Vaccinations for day old chicks. What vaccines do your chickens need? Modern vaccination scheme


Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


It is difficult for newborn chickens to resist the pathological microflora that can be found in the chicken coop, in the feeder, in the drinker. Their immune system is still imperfect. In the first days of life, chicks are most susceptible to infectious diseases.

Some diseases can be cured, but it is very difficult to achieve the expected productivity from individuals after the transfer of the disease. Unfortunately, not all infections chickens manage to survive. To protect young animals from inflammatory processes in the body, pathogenic bacteria, they are vaccinated. What vaccines are used in the poultry industry? When is the best time to vaccinate young?

What diseases can be prevented?

Immediately after the birth of chickens, they begin to drink vitamins. This helps to increase the immunity of young animals, but such therapy will not be able to get rid of infections. More effective measures are needed. Chicks are being vaccinated. The poultry industry has a calendar that indicates which sera should be administered to young animals, and provides for the timing and methods of vaccination.

  • Often chickens are affected by the mycoplasma virus. It is ubiquitous. The incubation period for the disease is 20 days, so the first symptoms may appear in chicks 20-30 days after birth. The virus infects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, the sclera of the eyes. Often the disease becomes chronic. To prevent mycoplasmosis, vaccination should be carried out as early as possible. The date is set on the calendar - 4 days after birth. Drinking is carried out with the drug "Vitrocil": 1 ml / l drinking water. Drinking is carried out for 9 hours. After the introduction of whey, vitamins must be added to food or drink.
  • On the 7th day - vaccination against infectious bronchitis of chickens. They use vaccines for poultry farming from a Russian manufacturer, Winterfield strain. The serum is available in powder form. Packaging in glass bottles of 4 thousand doses. It is administered by drinking: 1 dose per 1 individual.
  • Day 10 introduction of strain H-120 from IB: 1 dose per head. They do not resort to soldering. The serum is sprayed using the SAG-1 equipment. Fog is created in the room. The young inhale the drug.
  • 12-15 days - vaccination against salmonellosis and colibacillosis. Serum "Eriprim" is used. The herd is being fed. Provide proportions of 1:1000. The solution is served 9 hours.
  • Day 13 - Mandatory vaccination against Newcastle disease. Enter strain La-sota. Serum of the Russian production. Use 2 doses per 1 individual. They resort to spraying.
  • Day 16 - carry out revaccination of infectious bronchitis Winterfield strain.
  • Day 19 - 20 - complex serum "Macrolan" is introduced. Vaccinate salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis. The drug is added to drink 0.5 g / l. Soldering is carried out within 24 hours.
  • Day 25 - revaccination of infectious bronchitis strain La-sota.
  • Day 26 Air disinfection with Dixam. The method of antiseptic treatment is sublimation. On the same day, revaccination with Vitrocil serum is carried out.
  • 30, 50, 60 days - revaccination of salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis.
  • 31 days treatment of drinking bowls "Aquasafe" or other similar vaccines for poultry farming. Drinking is carried out 1 dose / 1 thousand. Duration 9 hours.
  • 32 - sublimation with Dixam serum: 10 mg / m 3.
  • 33, 35 - cleaning the line for drinking water.
  • 70 days - injections into the coccyx. The introduction of serum from mycoplasmosis.

Young broiler breeds are not vaccinated. Chicks begin to drink vitamins, antibiotics. Vaccination is not required, because at 3-4 months the young are led to slaughter. The point of introducing strains of infectious diseases is lost. Chicks that will make up the parent flock, laying hens, must be vaccinated.

Some sera are injected into the embryo through the shell of an egg that is in an incubator. They do not pierce, the vaccine is sprayed. In this way, preparations for mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis are administered. Spray "Doksin" -200, H-120.

On poultry farms, a separate serum is used for chickens of egg productivity. Unfortunately, females can suffer from an infectious disease - egg drop syndrome. To prevent this disease, serum ECC-76 is administered. Immunity appears on the 5th day after vaccination. The duration of immunity is 1 year. Then, it is necessary to carry out revaccination.

Veterinarians debate the effectiveness of these vaccinations, but some experts say that in small households, vaccination leads to good results. Serums against bird flu are not used in large poultry farming.

Vaccination does not always bring the desired results. Poor settlement of the strain in the body is caused by several factors. Some of them depend on the person, others on the way the serum is introduced, and others on the quality of the drug.

  1. Before each vaccination, the chicken coop is prepared. It is necessary to clean it, remove the old bedding, wash all the equipment.
  2. Carry out the preparation of the body of birds. They are fed with vitamin complexes.
  3. If the drinking method is used to introduce the serum, then try to avoid the presence of chlorine in the water. Chlorine is an antiseptic. It kills the pathological flora, and the serum just consists of it.
  4. To prevent the ingredients from losing their properties, vaccine stabilizers are used. The strain from mycoplasmosis and salmonellosis in unstabilized water reduces its properties by 80%.
  5. New technologies allow the creation of serums along with stabilizing agents that protect the flora from destruction. This information indicate on the packaging of the drug, and in the certificate.
  6. When watering the herd, the contents of the strain may not get to all individuals. The procedure is considered successful if the flora covered 95% of the livestock. Other birds may get sick.
  7. The effectiveness of serum is affected by the method of storage, expiration date, method of administration of the drug.
  8. It is necessary to observe a certain dosage for each individual. Resistance to the disease will be uncertain if the individual receives a reduced dose of serum.

Unfortunately, vaccination can lead to some complications in the body. Most often, in pathological manifestations after the introduction of the strain, there is a human factor. If the drug was administered by spraying in the form of a mist, then pre-ventilate the room. Otherwise, the substances that make up the whey will react with ammonia and carbon dioxide. Birds can develop inflammation of the respiratory tract, conjunctivitis.

Each chick has its own characteristics of the body. Some strains are administered via underwing injections. It is impossible to predict how the tissue will react to the injection and seeding of the virus. Suppuration, tissue destruction may occur.

Day old chicks are often manually vaccinated against Marek's disease. Do injections in the neck. If the work is done unprofessionally, then the nerve fibers can be damaged in the chicken, which leads to twisting of the neck, to death.

Smallpox and encephalomyelitis are vaccinated by injection. The strain is injected into the skin, the membrane is pierced. Contamination of the puncture site can lead to suppuration. Sometimes the wing swells, curdled discharge is visible in the membrane. They mean that the individual has already been vaccinated. The bird received too much drug.

An overdose leads to the development of the disease, to death. Normally, the signs of the action of the strain, with successful administration, appear after 10 days. If there are no changes in the chicken, it means that the vaccine remained on the feathers of the chick, it did not enter the body.

After vaccination, egg production decreases in laying hens, young growth slows down, and libido decreases in roosters. Normally, the restoration of the body, the development of immunity to the disease, is noted for 5-7 days after the administration of serum. Each strain has a specific incubation period.

Veterinarians recommend using vector vaccines for preventive measures. These are new generation drugs. After their introduction, the risk of complications is minimized or absent. Individuals do not reduce their meat and egg productivity.


Experienced farmers and livestock breeders know perfectly well that the only effective way to protect poultry, farm animals from infections, viral and bacterial diseases - timely vaccination. By adhering to the preventive immunization scheme established by the veterinarian, you can grow a healthy, strong chicken stock and thereby avoid financial losses. It is worth noting that most infectious diseases are deadly for small chickens, adult poultry. Even if one chick or chicken is infected with viruses, protozoa, bacteria, the entire chicken herd can become infected. Vaccinations for chickens, chickens can be done independently at home. Having no experience, we recommend inviting a veterinarian who will vaccinate feathered wards.

Why do you need to vaccinate chickens, an adult bird

Throughout their lives, hens, especially small chickens, chicks of other poultry can become infected with various types of pathogenic flora - bacteria, fungi, protozoa.

Important! Most infections, viral and bacterial diseases that poultry suffer from, spread very quickly from infected individuals to healthy ones, taking the form of epizootics. Some infections are incurable or can cause the death of chickens, the entire chicken population.

Among the most common and dangerous infections for chickens, adult birds include the following:

Before vaccinating chickens, adult birds, it is necessary to assess the state of health of birds. Only clinically healthy individuals can be vaccinated, since viruses and bacteria greatly weaken the immune system, which may not be able to cope with the microorganisms contained in vaccines. Do not inoculate a bird hatching eggs, weakened, severely emaciated, sick individuals.

Advice! Birds can be vaccinated with poly- and monovalent live or inactivated vaccines of domestic and foreign production. Before using the vaccine, in order not to provoke complications, carefully read the annotation to the veterinary preparation, consult with a veterinarian. Read the instructions, the rules for preventive immunization.

Vaccinations are given at certain points in the life of feathered wards. So, if the hen was not vaccinated before the offspring, chickens need to be immunized after they are born. If chickens, adults get sick, farmers will be vaccinated after the general condition is normal.

How to properly vaccinate chickens

Vaccination of a chicken at home requires some training and knowledge. The method of administration, dosage, frequency of use depend on the type of veterinary preparation used. All information about the methods of administration should be indicated in the annotation to the drug.

You can vaccinate chickens:

  • by spraying the entire livestock;
  • intramuscularly;
  • instillation of medicine through the nose, eyes.

The most painless method for introducing preventive vaccines and sera for chickens and poultry involves injecting the drug through the nose or eyes. 0.03 g of the drug is instilled into the eye socket of a chicken. You can vaccinate chickens in this way in the first days after they are born.

Such products are usually sold together with a solvent. During the immunization, it is necessary to enlist the support of an assistant who will securely fix the bird.

Intramuscular injections the bird suffers painfully. Vaccination also needs to be done with an assistant. The injection is injected into the chest area at a distance of 2.5–4 cm from the keel bone (divides the sternum into two parts). The needle is inserted strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. It is best to use needles with a length of 9-15 mm.

The spraying method is very convenient when it is necessary to vaccinate a large number of chickens. In this case, the main thing is to correctly calculate the required volume, dosage of the drug, taking into account the age, size of the hens. On average, one hundred two-week-old chicks require 50 ml of water.

Vaccination of poultry in large farms, on poultry farms is carried out by the method of watering. Preparations in the right dosage are added to drinking water, to drinking bowls. You need to make sure that the bird drank water within a few hours. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the vaccine will be markedly reduced. To make the chickens thirsty, they restrict access to drinking water for several hours.

Within a week after the preventive vaccination of chickens, it is very important to carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the vaccinated chicks. In some cases, if the vaccination rules were violated, the dosage was not observed, complications and side symptoms may develop. In chicks, activity and appetite may decrease. Possible fever, weakness. Chickens can sneeze and cough. After vaccination of a bird in the eye, breathing problems may occur.

As a rule, side effects after immunization disappear spontaneously without any treatment on the 3-5th day. If you notice a deterioration in the condition, if uncharacteristic symptoms appear, isolate the chicks from the rest of the herd, invite a veterinarian to examine the poultry.

Sample vaccination schedule for poultry

If you have a large number of chickens, the optimal vaccination scheme, effective drugs for preventive immunization, revaccinations will be prescribed by a veterinarian. Be sure to take into account the epidemiological situation in the regions when choosing a vaccine.

Chickens, young individuals, adult birds are vaccinated against Gumboro disease, Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, salmonellosis, Marek's disease.

An approximate vaccination schedule is shown in the table:

From Newcastle disease, day-old chickens, young animals at the age of 30 and 60 days are vaccinated. At 90–110 days of age, it is best to use an inactivated live vaccine for immunization against this disease.

From Marek's disease, only day-old chickens are vaccinated in an industrial incubator. Therefore, it is best to purchase vaccinated chickens from specialized poultry farms.

From salmonellosis, the bird must be vaccinated annually, using a specific serum. Protection against coccidiosis is provided by coccidiostats, which must be mixed into the feed for chickens.

Timely vaccination of chickens will ensure their protection against viral, bacterial diseases, and deadly infections. By creating favorable conditions for the bird, having vaccinated in time, you can grow a strong, healthy chicken stock, preventing the mass death of birds.

At present, due to the active development of animal husbandry and poultry farming, an important issue is the prevention of diseases in domestic animals, including chickens. This, in turn, will preserve their health, increase productivity, and improve valuable properties.

Prevention. Meaning

Many veterinarians know that the most effective way to maintain well-being in poultry farming is not a treatment of patients, but prevention, because it is much easier to prevent them than to spend money and time on treatment, all the more it is economically irrational.

Let us consider in more detail such a direction of prevention as vaccination.

It is important to remember that the vaccine must be warmed up to room temperature, shake. For injection, it is better to use needles 9-15 mm long. It is also necessary to make sure that its expiration date has not expired, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to use it.


Currently, there are several types of prevention: specific and non-specific. The first includes vaccination, the introduction of sera. The second one includes a whole range of measures, such as isolation of sick animals, timely treatment, hospitalization, fortification of feed, water purification, and others.

In addition, prevention can be primary, secondary and tertiary.

What is chicken vaccination? This is the creation of artificial, specific immunity in chickens against a specific disease by introducing weakened antigens or killed microorganisms. In response to this, antibodies are produced and the animal becomes immune to this disease for a certain period.

Vaccines can be either live or inactivated, that is, they either contain live, weakened pathogens or not.

There are also mono-, di- and polyvalent varieties. (against one, two and several pathologies).

How are chickens vaccinated? There are several vaccines, one of them is an inactivated vaccine of the AVIVAC series.

Depending on the valence, it may contain: antigen of the EDS virus - 76, infectious bronchitis virus (Massachusetts type), Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease and oil adjuvant.

The vaccination scheme for chickens is quite simple. The bird is grafted at the age of 100 - 120 days before oviposition. The scheme depends on the epizootic situation of the area. The drug is administered at a dose of 0.5 cubes once into the pectoral muscle or the lower third of the neck.

An interesting fact is that the vaccination of day-old chicks is carried out somewhat differently. In this case, the so-called spray vaccine is used. It can be carried out both in the hatchery and immediately upon receipt of chicks that have recently hatched from eggs. This is a live vaccine that is aerosolized through the respiratory tract and diluted in water before use for a faster effect.

Vaccination. Continuation

Vaccination of chickens at home is carried out in exactly the same way as within the veterinary clinic. In this case, it is necessary to call a veterinarian, warning in advance of intentions, but you can carry out the procedure yourself if you have the skills and experience. In this case, all recommendations and rules of asepsis must be strictly observed.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that that vaccination is the most effective preventive measure, reducing the susceptibility of chickens to diseases hundreds of times. But, you need to remember that you need to administer vaccines in compliance with all the schemes and rules, otherwise side and undesirable effects may occur.

Every poultry farmer knows that vaccination is the key to a healthy chicken population. It is not very convenient to carry it out in veterinary cliques, especially when there are a lot of kids. Therefore, vaccinations can be done at home. For this, veterinarians are invited.

It is not advisable to vaccinate yourself, but perhaps you should only prepare in advance.

The need for prevention

At the present time, probably, every veterinarian will confirm that prevention should come first, then treatment will not be needed.

It is much easier to prevent diseases than to treat them later.

Types of prevention:

  • Specific.
  • Not specific.

In the first case, it is vaccination, which prevents possible infection with infections.

In the second, complex actions, which include: timely treatment and, if necessary, hospitalization, complete isolation of infected animals, the addition of a vitamin complex to feed, water purification, etc.

In order not to have to comply with all the rules or specific prophylaxis, it is necessary to vaccinate on time.

How to prepare for any vaccination

Each vaccination implies a certain preparation, which should be carried out without fail. This will require:

  1. Site preparation. You can't just catch a chicken and start doing the procedure. First you need to prepare a place. The room should be warm and clean, as well as the complete absence of drafts.
  2. Each vaccination is done at a certain time, it all depends on the life cycle. If the future mother of the offspring has not been vaccinated, chickens are vaccinated immediately after birth. You should consult your veterinarian regarding this matter. You can get acquainted with the sequence table by clicking on the link
  3. You can not vaccinate chickens when they lay, incubate eggs. It is recommended to do the procedure a month before the laying hen begins to rush. This will protect future chickens, since a large number of viruses are transmitted through the oviduct.
  4. Careful consideration should be given to when vaccines are given, as some need to be given annually and others only once.

Vaccines to be given every year:

  • infectious bronchitis.
  • Salmonella.
  • Atypical plague.
  • adenovirus.

Vaccines that are given once:

  • Infectious disease of the bag.
  • coccidiosis.
  • Infectious laryngotracheitis.
  • Marek's disease.
  1. Before you start grafting, you need to pay attention to the health of the chicken. If you vaccinate a sick bird, this can kill it, since the virus will be quite strongly developed. It is quite difficult to independently check, some symptoms are invisible. For this purpose, it is recommended to invite a veterinarian.
  2. All information about the vaccine should be carefully studied, if necessary, even written down. The poultry farmer must clearly understand why the vaccine is administered, how to do it correctly, what dosage is needed. You should pay attention to such points:
  • What is the name of the vaccine.
  • Party numbering.
  • Who produces.
  • When was it made and what is the expiration date?
  • What chickens, what kind of vaccines are intended.
  1. Strictly follow the storage conditions. In this case, it is advisable to ask how it was stored before you purchased it. And, of course, store at home in the necessary conditions (a certain place, temperature regime). If at least one clause of the conditions has been violated, the vaccine must be discarded and another one purchased. You also need to pay attention to the packaging so that there are no cracks or other various damages on it.
  2. Familiarize yourself with how vaccination should take place. It may be difficult or even impossible to do it yourself. You may need the help of several people.
  3. After careful study and preparation, you can proceed to vaccination. The place where the needle will be inserted (if required) must be well sterilized. For this, a medical solution, for example, alcohol, is suitable. A cotton swab is wetted in it and the site of the future injection is treated. Don't forget to push back the fluff.

Possible methods of vaccination

There are many methods of vaccination. It is very difficult to determine on your own which one is needed for your chickens. It is better to invite a specialist, and he will draw a conclusion.

More about methods:

  1. Vaccination by intramuscular injection. With this method, it is better to have an assistant who will hold the chicken. To make the injection correctly, you should find the keel bone (it separates the chest). It is necessary to enter into the muscle, while the needle is at an angle of 45 °. A speck of blood indicates that you missed. In this case, the needle is pulled out, and the attempt is repeated again.
  2. Vaccination by eye drops. This method requires a pipette. In this case, it is very important to observe the temperature regime of the drug and its diluent - 2-7 °. For convenience, you can put a container containing ice near you, lower the diluent and the vaccine into it. The pipette is put directly on the bottle. No more than 0.03 g is dripped into the eye sockets of a chicken. After you have coped, you need to hold the bird a little so that the vaccine can spread evenly.
  3. Vaccination with water that chickens drink. Most often, this method is used on poultry farms; for a domestic chicken coop, this is too painstaking and lengthy work. The irrigation system must be perfectly clean, with a complete absence of chlorine. Before giving the drug, the supply of drinking water is stopped so that the chickens become thirsty. In this case, they will drink water with the vaccine. Water with medicine should be drunk within a few hours. Only a day later, chlorine and any medications can be added to the water.
  4. Vaccination with a sprayer. This method is also practiced with a large number of livestock. Vaccination is carried out in the cold time of the day, for this period the light is turned off in the chicken coop so that the activity of the hens decreases. After spraying, the light turns on after 7-10 minutes. The drug is mixed only with distilled water.
  5. Wing net vaccination. This method is carried out from serious diseases. Such vaccines are always used with a diluent. The injection is carried out in the wing. You can’t do without an assistant, because chickens should be kept. The wing should be clearly in front of you. The feathers are gently pushed aside, the injection is injected into the membrane. After vaccinating 500 heads, the needle must be replaced. After about a week, you can check if the vaccination was successful. To do this, they look under the wing of the chicken, if scabs or scars are found there, the “operation” was successful.

After all vaccination procedures have been carried out, vials, bottles and boxes must be disposed of. Before that, they are disinfected.

Some bottles can be left for the household, but they should be treated with a disinfectant. Further, it is desirable to put in an autoclave. And only after all the necessary manipulations are they suitable for use. But most the best option remains to be disposed of.

After the chickens have been vaccinated, they need to be observed. So to say, to see if it was successful. If even the slightest change or deficiencies are noticed, call a specialized veterinarian immediately.

With some forms of vaccination, the following reactions can be observed:

  • After vaccination in the eye, hens may have breathing problems.
  • After the injection, sneezing may occur.

If the symptoms do not stop after 3-5 days, it is also necessary to consult a specialist.

Of course, it is possible to vaccinate at home, but if at least a little experience and knowledge is inherent. Strictly follow instructions and recommendations. If there are absolutely no skills, it is better to contact a veterinarian. The vital activity and health of the chicken population directly depends on this.

Important! Never use an expired vaccine.

Timely vaccination will make the livestock strong and healthy, which will play a significant role in their productivity. It will also exclude the possibility of infection with infections of other residents of the compound.

You have decided to breed broiler chickens and have purchased newborn chickens. If you do not want the entire brood to die in 2–3 days, you must know how to drink the chickens in the first days. Then the survival rate of babies will be 100%.

For small chickens, be sure to give vitamin and mineral supplements with water. Chickens that are fed with vitamins turn into strong and muscular broilers faster.

It is important to give any drugs to birds according to pre-planned schemes, which we will discuss later.

Caring for day old chicks

Newborn broilers should be kept in a clean, bright place at a temperature of about 30 ° C for several days before settling in the house. For this, a corrugated cardboard box with an incandescent lamp suspended 50–60 cm above the bird heads is quite suitable.

Chickens that look sick should not be placed in a common box. They can be infected with the infection and infect others with it.

About 40% of purchased individuals may die if they are not drunk on time with medicines.

Newborn broilers are fed like regular chickens. Suitable for feeding:

  • boiled eggs;
  • wheat crusher;
  • millet.

On the third day, chopped greens rich in vitamins are added to the chicken feed mixture (mash).

Features of watering chickens

The scheme for soldering broiler chickens depends on many factors:

  • whether the chicks have received medication before;
  • what substances were they;
  • on what basis they were given;
  • what diseases are common among parent chickens;
  • whether vaccination was carried out.

Accurate and complete information can only be given by the seller (breeder) of the birds from whom you purchased the young.

Each farmer has his own technology for soldering broilers. Some poultry farmers give antibacterial drugs to day-old chicks. Other bird breeders consider antibiotics dangerous for babies and replace them with water-soluble vitamins. Still others trust fragile chicken health only to pure water.

Drinking water for broiler chickens: schemes

Scheme 1 (the most common)

Day 1.

For seven days after hatching, the chick receives nutrients and energy from the residual yolk located in the yolk sac at the bottom of the abdomen.

On the first day of the life of a small broiler (and as soon as he was transferred from the incubator to the "nursery"), you need to help dissolve the residual yolk from him.

To do this, glucose or sugar is added to the drinker (a teaspoon per 0.5 l of boiled water). Sweetened water will also help relieve stress in toddlers.

If this simple procedure is not carried out, part of the young will inevitably die.

Day 2-5

Chickens need to be drunk with vitamin complexes. Suitable "Chiktonik" or "Nutril".

Day 6–8

In order not to get an overabundance of vitamins in the body, and also not to immediately load the chickens with other complexes, a three-day pause is made in taking medications.

Day 9-11

At this time, there is a peak age when broilers begin to die. During this period, it is important to support the immunity of birds with the help of antibacterial drugs.

Antibiotics selected for broiler chickens should not contribute to their rapid addiction, otherwise preventive measures will be ineffective.

For meat chickens, preparations of the fluoroquinolone series (specifically enrofloxacins: enroflox, baytril, ernostin) have proven themselves well. In private backyards, where birds settle in the same places from year to year, habituation within the farm occurs on average over 3 years. Even with regular disinfection of premises, bacteria settle in the soil and gradually develop immunity to reused antibiotics.

Important! Do not use human antibiotics, not all of them work on birds. It is better to buy drugs in veterinary pharmacy. For example, you can purchase an inexpensive and effective drug Farmazin (the active substance is tylosin tartrate).

Day 12-18.

Week break after a course of antibiotics.

Day 19–21.

course of vitamins.

Day 22–24.

Break after vitamins.

Day 25–27

course of antibiotics.

Day 28–34

Break after antibiotics.

Then continue to alternate periods of vitamins and antibiotics. As the birds grow older, increase the interval between courses from one week to two (that is, broilers should receive vitamins every 14 days).

Usually broilers are slaughtered on the 42-45th day with a weight of 2-2.5 kg. It is unprofitable to keep meat chickens longer: for each kilogram of subsequent weight gain, the bird begins to eat more feed.

Prices for Chiktonik


Scheme 2

Suitable for those who rely on antibiotics immediately after hatching.

Day 1-5

To avoid an epidemic of bacterial infection, drink the broilers with Baytril or Enroxil, diluted with water in a certain proportion.

Day 6-11

Prevent beriberi with balanced vitamin complexes. To do this, you can pour an aqueous solution of "Nutril" into the drinkers for broilers.

Day 12-14

Use for the prevention of coccidosis special preparations - coccidiostats. The most popular among them is Baycox.

Day 15–17.

Conduct a second course of "Nutril".

Day 18–22.

Repeat the course of Baytril or Enroxil.

Interesting! Most chicken breeders have come to the unanimous opinion that excessive consumption of antibiotics harms broilers. Especially if they do not have external deviations in development. It is much more useful to water farm birds with vitamins.

If you wish, you can make your own schedule for watering the chickens, but in this case, you should also follow the scheme:

  • 1st day: water with 2 g of vitamins and 20 g of glucose;
  • 2nd day: water with 0.5 g of tetracycline;
  • 3-4th day: water with 0.5 g of tetracycline and 0.5 g of chloramphenicol;
  • 5-8th day: water with vitamins useful for the liver and immunity (the most common "Chiktonik" or "Nutril");
  • 14-15th day: water with a drug against a fungal infection - candidiasis (Baykoks is suitable).

Prices for Baytril

Tip number 1.

If you have begun to solder broiler chickens with an antibiotic, do not stop doing this after the first day. Continue to give the remedy according to the scheme prescribed in the instructions for the medicine or determined by the veterinarian (2-3 days). Suddenly interrupted, but often repeated, courses are addictive, and the antibacterial agent stops working.

Tip number 2.

When you give the birds a course of water-soluble drugs, make sure that the drugs selected according to the scheme are in all the drinkers of the chicken coop.

Tip number 3.

Use only settled water (boiled or raw) for drinking.

Tip #4

There should not be an increased concentration of magnesium and iron in the water. If the water in your area does not meet these requirements, then it is better to order imported clean water of the appropriate quality specifically for birds.

Tip #5

Do not prepare medicinal solutions for the future. The healing properties of the preparations are preserved in water for 24 hours after dilution.

If the chickens have not drunk the water with dissolved medicines to the end, then after a day it must be poured out, the drinkers thoroughly rinsed and filled with freshly prepared elixir.

Tip #6

If you notice that some chicken is avoiding the flock or looks lethargic and weak, then he is sick. To prevent an epidemic, broilers can be drunk with a Tromexin solution (at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of liquid). The course of the drug is 5 days, upon completion, be sure to give "Chiktonik".

Tip number 7.

It should be remembered that some dangerous diseases are transmitted from birds to humans.

Video - Feeding and drinking chickens in the first days of life

Veterinary chick rearing activities

Diseases of farm birds living in large groups are easier and cheaper to prevent than to treat. A number of preventive measures will help to avoid possible epidemics.

  1. Before settling young animals in poultry houses, prepare carefully: remove garbage from the territory, clean the cages, wash the feeders and drinkers, disinfect the room with special smoke bombs, cover the walls of the chicken coop with lime).
  2. Raise birds of different breeds and ages in separate isolated rooms.
  3. Check the condition of the bedding daily (replace the soiled diaper with a clean one or add fresh sawdust).
  4. Constantly monitor the drinkers and feeders (wash the dishes at least twice a day, use only high-quality compound feed, add fresh drink).
  5. Ventilate the chicken coop regularly, control the humidity and temperature in the room.


Babies are vaccinated with a vaccine based on maternal antibodies obtained from the blood serum of hens of the parent flock. Antibodies injected into chickens will protect them for life.

When breeding broiler chickens, it is important to immediately vaccinate newborn chickens against Marek's disease. Approximately on the 10-12th day of age, small broilers are vaccinated against Newcastle disease, and on the 12-14th and 26-28th day, grown-up chickens are prevented from Gumboro disease.

All procedures should preferably be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Table. Broiler vaccination schedule.


(from hatching)

VaccineMethod of carrying outDosage and procedureResult
Day 14Viral vaccine "Nobilis" (live dry) for primary vaccinationStop giving chickens water 8 hours before vaccination.

In sterile glassware, dilute the contents of the vial with chilled boiled water.

Solder broilers early in the morning at the rate of 5 ml per chick.

The finished solution should be drunk to the birds within 30 minutes.

Water and food can be given 2 hours after vaccination

Day 24Virus vaccine "Nobilis" for the second stage of vaccinationAdd to water for soakingBefore vaccination, do not give the birds to drink for 8 hours.

Dilute the drug from the vial in a clean glass container with cool boiled water.

Solder chickens in the morning in a ratio of 7.5 ml per head.

It is necessary to ensure that the broilers drink the prepared suspension in 30 minutes.

2 hours after the end of the vaccination, the chickens can be fed and poured with fresh water.

Prevention of Gumbor disease
Day 27Virus vaccine from strain "La Sota" (live dry)Add to drinking water, drip into the nostrils or eyes of the chicksSolder or instill 2 drops at the rate of 7.5 ml per bird.

Chickens should drink the solution in half an hour.

You can give food and drink to broiler chickens 2 hours after the end of the procedure

Prevention of Newcastle disease

Video - Vaccination and disease prevention in chickens

Relocation of chickens to the poultry house

If you are going to populate chickens in brooders or in cages, disinfect the agricultural premises and prevent downy.

To disinfect the poultry house, use "Biodez-R" or "Virkon-S". A 2% solution of these drugs is suitable.

Ventilate the room again for 5 hours.

Prices for Biodes

The scheme of taking antibiotics and anthelmintic drugs

It is used against coccidiosis in birds (can be given in parallel with other medicines). Suitable for chickens over 14 days old. They need to be given an aqueous solution of the drug (1 ml of Baycox per liter of water) during the day.

Baycox prices

It is used for infectious diseases (enteritis, mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, etc.).

If infections have already broken out in the courtyard similar origin, for the prevention of birds, "Baytril-5%" is recommended. The solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 g of the drug per 1 liter of water.

Important! Do not overuse antibiotics - the birds must have their own immune system!

It is used for diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature.

The medicinal powder is dissolved in water according to the following scheme:

  • 1st day: 2 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Day 2-3: 1 g per 1 liter of water.

If symptoms persist, continue to give Tromexin to the chickens for a couple more days until they are completely eliminated.

It is used to treat infections (salmonellosis, sinusitis, bronchitis, hemophilia, etc.).

To strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases, daily broilers are being soldered with Enroxil-5%. The drug is dissolved in water in the ratio: 1 ml of Enroxil per liter of liquid.

The course is carried out no longer than three days.

It is used for colibacillosis, salmonellosis, necrotic enteritis, mycoplasmosis, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems.

When treating birds, 1 ml of antibiotics goes to 1 liter of water.

It is used for diseases of young animals: salmonellosis, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.

An aqueous solution of the antibiotic (0.5-1 ml of the substance per liter of water) is given to chickens for 3-5 days.

Prices for Enroflox

It is used to treat respiratory mycoplasmosis in chickens.

In 1 g of Farmazin, gradually pour 1 liter of water and stir.

Effective in the fight against ticks and helminths.

The drug can be diluted in water (0.4 mg per 1 kg of live weight) and give the bird a drink, repeating the course in 10–14 days. And you can rub it into the skin of the neck, just below the head.

Mixed in feed.

It is important to strictly observe the dosage: 3 g of medicine per 1 g of dry food (for better mixing, vegetable oil or fish oil can be added to the mash).

The course of treatment is a week.

Broiler chickens are unpretentious, but the health of freshly hatched chickens is very fragile. Birds will grow up strong and healthy if their development is stimulated in the first days of life and immunity is strengthened with the help of vitamin complexes and antibiotics added to drinking water.

An experienced veterinarian will help you choose the right drugs and draw up a scheme for their use. And relying on the tips above, you can prevent the occurrence of epidemics in the chicken coop and, as a result, get tasty and high-quality broiler meat.

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