What vaccinations are given to chickens at 5 months. Vaccination of chickens at home. Vaccination by intramuscular injection



Experienced farmers and breeders know perfectly well that the only effective method protection poultry, farm animals from infections, viral and bacterial diseases - timely vaccination. By adhering to the preventive immunization scheme established by the veterinarian, you can grow a healthy, strong chicken stock and thereby avoid financial losses. It is worth noting that most infectious diseases are deadly for small chickens, adult poultry. Even if one chick or chicken is infected with viruses, protozoa, bacteria, the entire chicken herd can become infected. Vaccinations for chickens, chickens can be done independently at home. Having no experience, we recommend inviting a veterinarian who will vaccinate feathered wards.

Why do you need to vaccinate chickens, an adult bird

Throughout their lives, hens, especially small chickens, chicks of other poultry can become infected with various types of pathogenic flora - bacteria, fungi, protozoa.

Important! Most infections, viral and bacterial diseases that poultry suffer from, spread very quickly from infected individuals to healthy ones, taking the form of epizootics. Some infections are incurable or can cause the death of chickens, the entire chicken population.

Among the most common and dangerous infections for chickens, adult birds include the following:

Before vaccinating chickens, adult birds, it is necessary to assess the state of health of birds. Only clinically healthy individuals can be vaccinated, since viruses and bacteria greatly weaken the immune system, which may not be able to cope with the microorganisms contained in vaccines. Do not inoculate a bird hatching eggs, weakened, severely emaciated, sick individuals.

Advice! Birds can be vaccinated with poly- and monovalent live or inactivated vaccines of domestic and foreign production. Before using the vaccine, in order not to provoke complications, carefully read the annotation to the veterinary preparation, consult a veterinarian. Read the instructions, the rules for preventive immunization.

Vaccinations are given at certain points in the life of feathered wards. So, if the hen was not vaccinated before the offspring, chickens need to be immunized after they are born. If chickens, adults get sick, farmers will be vaccinated after the general condition is normal.

How to properly vaccinate chickens

Vaccination of a chicken at home requires some training and knowledge. The method of administration, dosage, frequency of use depend on the type of veterinary preparation used. All information about the methods of administration should be indicated in the annotation to the drug.

You can vaccinate chickens:

  • by spraying the entire livestock;
  • intramuscularly;
  • instillation of medicine through the nose, eyes.

The most painless method for introducing preventive vaccines and sera for chickens and poultry involves injecting the drug through the nose or eyes. 0.03 g of the drug is instilled into the eye socket of a chicken. You can vaccinate chickens in this way in the first days after they are born.

Such products are usually sold together with a solvent. During the immunization, it is necessary to enlist the support of an assistant who will securely fix the bird.

The bird tolerates intramuscular injections painfully. Vaccination also needs to be done with an assistant. The injection is injected into the chest area at a distance of 2.5–4 cm from the keel bone (divides the sternum into two parts). The needle is inserted strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. It is best to use needles with a length of 9-15 mm.

The spraying method is very convenient when it is necessary to vaccinate a large number of chickens. In this case, the main thing is to correctly calculate the required volume, dosage of the drug, taking into account the age, size of the hens. On average, one hundred two-week-old chicks require 50 ml of water.

Vaccination of poultry in large farms, on poultry farms is carried out by the method of watering. Preparations in the right dosage are added to drinking water, to drinking bowls. You need to make sure that the bird drank water within a few hours. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the vaccine will be markedly reduced. To make the chickens thirsty, they restrict access to drinking water for several hours.

Within a week after the preventive vaccination of chickens, it is very important to carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the vaccinated chicks. In some cases, if the vaccination rules were violated, the dosage was not observed, complications and side symptoms may develop. In chicks, activity and appetite may decrease. Possible fever, weakness. Chickens can sneeze and cough. After vaccination of a bird in the eye, breathing problems may occur.

As a rule, side effects after immunization disappear spontaneously without any treatment on the 3-5th day. If you notice a deterioration in the condition, if uncharacteristic symptoms appear, isolate the chicks from the rest of the herd, invite a veterinarian to examine the poultry.

Sample vaccination schedule for poultry

If you have a large number of chickens, the optimal vaccination schedule, effective drugs for preventive immunization, revaccinations will be prescribed by a veterinarian. Be sure to take into account the epidemiological situation in the regions when choosing a vaccine.

Chickens, young individuals, adult birds are vaccinated against Gumboro disease, Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, salmonellosis, Marek's disease.

An approximate vaccination schedule is shown in the table:

From Newcastle disease, day-old chickens, young animals at the age of 30 and 60 days are vaccinated. At 90–110 days of age, it is best to use an inactivated live vaccine for immunization against this disease.

From Marek's disease, only day-old chickens are vaccinated in an industrial incubator. Therefore, it is best to purchase vaccinated chickens from specialized poultry farms.

From salmonellosis, the bird must be vaccinated annually, using a specific serum. Protection against coccidiosis is provided by coccidiostats, which must be mixed into the feed for chickens.

Timely vaccination of chickens will ensure their protection against viral, bacterial diseases, and deadly infections. By creating favorable conditions for the bird, having vaccinated in time, you can grow a strong, healthy chicken population, preventing the mass death of birds.

If you own chickens, whether there are thousands or just three, you will need to vaccinate them to keep them healthy. There are many ways to do this, although some are more effective for large scale production (spray method) and others are more suitable for single vaccination (eg subcutaneous injection method). Go to step 1 to learn about the different methods. If you have never vaccinated chickens, you should consult a veterinarian who will advise you on the best methods for your situation.


Preparation for any vaccination

  1. Chicks need to be vaccinated at a certain time. Different vaccines should be administered at different times in a chick's life. Most vaccines are given after the chicks have hatched if you have never vaccinated the hen before. Always consult a veterinarian. The following is a general guideline for the most common vaccinations and when they should be given:

    • E.Coli: Give on the same day.
    • Marek's disease: Give daily to 3 weeks of age.
    • Infectious diseases of the bag (Gumboro disease): Give from 10 to 28 days.
    • Infectious bronchitis: Give from 16 to 20 weeks of age.
    • Atypical plague: Give from 16 to 20 weeks of age.
    • Adenovirus: Give from 16 to 20 weeks of age.
    • Salmonellosis: Give from day old to 16 weeks of age.
    • Coccidiosis: Give daily to 9 days of age.
    • Infectious laryngotracheitis: Give from 4 weeks of age.
  2. Do not vaccinate chickens that lay eggs. It is highly likely that the virus will be transmitted through the oviduct to the egg and then to other areas where it can be dangerous to other birds.

    • Most vaccine manufacturers recommend that adult birds be vaccinated at least 4 weeks before the hen starts laying. This ensures that the hen does not become a carrier of the virus and therefore does not pose a risk of indirect transmission of the virus through the egg to another location.
  3. You must know which vaccines should be given in a year. Some vaccines must be given annually to ensure they are still effective in protecting against the virus and are designed to fight infection. Other vaccines only need to be given once and will provide lifelong protection.

    • Vaccines that must be given annually: infectious bronchitis, SARS, adenovirus (egg drop syndrome), salmonella.
    • Not annual vaccines Key words: Marek's disease, bag infection, coccidiosis, infectious laryngotracheitis.
  4. Check the general health of your chickens before you vaccinate them. You don't want to vaccinate sick birds, because the virus can be too strong - then it will just kill them. The best way to determine whether or not to vaccinate is to have the vet check the chickens to make sure they are healthy.

    • At the same time, the veterinarian can talk to you about the best way vaccination of specific chickens.
  5. Check and record vaccination information. It is very important that you make sure you have the correct vaccine and the correct dosage and understand the best way to administer the vaccine. You should have double check - correct information and record all this information, including:

    • The name of the vaccine.
    • Party number.
    • Manufacturer.
    • Date of manufacture.
    • Validity.
    • Which chickens get which vaccines.
  6. Double check that the vaccine is stored correctly. If the vaccine is to be stored at a certain temperature or in a certain place, it is important to check that the storage has not been disturbed in any way.

    • If you notice any cracks or the temperature is not up to par, you will have to cancel the vaccination and order another batch of vaccine through your veterinarian.
  7. Collect all materials. The following sections of this article will discuss different ways to vaccinate chickens. Each method can only be applied to specific types of vaccinations, so you should always know that you are doing the right kind of procedure. Once you've double-checked everything and know what you're doing, collect all the supplies you might have on hand when you vaccinate chickens.

    • Some vaccination methods require two or three other people to be with you if necessary for a particular type of vaccination.
  8. Sterilize the area where you plan to administer the vaccine. If you plan to use a syringe and needle, you will need to sterilize the needle insertion site. To sterilize the skin, soak a cotton ball in a surgical solution (such as alcohol), spreading the feathers at the injection site.

    Vaccination by subcutaneous injection

    Vaccination by intramuscular injection

    Eye drops vaccination

    Vaccination through drinking water

    Vaccination with a sprayer

    Vaccination with wing net

    • Ice, ice box
    • Vaccine
    • eyedropper

    Drinking water vaccination

    • Large container with manual drinking system
    • Mortar or small bucket of 50 liters
    • Stirrer or any plastic material that can be used for stirring
    • Water stabilizers: skimmed milk or stabilizer chemical tablet (Ceva®)
    • Measuring jug with graduations

    Spray Vaccination

    • 2 sprayers
    • Insulated cooler
    • Distilled water
    • Manual separator
    • 1 large measuring jug
    • 1 large jug or mixing bucket 5 - 10 liters
    • Plastic stirrers

    Wing mesh vaccination

    • Two wing mesh needles
    • Diluent vaccine
    • Ice, ice box


    • Always talk to your veterinarian before trying to vaccinate chickens if you have no experience with vaccinating birds.

Vaccination is a measure that involves the introduction into the body of an animal of drugs that contribute to the development of immunity to certain diseases. Preparations are made from weakened microorganisms that cause these diseases or from their metabolic products.

Vaccination of chickens is carried out in veterinary clinics, but the farmer can carry it out on his own, subject to a number of recommendations.

Many chicken diseases spread easily and can quickly become epidemic.

These include:

  • Newcastle disease. It is characterized by pneumonia and hemorrhagic damage to internal organs.
  • . Leads to paralysis, blindness and the formation of tumors in the internal organs.
  • Infectious bronchitis of chickens. It is characterized by conjunctivitis, wheezing and cough.
  • Syndrome. Adenovirus, which not only reduces the fertility of chickens, but also leads to deformation of the eggs: their shell softens and loses pigment.
  • Salmonellosis. Symptoms: lacrimation, drowsiness, nasal discharge.

All of these diseases adversely affect the growth of broiler chickens. They lose weight, which leads to the time of slaughter. In the absence of active therapeutic measures on the part of the owner, the likelihood of death increases. Broilers are particularly at risk of becoming epidemic as they are kept in more confined spaces than laying hens.

Some diseases are dangerous not only for chickens, but also for humans. Consumption of meat or eggs of salmonellosis-infected birds leads to severe food poisoning. Newsuckle disease is transmitted to humans from chickens by airborne droplets and causes flu-like symptoms.

If unhealthy individuals are found during the state sanitary and epidemiological control, then sanctions are applied to the farm, which may adversely affect its profitability.

These factors make vaccination a necessary measure for owners of both large and small farms. It allows you to minimize the risks of developing common diseases and prevent losses due to the loss of birds, deterioration in the quality of the resulting product and government sanctions.


Scroll the right vaccines depends on the epidemiological situation in the region. You can learn more about it at the Animal Disease Control Station. The priority of vaccination also depends on: broilers are not vaccinated against the syndrome of reduced egg production.

It is also important to pay attention to the place of purchase of chickens. For example, in poultry farms, chicks are compulsorily vaccinated against Marek's disease due to its prevalence and the small range of time in which the vaccine can be made (from the age of one day to three weeks).


For vaccination you will need:

  • A drug;
  • Cotton ball and alcohol solution for sterilization;
  • Syringe and needle for subcutaneous and axillary injections;
  • Pipette for eye administration.
  • Sprayer for one-time inoculation of large livestock.
  • Ice and distilled water.

Process description

Before vaccination, you need to check the health of chickens. In sick birds, the immune system is weakened, it may not be able to cope with the microorganisms contained in the preparation. Such inoculation often ends in death.

The algorithms for administering various vaccines are presented below:

  1. The most painless and effective way is instillation through the eyes or nose. Preparations for ophthalmic administration are supplied with a solvent. It is important that during the procedure it does not overheat and remain cold, ice is used for this. The disadvantage of this method is the need for an assistant who will hold the chicken in one position during instillation.
  2. Intramuscular injections are more painful, they also require an assistant. The best place for an injection - a chest area at a distance of 2.5-4 centimeters from the keel bone. The needle is inserted at a 45 degree angle.
  3. The sprayer allows you to inoculate the entire livestock. To use the method, you need to select the volume of particles to be sprayed (depending on the preparation) and calculate the volume of water depending on the size of the chickens (on average, 50 ml of water is needed per hundred two-week-old chicks).
The health of birds should be closely monitored for a week after vaccination, as there is a risk of complications during this period.

Optimal timing of vaccination:

From Newsuckle's disease, the drug is administered three times: at the age of one day, at 30 days and at 60 days. Approximately on the hundredth day of life, an inactivated vaccine is given.

  • From SARS: at the age of 16-20 weeks.
  • From salmonellosis: day - 16 weeks.
  • From infectious bronchitis: 16-20 weeks.

Visually, the timing of vaccination is shown in the table:

Here are some ways you can protect your chicks from death.

Over the past two weeks, we have repeatedly received questions and, interestingly, for some reason, most of them in the online consultant mode, with a request to cover the issue of chicken vaccination. And specifically, the use of which vaccines is initially necessary for a chicken? And is it necessary to use vaccines for chickens at all, or will they grow up anyway?

The option “and so they will grow up” is possible, but unlikely. In order to raise a healthy bird, no matter what direction (broiler, laying hen, breed, for meat), you will still need to use vaccines, and not necessarily all the vaccines that exist today for chickens. There are vaccines for chicks and hens that are mandatory, and there are also some vaccines that are used when indicated.

What does it mean? This means that if the area in which you live, and the farm itself, is considered unfavorable for any viral disease of chickens, then your bird must be vaccinated against this particular disease. And, accordingly, if there are no cases of disease in chickens in your area, then there is no need to vaccinate against these diseases.

But here I would like to point out the following. Let's say what to do if some kind of viral disease does not happen in your area, but it happens often in the neighboring one? In this case, even though formally, it seems, the use of a vaccine is not required, we still recommend vaccinating the bird. Because otherwise, you are still at risk, because the disease without routine vaccination can happen in your poultry farm.

Chickens of the first days of life are vaccinated against Marek's disease and .

Week-old chicks can be vaccinated against Gumboro disease, if there is a threat of infection, namely if the farm is located in an area unsuccessful for Gumboro disease or there has been an outbreak of the disease.

2 week old chicks are revaccinated against infectious bronchitis.

3 week old chicks are routinely vaccinated against Gumboro disease(in prosperous farms) and revaccinated in disadvantaged Gumboro farms.

Chicks from 21 days old must be vaccinated against Newcastle disease, and from the 25th day of life in farms threatened by this disease.

One month old chicks to be revaccinated against infectious bronchitis.

And chickens of the 40th day of life are vaccinated according to plan against Gumboro disease in prosperous Gumboro farms.

At the age of 3 months, birds are revaccinated in disadvantaged or threatened farms against infectious laryngotracheitis.

At the age of 4 months, the use of vaccines is accepted against with egg drop syndrome , against infectious bronchitis, against reovirus infection, against Gumboro disease, against Newcastle disease.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in the bird vaccination schedule from the very first day of life. All vaccines against listed viral diseases of chickens and hens today it is quite affordable for every bird owner. And today there is a really large selection of vaccines from a wide variety of manufacturers. You can always get any clarifying information regarding vaccines against viral diseases of chickens from the veterinarians of our online veterinary pharmacy "33 cows". As always, we are waiting for your questions by phone, by e-mail, in the mode of an online consultant or come to us yourself on the street. Novgorodskaya 3a.

Introduction. Vaccination of chickens is an effective and inexpensive way to combat infectious diseases in birds. An effective vaccination program, in a complex of biosecurity measures, provides successful prevention against various poultry production. The result of vaccination of chickens largely depends on the training and experience of personnel, the correct selection and use of vaccines.

It should be taken into account that vaccine-prophylaxis cannot compensate for violations of biological safety and unsatisfactory sanitary conditions. Therefore, vaccination programs cannot fully protect birds experiencing or in unsanitary conditions.

The main objective of vaccination of any batch of poultry is to form a stable immunity against infectious diseases and ensure the healthy development of the bird. Poultry vaccines are immunobiological preparations that induce an immune response in poultry. Exist various methods vaccinations, some of which are described below.

Vaccination of chickens using drinking water (watering)

Vaccination method using drinking water consists in feeding the calculated amount of the vaccine solution to the number of broiler chickens through the dispenser.

Vaccinations for chickens in the first days at home

Vaccine dosages and amount of water

The number of doses of vaccines should be equal to the number of birds in the poultry house. Due to the fact that some of the vaccine will be lost in the medicator and water lines, it is necessary to increase the dosage by 300-700 doses per house. Vaccines against NB and IBD can be used together at the same time.

Example, 23,500 broiler chickens need to be vaccinated. The IBD vaccine is available in vials of 4,000 doses, which means that chickens need to be vaccinated = 4,000 doses x 6 vials = 24,000 doses per house.

The amount of purified (demineralized) water for the preparation of stock solution of vaccines for a particular poultry house is calculated by the formula:

The number of heads of broiler chickens is multiplied by the age of broiler chickens (days) and multiplied by 1.6

Water, ml = 100

where 1.6 is the input percentage set on the dispenser (1.6 liters per 100 liters of water)

An example of calculating the amount of water for a poultry house 23,500 heads, 21 days old.

23500 x 21 x 1.6

Water, ml = 7896

The calculation of the required amount of purified water is carried out by a veterinarian or a trained veterinary orderly directly in the poultry house before preparing the stock vaccine solution.

Vaccination of chickens at home

Preparation of the vaccine solution

Pour the calculated amount of water from the flask into a clean plastic bucket with measuring marks. It is advisable to periodically assess the quality of water. If necessary, check the pH level of the water used for vaccination. High pH (greater than 7.5) or low pH (less than 6.0) may adversely affect the live vaccine.

To check that the vaccine solution is entering the drinking system, 5 minutes before the vaccine is dissolved, add a vaccine stabilizer to the water bucket, which turns the water dark blue. Stir it thoroughly using a plastic rod or other clean mixer. The amount of stabilizer is calculated on the volume of water consumed.

  1. Stabilizer Hi - Light added at the rate of 2-3 tablets per poultry house 20-27 thousand heads, and 1-2 tablets per poultry house 11-15 thousand heads.
  2. Stabilizer Avi Blue added at the rate of two caps per poultry house 20-27 thousand heads and one and a half caps per poultry house 11-15 thousand heads. This dosage of stabilizers will result in a permanent blue color of the crop and tongue.

Next, remove the aluminum caps from the vials. Under water, open the rubber stoppers and fill the vials. Then rinse the vials several times. The dry tablet of the vaccine should dissolve completely without lumps.

Broiler chicken vaccination

  • Place a bucket with the prepared stock solution of the vaccine under the medicator, lower the hose into it, set the dispenser to the “1.6” position.
  • Reduce to 5 - 7 lux in the house to avoid undue stress on the birds.
  • The location of performers in the poultry house: 1) the first performer is located in the technical room next to the container of the mother solution of the vaccine; 2) the second performer is at the front of the house at the drinker line pressure regulators. If the pressure regulator is placed in the middle part of the drinking line assembly, then the second performer is located at the end assemblies of the drinker lines at the beginning of the house; 3) the third performer is located at the rear of the house at the end assemblies of the drinking lines.

Filling drinking lines

Fill the drinker lines with vaccine stock solution in the following sequence:

  1. as soon as all performers are ready, the first performer opens the necessary valves of the water treatment system, ensuring the passage of water from the system through the dispenser to the drinking lines. In the future, he controls the correct operation of the dispenser to reduce the level of the mother solution in the tank;
  2. the second performer, in turn, opens the valves on the pressure regulators of the drinking lines, ensuring their filling with the mother solution of the vaccine. He opens the valve on each subsequent drinking line at the command of the third number, as the previous drinking line is filled;
  3. the third performer controls the moment of appearance of the mother solution of the vaccine at the end of the drinking line by the appearance of a blue solution and in a timely manner closes the valve of the end assembly, excluding the discharge of the vaccine into the sewer. Perform the above operations on each drinking line in turn.

  • After filling all the drinking lines, check that there is no gravity flow of the vaccine solution from the nipples, joints and rubber seals of the elements of the drinking lines; filling the drinking lines with the working solution of the vaccine (by clicking the nipples at the beginning, middle and end of the drinking line); sufficient flow of nipples (according to the method established at the factory).
  • All deficiencies must be corrected immediately with the involvement of the technical staff assigned to the poultry house.
  • Lower the drinker lines to a height that guarantees access to water for the entire bird population. Check their horizontal position and, if necessary, make additional adjustments with the assistance of the staff assigned to the poultry house.
  • Feeding lines should be lowered to a height appropriate to the age of the birds, and the feeders filled with feed so that the birds have free access to the feed.
  • Increase the amount of light in the house to the level required for the day.
  • Monitor bird water intake activity.
  • All water with the vaccine should be drunk within one to one and a half hours. Make at least two walks around the perimeter of the house during watering to stimulate the birds to take the vaccine.
  • After all the vaccine is used up, pour two liters of water into the container, rinse the container thoroughly and pump water into the drinking line through the medicator.

Monitoring the results of vaccination

Carry out quality control of vaccination:

  1. take 20 chickens from various places in the hull;
  2. check the color of the tongue on each of the 20 birds. The tongue should be blue. The intensity of the color of the tongue depends on the amount of the vaccine drunk and thus indirectly indicates the correctness of the vaccination;
  3. The vaccination of chickens has been carried out satisfactorily if at least 90% of the birds have a blue tongue and crop.

Boil the empty vials containing the vaccine for 30 minutes and dispose of them in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer.

Do chickens need to be vaccinated?

Vaccine droplet technique

The method of vaccination of chickens with a large-drop spray consists in spraying a pre-prepared aqueous solution of the vaccine in the form of a large-drop spray in the poultry house using a sprayer.

  • Chicken vaccination. Preparatory work.
  • Spray vaccination operations in the poultry house are carried out by 3 vaccinators in compliance with the rules established by this instruction. When preparing and conducting vaccination, work clothes must be used.
  • Make sure the bird is healthy on the day of vaccination. There is no sick, weak and clearly stunted bird in the poultry house.
  • Knapsack sprayers, filters, nozzles should be washed with warm water without the use of detergents and disinfectants, then dried.
  • Check the technical condition of the backpack sprayer. Attach 2 orange nozzles to the spray bar to obtain a large droplet spray with a droplet size of 235 microns. Pour 4 liters of clean water into the sprayer container, create a pressure of about 2.0 bar and spray on a pre-selected clean surface. Check spray pattern. The shape of the jet should be dense and continuous.

Calculation of the dosage of vaccines and the amount of water

Vaccination of chickens and the dosage of the vaccine is calculated in accordance with the approved instructions for the use of vaccines in the amount of 1 dose per 1 chicken.

The number of vaccine doses is equal to the number of birds in the house on the day of vaccination. Considering the wastage of vaccine per litter, an increase of 300-700 doses of vaccine per poultry house is allowed.

Example: The number of broiler chickens in the poultry house is 19,500 heads. The number of doses of ND vaccine per house is 20,000 doses. One vial contains 5000 doses. Required number of vaccination vials per house = 5000 doses x 4 vials = 20000 doses per house.

The exact dosage of each vaccine used for each poultry house is calculated by the veterinarian. The paramedic discharges from veterinary pharmacy the required amount of vaccines to vaccinate broiler chickens of the entire site and store the vaccines in the refrigerator.

On the day of vaccination, the number of vaccine vials calculated per poultry house at T = 6-8 ° C is placed in a bag with the poultry house number and transferred to veterinary orderlies in a container with a cold cell for vaccination of chickens.

The amount of demineralized water for preparing the vaccine solution per house is 1.0 liter per 1000 doses.

An example of calculating the amount of purified water for preparing a solution of vaccines per poultry house. Number of chickens in the poultry house 19500 heads Amount of water, l = 19500 heads x 1 liter = 19.5 liters

Purified demineralized water is used to prepare the vaccine solution. room temperature, which is delivered to the poultry house in flasks.

Preparation of the vaccine solution

Pour the calculated amount of water from the flask into clean plastic buckets with measured risks. Remove the aluminum caps from the vials; lower the vials of the vaccine under water, open the rubber stoppers of the vials under water; Fill the vials with water and rinse them several times. The dry tablet of the vaccine should dissolve completely without lumps.

Stir the prepared solution using a plastic rod; pour the prepared vaccine solution into sprayers and tightly close the lids; use the lever to create an operating pressure of 2.0 bar in the sprayer. This pressure must be maintained throughout the vaccination period.

Preparing the poultry house

Dim the lights in the house, then, without causing stress, move the bird to the left and right walls of the house. Give a command to the dispatcher to turn off heat generators (if any) and ventilation, close the vents for the duration of the vaccination, close the vents and after fifteen minutes turn on the ventilation and open the vents. Fix turning off and on the equipment after the work is completed.

Chicken vaccination. Carrying out work.

Perform vaccination operations in the poultry house by a team consisting of at least three people, in compliance with all veterinary and sanitary rules established at the factory, as well as the rules established by this instruction.

Vaccinators are distributed in the poultry house as follows:

  1. the first and second performers put on knapsack sprayers and vaccinate the chickens;
  2. the third performer moves between the grouped rows of the bird and makes sure that it does not scatter during the work.

Two performers, with knapsack sprayers, move slowly parallel to the birds grouped in a row and spray the vaccine 30-40 cm above the chicks. While driving, make sure that the working pressure in the sprayers is maintained within 2.0 bar. Performers must pass the entire length of the house twice without refilling the sprayers with vaccine. Each performer sprays only one side of the house.

The third performer needs to calmly move ahead of the vaccinators and drive the bird that has strayed from the grouping places.

In the warm season, chickens are vaccinated early in the morning. Vaccination of chickens in the first days of life at home is also carried out in the morning.

Checking the results of chick vaccination

If necessary, check the degree of coverage of the bird with a coarse spray. Coating is considered satisfactory if the broiler chicks have uniformly moistened feathers.

The veterinarian should monitor the bird after vaccination. On the sixth and seventh day after vaccination of chickens, the veterinarian should check for the presence of a post-vaccination reaction in broiler chickens by the condition of the trachea and the level of mortality in the poultry house.

Boil the used vials containing the vaccine for 30 minutes and dispose of them in the manner established by the manufacturer.

Sprayers and all equipment that has been used for vaccination, rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water. tap water without the use of detergents and disinfectants.

The veterinarian (paramedic) must make the necessary records of the vaccination:

  1. a mark on the vaccination in the stenovka (date and name of the vaccines used);
  2. drawing up a "Vaccination Act" (date, number of poultry houses, planned vaccination of chickens, names and number of doses of vaccines used).

Report to the immediate supervisor, the head of the site or persons replacing them on the performance of the work and all the shortcomings (comments) that arose during their implementation.

In the comments you can add your photos of laying hens, rooster and chickens! Or other poultry. We are wondering what kind of chicken coop you have?
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