Greenhouse design. Design of a greenhouse on the territory of a country house. Design features. Making space for ground work


The hassle is getting the greenhouse out polycarbonate: photos of finished buildings and reviews of happy summer residents can often be found on the net. Relatively recently fragile glass and impractical film for greenhouses have given way to a more suitable and rational material that perfectly copes with the task entrusted to it - polycarbonate. The uniqueness of this material made it so popular that today greenhouses are not only bought from it, but also made do it yourself: what summer residents and farmers will not do to increase their harvest!

Polycarbonate greenhouses: features and specifications

Polycarbonate for a greenhouse should be considered one of the most practical options, since this material combines all the advantages inherent in previously used glass and film, and also complements them with some rather important qualities. Among the characteristics of the material, it is worth noting the following:

  • The weight of polycarbonate is 16 times less than the weight of glass, which allows it to be used for the construction of fairly complex shapes.
  • With a low weight, this material is highly durable, which is a guarantee of a long service life of a greenhouse built from it. Rain, hail, physical impacts - all these difficulties, which are so dangerous for glass, are not problems for polycarbonate.
  • Polycarbonate perfectly retains heat, which saves on heating buildings and guarantees perfect well-being plants. Polycarbonate farm and country greenhouses are ideal for growing even the most capricious plant varieties.
  • The high light transmission of the material, which does not decrease over time, is combined with the absence of a lens effect. Such characteristics guarantee the penetration of a sufficient amount Sveta, while the rays are distributed evenly and do not harm the plants.

Fact! A special coating on the polycarbonate surface protects the delicate sheets of greenhouse plants from the harmful effects of UV rays and sudden temperature changes.

  • The plasticity of the material opens up wide opportunities for the construction of complex arched structures, so popular with summer residents and farmers.

Greenhouses and greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate are actively exploited not only in the private sector for growing two tens of kilograms of cucumbers, but also on an industrial scale: for example, in large farms. Of course, the size of polycarbonate greenhouses for large farms is much larger than those that have private summer cottages. But the essence of the structure is the same, as well as the features of caring for it. The practicality of the material makes it a profitable solution for those who want to get the maximum of useful qualities from the greenhouse being built.

Features of working with polycarbonate greenhouses

With all the advantages of polycarbonate buildings, it is possible to grow an excellent crop in them only if you follow all the recommendations and take into account the nuances of planting in polycarbonate greenhouses. Experts advise starting work in such a greenhouse with growing any one crop that is not too whimsical in order to understand the characteristics of the conditions. At the same time, those plants that need similar conditions should be grown in the same room: for example, tomatoes and peppers.

Before planting, the soil in the greenhouse is leveled, beds are formed and a place is determined for each plant. Experts advise to carry out a number of mandatory procedures with the soil: add organic and mineral fertilizers and treat the soil with disinfectants.

Watering in a polycarbonate greenhouse can be carried out in several ways:

  • Manually. This method is used either in the case of a small number of plants in need of watering, or in the absence of a stationary watering installation.
  • With the help of homemade irrigation systems. Craftsmen mount irrigation systems using gravity, placing pipes above the beds or in the soil.
  • Using automatic systems. Similar systems are used for watering industrial quantities of plants: on farms and in large farms. Such systems, in addition to direct irrigation, are used to fertilize the soil, maintain a certain microclimate, and also provide ideal conditions for plants.

Greenhouse design, general provisions and design characteristics.

Greenhouse design is a set of measures that can create a structure that meets the functional requirements. According to its purpose, the greenhouse should have an attractive appearance that would correspond to the general style of the main buildings located on the site.

The structure can take many forms, from lightweight options covered with a polymer film, to capital structures using in their various materials and common elements corresponding to the main buildings. The overall dimensions are determined by the allocated space and the available area of ​​the site itself, as well as the expected number of crops grown.

The design of the greenhouse is determined by the existing landscape design concept.

At the very beginning of the design, it is necessary to take into account which crops will be grown and ensure the most favorable atmosphere in the space being created. Not the last place in the greenhouse is given to the competent arrangement of lighting, since for certain crops it can have a significant impact on the most productive cultivation. Care must be taken to ensure that daylight enters in sufficient quantities, choosing the optimal material for the canopy, taking into account its light transmission capacity. The most common material that is used today in greenhouse design, which has sufficient reliability and daylight throughput, is polycarbonate. With it, you can perform almost any design typical for the design of greenhouses.

The allotted place for the placement of the greenhouse on the territory of the site should take into account some features, namely: it should not be shaded by nearby trees or existing buildings and it should be open to sunlight. Where exactly the greenhouse will be placed, it mainly depends on your discretion and certain preferences, as well as some functional requirements. For convenience and regular visits, it can be located next to the house or other buildings intended for recreation and pastime. This can be either the front side of the site or the back of it. In the neighborhood you can arrange open ground where you can also grow all kinds of vegetable crops.

Of course, it does not require a complex design approach, but when implementing it, it is necessary and very important to take into account some points related to certain requirements that must be observed when growing certain crops.

Become a happy owner suburban area, many think about rational use every piece of land. So the idea comes to grow fresh vegetables, herbs and other whimsical garden plantings on your territory in order to delight the family with environmentally friendly products rich in vitamins. A useful building comes to the rescue - a greenhouse.

Inside this structure, you can create the necessary microclimate for a particular culture (humidity, temperature, amount of sunlight). Often it is used at a certain stage of plant growth and formation, but it happens that a representative of the flora requires special conditions throughout the entire development cycle. In addition to technical and operational characteristics, the owners of the site take care of the compatibility of the greenhouse with the main concept of landscape design of the territory. This task is quite feasible, it is enough to follow simple rules and instructions.

Greenhouse selection

Structures for creating a microclimate are of several types. They are conditionally distinguished:

  1. To size.
  2. By form:


  1. Coating material used:

film coated

Polyethylene is easy to work with, a wide price range allows you to choose the type that is financially affordable.


IN Lately It is used quite rarely, due to the high cost and difficulties in installation. Due to the fragility of the material, it is not resistant to mechanical damage.

Honeycomb polycarbonate coated

This practical type of raw material has replaced glass. It has good light transmission, sound insulation properties, perfectly retains heat. Installation is easy and fast.

  1. According to the material used for the frame:

With a frame made of profile pipes

Affordable and reliable material. It requires some care: in the winter, it is necessary to remove snow from it so that the frame does not deform.

Made of plastic

Rare material, due to its relatively high cost. It has good performance characteristics: durable, stable, resistant to moisture and chemicals.

A very popular item. You can make a frame from it yourself, while the design will be reliable and stable. Natural raw materials retain much-needed heat well. Of the nuances, it is worth noting that the tree requires special care. It needs to be processed with special means, tinted. Installing a frame of this type is laborious. The appearance does not have sufficient aesthetics, it can spoil the overall design of the site.

The material has excellent technical characteristics, resistant to external influences. Belongs to the middle price segment. It is used by summer residents extremely rarely, due to the danger of becoming a profit for non-ferrous metal hunters.

The appearance of the object depends only on the preferences and purposes of using the owners of the suburban area. If desired, in specialized stores you can buy a ready-made version of the greenhouse. To do right choice it is worth considering the difficulties during transportation, the exact dimensions of the area allocated for the installation of the structure and other technical nuances.

Selecting a location for installation

The site for the greenhouse plays an important role in creating a microclimate inside it. The territory should be open to sunlight, located away from water bodies and the accumulation of storm and melt water. If the site is already formed, then find perfect place will be more difficult than just at the beginning of its layout. If the relief surface has a hill, then it is preferable to install the structure there. In the absence of a natural hillock and the possibility of creating it artificially, the greenhouse is mounted where the slope is minimal. Such a site is artificially drained using a drainage system.

Experts advise positioning the greenhouse in such a way that the entrance to it is on the leeward side.

It should be protected from drafts as much as possible. The structure may have a foundation. Such a structure cannot be transferred to another place.

Role in landscape design

When building a structure for growing crops, it is important to take care of its organic entry into the overall picture of the site. The greenhouse should become a full-fledged element of landscape design. Individual design will create a real masterpiece. It has a place for all ideas and creativity. The frame of the structure can be openwork or made in an unusual style, repeating the architecture of the house and other structures. Unusual combination of used material, creative lighting and decorating the greenhouse will allow it to become a real gem of the garden. With sufficient financial resources, it is possible to build a transforming greenhouse. From early spring to early summer, the construction will serve for planting and growing vegetables and flowers. And in the summer it becomes a gazebo or a recreation area.

It is not so easy to fit an ordinary one-year-old greenhouse into an already existing style concept of the site. Given that the greenhouse should be located in a well-lit and visible area. No special aesthetics appearance it can break the whole harmony of the garden. It is better to place it in a specially designated working area of ​​​​the site, which will be separated by a hedge or other element of small architecture from prying eyes. The structure should not be above average size, otherwise it will begin to cast a shadow that can block the greenhouse from access to sunlight.

unusual greenhouses

Wanting to create beauty and harmony on their site, the owners of the territory pay attention to each of its elements. When creating a greenhouse, it is designed as a full-fledged architectural object, repeating the architectural style of the surrounding buildings. From this came the idea of ​​​​creating an adjoining shed greenhouse. It is located, most often, at the south side of the main building. In such a greenhouse, you can organize a real winter flower garden, it will not be afraid of frost and wind. To cover the frame, glass or cellular polycarbonate is selected.

The domed greenhouse is an elegant and extraordinary design. The hemispherical type of the shell looks very beautiful and may well be a decorative structure that adorns the design of the garden. With reliable technical specifications the greenhouse represents modernity and aesthetics. Unlike traditional designs, they have great functions and cost-effectiveness. This type of greenhouse has recently become increasingly popular.

For creative individuals, building a greenhouse is a great chance to bring their ideas to life using improvised means. From old unnecessary window frames, you can create a greenhouse-house. This charming building resembles a house from a fairy tale. The greenhouse will become not only a reliable protection for plants, but also a real decoration of the surrounding landscape. Having painted the frames in white, the house will attract birds; several birdhouses and feeders can be built on its facade. Carving can be added to the design of window frames. By growing flowers in such a greenhouse, you will create an incredibly beautiful structure.

Video - Making a greenhouse with your own hands

(7 Votes)

We are all used to seeing our typical greenhouse design. Most often, we save on its design, choose one of the most inexpensive and very simple greenhouses. And the greenhouse is a rather big design. What will happen if you work hard and make the design of the greenhouse more capital? In this article, we have selected several options for beautiful greenhouse designs.

Making a greenhouse design with your own hands will be more difficult than just buying one of the simplest models. But after your miracle greenhouse is ready, it will become the highlight of your site!

The frame of greenhouses can be different - metal, plastic, wood. For glazing, you can use ordinary glass or polycarbonate.

In the design of the greenhouse, it should be taken into account that the glasses should be simple and should not be decorated. But the frame of the greenhouse can be made different.

How do you like this greenhouse design? We really like the lightweight, airy construction. Anyone would envy such a greenhouse.

As you can see, there are many greenhouse design options that you can do yourself. The main thing is to have a little patience and skills with you!

The tallest plants are best located on the north side.

The middle strip of the site is assigned to the bush.

Chicken coop from a sea container. DIY // FORUMHOUSE


Sergei Pravdorub writes: Well done man, everyone would be like that 🙂

Alexander Machtin writes: A good greenhouse, chickens have a hell of a place, not like in poultry farms, they grow like flowers in cramped cages (

Alexander Lebedev writes: A good man, he told everything interestingly. Thanks

pavel luzin writes: A good solid chicken coop. It's good when the hands are out right place are growing. Thanks for your videos and tips.

Nadia Eremenko writes: cool everything is done. well done boss! good luck with everything.

Landscaping involves a more natural and natural placement of trees and flowers.

Increased attention is paid to aspects of the relief.

If there is a hillock in the summer cottage, you should not smooth it out. Try to beat the composition that nature has already created for you.

Mini greenhouse


My cozy home writes: Mini greenhouse

Violetta Pavlyuk writes: mini-greenhouse for giving

My cozy home writes: Mini greenhouse

Violetta Pavlyuk writes: mini-greenhouse for giving

Greenhouses in landscape design with a metal profile frame look more attractive than aluminum solutions.

However, the cost of their manufacture and installation is much more attractive.

Such greenhouses are easy to transport due to the modular design.

The only disadvantage of the metal base is the susceptibility to deformation under heavy loads (for example, when a thick layer of snow falls).

The most common coverings for greenhouses are made of glass (transparent or tinted) and cellular polycarbonate. The advantages of these materials include good light transmission, sound insulation, thermal insulation, strength and aesthetic appearance.

Greenhouse with your own hands. MK

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