Freight forwarding contract (form). Contract for transport and forwarding services Contract for transportation and forwarding sample


Companies often need to transport goods, raw materials for production, or other cargo within a city, country, or several countries. In addition to the direct movement of goods from point A to point B, other transportation services are often required.

The contract for the provision of forwarding services implies that the forwarder undertakes to organize the transportation of goods at the expense of the client, while he himself may not be directly the carrier. Treaty transport expedition, as a rule, charges the forwarder with the following duties:

    organize the transportation of client cargo by transport along the route chosen by the forwarder or client;

    conclude on behalf of the client or on its own behalf contracts for the carriage;

    to ensure the dispatch (receipt) of the cargo,

    other duties related to transportation (for example, packing of cargo, loading and unloading, customs procedures).

The provision of forwarding services does not mean that the forwarder is obliged to perform all duties personally, on his own. If it is not prohibited by the contract, part of the services (or the whole service) can be performed by third parties.

A freight forwarding (forwarding services) contract is concluded between the forwarder and the client (consignor or recipient of the cargo). This is a special type of contract, which should not be confused with a contract of carriage, commission, agency or others. Freight forwarding is regulated by the Civil Code (Chapter 41 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), as well as by the Law of June 30, 2003 No. 87-FZ “On Freight Forwarding Activities”.

Freight Forwarding Services Agreement

The agreement between the client and the freight forwarder is concluded in writing, by agreeing on the essential terms of the contract between the parties. The contract must include the following information:

    Names of the parties (names of organizations in full, full names of company representatives - for example, general directors);

    Conditions relating to the very subject of the contract: forwarding services to be provided (drawing up transportation documents, checking the amount of cargo, receiving cargo, etc.);

    Rights and obligations of the parties;

    Procedure, terms for the provision of services;

    The procedure for settlements between the parties: how payment for services is carried out, what documents determine payment, etc.;

    Responsibility of the parties in the event that the obligations under the contract are not fulfilled (improperly performed);

    Force majeure circumstances (cases of exemption from liability for failure to fulfill obligations), etc.;

    The procedure for resolving disputes arising between the parties;

    Duration of the contract: at what point the contract comes into force, whether it can be terminated ahead of schedule (and under what conditions), etc.;

    General final provisions: instructions on the conclusion of additional agreements or annexes, informing the parties about the emergence of a conflict of interest, etc.;

    The details of the parties are indicated in full. Location address of the organization (indicating the postcode, city of location), TIN, KPP, bank details (settlement account, correspondent account, BIC), contact details (for example, telephone, address Email).

The client is obliged to provide the most accurate, reliable information about the cargo (properties of the cargo, conditions of transportation, etc.), as well as all the necessary documents that the forwarder will need to fulfill his obligations. If the freight forwarder has incurred any expenses in the interests of the client, the client is obliged to reimburse them.

If the cargo was damaged, lost (partially or completely) before the transfer to the client, the freight forwarder is responsible (reimburses the actual damage). The contract may also provide for a clause on the return of previously paid remuneration (in addition to compensation for damage from loss or damage to cargo).

Forwarding services: OKVED

What code indicates the activities of forwarders? This is the OKVED code - 52.29 “Other auxiliary activities related to transportation” (classifier approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st, as amended on July 10, 2018). The grouping includes both the direct dispatch of goods, and the preparation of the necessary documentation, waybills, transport handling of goods, etc.

If the transportation of cargo is carried out by the forwarding organization independently (with its own or rented transport), then code 49.41 "Activity of road freight transport" can be applied.


G. _________________

"___" ______________ of the year

Represented by ________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the one hand, and _____________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Forwarder", represented by _________________, acting on the basis of ___________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this agreement on the following:


1.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Forwarder undertakes, for a fee and at the expense of the Customer, to organize the provision of services for the transportation of goods on the instructions of the Customer by transport along the route specified in Appendix No. 1.

1.2. Name, quantity, cost, payment procedure, forwarding services are made in accordance with the Specification (Appendix No. 2)


2.1. The execution of this Agreement for the provision of forwarding services is carried out on the basis of the order of the Customer issued to the Forwarder.

2.2. The task issued to the Forwarder must contain information on the terms of transportation, weight and volume, as well as the data necessary for its proper execution.

2.3. For possible losses caused by the provision of incorrect or incomplete data, the Forwarder shall not be liable.

2.4. Upon receipt of the assignment, the Forwarder informs the Customer of the cost of forwarding services in accordance with the data specified in the assignment.

2.5. Upon delivery of the cargo to the warehouse of the Forwarder, the parties draw up a consignment note confirming the fact of acceptance and transfer of the cargo, weight, volume, number of pieces and nature of the cargo. The consignment note is issued in two copies, signed by the Forwarder's representative on the one hand and the Customer's representative on the other hand.

2.6. In the event of a change in the cost of forwarding services, the Forwarder, within a reasonable time, is obliged to inform the Customer or his representative about the current cost of Forwarding services, as well as possible necessary additional costs of the Customer, which may be incurred by the latter in connection with the execution of the assignment.

2.7. The Freight Forwarder may set additional fees for the provision of the service, which are agreed with the Customer when transporting a specific consignment.


3.1. The forwarder is obliged:

3.1.1. Organize the transportation of the Customer's cargo along the route within the time specified by the Customer in the assignment to the Forwarder.

3.1.2. On the instructions of the Customer, organize the acceptance of goods to the warehouse.

3.1.3. Organize work on loading and unloading, packing, repacking, weighing, storing cargo in a warehouse.

3.1.4. If the Customer applies, inform about the fact of shipment, the actual number of issued places, the time and date of dispatch, the mode of transport, the invoice number and the estimated date of arrival at the final destination by fax ____________ or e-mail _________________.

3.1.5. When changing the mode of transport, route and sequence of transportation of goods by various modes of transport in the interests of the Customer, immediately notify the customer by fax ______________ or e-mail ________________.

3.1.6. Organize control over transshipment, storage and reloading / unloading of goods by airports, ports and railway stations. If necessary, organize the provision of services by other transport organizations when servicing the Customer's cargo.

3.1.7. Organize the execution of all necessary documents for the delivery of goods.

3.1.8. Issue invoices, invoices to the Customer, draw up acts of rendering services in two copies for the obligations actually fulfilled in his interests.

3.2. Forwarder's rights:

3.2.1. Engage third parties for the execution of this Agreement.

3.2.2. Hold the cargo until full payment of the cost of the Freight Forwarder's services for the carriage of cargo.

3.2.3. Dangerous, heavy, oversized cargo, as well as cargo that requires compliance with a certain temperature regime and other goods that require special conditions of transportation are accepted by the Freight Forwarder only upon prior agreement with the Customer, indicating the requirements for the conditions of their transportation.

3.3. Customer Responsibilities:

3.3.1. To provide the Forwarder with the cargo in the agreed volume and within the agreed time.

3.3.2. Provide the Forwarder with the necessary information regarding the properties and nature of the cargo, subject to its transportation, as well as information about the consignees.

3.3.3. Control the compliance of the cargo packaging with the conditions of its transportation. Cargoes must be packed taking into account their specific properties and characteristics, in such a way as to ensure their safety under normal handling measures.

3.3.4. Inform the Freight Forwarder about the desired delivery time, nomenclature, order and destination of the shipped cargo. Also, if necessary, provide information on the timing of shipment, conditions of transportation, the amount of cargo, the dimensions of the cargo.

3.3.5. In order for the Forwarder to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, provide it with the necessary documentation, certificates, licenses, powers of attorney required for proper forwarding services for the Customer.

3.3.6. In case of refusal of transportation, pay all the actual expenses of the Forwarder that were incurred as part of the execution of the order.

3.3.7. Pay the Forwarder the cost of services in the amount and in the manner established in the Specification.

3.3.8. The Customer is obliged, on his own and at his own expense, to accept the cargo at the destination in accordance with the data specified in the consignment note, consignment note and other accompanying documents, if this obligation was not assigned to the Forwarder.

3.3.9. In the event that the consignee discovers the loss, shortage or damage, damage to the cargo at the point of arrival, properly draw up official acts and certify with the representatives of the service that issued the cargo.

3.4. Rights of the Customer:

3.4.1. Choose the route and type of transport, coordinating them with the Forwarder.

3.4.2. Receive from the Forwarder information about the transportation process.


4.1. For doing work. Provided by this Agreement, the Customer pays the Forwarder the cost of forwarding services, the amount of which is determined by the forwarder depending on the characteristics of the cargo and the route of transportation. The cost includes all expenses for organizing the transportation of goods, including the remuneration of the Freight Forwarder.

4.2. The cost of forwarding services for each transportation is indicated in the invoices, invoices, certificates of work performed provided to the Customer.

4.3 Settlements under this agreement are made in the form of non-cash payment to the settlement account of the Forwarder.

4.4. The invoice is issued to the Customer by facsimile or to the e-mail address specified in this Agreement.

4.5. The cargo is considered to be delivered and the Forwarder's obligations under the Contract are fulfilled, if the Customer has not submitted a claim to the Forwarder for the delivery of the cargo within six months from the date of receipt of the cargo at the destination.


5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations of this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation.

5.2. For violation of the terms of cargo delivery, the Freight Forwarder shall pay, at the request of the Customer, a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the Contract price specified in the Specification for each day of delay.

5.3. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of payment obligations, for the delivered cargo, the Customer, at the request of the Forwarder, pays a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the Contract price.

5.4. Payment of penalties does not release the Parties from the fulfillment of obligations.

5.5. Disputes between the Parties arising from the Agreement or in connection with it are resolved in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation in the Arbitration Court at the location of the defendant.


6.1. The Parties are released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, if it was the result of force majeure (fire, flood, earthquake, hostilities, other emergency events).

6.2. The Party, for which it became impossible to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, is obliged to notify the other Party of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances immediately (unless the action of force majeure does not make the notification itself impossible).


7.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid until December 31, 2018.

7.2. Either Party may terminate the Agreement by notifying the other Party of its intention in writing at least 30 (thirty) days before the expected date of termination.


8.1. All changes and additions to the terms of the Agreement are formalized by the Parties in separate agreements in writing and constitute an integral part of the agreement.

8.2. The Parties are obliged to notify each other about changes in their addresses, bank details, phone numbers no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of their change.

8.3. The facsimile version of the Agreement is valid on a par with the original. The parties are obliged to exchange originals within 2 months from the date of signing the Agreement.

8.4. The Agreement is drawn up in two copies in Russian, one copy for each of the Parties. Both copies have the same legal force.


Customer: _________________________________________________________
Legal address: ______________________________________
TIN _____________, KPP ____________, OGRN ____________ ___________________________ Account No. __________________________ BIK _______________________

Phone ________________________


Forwarder: __________________
Legal address:
Mailing address:

___________________ / ____________
TIN KPP R / account: ______________________ in _________________________

To/account: ______________________ BIK ______________

Tel: _____________

_________________ /_______________

Freight forwarding agreement sample 2019-2018 free download sample form example form


transport expedition

Moscow "___" __________ 201__

Hereinafter referred to as ___ "Forwarder", represented by _____________, acting ___ on the basis of _______, on the one hand, and ______________, hereinafter referred to as ___ "Client", represented by ____________, acting ___ on the basis of ____________, on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement as follows.


1.1. The Client instructs, and the Forwarder assumes the responsibility for organizing the transportation of goods belonging to the Client. These services are provided by the Forwarder for a fee and at the expense of the Client.

1.2. The Client has the right to entrust, and the Forwarder to provide additional types services, if they are specified in the application for transportation, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

1.3. The Forwarder's remuneration under this Agreement is ________________. Payment of remuneration is made in the following order: ________________.

1.4. The Client is obliged to provide the Forwarder with documents and other information about the properties of the cargo, the conditions of its transportation, as well as other information necessary for the Forwarder to fulfill the obligations stipulated by this Agreement.

1.5. The Freight Forwarder is obliged to inform the Client about the detected shortcomings of the information received, and in case of incompleteness of the information, to request from the Client the necessary additional data.

1.6. In the event that the Client fails to provide necessary information The freight forwarder has the right not to start fulfilling the relevant obligations until such information is provided.



2.1. In accordance with paragraphs. 1.1 and 1.2 of this Agreement, the Freight Forwarder organizes servicing of the Client related to the subject of the Agreement.

2.2. Submission of cargo for loading is carried out on the day of loading agreed by the Parties.

2.3. Forwarder undertakes:

a) organize the transportation of the Client's goods - ___________ - by transport along the following route: ___________________;

b) conclude on behalf of the Client on the basis of a power of attorney a contract for the carriage of goods, draw up all the necessary documents;

c) ensure the dispatch and (or) receipt of the cargo;

d) check the quantity and condition of the cargo;

e) ensure loading and unloading;

f) pay duties, fees, make other necessary

payments due to the Client within __________ from the date of

conclusion of this Agreement;

g) ensure the storage of cargo and its receipt at the destination;

h) _____________________ (other duties related to transportation).

2.4. The freight forwarder has the right to involve other persons in the performance of his duties. Assigning the performance of an obligation to a third party does not release the Forwarder from liability to the Client for the performance of this Agreement.

2.5. The client undertakes:

a) pay the Forwarder's remuneration in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

b) pay the costs associated with the execution of this Agreement, no later than _________ from the moment the Forwarder provides a cost estimate;

c) provide information necessary for the execution of this Agreement.


3.1. If loading is delayed due to the fault of the Client, the loading is postponed to the next day and the Client makes an additional payment in the amount of _________ for each day of such delay.

3.2. Protection and insurance of cargo are not the subject of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided in the application with an indication of their cost.

3.3. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if they were the result of force majeure circumstances, which means: accident, flood, earthquake, fire, hostilities, strikes, changes in legislation.

3.4. Proper evidence of the existence of the above circumstances and their duration will be acts and certificates in accordance with applicable law.

3.5. The Client is liable for losses caused to the Forwarder in connection with the violation of the obligation to provide information specified in clause 1.4 of this Agreement.


4.1. The date of filing a claim is the date of the stamp of the postal department on acceptance of the letter.

4.2. The party that received the claim is obliged to consider it and respond on the merits of the claim (confirm consent to full or partial satisfaction of it or report full or partial refusal to satisfy it) no later than one month from the date of receipt of the claim.


5.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until "___" __________ 201__.

5.2. If ___ days before the end of the Agreement, none of the Parties declares in writing its termination, then the Agreement is considered prolonged for the next calendar year.

5.3. This Agreement may be terminated:

- by mutual agreement of the Parties, executed in writing;

- at any time by either Party with or without cause, upon submission of a written application not less than ___ days before its termination.


6.1. The Agreement is concluded in 2 copies of equal legal force, one copy for each Party.

6.2. Any agreement between the Parties that entails new obligations that do not follow from the Agreement must be confirmed by the Parties in the form of additional agreements to the Agreement. All changes and additions to the Agreement are considered valid if they are made in writing and signed by the appropriate authorized representatives of the Parties.

6.3. A Party is not entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties without the prior written consent of the other Party.

6.4. References to a word or term in the Agreement in the singular include references to that word or term in the plural. References to a word or term in the plural include references to that word or term in the singular. This rule applicable, unless otherwise provided by the text of the Agreement.

6.5. The Parties agree that, with the exception of information that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot constitute a trade secret legal entity, the content of the Agreement, as well as all documents transferred by the Parties to each other in connection with the Agreement, are considered confidential and relate to trade secret Parties, which is not subject to disclosure without the written consent of the other Party.

6.6. For the purposes of convenience, in the Agreement, the Parties also mean their authorized persons, as well as their possible successors.

6.7. Notifications and documents transmitted under the Agreement shall be sent in writing to the following addresses:

6.7.1. For Forwarder: _________________________________________________.

6.7.2. For client: _______________________________________________________.

6.8. Any messages are valid from the date of delivery to the corresponding address for correspondence.

6.9. In the event of a change in the addresses specified in clause 6.7. of the Agreement and other details of the legal entity of one of the Parties, it is obliged to notify the other Party within 10 (ten) calendar days, provided that such a new address for correspondence can only be an address in Moscow, the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the fulfillment by the Party of obligations under the previous details will be considered the proper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.

6.10. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties and arising from this Agreement or in connection with it, will be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to reach an agreement on disputed issues through negotiations within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the receipt of a written claim, disputes are resolved in the Moscow Arbitration Court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.11. The Parties declare that their official seals on documents drawn up in connection with the execution of this Agreement are unconditional confirmation that executive signatory Party has been duly authorized by that Party to sign this document.

6.12. The terms of the Agreement are binding on the successors of the Parties.


Forwarder: ______ "______________"
Customer: _______ "_____________"
Legal address: ___________________________________

Mailing address: _______________________________________

Phone fax: _________________________________________

TIN/KPP: ______________________________________________

Checking account: ________________________________________

Bank: ___________________________________________________

Correspondent account: ______________________________

BIC: __________________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________

transport expedition in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Forwarder”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the relationship of the Parties related to the organization of transportation of goods in long-distance traffic, forwarding services and other services by the forces and means of the Parties in accordance with applicable law and this Agreement.

1.2. The Client instructs, and the Forwarder assumes obligations for the transportation of goods by the number of places, including small lots, through the storage warehouses of the Forwarder to destinations.


2.1. Forwarder Responsibilities:

2.1.1. Organizes the transportation of the Client's goods, according to written requests in the form specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, and in accordance with the tariffs for groupage cargo specified in Appendix No. 2.

2.1.2. For its part, it controls the correctness of the execution of shipping documents upon acceptance of cargo (loading) and delivery of cargo (unloading), and also promptly provides the Client with the originals of fully executed bills of lading, invoices and acts of work performed for the transportation.

2.1.3. Provides advice to the Client on issues of increasing the efficiency of transportation by choosing rational routes, reducing the cost of packaging, loading and unloading and other operations, etc.

2.1.4. The Freight Forwarder is obliged to inform the Client about all detected shortcomings of the information received by him, and in case of its incompleteness, to make an additional request.

2.1.5. Inform the Client about the forced delays of cars on the way, accidents and other unforeseen circumstances that prevent the timely delivery of goods.

2.2. Client Responsibilities:

2.2.1. Provide goods intended for transportation in the agreed weight, volume and in good tare (packaging), ensuring their complete safety and allowing loading and transportation by the vehicles provided.

2.2.2. Notify the Freight Forwarder about the rules for loading goods in flexible packaging with the determination of the permissible number of rows in the vehicle, including warning about the presence of glassware and other fragile goods that require more careful handling.

2.2.3. Order vehicles in writing 48 hours before the day preceding the transportation, with detailed information about the places of loading, the volume of transportation, the working hours of warehouses.

2.2.4. Ensure the provision and correct execution of bills of lading and other documents for the transported goods (indicating the country of origin of goods in invoices, as well as the number of the customs declaration for goods of foreign origin).

2.2.5. The Client has the right to issue powers of attorney to the Forwarder for the right to carry out transport and forwarding operations specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement.


3.1. Payments for the work performed under this Agreement are made on the terms additionally agreed by the Parties.

3.2. For the work performed under this Agreement, the Freight Forwarder issues an invoice to the Client for the carriage, for which the Client undertakes to pay no later than the next (banking) day after receiving the goods by transfer Money to the settlement account of the Forwarder in accordance with the bank details specified in this Agreement.

3.3. The amount of this Agreement is the sum of the cost of specific shipments made by the Forwarder during the term of this Agreement.

3.4. The cargo is transferred upon presentation of payment documents, a power of attorney and the recipient's passport, or if the recipient has a seal and signature in the consignment note.

3.5. The document certifying the performance of freight forwarding services is the Certificate of Completion of Works (Services) drawn up on the basis of bills of lading.


4.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.

4.2. The Freight Forwarder and the Client bear the mutual liability within the limits of its obligations under the Agreement.

4.3. The Freight Forwarder and the Client are not liable for each other's debts and obligations to a third party.

4.4. In case of non-compliance with the conditions and terms of transportation, the Freight Forwarder and the Client agree on the amount of compensation through negotiations.

4.5. In case of violation of the conditions of clause 3.2. of this Agreement, the Client pays the Freight Forwarder a penalty in the amount of % of the amount of untimely paid services for each day of delay.

4.6. Payment of the penalty does not release the Parties from the performance of their contractual obligations.

4.7. 3a presentation of cargo prohibited for transportation, or cargo requiring special precautions during transportation, with an incorrect indication of its name or property, the Client, in addition to recovering the losses caused to the Forwarder, will be charged a fine in the amount of rubles.

4.8. In case of submission of incorrect information about the nature of the cargo, which led to damage to the cargo of other clients, the Client is liable for the amount of damage caused to third parties.

4.9. The Freight Forwarder is only responsible for the number of pieces accepted from the Client for transportation.

4.10. In case of shortage of space or its damage due to the Forwarder's fault, the contents of the cargo are verified by type and quantity in the presence of representatives of the parties, the amount of damage is determined for compensation and a claim is made no later than days from the date of receipt of the cargo. The exception is cases when non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations occurred due to force majeure. The basis for determining the amount of damage are the accompanying documents for the transported goods (invoices, TTN).

4.11. When the vehicle is fully loaded with goods, the Freight Forwarder shall not be liable for damage or shortage of cargo handed over for transportation without a package (tare) corresponding to the properties of the cargo, or with a violation of the integrity of the package (tare), ensuring the safety of the cargo during transportation, if the cargo arrived in a serviceable vehicle with serviceable shipper's seals.

4.12. The freight forwarder is not responsible for the shortage of cargo while maintaining the integrity of the number of packages (places) for a groupage cargo.


5.1. In the event of circumstances that may prevent the full or partial performance by any Party of the relevant obligations under the Agreement, such as fire or other natural disasters, war, hostilities of any nature, blockade, prohibition of exports or any other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties, the time set for the implementation of its obligations shall be extended for a period equal to the period in which these circumstances occurred.

5.2. If these circumstances continue for more than a month, each of the Parties has the right to stop further fulfillment of its obligations under the Agreement as a whole, notifying the other Party about it. In this case, neither Party has the right to demand compensation from the other Party for its possible losses.

5.3. The Party, for which it has become impossible to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement, must notify the other Party within 24 hours of the beginning and end of the circumstances preventing the fulfillment of its obligations.

5 4. Certificates issued by the relevant Chambers of Commerce at the location of the Freight Forwarder or the Client, will be sufficient confirmation of these circumstances and their duration.


6.1. The Parties undertake to resolve all disputes under this Agreement in a complaint procedure. The term for consideration of the claim days.

6.2. If no agreement is reached, the disputes that have arisen are referred to the Arbitration Court for consideration.


7.1. The terms of this Agreement and its amendments are confidential and may be disclosed to third parties only with the written consent of the other Party.

7.2. This Agreement cannot be an obstacle for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under other Agreements.

7.3. This Agreement was concluded before "" 2016 and comes into force from the moment of its signing.

7.4. This Agreement is made in 2 identical copies, having the same legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

7.5. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

7.6. The parties are obliged to inform each other about the change of addresses and bank details within three working days.

7.7. Changes, additions and annexes to this Agreement are its integral part and are valid if they are made in writing, signed by authorized representatives of both Parties and certified by the seals of the Parties.

7.8. In order to expedite the exchange of documents, the Parties agreed on the possibility of using as official documents transmitted by facsimile, with the subsequent exchange of the originals of these documents within days.

7.9. From the date of signing this Agreement, all previous negotiations and documents signed in connection with them become invalid.



Forwarder Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Customer _________________

Forwarder _________________

When there is a need to transport products or other goods, contracts for a transport expedition are concluded. They belong to the category of civil law agreements. Based on the document, the carrier undertakes to deliver the products from one point to another. Its compilation is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the end of the article, you can download a sample transport expedition agreement.

Clause 1 of Article 801 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the subject of a transport expedition agreement as an obligation of one party (called the forwarder) for material remuneration and at the expense of the other party (the sender or recipient of the cargo) to perform actions related to the transportation of goods.

As this notion implies, the agreement is bilateral. The participants are:

  • forwarder (carrier);
  • customer (sender or recipient of goods).

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 802 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this agreement is always concluded in writing. In addition, the Rules for Forwarding Activities prescribe that the conditions are specified by the forwarding documents drawn up.

These include:

  1. Carrier order.
  2. Receipt from the warehouse.
  3. Forwarding receipt.

The text of the agreement under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation lists specific actions that the forwarder must carry out. His authority does not necessarily include only transportation. Such actions may include organizing a trip, preparing customs and other documents.

Terms of agreement

Essential terms of the contract of transport expedition according to Civil Code Russian Federation are determined by what services the forwarder should provide. Thus, they follow from the subject matter of the agreement.

Let's take an example. The freight forwarder and the client have entered into an agreement on the organization of transportation of goods. In this case, the essential conditions will be the route of delivery, the date of dispatch, the weight and volume of the cargo. Note that this design is relevant primarily for one-time agreements.

Considering the problems of the contract of transport expedition, you should pay attention to the validity period. It is convenient to indicate a specific list of services when making a one-time delivery. However, in most cases completed agreements are signed for a long term. Difficulty in the design is resolved as follows:

  1. The main contract under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is signed, reflecting general terms and Conditions cooperation.
  2. In the course of work, separate applications are compiled that determine the list of powers for each transaction.
  3. In the main contract, you must make a link to the application. You can specify that the freight forwarder provides services for the current document and its appendices.
  4. The annex also makes reference to the main contract, in addition to which it is drawn up.

Important! Annexes are considered an integral part of the agreement.

An expedition contract can also be concluded with non-residents of the Russian Federation. In such a case, the agreement must include all the conditions prescribed for transactions with foreign companies.

Expedition contract structure

Below is the place of detention (it is enough to enter the city) and the date. Then they indicate the data of the parties, which are the Customer and the Forwarder. Consider an approximate plan and features of a transport expedition agreement:

  1. Subject of the contract. The Forwarder's obligation to carry out the transportation of goods for the agreed remuneration and at the expense of the Customer's funds along the prescribed route is written.
  2. The procedure for the provision of services. It contains information about the task issued by the Customer to the Forwarder. Among other information, it contains information about the weight of the cargo, its dimensions, as well as delivery times. Upon receipt of these data, the Freight Forwarder announces the cost of providing services. When the cargo has been delivered to its destination, a consignment note is issued, which is drawn up in two copies and signed by representatives of both parties.
  3. Obligations and rights of the parties. The duties of the Forwarder include timely delivery of products, organization of loading / unloading, informing the Customer about the progress of the task, execution of all necessary documents. Among his rights are the involvement of third parties in the work and the retention of the cargo until full payment is received by the Customer. The duties of the latter include the timely transfer of cargo, packaging of products in accordance with the conditions of transportation, the transfer to the Forwarder of information regarding the timing, specific characteristics. Rights of the Customer: to receive information about the progress of the task and to choose the route and conditions of transportation.
  4. The order of calculations. This includes billing and payment methods.
  5. Responsibility of the parties.
  6. Force Majeure.
  7. Validity. Starts from the date of signing. The termination of the action is possible upon the occurrence of the date specified in this paragraph or at the initiative of one of the parties. The intention to terminate the agreement shall be notified to the other party at least 30 days in advance.
  8. Additional terms.

At the end, the details of the parties are indicated and the personal signatures of the Forwarder and the Customer are put.

Who can act as parties

In practice, there is more than one type of transport expedition contracts. Consider who can act as parties.

  1. The customer (or client) can be either an individual or an individual entrepreneur or organization.
  2. Forwarder is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.

Thus, a private person cannot be a freight forwarder. The document must list exactly what powers are given to the carrier.

Problems of a freight forwarding agreement may arise when a representative needs to execute transactions with third parties on behalf of a client. In such a situation, you will need to draw up a power of attorney.

Let's summarize: the expedition contract is concluded for registration of cargo transportation according to the task and at the expense of the Customer. It is prepared in writing, it can be supplemented with annexes and specifications. Next you can download exemplary sample form.

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