What vitamins to inject piglets for newborns. What vaccinations should be given to small piglets from birth? Prevention from rickets


What vaccinations are given to piglets? The vaccination plan for piglets includes vaccines against erysipelas and distemper, they inject serum against salmonellosis and colibacillosis. In addition, vitamins are injected or added to the diet. Pigs tolerate vaccines and vitamins without complications, so supervision after vaccination is not necessary.

It is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the health of piglets, if necessary, use the advice of specialists in this field of activity. Timely vaccination will protect your pets from infections and viruses.

Sometimes the whole complex of vaccinations may not be needed, since it is often designed for industrial scale and the full scope of these veterinary measures is not required. What vaccinations do piglets need to have? Mandatory vaccinations in the usefulness of which no one doubts: iron is pricked for 3 days at 200 milligrams per head; at the age of one and a half months, vaccination against leptospirosis is necessary, this procedure is repeated every other day; the next vaccination is done at 2 months, it is necessary in order to isolate the pigs from a disease such as rye. When the age of 3 months is reached, the plague is vaccinated. The rest of the vaccinations are done depending on the breed of pigs. Vaccinations for Vietnamese piglets are often done the same as for ordinary ones, since they are not very picky about living conditions, and in some moments even better than ordinary piglets. Vaccinations for suckling pigs do not differ from those listed above. The only thing worth paying attention to is the lack of iron in the body. Iron deficiency is one of the causes of growth retardation in suckling piglets, and can often lead to death. Newborn piglets are not vaccinated, only after they get stronger and stand on their feet, their immunity will be ready to accept the vaccine. At birth, the piglet has not fully developed immunity, which should be strengthened in the future. It is worth considering this when carrying out any vaccinations during this period of time, and it is best to consult a veterinarian.

When breeding piglets, it is necessary to take into account their physiological properties, adaptability to the environment and other factors that will surround them throughout their lives. It is necessary to study their features in order to exclude losses or diseases associated with these factors.

When buying a piglet, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against worms with a repeat in 10 days, and also to separate them from other animals for a month in order to comply with quarantine.

So, summing up, we can say with confidence that compliance with the vaccination schedule will lead to an improvement in the general condition of the animal, increase the benefits from raising the animal, both for domestic and industrial purposes, and will bring no small income to the farmer.

What vaccinations should be given to piglets of the Vietnamese folded pig?

These animals are distinguished by a strong immune system, good health, so they are not susceptible to the usual "swine" diseases. Consequently, they also do not need a complex of all planned vaccinations. However, at birth only these babies may develop anemia. There is not enough iron in the sow's milk at all, which gives rise to a severe deficiency.

Because of this, piglets can die in the first days of life. To prevent this, they definitely need to prick iron. Approximately on the third day, either "Ferroselenite" or "Ursoferran" marked 100 is used intramuscularly.

You can re-vaccinate on the 10th day, but if the kids are active and healthy, then in principle, this is often already unnecessary. If you wish, you can take any available vitamin complex. This, of course, will not interfere with your young.

The complete vaccination scheme for piglets includes vaccines against distemper and swine erysipelas, injecting complex serum against colibacillosis and salmonellosis. In addition to vaccination, piglets are required to inject complex vitamins and iron preparations. Usually, piglets tolerate all vitamins and vaccines without complications, so any additional supervision is not required for this time.

The whole complex of veterinary measures and vaccination designed for industrial pig farms and you may not need it in full. The main vaccinations in the benefits of which no one doubts are the following: in 3 days, iron is necessarily 200 mg per head; at 1.5 months - vaccination against leptospirosis is necessary, repeat after 6-7 days; next in 2 months from the faces of pigs; then no later than 3 months from swine fever. The rest of the necessary vaccinations are done as needed or after consultation with your veterinary clinic to prevent the most likely swine diseases in your area. A lot depends on the breed of pigs and the quality of the piglets, as well as their conditions of keeping and growing.

Please note that sera are only used to treat already sick piglets and pigs. Clinically healthy animals are vaccinated with the vaccine. If one of the vaccinated was sick in a latent form, then after vaccination the disease will manifest itself. Such pigs are already being treated, and 12-14 days after recovery, they are vaccinated again.

This is a scheme that is used by experienced private pig breeders in their farm.

Now we will show an approximate vaccination scheme, which is currently used in the country's leading pig farms:

Anyone who decides to breed pigs not only for personal needs should take into account that modern requirements to the quality of products are quite high. The presence of routine vaccinations in animals is mandatory. When raising piglets, it is recommended to conclude an agreement with the state or any departmental veterinary service. In this case, all vaccinations at the right time in accordance with accepted standards will be carried out by veterinarians.

When buying piglets, you must ask the seller for a special veterinary certificate. This document is a confirmation of the normal state of health of the animal and the epidemiological well-being of the area of ​​acquisition. If there is no such evidence, then you must assume that no vaccinations have been given to the piglets. Immediately after the purchase, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against worms and ten days later again. And then carry out the necessary minimum vaccinations for your region.

Each new animal must be in quarantine for a month after purchase, and completely isolated from other animals.

Vaccinations for piglets

The way to introduce an intramuscular injection to a piglet at an early age and with small sizes, due to the lack of a large amount of muscle tissue, it is problematic to make an injection behind the ear, so you can use a place where there is enough muscle tissue even in small Vietnamese piglets, the inner thigh of the hind leg.

Sources: www.8lap.ru, zoohoz.ru, svinovodstvo.blogspot.ru, svinovodstvo.blogspot.com, dayz3.ru

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On pig farms, to prevent various diseases, piglets should be vaccinated from a very young age. Vaccination will help raise healthy and strong animals. This procedure will significantly strengthen the immune system of young individuals. If these principles and norms are ignored, farm owners will suffer considerable losses from permanent diseases in pigs. In the article we will figure out what types of vaccines are required for babies immediately after birth.

Mandatory vaccination of newborns

In the case of industrial cultivation, farm owners need to take care of the mandatory vaccination of newborns. Many of the required vaccinations for piglets from birth are done by the owners themselves or seek the help of doctors. Before you start vaccinating young animals, you need to carefully study all the features of each of the breeds contained in the pig farm.

Vaccination of animals can be carried out both independently and by signing an agreement with a specialized veterinary institution, where the young animals are vaccinated by a doctor. Next, we will analyze what vaccinations are given to piglets and at what age. The vaccination schedule depends on the situation in your area. The veterinarian will advise how to properly organize the necessary sanitation in a production environment. Thus, it will be much easier for the farmer to understand the issue of immunization of pigs.

Animal vaccination scheme

Vaccination of animals is necessary to ensure the normal state of their body and stable growth. Therefore, vaccinations are given to piglets from birth. This helps to prevent the occurrence and stop the development of a variety of dangerous diseases.

Without fail, newborn piglets must be vaccinated against iron deficiency anemia, erysipelas, worms, rickets, salmonellosis, plague, streptococcosis, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, as well as other types of infectious and viral diseases. Young individuals quite easily tolerate this vaccination.

For farmers, we offer a table of vaccinations for piglets from birth at home, recommended by leading experts in the field of veterinary medicine:

For convenient use of the table, the list of vaccinations is placed in chronological order, and vaccines are applied as the animals grow older. This immunization plan is designed to be implemented on a commercial farm.

Rules for the use of vaccines

After birth, the body of piglets must definitely get stronger so that you can give an injection. Animals are required to undergo deworming before vaccination. Vaccination of newborns begins no earlier than 3 days after birth. Weakened and sick animals are not immunized.

Before using vaccinations for animals, owners of pig farms should adhere to the following rules:

  • vaccinate completely healthy pigs (if piglets are sick, they should be treated with serum and antibiotics);
  • store vaccines for pigs only in cool places;
  • strictly observe the dose indicated in the instructions for the vaccine;
  • pick up right place on the body of an animal for vaccination.

As for the last point, for example, if the recommendations indicate to vaccinate under the skin, then, accordingly, such an injection cannot be given intramuscularly.

To get rid of anemia

Grafting with a solution that contains iron is one of the first after the birth of a piglet. In pig farms, an injection is performed on the 4th day after birth. Farmers administer the vaccine to animals with their own hands, taking into account the recommendations of experienced doctors. This procedure is carried out to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Most often, 2 ml of Ferranimal is used per newborn. It is required to prick a vaccine behind an ear daily. Animals are vaccinated within 3 days at the same time of day.

For the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, together with vaccination, small individuals should be introduced into the daily diet of 1.5 g of copper sulfate and 15 g of iron sulfate solution. The substances used should be diluted in 1 liter of water and given to animals every day in 5 ml, and adult pigs should be fed with a solution from a trough.

Vaccination of animals against plague

The most common and deadly disease is plague. This infection is caused by a virus capable of infecting up to 95% of unvaccinated piglets. It carries a great danger to pigs and wild boars. You can prevent death by vaccination. Young animals are vaccinated after 40 days, and after 90-100 days of life, revaccination is done. This procedure must be performed annually.

For vaccination, one of the following drugs is used:

  • VGNKI virus vaccine;
  • "KS";
  • "ABC";
  • Virus vaccine LK-VNIIVViM.

For piglets, 2 ml of a solution of a non-concentrated vaccine "KS" is used. It is necessary to prick the animal intramuscularly into the inner surface of the thigh or into the lower third of the neck. For immunization of young animals in pig breeding, dry avirulent lipinized vaccine "ABC" is used.

In the event of an outbreak of infection, it is required to carry out an additional vaccination of each pig with a concentrated solution of "KS", not taking into account the previous vaccination.

Preventive measures against worms and pseudorabies

Animals are vaccinated 8 days after birth. Today, many antihelminthic drugs are sold. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before purchasing.

Foreign medicines Dektomax and Panakur are especially popular among farmers. The introduction of drugs is carried out with strict observance of the instructions. For highly effective deworming, it is better to use one remedy. After 2.5 months, this procedure should be repeated.

Aujeszky's disease (pseudo-rabies) often results in the death of piglets, so 16-30 days after birth, they need to be given a culture vaccine.

Up to three weeks of age, the drug is administered under the skin, and after 21 days - intramuscularly. The next vaccination is done after 3-4 weeks, and the third - 140 days after birth.

Vaccination from erysipelas

This disease is quite common in piglets. A contagious disease gives animals severe pain and can affect their skin. A latent infection can at any time go into an open form. Flies often spread the virus of this disease. To prevent an outbreak of the disease, a dry vaccine from a strain of erysipelas BP-2 is used.

The first vaccination is performed 60 days after birth and 1 ml of the vaccine is administered with intramuscular injection. Re-immune drug is used after 30 days. The same preventive measures should be taken when the animals reach the age of eight months.

During an outbreak, piglets should first be isolated and then forced to be vaccinated, regardless of the timing of the previous vaccination.

After using the drug in animals, the temperature may rise sharply, as well as lethargy and loss of appetite. In this case, treatment is not required, and all symptoms will go away on their own.

Injection for rickets

On the 10th day of life, piglets are given a vaccine for preventive measures against rickets. This drug contains calcium and sodium components. In addition to vaccination, babies can add fish oil, shell, limestone and chalk to their daily diet. They are mixed into animal feed or injected into the mouth with a spoon or syringe without a needle.

In addition to preventive measures against rickets, special mercury-quartz lamps are used. These devices are designed to destroy a variety of viral infections on the piglet or in its environment.

Such quartzing is used upon reaching ten days of age. For a full course, you need to carry out 7 procedures, to get a good effect, you need to do it every other day. As a comprehensive measure, you can also add vitamin preparations to the diet of animals.

Prevention of colibacillosis disease

Colibacillosis is an acute disease from which pigs often die. For preventive measures, polyvalent serum is used. This substance is administered to animals in the amount of 9-10 ml 5 days after birth, and 10-15 ml is administered to piglets that are older than five days of age.

After 50, 57 and 60 days, experts recommend introducing PDE to young individuals - a tissue preparation made from the human placenta and which can significantly increase the safety of piglets. Such a substance is used for preventive measures against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease and encephalitis

For prevention, after the piglets reach two months of age, they can be vaccinated against foot and mouth disease. Owners of pig farms should first consult with a doctor about this procedure, since the vaccine is not included in the mandatory vaccination plan.

For injection, the drug "Immunolactan" is used. Animals less than 3 months old need 0.4 mg, and older pigs need a dose of 0.1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Piglets get sick with foot and mouth disease quite rarely, but they often die when infected.

2 months after birth, the young are required to inject the vaccine against encephalitis. This injection is not included in the general vaccination scheme, so the farmers themselves determine whether there is a need for an injection. To achieve an effective result from the vaccine, it should be applied once. Animals aged from 30 days to 3 years can get sick with encephalitis.

Prevention of development of salmonellosis

Vaccination of piglets against salmonella is of particular importance, because the causative agent of the disease provokes serious consequences for animals. This disease is most often diagnosed in small individuals that are particularly susceptible to infection in the winter.

Due to the high degree of contagiousness, salmonellosis quickly acquires an acute form of development and leads to various pathologies of the digestive and respiratory systems of the piglet.

Salmonella vaccination is given to piglets 3 weeks after birth. The vaccination used for piglets can also prevent the occurrence of streptococcosis and pasteurellosis. The vaccine against these diseases consists of two potent substances.

The first of them - PPD - is given to animals in the amount of 4 g per individual, and after 7 days the vaccination is repeated at the same dosage. The second substance - ATP - is administered intramuscularly for one week at the rate of 2 ml per piglet. After a month, an injection is made in the amount of 4 ml of the solution.

Vaccination of sows

Without the implementation of timely planned vaccinations, the management of each pig farm will not be sufficiently effective. 10 days before insemination, the female should be injected with the Ivermek preparation. This remedy is used for lice, worms, subcutaneous gadflies. This drug is also used for preventive measures against certain skin diseases.

Pregnant sows should be vaccinated against salmonellosis 45 days before the expected birth and, after 10 days, a second immunization should be performed. 30 days before farrowing, a pregnant female needs to be injected with a vaccine against swine erysipelas. For high-quality colostral immunity in piglets, sows are given an inactivated vaccine twice 21 and 17 days before the end of the gestation period.

After farrowing, no vaccinations are given to the animal.

To create conditions under which piglets will be less susceptible to viral diseases, farmers need to ensure optimal cleanliness and temperature conditions in the room, as well as good ventilation.

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Breeding piglets requires from producers the right approach to maintenance, care and feeding. Good care directly affects the quality of products. Vaccination of newborn piglets is mandatory.

Mandatory injections at home include vaccinations against plague, erysipelas, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, streptococcosis and colibacillosis. Additionally, a number of vitamin complexes and preparations, which include iron, are used. Cubs tolerate vaccination without any consequences and side effects.

Piglets easily tolerate vaccination

A specific vaccination plan should be drawn up and followed with the help of a veterinarian or the municipal veterinary service. The specialist will make it easier for farmers to follow the vaccination plan at home and determine.

What injections are given to newborns

Farmers should be aware that in order to raise strong and healthy pets, vaccination is a necessary procedure. The requirements for the quality of pork products are high. Timely vaccination procedures will prevent piglets from various diseases. Although the vaccination plan is basically standard for all piglets. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of the breed of piglets when breeding them at home.

Factors such as adaptability to environmental conditions, immunity resistance affect the condition of animals. The extended vaccination plan for piglets may not apply, as it is designed for industrial production of animals.

After birth, the body of piglets must get stronger to receive an injection.

To apply the vaccination scheme for newborn piglets at home, farmers need to consult with a veterinarian in a specialized clinic, which injections are required and which are not. You can conclude an agreement with a state clinic for vaccination in a timely manner by specialists.

Piglets must be strong before vaccination begins.

What vaccinations do newborn piglets need?

At home, the first-line vaccine is given to three-day-old piglets to prevent anemia. A 2 ml iron solution of Ferranimal or Ferroglucan is used intramuscularly behind the ear. The duration of the injections is three days, one injection per day, it is advisable to vaccinate in the morning. Anemia, which is caused by a lack of iron in the body, is treated by adding to the daily diet of small individuals a solution of iron sulfate with a volume of 15 g and 1.5 g of copper sulfate.

The solution is diluted in a liter of clean boiled water. In the first 20 days after birth, it is advisable for piglets to give one teaspoon per day on their own, rather than add to a common drinker. In the first month of life, piglets are comprehensively vaccinated against salmonellosis, streptococcosis and pasteurellosis infections. PPD and ATP preparations are used for vaccination. The first drug is put in 3-4 ml per animal. A week later, another injection of 4 ml is given. Another drug is administered intramuscularly, once 2 ml. In order to avoid the appearance of rickets in babies, preventive vaccination with calcium and potassium preparations is carried out on the tenth day from birth.

Additionally, vitamins Tetravit and special top dressings are added to pigs, such as: chalk or fish oil. Some farmers use quartzization of the room with mercury lamps, lasting 7 days, and it is necessary to take a break for one day after each procedure.

For the prevention of rickets, oil solutions of vitamins are given inside: Trivit, Adze, one drop a day. For the same purpose, sows feeding piglets are given with feed Tricalcium phosphate and water-soluble vitamins in water: Chiktonik, Aminovital and multivit.

Iron supplements are used to prevent anemia

Pig vaccination plan

A common disease among young animals is the plague. Intramuscular vaccination against distemper piglets must be subjected without fail. Animals are vaccinated 1.5 months after birth. Because of this, the drug is created in the form of a powder, mixed with 1% saline in accordance with the instructions. Repeat the injection after 3-3.5 months.

After two months, as a preventive measure against skin disease, erysipelas, young animals are given aluminum hydroxide or deposited vaccinations. Vaccinate twice with an interval of 11-15 days. If the animal is already sick, then they give an injection that contains a special serum against erysipelas with a volume of 2 ml per 1 kg of the individual's weight, after 11-13 days the drug is already administered directly behind the ear.

Against leptospirosis, piglets are vaccinated with VGNKI for immunity to the disease on the 45th day after birth. By this time, the babies are already strong enough to be vaccinated. A week later, the cubs are revaccinated. The injection itself is polyvalent, therefore it is also used for a number of other animals, such as goats, dogs or sheep.

Piglets must be vaccinated against plague

Prevention of foot and mouth disease and encephalitis

At two months old, pigs are vaccinated against encephalitis, or as veterinarians call Teschen's disease. There is no injection in the general vaccination scheme, so breeders decide on their own whether an injection is needed. Only a one-time injection is required. The disease affects individuals from a month to three years. When sick, more than half of the animals are fatal.

Breeders should consult a veterinarian about preventive vaccinations against FMD in pigs. The injection is not part of the standard vaccination plan. An injection is given at the age of 2-2.5 months. Apply immunolactan in the amount of 0.4 mg at the age of 90 days, older pigs need 0.1 mg per 1 kg of live weight.

In rare cases of sucker disease, babies are more likely to die.

Deworming is carried out after injection at the age of 3-4 months in order to prevent worms. The use of Tetramizol, Ivermek, Levamisole and Univerm helps in the fight against helminths in pigs and prevents their subsequent appearance.

The owner of the piglets decides whether to vaccinate them against encephalitis

How to inject a pig

It is extremely important to feel confident and not be afraid to inject a pig yourself at home. Be sure to correctly determine the area where the injection will be injected. Veterinarians define a number of standard ways to administer drugs. In the veterinary clinic, injections are given subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously.

Doctors use intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, intrasternal and intra-aortic methods. The mucous membrane of the eye serves as a site for the application of the drug solution.

For an inexperienced farmer, it is optimal to use subcutaneous and intramuscular methods for the application of the drug. It is better to choose the inner part of the thigh for vaccination, because the fiber is developed and the skin is quite thin. Body part suitable for subcutaneous injection. The area that is located behind the ear is used for injections of newborn piglets. In order to subcutaneously inject the necessary drug into small cubs, a small skin fold of the animal is clamped with the left hand, it is pulled back a little, the resulting triangular place is grafted with a needle.

The needle passes painlessly under the skin, so subcutaneous injection is used for babies. It is important to perform the manipulations in the correct order so as not to hurt the pet.

In the upper region of the hind legs of the animal, the muscles are developed, therefore they are ideal for intramuscular injection. The farmer should place the needle strictly perpendicular to the skin surface and inject the vaccine into the muscle with a sharp movement of the hand.

For small piglets, subcutaneous administration of vaccines is used.

A significant role in grafting animals is determined by both the dexterity and ability to make injections, and the preliminary preparation of the individual. In order to give an injection to a small animal, an assistant is needed. Pets are frisky, so one person holds the individual tightly, the other calmly gives an injection. Give an injection adult pig relatively simple. The animal habitually admits a familiar owner. You can scratch behind the ear, or belly, then the pig calmly lies on its side and freezes. At this point, the injection is quickly administered both subcutaneously and intramuscularly. Large boars must be fixed with a loop on the muzzle.

piglet care

Various serious diseases of domestic animals directly affect the condition of livestock and products. Newborn animals are susceptible to infectious diseases. Therefore, to maintain a healthy state of babies, a number of rules for keeping pigs should be observed:

  • the optimal temperature regime of the room, 20-25 ° C;
  • average air humidity;
  • cleanliness of the premises and animal care items;
  • proper ventilation system.

Piglets need to be kept warm and clean.

Livestock owners need the mandatory presence of standard vaccinations, especially against plague, erysipelas, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, streptococcosis. Planned injection is carried out both at home and by concluding an agreement with a veterinary clinic, where the animals are vaccinated by a veterinarian.

It is extremely important to distinguish between a special serum for already sick pigs and a preparation for healthy pigs. Observe the behavior of animals, because the presence of a latent course of the disease, after vaccination, the corresponding symptoms will appear. Latent sick animals are treated with an antibiotic and the necessary serum. Two weeks after complete recovery, the animals are revaccinated.

If farmers decide to purchase small pets, be sure to ask the seller for a standard veterinary certificate of the condition of the animal.

If the document is missing, check the presence of all necessary vaccinations. Be sure to independently carry out routine vaccination of piglets. New individuals without fail subject to prophylaxis against helminths. Moreover, for 30 days, place newcomers in quarantine from other livestock. Watch for a balanced diet of animals and the adoption of vitamin complexes for the strong growth and development of babies.

Kira Stoletova

Pigs are prone to many diseases, so they must be vaccinated even if they do not come into contact with other animals of their own. Piglets are vaccinated according to a certain scheme, the violation of which is fraught with negative consequences. Consider what vaccinations for piglets are mandatory and when to vaccinate young animals.

Is vaccination really necessary?

Piglet care involves vaccination. In industrial cultivation, piglets are vaccinated from birth, but when it comes to keeping artiodactyls at home, many ignore this recommendation of specialists. It should be understood that there are dangerous diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets (erysipelas, for example). Even if sick pigs are on the other side of the village, the epidemic can reach your home. This is the reason why it is worth vaccinating piglets against dangerous diseases that cannot be cured.

Before you start vaccinating animals, you should study the characteristics of the breed. To date, there are breeds (Hungarian Mangalitsa, for example) that are resistant to almost all diseases.

You can vaccinate piglets from birth at home on your own, or you can use a specialist. The second option is more preferable. It is possible to conclude an agreement with some clinics, according to which a specialist will come to the house and vaccinate the animals, according to the piglet vaccination scheme. In this case, the farmer will not have to follow the timing of vaccinations: the specialist himself will remind you that the deadline is coming.

Vaccination of newborns

In the early days, no injections can be given due to the fact that the body of newborn pigs is very weak. Begin to vaccinate newborn piglets at least 3 days after birth. The first vaccinations of piglets can be done at home on their own. But it is better that the process is controlled by a veterinarian. If something goes wrong, he can help.

Prevention of anemia

The first vaccination of piglets occurs somewhere on the 4th day after birth. If the body is not yet strong, then it is better to postpone it for 3-4 days. According to the vaccination table, piglets are first vaccinated against anemia. The vaccination is done behind the ear. Ferranimal iron solution is used. Ferroglucin may be an alternative. The drug is administered intramuscularly. Do the vaccine against anemia 3 days in a row. It is advisable to administer the drug in the morning. If iron deficiency is diagnosed in pigs, then a solution of iron sulfate and copper sulfate is added to their diet. Dilute drugs in boiled water.

Each pig is soldered with the drug separately. If you pour the medicine into a drinker, then some piglets will drink more than the norm, while others may not touch the solution at all.

Prevention of rickets

After 10 days, they are vaccinated against rickets. Any preparations containing potassium and calcium are suitable as a vaccine. You need to be vaccinated even if there are no signs of bone weakness. To prevent the appearance and development of rickets, in addition to vaccination, crushed chalk, shell, fish oil or limestone are added to animal feed.

You can also carry out the procedure of quartzing. But it will be effective only if the pig undergoes a 14-day course (1 day - procedure, 1 day - rest). Quartzing is allowed to be done when newborns reach the age of 10 days.

Prevention of salmonellosis

One of the most important vaccinations is the salmonellosis vaccine. This disease is not fatal, but is severe and can lead to complications. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. There may be healthy pigs on the farm that carry Salmonella. That is why it is so important to get vaccinated against this disease.

Vaccination occurs in 2 stages. The first vaccination is done at the age of 20 days. Repeat the procedure after a week. During vaccination, drugs are used that prevent the development of not only salmonellosis, but also pasteurellosis with streptococcosis. All 3 diseases belong to the infectious group. Effective against salmonellosis is the drug suigard.

Prevention of pasteurellosis

Vaccination of piglets at home against pasteurellosis can be done separately using PPD and SPS preparations. When using the drug, follow the instructions. When using the drug PPD, vaccination is carried out twice with an interval of 6 days. One pig is injected with 4 g of the vaccine. As for the ATP preparation, vaccination occurs three times. The interval between the first two vaccinations is 8 days. The third vaccination is given to the piglet only after 30 days.

In addition to the above medicines, newborn piglets should be given vitamins. Popular are oil solutions, which are enough to give 1 ml per piglet.

Plague Prevention

Plague is perhaps the most dangerous disease for pigs. It is extremely difficult to treat and spreads very quickly. When infected with plague, almost all artiodactyls living in a barn are infected in a short time, so it is so important to prevent an epidemic. The swine fever vaccine is effective and available.

When should piglets be vaccinated against distemper? In theory, it is possible to vaccinate against this disease already on the 20th day. But experts recommend vaccinating pigs at the age of 40 days. Some sources write that it is necessary to prick pigs from the plague at 1.5 months. If an epidemic of plague does not begin in the pigsty before this time, then the option is acceptable. However, it is better not to risk it, since the immunity of young pigs has not yet been formed.

Regardless of when the first injection was made, revaccination is carried out. Re-inject the swine fever vaccine after 45 days. The medicine is sold in powder form. Classical swine fever vaccine must be diluted before use. Ordinary water cannot be used for this, therefore, in addition to the medicine, they also acquire saline.

The anti-plague drug VNIIViM has proven itself on the market. SUIMUN CSF LK-M and KS vaccines are also popular. Before buying a vaccine, be sure to consult a veterinarian who probably knows which strain in the region is most effective.

In addition to the classic plague, the danger is African. This disease is rare in our country. Unfortunately, there is no cure for it today. To protect animals from African plague, it is necessary to provide quality care for them and observe sanitary and hygienic standards in pigsties.

vaccinations for piglets on the second day of life

We put vitamins and iron for piglets, Weighing / life in the village

Iron for piglets. Prevention of anemia in piglets.

Prevention of worms

Vaccination of pigs against worms occurs already on the 8th day of their life. There are many antihelminthics on the market. Before buying, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. Panakur and Dektomax are popular. These are foreign drugs, which affects the pricing policy. But they are still the best on the market. Administer medications as directed.

Deworming involves the use of a single medication. After 11 weeks, the deworming procedure is repeated.

This completes vaccinations for small piglets. The remaining drugs are administered to individuals who have reached the age of 1 month.

Vaccination of monthly piglets

Most of the vaccinations for piglets are done up to a month. However, there are those that need to be put down after. These include medicines for:

  • leptospirosis;
  • foot-and-mouth disease;
  • encephalitis;
  • auesky;
  • faces.

Prevention of leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is very dangerous for pigs, so it is so important to carry out prophylaxis in a timely manner, which involves the introduction of VGNKI medication.

Piglets are vaccinated at 1.5 months of age. Re-inject the drug exactly 7 days later. It is very important to observe a certain interval between injections. If you do not revaccinate, the effect of the first injection may come to naught.

Prevention of erysipelas

In the interval between 60 and 70 days, an injection is given from erysipelas. This skin disease causes a lot of inconvenience to animals. A dry erysipelas vaccine is available in powder form. Accordingly, it must be diluted. Water cannot be used for dilution, only saline can be used. Dilute the medicine according to the instructions, after which they put an injection behind the ear.

You need to repeat the injection against the erysipelas 2 more times. Enter 1 ml of the vaccine after 1 month after the first vaccination. After another 5 months, the injection is repeated (1 ml).

Prevention of encephalitis

Encephalitis is a dangerous disease that in most cases leads to the death of piglets. Only small pigs aged from 1 month to 3 years get sick. If we talk about the list of mandatory injections, then an injection from encephalitis or, as it is also called, Teschen's disease is not among them. Each farmer must decide for himself how important this procedure is. But experts recommend playing it safe and instilling young animals. Pigs are vaccinated at 2 months of age. Re-injection is not necessary.

Prevention of Aujeszky's disease

Aujeszky is a disease that is unique to pigs. It affects the central nervous system of animals. There is no auesca injection on the list of mandatory vaccinations. But in order to protect young and adult artiodactyls, it is advisable to vaccinate them with a special preparation at the age of 2 weeks. Re-injection after 20 days. For vaccination, a dry culture virus vaccine is used.

It is important to know that the disease is extremely difficult to treat. The probability of a lethal outcome exceeds 90%.

Prevention of FMD

Another shot that is not on the standard schedule is a shot against foot-and-mouth disease. This injection does not belong to the list of mandatory, due to the fact that the disease is quite rare. However, if the pigs get sick, it is quite difficult to cure them. In addition, the disease is severe.

Young animals need to be pricked at 90 days of age. Calculate the dose of the drug based on the weight of the animal.

We have listed far from all diseases, focusing only on the most dangerous. But in recent times farmers are increasingly faced with circovirus infection, so it will not be superfluous to vaccinate against it.

Vaccination of sows

Since the health of the piglets depends on how healthy the sow is, let's say a few words about the vaccination of sows.

During pregnancy, the sow is given an injection against salmonellosis twice (45 and 35 days before farrowing). A month before the birth of piglets, pregnant pigs are vaccinated against erysipelas and given an injection of ivermek. After farrowing, no medication is administered to the animal.

General preventive measures

The biggest enemy of animals is infection. Caring for artiodactyls at home involves maintaining cleanliness in the pigsty. This reduces the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases. It is necessary to systematically disinfect the premises. And if there was an epidemic on the farm, then after it ends, absolutely all premises are disinfected without fail.

There are breeds that are disease resistant. These include Karmaly, Hampshire pigs, Semirencheskaya breed, Vietnamese Pigs. Many mistakenly believe that Vietnamese piglets are resistant to various diseases. They really have a fairly strong immunity, but Vietnamese piglets still need to be vaccinated against dangerous diseases. But the Hungarian Mangalits do not need vaccination, only helminths and lice are dangerous for them. But pigs of this breed are expensive, and it is difficult to get them due to the small population.

Piglets that have already been vaccinated should not be in the same room with unvaccinated young.


We figured out which vaccinations are given to piglets from birth, and which ones need to be given to mature pigs. It is necessary to buy vaccines for pigs in specialized stores. It is extremely important to pay attention to the date of manufacture before buying. No need to buy medicines that are almost expired.

When choosing vaccines, among other things, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer. The Spanish company hipra has established itself in the market. Her medicines are more expensive than domestic ones, but they are much more effective.

The only way to prevent infection of gilts with dangerous microorganisms is timely preventive immunization. Consider when piglets are vaccinated, what drugs are used for vaccination at home.

Vaccination rules

Pigs must be vaccinated against erysipelas, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, plague, pasteurellosis, streptococcosis. Additionally, to enhance the immune potential of animals, injections of mineral and vitamin preparations are given. Also, newborn piglets need to inject iron (iron-containing complexes).

It is very important to observe and adhere to the scheme of preventive vaccinations and revaccinations established by the veterinarian. Veterinarians will make it easier for farmers to complete the vaccination plan at home, determine which vaccinations animals need, how to give a small pig an injection on their own.

Preventive immunization is a mandatory procedure for piglets, which will allow you to grow a strong, healthy pig population. Timely vaccination will prevent infection of small piglets from various deadly infections. The vaccination plan is standard for gilts, regardless of their breed. For home vaccination schemes for newborn piglets, farmers should consult with a veterinarian. The specialist will determine what vaccinations the pigs need.

When vaccinating small pigs, you need to take into account the breed, the weight of the piglet. For example, for Vietnamese breed a smaller dose of vaccine is required than for normal white pigs. Vietnamese piglets are vaccinated from birth only to prevent anemia and replenish the necessary vitamins in their bodies.
Only clinically healthy piglets are vaccinated. The first vaccination is given at three days of age to prevent the development of anemia. Apply a solution of iron Ferranimal, Ferroglucan with a volume of 2 ml. The injection is given intramuscularly behind the ear. Piglets are vaccinated for three days. Give one injection per day. Vaccination is best done in the morning.

Anemia, provoked by a lack of iron in the body, is treated by adding small specimens of a solution of iron sulfate with a volume of 15 g and 1.5 g of copper sulfate to the daily diet. The solution is diluted in warm water. Iron piglets in the first 18-20 days are given one teaspoonful.

To prevent the development of rickets in babies, on the tenth day of life, preventive vaccination with calcium and potassium preparations is carried out. Additionally, pigs can be given Tetravit, Trivit, other complex vitamin preparations, oil solutions of vitamins. Enough one drop a day for one piglet.

Tricalcium phosphate, water-soluble vitamins are added to the feed for lactating sows. AT drinking water- Chiktonik, Aminovital and Multivit.

In the first month of life, piglets, starting from the age of 20, are comprehensively immunized against salmonellosis, streptococcosis, and pasteurellosis. These are the most dangerous infections for young animals, which can cause the death of the entire livestock. For vaccination, injectable solutions of PPD and SPS are used. The first preparation is put at the rate of 3-4 ml per head. A week later - a second injection of 4 ml. The second drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 2 ml.

Vaccination of piglets against distemper

Classical swine fever is a dangerous, highly contagious disease affecting pigs of all breeds and ages. The first vaccination for small piglets can be given at the age of 20-23 days. Before use, the product must be diluted in saline 0.9%. The injection is given intramuscularly. Re-vaccination against plague is carried out after two months.

To immunize pigs against plague, a dry avirulent lipinized DIA vaccine is used. Also use dry cultural virus vaccine VGNKI and virus vaccine LK-VNIIVViM. After vaccination, the formation of immunity occurs on the 5-7th day. Immune protection is maintained throughout the year. Pigs are revaccinated against plague annually.

Vaccinations for pigs against erysipelas

Erysipelas is a dermatological disease that brings a lot of suffering to small piglets, so polyvalent or monovalent vaccines are used to protect babies who have reached 2 months of age.

As a rule, anti-erysipelas drugs are available in the form of dry powders. They are diluted with saline. The injection is placed intramuscularly behind the ear. The vaccination course takes place in three stages. The first injection is calculated for 0.5 ml. Revaccination of babies is carried out after 30 days in a double dosage (1 ml). The third injection should be given at seven months.

Piglets from erysipelas are given aluminum hydroxide or deposited vaccination.

When it is not possible to give an injection behind the ear of a piglet, the injection is injected intramuscularly into the inner thigh of the hind leg, where there is enough muscle tissue. Piglets tolerate immunization quite calmly, but it is better to enlist the support of an assistant.

Prevention of foot and mouth disease, encephalitis, leptospirosis

At two months old, piglets are vaccinated against encephalitis (Teschen's disease). Given that this injection is not included in the general vaccination schedule, farmers must decide if the gilts need an injection. If necessary, babies are vaccinated against encephalitis one-time. The injection is done in / m.

Individuals from a month to three years are susceptible to an infectious disease. If an animal becomes ill with encephalitis, the disease invariably ends in death.

The same applies to the vaccination of guinea pigs against foot-and-mouth disease. The injection is not part of the standard immunization schedule. An injection is given to a piglet at the age of 2–2.5 months. Apply immunolactan in a volume of 0.4 mg at the age of up to 90 days. Senior gilts require 0.1 mg per kilogram of live weight. Sample vaccination schedule for piglets, table:


To reduce the risk of infection of piglets with helminths (worms), prophylactic deworming is carried out simultaneously or immediately after vaccination. Apply complex broad-spectrum anthelmintic agents, which are available in tablets or injections.

To prevent the development of helminthic invasions in the body of a piglet, veterinarians recommend using Ivermek, Univerm, Levamisole, Tetramizol. Vaccination against helminths can be carried out at the age of 4 months.

How to inject a piglet

Farmers who plan to breed pigs should know how to inject their own pigs at home. Of course, you can invite a veterinarian to vaccinate, but if you have a large livestock, this will lead to additional financial costs.

Injections of vitamin preparations, vaccines are best administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Veterinarians can give injections to pigs intraperitoneally, intravenously, intrasternally, intra-aortally.

When administered intramuscularly, it is very important to determine the exact injection site. For the introduction of a vaccine, other injectable drugs, it is best to choose the inner surface of the thigh. Subcutaneous tissue and thin skin are well developed here, so even novice farmers can give an injection. It is better to vaccinate newborn piglets behind the ear. In order to subcutaneously inject the necessary drug into small cubs, a small skin fold of the animal is clamped with the left hand, it is pulled back a little and a needle is inserted into the resulting “triangle”.

Try not to hurt small pets. Fix the gilt well before administering drugs. The animal must be kept by an assistant, since little piglets are very frisky, restless creatures. The needle should be located strictly perpendicular to the surface of the body. With a sharp precise movement, you need to insert the needle into the muscle.

Having considered what vaccinations should be given to piglets, where to inject, it is worth noting that in addition to preventive immunizations, in order to grow a strong healthy pig population, optimal conditions are required. Monitor the quality, nutritional, energy value of the diet, strengthen the immunity of animals with complex mineral and vitamin compositions, bait.

It is equally important to monitor the hygiene of piglets, cleanliness in pigsties, temperature regime, the level of humidity in rooms where pigs are kept. After vaccination, carefully monitor the behavior, condition of piglets, adults. If you experience unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian.

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