Online bookstore Knigovo


Our online bookstore of educational literature for schools and kindergartens was created so that you save your own time and money. We do everything so that you can quickly, easily and comfortably purchase the materials you need. See for yourself by placing an order on our website.

  • Books for children different ages, ranging from children's fairy tales for the smallest and ending with works of Ukrainian and foreign classics.
  • Preparatory materials for future schoolchildren (writing, counting, drawing, foreign languages, etc.).
  • Textbooks for the new program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
  • Preparatory materials and test tasks for the External Independent Assessment (Ukrainian: Zovnishne Nezalezhne Otsinyuvannya (ZNO)) and the State Final Attestation (Ukrainian: Derzhavna Podsumkova Attestation (DPA)).
  • Notebooks and manuals for pupils of different grades.
  • Methodological materials for teachers of different grades, as well as class magazines, approved training programs, and more.
  • Materials for the design of subject rooms, in particular, stands with maps, tables, formulas, etc., as well as stationery.

Benefits of the online store Knigovo

  • The widest range of educational literature in our online bookstore, which you can buy by filling out an online application on the website. In our online catalog you will find everything that a child and a teacher may need in the school year. Moreover, our catalog contains materials for design of subject cabinets and stationery.
  • We have everything from notebooks to textbooks and teaching aids and ending with collections of test tasks of the External Independent Evaluation.
  • Democratic pricing policy. We have created special conditions so that our customers can reduce their costs for the purchase of educational literature for schools and kindergartens. If you are looking for an inexpensive bookstore where you can order literature for educational institutions at the lowest cost, then you should familiarize yourself with our catalog and special offers for customers. What's more, for bulk orders, we cover all shipping costs.
  • Simple and comfortable ordering conditions. The information section “How to make a purchase on our site” provides detailed step-by-step instruction about how to place an order, starting with the choice of a trade item and ending with the choice of a payment method and confirmation of the entered data.
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