Scenarios March 8 kindergarten new. Puppet show "Gift for Mom"


Scenarios of festive mornings for preschoolers

Scenario for the senior and preparatory group for school kindergarten.

An interesting script for a festive concert on March 8 in kindergarten. Scenario of the musical cafe "Holiday of mothers and grandmothers"

The script of the show program for the senior and preparatory group kindergarten

The script of the holiday on March 8. Senior and preparatory group of kindergarten

Holiday for March 8 "Visiting Mukha-Tsokotukha"

Holiday for children of senior and preparatory groups

There are tables in the hall, parents are sitting at them.

Under the “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky, children with snowdrops enter the hall, run around, waltzing, a festive hall. Having made a circle, they squat in the center of the hall. She comes out, dancing, leading with a basket in her hands.


I flutter, I run

I breathe fresh air

Winter is tired of worries

And cheers! Spring has come!

The snow melted under the sun

He turned into streams

The sun warms the earth

And the snowdrop grows!

Children perform an exercise with snowdrops to the soundtrack of music by Enio Maricone.


I love snowdrops

I'll pick them up soon!

Collects in a basket.

1st child.

Children rejoice

Sun and plants

Good in the world

On this spring day!

2nd child.

Spring is knocking at the door again

Spring is everywhere: here and there,

Today we are celebrating...

All children. And it's our mother's day!

3rd child.

Dear educators,

grandmothers and mothers,

Congratulations on the holiday -

Gentle, kind, glorious!

The children sit down.


Get it together people

There are many interesting things waiting for you:

Lots of dances, songs, jokes

And funny jokes.

We are not too lazy to have fun -

Because today...

All. Women's Day!

4th child.

Moms smile -

The holiday begins.

Happy faces everywhere.

Let's have fun together!

1st child.

One, two, three, four, five -

Come out to play soon

Songs to sing and dance

Congratulations moms and grandmothers!


All spring sounds and colors

They will help us get into a good fairy tale.

2nd child.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the Fly -

Beauty, Mukha-Tsokotukha.

We give from preschool children

This fairy tale in a new way!

3rd child.

Mukha has not a birthday,

And a new reason for fun:

Women's holiday is coming to us,

Fly is waiting for guests in the house.

A fly is spinning at the mirror, bringing beauty to the soundtrack “Hey, you are up there” by A. Pugacheva. (The role of the Fly is played by an adult.)


I dress up faster

After all, I'm waiting for my guests!

Come running from all around

All my friends, girlfriends!

cockroaches, fleas,

Butterflies and midges,

Dragonflies, moths

And solid bugs.

Let's throw a feast on Women's Day

We are all over the world today!

After all, the number eight

March is not easy!

I baked pies for the guests,

Yes, 92 more pancakes,

And in the morning I cooked

Two troughs of jelly.

I went to the market

I bought a samovar for tea!

A call rings out.


Here are the guests at the door,

I'll go and open it soon!

The soundtrack of A. Pugacheva's song "Song of Friends" sounds. Cockroaches, a beetle, midges, fleas, insects enter - children dressed in the named costumes.

1st cockroach.

Hello dear Fly,

Happy Women's Day, Tsokotuha!

2nd cockroach.

We are funny cockroaches

Drums were brought as a gift.

Drums beat loudly -

Everyone is invited to have fun!

They beat the drums.


And we, insects,

naughty cuties,

We love to play

Sing and dance.


And we, midges,

We took the spoons.

Invite us soon

We'll play better for you.

The fly invites everyone, seats them on benches.


Well, funny goats,

Sit on the bench.


And we, fleas,

On Women's Day, we give Mukha boots.


Fly, dance!

Children (Insects, Moshki) play in the orchestra, and Fly dances to the Russian folk melody "Oh, canopy." Beetle comes out - a child dressed in a tailcoat.

Bug. Will you invite me?

Fly. Come on, come on!

I am a horned beetle

Solid, rich.

I give you, Light Fly,

Bouquet of spring flowers.

Well, how are you

My legs are torn to dance.

I twist my mustache -

I want to dance!


Come on, wider circle.

A cheerful beetle is dancing!

Everyone sings the round dance song “Kind Beetle”, music. A. Spadavecchia, sl. E. Schwartz.


And now, kids

Fun game.

Then the drum will drum -

Who will hit him first with a stick!

The game is played according to the type of game "Burn, burn brightly."

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 11 minutes


A matinee in kindergarten is one of the brightest events for a child. These memories stay with the baby for life. This event is traditionally held to please the kids, to reveal dormant talents, to instill certain skills. And, of course, the joint preparation of children for the holiday is a serious experience of working in a team. How to create an interesting matinee in honor of March 8 in kindergarten?

Scenario selection- this is the main thing with which the preparation of any matinee in kindergarten always begins. The script should be given special attention. Both the script itself and the details matter - music, decorations, party atmosphere, costumes and various nice things.

Costume ball on March 8! How to choose costumes for children

What costumes will be relevant for the holiday of the eighth of March? Of course, first of all, flowers. Not every parent can afford to buy costumes in the store, therefore, in order not to injure some children with the richness of others' outfits, let them all be the same. In this case, it is better for the teacher to discuss this with the parents.

  • Boys flower suits. As you know, a flower is a green stem, green leaves and a bright colorful head-bud. Based on this, costumes are created. A green shirt can serve as a stem, and a flower hat created from bright red paper can serve as a tulip flower (go another flower, depending on the scenario).
  • Costumes for girls. For the stem, respectively, green dresses or sundresses are chosen. Flower hats are also made from paper.
  • Children can also be involved in the creation of costumes by planting butterflies drawn and carved by them on the “buds”.

Funny games on the holiday of March 8 in kindergarten

The original scenario of the matinee for March 8 in kindergarten

The performance for the holiday of March 8 can be anything - created based on a fairy tale, song or impromptu invented by the teacher and parents. The main thing is that it is interesting for children, and that there are no unused children left. For example, such scenario, as:

Adventures of flowers in the land of spring

The roles of the participants in the performance:

  1. roses - girls dressed in flower costumes
  2. tulips - boys in flower costumes
  3. Sun
  4. cloud - one of the mothers or assistant teacher in a suit
  5. Gardener - a teacher in a suit
  6. Bee - one of the mothers (grandmothers) or an assistant teacher in a suit
  7. Aphid (a couple of characters) - one of the mothers or assistant teacher in a suit

The main idea of ​​the performance
Children play the role of flowers growing in the garden. The gardener carefully looks after them, the sun smiles affectionately at them, the cloud waters, and the bee flies for pollen. The enemies of flowers are aphids. They, of course, are trying with all their might to prevent the growth of flowers. The gardener himself, the sun, the bee and even the cloud are fighting against aphids - after all, mothers have a holiday on March 8, and they are waiting for flowers.

theatrical performance- the main points of the script

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with experience practical work in social psychology-pedagogy for more than three years. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know. I believe that human relationships are important in all spheres of our life.

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How to make a festive concert on March 8 in a kindergarten or school really bright and interesting? It's simple - you need to diversify the script with funny, funny and cool scenes. It is the comic skits on March 8 that have the unique ability to create a pleasant atmosphere, cheer up everyone present and make the holiday memorable. In addition, they quite often raise quite important topics and issues that can be very difficult to solve without the help of humor. Of course, children's funny scenes have their own specifics and are unlike, say, comic numbers for corporate parties. Usually they are distinguished by kind and even naive humor, which is great for such a bright spring holiday as International Women's Day. That is why festive concerts in schools and kindergartens on March 8 have a unique atmosphere. In our article today, we tried to collect the most interesting and original ideas for funny scenes on March 8 for mothers, schoolchildren and kindergarteners. We hope that our video options will not only cheer you up, but also help you write a sparkling script for March 8th.

Funny and comic scenes on March 8 in kindergarten, video

Little pupils of kindergartens are the most direct and sincere artists. That is why funny and comic skits on March 8 for matinees in kindergarten in their performance cause so much joy and genuine delight in adults. Lovely, charming and childishly direct artists are happy to play the roles of adults and themselves. Young actors are especially good at parodic roles with a small number of words and expressive gestures and facial expressions. You will find some options for just such funny and comic scenes on March 8 in kindergarten with a video below.

Funny scene "Grandmother" on March 8 for kindergarten

A funny scene about grandmothers on March 8 is a vivid example of a parody number without words, the success of which depends entirely on the artistic abilities of its performers. At the heart of the performance is the well-known to the older generation song "Old Grandmothers" performed by V. Dobrynin. Its cheerful motif and funny lyrics are quite easy to beat with bright costumes and fun dance moves. To make the scene really hilarious for the role of grandmothers, it is best to take artistic boys. They will look especially comical in old women's outfits and with the traditional attributes of grandmothers.

Comic scene on March 8 for the kindergarten "Three moms"

For this version of the comic scene, you will need three girls who will act as daughters, mothers and grandmothers. Each of them will have their own words - a few poetic lines with a funny meaning. The essence of the scene is to show how important a mother is in everyone's life, but at the same time play with excessive mother's care and anxiety in a playful way. In general, such a thematic scene turns out to be very touching and fun at the same time, so it fits perfectly into almost any scenario of a matinee on March 8 in kindergarten. The only thing is that girls from the senior or preparatory group with good diction and artistic data are more suitable for the main roles.

Comic skits for a concert in honor of March 8 for elementary school, video

If at festive matinees in honor of March 8 in kindergartens touching dance and congratulatory numbers prevail, then a concert in primary school you can safely build on comic script with funny scenes. The main success of such a concert, however, like any other festive event, is in the right organization and talented performers. Without good actors, comic scenes at a concert in honor of March 8 in elementary school simply will not produce the desired effect and will remain unnoticed and unappreciated by the public. In addition, it is important to choose the appropriate scenery, costumes and props. It is these details that help not only to convey the meaning of the scene, but also contribute to the transformation of young artists. Next, we offer you several options for comic scenes that are perfect for a festive concert in elementary school.

Comic scene in elementary school on March 8 "How to surprise girls" for boys

This number is very simple to perform and does not require any special decorations and attributes. The main thing is to choose really funny and charismatic boys who, with the help of facial expressions and words, can beat all the humor of this scene. The theme of the issue is quite urgent for all men on the eve of International Women's Day - "How to surprise and what gifts to please women?". The boys from this issue offer their own options for gifts and surprises that can please the girls from their class. We are sure that their funny options will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cheerful scene for girls on March 8 "When mom is not at home"

It's no secret that parody numbers are always very warmly received by the public, especially if their plot is close and understandable to everyone present. Next funny scene on March 8, all mothers will surely like it, because they themselves were once in the place of young artists and experienced a similar situation. As you can easily guess from the name of the number in the scene, it is cool and slightly exaggerated to show what happens at home at a time when mom is not there, and daughters get to their mother's cherished things. Light musical accompaniment and a cheerful dance at the beginning of the number make such a scene more energetic and set the audience on its comic character.

Cool and funny scenes for high school students on March 8, video

Everyone knows about the creativity and good sense of humor of high school students. The resourcefulness, energy and enthusiasm of young people can only be envied. It is not surprising that high school students are best at coming up with cool and funny scenes on March 8 for mothers, grandmothers, teachers and classmates. Of course, touching and tender numbers also have a place in the festive concerts dedicated to International Women's Day, organized by high school students. But much more often they still prefer to please and make dear women laugh on their holiday. Next, we bring to your attention some cool and funny scenes for high school students on March 8 with a video.

Funny scene "Festive grandfather" on March 8 for high school students

To participate in this funny number, you will need girls and one guy, who will act as an unpretentious grandfather. The scene itself was written with the help of poems with humor, so it is very desirable to choose participants with a well-placed voice and artistic abilities. Well, the main character of the scene - the festive grandfather, of course, should be funny and charismatic.

Comic scene in honor of March 8 for high school students "How boys and girls celebrate the holiday"

Variants of humorous scenes from the category of "expectations and reality" are very popular in recent times. However, this scene rather reflects in a slightly exaggerated form the difference between how boys and girls celebrate March 8th. Of course, the selected images are very exaggerated, but there is still some truth in them. There are a lot of images in the scene and therefore almost every one of those present will be able to recognize himself among the characters shown.

Cheerful scene "Revelation Day" on March 8 for high school students

But the next scene is ideal for a concert in honor of March 8, arranged especially for classmates. It raises one of the most popular topics for teenagers, which you can joke about endlessly. We are talking, of course, about relationships and “Day of Revelations” is a vivid example of how differently sometimes a guy and a girl perceive the same idea in a relationship. To participate in the skit, you need to choose an artistic guy and a talented girl. But if you want to get a really hilarious number, then we strongly recommend taking two funny guys as the main characters.

Funny and funny scenes on March 8 for mothers from children, video

What children in schools and kindergartens do not joke about in cool and funny scenes for mothers on March 8! They do it very subtly, ironically, but completely harmless. And everyday topics are raised, and parodies of characteristic female behavior are invented, and funny moments in the relationship between parents and children are noticed. But the most popular topic is, of course, mothers. Moreover, children manage to joke about mothers so delicately and touchingly that adults are not at all offended. On the contrary, looking at the funny parodies of children, mothers sincerely laugh, recognizing themselves and their habits. And sometimes, such funny parody scenes even make many parents and children reconsider some moments in their family relationships for the better. Therefore, if you want to make the festive concert on March 8 really interesting and memorable, be sure to include in the script some funny and cool scenes on March 8 for mothers from children. Especially since some fun options for kindergarten and high school are waiting for you next.

Cool scene "Meeting Moms" on March 8 for a matinee in kindergarten

This number, performed by kids, turns out to be really kindly comical and cheerful. In the story, the girls play the role of mothers who accidentally met and share breaking news about their family problems. Well, just like their adult mothers, who prefer to share experiences and everyday problems with their girlfriends. The essence of this issue is to show how difficult and difficult the daily work of a mother can be and how important it is to appreciate it, take care of your mother, help her and not upset her. It is thanks to the cheerful presentation that such a scene will not only not upset anyone, but will also help the kids to better understand and appreciate their mothers.

Funny scene "How I help my mother" on March 8 for elementary school

This funny scene is designed to ironically ridicule such a fairly common everyday problem as the lack of help for mothers from children. Her dialogue unfolds between a mother and a schoolgirl daughter, who writes an eloquent, but far from truthful, essay on the topic “How I help my mother.” Of course, the actions in this scene are exaggerated, but despite the humor present, the plot makes both children and adults think about it.

Cool scene on March 8 "Typical mom" for high school students

The following humorous production would be best suited for a high school concert or even college. It involves three characters - a son, mother and grandmother. The plot of the issue revolves around a rather comical situation familiar to many modern families. In a nutshell, the scene is about how often our mothers are unfriendly with modern gadgets in general, and with computers in particular. The paradox is that the older generation, and in this case grandmothers, can be much more "advanced" in this matter than their children. In general, if you want to laugh heartily, then take a closer look at the next funny scene.

Festive concerts in honor of March 8 for mothers and grandmothers in kindergartens and schools are a good tradition that needs to be preserved as long as possible. This is not just a children's amateur performance, but a real gift and the best congratulations for dear women. And funny, funny and comic scenes on March 8 are the “highlights” of such children's concerts. It is the numbers with humor that make the main holiday of all women really bright, memorable and fun. We hope that in our article today you will find many options for funny scenes on March 8 that will inspire you to write original script. Remember that the success of any number directly depends on its performers. Therefore, always choose talented schoolchildren and children with good acting skills. And then, we are sure, any funny scene in honor of International Women's Day will bring a lot of positive to all the guests of the holiday!

Posted on 28 October 2013 - 19:23 by admin

Heroes: Freken Bock, Carlson

The course of the holiday

To the music, the presenter enters the hall.

Presenter: Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear women! Here comes the spring! Behind the snowstorm and frost, nature is awakening from its winter sleep, and today we have a holiday in kindergarten on March 8th.

We want you tonight

Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart,

May poems and many songs

Bring smiles, laughter!

We start our holiday

And we meet our guys!

The boys come in to the music, line up in a semicircle closer to the central wall, read poetry.

1. We are mischievous guys.

Have you already recognized us?

It's not the first time we've been on stage

But we're worried now.

Let's talk speeches

We will give flowers

Let's sing and dance

Congratulations to moms!

Presenter: Boys, where are our girls? How can you start a holiday without them? Maybe they took offense at you and left? Admit it, offended girls? Did you pull pigtails? Were the faces built? Okay, now let's try to find them.

Presenter: (pulls out phone) Hello! Is this a shop? The girls from the nursery "Solnyshko" did not come to you. Not? Sorry.

Hello! Beauty saloon? Have you seen girls from kindergarten?

Were? Did you do hair? Do you know where they went? At the atelier? Hello! Studio? Please tell me that the girls from the kindergarten "Solnyshko" did not come to you. Were? Did you pick up your outfits? Where did you go, do you know? In the kindergarten? Well, finally, thanks!

Host: Boys! Our girls seem to be coming back. Let's meet them as expected - with friendly applause!
The boys make a corridor in the center of the hall, the girls go through it, disperse into a semicircle, leaving windows for the boys. The result is a semi-circle.

Leading. Well, now all the guys have gathered, we can continue our holiday!

Happy spring day today

We hasten to congratulate you!

Oh yes! Forgotten kiss

"Air" send you!

("air kiss)

We are for you relatives, loved ones

Let's sing a song together.

We wish you happy days


Happy Women's Day!

Everyone sings a song about mom “Mommy and I are walking” and go to the chairs

Leading. Guys, look, have we invited all mothers and grandmothers to the holiday today? Great, so we can continue our holiday!

Motor noise is heard.

Leading. Guys, are you listening? Some noise…. Who could it be?

Haven't we invited all the guests to the party?

Carlson flies into the hall to the music.

Hi girls! Salute, boys! Good evening, moms and dads!
Vedas. Hello, dear Carlson, it's been a long time since you visited us! We are very glad to see you!

Carlson: And how glad I am! Well, since we are all so happy for each other, let's watch TV, the cartoons will start soon!
Vedas. Wait, what TV? We have a holiday in kindergarten today - March 8! See how many guests we have today!

Carlson: That's great, we'll all watch TV together!
Vedas. Oh, Carlson, how to be? Do you want to watch TV, and the children and I have prepared for all mothers and grandmothers holiday program

Carlson: Do you know who is the best inventor of a way out of difficult situations?

Vedas. I seem to get it! Perhaps it's you, Carlson? And what do you propose?
Carlson: But I still suggest watching TV today! I, as the most charming and attractive man in the prime of my life, will be a TV presenter, and your children will be artists!

Vedas. Well, the idea is great! Guys, do you agree to participate in the festive TV program? Then, Carlson, take your place as a TV presenter and let's get started!

To the music, Carlson takes a place on the fake TV screen.
Carlson: Hello, dear viewers, mothers and grandmothers, aunts and sisters! Today, on this holiday, the first television channel of the kindergarten "Rainbow" presents programs dedicated to Women's Day. The program "C Good morning!" Everyone who has not yet woken up, we invite you to dance with us!

General dance "Sponges with a bow"

Carlson. We continue our holiday TV shows!

The next program is dedicated to the military.

“I serve the Motherland” it is called.

Pride of grandmothers and mothers, defenders, soldiers

Admire you on them - brave guys! (boys exit)

Admire, our mothers,

How we got angry

Pull up, grow up

Muscles pumped up.

Let us be small in stature

But brave as soldiers!

The boys sing the song "Good Soldiers"

And now in our weather forecast program. Our most beautiful weather forecasters in the world will introduce you to the features of the upcoming spring.
Girls come out reading poetry.

1. Spring is coming around the world, and now there is no winter,

By joyful signs, we recognized spring.

We learned from the windows wide open everywhere,

We learned from the paths, from the snowy water.

2. Streams rustle, sparkle, ring both here and there,

The spring holiday of all grandmothers and mothers has come!

The birds are chirping loudly - now they are not up to sleep!

They tell us: “Spring has already come!”

3. Spring is knocking on the windows, singing in every way,

Glasses and puddles of water glitter in the sun.

And the forest under the snow cap woke up from sleep,

A snowdrop has blossomed in the forest, spring is already in the forest!

4. We congratulate the mothers of our loved ones on spring,

And we wish you a lot of happiness for the whole year!

May your daughters and sons always smile at you!

And every day the flowers for mom are blooming!!!

Girls dancing a dance with flowers "Spring has come"

And now we continue the holiday program. We bring to your attention the program “Song of the Year”, in which the winner was a song about our beloved grandmothers!

Children come out reading poetry.

Reb. 1. I am very happy today

Congratulations to all mothers in a row.

But more tender than all simple words

Words about grandmothers!

If grandma said

That - do not touch, then - do not dare

You have to listen because

Our house rests on it.

Dedicated to education

Dad his free day.

On this day, just in case

Grandma hides the belt.

Goes to kindergarten for meetings.

Grandma cooks broth.

She for it every month

The postman carries money.

Our lovely grandmothers

Our mothers and fathers mothers,

We want to congratulate you

We'll dedicate a song to you.

Children become loose or in a semicircle and sing the song "Grandma is the best friend"

Leading. Carlson, isn't it time for you to announce a commercial break?

Carlson. It is high time! I suggest you play a little! Moreover, I am the best gamer in the world!

Leading. We agree!

There are 2 games to choose from:

  1. “Swaddle the doll” (put a cap, a vest on the doll, swaddle it in a diaper). A boy is playing with a girl.
  2. "Merry broom". The broom on which the bow is tied must be held between the skittles balloon. Who quickly?
  3. Relay "Hang up and take off the handkerchiefs." There are 2 teams of 5 children and 4 mothers. In each team, 2 mothers hold a rope, next to the mothers - a basin with handkerchiefs and clothespins. Children one by one run to their mothers and hang one handkerchief on a rope, then return to the team. The last, 6th child takes off all the handkerchiefs and puts them in a basin.
  4. "My beloved grandmother." Grandmothers sit on chairs with baskets in their hands. On the table away from them is a table and a plate of sweets (small caramels). 2 or 3 children play, they must bring one candy each and kiss their grandmother on the cheek for each candy. Whoever brings the most wins!

Music sounds, Freken Bok appears in the hall, starts beating the TV with a beater.

Freken Bock:

Fuck, you bastard! Did you steal my buns again? Get out of that box right now! I will arrange a sweet life for you!

Carlson: Madame, stop knocking out the TV for us! Madam, please don't be nervous! I swear I didn't take your buns, and besides, I spent the whole day today on television!

Freken Bock: So what are you, an artist?

Carlson: Well, yes! I can sing and dance and play any musical instrument!

Freken Bock: You are also a braggart! Ugliness! Divorced you on our television!
Carlson: Wait a minute! Now the best orchestra will perform in front of you and I, the best kitchen instrument player!
"Kitchen Orchestra" 10 children and Carlson participate.

Orchestra option: only parents play life-sized instruments: saxophone, electric guitar, synthesizer, etc. to contemporary music, Carlson conducts.

Carlson. Now you are convinced that I am - wow, how talented?

Freken Bock: Convinced! May I ask, what is the special day today?

Freken Bock: By the way, Mademoiselle!

Carlson. Please do not be angry with the best Carlson in the world!
Freken Bock. Thank you! What a sweetheart you are! (kisses on the cheek, Carlson is embarrassed)

Vedas. Dear Freken Bock! Do you like to watch TV?
Freken Bock: Of course! And especially the program "Let's get married"!

Leading. Then, please, sit comfortably in your chair, we continue our holiday TV program!

Especially for Freken Bock on our children's channel, a very adult program "Let's Get Married"! Let's talk about family and marriage!

3 girls come out.

Girl 1. Andryusha decided, obeying fate,

Marry Olya (Ksyusha, Valya) from his group.

He gave her a bow and a ribbon,

And he persuaded her to marry.

Girl 2. But dad and mom and our dog

Determined against such a marriage.

Since marriage is not an easy matter,

Then Andryusha walks ... while he is single.

Girl. Of course, it's too early for us to get married,

Our boys need to grow up!

We ask that they do not offend us,

We should be invited to the dance more often!

Leading. Well, boys, fulfill the desire of the girls? Then invite them to dance!

Pair dance "Children's friendship" (general)

Freken Bock. Dear Carlson! In honor of the holiday, would you allow me to try myself as, so to speak, the leading holiday television program?

Carlson. With great pleasure, madam!

Freken Bock. By the way, mademoiselle!

Freken Bock takes the place of the presenter at the TV.


Freken Bock. So, my favorite show "Shop on the couch" begins! We bring to your attention advertising the best toy in the world!

There are many different toys -

Dolls, robots, animals!

I'll just tell you honestly:

I'm not interested in them

I love my car -

Pump up tires fast

And I'm going to ride.

You can't keep up with me!

Well, drivers, don't sit!

Start your cars!

Game dance of boys with toy rudders "Bibika".

At the end, girls are “rolled” in a circle.


Freken Bock. So, dear mothers and grandmothers! Your attention the program "Around the laughter!" Today, for the first time on tour in our city, the ensemble "Russian Matryoshka" with holiday congratulations!

Boys in dresses and headscarves enter to the music. Stop in the center:

1. We dressed up in headscarves

And they turned into girls!

2.Are we not good?

We'll make you laugh heartily.

3. They called us sons,

But now we are daughters.

4. We will start to entertain you -

Let's go dancing in dresses!

To the song "Roly Dolls" they dance a dance. At the end, they bow and leave.

The end of the holiday

Carlson. So our holiday program has come to an end!

Freken Bock: How? It's all? I just got so wonderfully settled, and all the transfers have already ended!

Madam! These programs are over, but the holiday continues! And I invite you, dear madam, to drink tea on my roof!

Freken Bock. With plushies?

Carlson. And with jam!

The characters say goodbye and leave. Carlson leads Freken Bock by the arm (you can under "Lavender")

Leading. And our holiday has quietly come to an end, and the guys want to once again congratulate their beloved mothers.

Children become a semicircle.

Children take turns.

1. Our dear mothers,

We ourselves admit

Which, of course, we are not always

We're behaving well

2. We often upset you,

At least sometimes we don't notice.

We love you very, very much

Let's grow good

And we will always try

Together. To behave!

Prepared gifts.

We tried, we were in a hurry.

They were crafted with love.

Once again, congratulations to all

And we give you gifts!

Children give their mothers their gifts to the music.

We finish our holiday

Congratulations again to everyone!

Thank you for being with us today

On the holiday preschool channel!

We celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 with a festive event every new spring. And every time we try to organize something special, unbanal, bringing joy to both children and guests.

In search of new ideas and new inspiration for preparing a wonderful holiday, we invite you to look through the pages of our thematic section. Here we carefully store the useful experience of teachers, accumulated in this matter, and will be happy to share it with you. Perhaps already on the first pages you will find an idea that you like, which makes sense to use in preparing your holiday. Or you want to take a successful ready-made women's day script in its entirety. You decide.

Create a joyful festive atmosphere for March 8 with MAAM!

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All sections | Scenarios March 8

Entertainment scenario for children of the second junior group for the Day of March 8 "Congratulations to Mom, we play with her" Children enter the festively decorated hall to cheerful music and line up near the central wall. Leading: Hello, dear guests, we are glad to welcome you in our hall. Look out the window, It's getting a little warmer there. Mom's holiday is coming, the sun meets him ....

The boys enter the hall to the music. Vania To: Soon holiday! Everything is ready? Hey, nobody late? Senya With: There are girls, everything is new, Decorate the hall soon! Vania To: I told you guys, We may not be in time by the deadline! Senya H: All the girls are to blame, They would only sing songs! Bogdan: Quiet,...

Scenarios March 8 - Entertainment scenario for February 23 and March 8 "Dad is our pride, mom is our joy!"

Publication "Scenario of entertainment for February 23 and March 8 "Dad is our pride, ..." Scenario of the Common holiday dedicated to February 23 and March 8, “Dad is our pride, mom is our joy” Entrance to the song “We honestly want to tell you” Maxim Today we are as comfortable as at home, See how many faces there are in the hall of acquaintances , Guests have come to us - we are glad to see you all! AND...

MAAM Pictures Library

Scenario of a matinee dedicated to the holiday of March 8 "Flower - seven-color". for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten Children come out and stand at the chairs. Leading: Spring does not begin with flowers, There are a lot of reasons for this. It begins with warm words, With a sparkle in the eyes and...

Mom is the most precious and reliable person in anyone's life, because it was she who surrounded us with love, care, affection and attention from birth. Therefore, on such a wonderful holiday on March 8, it is worth congratulating our beloved mother in a special way, hugging her, kissing and ...

The script "The Magic Pen of Charles Perrault" by March 8 for older children Children perform rebuilding to the music and become a semicircle. Leading. Hello our dear guests! It's a wonderful time of the year - spring! The gentle sun melted the snow and smiled cheerfully at mothers, grandmothers, all women on earth! Mimosa smells like spring, But angry ...

Scenarios on March 8 - Scenario of the holiday on March 8 for children of the second junior group "Radiant Sun"

2019 Children enter the hall with flowers Dance with flowers Line up scattered. Presenter: And again March knocks on the glass With a young smile of the sun. Seven short days everything has passed, And everything is filled with spring! Vedas.2. Today is the holiday of our mothers, Today grandmothers are younger. Love, health we ...

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