings;

  4. expenses for natural loss when water is supplied through pipelines;

  5. leaks as a result of accidents on water supply networks, which are on the balance of subscribers up to water metering units.

2.3.2. Territorial balance of drinking water supply by technological zones of water supply (annual and per day of maximum water consumption)

Actual water consumption amounted to 8.09 thousand m 3 /year, on average 0.022 thousand m 3 /day, per day of maximum water consumption 0.029 thousand m 3 /day.
drinking water consumption

No. p.p.

Actual water consumption thousand m 3 /year

Average water consumption thousand m 3 / day


with. Manzherok





with. lake




2.3.10. Forecast of the distribution of water consumption for water supply by types of subscribers, including for water supply of residential buildings, public and business facilities, industrial facilities, based on the actual consumption of drinking, technical water, taking into account data on the prospective consumption of drinking, technical water by subscribers

The results of the analysis of the forecast for the distribution of water costs for water supply by types of subscribers are given in Table.

Tab. Analysis results

water distribution



Water supply




thousand m 3 /year

thousand m 3 /year

thousand m 3 /year





















Forecast water consumption balances of the Manzherok Rural Settlement Municipality were calculated in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84 “Water supply. External networks and structures”.

2.3.11. Information on actual and planned losses of drinking, technical water during its transportation (annual, average daily values)

The analysis of information on the losses of drinking water during its transportation led to the conclusion that in 2013, water losses in the water supply networks amounted to 1.43 thousand m 3, or 15% of the total amount of water raised at the water storage facility. The losses are related to the wear and tear of water supply networks, in connection with which, it is proposed to carry out measures to repair the water supply system of the municipality "Manzherok rural settlement".

The introduction of a set of measures for energy saving and water saving, such as the organization of a dispatching system, reconstruction of existing pipelines, with the installation of flow sensors, pressure at the main main interchanges (wells) will reduce water losses, reduce water consumption, reduce the load on waterworks, improving the quality of their work , and expand the service area for residential construction.

After the implementation of all the above measures, the planned water losses in the TOVP networks in 2024 will amount to 5.95 thousand m 3 or 5%.

2.3.12. Perspective balances of water supply and sanitation (general - balance of supply and sale of drinking, technical water, territorial - balance of supply of drinking, technical water by technological zones of water supply, structural - balance of sales of drinking, technical water by groups of subscribers)

The results of the analysis of the general, territorial and structural water balance for the supply and sale of water for 2024 are given in Table.,,

Tab. The overall balance of supply and

sales of drinking water

No. p.p.


unit of measurement







Volume of raised water

thousand m 3



Supply volume to the network

thousand m 3



HPW loss volume

thousand m 3



HPW loss volume




The volume of productive supply of HPV to consumers

thousand m 3


Tab. Territorial
balance of drinking water supply

No. p.p.

Name of settlements

Estimated water consumption thousand m 3 / year

Maximum water consumption, thousand m 3 / day


with. Manzherok





with. lake




Tab. Structural balance
sales of drinking water

No. p.p.

Name of consumers

Estimated water consumption, thousand m 3 / year

Average water consumption, thousand m 3 / day

Maximum water consumption, thousand m 3 / day
















2.3.13. Calculation of the required capacity of water intake and treatment facilities based on data on the prospective consumption of drinking, process water and the amount of losses of drinking, process water during its transportation, indicating the required volumes of supply and consumption of drinking, process water, shortage (reserve) of capacities by process zones, broken down by years

Based on the result of the analysis of the loads planned for connection, it can be seen that the maximum water consumption falls on 2024, therefore, the calculation of the required capacity of the VDU equipment (water intake units) was made for the following estimated water consumption corresponding to this period:

  • the volume of supply to the network from the VZU is: 118960 m 3;

  • the estimated productivity of the VDU is: 118960 /365*1.3 = 423.7 t/day;

  • existing capacity of VDU: 269 t/day;

  • VZU performance margin: (1-423.7 / 269) * 100 = -57.5%.
An analysis of the calculation results shows that with a predicted trend towards an increase in the population and connection of new consumers, as well as a decrease in losses and unaccounted for costs during water transportation, with the existing capacities of the VDU, there is no reserve for the performance of the main technological equipment. An additional well is recommended.

2.3.14. The name of the organization that is endowed with the status of a guaranteeing organization

An analysis of the situation in the rural settlement showed that at the moment not a single organization on the territory of the Manzherok Rural Settlement has the status of a guaranteeing organization.

The first and, probably, the most important step in the formation of the production program of a utility company, which serves as the basis for calculating tariffs, is planning the volume of products to be produced and sold.

Regardless of the field of activity of the utility company: heat supply, water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, one can single out a strictly regulated sequence of technological stages that are aimed at obtaining communal resources in the required quantities with the required quality. Such technological stages include the production (extraction) of a communal resource, giving this resource the necessary properties (qualities), transportation of this resource to consumers. For the provision of wastewater services, all the same production stages are preserved, but following each other in reverse order.

Consider the indicators of the production program using the example of a water utility and a heating system.

Indicators water utility production program can be represented by the following volumes:

    • Volume of water demand, total:


  1. the volume of lifting (intake) of water (Q pr.);
  2. the volume of water purchases (Q running);
    • The volume of water supplied for cleaning (Q clear);
    • The volume of water for own needs of water supply (Q tech.);
    • The volume of water supply to the network (Q network.);
    • Volume of industrial and drinking water losses (Q losses);
    • The volume of useful water supply, total (Q full supply):


  1. the volume of water supply for the needs of the company's divisions (Q pot.podr.);
  2. the volume of sales of drinking water to consumers, total (Q sold.drinks.):

including: the population,


  1. the volume of sales to consumers of technical water (Q

Indicators production program of the heat supply enterprise can be represented by the following volumes:

    • The volume of production of thermal energy (Q etc.);
    • Technological needs of boiler houses (Q tech.);
    • The volume of supplied thermal energy to the heating network (Q supply);
    • The volume of purchases of thermal energy from third-party manufacturers (Q purchases);
    • Losses of thermal energy in thermal networks (Q losses.);
    • The volume of useful supply of thermal energy, total (Q full supply):


  1. the volume of heat energy supply for the needs of the company's divisions (Q pot.podr.);
  2. volume of sales to consumers of thermal energy, total (Q realized):

including: the population,


Regardless of the field of activity of the utility company - water supply, heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply exist features of the formation of the production program inherent in every enterprise.

The first feature of the production program is balance method of its preparation. The term balance itself implies the balance or comparability of the indicators of any system. That is, all indicators of the production program are interconnected and cannot exist on their own. In general, they constitute a single system, each of which is subordinate to other indicators. In addition, the balance method implies comparability of indicators not only in structure, but also in dynamics. That is, the planned indicators should be comparable with the actual ones and vice versa.

The second feature of the preparation of the production program is the order of its development. The formation of the production program begins with the final indicators, that is, with sales volumes. Further, as if rising up, the volumes of consumption of thermal energy, electric energy, water, wastewater, gas disposal by the company's own divisions, losses in networks, technological needs are added, receiving at the end production volumes.

That is, the calculation of production indicators should be based on the following sequence:

1. Q real.drinks. + Q pot. = Q holiday

2. Q half vacation. + Q losses. = Q purchase + Q leave

3. Q vacation + Q tech. = Q pr.

The third feature of the formation of production and sales volumes by an enterprise is that production volumes can be part of one or more programs subject to the following conditions:

  1. the composition of the technological stages of the process of production of thermal energy, electricity, water, gas, wastewater disposal, the result of which is the sale of services to consumers or their transfer between divisions of the enterprise;
  2. type of systems: for example, for water supply - centralized and decentralized, for heat supply - a closed or open water intake system;
  3. way of connecting consumers to a centralized engineering system. For example, for water supply, direct or remote (supply of water, water pumps, removal of liquid sewage);
  4. the type of products sold to consumers and transferred between structural divisions of the enterprise: for example, for water supply, drinking or process water, for heat supply, depending on the type of heat carrier - hot water or steam.

Each of the above conditions predetermines the preparation of a separate program for the formation of production volumes and the implementation of the corresponding one of the conditions. The initial indicators of production and sales volumes for each of these programs should be indicators of the enterprise's summary program of production and sales volumes, which indicates the total production and sales volumes for the enterprise.

Let's pass to consideration of an order of formation of each element of the production program.

The specifics of the formation of sales volumes of communal resources

sales volumes can be determined in one of the following ways:

    • by metering devices;
    • according to consumption standards;
    • calculated on the basis of the physical parameters of consumer objects.

Determination of sales volumes on the basis of metering devices does not cause much difficulty and consists in periodic readings (once a month, quarter, year). Thus, for those consumers who have metering devices installed, the planned sales volume is calculated based on meter readings for the reporting period, taking into account changes in consumption volumes planned by consumers. Planned changes in sales volumes usually mean such changes as:

Revision of the contractual volumes of water consumption in the planning period;

The trend in the volume of water consumption, determined on the basis of statistical data for 5 reporting periods preceding the period in which tariffs are calculated for the planned period, using statistical forecasting methods 1 .

In cases where the buyers of utility products are legal entities that purchase electricity, heat, water, gas under a contract and receive wastewater for domestic consumption by the population, a change in the contractual purchase volumes may be caused by the demolition of dilapidated and the commissioning of new residential buildings, population migration and other conditions.

In the absence of metering devices for such a group of consumers as the population, when calculating sales volumes, they usually use consumption standards.

In the absence of metering devices for legal entities, often used calculation methods determination of sales volumes. In this case, planned or actual indicators of the operation of the technological equipment of the consumer enterprise, the physical parameters of buildings, the number of employees and technical and economic indicators are used.

    Volumes of resources used for own needs

The volume of resources used for own needs can be divided into two parts, which at the beginning of the section were designated as Q tech. (technological needs of production) and Q pot.podr. (need for communal resources of the main production units producing other products, auxiliary units, office building).

Technology Needs of a utility company in its own production does not occupy a significant amount in the total amount of electricity produced, thermal energy, water, gas, wastewater intake, but unlike many other indicators, along with losses and leaks, the efficiency of the utility company is determined.

1) Technological needs in water supply can be water for disinfection and flushing of water supply systems (including water supply networks), the needs of pumping stations, sampling, analysis and preparation of reagents, and household and drinking needs of employees of the enterprise engaged in water supply.

2) In the production of thermal energy, technological needs include blowing steam boilers, fuel oil heating, technological needs of chemical water treatment, heating and domestic needs of the boiler house.

The calculation of the need for own products for technological needs is carried out on the basis of industry methods, the results of operational and adjustment tests, the technical parameters of the installed equipment and the production plan. Very often the amount of consumed utility resources own production taken as a percentage of the total output. Such a settlement procedure is possible with a fairly stable operation of the enterprise with an insignificant consumption of the produced communal resource for its own needs.

The release of communal resources to the divisions of the enterprise is more associated with their consumption for household needs: heating of buildings, lighting, operation of shower screens and sanitary facilities.

Losses and their types

Losses- the most important indicator of the efficiency of the work of a utility company, a clear indicator of the state of the accounting system, the effectiveness of the marketing activities of the organization.

All losses are usually divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Technical losses losses due to the physical processes of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, thermal energy, water, gas and wastewater reception are determined by calculation.
  1. Commercial losses– losses defined as the difference between absolute and technical losses.

Formation of the cost of selling communal resources

Cost price are the costs of production and sale of products expressed in cash .

From the general definition of cost, we can distinguish production cost and cost of sales.

Then production cost can be denoted as the sum of the costs of the enterprise for the production of products, which is formed in the shops of the main and auxiliary production. Cost of sales denote as the sum of the enterprise's expenses for the production and sale of products, formed from the cost of production and general business expenses.

Thus, having considered the basis for the formation of tariffs for communal resources and their approval, let's move on to a detailed study of the procedure for calculating tariffs.

Industry-specific features of the formation of volumes of sales of communal resources

The first and, probably, the most important step in the formation of the production program of a utility company, which serves as the basis for calculating tariffs, is planning the volume of products to be produced and sold.

Regardless of the field of activity of the utility company: heat supply, water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, one can single out a strictly regulated sequence of technological stages that are aimed at obtaining communal resources in the required quantities with the required quality. Such technological stages include the production (extraction) of a communal resource, giving this resource the necessary properties (qualities), transportation of this resource to consumers. For the provision of wastewater services, all the same production stages are preserved, but following each other in reverse order.

Consider the indicators of the production program using the example of a water utility and a heating system.

Indicators water utility production program can be represented by the following volumes:

    Volume of water demand, total:


    the volume of lifting (intake) of water (Q pr.);

    the volume of water purchases (Q running);

    The volume of water supplied for cleaning (Q clear);

    The volume of water for own needs of water supply (Q tech.);

    The volume of water supply to the network (Q network.);

    Volume of industrial and drinking water losses (Q losses);

    The volume of useful water supply, total (Q full supply):


    the volume of water supply for the needs of the company's divisions (Q pot.podr.);

    the volume of sales of drinking water to consumers, total (Q sold.drinks.):

including: the population,


    the volume of sales to consumers of technical water (Q

Indicators production program of the heat supply enterprise can be represented by the following volumes:

    The volume of production of thermal energy (Q etc.);

    Technological needs of boiler houses (Q tech.);

    The volume of supplied thermal energy to the heating network (Q supply);

    The volume of purchases of thermal energy from third-party manufacturers (Q purchases);

    Losses of thermal energy in thermal networks (Q losses.);

    The volume of useful supply of thermal energy, total (Q full supply):


    the volume of heat energy supply for the needs of the company's divisions (Q pot.podr.);

    volume of sales to consumers of thermal energy, total (Q realized):

including: the population,


Regardless of the field of activity of the utility company - water supply, heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply exist features of the formation of the production program inherent in every enterprise.

The first feature of the production program is balance method of its preparation. The term balance itself implies the balance or comparability of the indicators of any system. That is, all indicators of the production program are interconnected and cannot exist on their own. In general, they constitute a single system, each of which is subordinate to other indicators. In addition, the balance method implies comparability of indicators not only in structure, but also in dynamics. That is, the planned indicators should be comparable with the actual ones and vice versa.

The second feature of the preparation of the production program is the order of its development. The formation of the production program begins with the final indicators, that is, with sales volumes. Further, as if rising up, the volumes of consumption of thermal energy, electric energy, water, wastewater, gas disposal by the company's own divisions, losses in networks, technological needs are added, receiving at the end production volumes.

That is, the calculation of production indicators should be based on the following sequence:

1. Q real.drinks. + Q pot. = Q holiday

2. Q half vacation. + Q losses. = Q purchase + Q leave

3. Q vacation + Q tech. = Q pr.

The third feature of the formation of production and sales volumes by an enterprise is that production volumes can be part of one or more programs subject to the following conditions:

    the composition of the technological stages of the process of production of thermal energy, electricity, water, gas, wastewater disposal, the result of which is the sale of services to consumers or their transfer between divisions of the enterprise;

    type of systems: for example, for water supply - centralized and decentralized, for heat supply - a closed or open water intake system;

    way of connecting consumers to a centralized engineering system. For example, for water supply, direct or remote (supply of water, water pumps, removal of liquid sewage);

    the type of products sold to consumers and transferred between structural divisions of the enterprise: for example, for water supply, drinking or process water, for heat supply, depending on the type of heat carrier - hot water or steam.

Each of the above conditions predetermines the preparation of a separate program for the formation of production volumes and the implementation of the corresponding one of the conditions. The initial indicators of production and sales volumes for each of these programs should be indicators of the enterprise's summary program of production and sales volumes, which indicates the total production and sales volumes for the enterprise.

Let's pass to consideration of an order of formation of each element of the production program.

The specifics of the formation of sales volumes of communal resources

sales volumes can be determined in one of the following ways:

    by metering devices;

    according to consumption standards;

    calculated on the basis of the physical parameters of consumer objects.

Determination of sales volumes on the basis of metering devices does not cause much difficulty and consists in periodic readings (once a month, quarter, year). Thus, for those consumers who have metering devices installed, the planned sales volume is calculated based on meter readings for the reporting period, taking into account changes in consumption volumes planned by consumers. Planned changes in sales volumes usually mean such changes as:

Revision of the contractual volumes of water consumption in the planning period;

The trend in the volume of water consumption, determined on the basis of statistical data for 5 reporting periods preceding the period in which tariffs are calculated for the planned period, using statistical forecasting methods 1 .

In cases where the buyers of utility products are legal entities that purchase electricity, heat, water, gas under a contract and receive wastewater for domestic consumption by the population, a change in the contractual purchase volumes may be caused by the demolition of dilapidated and the commissioning of new residential buildings, population migration and other conditions.

In the absence of metering devices for such a group of consumers as the population, when calculating sales volumes, they usually use consumption standards.

In the absence of metering devices for legal entities, often used calculation methods determination of sales volumes. In this case, planned or actual indicators of the operation of the technological equipment of the consumer enterprise, the physical parameters of buildings, the number of employees and technical and economic indicators are used.

Volumes of resources used for own needs

The volume of resources used for own needs can be divided into two parts, which at the beginning of the section were designated as Q tech. (technological needs of production) and Q pot.podr. (need for communal resources of the main production units producing other products, auxiliary units, office building).

Technology Needs of a utility company in its own production does not occupy a significant amount in the total amount of electricity produced, thermal energy, water, gas, wastewater intake, but unlike many other indicators, along with losses and leaks, the efficiency of the utility company is determined.

1) Technological needs in water supply can be water for disinfection and flushing of water supply systems (including water supply networks), the needs of pumping stations, sampling, analysis and preparation of reagents, and household and drinking needs of employees of the enterprise engaged in water supply.

2) In the production of thermal energy, technological needs include blowing steam boilers, fuel oil heating, technological needs of chemical water treatment, heating and domestic needs of the boiler house.

The calculation of the need for own products for technological needs is carried out on the basis of industry methods, the results of operational and adjustment tests, the technical parameters of the installed equipment and the production plan. Very often, the amount of consumed communal resources of own production is taken as a percentage of the total output. Such a settlement procedure is possible with a fairly stable operation of the enterprise with an insignificant consumption of the produced communal resource for its own needs.

The release of communal resources to the divisions of the enterprise is more associated with their consumption for household needs: heating of buildings, lighting, operation of shower screens and sanitary facilities.

Losses and their types

Losses- the most important indicator of the efficiency of the work of a utility company, a clear indicator of the state of the accounting system, the effectiveness of the marketing activities of the organization.

All losses are usually divided into 2 large groups:

    Technical losses losses due to the physical processes of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, thermal energy, water, gas and wastewater reception are determined by calculation.

    Commercial losses– losses defined as the difference between absolute and technical losses.

Formation of the cost of selling communal resources

Cost price are the costs of production and sale of products expressed in cash .

From the general definition of cost, we can distinguish production cost and cost of sales.

Then production cost can be denoted as the sum of the costs of the enterprise for the production of products, which is formed in the shops of the main and auxiliary production. Cost of sales denote as the sum of the enterprise's expenses for the production and sale of products, formed from the cost of production and general business expenses.

Main production shops these are the divisions of the enterprise involved There is one common feature costing, which can be attributed to any utility company. It lies in the fact that the cost is formed by processes consisting of both separate technological stages and several technological stages.


For water supply, the following stages of costing can be distinguished:The rise of water. Water purification. Water transportation .

In cases where a utility company dispenses a homogeneous product (for example, dispenses only drinking water) and it does not have other activities, then all stages of production are combined into a single process.

Abstract >> Economics

... [edit] Literature John Daley Effective pricing - the basis competitive advantage= Pricing for Profitability ... . Milgram S. Avoid superficial approaches to basics pricing//Economic sciences. 1988. No. 1. S. 138-142 ...

  • Theoretical basics pricing

    Abstract >> Economics

    ...)" SUMMARY on the course "Economics" Theoretical basics pricing Completed by: Kuznetsova D.A. gr.85-SO... and profitability. References Gerasimenko V.V. " Pricing»- M., 2005. Kotler F. " Basics marketing - St. Petersburg: Brief...

  • Pricing. Lecture notes

    Synopsis >> Economic theory

    Introduction 4 Topic 1. Theoretical and methodological basics pricing 5 Economic content of the price 5 Functions of the price... improvement of the prices and pricing. Topic 1. Theoretical and methodological basics pricing The economic content of the price...


    Municipal enterprise "PTP "Voda"", Kharkiv, Ukraine


    Municipal water management (WSS) is the life support system of society, the largest sector of the economy in terms of the amount of processed and transported product, and one of the main consumers of electricity. In the urban infrastructure of large metropolitan areas, its energy intensity is comparable to that of rail transport and the subway, and sometimes even exceeds them.

    Thus, the annual consumption of electricity by enterprises of the water supply and sewerage sector in Ukraine is about 8 billion kWh, which is equivalent to the production of electricity by almost the entire cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power plants. Therefore, saving energy resources is an essential element to ensure the conditions for the uninterrupted functioning of water supply systems.

    The use of energy resources in the sphere of water supply and wastewater treatment cannot currently be considered rational. And the main reason for the high costs, as in general in the field of housing and communal services, is low energy efficiency. The main means of production (pipelines, pumps, etc.) for the most part have served for a considerable period of time, are obsolete and technically worn out.

    A quarter of the water supply facilities and networks of Ukraine (in monetary terms) have worked out the depreciation period and almost 40% of the pumping equipment in operation is physically worn out, as a result of which at least 10% of the consumed electricity is lost. In addition, an additional 12% of electricity is spent on overcoming the hydraulic resistance of networks due to a decrease in their throughput.

    The inclusion in the tariffs of the necessary investment component for the modernization of water supply systems is constrained by the growth of social tension.

    Various energy saving programs adopted and implemented in recent years are extremely important. However, for water supply systems that have their own distinctive features, they must be filled with a qualitatively new content under the general thesis: from energy saving to energy efficiency. This approach in modern economic conditions should be considered not just an integral part, but a fundamental component of the reform of the WSS and the foundation for the financial recovery of municipal water management enterprises.

    Features of energy saving in KVH

    Energy conservation provides for activities that are aimed at the rational use and economical use of primary and converted energy and natural energy resources in the national economy and are implemented using organizational, scientific, industrial, technical, economic, legal and information measures. The term "energy saving" basically means reducing the absolute consumption of energy resources. In principle, you can save in different ways, probably even in any way and, paradoxically, with any cost - especially when the benchmarks are strictly regulated.

    Strange as it may seem at first glance, but due to the specifics and social significance of centralized water supply, a separate reduction in the electricity used in such systems is not a paramount task. Conceptually, in the foreground is the saving of financial resources for the purchase of energy resources and the introduction of energy-saving technologies while performing the main socially important function of providing water to the population and economic sectors. And this is far from the same thing, which causes different conceptual approaches to energy saving policy in the field of the municipal drinking water supply industry.

    The use of electricity can be identified as efficient if and only if its real savings are obtained, and the basic requirements are met for subscribers:

    water as a material product and commodity meets state standards and sanitary legislation in terms of standardized quality indicators;

    the population is provided drinking water within the boundaries of scientifically based drinking water supply standards - to meet physiological and sanitary and hygienic needs;

    water supply for fire-fighting needs was provided, and other consumers were supplied with water in accordance with the terms of the contracts;

    the stability of the water supply system according to the established water supply modes has been preserved.

    If these conditions are violated, energy saving cannot be recognized as either rational or effective. The ideal result of water supply should be considered the full (without loss) use of primary energy for water supply normative quality in the areas of economic and industrial human activity. In other words, saving water, we actually save electricity. The main thing here is the resource itself and the product made from it (drinking water), when, unlike other goods, we are not able to change either its volume or weight characteristics, but we can influence the consumption parameters of consumption itself. This is a very important premise.

    Specific signs of CVH

    The characteristic features of the KVH, which distinguish it from enterprises of other specialization profiles, include the following:

    Relative stability of the quantitative parameters of the product (water), with the exception of general trends towards a decrease or increase in the specific costs of water use.

    The inseparability of output by stages of the energy flow with the extraction, processing, transportation, redistribution, delivery and release of water. Operators and forms of process control may change at different stages of water supply, but the general essence and sequence of operations remains unchanged. The stage of accumulation in the centralized water supply is not required, as well as warehouses for finished products, except for clean water tanks designed to compensate for the daily unevenness of water consumption.

    Weak influence of changes in product quality on the variability of energy consumption. The main dominant in this case remains the transfer of volumes of water resources in the economic link of the water cycle.

    Compliance with the necessary conditions for the fundamental viability of water supply: the presence and minimum performance of the main parts of the system, the through passage of energy (water) through all its elements and the coordination of the frequency of work for all components of the system.

    An artificial reduction in water supply, for example, by introducing limiting schedules, can easily be mistaken for energy savings. However, the corresponding performance indicators for water supply organizations are deteriorating. And not only this. The comfort of living and the quality of human life are violated, which, in turn, through other criteria and assessments, aggravates the economy of water supply enterprises: additional non-payments, litigation, penalties, etc.

    The main energy saving measures are absolute units (kWh), that is, the best idealized option and indicator of the most effective solution is a complete cessation of electricity consumption with the shutdown of all pumping and other technological equipment.

    Energy efficiency of water supply

    Energy efficiency (EF) refers to the efficiency of using energy resources or a characteristic of the effect achieved from the use of a unit of energy. E efficiency (lat.effectivus ) as performance (efficiency) shows how effective is the consumption of electricity and the implementation of energy saving measures.

    Definition. Energy efficiency of centralized water supply - socially and economically justified efficiency of energy saving in the field of drinking water water supply (with the current level of development of technology and technology and compliance with the requirements for environmental protection).

    In the social context - guaranteed satisfaction of the population and other consumers with water of standard quality at prices (tariffs) acceptable to society. In the economic aspect - reducing the total cost of purchasing electricity. Achieved through reducing the use of water by the population as a material resource (with bringing it to the level of developed European countries, as well as the introduction of energy-saving technologies and equipment at water supply facilities.

    Improving the efficiency of energy use can be seen as identifying and implementing measures and tools with the aim of providing the most complete water supply services at the lowest cost of the required energy. However, this does not exclude the simultaneous implementation of the strategic direction - the reduction of water consumption by the population in various interconnected combinations of direct water and electricity savings. And to express the achieved effect should be in relative units. The saved kilowatts are less representative here, although they are essential for the numerical assessment of the reduction in the energy component in the cost of water.

    Estimated indicators of energy efficiency of water supply systems

    According to GOST R, an indicator of energy efficiency is an absolute, specific or relative value of consumption or loss of energy resources for products of any purpose or technological process.

    There are no generally accepted ESP indicators for water supply systems. Implicitly, they are characterized by the share of commercial water losses, the amount of water consumed by an average resident according to standards or metering devices, and the consumption of electricity for lifting or pumping water. Besides, in regional programs energy saving, there are well-defined indirect criteria: electricity savings (% per year), the cost of saved electricity, the total cost of energy saving, etc. Such evaluation characteristics are important in themselves, for example, when analyzing and monitoring the implementation of resource-saving technologies. However, this is not enough - it is necessary to enter ESP parameters to assess the dynamics of electricity use in the entire water supply system in the complex and at its various levels (Fig. 1).

    Thus, an increase in the efficiency of pumping equipment may not lead to the expected increase in EF due to large water losses in distribution networks, and the planned savings in electrical energy can be easily achieved by artificially reducing the water supply.

    Drinking water is the main commercial product produced in KVH. Therefore, similar to the energy intensity of the gross domestic product for estimating rational use electricity in water supply, it is advisable to use such a technical and economic indicator as the specific electricity consumption (SEC) per meter of cubic water (produced, supplied, pumped), kWh/m3. This parameter at the present time serves as the main and only indicator characterizing the energy efficiency of the WSS management in general and its structural divisions or the state of the equipment in particular.

    However, in practice, this parameter in itself is not very informative and is not representative for comparing water supply systems in different cities, and even in one city, too, if there are several water supply sources. And although it is measured in relative units of water flow, it is difficult to compare with each other the degree of technical improvement of individual elements of the system - the same pumping stations. Therefore, it seems quite natural to move from the SEC to assessing its relative change in dimensionless values ​​or percentages, which corresponds to the general rules for determining the efficiency of production processes.

    The main indicator of the energy efficiency of water supply is the relative specific consumption of electricity consumed per 1 m3 of water.

    Let," width="293" height="73">

    The basic value w0 in the above formulas can be chosen and some industry indicator. Then the ratio of the relative power consumption of different water supply systems will serve as a criterion when comparing their development and the efficiency of using electricity.

    Water flow parameters for energy efficiency assessment

    Water intake from a water supply source is not informative enough here, since it is possible to take water from a water body and completely use it for your own needs. In addition, wastewater treatment plants usually use non-pressure gravity schemes with a small share of electricity consumption.

    The main consumption characteristics of centralized water supply are:

    Q n - water supply, calculated from pumping stations of the second lift (after water intake from water bodies and its purification at air conditioning facilities);

    Q p - sale or useful supply of water to consumers;

    Q sweat - water losses, technological and unaccounted expenses in the system of water supply and distribution, taking into account its use for domestic needs and auxiliary facilities of the water supply and sewerage system, starting from the outputs of the supply pumping stations of the 2nd lift.

    The sale or useful release of water is a relatively subjective value. It depends, in particular, on water consumption standards - some calculated values ​​\u200b\u200bapproved by local authorities. In addition, with the mass installation of water meters, the implementation has a general tendency to decrease, both due to a decrease in real water consumption, and all kinds of ways to manipulate devices and the actual theft of water. Unfortunately, falsification resources exist, since the meter is quite complicated in terms of device, operation algorithms, installation and operation. In practice, simultaneously with the introduction of individual measuring instruments, the imbalance between the results of accounting for supply and consumption is growing, and such tricks with devices are forced to be attributed to water losses in distribution networks.

    Water loss

    It is necessary to distinguish between physical water losses (leaks, technological costs for flushing water networks, leakage through the wetted surface of clean water tanks, etc.) and losses as a kind of collective image. At the physical level, losses depend on the laws of fluid motion (hydraulics, hydrodynamics), the laws of queuing systems, and the patterns of "aging" of complex multicomponent systems. On the other hand, unaccounted expenses include water theft and underestimation. It is practically impossible to determine the total amount of losses and the ratio of its components on the basis of reported data, since so far only an insignificant part of the water used is taken into account.

    In other words, everything that is not realized and underestimated is also shifted to the total losses. Q sweat, the value of which in the KWH is already prohibitively high. At the same time, the water itself does not flow out through damage to the networks and can be reasonably used, but for Vodokanals it is considered lost. Losses of water during transportation also increase due to the aging of pipelines and are included in industry standards for the use of drinking water, as well as unaccounted for water consumption at metering devices.

    Thus, for the water supply system, the main consumption characteristics in calculating the EF should be considered the supply of water, controlled by meters, and the sale of water, which, although somewhat approximately, but characterizes the level of real water consumption. The optimal result under these conditions is the full (lossless) use of electrical energy for the preparation of drinking water of standard quality and its “bringing to the tap” of the consumer (also without losses) in the required amount according to the established mode of its supply.

    As an example, estimates of the EF for the centralized water supply of Kharkov were calculated: separately for the supply of water from two surface remote sources and in general for the group water supply system - for the sale or useful supply of water (Fig. 2).

    Figure 2 Energy efficiency by years in the group water supply system of Kharkov: for the sale and supply of drinking water from remote sources

    The starting point for comparing electricity consumption was 2002, which was considered “unsuccessful” in terms of the rational use of energy resources in relative consumption units of water. Characteristically, after the implementation of a set of measures in 2003, including the optimization of the work of 3 lifts, the performance of the EF immediately improved. In 2004, despite a slight decrease in the EF for the main supply facilities, the EF for the sale of water increased, which shows the effectiveness of administrative measures and the work of the subscriber service.

    In 2007 energy efficiency nf for the main supply facilities and for the sale of water (taking into account the imbalance in heat supply organizations) slightly decreased. To some extent, this is due to the installation of apartment water meters, especially during the period of utility tariff increases, but in general it is a warning symptom for the economic security of the water utility.

    In this regard, one cannot fail to note the widespread belief that market mechanisms automatically provide an increase in the efficiency of energy use. In real life, this is not entirely true, since the market focuses mainly on the current situation and poorly takes into account development prospects and national interests, which is in the sphere of government control. The role of the executive authorities is to ensure the interest in increasing the EF of all subjects of the urban communal market, including the water sector. And we are mainly talking about a radical modernization of the KVH at the national system level, since the measures to introduce modern management and production technologies are complex.


    The specificity of energy saving in centralized water supply consists in different combinations of saving water itself and electricity for its supply to consumers. This creates the prerequisites for the calculation of energy efficiency indicators to be based on the relative change in the specific consumption of electricity per 1 m3 of water - compared to some basic estimated value. This approach makes it possible to differentiate the structure of electricity consumption, evaluate the efficiency of its use by individual elements and the system as a whole, tracking the dynamics, for the formation and implementation of management tasks. Saving resources is possible both at the stage of production and transportation of water, and in the process of its consumption, when water, electricity and money for their purchase are simultaneously saved.

    The cost resource of water is constantly increasing, therefore, the solution of energy saving problems in the WSS has a long-term economic basis and is an ideal field for investment and return on investment on a compensatory basis.

    At the heart of the problems of energy saving in the field of water supply that have not been solved for years are artificial false prerequisites for the apparent cheapness of water, subjectively presented as objective. If they are authentically comprehended by society, over time they will be resolved fairly quickly, based on high profitability and fast financial turnover in the drinking industry.


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