Russian greenhouses are not afraid of the return of Turkish tomatoes. Overview of the tomato market in Russia The main producers of tomatoes in the world


The volume of production of greenhouse tomatoes in Russia shows a significant increase over the past 5 years. With active state support the construction of new greenhouses and an intensive increase in the production of domestic vegetables, aimed at reducing Russia's dependence on imported goods, continue.

The main threat to the greenhouse business in Russia at the moment is the likely resumption of supplies of tomatoes from Turkey, because. regardless of the exchange rate and consumer preferences, an increase in supply will put pressure on the price.

The resumption of deliveries from Turkey will lead to an increase in the volume of direct imports by retail chains, i.е. resumption of the supply chain worked out until 2016. The structure of suppliers will change, and Turkish tomatoes may take a significant share (up to 50% of the volume of greenhouse tomatoes) in the network sales channel.

A decrease in the average market price will lead to a drop in the profitability of Russian producers and a deterioration in the situation in the industry. Purchasing power and consumer trends by the time supplies resume will determine import volumes.

Tomato production in Russia

The collection of vegetables in Russia has been increasing in recent years, with the main production falling on open ground.

2/3 of the total volume of vegetable harvest falls on the Southern, Central and Volga Federal Districts

In Russia, there is an increase in the production of tomatoes, including due to an increase in the volume of greenhouse collection

The main producers of tomatoes, both open and protected ground, are households

Import of tomatoes

Imports of tomatoes decreased significantly due to the ban on the supply of agricultural products from Turkey and EU countries

In 2016, the structure of tomato suppliers to Russia changed dramatically

Until 2016, Turkey was the main exporter of tomatoes to Russia due to relatively low prices

Prices for imported tomatoes in recent years are significantly lower than the prices of Russian producers

Consumption of tomatoes in Russia

The highest specific consumption of tomatoes is observed in the southern regions of Russia, where the population actively grows tomatoes for their own consumption.

The main drivers of the increase in tomato consumption in the coming years will be the growth in population and incomes of the population

The influence of Turkish tomatoes on the Russian market

In mid-2017, Russia allowed the supply of a number of goods from Turkey, but the ban on the import of Turkish tomatoes may last another 3 years. Thus, Russian agricultural organizations are supported to further development own greenhouse production of vegetables and strengthening market positions.

In 2016, greenhouse production of tomatoes in Russia increased by 18% compared to 2015. By 2020, the harvest is expected to increase by 3.7 times compared to 2016, due to the active construction of new plants. At the same time, dependence on the supply of foreign tomatoes will remain, although it will significantly decrease.

Prior to the introduction of the food embargo in 2016, Turkey was a key supplier of tomatoes to Russia (51% of imports in 2015), which was due to both low prices and the convenience of working with Turkish suppliers due to high level service.

The situation in 2016 showed that with a similar price / quality ratio, tomatoes from Morocco replaced only 25% of the dropped supply, while consumption and imports of tomatoes continued to decline in general. The reason is complex: the general trend is to reduce the consumption of tomatoes in favor of the borscht set; on the other hand, relations with Morocco and other suppliers are not yet fully built. The return of Turkish tomato to the Russian market in such a situation will lead to the gradual displacement of other importing countries, and then Russian producers.

The beginning of 2017 shows a slight increase in tomato imports by 3-5% compared to the beginning of 2016.

The resumption of supplies of tomatoes from Turkey will lead to a redistribution of the shares of other countries

Factors that give an advantage and hinder in competition with imported products


Marketing research `Market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia - 2018. Indicators and forecasts` contains a comprehensive analysis Russian market fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) and market development forecast until 2022 according to the negative, inertial and innovative scenario.

Excerpts from the study:
- In the Russian market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in recent years, an ambiguous situation has developed without a pronounced trend due to the instability of the main market indicators.
- In the structure of the market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, domestic production exceeded the volume of import supplies by 6.3 times, and the trade balance was negative and amounted to -498.3 thousand tons.
- The best production indicators are shown by the Astrakhan region with a production volume of 545.3 thousand tons.
- As for the results of the agricultural activities of the agro-industrial complex in 2017, the sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) decreased, the Republic of Dagestan has the largest crops for growing crops, and shows the maximum yield - 544.3 centners / ha.
- The leader in import deliveries in 2017 is Azerbaijan (more than 30%), the leading supplier of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) - STE AGRI SOUSS S.A. (3.9%).
- Most of the products of Russian exporters are bought by Ukraine (more than 97%), the largest buyer is IP BONDAREVA E.G. (19.3%).

Study period:
2014-2017, 2018-2022 (forecast)

Data of FEA players:
The study also provides information on foreign economic activity participants with supply volumes:
- Rating of the largest Russian importers and foreign suppliers
- Rating of leading Russian exporters and foreign buyers

Quantitative indicators in the report are calculated in tons, cost indicators - in dollars

Research geography:
Russian Federation and regions of the Russian Federation, countries of the world







Product sales revenue

Production cost

Profit from product sales

Profitability of product sales

Return on assets

Number of employees

Average monthly wage


Market volume of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [tons]

Comparison of production and imports in the Russian market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017, [tons]

Trade balance of the market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, in kind [tons] and value [thousand dollars]


Dynamics of acreage of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [thousand ha]

Distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation, [%]

Structure of distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation, [%]

Complete data on sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [thousand ha]


Dynamics of the average yield of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [c/ha]

Aggregate yield indicators of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts in 2014-2017, [c/ha]

Complete data on the yield of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) for all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017. , [c/ha]


Dynamics of production volumes of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [tons]

Distribution of production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation, [%]

TOP regions of the Russian Federation in terms of production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, [tons]

Structure Russian production fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation, [%]

Full data on production volumes of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [tons]


Price dynamics of Russian producers of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by months in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]

Complete data on producer prices for fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]


Dynamics of retail prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia by months in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]

Complete data on retail prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]


Dynamics of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017

Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation, [%]

Import prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to Russia by regions of receipt in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]

Shares largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes), [%]

Import prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to Russia by country of origin in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]


Dynamics of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017

In value terms, [thousand dollars]

In kind, [tonnes]

Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure, [%]

Export prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from Russia by regions of departure in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]

Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes), [%]

Export prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from Russia by countries of destination in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]


Forecast of the market volume of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2018-2022, [tons]

Negative scenario

Inertial scenario

Innovation Scenario

Forecast of the ratio of production and imports in the Russian market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2018-2022 in kind

Forecast of the trade balance of the market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2018-2022, [tons]




List of charts:

1. Dynamics of the market volume of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [tons]
2. Trade balance of the market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, in kind [tons] and value [thousand dollars]
3. Dynamics of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [thousand ha]
4. Rating of regions of the Russian Federation by acreage of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, [thousand ha]
5. Dynamics of the average yield of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [c/ha]
6. Rating of regions of the Russian Federation by the yield of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, [c/ha]
7. Dynamics of production volumes of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [tons]
8. TOP regions of the Russian Federation in terms of production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, [tons]
9. Dynamics of prices of Russian producers of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by months in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]
10. Dynamics of retail prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia by months in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]
11. Dynamics of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017, [thousand dollars]
12. Dynamics of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017, [tons]
13. Dynamics of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017, [thousand dollars]
14. Dynamics of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017, [tons]
15. Forecast of the market volume of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2018-2022, [tons]
16. Forecast of the trade balance of the market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2018-2022, [tons]

List of diagrams:

1. Comparison of production and imports in the Russian market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2014-2017, [tons]
2. Distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2015, [%]
3. Distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2016, [%]
4. Distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2017, [%]
Fig. 5. Structure of distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation in 2015, [%]
Fig. 6. Structure of distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation in 2016, [%]
Fig. 7. Structure of distribution of sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation in 2017, [%]
8. Distribution of production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2015, [%]
9. Distribution of production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2016, [%]
10. Distribution of production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2017, [%]
11. Structure of Russian production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation in 2015, [%]
12. Structure of Russian production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation in 2016, [%]
13. Structure of Russian production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of the Russian Federation in 2017, [%]
14. Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2015 in value terms, [%]
15. Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2015 in physical terms, [%]
16. Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2016 in value terms, [%]
17. Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2016 in physical terms, [%]
18. Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2017 in value terms, [%]
19. Structure of Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2017 in physical terms, [%]
20. Shares of the largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2015 in value terms, [%]
21. Shares of the largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2015 in physical terms, [%]
22. Shares of the largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2016 in value terms, [%]
23. Shares of the largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2016 in physical terms, [%]
24. Shares of the largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017 in value terms, [%]
25. Shares of the largest countries in Russian imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017 in physical terms, [%]
26. Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure in 2015 in value terms, [%]
27. Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure in 2015 in physical terms, [%]
28. Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure in 2016 in value terms, [%]
29. Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure in 2016 in physical terms, [%]
30. Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure in 2017 in value terms, [%]
31. Structure of Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure in 2017 in physical terms, [%]
32. Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2015 in value terms, [%]
33. Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2015 in physical terms, [%]
34. Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2016 in value terms, [%]
35. Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2016 in physical terms, [%]
36. Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017 in value terms, [%]
37. Shares of the largest countries of destination in Russian exports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017 in physical terms, [%]
38. Forecast of the ratio of production and imports in the Russian market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2018-2022 in kind



1. Revenue of the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [billion rubles]
2. Growth rates of revenue of the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [%]
3. Cost of production of the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [billion rubles]
4. The growth rate of the cost of production of the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [%]
5. Profit from sales of products of the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [billion rubles]
6. Growth rates of profit from the products of the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [%]
7. Profitability of sales in the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [%]
8. Return on assets in the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2017, [%]
9. Number of employees in the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2016, [%]
10. Average monthly salary in the agricultural industry and its sectors in Russia in 2014-2016, [%]
11. Summary indicators of the market of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2014-2017, [tons]
12. Complete data on the sown areas of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [thousand hectares]
13. Aggregate yields of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by federal districts in 2014-2017, [c/ha]
14. Complete data on the yield of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) for all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [c/ha]
15. Complete data on the production of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017. , [tons]
16. Rating of regions of the Russian Federation with the highest and lowest producer prices for fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, [rub/kg]
17. Complete data on producer prices for fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017. , [rub/kg]
18. Rating of regions of the Russian Federation with the highest and lowest retail prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in 2017, [rub/kg]
19. Complete data on retail prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) for all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014-2017, [rub/kg]
20. Imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2015 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
21. Imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2016 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
22. Imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in 2017 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
23. Import prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to Russia by regions of receipt in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]
24. Imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to the Russian Federation by countries of the world in 2015 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
25. Imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to the Russian Federation by countries of the world in 2016 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
26. Imports of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to the Russian Federation by countries of the world in 2017 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
27. Import prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to Russia by country of origin in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]
28. Rating of foreign firms-suppliers of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to Russia in 2017 with the volume of deliveries
29. Rating of Russian importers of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) to Russia in 2017 with the volume of deliveries
30. Export of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure from the Russian Federation in 2015 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
31. Export of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure from the Russian Federation in 2016 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
32. Export of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) by regions of departure from the Russian Federation in 2017 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
33. Export prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from Russia by regions of departure in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]
34. Export of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from the Russian Federation by countries of the world in 2015 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
35. Export of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from the Russian Federation by countries of the world in 2016 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
36. Export of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from the Russian Federation by countries of the world in 2017 in value [thousand dollars] and in kind [tons]
37. Export prices of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from Russia by countries of destination in 2015-2017, [thousand USD/t]
38. Rating of Russian companies exporting fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from Russia in 2017 with the volume of deliveries
39. Rating of foreign firms-buyers of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) from Russia in 2017 with supply volumes
40. Forecast of the market volume of fresh tomatoes (tomatoes) in Russia in 2018-2022, [tons]

The mood in the global tomato market is not too optimistic. In the first weeks of the new year, the pricing policy was not in favor of traders, the importers of the Netherlands and Belgium are especially dissatisfied.

There is an oversupply in the Belgian market due to good harvests in all countries. In Spain, farmers in the Almería region are facing the spread of pests. At the same time, the producers of Italy and Morocco are satisfied with the start of the season.

Tomatoes are among the most consumed vegetables in the world. The total volume of world production in 2016 amounted to 177 million tons. Ten years ago, this figure was 30% lower. The total area of ​​tomato plantations worldwide is 5 million hectares. On average, productivity per 1 sq. m is 3.7 kg. The world's largest producers of tomatoes are China and India, although the yield in India is low - less than 2.5 kg per 1 sq. km. m. This contrasts sharply with the US (9.03 kg per 1 sq. m), Spain (8.62 kg per 1 sq. m) and Morocco (8.08 kg per 1 sq. m). The highest yield is harvested in Holland - an average of 50.7 kg per 1 sq. km. m.


In recent decades, the tomato sector has grown significantly thanks to the modernization of the technologies and materials used. Tomatoes are one of the most important crops in Morocco. The area for planting tomatoes is 18 thousand 642 hectares, and in 2016 the production exceeded 1.2 million tons. The sector creates thousands of jobs in the North African country and is an important part of the economy thanks to exports.

The tomato production sector in Morocco consists of several parts.

Most of the greenhouses are concentrated in the Souss-Massa and Doukkala-Abda regions. The grown tomatoes are exported to the EU countries, Russia and Canada.

Early varieties of open field tomatoes from the regions of Mulway, Temara Skhirat and Casablanca are going to the domestic market. Over the past ten years, since the implementation of the Green Morocco (Maroc Vert) plan, the area under cultivation has increased by about 14% - 20%. The harvest, however, remained unchanged.

Seasonal production is much less and cultivation areas are mostly located in coastal areas. The tomatoes grown here are also sold to the domestic market.

Tomatoes are also grown for industrial processing in the areas of Meknes, Marrakesh and Beni Mellal. Despite the sharp reduction in areas in recent years, from 4 thousand 350 hectares to 420 hectares, the volume of the crop has grown significantly.

Since the implementation of the Green Morocco (Maroc Vert) plan, tomato exports have increased by 56%. In ten years, exports grew from 344,000 tons to 537,000 tons, while sales in local currency increased by 139%, from 2.03 billion dirhams to 4.8 billion dirhams ($523 million).


Rising tomato prices in Turkey could lead the country to open its borders to imports. The government noted that such a possibility was considered last month. Previously, Turkey had experience in importing tomatoes from Turkish Cyprus, Romania and Ukraine.

Russia has reopened its market to Turkish tomato exports. In 2017, an export permit was obtained for 50 thousand tons of tomatoes.

In 2016, the volume of tomato production in Turkey amounted to 12.6 million tons. Turkish consumers pay attention not only to prices, but also to quality. Due to the strict requirements imposed by Russia, only premium tomatoes can be sent to this market. Due to the lack of a good control system, low-quality tomatoes enter the domestic market.


Despite investments aimed at extending the supply season, the European Union is expecting a normal harvest. At the same time, thanks to successful segmentation, the cost of selling products actually increases. In 2016, about 18 million tons of tomatoes were produced in the EU, 40% of which were sold fresh. The rest was sent for processing. About 75% of production comes from Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and France. About 94% of tomatoes in Italy, Spain and Portugal are sent for processing.

The volume of production has not increased in recent years. By 2030, the EU expects tomato production to fall by 1.4%. Thanks to the introduction of new varieties, especially in the segment of snack and cocktail tomatoes, the average selling price of these fruits increased by 20% in France, Germany, Italy and Spain between 2006 and 2016. And although planting area is under pressure, the volume of the crop has grown thanks to investments in the extension of the season. On average, Europeans consume annually 15 kg of tomatoes per person. According to experts, in 2030 consumption will be 14.4 kg per year per capita.


Prices in the market fell immediately after the beginning of the year, and the decline continues. Adverse weather conditions such as hail in Holland and tornadoes in Spain had little impact on the market. The market is currently very unstable. According to importers, suppliers want to get more revenue than the market allows. In recent days, the price of Moroccan tomatoes has declined. Demand is moderate, but not uncommon in the first weeks of the year. In the near future, a crop from Spain will enter the market. As a result, competition in the plum tomato market will increase even more. The market for Spanish tomatoes on the branch also remains difficult due to the growth of greenhouse production of this type of vegetable in Holland and Belgium.


According to the Belgian trader, there are many tomatoes on the branch on the market. Due to the mild weather, crops in Europe are good and most countries have a lot of tomatoes. own production. As a result, the demand for Belgian products is low. The cost for 1 kg of tomatoes on a branch varies from 1.15 euros to 1.20 euros per 1 kg.


Local tomato production in France is small and concentrated between March and November. At other times, the needs of the market are fully met by imported products.


The market is dominated by products from Spain, Turkey and Morocco. Imports of tomatoes from the Netherlands are gradually decreasing. Thanks to warm weather, tomato production in the Netherlands is very high, German traders say, but quality declines towards the end of the season. Suppliers confirm that prices for Spanish tomatoes on a branch are several percent lower than the price of Dutch products. The same applies to cherry tomatoes. In addition, Spanish prices are also slightly lower compared to last year, but still above the average price level at this time of the year. This is due to the relatively cold weather recorded last month in the regions of Murcia and Almeria. It is worth noting that the quality of Spanish tomatoes was very high last year.

United Kingdom

Britain's largest tomato grower has announced an expansion. The company is investing in a new greenhouse on the Isle of Wight with more space for organic growing.


Local consumers prefer tomatoes grown in Poland, which have become even more affordable thanks to the introduction of modern technologies and artificial lighting. The tendency to expand planting areas continues. In addition to focusing on the domestic market, Polish manufacturers are striving to enter the German market. To fill the gaps in the market, tomatoes were sourced from Spain, Turkey and Morocco.

Consumers pay special attention to the caliber of vegetables and prices. Large tomatoes at low prices are usually the most popular. In recent years, taste has also become an important selection criterion. Pink tomatoes sell best. This year, pink tomato production is expected to rise by 25%, one of the local producers notes.


The season started in November with good prices for red tomatoes such as cherry, datterino and piccadilly. The sowing campaign in September was delayed by 20 days due to precipitation. As a result, the season began with an empty market. This is reflected in prices. Shipments will peak next month, after which the season will continue with reduced volumes until June. A representative of a local trading company noted that the competition from the countries of North Africa this year was insignificant, as they face their own problems. The Dutch production season ends in November. Deliveries of Spanish tomatoes pose a certain threat, but traders have become accustomed to this situation. The price of tomatoes in November and December ranged from 1.80 to 2.20 euros per 1 kg for cherry tomatoes. The cost of datterino tomatoes reached a record high of 2.00-2.50 euros per 1 kg, with a peak of 3 euros per 1 kg. The price of piccadilly tomatoes ranged from 1.20-1.80 euros per 1 kg.


In 2017, prices in Shandong, the country's largest tomato-producing region, were low. They fell due to increased production and limited transportation capacity as a result of tougher environmental legislation in the provinces. What's more, tomato production rose across the country due to higher average temperatures.


This year, tomato growers in the province of Almería have been dealing with the spread of plant pests and diseases. The whitefly and the South American tomato moth were especially harmful. To reduce the risk of crop losses, small farmers (2-3 ha), who make up about 80% of the sector in Almería, decided to plant tomatoes later than usual. In addition, the weather was colder than usual in October and November, resulting in a late start to the season. Those few producers who had the opportunity to deliver their products in September - November, were able to make good money on deliveries. By the end of December, however, temperatures had risen unusually high, leading to overproduction and low prices. Due to the reduction in areas, the situation may change in the coming weeks, as local producers shift their focus to growing peppers instead of tomatoes. At the same time, Spanish exporters benefit from the reorientation of Turkish and Moroccan suppliers from the European to the Russian market. According to a local manufacturer, the market is waiting good year with high prices. Farmers are planting more plum tomatoes with high yields, long shelf life and good taste.


According to an American trader, there is a large volume of products currently on the market. The market is dominated by domestic production from Florida and Texas, as well as imports from Mexico. Demand is stable. Prices are under pressure due to the Mexican supply.


In Russia, the cultivation of greenhouse vegetables is growing steadily. Last year, about 150 hectares of high-tech greenhouses were launched, and a similar figure is expected next year.

central Asia

Although the cultivation of fruits and vegetables in the countries of Central Asia is still underdeveloped, serious investments are beginning to flow into the construction of greenhouse complexes. In particular, investors are actively investing in greenhouse projects in Georgia and Kazakhstan. Such greenhouses are mainly used for growing tomatoes and cucumbers.

TASS, 30 October. Domestic producers of greenhouse vegetables are ready to compete with suppliers of tomatoes from Turkey, the restriction on the import of which Russia removes from November 1. According to experts and market participants interviewed by TASS, the main advantages of Russian products will be their naturalness and taste, and tomatoes from the regions North Caucasus ready to compete on price.

Investors who started building new greenhouses in the context of import restrictions also do not intend to abandon their projects, however, they may need state support to reach payback.

Russia imposed restrictions on the supply of goods from Turkey in November 2015 after the Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syria. Since the summer of 2016, restrictions on the import of Turkish fruits and certain types of vegetables have been gradually lifted, but tomatoes remained banned.

Not plastic

One of the largest greenhouse farms in Russia is Yuzhny Agrokombinat JSC in Karachay-Cherkessia. According to the company's own data, it produces 7% of the total Russian volume of greenhouse vegetables. Last year, 46 thousand tons of vegetables were harvested here, the production growth was 23% compared to the previous year. The executive director of the enterprise, Umar Uzdenov, admits that the plant "certainly strengthened its position during the time when Turkish tomatoes were absent from the Russian market."

"The lifting of the ban on the import of tomatoes from Turkey is, of course, a reduction in the comfort zone. But at the same time, it is an additional incentive to increase its competitive advantages, a reason to continue looking for opportunities to reduce the cost of grown products," Uzdenov told TASS.

The fact that deliveries from Turkey will not affect the volume of tomato production in Russia, is sure the head of the large greenhouse farm "Vegetables of Stavropol" Sergey Makarov. “Our prices are affordable and the quality is better. We are out of competition, we have environmentally friendly products, we do not work with chemistry, so the taste is much better, they are easy to distinguish from Turkish "plastic". Now demand is outstripping supply, we have concluded agreements with large retail chains, because we provide year-round supplies, this suits them,” Makarov said.

They are not afraid of the return of Turkish tomatoes in Kabardino-Balkaria either. According to Irina Balkarova, head of the department of crop production and seed production of the Ministry of Agriculture of the KBR, today a relatively small amount of greenhouse vegetables is produced in the republic, while most of it is exported to other regions.

“Our largest enterprise, LLC Agro-Kom, produces about 10,000 tons - is this the volume for Russian needs? They have very good tomatoes, there is a queue behind them,” Balkarova told TASS. Turkey is not so cheap: what we grow in our personal subsidiary farms ah - they have the same price. We are not afraid, let them deliver it," the agency's interlocutor added.

According to Ilya Ivanov, a consultant in the field of construction and development of industrial greenhouses, the head of Green Consult LLC, the key advantages of tomato producers in the regions of the North Caucasus - lower cost, better taste and environmental friendliness of the product - will allow them to compete with Turkish importers in terms of number in major retail chains. “As for small complexes with a capacity of about 500 tons of tomatoes per year, they will have to focus on the domestic markets of the North Caucasus Federal District. Although they also have the prospect of gaining a foothold in large areas, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow region,” the expert noted.

Paying for Confidence

According to the head of the Kuban Greenhouses Association, financial director of the greenhouse complex Vegetables Krasnodar Territory» Alexei Konovalov, the price of domestic tomatoes will still be 15-20% higher than Turkish ones.

"Our tomato ripens in the greenhouse, it is delivered to the shelves fresher, while Turkey needs to harvest tomatoes at an earlier stage of maturity, on the way they need to be treated with appropriate preparations that ensure rapid ripening. The consumer needs to understand for himself what he wants: more high quality, but more expensive, or cheaper, but with certain risks," the expert explained.

The head of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergei Dankvert, also pointed to this. According to him, vegetables supplied from Turkey may contain pesticides, which cannot be detected at this stage. “We have checkpoints where we are in electronic systems we enter the quantity (supplied tomatoes - TASS note). But from the point of view of pesticides, which are not controlled today, this has not yet been regulated in any way, ”Dankvert explained, answering a question from a correspondent. TASS in Saratov.

Previously, Rosselkhoznadzor had these powers, but they ceased back in 2011, and “in general, now the Ministry of Agriculture is not responsible for the use of pesticides in agriculture he said.

Turkey is not a hindrance to greenhouses

Investors of new greenhouse complexes are not afraid of the return of Turkish tomatoes, the construction of which has begun in recent years, including against the backdrop of a food embargo on European and Turkish products. In particular, Ikrom Yadgarov, head of the Suvorovsky Agroholding project in the Tula region, where it is planned to invest 24 billion rubles in a 100-hectare greenhouse complex, is sure that “50 thousand tons of tomatoes allowed to be imported into Russia from Turkey are not significantly affect the alignment in the domestic market.”

»The announced project for the construction of a greenhouse complex will be implemented in full by 2020. Already in 2018, we will start growing tomatoes, the planned production volume is 4.1 thousand tons per year,” Yadgarov told TASS. He noted that large chain retailers of the Central Federal District, where it is planned to supply products of the new agricultural holding.

The second and third phases of a large greenhouse complex are planned to be commissioned in Novosibirsk in 2018, Alexander Mantsurov, co-owner of the Siberian Giant trading holding and the Giant Gardens greenhouse complex, reported TASS. According to him, the loss of imported vegetables was not particularly noticed in the regional market, so the prospect of their return was treated calmly here.

“We don’t feel this, yet Siberia is far from Turkey. We have our own regions here that traditionally supply vegetables and fruits, including the same tomatoes - these are both Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. They are both closer in terms of logistics, and natural conditions they look like Turkish ones, so they grow tomatoes just as well," Mantsurov said.

To a greater extent, the expert notes, the change in the exchange rate difference of currencies two years ago, when the dollar rose sharply, affected the business in the field of greenhouse vegetable production. “Since the cost of imported vegetables is strongly tied to the currency, they have seriously risen in price. And in this part, that is, in vegetables that we can produce ourselves, we have a serious competitive advantage", - explained the source of the agency.

"Illuminate" to payback

Over the past three years, agricultural enterprises have invested heavily in the production of tomatoes, and the appearance of Turkish tomatoes will in any case affect the payback of new facilities, the head of the Kuban Greenhouses association is sure, financial director greenhouse complex "Vegetables of the Krasnodar Territory" Alexey Konovalov. “There are major players who invest quite seriously in the construction of greenhouse complexes, and now the growth rate is 150-200 hectares per year. If earlier we felt only external competition, now it is inside the country,” Konovalov noted.

"When the sanctions were introduced, this served as a good incentive, people went into this business, in particular, we have no end to customers for tomatoes, large shipments go to the central regions," Sharip Sharipov, the manager of the Dagestan Yugagroholding LLC, confirms. The greenhouse complex of this company on an area of ​​5.5 hectares was put into operation in 2016, the second stage is planned to be completed before the end of this year - We are not afraid, because we grow pink tomatoes - there is a demand for it, and Turkish red tomatoes are not competitors for us - we them a different group of consumers and pricing policy".

Nevertheless, Sharipov believes that after the restrictions on the supply of Turkish tomatoes are lifted, it will not be easy for investors - "new incentives will be needed, because the production of vegetables requires serious costs and risks."

"So far there is ... the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to reimburse 20% of the direct costs incurred to investors as long as the incentives work. But this reimbursement, given the high cost of modern greenhouse projects, is not enough. We have done 30% in dairy farming, we hope that the reimbursement will be increased here, too," - said the expert.

An alternative to direct financial support could be the introduction of a preferential electricity tariff for greenhouses, said Konovalov from the Greenhouses of Kuban association.

“In Russia, it is possible to produce tomatoes only using light culture: we definitely need to “light it up.” In Turkey, there is a different light zone, they do not need to do this. Accordingly, their cost is lower, and it is quite difficult for us to compete with them,” he said. expert. He also noted that since Turkish suppliers spend more on transporting vegetables and pay customs duties, "it would be possible to support the Russian manufacturer with the help of customs regulation tools."

Research of the company "Technologies of Growth"

Tomatoes, or tomatoes, are the most popular and ubiquitous vegetable crops in the world. The volumes of their production and consumption are gradually growing: over the past 30 years, the world tomato market has tripled.
In terms of popularity, tomatoes have long outdone even bananas, the global consumption of which now reaches about 100 million tons. It is interesting that even 45-50 years ago bananas and tomatoes were grown in the world in approximately the same amount.
For the last 3 years, the volume of the world market of tomatoes, according to the company "Technologies of Growth", is about 150-160 million tons. (rice. 1 ) .

The mountainous regions of Peru and Ecuador are considered to be the homeland of tomatoes, where they were cultivated by the ancient Aztecs and Incas at the beginning of the 8th century AD. In the middle of the 16th century, tomatoes first came to Portugal and Spain, and from there spread throughout Europe.
In Russia, they learned about tomatoes in the 18th century, however, for almost 100 years they were used only as an ornamental plant. By the way, the Americans, having safely forgotten the rich experience of the natives, also considered the tomato a poisonous plant until the 20s of the 19th century, and only then rediscovered it.
The long history of penetration of tomatoes into the European market has contributed to giving this wonderful culture especially romantic names. The Italians called them "golden apples", the Germans - "apples of paradise", and the French - "apples of love".
There is still no unanimous opinion in the world as to what type of crops tomatoes belong to. In everyday life, they are mainly considered vegetables. However, the fruits grow on the vine and are grown from the seed - hence, they are berries. In 2001, the European Union ordered that the tomato be considered a fruit.
But no matter what botanical species the tomato belongs to, its special biological value is universally recognized. The composition of the tomato includes sugars (mainly fructose and glucose), mineral salts: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, calcium, iron, copper, zinc. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, B 2 , B 6 , C, E, K, PP and beta-carotene. The percentage of these vitamins is in direct proportion to the ripeness of tomatoes - the riper and redder they are, the more useful.
Tomatoes contain organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric, and a small amount of oxalic). Tomatoes are a good antidepressant, they regulate the functioning of the nervous system, improve mood thanks to serotonin. Tomatoes have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the content of phytoncides. Tomatoes are very useful for the digestive system, they improve digestion and metabolism.
The composition of the tomato includes a powerful antioxidant - lycopene, a unique natural cure for many diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Processed tomatoes have more lycopene than raw ones.
The sharp increase in consumer interest in tomato culture has led to increased work of breeders: now there are already at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes in the world. The smallest tomato is less than 2 centimeters in diameter, while the largest reaches a weight of almost 1.5 kilograms. There are red, yellow and even black varieties!
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOSTAT), in terms of cultivation area, tomato ranks first among vegetable crops in the world - a total of about 4 million hectares have been allocated for it. At the same time, 60% of the entire area belongs to protected ground: glass, film greenhouses, off-season greenhouses and shelters.
Most of the "tomato" areas in China - about 1 million hectares (rice. 2 ) .

Almost 50 million tons of tomatoes are grown there, a significant part of which is intended for industrial processing.
In the United States, 12.9 million tons of tomatoes were harvested on 177,000 hectares in 2010. The yield of this vegetable in the United States is one of the highest in the world, the average yield per 1 hectare is more than 72 tons of tomatoes.
The third place in the world in terms of gross harvest belongs to India, where 12.4 million tons were grown. In India, more than 520 thousand hectares are involved, the average yield reaches 24 tons per hectare.
In Turkey, 225 thousand hectares are occupied by tomatoes, in Egypt - about 200 thousand hectares. Egyptian producers grow 8.5 million tons, and Turkish farmers - more than 10 million tons of tomatoes per year, and their volumes are growing every year. The yield of tomatoes in these countries is 42-45 tons per hectare.
A significant difference in yields is explained by the agricultural technologies used, as well as the share of protected ground in the total area of ​​tomato plantations in the country.
In the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe, tomato is mainly grown in protected ground. It occupies 70-90% of the exploited area of ​​industrial greenhouses.
Russia is in the 6th place in the world in terms of area and 12th in tomato production. In 2011, we have grown about 2.4 million tons of tomatoes in all types of farms (rice. 3 ) .

The volume of local tomato production is now almost 3 times lower than 20 years ago. Moreover, personal farms of the population (LHN) collect the bulk of the crop - about 90%.
On the territory of Russia, tomatoes are industrially grown in open ground, in film and winter glass or plastic greenhouses.
The vast majority of domestic tomatoes are grown in open ground and spring greenhouses of personal and subsidiary farms of the population and are intended primarily for personal consumption of citizens. A very small part of LHN tomatoes is sold at local vegetable markets and fairs.
The main part of domestic protected ground tomatoes for sale is grown in industrial greenhouses. Households of the population use spring and summer greenhouses and film greenhouses, which help to get a crop earlier by 2-3 weeks of open ground harvest, however, in the cold season, greenhouse tomatoes are grown exclusively in an industrial way.
The share of protected ground in the area of ​​tomato production is still low. Of the 1.8 thousand hectares of industrial greenhouses, tomatoes account for 15-20% of the area in the winter-spring turnover and 70-80% in the summer-autumn turnover.
The studies of the vegetable growing industry in the protected ground of the company "Technologies of Growth" show that the industrial greenhouses of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts, in comparison with other regions of the Russian Federation, pay much more attention to the cultivation of tomato crops.
Half of the harvest of greenhouse vegetables harvested in 2011 in the south was a wide range of tomatoes, including varieties not widely used in the Russian Federation: red and yellow cherry, cocktail, plum, pink, BIF. In industrial greenhouses of the Central and Volga Federal Districts, the share of tomatoes among greenhouse crops is almost 2 times lower. In the North-Western, Ural and Siberian districts cucumber occupies up to 85-90% of the gross harvest.
Domestic export of fresh tomatoes between regions allows redistributing a rich harvest from the southern regions to the northern and eastern ones. Nevertheless, the average Russian indicator of domestic production of fresh tomatoes on an industrial scale is only 1.64 kg per person per year, which is absolutely insufficient for the domestic demand market.
In many countries of the world, the protected ground industry occupies a leading position in the production of vegetables. According to experts, in the foreseeable future, crop production in developed countries will almost completely switch to the technology of growing most crops in protected ground.
The bulk of the tomatoes, which averaged almost 15 kg per person in 2011, are obtained by Russians from personal gardens. (rice. 4 ) .

The deficit of the domestic market of fresh tomatoes is successfully compensated by import producers. Especially obvious is the predominance of overseas vegetables in the cold season.
The Russian market of greenhouse vegetables is oversaturated with imported products, the total volume of imports of greenhouse vegetables for the period 2000-2010 increased by more than 300%. Since 2006, the increase in imports has significantly outpaced the growth in the production of gross greenhouse products of domestic producers.
According to analysts at Technology Growth, in the winter-spring period, imported tomatoes occupy up to 95% of the Russian market, depending on the region.
In 2011, only official imports of fresh tomatoes through Russian customs exceeded 755,000 tons. (rice. 5 ) .

In 2012, the trend towards a gradual reduction in the cost of fresh tomatoes imported to Russia, while reducing the growth rate of import volumes, becomes obvious.
Turkey has been the absolute leader among importers of fresh tomatoes to Russia for many years - it accounts for 45 to 50% of all tomato imports (rice. 6 ) .

The main advantages of Turkish tomatoes have been and remain the low cost of production and the possibility of stable supplies throughout the year.
The second place by a large margin is consistently occupied by China.
Countries in the third position change from year to year, but Ukraine, the Netherlands, Azerbaijan and Morocco are most often here.
The potential of the domestic tomato market is currently many times greater than the current volume of industrial production.
Detailed information on the balance and forecasts of supply and demand in the segment of fresh tomatoes in Russia is given in the study Fresh Tomatoes (TN VED 070200). Production in the Russian Federation, export, import. Market Deficit and Potential”, prepared by the analysts of the company “Growth Technologies”.

Tamara Reshetnikova,
General Director of the research company "Technologies of Growth"

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