Preparing hands for writing assignments to print. Pedagogical project "On the path to school" (preparation of the hand for writing). Recipe. Overview of preparation aids


Irina Irizbaeva
Preparing hands for writing in older preschoolers

Writing is a difficult skill, which includes the performance of finely coordinated graphic skills. Technics letters requires the coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and the entire arms, proper coordination of body movement, visual concentration for voluntary regulation of activity, as well as a certain functional maturity of the cerebral cortex.

After 5-6 years in children in the cerebral cortex, according to the laws of the formation of conditioned reflexes, conditioned reflex functions of reading and letters.

At the age of 6 - 7 years is a sensitive period for the development of the hand arms. At this age, organizing various activities, systematically applying training exercises, you can achieve good results in the development of hand motor skills. (coordination, accuracy, flexibility). Mastery by letter - long, a labor intensive process.

Work on preparing the hand for writing must be systematic and comprehensive. Stages preparing the hand for writing:




Preparatorystage includes:

Special physical exercises;

Visual activity;

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Special physical exercises. Exercises and games using a variety of sports equipment (balls, hoops, skittles, ribbons) and other items, toys in the classroom physical culture and outside of activities with children (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games for a walk) open up a wide range of opportunities for developing preschoolers coordinated movements of all links arms and small muscle training arms. Development of fine movements arms contribute to physical exercises based on grasping movements and developing hand strength. Climbing, transitions from projectile to projectile, swinging on a rope contribute to the development of the accuracy of hand movements, and teach how to dose efforts.

On the preparation of the hand for writingvisual activity is good: modeling, drawing, and custom exercises: Stroke and hatch geometric shapes and outlines of vegetables, fruits, leaves, and more.

Of particular importance is decorative drawing - drawing ornaments, patterns. At the same time, the child practically masters the image of various elements on a plane, later on convex planes; learns to correctly determine the direction of lines and movement arms, gets acquainted with the rhythmic, compositional construction of ornaments, develops an eye. All this is directly related to preparation for writing.

Positive impact on preparing a child's hand for writing renders and coloring. For this purpose, ready-made coloring books can be used. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to ensure that the image is painted over carefully enough, evenly, neatly. We must teach children not to rush, to color diligently, in several steps to avoid overwork.

Development of fine motor skills arms

finger games

Finger games help the hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, which will further facilitate the acquisition of skills letters.

Original crafts from affordable material: napkins, egg shells, boxes. Such activities contribute to the active development of fine motor skills, help to consolidate the most important skills of planning, control and self-esteem.

"Doll rug"

stringing: buttons, beads, horns and pasta, dryers, cardboard circles, tree leaves, rowan berries.

Laying out letters from seeds, sticks.

Cutting various shapes.

Stroke flat figures. Everything can be circled: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a flat toy, etc.

We build a fence, a house, a tree, etc. - from counting sticks

Wonderful bag "- identify vegetables and fruits by touch

Bird tracks in the sand - draw on the sand with your fingers, draw large and small objects, imitation of the process of pecking grains by birds.

The main stage includes:

Hygiene letters;

Form the correct grip of the pencil;


Teaching orientation on a sheet of paper;

Hygiene letters

Landing at letter. The desk, table and chair should be appropriate for the height of the child. The inclined position of the desk lid favors the preservation of vision when letter helps to reduce fatigue of the muscles of the neck and back. The torso should be kept straight, shoulders straightened and at the same height. The chest does not touch the table (the distance from the table to the chest is approximately the width of the palm). The legs, bent at the knees at a right angle, rest with the whole foot on the floor or on a stand.

The position of the hands letter. The writer's hand should lie on the table so that the right elbow arms protruded slightly beyond the edge of the table, and the right hand moved freely along the line, while the left hand lay on the table and held the worksheet from below. The left hand should in no case lie on your knees - this leads to a rise in the shoulder of the writer arms, which contributes to the occurrence of postural disorders.

The position of the writing brush arms. Right hand arms most of the palm should be facing the surface of the table, the nail phalanx of the slightly bent little finger and the lower part of the palm serve as fulcrum.

Notebook position. Not only the clarity of handwriting depends on the position of the notebook, but also the ability to sit correctly when letter. In order to choose the correct distance to the notebook, the child needs to put his palms on the table (desk, lowering his thumbs along the edge of the table. The notebook should be placed at the tips of his outstretched fingers, move slightly to the right and lower the left edge. The inclined position of the notebook contributes to the inclined position of the letters At first, the notebook is supported by the left hand from below.As the page is filled, the notebook moves up, and the left hand holds it from above.

Form the correct grip of the pencil. Free movement of the writer arms provided primarily by the way the child takes the pencil. It should be held on the left side of the middle finger. The thumb supports the handle on the left, and the index finger on top. The ring finger and little finger can be inside the palm or lie freely at the base of the fingers, while the upper end of the pen is directed to the writer's shoulder. The distance from the tip of the rod to the index finger is about two centimeters. With the correct position of the handle, the index finger can easily rise and the handle does not fall. At the same time, the handle must be held loosely so that all the joints of the index finger are raised. The deflection of the first joint of the index finger indicates excessive tension when holding the handle. The consequence of this is premature fatigue and a decrease in pace. letters. The optimal length of the handle is 15 centimeters. Very short, excessively long and thick handles should not be used for letters.

To help the child learn to hold the pen correctly, special pens-simulators can. They are of two kinds. The device is a silicone fish that can be put on any pencil or pen. The fins of this fish have three finger holes. Take the fish arms almost impossible to do wrong.

Triangular colored pencils are made according to the principle of the cone simulator. This is the best pencil option that you can choose for a baby. First, they are thick. Due to this, it is convenient for the child to hold them in his hand. Secondly, they are triangular. This allows you to hold the pencils correctly. Thirdly, they are soft. The child does not need much effort to paint, draw, write.

To develop the skill of holding a pencil, finger games are used (especially the thumb and forefinger, exercises with a pencil (Twist the pencil with two fingers, three fingers, game exercises like Let's salt the soup.

Finger and hand relaxation exercises:

“Let's stroke the kitten” - smooth movements illustrating the corresponding action are performed first with one hand, then with the other. (3-5 times).

“Merry painters” - synchronous movements of the hands of both hands up - down with the simultaneous connection of a wrist swing (3 times, then left - right (3 times).

"Bunny" - and. P. : the hand rests on the elbow; the index and middle fingers are straightened and spread apart, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

"Ring" - and. n. the same; the thumb and forefinger are connected into a ring, the remaining fingers are straightened and spread apart.

Then exercises are effective in combining speech with movement, for example, with nursery rhymes.

A large role in the development of graphic skills is played by various tasks related to hatching. Hatching is performed under the guidance of a teacher. He shows how it is done, controls the parallelism of the lines, their direction, the child's posture and how he holds the pencil. Hatching rules must also be followed.:

Hatch in the specified direction

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure

Keep lines parallel

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

For hatching, ready-made contour images of objects, drawing images with subsequent hatching, and tracing ready-made stencils by children can be used.

Simultaneously with the development of motor, muscular capabilities of the fingers arms the child must be introduced to the image of a particular letter, creating its model in memory. To do this, you need from the finest sandpaper (or velvet) cut out the letters and stick them on a piece of cardboard. Leading index finger arms the child traces the contours of the letters, remembers their images and elements. The work on the perception of the shape of a letter through tactile and kinesthetic sensations was first proposed by the Italian teacher M. Montessori. And it became widespread already in the 20s of the XX century.

In addition, hand-eye coordination is developed by such activities in which you need to draw lines from one drawing to another. "Tracks" along a straight line, a wavy line, or through a labyrinth, in which it is necessary to determine "What is Drawn" by connecting all the dots.

Various tasks: "Draw the left (right) side of the object "Draw the picture, following the sequence", "Continue row", "Draw the same", "Draw the Pattern" and etc.

Teaching orientation on a sheet of paper.

Formation of graphic skill as a technical side letters largely depends on the ability of the child to navigate on a sheet of paper. This is due to the fact that the shapes of the letters (to letter which the child will start in the future) are determined not only by the composition of the elements included in them, but also by their number, size and location relative to the working line. Consequently, in order for a child to acquire a graphic skill, he must consciously assimilate the visual image of a letter, clearly imagine what elements it consists of and in what spatial and quantitative relations these elements are combined in each individual letter.

many children preschool age is poorly oriented on a sheet of paper. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct exercises with them on the development of visual and spatial perception. They help the formation and improvement of orientation on a sheet of paper and the skill of moving along it. arms.

Exercises, games, various tasks for the development of graphic skills are one of the areas of correctional work. The purpose of graphic exercises is to form the ability to “enter” a cell, circle it, draw straight lines from top to bottom and from left to right along the line; place a circle inside the cell; connect the corners of the cells diagonally; draw wavy lines without lifting the pencil from the sheet of paper and without going beyond the horizontal lines of the line.

Performing graphic exercises, children not only acquire the necessary graphic skills, but also learn to navigate in a limited plane (a line in a notebook in a cage, develop mental activity, attention, memory.

One of the effective methods is the so-called "graphic dictation". At the first stages, children examine the finished composition of the ornament, analyze it and reproduce it from memory. Another option may be offered: children create an ornament under dictation. On squared paper, children, under dictation, draw segments, counting a certain number of cells in the indicated direction. If the child did not make mistakes, then he will get a pattern or drawing.

When preparing a child for school, you can also carry out such tasks. Children are offered cards with various shapes. (square, circle, dot, cross) and assignments for them. for example:

Draw a figure to the right or left of the vertical line.

Put a circle, to the right of it - draw a cross, to the left of the cross put a dot.

Draw a dot, below the dot - a cross, to the right of the dot - a circle.

Draw a square, to the right of it - a cross, put a dot above the cross.

Determining the right and left sides of an object. Take the book with both hands, and then show the right and left sides of the book. Determine the right and left sides of the object that lies on the table.

The final stage - typing letters

For a child to be successful prepared to write, it is necessary to regularly and systematically conduct classes on the development of fine motor skills, sensorimotor coordination, learn to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper, a lesson with shading, printing letters. At the same time, it is very important to observe hygiene rules. letters to keep the posture and health of the child.

Preparing a hand for writing is an obligatory stage in teaching a child. Many inexperienced parents do not know where to start the preparatory phase. In this regard, training often ends in a quarrel with the child. As a result, there is a reluctance to learn. In the future, such children feel insecure in a general education institution. Most often they have poor academic performance and sloppy handwriting. Our article contains information that will allow parents to understand how to properly prepare a child for writing.

Special toys

Writing is a difficult skill for children to learn. Not every child can master it right away. Preparing the hand for writing is one of the most difficult processes that must be completed before systematic learning. Writing letters requires the coordinated work of the hand and the whole body. In young children, fine motor skills are developed at an insufficient level. The muscles of the hands during this period are still weak. It is important to prepare a young child for writing, not to teach it. It is necessary to create conditions that will allow children to gain practical experience.

How should you prepare your hand for writing? 3 years is the best age to start the first stage of training. To date, there are many toys, thanks to which you can easily prepare a child for writing letters. At the age of three, children are still poorly oriented in space, and work with writing is not suitable for them. That is why toys allow you to learn new skills in a fun and interesting way.

One of the toys that help prepare a child for writing is the top. Everyone knows her, but not everyone knows her positive qualities. Thanks to this toy, you can master several capture techniques. The movements of the hands up and down strengthen them. When introducing a child to a spinning top, it is necessary to teach him to spin the toy with his whole hand. It will need to be strained and held in one position. Over time, the child must be taught to spin the toy with three fingers. Training with a top is always effective, as children are fascinated by the process of its movement. Another plus of such a toy is its low cost.

Everyone also knows the top toy. It is also low cost and efficient. She is quite similar to Yula. However, to rotate it, it is necessary to perform a sharp circular motion with the hand, holding the handle with three fingers. The wolf comes in different sizes. The smallest models can be found in chocolate surprise eggs. Preparing your hand for writing with such a toy is more effective. However, in order to unwind it, you need a certain skill and dexterity. For greater efficiency, the child can compete with parents or peers. In this case, such unusual learning will be more attractive for children.

Musical instruments also play an important role in learning. For example, the drum trains the flexor and extensor muscles of the hands. In order to improve the mobility of children's fingers, it is necessary to give preference to keyboards and stringed musical instruments. These include balalaika, guitar, piano and the like.

Mosaic attracts many children. Due to the small size of the parts, such a toy forms a small one. It is important to use only two fingers to collect patterns and drawings.

Finger gymnastics

Preparing a preschooler's hand for writing is an important stage of learning that requires certain skills. Finger gymnastics can be carried out from the first days of life. It is important to exercise daily.

First you need to massage all the fingers. If the child cannot complete the exercise on his own, parents should help him. You need to start with your fingertips. You will need to make stroking, circular and rubbing movements. The duration of this massage is 2-3 minutes. It must be carried out before and after working with a pen or pencil. This massage can be performed on children of any age. Thanks to him, the mobility of the fingers improves.

During work, the child must make several wave movements with the hands. Thanks to this, children can relax and continue learning to write with renewed vigor. After finishing work, you need to shake your fingers.

Features of the formation of writing in children

Writing is a rather difficult skill to learn for children 3-7 years old. By the first grade, according to physiology, a child's nervous system and neuromuscular apparatus are formed. According to these criteria, a six-year-old child is not inferior to an adult. After 5-6 years, according to research, children develop conditioned reflex functions of reading and writing. During preschool age, the role of the word in the formation of motor skills increases.

Preparation of the hand for writing is divided into several stages. Preschool age is considered an indicative stage. In the process, her child gets acquainted with graphic movements, and also acquires a graphic skill. The success of the first written exercises in a general education institution directly depends on the correct organization of this stage. It is known that children from the first years of life are interested in paper and pen. In preschool institutions, classes in fine arts are systematically held. On them, children learn the graphic skills that they will need in the future.

There are 3 types of writing skills:

  • technical - the ability to use stationery for its intended purpose;
  • graphic - the ability to correctly depict letters, numbers and sounds;
  • spelling - the ability to hear and write the word correctly.

On the early stages learning the child controls his movements by sight. He looks at the letter written on the blackboard and mentally analyzes its structure. Over time, a model of an alphabetic sign is created in the head and outside help is not needed.

Experts say that even before school, a child must acquire a sensory experience of orientation in space. He must be able to correct his movements. That is why the handwriting preparation program must be completed in advance. Thanks to her, the child gets rid of those difficulties that arise in the early stages. Children can easily master writing with basic knowledge. It is these children who most often have calligraphic handwriting.

Drop therapy is a great way to prepare

It is quite simple to prepare the hand for writing. 4-5 years, according to many parents, is the best age to get basic knowledge and skills. Drop therapy is a method by which a child can not only prepare his hand for writing, but also develop a versatile and creative personality.

Drop therapy is drawing with multi-colored drops. To use this training technique, you must prepare in advance:

  • watercolor paints;
  • paper;
  • napkins;
  • sponge
  • apron;
  • pipette.

In each glass it is necessary to dilute a certain color. It is desirable that the palette of colors be varied and bright. The technique is quite simple for a child. He needs to draw the desired color into the pipette and draw a picture on paper with the help of drops.

Children love working with different colors. Thanks to this, the lesson turns out to be interesting and bright. You need to draw carefully, and apply a drop accurately. The session is effective as the child's movements become more coordinated.

Thanks to drop therapy, fine motor skills develop in children. Over time, the child will be able to hold correctly. He can easily complete the task of the teacher and write this or that letter. In addition, drop therapy develops children's creative imagination. It is known that due to the work with this method, there is a positive trend in the readiness of future students to study in a general education institution. Drop therapy has a positive effect on self-esteem, attentiveness and coordination. Children learn to see something beautiful in every drop.

Decorative drawing in preparation for writing

Many find it difficult to prepare their hands for writing. 4-5-year-olds cannot concentrate on a particular learning activity. The preparation of children often does not suit elementary school teachers either. They claim that many children find it difficult to learn how to write. This is due to the fact that they do not have the initial knowledge that must be obtained in preschool age, in order to get the skill of writing.

When choosing a preschool institution, it is important to find out if there is a preparation of the hand for writing in the older group. However, do not forget that parents play an important role in education. They should also have regular sessions with their child. It is important that in no case do they scold the child for mistakes. Parents and educators should not take on the duties of a school teacher and teach a child to write letters. Their duties include only the complete preparation of the hand for writing. It is important for children that such activities are fun and easy.

Decorative drawing is considered an effective technique that allows you to prepare a child. It helps in the development of motor sensations and fine motor skills of the hands. Drawing patterns, children learn to draw a line. Drawing dots, strokes and small elements teaches you to limit your movements. This is essential for writing words, numbers and signs. Some elements resemble fragments of letters, namely the oval, hooks, sticks, etc.

Decorative drawing allows you to solve many other educational problems. It has a positive effect on mental activity. It allows you to bring joy and other positive emotions into the world of the child. Thanks to decorative drawing, children see the result of their activities. They learn to analyze them, and also find a use for them. Such preparation of the hand for writing at school allows you to educate a multifaceted personality in a child.

Preparing for Montessori Writing

The Montessori method of teaching children has been popular among parents for several years now. This technique allows you to teach your child a wide variety of skills. The Montessori method is often found in general education and preschool institutions. To date, there are also institutions in which teachers work with children only using this technique. In such institutions, there is a high academic performance.

Parents often do not understand how the hand should be prepared for writing. 5 years is the age when children most often begin to be taught and prepared for school. However, preparation for writing should begin much earlier. Late start learning never ends with success.

Thanks to the child, you can prepare for writing much earlier than he is interested in pen and paper. To do this, there are many exercises that can be easily performed at home. From an early age, a child can train fine motor skills by stringing beads on a string and cutting paper. According to the Montessori method, washing hands, cleaning shoes and the table is also a kind of preparation of the hand for mastering writing skills. This is no coincidence, because all movements are performed with the right hand in circular motions from left to right. She absolutely also moves when writing letters.

Preparing the hand of preschool children for writing according to the Montessori method begins with the main exercise. It is connected to the frame inserts. In it, the child needs to circle a special frame, and then shade the resulting figure. Thanks to this exercise, children learn to hold the writing instruments correctly and perform the same movements as when filling out the prescription. At the same time, the child does not feel discomfort and performs the task with interest.

The rough alphabet according to the Montessori method is quite effective. The bottom line is that the contours of letters made of rough paper are glued onto a wooden board. The child needs to circle them with two fingers of the right hand. In this case, an adult must pronounce the sound corresponding to the letter. This exercise involves tactile, auditory and visual memory.

Preparing a hand for writing (5-6 years old) according to the Montessori method includes an exercise in which the child must draw letters on sand or semolina.

Over time, you can use chalk and a board. At the very last stage, children begin to write with a pen on paper. It is believed that the Montessori method is one of the most effective. That is why it is often used by parents and teachers. It also helps develop fine motor skills. Preparing a hand for writing according to the Montessori method takes several months. It is given to the child with ease. Training can start from 4-5 years. Up to this age, you can train your hand in life. As we said earlier, this can be hand washing and various surfaces.

Graphic dictations

Children learn to write at school. However, this knowledge is not enough for them. It is also important to exercise at home. Preparation of a hand for writing (6-7 years) can occur thanks to graphic dictations. Parents need to pre-special templates. You can buy them at a bookstore or prepare them yourself on a computer and then print them out. There is a dot on the sheet in a cell. It is from her that the child will lead the first line. At the bottom of the sheet is a special table. It specifies the length of the line and its direction. Following the instructions, the child will be able to draw the silhouette of an animal or any object.

Such preparation of the hand for writing (6-7 years) develops the imagination. Thanks to the regular conduct of graphic dictations, the child develops attention, fine motor skills of hands and spatial imagination. Drawing by cells is very entertaining and useful. Children like to see the result of their activities in the form of a certain pattern.

Recipe. Overview of preparation aids

Preparing your hand for writing preparatory group often occurs through the implementation of exercises in a special recipe. This method of learning is the most common. However, not every prescription is of high quality. In our article, several tutorials are considered.

The author of the manual "My first prescriptions" is N.V. Volodina. It was published by the Dragonfly publishing house. The design of the copybook is not very bright. However, teachers consider this a plus, since the bright cover can distract the attention of a preschooler. At the beginning of the prescription, recommendations are given in verses, thanks to which training can be made more effective. There are several editions of this manual. In the first edition, the child is asked to complete the simplest tasks. The level of difficulty gradually increases. AT latest edition there are tasks in which the child will have to write letters on their own.

"My first prescriptions" were issued in the form of a regular notebook. This is a plus, as the child learns to work correctly with the workbook. The cost of one edition is approximately 50 rubles.

"My first recipes" also have disadvantages. The edition is quite thin paper. In some places, the sheets are translucent, and this can distract the preschooler. The images that are proposed to colorize are quite small in size.

"Preparing the Hand for Writing" is a recipe that was released by the VK Dakota publishing house. It is marked - "5-6 years". Such preparation of the hand for writing (Grade 1) is not suitable for preschoolers. The recipe contains quite difficult tasks. It is suitable for first graders who need to train their writing skills. On each of the pages, a certain element of the letter is processed. The assignments are pretty much the same. It will not be interesting for a restless child to work with such a recipe, since there are no game elements there.

This recipe is for children 4-5 years old. This is a colorful edition with attractive illustrations. Tasks are divided into 14 lessons. Each of them includes 2 pages and a short story about a mouse. There are no tasks with elements of letters in the publication. It only prepares the preschooler's hand for writing. He will need to trace lines, draw dashes and master hatching.

"I draw patterns" - a copybook, which was released by the Eksmo publishing house. It is designed in a copybook quite accessible to preschoolers. You can also find finger gymnastics in it. The paper is thick enough. The recipe is divided into 34 lessons.

Handle selection

When teaching a child to write, stationery plays an important role. The right pen is the key to success. Its length should not exceed 15 centimeters, and its diameter should not exceed 7 millimeters. Various ribbed and square pens are not suitable for writing preparation. Holding them, the child quickly gets tired. It is important that the color of the paste is dark blue or dark purple.

AT recent times the so-called self-taught pens are especially popular. This is a kind of simulator, thanks to which the child learns to properly hold writing instruments and write beautifully. They are also used to retrain lefties. A series has also been released that will allow you to correct the handwriting of a child of 7-8 years old.

Summing up

Preparing the hand for writing in the preparatory group is a difficult stage of learning. Not all parents know how to organize this process. It is the preparatory stage that affects the final result. Proper preparation of the child is the key to his good handwriting. It is important to start it from the age of two. During this period, it is necessary to develop motor skills. A year later, parents can use the special techniques that you have read in our article. Work with writing is recommended to start at the age of 4-5 years. However, you should not teach your child to write letters. Otherwise, he will not be interested in school. Prepare your hand for writing. This will become the basis for obtaining skills in a general education institution.

Preparing your hand for writing: a system of exercises to prepare the hand for writing, tasks for the development of manual skills for children of older preschool age, the readiness of the child's hand for writing.

Preparing your hand for writing

Letter- this is a difficult skill for a child that requires finely coordinated movements, well-coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to control one's activities. Learning to write is a time-consuming process that usually takes place in the first months of children's stay at school. However, both in the preschool years in the family and in kindergarten, a lot can be done to prepare the baby for this process and make it easier for the future first-grader to master writing.
It is important to prepare the hand for writing in the preschool years, and not to teach the child to write. These are two completely different tasks!

Preparing a hand for writing at preschool age includes several areas:

development of hand skills(creating crafts, designing, drawing, modeling, which develop fine motor skills, eye, accuracy, the ability to complete the work begun, attention, spatial orientation),

development in children of a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate the word and movement in a certain rhythm,

development of graphic skills(this happens in the process of drawing and graphic work - drawing by cells, coloring, shading and other types of tasks),
development of spatial orientation(the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper: on the right, on the left, in the upper right corner, in the middle, in the top line, in the bottom line) - read more about the system of entertaining games for the development of spatial orientation in the article "Orientation in space".

Preparing your hand for writing: a system of exercises for fingers

Below I give one of the sets of exercises for preparing the hand for writing, developed by T.V. Fadeeva. The names of the exercises were invented by me in joint work with children. You can come up with your own names.

First exercise. "Put your fingers up." Hands are on the table with palms down. You need to raise your fingers one at a time, first on one hand, then on the other. Then the exercise is repeated in reverse order.

Second exercise. "Get on the charger!" The hands are in the same position. You need to take turns raising your fingers on both hands at once. We start with the little fingers, end with the thumbs.

Third exercise. "Vanka - stand up." The child pinches the pencil with the middle and index fingers. Then the fingers begin to "do exercises", that is, go down and up with the pencil. When moving, you need to keep your fingers together and not drop the pencil.

Fourth exercise. "Put the sticks in the basket." Place 10-15 counting sticks on the table. If they are not there, you can replace them with pencils or other objects of the same shape (cocktail sticks, and so on). The task is to collect all the sticks one by one into a fist with one hand, without helping with the second hand. Then put them on the table one by one.

Fifth exercise. "Steps". Let's walk on the table with our fingers. We clamp the pencil between the index and middle fingers (the pencil adheres to the second phalanx of the fingers). And in this position we take steps with our fingers on the table. You need to walk holding the pencil tightly so as not to drop it. The steps are very small.

Sixth exercise. "Pinwheel". We take a pencil again. Hold it by the tip with one hand. We clamp one end of the pencil with the index and middle fingers of the leading hand (right - for right-handers, left - for left-handers). The other end of the pencil is directed away from the chest.

Task - you need to turn the pencil over and with the help of this flip put it in the other hand with the free end. Then a new turn - and again the pencil returns to the leading hand. Make several such turns - as if the wheel is rolling. When rotated, the pencil "looks" in the direction from the chest forward.

Seventh exercise. "Ball". We roll the ball. Imagine that we have a ball in our palms. And we make movements with our palms, as if we are rolling it in different directions.

Eighth exercise. "Hugs". This exercise allows you to prevent the occurrence of writing spasm. Writing spasm is manifested in children who are just learning to write, it is not uncommon in first-graders. With writing spasm, the fingers begin to hurt a little and become numb, sometimes they tremble a little (this is barely noticeable, but you can notice it). You can't ignore the spasm. It is necessary to remove it if it has already arisen, and even better - to warn it with this exercise.

Sit on a chair, hands at eye level. We connect the palms with each other. We inhale through the nose. We exhale through the mouth and at the same time slightly shift the right palm down - a few centimeters. At the same time, the fingers of the left hand are bent and cover the fingers of the right hand ("hug" them, superimposed on them from above). Again we take a breath through the nose, unbend the fingers of the left hand and return the right palm to its place. We do the exercise in the other direction - now the left hand drops, and the fingers of the right hand "hug" the fingers of the left hand from above. You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times.

Preparing the hand for writing: determining the leading hand in a child

Before doing graphic exercises with a child, you need to identify his leading hand. Sometimes this is easy, because it is already clear that the child is right-handed. Or that he is clearly left-handed. And sometimes the child does all the tasks with one or the other hand. Why? What is his dominant hand? How and when to determine the leading hand in preschool children, you will learn from the article

Preparing the Hand for Writing: Developing Manual Skill

The development of manual skill has always been one of the important tasks of educating preschool children. Interesting « handmade"for children, the author of the world's first system of educational games for kids came up with in the 19th century (folding from paper - an analogy of modern origami, designing from peas and sticks, laying out figures from sticks and torches, stringing, weaving patterns from strips of paper, finger games). Exercises for the development of "manual skill" were also included in the system of tasks for children, developed (inserts, frames for fastening and lacing, and others), in the system (working with clay, sand, wood, paper and cardboard).

TOP 30 activities that contribute to the development of manual skills and prepare the child's hand for writing:

This is important to know: A simple pencil is used to prepare for writing and perform graphic exercises with preschool children. You can not use felt-tip pens in these exercises, since they do not require muscle effort from the baby to draw a line.

- laying out figures and patterns from small mosaics,
- construction from small parts, from designers that require tightening nuts, screws,
- construction from paper and cardboard,
- weaving cords from bright colored ropes,
- work on a children's desktop loom,
- crocheting and knitting (the works of E. Shuleshko convincingly proved how effective knitting is in preparing children for school),
- sewing and embroidery (Note: for a child of 6 years old, a needle 4 cm long is needed, not thin, with a longitudinal eye. Children master the seams “forward needle” in a straight line, “by the needle”, “over the edge”),
- making crafts from wire,
- sewing on buttons
– stringing beads and making children's beads,
- visual activity (sculpting, application, drawing),
- finger games
- hatching,
– making collages (cutting figures from magazines with scissors and composing compositions from them),
- Woodburning,
- sawing,
- felting,
- coloring pictures (it is important not to color in itself, but to color the picture with a pencil without going beyond the contours, carefully, slowly),
- drawing patterns on paper in a box (“continue the started pattern”),
- drawing the missing half of the picture in the cells,
- tracing drawings by dots,
- laying out figures and patterns from matches (for matches, you must first cut off the heads for the safety of the child).
- weaving different patterns from paper strips, and then from braid, inventing new combinations and patterns (see "Gifts of Fröbel" - weaving from stripes),
- making paper beads (A rectangular strip is cut diagonally into triangles. Each triangle is twisted diagonally, the end of the triangle is glued. It turns out a colored paper bead. The beads are strung on a braid).
- cutting out garlands from paper folded like an accordion,
- decorative drawing (drawing patterns - elements of Russian paintings - Khokhloma, Gorodets, Mezen and others) - the child learns to correctly arrange the elements on the plane, build them in rhythm,
- tasks with rulers - stencils of animals, geometric shapes, fruits, vegetables and other figures (tracing a contour on a stencil and shading it or drawing and coloring it; drawing up pictures from elements of different stencils),
- drawing on the board with chalk, colored crayons,
- origami,
- making crafts natural material(cones, chestnuts, twigs, leaves, seeds, peas).

Preparing a hand for writing: how to determine the level of readiness of a child's hand for writing?

At home, you can do some simple exercises with your child that will help determine whether the baby’s fine motor skills are well developed and whether his hand is ready for writing. Here are two traditional assignments (often given to children when they enter school) as an example.

Task 1. Draw a circle. Show the child a circle drawn on a piece of paper. The diameter of the circle is 3-3.5 cm. And ask the child to draw exactly the same circle on his sheet of paper (with a simple pencil).

If the child's hand is poorly developed, then the following signs may be observed:
- instead of a circle, an oval will turn out or the circle will come out too small,
- the line will be intermittent, angular, uneven; instead of one smooth movement of the hand when drawing a circle, the child will have many small intermittent movements of the hand when drawing,
- the child will strive to fix the hand motionless on a sheet of paper.

Task 2. Shrikhovka. Invite the child to shade the silhouette of a simple object (house, boat, apple, or any other) with straight lines, without going beyond the boundaries of the silhouette. Show a sample - how to hatch (horizontal hatching, vertical hatching, diagonal hatching) The child himself chooses in which direction he will hatch.

If the hand is not well developed , then the baby will constantly turn the image over (because he cannot change the direction of action with his hand).

Preparing your hand for writing: learning how to hold a pen and pencil correctly

How to hold a pencil correctly and incorrectly when writing and doing graphic work: you need to know this!

Signs of improper use of a pencil or pen by a preschooler:

First. The child does not hold a pencil and a pen correctly - he holds a “pinch” (collects his fingers in a handful together) or even in a fist.
Second. Incorrect finger position when holding a pen or pencil. It manifests itself in the fact that the pencil lies not on the middle finger, but on the index finger.
Third. The child is holding a pencil or pen too close to the lead, or too far away from it.

To fix these mistakes , do with your child a game finger exercise “Building a house with letters”, which will help you learn how to properly hold a pen in your hand:

Take a pencil or pen correctly (hold the pencil between your thumb and middle fingers, while stepping back from the bottom edge - the pencil lead - up a few centimeters), put your index finger on top of the pencil. The index finger can move freely up and down, and the pencil will not fall, as it is firmly held by the thumb and middle fingers. Show your child how to do this - “tap” the pencil with your index finger.
And say a poem rhythmically with the child, raising and lowering the index finger to the rhythm of the verses (knocking with the index finger: “knock-knock”):

Knock knock, with a hammer,
We'll build a house.
Knock knock, with a hammer,
Settle, letters, in it.

This exercise allows the child to understand how to properly hold a pen and pencil in his hand.

Another one typical mistake child.
The fourth mistake is the wrong position of the hand when writing or performing graphic tasks.
How to hold a pencil or pen - the top edge of the pencil or pen should be directed towards the shoulder of the writer.
How to hold a pencil or pen incorrectly - the brush is turned out, the upper end of the pencil or pen "looks" to the side or away from itself. The hand and elbow hang over the table.
Show the child where the pen should “look” - towards his shoulder of the writing hand.

Exercises to prepare the hand for writing and develop fine motor skills.

You will find exercises to prepare your hand for writing and develop fine motor skills and sensorimotor coordination in this video. What exercises can be done with chestnuts, orthopedic balls, ropes - hedgehogs, spinning tops? How do they prepare the hand so that later the hand holds the pencil and pen correctly? A few ideas for activities with a child at home and in kindergarten.

I hope these recommendations preparing the hand for writing will help you. And what tasks that prepare your hand for writing do you use? And which of them are especially loved by you and your children? Let's share our experience in the comments.
Until we meet again on the "Native Path"!

You can find more interesting information, games and exercises on the development of fine motor skills and preparing your hand for writing in the articles of the site:

And at the end of the article some ideas for preparing your hand for writing in a very joyful video for a good mood for you and your children! You will see in it modern manuals that are used in kindergartens to prepare children's hands for writing, develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. And - I was very pleased - it also contains textile toys of my favorite "Naive World" (everyone who was at the Internet Workshop of educational games, which I host every spring, remembers these toys. , the constant and very sincere sponsor of the "Native Path" and the Workshop of Games "Through the game - to success!")

I wish you and your kids success!


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Tips for parents: "Preparing the hand for writing in children 6-7 years old"

Writing is a complex coordination skill that requires the coordinated work of the muscles of the hand, the whole arm, and the correct coordination of the movements of the whole body. Mastering the skill of writing is a long and laborious process that is not easy for all children. Preparation for writing is one of the most difficult stages in preparing a child for systematic learning. Psychologists note that in children 5-6 years old, the ability to assess spatial differences, which determine the completeness and accuracy of perception and reproduction of letter shapes, is not sufficiently formed. In addition, children find it difficult to orient themselves in such spatial characteristics necessary for writing, such as the right and left sides, top - bottom, closer - further, under - above, near - inside, etc.

The accuracy of graphic actions in children aged 6-7 is ensured by muscular control over fine (fine) motor skills of the hands. This is the dexterity of the fingers and hands, the coordination of their movements. The development of fine finger movements can be judged by observing how the child draws or paints over the details of the picture. If he constantly turns the sheet, cannot change the direction of the lines with the help of subtle movements of the fingers and hand, then the level of development of fine motor skills is insufficient.

Thus, the process of writing requires from the child not only physical, intellectual, but also emotional efforts. All kinds of overloads and the overwork associated with them have the most negative impact on the mastery of graphic skills and, moreover, on the development of the child's body. Therefore, at preschool age, it is the preparation for writing that is important, and not teaching it. It is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills.

Develop perseverance, diligence of the child, the ability to bring things to the end

Form his mental abilities, observation, inquisitiveness, interest in knowing the environment. Make riddles for your child, make them together with him, conduct elementary experiments. Let the child talk aloud.

If possible, do not give the child ready-made answers, make him think, explore. For example, if he claims that trees die in winter, you can cut a branch with him and put it in the room. After a while, leaves will appear on it.

Put the child in front of problem situations, for example, invite him to find out why yesterday it was possible to sculpt a snowman out of snow, but not today.

Talk about the books you read, try to find out how the child understood their content, whether he was able to understand the causal relationship of events, whether he correctly assessed the actions of the characters, whether he is able to prove why he condemns some heroes, approves others, etc.

Special mention should be made of the specifics of teaching a preschool child. It is “oral” in nature, that is, from mouth to mouth. When teaching in kindergarten, we do not use texts, the printed word. Learning is by ear with the use of visual game methods.

A special place in the preparation of children for school is occupied by the mastery of some special knowledge and skills - literacy, counting, solving arithmetic problems. The acquisition of literacy and elements of mathematics at preschool age can influence the success of schooling. It is important that the child is able to hear the sounds of the word, to be aware of its sound composition. Reading should be continuous or in syllables. Letter-by-letter reading will complicate the work of the teacher, since the child will have to be retrained.

One of the most important tasks of preparing children for school is the development of the child's "manual skill" necessary for writing.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Tips for preparing your hand for writing

Tips for preparing a preschooler's hand for writing Teaching a child to sit correctly while writing, to hold a pen correctly and to navigate in space must begin as early as preparatory to school ...

Approximate planning of classes to prepare a hand for writing for children of the senior group according to the program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with OHP N.V. Beggarly

Methodological development of classes to prepare preschoolers with OHP for literacy. These classes in their work can be used by both speech therapists and educators of correctional groups. Busy...

Diverse independent Practical activities not only has a valuable general developmental impact on the personality of an older preschooler, but also contains opportunities for preparing for mastering writing at school.

Letter is a complex skill involving the execution of finely coordinated graphic skills. The technique of writing requires the coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and the whole arm, proper coordination of body movement, visual concentration for voluntary regulation of activity, as well as a certain functional maturity of the cerebral cortex.

Mastering writing is a long, laborious process. A significant number of five-six-seven-year-olds have difficulty learning to write. Scientists note that unpreparedness for writing, underdevelopment of motor coordination, visual perception, weakness of volitional aspirations lead to the development of a negative - tense, anxious state of the child at school. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993].

Task kindergarten is to prepare children for writing in cooperation with the family, i.e. if possible, develop the mechanisms necessary for its implementation, create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience and, above all, manual skill, without which it is impossible to quickly and successfully master the skill of writing. The teacher should promptly explain to the parents of future schoolchildren the importance of preparing children for writing, and not directly teaching them, which, unfortunately, takes place in a number of families and most often leads to the formation of an incorrect writing technique.

Before learning to write elements of letters, children need to be prepared for this. Such preparation will be visual activities: modeling, drawing, cutting and sticking - and specially prepared exercises: tracing and shading geometric shapes and contour images of vegetables, fruits, leaves, etc. Stroke, hatching, drawing up various patterns, children can do on their own. .

At school, the readiness of children for writing plays an important role, for this it is necessary to follow purposeful, consistent classes.

In work A.I. Resurrection"Diploma in kindergarten" a program for teaching writing. The program is designed for the academic year and involves the following work by months (4 lessons per month for 20 - 25 minutes):

· Exercises for the development of the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers. Stroke and hatch geometric shapes.

· Continuation of work in the same notebooks in a cage. Counting cells by 2 from top to bottom and from left to right. Mastering the line in two cells. Drawing various patterns consisting of horizontal, vertical, wavy and rounded lines.

· Acquaintance with a notebook in an oblique ruler for writing in the first grade. Cover of a notebook, pages, lines on a page, rulers in a line. Drawing patterns consisting of various lines. Line mastery. Preparation for writing the elements of letters.

· Continuation of work in that de notebook. Line mastery. Preparation for writing the elements of letters.

· Writing with a simple pencil of letter elements: a straight short stick, a long straight stick, a stick with a rounded bottom.

Repetition of the studied elements of letters. Writing new elements of letters: a long stick with a loop, sticks with a rounded top and bottom.

Repetition of what has been learned. The letter of new elements of letters: a semi-oval and the first element of the letter m (hairy slanted line with a dot at the bottom).

Repetition of what has been learned. An oval letter without a connecting line. Letter letters a, m.

Repetition of what has been learned. Letter of letters a, m, p. Letter of words: mom, dad.

At the end school year a dictation is conducted, including all the familiar elements of letters.

Voskresenskaya A.I. reveals the more detailed content of each lesson of his program (by months).

To begin with, you can introduce children to the notebook (cover, pages, line, right and left side of the page, middle, top, bottom). Stroke and hatch squares. You need to hatch as suggested on the samples.

After the children begin to trace and hatch the rectangle and circle. The teacher draws the children's attention to the direction of the lines during hatching, determines the color of the pencils together with the children, pays special attention to the circles where the hatching starts from the center from right to left and goes in a continuous circular line. Children arrange the figures in their notebook as shown in the sample and shade.

Having trained to trace squares, a rectangle and a circle, the children proceed to triangles (fill in with a continuous loop from top to bottom; continue to hatch circles - with a continuous circular line from the middle from right to left). This type of hatching is useful for the development of the hand, small muscles of the fingers and the eye. The ovals are played with plums, outlined with a simple pencil and placed as in the sample. Then they hatch, from the edge of the oval, an arcuate continuous line is drawn to the middle of the pattern.

It is important to consolidate the acquired hatching skills - the children independently make a pattern from all the familiar shapes. .

In the next cycle of classes, children continue to draw in squared notebooks. They must master the line, learn to count the required number of cells from top to bottom and from left to right. When drawing various patterns, consisting of horizontal, vertical, wavy and rounded lines, the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers develop in children. For orientation on the line, the teacher puts starting points on the left side of the page.

Classes begin with orientation on the line - counting cells, arranging points. Drawing a pattern consisting of vertical and horizontal lines. Later exercise in the correct arrangement of the notebook and pencil. Drawing patterns consisting of straight, oblique and wavy lines, hatching.

It is important to exercise children in flexion and extension of the hand and fingers, in the correct fit and correct position of the notebook and pencil. They learn to count cells by two, the arrangement of points. Drawing patterns consisting of long straight and inclined lines, hatching. Children practice drawing swirls from the center from right to left, hatching circles and ovals.

Having familiarized themselves with the notebook in a cage, the children get acquainted with the notebook by writing (cover, pages, line, ruler).

The teacher sets the starting points in advance with a simple pencil, from which the child begins the line. The child is practicing drawing straight horizontal lines in order to establish a line boundary. Next, he gets acquainted with the lines from top to bottom on the line, along which you will need to write.

A prerequisite is the consolidation of the previous material, the drawing of Christmas trees and windows is added, the selection of a straight stick. The following exercises include a pattern in which there is a long stick - flags. Circles are drawn from the middle of the line on the line from right to left, patterns are added, consisting of ovals, semi-ovals and loops.

All patterns built one after another develop the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers. All this serves as a preparation for writing the elements of letters. .

The task of the teacher is also to prepare the child for writing elements of letters. You can arrange your work in the following sequence:

1. Review and analysis of previous children's work.

2. Teacher showing new material on the board.

3. Analysis of the sample by children under the guidance of a teacher.

4. Writing by children of new material under the account maintained by the teacher, and independently.

5. Analysis of what was written. Delhi independently examine their work, choose on the line the element of the letter that is written better than the rest, and write another line or two according to this pattern.

The work of preparing children for writing begins long before they enter school. It includes a number of interrelated points:

Development of manual skill;

Development of spatial orientation of children, in particular, on a sheet of paper, as well as in general directions of movement;

The development of fine and graphic skills of children [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993].

As noted T.I. Grizik, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, writing is a complex skill and is not fully available to a preschooler. Conversations with teachers, observations of their work, and its analysis make it possible to identify both positive and negative aspects in the process of preparing preschool children for learning to write.

The positive thing is that everyone understands the need and importance of such work, and most educators have practical experience. However, this experience mainly concerns only certain aspects of training (for example, the development of fine motor skills during finger games, in manual labor classes, in hatching exercises). [ // A child in Kindergarten, No. 1, 2006 - “Preparation for learning to write” / T.I. Grizik]

At the same time, the analysis of methods for preparing for teaching writing showed that insufficient attention is paid to this problem. Recommendations are given only in certain areas of work and often without taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

Preparation for teaching writing requires a special pedagogical impact, built into a system of special games, exercises and tasks. This should not be a mechanical training, but a conscious creative activity of the child under the guidance and with the help of an adult.

Work to prepare preschoolers for learning to write should be carried out in 4 main areas:

1. Hand development.

Each direction has its own tasks and educational content.

1. Hand development.

1.1. To form the correct grip of the writing instrument: the pencil is held with three fingers - thumb, index and middle (pinch). In this case, the pencil lies on the left side of the middle finger. The thumb supports the pencil on the left, and the index finger on top. The top end of the pencil is directed towards the shoulder. With a proper grip, the index finger should lift easily without the pencil falling off.

For the development of a pinch, finger games are used (especially the thumb and forefinger), exercises with a pencil (“Twist the pencil with two fingers, three fingers”), game exercises such as “Let's salt the soup”.

1.2. Exercise in the correct distribution of the muscle load of the arm.

This distribution implies a rapid alternation of power tension and relaxation.

The formation of the correct distribution of the muscle load of the arm is carried out in games such as "Mosaic", "Lego", "Constructor", when working with stamps, in manual labor (for example, manipulating with a needle), in the process of modeling.

1.3. Develop fine motor skills of hands (possible use of non-traditional benefits, exercises).

2. Preparation for writing technique.

2.1. Develop spatial orientation.

Depending on their capabilities, the child learns to navigate in space relative to himself, relative to any object and relative to the person standing opposite.

First of all, the child must know where his right (left) side of the body is. During a physical education session, you can work out children's knowledge of orientation, both in their body parts and orientation relative to themselves (above the head - top, under the feet - bottom, behind the back - behind, in front of you - in front).

When performing orientation tasks, game exercises such as “You look right (left, up, down) look. What do you see, name it.

The most difficult thing for a child is orientation in relation to the person who is standing opposite. In practice, this can be a teacher. A “mirror” reflection is more difficult for a child to remember, but he must also learn this with the help of exercises.

The child must “transfer” the knowledge gained on orientation in space onto a sheet of paper (half of A4 format). How correctly the child is oriented on the sheet can be determined using a dictation (each subsequent task is given after the children have completed the previous one): “There is a sheet of paper in front of you. Draw a sun in the upper right corner. Draw a flower in the lower right corner." The dictation continues until all corners and the middle of the sheet are filled.

To clarify the child's ideas about the spatial relationships between objects, plot pictures can be used. .

Children who experience difficulty in distinguishing between the left and right sides, when teaching literacy, often have difficulty in mastering the visual image of letters (there is a tendency to their “mirror” image. Therefore, in classes with such a child, additional explanations and a sufficient number of exercises should be used to determine the form , the size of objects, their spatial arrangement in relation to the child himself and to each other.

2.2. Develop a sense of rhythm.

To teach children to hear the rhythm and recreate it (according to the model and their own), fix the rhythm through rhythmic patterns (borders) and read them.

It is known: the higher the motor activity of the child, the more intensively his speech develops. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poetry, sayings contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills. With the help of poetic rhythm, the correct tempo of speech, the rhythm of breathing are developed, speech hearing, speech memory develop. Movements with musical accompaniment have a positive effect on the development of hearing, attention, memory, form a temporal orientation, that is, the ability to arrange one's movements in time in accordance with a different meter-rhythmic pattern of musical accompaniment.

The same goes for doing rhythmic exercises in writing. In this case, rhythm as a concept is new. It is necessary to combine rhythm as movement and writing (drawing) skills in the child's imagination.

2.3. Familiarize yourself with the line and teach you how to navigate it.

In preparation for learning to write, children are introduced to the concept of "ruling", with the "ruler" line, with additional reference lines. Through game exercises, they strengthen the ability to navigate in the “line”, and then print the elements of letters and the letters themselves in it. The printing of letters in a school font can only be done when the child wants to do it himself and when the prerequisites for writing have been formed.

In most cases, learning to orientate on a lined sheet of paper is not given due attention. All these skills are acquired at school, although in a preschool institution, children, due to their age characteristics, are able to understand and remember the rules of writing in lined.

2.4. To acquaint with the rule of drawing horizontal and vertical lines and consolidate it in practical exercises of a gaming nature.

Rule: when writing, all horizontal lines are drawn from left to right, then draw arrows indicating the direction of hand movement. It is necessary that the movement really starts at the right point and the child learns to understand, to feel that the hand can move in different directions according to the task and the rules of writing. At the same time, it should not be rushed.

It is also important to explain to the children which lines are considered parallel. The violation of parallelism must be shown clearly.

3. Analytical and synthetic activity.

The writing process implies the child's ability to analyze and synthesize the graphic image of letters. Older preschoolers work only with printed letters.

3.1. Analysis and synthesis of graphic, conditional images of objects.

Game exercises this direction precede work with letters. They are based on the analysis and synthesis of simplified graphic images, consisting of elements familiar to children (which allows the child to name the parts that make up the picture).

3.2. Analysis of the image of letters.

This process consists of the child's ability to determine:

Number of elements (how many elements makes up a letter?)

Characteristics of the elements (what are these elements?)

Spatial arrangement of elements in a letter

3.3. Synthesis of the image of letters.

A preschooler should not write letters. It is necessary to prepare images of letters from paper, cut them into elements and ask the child to recreate the image by composing from elements.

3.4. Differentiation of the image of letters.

In game exercises, the child compares letters that are similar in spelling.

4. Formation of elementary graphic skills.

The task of the teacher is to direct the formation of elementary graphic skills in the right direction, to contribute to their consolidation.

4.1. Exercise in the conscious printing of the elements of letters and the letters themselves (with and without educational lining).

4.2. Carry out exercises that prepare for writing elements of the school type ("Klubs", "Waves").

A system of exercises to form the readiness of older preschoolers to learn writing should be included in daily planning. The teacher needs to see the entire scope of the work ahead and carry it out taking into account the age and individual capabilities of the child. .

T.I. Babaeva also drew attention to this issue and highlights the following components for preparing the hand for writing:

The development of manual skills (performing a variety of practical tasks, creating with the help of various tools, in the process of which such qualities as the accuracy of arbitrary hand movements, eye, accuracy, attention, concentration are developed);

The development of the spatial orientation of children, in particular, on a sheet of paper, as well as in general directions of movement (left to right, top to bottom, back and forth, etc.)

Development in children of a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate the pace and rhythm of movements, word and gesture;

Development of visual and graphic skills of children (in the process of visual activity, as well as with the help of graphic exercises). [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993]

Development of hand skills.

By the senior preschool age, the child can easily fasten buttons, tie shoelaces, ribbons. If one of the children in the group does not succeed in this skill, the teacher is obliged to help him acquire the appropriate skill through training and exercises. For the development of the hands, games with small toys, classes with a small designer, mosaics, modeling from clay or plasticine are organized. It has been noticed: the more children are engaged in modeling, the more confident and coordinated the movements of their fingers become. By the age of five, the possibility of accurate, arbitrarily directed movements increases, so children perform tasks that require sufficient accuracy and coordination of hand movements.

Accuracy and dexterity, finger movements are acquired by children in the exciting "Let's Make Beads" activities. All work on the manufacture of beads requires sensory-motor coordination, accuracy, perseverance, i.e. qualities required for writing.

A special role in the development of manual skills is played by the ability to confidently use scissors. Constant exercises: symmetrical cutting, appliqué, as well as cutting out various figures with scissors from old postcards, pictures - a useful and exciting activity for future schoolchildren. Needlework plays a special role in preparing the hand for writing: embroidery, sewing, knitting. Needlework teaches children to be accurate, precise, persevering, attentive. Experience shows that even the simplest types of crochet and knitting are available to children of six years old. As the work of E. Shuleshko showed, knitting is an effective means of preparing six-year-olds for writing.

An educator who wants to prepare children well for school constantly keeps in his field of attention children with insufficiently developed skills. He analyzes the reasons for their lag. Perhaps this is due to the wrong technique for performing any task. Then the child needs additional exercises. Or maybe the reason for his lagging behind is the wrong upbringing in the family, when parents underestimate the importance of developing independence in a child, small movements of the hand. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993].

Development of spatial orientations and sense of rhythm.

The letter is connected with the child's ability to freely navigate on a sheet of paper. Therefore, in the older preschool age, the teacher pays considerable attention to the development of spatial orientations. Preschoolers should be able to distinguish between the right and left hand and the corresponding directions of movement or arrangement of objects.

To this end, the teacher uses games to develop and consolidate the ability to navigate in space. In his speech addressed to children, precise spatial terms are often used.

Exercises are specially conducted to familiarize children with a notebook, competition games are of interest to children, games with spatial orientation often include graphic tasks (painting or tracing cells, sketching geometric shapes, etc.), the teacher uses dictations that reinforce children's ability to navigate on surface. The tasks get progressively more difficult. Evaluating the work of children, the teacher receives valuable information about whether the children know how to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Mastery of writing is associated with the development of a sense of rhythm. Its development is promoted by various dance and physical culture movements to music, requiring coordinated actions from children. Useful exercises in which movements and speech are consistent. It can be counters. The educator needs to ensure that the words are accompanied by an accurate pointing movement of the driver's hand. Rhyming rhymes are pronounced at a different pace, and the speed of hand movement changes accordingly. The rest of the children listen and observe whether the leader coordinates the words and movements correctly. Comic counting rhymes and tongue twisters make this exercise fun and interesting. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993].

Development of graphic skills.

The most important role in preparing children for writing is played by their mastery of various visual graphic skills. Observations show that some children form the wrong habit of handling writing objects (pencil, felt-tip pen, pen). It manifests itself in the following:

Incorrect position of the fingers. The child holds a pencil with a "pinch", gathering his fingers in a "handful" or clenching his hand into a fist. In this case, often the pencil lies not on the middle finger, but on the index finger, etc.

Wrong position of the hand. The brush is turned out so that the upper end of the pencil or pen is oriented not to the shoulder of the writing hand, but to the side or towards itself. At the same time, the hand and elbow hang over the table.

Too strong (more often) or too weak (less often) pressure when drawing and writing, intense squeezing of the writing object.

Wrong posture. The child stoops, bends, puts his leg under him, etc.

The insufficient work of the fingers can be judged by observing how the child draws or paints. If at the same time he constantly turns the sheet, without changing the direction of the lines with the help of subtle movements of the fingers and hand, then appropriate training of the fingers and hand is necessary. Otherwise, the backlog in the letter can be significant. Therefore, the systematic control of an adult over a child is a condition for preventing the incorrect formation of a motor stereotype. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993].

An important role in the formation of correct graphic skills is played not only by taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers and the patterns of their development, but also by observing sanitary and hygienic requirements and the correct organization of the child's posture in the process of preparing the hand for writing.

In the process of organizing training, the tables at which children sit should be appropriate for their height. The chair can be placed so that the front right leg is in line with the edge of the table, while the left one should be 7-10 cm from the edge of the table. When writing, the child's torso should be in a straight position, without bending it either forward or to the side, without lowering the shoulders, both shoulders should be at the same height. The chest should not touch the table. The head is slightly tilted forward so that the eyes are at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the paper (for a small child, this distance may be slightly less). Legs bent at the knees at a right angle, feet on the floor or on a stand. Care must be taken to ensure that children do not bend their legs under the chair, do not put one foot on the other, do not stretch them excessively forward or set them aside.

Putting their elbows on the edge of the table, the children lower their forearms onto the table. The elbows of the child should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the table and be at a distance of about 10 cm from the body. In this case, the right hand lies on the notebook, and the left slightly holds its left edge. This posture not only facilitates the process of writing, but also allows you to maintain efficiency, prevents visual impairment and posture.

The correct position of the hands during writing is extremely important, as it protects against too strong a tilt of the head, which is very harmful to the eyesight of children.

Pencils for writing should be taken soft. They should be well honed, but with a short edge. You need to hold a pencil in the same way as a pen with a pen - with three fingers. The pencil should rest on the left side of the middle finger. The index finger on top holds the handle, the thumb supports the handle on the left side. All three fingers are slightly rounded and do not grip the handle too much. The index finger can be easily lifted, and at the same time lie at the base of the thumb. While writing, the hand rests on the upper joint of the little finger bent inward. The teacher in the first lessons introduces children to the correct fit, the ability to hold a pencil, and use a notebook.

Before learning to write the elements of letters, children need to be prepared for this. Such preparation will be visual activities: modeling, drawing, cutting and sticking - and specially selected exercises: tracing and shading geometric shapes and contour images of vegetables, fruits, leaves, etc. Stroke, hatching, drawing up various patterns, children can do on their own. [Voskresenskaya A.I. - Diploma in Kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 1965].

In kindergarten, absolutely all classes are aimed at the development of the child: physical education, environmental education, speech development, sensory education, etc. At each of the lessons, the teacher thinks over certain sets of exercises and tasks for the development and training of the small muscles of the hands and fingers.

Rich in various types of work on fine arts. Of particular importance is decorative drawing - drawing ornaments, patterns. At the same time, the child practically masters the image of various elements on a plane, later on convex planes; learns to correctly determine the direction of lines and hand movements, gets acquainted with the rhythmic, compositional construction of ornaments, develops an eye. All this is directly related to the preparation for the letter.

Coloring also has a positive effect on the preparation of the child's hand for writing. For this purpose, ready-made coloring books can be used. The teacher needs to draw the attention of the children to ensure that the image is painted over carefully enough, evenly, neatly. It is not uncommon to see entire albums, carelessly colored by a child, without observing the contours of the images, with separate strokes, broken lines, etc. It is necessary to teach children not to rush, to paint carefully, in several stages, in order to avoid overwork. You can invite the children to color one picture in turn. While one paints, the other has time to relax. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993.]

A large role in the development of graphic skills is played by various tasks related to hatching. Hatching is performed under the guidance of a teacher. He shows how it is done, controls the parallelism of the lines, their direction, the child's posture and how he holds the pencil. Hatching rules must also be followed:

to hatch in the given direction

do not go beyond the contours of the figure

keep the lines parallel

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

1) For exercises in hatching, ready-made contour images of objects, drawing images with subsequent hatching, and tracing ready-made stencils by children can be used. In work with six-year-olds, rulers are currently successfully used - stencils of geometric shapes, curly rulers (patterns). First, children feel the stencils with their index and middle fingers. Then, putting a stencil (curly ruler) on a sheet of paper, press it against the paper with your left hand, and trace the contour of the figure with your right pencil. After the children have learned to trace the contours of the figures, they begin to hatch. The shading method is reported by the teacher. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993.]

The teacher is an innovator E.N. Potapova successfully applies work with rulers - stencils and shading in preparation for writing six-year-olds. She advises making whole pictures using stencils (holiday fireworks, airfield, metro). Each picture is played out with children, hatching methods are discussed. The spacing between strokes must be the width of a lowercase letter. Basic hatching directions: top to bottom, left to right, oblique, wavy, etc. Each child should have their own hatching album.

2) To develop the accuracy and confidence of hand movements, games are used in which children need to draw parallel lines in a certain direction. For example, the games "From house to house", "Who is faster - who is more equal?", "Skydivers". Various graphic exercises in notebooks in a cage are widely used: tracing cells, drawing patterns, fitting into a square various images(ovals, lines, hooks, triangles). In notebooks, the elements of the letter are reproduced in a line. Graphic exercises teach those techniques and movements of the fingers and hand, with the help of which writing is carried out. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993.]

3) At the beginning of each lesson, it is necessary to show the children how the fingers and hand should move when performing the next element. Then this movement is practiced, imitated in the air. Then the children reproduce the practiced movement, tracing a sample of the element along the dotted copy and independently. After 2-3 minutes of continuous writing (usually during this time the child fills out one or two lines), a break follows: a physical education pause, consideration of work, then two more lines are filled. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by ease and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained, tense. Correctly observing graphic proportions, writing smoothly and symmetrically is important for developing a beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. When drawing straight lines, the clarity of the handwriting and the confidence of the movement of the hand are clearly visible. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993.]

Manual skill includes different types weaving from paper and fabric, braid (for example, weaving rugs from paper multi-colored stripes). A child can fold a sheet of paper in half, make a series of even cuts without going beyond the contour, then cut thin strips of a different color and, following the pattern, weave them between the cuts in the main part of the rug in a certain way, following the pattern. Having mastered the principle of paper weaving, children independently begin to invent patterns for rugs, color combinations, and use this method of weaving in other crafts. Older preschoolers are quite accessible and the simplest methods of weaving macrame. This type of work can be recommended for joint activities of parents and children in the family.

Small subgroups of children can be organized for needlework. At first, the guys look at sewing accessories, clarify their names, and get acquainted with embroidery samples. They get acquainted with a needle, types of seams, gradually master sewing.

Accuracy and coordination of movements develop in a child in the process of sewing on buttons. Children examine buttons of large and medium sizes, learn to sew first a button with two holes, then with four. [Babaeva T.I. - At the school threshold. - M, 1993.]

Thus, fine motor skills develop brain areas responsible for speech functions. But also gross motor skills through physical exercises train and strengthen communication with other brain structures, which favorably affects the physical and mental development of the child. The task of the kindergarten is to prepare the hand of a preschooler for the process of writing, to form an image of graphic images. Grizik T.I. and Babaeva T.I. reveal the main directions of preparing the hand for writing. They set out in detail the content of each direction, which find their implementation in the classroom in kindergarten.

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