Technology of drilling gas wells. Technique and technology of drilling oil wells. Documents and equipment: basic requirements


The decision to build our own water intake device on the site was justified by several reasons, including:

  • lack of centralized water supply;
  • the desire to have a source of water with increased quality without treatment with chlorinating compounds;
  • a great need for water for watering the garden - at current prices for life-giving water from the water supply network, household farming becomes an expensive pleasure, sometimes simply unprofitable.

Regardless of whether the work will be carried out by a third party organization or independently, the technology of drilling water wells should be as familiar as possible. This will help to avoid deception by the performers and unnecessary costs for the implementation of the plan.

The choice of method depends on several factors:

  1. Availability of water in the area. In the first approximation, this can be determined by observing the environment; there are a number of signs indicating its presence or absence. You can also make several experiments with various subjects to get an answer to this question.
  2. A characteristic of the soil composition characteristic of a given area, on which the choice of drilling method depends. Such data can be obtained from the local hydrogeological organization, where you also need to clarify your own forecast estimates for the presence of water at the site.
  3. Depth of occurrence of high-water (sandy) layers and assessment of the depth of occurrence of artesian (limestone) aquifers.

With the availability of such data, it can be concluded that it is preferable to use one or another drilling technology.

Varieties of ways of passing wellbores

Rotary drilling

Fig.3. Rotary Well Drilling Tool

Usually used in oil exploration drilling. AT recent times, with an increase in the need for wells, it is also used in the construction of water intakes.

A feature of the method is its high energy consumption and its applicability on heavy or especially heavy soils with the inclusion of rock formations, as well as on solid limestones.

During rotation, the rotor destroys the rock, which is brought to the surface by the washing solution. It also contains cement. As a result, part of the site will be hopelessly damaged. In addition, at the end of the work, such a well needs a long flush with clean water to remove cement from the pores of the rock, which is part of the solution.

For a small suburban area, this technology seems undesirable.

Hydraulic drilling

This is the easiest water well drilling technology. In the process of performing work, the soil is washed out inside the casing pipe, which is lowered under own weight. Only at the beginning of the process, when the casing is still light, do you have to resort to turning it with a special key.

Fig.4. Drilling with soil erosion with water under pressure

To implement this method, you will need:

  • two pumps, one of them capable of supplying liquid under a pressure of at least 6 atm, the second - for pumping out the waste water back into the tank, of the corresponding capacity;
  • tank; capacity depends on the planned size and depth of the well and is calculated from the ratio:

V = Robs 2 (cm) x 3.14x H(cm), where

V is the volume of the tank,

R is the inner radius of the casing,

3.14 - the number of PI.

So, for a well with a diameter of 273 mm (the maximum possible diameter of the wellbore with this method of penetration), the inner diameter of the casing will be 260 mm (radius 13 cm), the estimated depth of the well is 15 meters (15,000 cm), the required tank volume will be:

13 2 x 3.14 x 1500 \u003d 756000 (cm 3) \u003d 756 (liters).

Considering that it is impossible to work in the absence of water in the tank, we accept the required tank capacity of 2 cubic meters. This expense will not become a burden, since the correct use of the site involves the use of an intermediate heating tank in the garden irrigation system.

  • hydromonitor - hose with metal pipe at the end. The outlet of which should be about 20 mm.

The process is executed as follows:

  1. Drilling - is carried out with a garden drill, the diameter of which is 30 - 40 mm larger than the diameter of the casing pipe. The depth of the pre-hole is about 1.5 meters.
  2. Installation of the first section of the casing in the drilled hole.
  3. The hydraulic monitor is inserted into the casing pipe, water is supplied under pressure. In this case, the casing pipe must be rotated around its axis, contributing to its subsidence as the soil is washed out.
  4. As the hole deepens, flushing is periodically suspended in order to install the next casing section.
  5. Water is pumped out as it accumulates, diverting the liquid back to the tank.

The disadvantage of this method is its applicability only on sandy and sandy soils, and there is also a limitation on the depth of the well. As a rule, they are no deeper than 12 - 15 meters, in rare cases they reach 20.

impact method

Water well drilling technology shock method- one of the most ancient methods used in ancient China. It consists of the following:

  1. A pit is torn off with a depth of about 1.5 meters and dimensions of 1.5 - 1.5 meters.
  2. Drilling is carried out to install the first section of the casing pipe with a depth of up to 2 meters.
  3. A drilling rig is installed - a tripod with a height of at least 3 meters. The height of the rig depends on the length of the casing sections, their maximum size is 6 meters.

Rice. 5. Homemade percussive drilling rig

The shock part, suspended on a cable from the winch, is inserted into the hole in the casing pipe and released into free fall. When it hits the ground, it actively destroys it and it, in a crushed form, gets inside the shock part (made from a pipe). At the end of the drummer, teeth are cut and set apart like on a saw.

A valve is installed inside the drummer, allowing loose soil to pass inward, but preventing it from spilling out during the next rise. When passing wet clay layers, a striker is used without additional devices (glass), wet clay keeps well in it due to sticking to the walls. After passing a distance of about a meter, the drummer must be removed from the barrel and its cavity cleaned.

In the arsenal of professional drillers, the number of modifications of impactors reaches 10 types or more. Various designs are used to pass soils with different properties. Thus, a wide choice of tools allows you to pass almost any soil, except for rocks. The quality of the wells remains the highest. Therefore, not being productive, impact punching technology remains the most popular.

Auger drilling

This technology of drilling a well under water is becoming more and more popular due to its high productivity and ease of execution.

In fact, this is drilling with a rotating tool, while the cutting part destroys the soil in the direction of movement, and the spiral auger takes it out. About 40 - 50% of the soil is brought to the surface, the rest goes to seal the walls. Thus, it is possible to drill without simultaneous wall casing. The casing string is lowered into the hole after drilling is completed.

Fig.6. Auger drill

This method has certain disadvantages that do not allow it to be used on sandy and other loose soils, as well as a limitation on the depth of tables up to 50 meters. Further deepening is carried out with periodic removal of the working tool for cleaning.

Drilling is carried out using a very diverse equipment, and often by hand, for wells on top water. Thus, the industry has mastered and is producing various miniature drilling rigs, with the help of which wells are drilled to a depth of 50 meters in light and medium-weight soils, excluding sandy ones.

Such equipment is actively used for arranging water intakes on suburban areas, often there is no need to purchase it, but you can rent it.

At the same time, powerful artesian wells with a large debit are performed using equally powerful drilling rigs.

Fig.7. Drilling rig for industrial drilling

Perforating drilling

It is produced by driving a "spear" with a headstock or a barbell. It is used, as a rule, for the equipment of Abyssinian wells with a hand pump for pumping water. The limited diameter of the well allows the work to be done independently and in a short period of time.

In addition to the methods described, which are the most popular in practice, many techniques are used that combine the features of various methods.

Name: Equipment and technology for drilling oil and gas wells

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Year of publication: 2003

Chapter 1. Fundamentals of oil and gas field geology
1.1. The composition of the earth's crust
1.2. Geochronology of rocks
1.3. Sedimentary rocks and forms of their occurrence
1.4. Formation of oil and gas deposits
1.5. Physical and chemical properties of oil and gas
1.6. Search and exploration of oil and gas fields
1.7. Drawing up a geological section of the well
1.8. Composition and mineralization of groundwater
1.9. Well research
Chapter 2 General concepts on well construction
2.1. Basic concepts and definitions
2.2. Geological substantiation of the location and design of the well as an engineering structure
2.3. Installation of equipment for well construction
2.4. Wellbore drilling
2.5. Drill bits
2.6. Drill string
2.7. bit drive
2.8. Features of drilling wells in water areas
2.9. Well casing and reservoir isolation
Chapter 3 Mechanical properties rocks
3.1. General provisions
3.2. Mechanical and abrasive properties of rocks
3.3. Influence of all-round pressure, temperature and water saturation on some properties of rocks
Chapter 4
4.1. Roller bits
4.2. Kinematics and dynamics of cone bits
4.3. diamond bits
4.4. Blade bits
Chapter 5
5.1. Physical model of the drill string
5.2. Drill string stability
5.3. Stresses and loads in drill string pipes
Chapter 6
6.1. Terms and Definitions
6.2. Functions of the well flushing process
6.3. Drilling Fluid Requirements
6.4. Drilling fluids
6.5. Preparation and purification of drilling fluids
6.6. Drilling fluid chemical treatment technology
6.7. Hydraulic calculation of flushing a well with an incompressible fluid
6.8. Disposal Methods for Waste Drilling Fluids and Drilling Cuttings
6.9. Methods for the neutralization of waste drilling fluids and cuttings
Chapter 7
7.1. Classification of complications
7.3. Loss of liquids in wells
7.4. Gas-oil-water manifestations
7.5. Clamping, tightening and landing of the pipe string
Chapter 8. Drilling Modes
8.1. Introductory concepts
8.2. The influence of various factors on the drilling process
8.3. Influence of differential and oppressive pressures on the destruction of rocks
8.4. Rational development of bits
8.5. Design of drilling modes
8.6. Cleaning a drilled well from cuttings
Chapter 9
9.1. Goals and objectives of directional well drilling
9.2. Fundamentals of directional well design
9.3. Factors that determine the trajectory of the bottom hole
9.4. Downhole assemblies for drilling directional wells
9.5. Well trajectory control methods and devices
9.6. Features of drilling and navigation of horizontal wells
Chapter 10
10.1. Reservoir drilling
10.2. Technological factors, providing drilling and opening of the productive formation
10.3. Change in the permeability of the bottomhole formation zone. Well completion drilling fluids
10.4. Formation testing and well testing while drilling
Chapter 11 Filters
11.1. Fundamentals of well design
11.2. Well bottom structures
Chapter 12
12.1. Wellbore preparation
12.2. Well casing technology
12.3. Well cements and mortars
12.4. Calculation of well cementing
Chapter 13
well development
13.1. Bullet perforation
13.2. Cumulative perforation
13.3. Underbalanced perforation
13.4. Perforation during overbalance
13.5. Special solutions for well perforation
13.6. Buffer delimiters
13.7. The technology of filling the well with a special fluid
13.8. Inducing inflow by displacement of fluid in the production string
13.9. Calling inflow with an air cushion
13.10. Calling inflow using trigger valves
13.11. Calling inflow with jet devices
13.12. Interval lowering of the liquid level in the well
13.13. Lowering the liquid level in the well by pistoning (swabbing)
13.14. Calling inflow from the reservoir by aeration method
13.15. Reducing the liquid level in the well under conditions of abnormally low reservoir pressure
13.16. Reservoir stimulation using two-phase foams
13.17. The technology of inducing inflow from the formation with foams using ejectors.
13.18. Reservoir induction with test kits
13.19. The use of gaseous agents for the development of wells. Well development with nitrogen
Chapter 14
14.1. Requirements for drilling rigs
14.2. Classification and characteristics of installations
14.3. Complete drilling rigs for production and deep exploration drilling.
14.4. Selection of the type and main parameters of the drilling rig
14.5. Selection of scheme and layout of drilling rig equipment
14.6. Requirements for the kinematic scheme of the drilling rig
14.7. Drilling rigs produced by OAO Uralmagnzavod
14.8. Drilling rigs manufactured by OAO Volgograd Drilling Equipment Plant
Chapter 15
15.1. The process of lifting and lowering columns. Functions of the complex
15.2. Kinematic scheme of the complex for SPO
15.3. Travel system
15.4. Selection of steel ropes for traveling systems
15.5. Crown blocks and traveling blocks
15.6. Drill hooks and hook blocks
15.7. Traveling gears of drilling rigs of JSC "Uralmagnzavod"
15.8. Traveling mechanisms of VZBT drilling rigs
15.9. Drill hooks
15.10. Drawworks
15.11. Drawworks braking systems
15.12. The scope of tripping operations
15.13. Kinematics of the lifting mechanism
15.14. Hoist dynamics
Chapter 16
16.1. mud pumps
16.2. Manifold
16.3. Swivel
Chapter 17
17.1. Parameters and completeness of circulation systems
17.2. Blocks of circulation systems
17.3. Agitators
17.4. Drilling Mud Cleaning Equipment
17.5. Drilling mud degassers
17.6. Centrifuge Mud Treatment Unit
17.7. Suction lines for mud pumps
Chapter 18
expanders, calibrators
18.1. Roller bits
18.2. Blade bits
18.3. Milling bits
18.4. ISM bits
18.5. diamond bits
18.6. Roller drill heads
18.7. Paddle and milling carbide drill heads
18.8. Diamond drill heads and ISM drill heads
18.9. core receiving tool
18.10. Extenders
18.11. Centralizer calibrators
Chapter 19 Drill string calculation
19.1. Kelly pipes
19.2. Drill pipes with upset ends and their couplings
19.3. Upset drill pipe tool joints
19.4. Drill pipes with welded tool joints
19.5. Light Alloy Drill Pipes
19.6. Drill collars
19.7. Drill string subs
19.8. General principles and methodology for calculating the layout of drill pipes in a string
Chapter 20
20.1. Drilling Rotors
20.2. Turbodrills
20.3. Downhole motors
20.4. Turboprop downhole motors
20.5. Electric drills
Chapter 21
21.1. column heads
21.2 Blowout protection equipment
Chapter 22 Calculation of casing strings
22.1. Casing pipes and couplings for them
22.2. Calculation of casing strings
Chapter 23
23.1. Types of drives, their characteristics
23.2. Choice of drive motors
23.3. Synthetic Fittings for Actuators
23.4. Couplings
23.5. Chain transmissions of drilling rigs
23.6. Power units and engines of modern drilling rigs
23.7. Layout of power drives and transmissions
Chapter 24
24.1. Bit feed automation
24.2. Automation of descent-ascent (ATS)
24.3. Drilling wrench automatic stationary
24.4. Pneumatic wedge grip
24.5. Auxiliary winch
Chapter 25
25.1. Features of the development of offshore oil and gas fields
25.2. Main types technical means for the development of offshore oil and gas fields
25.3. Floating drilling facilities (PBS)
25.4. Jack-up floating drilling rigs (jack-up drilling rigs)
25.5. Semi-submersible floating drilling rigs (SSDR)
25.6. Drilling ships (BS)
25.7. Drilling rigs for PBS
25.8. Subsea wellhead equipment
25.9. Floating drilling equipment containment systems at the drilling site
25.10. Offshore fixed platforms (SMEs)

25.11. Environmental Protection in Offshore Drilling

ÓÄÊ 622.24:622.143(075.8) ÁÁÊ 33.131

Ð å ö å í ç å í ò û:

Department of Oil and Gas Field of the Kuban State Technological University; Dr. tech. Sciences prof. A.T. Koshelev; Dr. Tehn. Science Prof. G.T. Vartumyan

Bulatov A.I., Proselkov Yu.M., Shamanov S.A.

B 90 Technique and technology for drilling oil and gas wells: Proc. for universities. − M.: Nedra-Businesscenter LLC, 2003. − 1007 p.: ill.

ISBN 5-8365-0130-0

Issues covered modern technology drilling of oil and gas wells, including directional and horizontal ones. Drill bits and drill heads, drill pipes, turbodrills, screw drills and electric drills, their operating conditions and drilling modes are described. The characteristics and composition of modern complete drilling rigs, functional purpose and design of component equipment are given. Particular attention is paid to special equipment for offshore well drilling. Reference information necessary for engineering calculations is presented. Some methods of technological and technical calculations are considered.

For students of oil and gas universities and faculties.

Foreword ................................................................ ................................................. ................................................

PART 1. TECHNOLOGY FOR DRILLING OIL AND GAS WELLS ..............................................

Chapter 1. Fundamentals of oil and gas field geology .............................................. .........................

1.1. The composition of the earth's crust .............................................................. ................................................. .................

1.2. Geochronology of rocks ............................................................... ................................................. ...

1.3. Sedimentary rocks and forms of their occurrence .............................................. ...................

1.4. Formation of oil and gas deposits ............................................................... ............................................

1.5. Physical and chemical properties of oil and gas .............................................. ................................

1.6. Prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields .............................................. ...................

1.7. Compilation of the geological section of the well .............................................................. ...................

1.8. Composition and mineralization of groundwater .............................................. ...................................

1.9. Well research .................................................................. ................................................. ......

Chapter 2. General concepts of well construction .......................................................... .........................

2.1. Basic concepts and definitions ............................................... ...............................................

2.2. Geological substantiation of the location and well design as

engineering structure .................................................................. ................................................. ..............

2.3. Installation of equipment for well construction .............................................................. ................

2.4. Drilling of the wellbore .............................................................. ................................................. .....

2.5. Drill bits ................................................................ ................................................. .........................

2.6. Drill string ................................................................ ................................................. ....................

2.7. Bit drive .............................................................. ................................................. ...............................

2.8. Peculiarities of drilling wells in the offshore areas....................................................... .........................

2.9. Well casing and formation separation .............................................................. ...............................

Chapter 3. Mechanical properties of rocks .............................................. ...............................

3.1. General provisions................................................... ................................................. ...................

3.2. Mechanical and abrasive properties of rocks .............................................................. .............

3.3. Influence of confining pressure, temperature and water saturation on some

properties of rocks .............................................................. ................................................. ....................

Chapter 4. Drill Bits............................................... ................................................. ....................

4.1. Roller bits .................................................................. ................................................. .................

4.2. Kinematics and dynamics of cone bits .............................................................. ...............................

4.3. Diamond chisels................................................... ................................................. .........................

4.4. Bladed bits .............................................................. ................................................. ......................

Chapter 5 ..................................................

5.1. Physical model of the drill string............................................................... .................................

5.2. Drill string stability .................................................................. ...............................................

5.3. Stresses and loads in drill string pipes .............................................................. ............

Chapter 6 ................................................. .............

6.1. Terms and Definitions............................................... ................................................. ............

6.2. Functions of the well flushing process............................................................... ....................................

6.3. Requirements for drilling fluids .......................................................... ...............................................

6.4. Drilling fluids ............................................................... ...............................................

6.5. Preparation and purification of drilling fluids ............................................................... .........................

6.6. Technology of chemical treatment of drilling mud .............................................................. .........

6.7. Hydraulic calculation of flushing a well with an incompressible fluid ..............................................

6.8. Methods for the disposal of waste drilling fluids and drill cuttings ..............................

6.9. Methods for the neutralization of waste drilling fluids and cuttings ..............................................

Chapter 7. Complications during drilling, their prevention and control ............................................

7.1. Classification of complications .................................................................. ................................................. ...

7.2. The destruction of the walls of the well .............................................................. ................................................. .

7.3. Absorption of liquids in wells .............................................................. ................................................

7.4. Oil and gas shows.................................................................. ................................................. ......

7.5. Clamping, tightening and landing of a pipe string .............................................. ...............................

Chapter 8. Drilling Modes............................................... ................................................. .................

8.1. Introductory concepts .................................................. ................................................. .......................

8.2. Influence of various factors on the drilling process .............................................................. .................

8.3. The influence of differential and oppressive pressures on the destruction of rock

breeds................................................. ................................................. .................................................

8.4. Rational development of bits ............................................... .................................................

8.5. Design of drilling modes .............................................................. .........................................

8.6. Cleaning a drilled well from cuttings ............................................................... .................................

Chapter 9

9.1. Goals and objectives of directional well drilling .............................................................. ......................

9.2. Fundamentals of directional well design .............................................................. .................

9.3. Factors that determine the trajectory of the bottom hole .............................................................. ..........

9.4. Downhole assemblies for drilling directional wells .............................................................. .

9.5. Well trajectory control methods and devices .............................................................. .............

9.6. Peculiarities of drilling and navigation of horizontal wells ..............................................................

Chapter 10 .........

10.1. Drilling of a productive formation .............................................................. ......................................

10.2. Technological factors that ensure drilling and opening of productive

formation ................................................. ................................................. ..................................................

10.3. Change in the permeability of the bottomhole formation zone. Drilling fluids for

well completions ................................................................ ................................................. ....................

10.4. Formation testing and well testing while drilling..................................................................

Chapter 11 Filters ................................................. .................................

11.1. Fundamentals of designing well structures .............................................................. .................

11.2. Well bottom designs ............................................................... .................................................

Chapter 12 ....................

12.1. Wellbore preparation ............................................................... .................................................

12.2. Technology of casing well casing .................................................................................. .......

12.3. Well cements and mortars .............................................................. .........................................

12.4. Calculation of well cementing ............................................................... ...............................................

Chapter 13

well development .................................................................. ................................................. ...............................

13.1. Bullet perforation .................................................................. ................................................. ..............

13.2. Cumulative perforation .................................................................. ................................................. ....

13.3. Perforation under pressure drawdown .............................................................. ...............................................

13.4. Perforation during repression on the reservoir .............................................. ......................................

13.5. Special solutions for perforation of wells............................................................... ................

13.6. Buffer delimiters .................................................................. ................................................. ...........

13.7. The technology of filling a well with a special fluid ..............................................................

13.8. Inducing inflow by displacement of fluid in the production casing ..................................................

13.9. Calling inflow with an air cushion....................................................... ....................

13.10. Calling inflow using start valves .............................................................. ........

13.11. Calling inflow with jet devices .............................................................. .................

13.12. Interval lowering of the liquid level in the well .............................................................. ..

13.13. Decreasing the liquid level in the well by pistoning (swabbing) ..................................

13.14. Calling inflow from the reservoir by aeration method .............................................. ......................

13.15. The decrease in the liquid level in the well in conditions of abnormally low formation

pressure .............................................. ................................................. ................................................

13.16. Reservoir stimulation using two-phase foams.................................................................. ..

13.17. Technology for inducing inflow from the formation with foams using ejectors ..............................

13.18. Calling inflow from the reservoir using test tool kits.....

13.19. The use of gaseous agents for the development of wells. Well development

nitrogen ................................................. ................................................. ................................................

PART 2. TECHNIQUE FOR DRILLING OIL AND GAS WELLS ..............................................

Chapter 14. Drilling rigs............................................... ................................................. ...........

14.1. Requirements for drilling rigs .............................................................. .............

14.2. Classification and characteristics of installations .................................................... .......................

14.3. Complete drilling rigs for production and deep exploration

drilling .................................................. ................................................. .........................................

14.4. Selection of the type and main parameters of the drilling rig .............................................. ......

14.5. Selection of scheme and layout of drilling rig equipment ..............................................

14.6. Requirements for the kinematic scheme of the drilling rig............................................................... ....

14.7. Drilling rigs produced by JSC "Uralmashzavod" .............................................. ......

14.8. Drilling rigs manufactured by OJSC "Volgograd Drilling Equipment Plant"......

Chapter 15 ...............................................

15.1. The process of lifting and lowering columns. Functions of the complex .................................................. .

15.2. Kinematic scheme of the complex for SPO .............................................. ......................

15.3. Travel system .................................................................. ................................................. .......................

15.4. The choice of steel ropes for traveling systems .......................................................... .........................

15.5. Crown blocks and travel blocks .................................................................. ................................................. ....

15.6. Drilling hooks and hook blocks .......................................................... ..................................................

15.7. Travel mechanisms of drilling rigs of JSC "Uralmashzavod" ..............................................

15.8. Traveling mechanisms of drilling rigs VZBT .............................................. .......................

15.9. Drilling rigs ................................................................ ................................................. .......................

15.10. Drawworks ............................................................... ................................................. ....................

15.11. Brake systems of drawworks ....................................................................... .................................

15.12. Scope of lifting operations.................................................................... ......................................

15.13. Kinematics of the lifting mechanism ............................................................... ................................................

15.14. Hoist dynamics .................................................................................. .........................................

Chapter 16 ...................

16.1. Mud pumps ................................................................ ................................................. .......................

16.2. Manifold .................................................. ................................................. ...............................

16.3. Swivel................................................. ................................................. ................................................

Chapter 17 ......................

17.1. Parameters and completeness of circulation systems ............................................................... ........

17.2. Blocks of circulation systems.................................................................... ...............................................

17.3. Stirrers ................................................................ ................................................. ...................

17.4. Drilling mud cleaning equipment.................................................................................. ......

17.5. Degassers for drilling fluids............................................................... .........................................

17.6. Centrifuge-based drilling mud treatment plant..................................................................

17.7. Suction lines for mud pumps.................................................................... ...............................

Chapter 18

expanders, calibrators .............................................. ................................................. ............

18.1. Roller bits .................................................................. ................................................. ...............

18.2. Bladed bits .............................................................. ................................................. ....................

18.3. Milling bits ................................................................ ................................................. ...................

18.4. ISM bits................................................... ................................................. ...............................

18.5. Diamond chisels................................................... ................................................. ......................

18.6. Roller drill heads .................................................................. ............................................

18.7. Paddle and milling carbide drill heads ..............................................................

18.8. Diamond drill heads and ISM drill heads .............................................................. ....

18.9. Core receiving tool .................................................................. ................................................. .

18.10. Extenders ................................................................ ................................................. .........................

18.11. Calibrators-Centralizers ............................................... ................................................. .....

Chapter 19 Calculation of drill strings ............................................................... ............

19.1. Kelly drill pipes .................................................................. ................................................. .....

19.2. Drill pipes with upset ends and couplings for them .............................................................. ..

19.3. Collars for drill pipes with upset ends .............................................................. ............

19.4. Drill pipes with welded tool joints .......................................................... .........................

19.5. Light-alloy drill pipes .............................................................. ............................................

19.6. Drill collars .............................................................................. ...............................................

19.7. Subs for drill strings .......................................................... ...............................................

19.8. General principles and methodology for calculating the layout of drill pipes in a string ..........

Chapter 20. Bit drive: drilling rotors, downhole motors................................................................ ....

20.1. Drilling rotors .................................................................. ................................................. ......................

20.2. Turbodrills .................................................. ................................................. ...............................

20.3. Screw downhole motors ....................................................................... ..................................................

20.4. Turboprop downhole motors ....................................................................... ...............................................

20.5. Electric drills................................................. ................................................. ......................

Chapter 21. Wellhead equipment of drilling wells ............................................. .................

21.1. Column heads ................................................................ ................................................. ...................

21.2 Blowout protection equipment.................................................................... .........................................

Chapter 22 Calculation of casing strings .................................................... .................

22.1. Casing pipes and couplings to them .............................................. ................................................

22.2. Calculation of casing strings .................................................... ................................................. .........

Chapter 23. Power drive of the drilling complex ............................................. ...............................

23.1. Types of drives, their characteristics ............................................................... .........................................

23.2. Choice of drive motors .............................................................. ......................................

23.3. Means of artificial adaptability for drives...............................................................

23.4. Couplings ................................................. ................................................. ......................................

23.5. Chain transmissions of drilling rigs .......................................................... ................................................

23.6. Power units and engines of modern drilling rigs..................................................

23.7. Layout of power drives and transmissions .............................................. ...................

Chapter 24

processes ................................................. ................................................. .........................................

24.1. Bit feed automation .................................................................. .................................................

24.2. Automation of descent-ascent (ATS) .............................................. ...............................................

24.3. Drilling wrench automatic stationary .............................................................. ......................

24.4. Pneumatic wedge grip ............................................................... ............................................

24.5. Auxiliary winch ........................................................ ................................................. .......

Chapter 25

25.1. Peculiarities of development of offshore oil and gas fields ..............................

25.2. The main types of technical means for the development of offshore oil and gas

deposits .................................................. ................................................. ................................

25.3. Floating drilling facilities (PBS) ............................................... ...............................................

25.4. Jack-up floating drilling rigs (jack-up drilling rigs) .............................................................. ..........

25.5. Semi-submersible floating drilling rigs (SSDR) .............................................................. ..........

25.6. Drilling ships (BS).................................................. ................................................. ......................

25.7. Drilling rigs for PBS ....................................................... ................................................. .........

25.8. Subsea wellhead equipment ............................................................... .........................................

25.9. Support systems for floating drilling facilities at the drilling site..................................................................

25.10. Offshore fixed platforms (SMEs) .............................................................. ......................

25.11. Environmental protection during offshore drilling............................................................... ...............

Bibliography................................................ ................................................. .........................


"Technique and technology of drilling oil and gas wells" is one of the special disciplines that define the profile of an engineer for machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields. The purpose of teaching the discipline is to give students knowledge on the technology of drilling oil and gas wells and introduce them to the technique that ensures the implementation of all drilling conditions. technological processes and operations. This knowledge is necessary for a mechanical engineer in the design, installation and operation of drilling rigs, separate equipment for them, devices, assemblies and fixtures, and repair work.

The development of the oil and gas industry involves the widespread use of drilling for the purpose of prospecting, exploration and development of oil and gas fields. The drilling of oil and gas wells, as a branch of the oil and gas industry, must be constantly improved, especially in connection with the increase in the volume of work on deep and ultra-deep drilling, including offshore areas, as well as with the growing need for drilling directional and horizontal wells.

The discipline program "Technique and technology of drilling oil and gas wells" provides for the study of all components of the well construction cycle, starting with the concept of wells, their classification, designs, the technical means and technological operations used for the destruction of rocks and shaft sinking and ending with the processes of opening and sampling productive horizons, casing wells and separating layers with grouting materials, development and testing of wells. In addition, due attention is paid to drilling rigs and their associated equipment. Particular attention is paid to special drilling rigs designed for drilling wells in water areas.

There are no textbooks that fully meet the requirements of the discipline program. There is educational literature for individual sections of the program, but, unfortunately, many of its materials are outdated, since they have not been updated for at least the last 15 years.

The presented book is intended to eliminate these gaps in the educational literature and present educational material on drilling oil and gas wells in its modern sense. It consists of two parts: the first part is devoted to the technology of drilling oil and gas wells, the second - to the equipment for the construction of these wells, drilling tools and underground equipment. A separate chapter is devoted to special equipment for offshore well drilling, which is successfully developing as one of the branches of the oil and gas industry and in which specialization in the training of a mechanical engineer is possible. Such a location

ing educational material is logical, since the technology determines the requirements for drilling equipment and tools for well construction.

A mechanical engineer must be able to perform the calculations necessary both in the design and operation of drilling equipment. Therefore, the textbook is sufficiently saturated with the simplest calculation methods and reference and information material.

At the end of the book is a list of the main literature used by the authors. This literature is also recommended for a deeper study of the technology and technique of drilling oil and gas wells.

The textbook covers all processes and operations performed during well drilling, including in complicated geological conditions; contains reference information necessary for technological calculations; it describes drilling rigs, their drilling equipment, rock cutting tools, drill and casing pipes; given specifications equipment and tools necessary for their selection for specific well construction conditions. In this regard, the textbook is universal and therefore can be successfully used in educational process when training specialists of other specialties in the oil and gas field, the curricula of which provide for the study of the discipline "Drilling oil and gas wells".

To successfully study the material of the discipline, students need knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, hydromechanics, thermodynamics, theoretical and applied mechanics, strength of materials and materials science, as well as the basics of oil and gas business.




Geological information is the basis for solving almost all issues of well construction design and drilling process control. The characteristics of the rocks and reservoir fluids penetrated by the well largely determine the choice of bits, drilling fluid, methods of opening productive horizons, fixing the walls of the well and separating the layers. For offshore drilling, information on hydrometeorological conditions, as well as characteristics of the depths of the seas, sea waves, tides, tides, sea currents, wind, and ice conditions are of great importance.


Geology is the science of the composition, structure and history of the Earth. It is assumed that the Earth consists of several distinguishable properties

shells: lithosphere 50–70 km thick; mantle to a depth of 2900 km; cores in the depth interval 2900−6380 km. Above the lithosphere there is a water shell - the hydrosphere, and above - a gaseous shell - the atmosphere. The lithosphere is composed of rocks, which are based on various minerals - natural substances, approximately homogeneous in chemical composition and physical properties, resulting from physical and chemical processes.

Classification of rocks by origin:

A. Igneous (igneous) - crystalline rocks formed as a result of solidification of molten matter (magma).

B. Sedimentary - rocks composed of tiny pieces various minerals, often cemented together, containing the remains of animal and plant organisms. According to the method of accumulation

The earth's crust distinguishes between mechanical sediments, rocks of chemical and mixed origin.

Mechanical sediments are the result of denudation processes of solar-wind-water destruction and the transfer of sediments of igneous rocks (boulders, pebbles, gravel). Chemical rocks (and some classified as sedimentary rocks) were formed by chemical reactions and accumulation on the earth's surface of complex salts (rock salt, anhydride, gypsum). Rocks of mixed origin include clastic material, substances of organic and chemical origin (limestones, chalk, clays, sands, sandstones).

C. Metamorphic rocks are remelted sedimentary and igneous rocks as a result of their immersion in the molten part of the Earth (quartzites, marbles, shales, gneisses).


To determine the historical and geological regularities of the accumulation of rocks and the formation of the Earth as a planet, a stratigraphic scale is used, on the basis of which a geochronological table is compiled, reflecting the location in a certain sequence of conditional periods of time for the formation of the earth's crust (Table 1.1).


Geological table


Quaternary (en-












Late Cretaceous

Early Cretaceous

Late Jurassic

Middle Jurassic

Early Jurassic


Late Triassic

Middle Triassic

Early Triassic



Late Permian

Early Permian


Late Carboniferous

Middle Carboniferous

Early Carboniferous


Late Devonian

Middle Devonian

Early Devonian


Late Silurian

Early Silurian


Late Ordovician

Middle Ordovician

Early Ordovician


Late Proterozoic-


Late Riphean

Middle Riphean

Early Riphean

Middle Proterozoic

Early Proterozoic



The main feature of sedimentary rocks is their layering, i.e. accumulation in the form of more or less homogeneous layers (layers). The surface bounding the reservoir from above is called the roof, and the surface bounding the reservoir from below is called the sole.

The roof of the underlying layer is simultaneously the sole of the overlying one, and the sole of the overlying one is the roof of the underlying one. The initially formed beds were almost horizontal, but as a result of the subsequent deformation of the earth's crust, the shape of the occurrence often changed to a significantly inclined or even vertical.

The reservoir is characterized by thickness and dip angle at a given point in a specific direction (Fig. 1.1). Distinguish the true (shortest dis-

Rice. 1.1. Declining layers in the form of a fold:

АА – horizontal power; ÀÄ - vertical power; ÀÑ - true power

Rice. 1.2. Monocline

Drilling, the process of constructing a cylindrical mine working - a well, a hole or a mine shaft - by destroying rocks at the bottom. It is carried out, as a rule, in the earth's crust, less often in artificial materials (concrete, asphalt, etc.). In some cases, the process includes fixing the walls of wells (usually deep ones) with casing pipes with the injection of cement slurry into the annular gap between the pipes and the walls of the wells.

The scope of drilling is multifaceted: prospecting and exploration of minerals; study of the properties of rocks; extraction of liquid, gaseous and solid (by leaching and smelting) minerals through production wells; blasting operations; extraction of solid minerals; artificial fixation of rocks (freezing, bituminization, cementation, etc.); drainage of flooded mineral deposits and swampy areas; discovery of deposits; laying of underground communications: construction of pile foundations, etc.

The borehole passes through the rock mass in order to reach the desired object - deposits of the ore body, oil, gas, aquifer, etc. Thus, a well is an artificial excavation in a rock mass. At the same time, there are excavations similar in purpose, but of a different form - mine workings (mines, adits, quarries), from which the well differs significantly in the smallest amount of excavation to the depth of penetration. In this sense, it is the most economical and the fastest in reaching the target of the opening. In cross section, the well has the shape of a circle, since drilling is usually carried out by rotation, while the diameter of the circle is very small (75-300 mm) compared to the length of the well at a drilling depth of hundreds of meters and even several kilometers (9 km or more). When drilling exploratory wells for solid minerals, their diameter is usually 59 and 76 mm, for oil and gas - 100-400 mm.

Drilling developed and specialized in relation to three main areas of technology: the deepest wells (several km) are drilled for oil and gas, shallower ones (hundreds of meters) for prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, wells and boreholes with a depth of several meters to tens of meters are drilled for placement of explosive charges (mainly in mining and construction).

Both exploratory and production first wells are laid at the expected highest points of the discovered favorable structure in order to surely open the mineral deposit. Based on the information obtained from the first wells, the location of subsequent wells is selected, which are faced with a broader task - to determine the size of the deposit, the effective thickness of productive formations, the change in their porosity and permeability along the strike, refine the structural map of the field (isogypsum map), obtain data to determine thermodynamic parameters productive formations and the construction of maps of isobars and isotherms, and ultimately - to calculate or clarify the commercial reserves of the field and justify or clarify the system for its development (build a development map).

In this case, wells can be laid both within the deposit and outside it.

After choosing a location, they draw up a project for this well, the main sections of which are:

Construction (ratio of diameters and lengths of the wellbore, its orientation; running intervals, diameters, wall thickness and steel grades of casing strings; cementing intervals; type and design of the filter; other necessary elements of the well);

Wellbore drilling technology (types and sizes of the rock cutting tool - bits; drilling modes - the intensity of circulation of the agent cleaning the bottomhole and the shaft from the cut rock, the speed of the bit, the force from the bit on the bottomhole being destroyed by it; the type and physical properties of the agent cleaning the well; type, ratio diameters and lengths of drill string sections; type and size of the downhole motor, if used);

The technology of opening productive layers (type and physical properties of the flushing agent when drilling the wellbore in the filter zone; the ratio of pressures in the well and the reservoir; the method of fixing the wellbore in the filter zone and other technological parameters and technical means);

Wellbore cementing technology (running and cementing of the conductor, intermediate and production strings; design of the bottom of the production string and filter; type of cement, physical properties of the cement slurry in liquid and hardened state, intensity of its transportation to the annular space; method of string cementing and equipping them with additional devices ; duration of waiting for the cement slurry to harden; method for testing the quality of wellbore fastening);

Well testing technology as an operation object (geometric dimensions of the tubing string; equipment of the wellhead with operational fittings; modes and duration of the well productivity study);

Ground lifting and driving equipment for drilling the shaft (rig; rotor for rotating the drill string; traveling system and winch for tripping operations; motors for winch and rotor drive; auxiliary equipment and accessories);

Surface circulation system for preparation, adjustment of properties and purification of the flushing agent (tank with agitators; unit for preparation, weighting and adjustment of properties; unit for cleaning - vibrating screens, hydrocyclones, centrifuges);

Mud pumps (brand, cylinder diameters, performance, type and power of drive motors).

According to the intended purpose, boreholes are divided into three main groups: exploration, production and technical.

1) Exploration wells:

Mapping (study of bedrocks hidden under sediments)<50м;

Exploration (discovery of new deposits n / g);

Exploration (in open areas in order to contour them and collect the necessary material for further development);


Seismic exploration (for laying explosives)<50м;

Structural (for a thorough study of the structures drilled from wells and drafting a project for prospecting and exploratory drilling for promising structures);

Parametric (for a more detailed study of the geological section);


Reference (for studying the geological section of large regions).

2) Production wells:

Oil and gas (transportation of n/g from deposits to


Water intakes;

Underground coal gasification wells;

Wells for the extraction of brines;

Geotechnical wells.

3) Technical wells:

Explosive wells;

Shafts of pits and mines;

According to the depth and inclination of drilling:

  • - vertical (axis close to vertical);
  • - inclined (the axis is inclined from the vertical);
  • - ultra-deep (>5000m);
  • - deep (1000-5000m);
  • - small (

The whole structure of work on drilling the wellbore, which includes a complex of surface drilling, drilling tools and technological methods of work.

According to the nature of the destruction of the rock, the drilling methods used are divided into: mechanical - the drilling tool directly affects the rock, destroying it, and non-mechanical - the destruction occurs without direct contact with the rock from the source of impact on it (thermal, explosive, etc.). Mechanical drilling methods are divided into rotational and percussion (as well as rotational percussion and percussion rotation). During rotary drilling, the rock is destroyed due to the rotation of the tool pressed against the bottomhole. Depending on the strength of the rock during rotary drilling, a cutting-type rock-breaking tool is used (Drill bit and Drill bit); diamond drilling tool; shot crowns that destroy the rock with shot (shot drilling). Percussion drilling methods are divided into: percussive drilling or shock-rotary (drilling with perforators, including submersible, shock-rope, rod, etc., in which the tool is rotated at the moment between the tool's impacts on the bottomhole); percussion-rotary (submersible pneumatic and hydraulic hammers, as well as drilling with perforators with independent rotation, etc.), in which blows are applied to a continuously rotating tool; rotational-impact, in which the rock-destroying drilling tool is under high axial pressure in constant contact with the rock and destroys it due to rotational movement along the bottomhole and periodically struck against it. The destruction of the bottomhole rocks is carried out over its entire area (solid bottom drilling) or along the annular space with core extraction (core drilling). The removal of destruction products is periodic with the help of a bailer and continuous with augers, twisted rods or by supplying gas, liquid or solution (Clay mud) to the bottomhole. Sometimes drilling is subdivided according to the type of drilling tool (auger, rod, diamond, cone, etc.); according to the type of drilling machine (perforating, pneumatic percussion, turbine, etc.), according to the method of drilling (inclined, cluster, etc.). Technical means of drilling consist mainly of drilling machines (drilling rigs) and rock cutting tools. From non-mechanical methods, thermal drilling has become widespread for drilling blast holes in quartz-containing rocks, and work is underway to introduce explosive drilling.

Drilling as a production process consists of a number of sequential operations:

  • 1. Transportation of the drilling rig to the drilling site.
  • 2. Installation of the drilling rig.
  • 3. Drilling itself (driving a wellbore), which includes:

a) clean drilling, i.e. direct destruction of the rock with a rock cutting tool at the bottom of the well;

b) cleaning the bottom from the destroyed rock and transporting it from the bottom to the wellhead. When drilling with flushing or blowing, as well as when drilling with augers, this operation is combined with the main one - clean drilling;

c) tripping operations are carried out to replace worn-out rock cutting tools and to lift the core (rock samples).

4. Fastening the walls of the well in unstable rocks, i.e. capable of collapse (fractured, weakly bonded, loose, free-flowing and quicksand), which can be done in two ways:

a) fastening by lowering casing strings into the well, which requires stopping drilling;

b) fixing with flushing fluids that fix the walls of the well, carried out simultaneously with drilling.

  • 5. Tests and studies in the well (measurement of curvature, logging, etc.).
  • 6. Plugging of wells in order to isolate and isolate aquifers with different chemical composition of waters or to isolate an aquifer from an oil and gas bearing one.
  • 7. Installation of a filter and a water lift in a hydrogeological well and the production of hydrogeological studies (measuring the water level in the well, water sampling, determining the well flow rate using test pumping).
  • 8. Prevention and elimination of accidents in the well.
  • 9. Extraction of casing pipes and liquidation of the well after completion of the task (liquidation plugging).
  • 10. Dismantling the drilling rig and moving to a new drilling site

The listed drilling operations are sequential, i.e. can be performed sequentially by the same team.

When it is necessary to drill several wells and if there are standby drilling rigs in order to speed up exploration work, some work operations can be parallel, i.e. performed by two or more specialized teams. So, for example, the drilling crew performs the actual drilling and casing of the well; assembly teams are engaged only in transportation, installation, dismantling of drilling rigs, liquidation plugging of wells; the logging team is engaged only in logging, etc.

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3.2 Calculation of well cementing by the two-plug method

3.3 Liquidation plugging of the well


well cementing rock rock


Today, well drilling, multi-purpose manufacturing and modern industry offer a wide range of technical tools and technologies that you need to understand in order to make the right decision. In a market economy and fierce competition between subsoil users, geologists are subject to appropriate requirements, since the success of the entire enterprise may depend on their qualifications and knowledge, sometimes at the level of intuition.


The borehole passes through the rock mass in order to reach the desired object - deposits of the ore body, oil, gas, aquifer, etc. Thus, a well is an artificial excavation in a rock mass. At the same time, there are excavations similar in purpose, but of a different form - mine workings (mines, adits, quarries), from which the well differs significantly in the smallest amount of excavation to the depth of penetration. In this sense, it is the most economical and the fastest in reaching the target of the opening. In cross section, the well has the shape of a circle, since drilling is usually carried out by rotation, while the diameter of the circle is very small compared to the length of the well, these are the first centimeters, less often tens of centimeters with a drilling depth of hundreds of meters and even several kilometers.

Drilling, especially deep drilling, is a rather complicated production that requires the use of special technical means, which in combination are called a drilling rig. It includes the following main components: drilling rig (or mast), power equipment or power drive - engine, drilling rig and mud pump. Depending on the drilling method and design, the installations are divided into rotary, impact, vibration, turbine, etc. According to the method of transportation, they are also divided into stationary, mobile, self-propelled and portable.

1.1 Basic technical concepts, purpose of wells

The borehole diameter is determined by the diameter of the rock cutting tool and varies from 16 to 1500 mm.

The length of the wellbore is the distance from the mouth to the bottom of the well, measured along its center line. Well depth is the difference between the wellhead and bottomhole marks on the depth scale (z-axis). Reaches 12500 m.

Well elements:

Wellhead- the beginning of the well, that is, the place of its intersection with the earth's surface or with the surface of a mine working.

Well bottom- well bottom

Well walls- lateral surfaces of the well.

Wellbore - the space in the subsoil occupied by the well.

According to the method of bottomhole development, drilling is divided into coreless and core drilling (Fig. 1.1.).

Coreless drilling - drilling, in which the rock is destroyed over the entire area of ​​the face. Core drilling - drilling, in which the rock is destroyed along the annular face with the preservation of the core. Core - a rock column formed as a result of the annular destruction of the bottom of the well.

The main dimensions of the well are the diameters of the drilling intervals in mm; diameters of outer and inner casing strings in mm; depth of well intervals from the mouth to the bottom in m; total depth and length of the well from the mouth to the bottom in m.

The spatial location of the borehole is determined by: 1) wellhead coordinates x, y, z; 2) well direction; 3) well inclination angle; 4) borehole azimuth; 5) depth (Fig. 1.2.).

According to the direction of drilling, the shape of the wellbore and their number, the wells are divided into the following groups: 1- vertical; 2- oblique; 3- horizontal; 4- rising; 5- curved; 6- multi-stem

A drilling rig is a complex consisting of a drilling rig (or mast), drilling and power equipment necessary for drilling wells. Depending on the drilling method, drilling rigs are divided into rotary, percussion, vibration, etc. Depending on the vehicles, they are divided into stationary, mobile, self-propelled and portable:

According to the intended purpose, boreholes are divided into three main groups: exploration, production and technical.

1 - Exploration wells:

· Charting

Search engines


· Hydrogeological

· Geotechnical





2 - Production wells:

Water intake

· Oil and gas

Underground coal gasification wells

Wells for the extraction of brines

Geotechnical wells

3 - Technical wells:

Explosive wells

Shafts of pits and mines

1.2 Production drilling operations

Drilling as a production process consists of a series of sequential operations,

1. Transportation of the drilling rig to the drilling site;

2. installation of the drilling rig;

3. Drilling itself (driving a wellbore), which includes:

a) clean drilling, i.e. direct destruction of the rock with a rock cutting tool at the bottom of the well;

b) cleaning the bottom from the destroyed rock and transporting it from the bottom to the wellhead. When drilling with flushing or blowing, as well as when drilling with augers, this operation is combined with the main one - clean drilling;

c) tripping operations are carried out to replace worn-out rock cutting tools and to lift the core (rock samples).

4. Fastening the walls of the well in unstable rocks, i.e., capable of collapse (fractured, weakly connected, loose, loose and quicksand), which can be done in two ways:

a) fastening by lowering casing strings into the well, which requires stopping drilling;

b) fastening with flushing fluids that fix the walls of the well, carried out simultaneously with drilling

5. Testing and research in the well (measurement of curvature, logging, etc.

6. Plugging of wells in order to isolate and isolate aquifers with different chemical composition of waters or to isolate an aquifer from an oil and gas bearing one.

7. Installation of a filter and a water lift in a hydrogeological well and the production of hydrogeological studies (measuring the water level in the well, water sampling, determining the well flow rate using test pumping).

8. Prevention and elimination of accidents in the well.

9. Extraction of casing pipes and liquidation of the well after completion of the task (liquidation plugging).

10. Dismantling the drilling rig and moving to a new drilling site

The listed drilling operations are sequential, that is, they can be performed sequentially by the same team.

When it is necessary to drill several wells and if there are standby drilling rigs in order to speed up exploration work, some work operations can be parallel, i.e. performed by two or more specialized teams. So, for example, the drilling crew performs the actual drilling and casing of the well; assembly teams are engaged only in transportation, installation, dismantling of drilling rigs, liquidation plugging of wells; the logging team is engaged only in logging, etc.

1.3 Basic technological concepts and drilling indicators

Drilling indicators are parameters that characterize the quantity and quality of well drilling results. The most important of them are: speed, cost of 1 m of a drilled well, percentage of core recovery, wellbore direction, etc.

Drilling mode is a combination of parameters that can be changed by the driller.

So, for example, during rotary drilling, the main parameters of the drilling mode are: 1) axial load on the rock cutting tool; 2) rotational speed of the drill string;

3) the quality of the cleaning agent (water, drilling fluid or compressed air); 4) volume flow, i.e. volume per unit time of the cleaning agent.

There are the following types of drilling modes: optimal and special.

The optimal drilling mode is a combination of drilling mode parameters that provide the maximum drilling speed in given geological and technical conditions for a given size of rock cutting tool and while ensuring the required quality indicators: proper wellbore direction and high core recovery.

A special drilling mode is a combination of special technological tasks. For example, taking a core of a mineral with the help of special technical means, straightening a wellbore, artificial curvature of a well in a given direction, etc. In this case, the value of the drilling speed has a subordinate value.

A drilling trip is a set of works spent on the following work operations: 1) lowering the drilling tool into the well; 2) clean drilling, i.e. deepening the well (the main operation); 3) lifting the drill string from the well.


Rocks are classified according to different criteria. By origin, they are divided into: igneous or igneous; (deep and poured); sedimentary (mechanical or clastic, chemogenic, organogenic); metamorphic, formed from igneous and sedimentary rocks at great depths under the influence of high pressures and temperatures. For drilling, the physical and mechanical properties of rocks are important, which determine the resistance of the rock to destruction, and, consequently, productivity and costs. The physical properties of rocks characterize their physical state. Of the variety of physical properties of rocks, the following directly or indirectly affect the drilling process: mineral composition, degree of connectivity, porosity, density, specific gravity, structure, texture, grain size.

The mechanical properties of rocks are an external manifestation of the physical and are expressed in the ability to resist deformation and destruction. These include: strength, strength, dynamic strength, hardness, elasticity, brittleness, plasticity, abrasiveness, etc. In general, igneous rocks are the most durable, followed by metamorphic, then sedimentary, although there are not without exceptions. The strength of rocks is significantly affected by their degree of weathering. There is granite, and there is weathered granite, the strength of the second is much lower.

The study of the physical and mechanical properties of rocks is necessary 1) to select the drilling method and the most productive types of rock cutting tools; 2) to develop a rational technology for drilling and fixing the walls of the well; 3) to expand the geological knowledge of the area of ​​work. Particular attention is paid to the study of the physical and mechanical properties of the core from reference wells, since the results of this study are used in the preparation of projects for drilling new wells.

2.1 Classification of rocks according to the degree of connectivity

According to the degree of connectivity, rocks are divided into four main groups: rocky, connected, loose (loose) and floating. Rocks are characterized by different, usually high hardness, due to the presence of molecular cohesive forces between the mineral grains, which are not restored after the destruction of the rock. Rocks according to the content of quartz are divided into quartz-containing and non-quartz. The former are characterized by greater hardness and abrasiveness. Connected rocks differ from rocky ones in less strength. Usually these are some types of sedimentary rocks in which clastic material is bound by a cementing mass of a different composition or structure. These include, for example, various sandstones. Loose rocks (loose) are a mechanical mixture of particles of minerals or rocks that are not interconnected. Floating rocks have the ability to flow, these are usually sands liquefied by water (quicksand), but rocks in a solid state, such as ice, are also capable of flowing.

2.2 Drillability and classification of rocks by drillability

Drillability is the resistance of a rock to the penetration of a rock cutting tool into it. Drillability is a complex function, depending, firstly, on the mechanical and abrasive properties of rocks, and secondly, on the applied drilling technique and technology, namely: the method, type and area of ​​destruction. Drillability is one of the main factors determining labor productivity in the process of drilling wells.

For rotary core drilling, all rocks are divided into twelve categories according to the increasing difficulty of drilling. The criterion for assignment to one or another category is the ROP under standard conditions. It is not always possible to determine accurately only visually the category of the rock by the value of the mechanical drilling speed under production conditions. However, this is generally the practice for core documentation. With such a visual and subjective method, inaccuracies in assigning a rock to one category or another are not excluded, and the experience of a geologist is important here. Drillability depends on the drilling method. Therefore, for different drilling methods, their own classifications of rocks by drillability have been developed, in which rocks are grouped into categories depending on the drillability index. Below is a classification of rocks according to their drillability in the core method. The criterion for assigning the rock to the corresponding category is the depth of the well for 1 hour of net drilling time. The rate of penetration of rocks of category I is 20-30 m/h; XII category - 5-10 cm / hour.

Table 2.1
Classification of rocks by drillability for rotary mechanical drilling of wells

Rocks typical for each category

Peat and vegetation layer without roots; loose: loess, sands (not quicksand), sandy loam without pebbles and gravel; wet silt and silty soils; loess-like loams; tripoli: weak chalk

Peat and vegetation layer with roots or small admixture of small (up to 3 cm) pebbles and rubble; sandy loam and loam with an admixture of up to 20% small (up to 3 cm) pebbles or crushed stone; sands are dense; loam is dense; loess; marl loose; quicksand without pressure; ice; clays of medium density (tape to plastic); a piece of chalk; diatomite; soot; rock salt (halite); completely kaolinized weathering products of igneous and metamorphosed rocks; ocher iron ore

Loams and sandy loams with an admixture of over 20% small (up to 3 cm) pebbles or crushed stone; dense loess; gruss; pressure quicksand; clays with frequent interlayers (up to 5 cm) of weakly cemented sandstones and marls, dense, marl, gypsum, sandy; clayey weakly cemented siltstones; sandstones weakly cemented with clay and calcareous cement; marl; limestone-shell rock; chalk is dense; magnesite; gypsum fine-crystalline, weathered; coal is weak; brown coal; talc shales, destroyed of all varieties; manganese ore; iron ore, oxidized, loose; clayey bauxites

Pebble, consisting of small pebbles of sedimentary rocks; frozen water-bearing sands, silt, peat; siltstones dense clayey; clayey sandstones; marl is dense; some limestones and dolomites; dense magnesite; porous limestones, tuffs; clay flasks; crystalline gypsum; anhydrite; potash salts; hard coal; hard brown coal; kaolin (primary); clayey, sandy-argillaceous, combustible, carbonaceous shale , silty; serpentinites (serpentines) strongly weathered and talcated; loose skarns of chlorite and amphibole-micaceous composition; crystalline apatite; strongly weathered dunites, peridotites; kimberlites affected by weathering; martite and similar ores, strongly weathered; soft viscous iron ore ; bauxites

Pebble-gravel soils; frozen gravel, associated with clay or sandy-clay material with ice interlayers; frozen; coarse-grained sand and gruss, dense silt, sandy clays, sandstones on calcareous and ferruginous cement; siltstones; mudstone; argillite-like clays, very dense, dense, very sandy; a conglomerate of sedimentary rocks on sandy-argillaceous or other porous cement; limestones; marble; marl dolomites; anhydrite is very dense; flasks porous weathered; hard coal; anthracite, nodular phosphorites; schists are shale-mica, mica, talc-chlorite, chlorite, chlorite-clay, sericite; serpentinites (serpentines); weathered albitophyres, keratophyres; serpentinized volcanic tours; weathered dunites; brecciated kimberlites; martite and yule-like ores, loose

Anhydrites are dense, contaminated with tuffaceous material; dense frozen clays: dense clays with interlayers of dolomite and siderites; sedimentary rock conglomerate on calcareous cement; feldspar, quartz-calcareous sandstones; siltstones with quartz inclusions; limestones dense dolomitic, skarnirovannye; dolomites are dense; flasks; clayey, quartz-sericite, quartz-mica, quartz-chlorite, quartz-chlorite-sericite, roofing shales; chloritized and sheared albitophyres, keratophyres, porphyrites; gabbro; mudstones weakly silicified; dunites unaffected by weathering; weathered peridotites; amphibolites; coarse-grained pyrocenites; talc-carbonate rocks; apatites, epidote-calcite skarns; loose pyrites; brown ironstones are spongy; hematite-martite ores; siderites

Argillites are silicified; gravel of igneous and metamorphic rocks (river rock); crushed stone without boulders; conglomerates of pebbles (up to 50%) of igneous rocks on sandy clay cement; sedimentary rock conglomerates on siliceous cement; quartz sandstones; dolomites are very dense; silicified feldspar sandstones, limestones; the flasks are strong and dense; phosphorite plate; shales are weakly silicified; amphibole-magnetite, cummingtonite, hornblende, chlorite-hornblende; weakly sheared albitophyres, keratophyres, diabase tuffs; affected by weathering: porphyries, porphyrites; coarse and medium-grained weathered granites, syenites, diorites, gabbro and other igneous rocks; pyroxenites, ore pyroxenites; basaltic kimberlites; calcite-bearing augite-garnet skarns; porous quartz (fractured, spongy, ocherous); brown iron ore porous porous; chromites; sulfide ores; martite-siderite and hematite ores; amphibole-magnetite ore

Siliceous mudstones; conglomerates of igneous rocks on calcareous cement; silicified dolomites; silicified limestones and dolomites; dense bedded phosphorites; silicified schists: quartz-chlorite, quartz-ohericite, quartz-chlorite-epidote, mica; gneisses; medium-grained albitophyres and keratophyres; weathered basalts; diabase; andesites) diorites not affected by weathering; labradorites; peridotites; fine-grained, weathered granites, syenites, gabbro; weathered granite-gneioy, pegmatites, quartz-tourmaline rocks; skarns coarse and medium-grained crystalline augite-garnet, augite-epidote; epidositis; quartz-carbonate and quartz-barite rocks; brown ironstones are porous; hydro-hematite ores are dense; hematite, magnetite quartzites; dense pyrite; diaspore bauxites

Basalts unaffected by weathering; conglomerates of igneous rocks on siliceous cement; karst limestones; siliceous sandstones, limestones; siliceous dolomites; bedded silicified phosphorites; siliceous shales; quartzite magnetite and hematite thin banded, dense martite-magnetite; hornfelses are amphibole-magnetite and sericitized; albitophyres and keratophyres; trachytes; silicified porphyry; diabases are fine-crystalline; silicified tuffs; hornfelsed; weathered liparites, microgranites; coarse and medium-grained granites, granite-gneisses, granodiorites; syenites; gabbro-norites; pegmatites; beresites; finely crystalline augite-epidoto-garnet skarns; datolite-garnet-hedenbergite; coarse-grained skarns, garnet; quartz amphibolite, pyrites; quartz-tourmaline rocks not affected by weathering; brown ironstones are dense; quartz with a significant amount of pyrites; dense barytes

Boulder-pebble deposits of igneous and metamorphosed rocks; drain quartz sandstones; jaspilites; weathered, phosphate-siliceous rocks; quartzites uneven-grained; hornfelses with disseminated sulfides; quartz albitophyres and keratophyres; liparites; fine-grained granites, granite-gneioy and granodiorites; microgranites; pegmatites are dense, strongly quartz; fine-grained garnet, datolite-garnet skarns; magnetite and martite ores, dense, with layers of hornfelses; silicified brown iron ore; vein quartz; porphyrites are strongly silicified and hornfelsed

Albitophyres fine-grained, hornfelsed; jaspilites unaffected by weathering; jasper-like siliceous shales; quartzites; hornfelses glandular, very hard; dense quartz; corundum rocks; jaspilites hematite-martite and hematite-magnetite

Monolithic-confluent jaspilites, flint, jaspers, hornfelses, quartzites, aegirine and corundum rocks completely unaffected by weathering

As can be seen from the table, in order to assign a rock to one or another category in terms of drillability, several definitions are additionally given to its name, clarifying the properties and condition of the rocks.

Plugging a well is a set of works to isolate its individual intervals. Plugging is carried out in order to prevent well collapses and erosion of rocks in the space behind the casing pipes, to separate aquifers or other horizons for their exploration, to bridge cracks, voids, caverns, to eliminate water intrusions, and to absorb flushing fluid during drilling.

Rice. 3.1 General scheme of plugging:
1 - casing string; 2 - backfill material; 3, 4, 5 - isolated, waterproof and aquifer, respectively.

When drilling for liquid and gaseous minerals, as well as for mineral salts, it is necessary to isolate the mineral layer from the overlying layers. Isolation of individual horizons in the well is necessary to prevent the penetration of ground and formation waters into the mineral reservoir. When approaching the productive formation, the drilling of the well stops in the watertight formation above. Then a string of casing pipes is lowered into the well, and the annular space between the bottom of the string and the walls of the well is filled with a waterproof material. By plugging the annulus, the casing string is protected from compression by pressure and the corrosive effect of mineralized groundwater.

Apply permanent and temporary plugging. Permanent plugging is carried out for a long time. With constant plugging, the near-wellbore space is isolated from the wellbore. Temporary plugging is intended to isolate individual horizons and is carried out for the duration of the well test.

Plugging is carried out to isolate and isolate aquifers with different chemical composition. For example, to isolate bitter-salty water from drinking water, to isolate aquifers from oil and gas bearing ones, to produce experimental water injections into a porous reservoir, to protect casing pipes from corrosion with mineral waters, to eliminate groundwater circulation through the wellbore when extracting casing pipes and abandoning the well .

Clay, cement, clay-cement mixtures with fillers, fast-setting mixtures (BSS), bitumen and resins are used as grouting materials.
Clay plugging is used when drilling shallow exploratory or hydrogeological wells. If a 2-3 m thick clay layer lies at the site of the planned plugging, then plugging is carried out by pressing the casing shoe into the clay, having previously drilled this layer by 0.5-0.6 m.
In the absence of clay at the bottomhole or in case of insufficient thickness of its formation, the lower part of the well is filled with viscous clay, a cone plug is inserted into the casing shoe, which extrudes the clay into the annulus. At the end of plugging, the plugs are drilled.
Plugging with cement is called well cementing. Cementing is used when drilling wells for water, oil, gas and in cases where it is necessary to obtain a strong and dense tampon for a very long time.
For cementing wells, well cement based on Portland cement is used.

After mixing with water, oil well cement should give a mobile solution, pumped by pumps, which thickens over time and then turns into a waterproof cement stone. The cement slurry must be prepared as quickly as possible to prevent it from setting during injection into the well. Cement mortar is prepared in cement mixers or in special cementing units mounted on a vehicle.

The most widely used method of cementing in exploratory drilling is the immersion of the casing shoe in a cement slurry poured onto the bottom of the well. Downhole cementing is carried out to isolate the lower wellbore part of the casing string. The cement mortar is poured into the well through the pouring pipes to a height of 2-3 m.
After extraction of the pouring pipes from the well, a string of casing pipes is lowered to the bottom. After the cement slurry has hardened, a plug is drilled in the casing pipes and the drilling of the well is continued.
Temporary plugging of wells is carried out for a short period of a separate study of aquifers (oil and gas) horizons.
To isolate individual sections of the well that are subject to research (pumping, injection), special swabs are used, called packers. According to the principle of operation, packers are distinguished between single and double action. Single-acting packers divide the well into two sections isolated from each other, and double-acting - into three.
The principle of operation of the packer is based on the fact that when the rubber cuff or cushion expands, the gap between the walls of the well and the pipe string on which the plug is lowered is reliably sealed. The rubber cuff (pillow) in the well can be sealed mechanically, using water or compressed air.
A hydraulic packer (Fig. 8.2.) with two rubber chambers 3 (double action) is lowered into the well on a pipe string 1. Water supplied under pressure through tubes 2 to chambers 3 presses them against the walls of the well. Thus, the well is divided into three sections. Through the filter pipe 4 after the installation of the packer, experimental pumping or filling is carried out.

Plugging without casing pipes. To combat the absorption of drilling fluid without reducing the diameter of the well, BSS of various compositions is used. The dosage of a mixture containing Portland cement, clay mortar, liquid glass, caustic soda and water depends on the quality of the cement and clay. By changing the amount of liquid glass and caustic soda, the properties of the mixture and the timing of its setting are regulated. In 20-35 minutes after preparation, the BSS loses its mobility, and after 1-1.5 hours its setting ends. Cement mixtures based on synthetic resins are also used by mixing them with a filler and then adding a hardener to the mixture.

Cement mixtures must be delivered to the place of absorption of the drilling fluid before the loss of mobility. The mixture is delivered by one of the following methods: 1) by pouring through the mouth of a shallow well; 2) pumping through the drill string, 3) in a core set, closed from below with a clay plug, followed by extrusion with flushing fluid; 4) using special plugging devices.

The cement mixture delivered to the absorption zone after holding for the time necessary for its solidification is drilled out.
3.1 Cementing a well with two plugs

If a large lifting height of cement in the annulus is required (at any distance from the bottomhole, up to the wellhead), pressure cementing with separating plugs is used. In this case, two separating plugs and a cementing head are used. Separating plugs are equipped with sealing rubber cuffs. The upper plug is solid, and the lower one has an axial channel covered with a glass disc or a rubber membrane.

Flushing of the annulus. Through outlet 1 (Fig. 8.1, a) of the cementing head, flushing fluid is injected to flush the well. In this case, the casing string is suspended at the wellhead with the help of a fire monitor collar and does not touch the bottomhole.
Introduction to casing pipes of the bottom plug. To do this, the cementing head is unscrewed from the string and the bottom plug is inserted into the mouth of the casing string. After that, the cementing head is screwed on with the top plug fixed in it.

Injection of cement slurry into the casing string. Releasing the top plug and pushing it along the string. The retractable stoppers 6 of the cementing head are unscrewed, thereby releasing the top plug, and flushing liquid (clay mortar or water) is injected through the outlet to push through the plugs. Then the system, consisting of two plugs and a cement mortar between them, will move down.

Forcing cement slurry into the annulus. When the bottom plug rests against the stop (retaining) ring fixed between the pipes and the shoe, then the increased pressure of the pump crushes the glass plate that covers the hole in the bottom plug, and the cement slurry is forced through this hole into the annular annulus (Fig. 8.1, c). The end of injection of cement mortar into the annulus corresponds to the moment of convergence of the plugs (Fig. 8.1, d), determined by a sharp increase in pressure on the pressure gauge.

Removing the casing string from the fire monitor collar and lowering the string to the bottom.
To do this, the column is lifted with the help of an elevator, a hook, a traveling system and a winch of a drilling rig, removed from the body of the fire monitor clamp and the column is lowered to the bottom.
Maintaining the casing string under pressure (with closed outlets 1 and 2) for 12-24 hours until the end of setting and hardening of the cement.
Removal of the cementing head, drilling out plugs and thrust ring, cleaning the bottom hole.

Checking the result of plugging. To do this, the fluid level in the well is lowered by pumping below (at least 10 m) the static level of the plugged aquifer. If during the day the water level in the well did not rise (not taking into account the rise in the level to 1 m due to the moaning of drops along the walls of the pipes), then it is considered that the aquifer has been plugged and an act is drawn up about this.

Rice. 3.3 Scheme of well plugging with cement according to the “two plugs” method:
a - start of cement pumping; b - end of cement injection; c - the beginning of the rise of cement into the annulus; d - end of cementation
1 - stopcock; 2 - manometer; 3 - head for grouting; 4 - the top of the cork; 5 - rubber cuffs; 6 - the lower part of the cork; 7 - casing pipe; 8 - top plug; 9 - bottom plug
3.2 Well abandonment plugging
Having drilled a well, a control measurement of its depth is made, zenith angles and azimuths are measured at specified intervals (usually 20 m) and geophysical surveys (logging). Then proceed to the extraction of casing strings and liquidation plugging of the well.
The purpose of the abandonment plugging is to isolate all aquifers and mineral formations to be developed from water entering them through the well and fractures from the isolated aquifer and to eliminate the possibility of groundwater circulation through the wellbore during the extraction of casing pipes and its liquidation.

Cement is used for liquidation plugging of a well drilled in rocky and semi-rocky rocks, and plastic oily clay is used in clayey rocks. A well drilled with mud and plugged with cement is washed with water before plugging to loosen the clay. The cement slurry is pumped through the drill pipes lowered to the bottom. As the well is filled with cement mortar, the drill pipes are raised. After lifting, the pump and drill pipes should be flushed with water to remove cement slurry residue.

When plugging with clay, it is soaked, a thick clay dough is prepared, then clay cylinders are prepared using a clay press or manually. Clay cylinders are lowered to the bottom of the well in a long core barrel and, having raised the core barrel by 1.0-1.5 m above the bottom, they are pressed out with a pump with water pressure, usually at 1.0-1.5 MPa. For reliability, each portion of cement clay is rammed with a metal rammer.

For liquidation plugging of deep wells, they have proven themselves well:
1. Clay-cement mortar, made on the basis of clay mortar of increased viscosity (T = 50-80 s, U = 500-1500 N/cm2).
120-130 kg of grouting cement and 12 kg of liquid glass are added per 1 m3 of clay solution.
2. For plugging of completed wells, a hardened mud solution (OHM) of the following composition is used: normal mud solution - 64%; formalin - 11%; TS-10 -25%. TC-10 is a dark brown liquid made from a mixture (in proper proportions) of shale phenols, ethylene glycol and sodium hydroxide solution.
In a number of exploration areas, sand is added to cement slurries.
In the presence of complete absorption of the drilling fluid, wooden plugs are installed in the interval of the well above the absorption zone. A casing pipe with a cement plug is left at the mouth of the abandoned well. The number and depth of the well are marked on the pipe.
When performing work on liquidation plugging, one should be guided by the approved instructions or rules for performing this type of work in force in the given region. An act is drawn up on the implementation of liquidation plugging in the form prescribed by the instruction or rules.
1. Vozdvizhensky B.I. Exploration drilling / B.I. Vozdvizhensky, O.N. Golubintsev, A.A. Novozhilov. - M.: Nedra, 1979. - 510 p.
2. Sovetov G.A. Fundamentals of drilling and mining / G.A. Sovetov, N.I. Zhabin. - M.: Nedra, 1991. - 368 p.
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