Ginger from Italian to good Italian. Biography. From the history of the Italian language


Natalia and Elena Ryzhak have written and published more than ten self-taught textbooks and manuals for the Italian language. Our books are published by the two largest Russian publishing houses, AST and EKSMO. Textbooks can be purchased at bookstores, which have departments of educational literature for learning foreign languages ​​(in Moscow these are the Biblioglobus, Moscow House of Books stores on Novy Arbat, Molodaya Gvardiya on Polyanka, Moskva on Tverskaya, Bukvoed and Read city" and many others). On the Internet, paper (and in some cases, electronic) versions of books can be purchased at the Labyrinth, Ozone online stores, and on the Litres portal.

Ryzhak N.A., Ryzhak E.A. "Tutorial Italian for those who really want to learn it" (new version of the book "Italian Tutorial")

This thorough and detailed self-study textbook introduces the basics of grammar (up to the subjunctive mood, Congiuntivo, which is covered in the book "Advanced Learning"). The lexical material is very extensive, it covers both everyday topics (transport, cuisine, clothing ...), as well as situational, stylistic, depending on the social context ( business correspondence, writing a resume, talking on the phone, a friendly conversation ...) The book contains many texts from the Italian press and fiction. Special attention is paid to the pragmatic and expressive aspects of communication (how to correctly ask for directions, make an order in a restaurant, etc.; how to express your agreement with the interlocutor, your emotions, surprise, joy, regret, etc.; how to ask again, if anything something is not clear, to confirm the accuracy of the information, etc.). Each lesson includes a detailed explanation of the grammatical material, texts for reading with a dictionary and lexico-grammatical commentary, exercises, including an audio task. The answers to the tasks are given in the Key. The book has a disc with text recordings and material for audio assignments.

This textbook has been published for about 15 years (since 2003), and is one of the most popular and used by teachers of Italian language textbooks for beginners in our country. The book went through many reprints.

Ryzhak N.A., Ryzhak E.A. "Italian self-teaching guide for beginners + audio application"(aka " Italian for beginners + CD", ""). Published under a new cover .

This tutorial came out 10 years after the previous one and reflects the new views and approaches to teaching developed by the authors over the years. It is similar to the previous textbook in structure, but the content is different (all texts, exercises are different; books practically do not duplicate each other, but can be used together, since the order of presentation of grammatical material is close). Compared to the previous tutorial, this book explains the grammar material using more diagrams and examples (in the first tutorial, the explanations are more "descriptive"). Verb tenses (imperfetto, passato prossimo, futuro) are introduced earlier than in the first tutorial. The volume of vocabulary is somewhat less, but even in this book you can find texts of various stylistic orientations, articles from the press, excerpts from works of art. In general, the book is a little simpler than the previous one, although this course is very detailed and thorough and is intended for those who are set up for a thorough and comprehensive study of the Italian language. The textbook has a Key with answers to tasks and a CD with audio recordings (in the latest version of the book, audio recordings are also placed on the LECTA portal).

Ryzhak N.A., Ryzhak E.A. "Dall"italiano al buon italiano. Italian textbook. Advanced learning stage.

The book is a kind of continuation or the second part of the "Italian Tutorial". The emphasis is on grammar, which traditionally causes difficulties for learners of the Italian language (the use of articles, prepositions, tenses and moods, infinitive and adverbial phrases, indirect speech, agreement of tenses). A lot of attention is paid to the subjunctive mood, Congiuntivo, the use of which is considered in great detail and in detail, with many exercises to practice this difficult but important topic. The second important task of this book is to expand the vocabulary of readers, preparing for the perception of Italian fiction, journalism, the press, official documents. The book will be very useful for those who are preparing for the C1 and C2 certification exams in Italian.

It is currently sold out, but a re-release of this manual is planned for 2020.

Ryzhak N.A. "Self-taught Italian detective for beginners"

This original and interesting manual is intended for those who are starting to learn Italian or those who have already become familiar with the basics of Italian from other textbooks and want to systematize and deepen their knowledge. The emphasis in this book is on vocabulary and modern spoken language. All educational texts are combined into a detective story, which is voiced on the disk in the form of an audio performance. The book also has many illustrations, making it very "cinematic". Each lesson includes a text (dialogue), a dictionary for the text, a grammar commentary. Thus, the explanation of grammar does not precede the text, but follows it: grammatical material is introduced in the form of a commentary to the text, as certain grammatical phenomena appear in the text. The book also has a section "Assignments and exercises", translation of all texts into Russian, Key to assignments, audio CD. Innovative, modern, interesting, this textbook is sure to appeal to everyone learning Italian or starting to learn it.

Currently, this book can only be purchased in electronic form (for example, on the Litres portal).

Ryzhak N. A. "Italian grammar in poetry and songs."

The book examines in detail and in an accessible form all sections of Italian grammar, from forms and the use of articles to the coordination of tenses and moods. All grammatical phenomena are accompanied by examples from poetic works: poems by Italian poets (modern, children's, classics of Italian literature of various eras ...) and excerpts from song lyrics (pop, folk, opera arias, etc.). The book can be used by beginners to learn Italian, but it can also be interesting at intermediate stages of learning (levels A1 - B2), it is also suitable for independent work. In each section, in addition to grammatical information, there is an exercise section (also based on poetic material). The answers to the tasks are given in the Key. The audio application contains recordings of texts read by Italian speakers and audio tasks. Songs, excerpts from which are used in the book, can be listened to on the Internet or on my website in the sectionMaterials for the book "Italian grammar in poetry and songs" .

At the moment, this book can only be purchased in electronic form (for example, on the Litres portal).

Ryzhak N.A. "Giocando's" impara. Learning by playing.

Riddles, crossword puzzles, puzzles, charades, quizzes, game tasks, psychological tests, poems, fairy tales - and all this around Italian proverbs and sayings! The main goal of the book is to expand the vocabulary of those who study Italian (in proverbs, words are remembered easily and in a semantic context!) and to acquaint readers with common Italian proverbs, aphorisms, and winged expressions.

Unfortunately, this book has not been republished for several years and it is quite difficult to find it. On the site you can look through the first pages and buy the electronic version of this book.

Ryzhak N.A. "Italian language on cards. 1100 most necessary words"

The book contains the most used Italian words and sentences with them. Vocabulary is given on cut-out cards. The book is currently sold out. I invite readers to get acquainted with the text of this book (words, their translation into Russian and examples of use in sentences, without cards) on my website. You can download the text of the book (free of charge) in the section Educational material for learners of the Italian language.

Ryzhak N.A. "200 educational games in a foreign language lesson".

In that methodological guide for teachers of foreign languages, games and creative tasks have been collected, aimed at developing oral speech skills, creativity, memory, concentration, and memorization of words. Games are classified according to the degree of difficulty (level of language proficiency), the number of participants (from 2 to large groups), focus (vocabulary, sentence construction, role-playing games, tasks on pictures, etc.)

I also want to draw the attention of readers and site visitors to books written by my sister Elena Ryzhak. This is a manual for intensive learning of the Italian language from scratch " Italian language in three months. Intensive course" (previously published under the title " A simple Italian tutorial"; book " Fast Italian without a teacher" ("The fastest Italian"), combining elements of a phrase book, a guidebook and a very simple self-instruction manual; a regional guide " Italy in the palm of your hand"and the book" Aphorisms and popular Latin expressions". On the site you can look through the first pages and purchase the electronic version of Elena Ryzhak's book "To Italy - with Italian! Self-instruction manual of the Italian language for tourists ", as well as some other books and textbooks by Elena Ryzhak.

Elena Ryzhak's book "Italy in the palm of your hand" (a guide to regional studies), which has not been reprinted for a long time, in an updated version (without the Russian language) can be bought on the Amazon portal at the link: Andiamo in Italia! L "Italia: storia, arte, tradizioni.

We ask our readers to consider the following circumstances:

1. Some of our books are reprinted under new titles from time to time. For example, our famous "green" " Italian self-instruction manual"currently released under the title" Self-taught Italian for those who really want to learn it". Information about all new editions appears on my website. At certain times, unsold copies of the previous edition may coexist in online stores and on bookshelves with new version books, so be careful not to make a mistake and not buy a second book you already have.

2. When buying an electronic version of a textbook that has an audio application, make sure that your online store sells you not only the text of the book, but also the audio for it. I regularly get complaints from people who bought the texts of books on the Internet and are now looking for audio recordings for them!

3. Some readers are unhappy that publishers still attach a disc to books, while modern laptops no longer have a disc drive and readers cannot use an audio application. AT this moment The AST publishing house found a solution in the form of placing audio materials for their books on the LECTA portal. So far this only applies to one of our books: (" Italian self-instruction manual for beginners") (previously published under the titles " Popular Italian tutorial" and " Italian language for beginners"). In the future, the audio for the rest of our manuals will be available to AST readers on this portal. On my website you can listenaudio recordings for " Self-taught Italian for those who really want to learn it" and audio and video recordings for the book Italian grammar in poetry and songs" .

4. Free downloads of electronic versions of books by Internet users in Russia have become widespread. This practice leads to a decline in the reprinting of old and publications of new paper books, a significant reduction in royalties for them, and difficulties for the authors to publish new works. As a result, there is a reduction in the supply of new textbooks by Russian-speaking authors. It's hard to believe, but over the past 15 years, the level of royalties for the author's work has decreased many times over! If this trend continues, authors will stop writing and publishing houses will close. Let's support a Russian publisher (and authors!) and buy paper books or purchase "official" electronic versions of books.


In 1962 he graduated from school with a gold medal and entered KVIRTU (Kiev Higher Radio Engineering School of Air Defense Forces). Then it was one of the best military universities in the country. They studied very complex technical disciplines - the theory of the electromagnetic field, electro-radio circuits, the theory of microwaves, quantum physics, etc. They received 75 rubles of monetary allowance, made friends, played football, admired the ancient, but native Kyiv. In 1968 he graduated from KVIRTU. Soon he entered the military counterintelligence school in Novosibirsk, graduating in 1972.

Professional activity

Nikolai Ivanovich worked for many years in military counterintelligence in Moscow, Ukraine, Belarus, Novosibirsk, Arkhangelsk, and the GDR. Each episode is a separate interesting story. What could be told is reflected in the book "August 1991 and not only about it ... Reflections of a military counterintelligence officer."

Together with Nadezhda Mikhailovna, they raised two daughters and a son. He survived two tragedies that cannot be erased from memory - the death (at birth) of his second son and the death of the country to which he swore allegiance.

Nikolai Ivanovich worked and studied all his life. In 1986 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. Dzerzhinsky. After destruction Soviet Union left without a job, but did not give up. It's time to do science. He defended his candidate's and doctoral dissertations on the topics "On the control of the legislature over the activities of special services" and " Legal basis regulation of the activities of special services in the system of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

When his professionalism and experience were needed again, he took an active part in the creation and development Federal Service Russian Federation in Drug Control as Head of Human Resources. Retired with the rank of lieutenant general of police

Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhak, an officer who went through the school of counterintelligence of the USSR, knows how to work with accumulated information like no one else. As a mentor, he is willing to share knowledge with his students. Everyone has already understood that being a patriot of one's Motherland is the norm of behavior. That it is natural to appreciate each other, to respect their ancestors and their history. Russia is a vibrant and beautiful country with great potential. But it will be able to truly revive, become great and happy only when there is a continuity of generations, when the Russian personnel school starts working in production, science, politics, education, medicine, and intelligence! Frames are everything!

The self-instruction manual contains the basics of Italian grammar, a variety of texts and dialogues that introduce students to the realities of modern Italy, its history and culture, and exercises (with keys) that allow you to consolidate your knowledge.
The self-instruction manual is intended for a wide range of people who study Italian on their own, but can be used in universities and courses as a textbook.

From the history of the Italian language.

Italian belongs to the group of Romance languages. The Romance languages ​​have their origins in vernacular Latin, the language spoken by the inhabitants of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, numerous dialects were formed on the territory of the Apennine Peninsula, which actually represented different languages. By the end of the 11th century, the role of Florence, Siena and other cities of central Italy (Tuscany) increased. Tuscany becomes the cradle of Renaissance culture. The Tuscan dialect, in which Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio created their works, formed the basis of the Italian literary language.
The linguistic fragmentation of Italy was not overcome even after the creation of a single Italian state in the second half of the 19th century. Numerous dialects still exist in Italy today, although the number of people who speak them is steadily declining. However, dialects greatly influence how people from a given region of Italy speak. This applies to vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation.

About this book
Benefit structure
Features of independent language learning
introductory course
Main course
Part I
Part II
Irregular verb conjugation table

Buttons above and below "Buy a paper book" and using the "Buy" link you can buy this book with delivery throughout Russia and similar books at the best price in paper form on the websites of the official online stores Labyrinth, Ozon, Bukvoed, Chitai-Gorod, Litres, My-shop, Book24, Books. ru.

By the button "Buy and download e-book"You can buy this book in electronic form in the official online store" Litres ", and then download it on the Litres website.

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On the buttons above and below you can buy the book in official online stores Labirint, Ozon and others. Also you can search related and similar materials on other sites.

Publication date: 08/14/2018 06:57 UTC

  • Popular tutorial of the Italian language, Ryzhak E.A., 2017
  • Self-taught detective Italian for beginners, Ryzhak N.A., 2015
  • 400 most common English words, Self-learning dictionary for fast and reliable memorization, Verchinsky A., 2019 English Dictionaries, Vocabularies
  • Spanish Self-Teacher, Practical Course, Study Guide, Morales H., 2008

The following tutorials and books.

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