Evaporation of chickens in an incubator at home. Instructions for hatching chickens in an incubator at home. Possible violations of eggs during transillumination


Incubation of chicken eggs is a very exciting process. Its result will be not only the joy of the appearance of small and mobile yellow lumps, but also a significant financial benefit. If you hatch chickens regularly in an incubator, then the costs will pay off very quickly and in a short time you will receive a stable source of income. However, this process requires a lot of attention and, above all, knowledge. In our article you will find helpful tips about the conclusion, as well as informative photos and videos.

Basics and stages of incubation

Proper incubation of chicken eggs will require a lot of attention and effort. You must be prepared to devote a lot of time to this process and follow all the instructions clearly. They are quite simple, but require strict execution, because the slightest mistake can lead to spoilage of chicken eggs and loss of chickens. Some models of incubators can slightly simplify the incubation period at home due to the presence automatic systems control. But you still need to keep all stages under control to ensure the highest quality output.

In most cases, the incubation process lasts 21 days. This period is conditionally divided into 4 stages, at each of which it is necessary to maintain certain conditions. This is done in order to bring the hatching mode of the chicks in the incubator as close as possible to their natural incubation by the mother hen. A detailed table will help you find out how many degrees and what humidity should be on each of the right days.

First stage

The temperature is set at 37.8 degrees, the humidity should be in the range of 50-55%. If the incubator is not equipped with an automatic egg turning system, then you will need to turn each egg at least 4 times a day. The first period should last exactly 7 days.

Second stage

The process of caring for eggs during this period will not differ much from the actions at the first stage. It is necessary to keep the temperature at 37.8 degrees, but the humidity will have to be lowered to 45%. This stage will also last exactly one week. On each of these seven days, the eggs must be turned 4 to 6 times.

Third stage

During this period, continue to maintain the previously set temperature regime, and it is recommended to raise the humidity by 5%. Also, do not forget to turn the eggs at least 4 times daily. For three days, it is necessary to take out the tray with eggs from the incubator once a day for 15-20 minutes to cool. The device itself must be left switched on without changing the settings mode.

Fourth stage

At the final stage, and this is the last couple of days, the temperature should be lowered to 37.5 degrees, and the humidity increased to 65%. The final stage lasts three days and you will no longer need to turn the eggs, as the chick inside will already be fully formed.

Incubation Technology

Apart from temperature regime and humidity, for the successful hatching of chickens at home, a few more rules must be observed. Little secrets will help you get many healthy and active chicken chicks.

Egg selection

Choosing the right eggs is quite simple, but if you make a mistake, you can significantly reduce the number of hatched chicks. While well-chosen material will help to achieve 100% hatchability of chicks. Dirty eggs should not be laid. Carefully inspect the shell, it should not be damaged or rough.

It is recommended to lay 2-day-old eggs in the incubator. Each of them must be checked on the ovoscope for the presence of microcracks, double yolk and other defects. In addition, too large, small or deformed specimens should be immediately weeded out.

Bookmark preparation

After selecting the desired number of eggs, they must be wiped with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Never wash them with water. Before laying, it is recommended to hold them for about an hour in a room where the temperature is 25-27 degrees.

Before starting incubation, make sure you have a working thermometer and hygrometer. In most cases, they are built into the incubator, but sometimes it is necessary to purchase them separately. You must know exactly how many degrees and what humidity is inside the incubator. After all, even small deviations during the incubation period can lead to the loss of a brood of chickens.

Compliance with the conditions of incubation

It is better to choose an incubator in which temperature and humidity are regulated automatically. This way you will save a lot of time and will be able to avoid errors during the withdrawal period. Many modern devices support automatic humidity control, but if your incubator does not have such a function, then you will need to install a bath of water inside.

Humidity will depend on the area of ​​the evaporated surface, so you can easily adjust it by changing the number of water tanks and their sizes. It is better to experiment with the number of baths before laying eggs in order to know exactly how many of them will need to be substituted in the most crucial period.

Don't forget to turn the eggs regularly. Under natural conditions, the hen performs this action at least ten times a day. At home, it will be enough to make from 4 to 6 coups per day. Otherwise, the yolk will stick to the wall and the embryo will stop developing. The incubation table will help you best to follow the regimen. You can hang it near the incubator and regularly check how many degrees and percentages of humidity should be at each stage.

The appearance of chicks

Chicks hatch on the 21st-22nd day of incubation. They do not need help, because if they are healthy, they will break through the shell and crawl out on their own. The chicks must be left inside, the drying period usually takes several hours. After that, transfer them to more suitable place where the temperature will not fall below 20 degrees. If after that you find eggs that the chickens began to peck, but could not get out, then the humidity was disturbed.

Incubation errors

Sometimes all your efforts can be ruined by a few wrong actions. It would seem that the instructions were fully followed, but the chickens hatch in small numbers or do not hatch at all. For example, very often low-quality thermometers are used for measurements during the withdrawal period, because of which you cannot know exactly how many degrees are inside the incubator now. It is best to purchase special thermometers, which can now be easily found on the market.

Another mistake novice farmers can make is being overly curious. You should not look into the incubator for no reason, open it only to turn the eggs and regulate the humidity. Otherwise, you will violate the temperature regime and the entire incubation process may be in jeopardy.

Video "Nuances of incubation of chicken eggs"

After watching this video, you will learn how to prepare chicken eggs for laying, check them for defects and lay them in the incubator.

Many people living outside the city are engaged in raising birds in order to obtain dietary meat and replenish their family budget. Young chickens in this case are either acquired at a daily age at the nearest poultry farm, or hatch on their own, laying eggs under the brood hen. But the optimal solution in this case is the hatching of chickens in an incubator.

Advantages of the device and preparation for incubation

The incubator allows broiler chickens to hatch at home at any time of the year, in any quantity, without depending on broiler hens or the pricing policy of the nearest poultry farm. It's pretty hard to find these days a good mother hen, since many breed chickens are completely lost their parental instincts and getting them to sit on the eggs is almost impossible. And the cost of day-old chicks at a poultry farm includes all the costs incurred by the factory during the incubation of eggs and often the price soars to cosmic heights.

To grow a healthy bird in your backyard, you need to have an incubator on the farm. With an incubator, raising a chicken is not a problem.

Proper collection of eggs

Healthy chickens can only come from healthy eggs. Incubation of chicken eggs at home begins with the collection and proper storage. Commercial eggs are not suitable for incubation. At the time of the start of the collection, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • Inspect the nests three times a day, and if it is very cold in the house, then more often. In cold air, a laid egg loses its ability to develop further after three to four hours.
  • Eggs laid after 6 pm are not suitable for incubation.
  • Freshly laid eggs must be picked up very carefully, with two fingers, so as not to damage the protective film on the surface of the shell. This only applies to eggs within the first two hours after laying. In the future, the film is fixed on the surface and cannot be damaged by hands.
  • Eggs with broken or cracked shells are immediately rejected.
  • Hatching eggs must not be washed or wiped. Therefore, heavily polluted ones are also rejected, and weak ones are scraped off with a knife.

Storage before bookmarking

It is necessary to lay eggs in the incubator in the amount for which the device is designed. As a rule, it is not possible to collect so many eggs at once. There is a need to store them somewhere before direct laying in the incubator. In this case, extremely important factors are the correct temperature and humidity of the ambient air:

  • Optimum storage temperature: 10-15 degrees, humidity - 70%.
  • An increase of up to 24 degrees and a decrease of up to 8 degrees is allowed.
  • A temperature of 27 degrees is critical, since in this case the development of the embryo begins, but this temperature is not enough for its proper development.
  • Chicken eggs can be stored in this mode for five days.

It must be borne in mind that in case of exceeding the storage period, every subsequent day the hatchability decreases by about 4%. If stored for 14 days, the hatchability will be 70% at best.

Candling process

Check before laying eggs using an ovoscope for suitability for incubation.

The simplest ovoscope can be assembled from improvised means. At the bottom of a cardboard hollow box of medium size is placed a light bulb with a power of 40-60 watts. A hole is cut out on the surface, coinciding in profile with chicken egg, but slightly smaller. The principle of operation is very clear and understandable, therefore it is extremely simple to use this device correctly: in a dark room, the egg is applied to the cut hole and slightly rotated around its axis. A healthy, fertilized egg is characterized by the following patterns of internal structure:

  • The shell is homogeneous, without microcracks.
  • The air chamber is small, located at the blunt end of the egg.
  • The yolk is located in the center or slightly closer to the blunt end. Has indistinct boundaries.
  • When the egg rotates, the yolk also rotates, but with some slowdown.
  • There are no foreign inclusions inside.

Incubation process

An ordinary household incubator is a medium-sized box made made of heat-insulating material, most often made of foam. The maximum number of eggs laid, as a rule, does not exceed 120 pieces. The hatchability in such devices exceeds 90%, which makes them quite competitive with farm automated incubators designed for several thousand.

All household incubators are divided into manual, mechanical and automatic, depending on the overturn mechanism:

  • Manual. As a rule, these are very small home-made devices for 10-20 eggs. The coup is carried out by hand, which has an extremely negative effect on hatchability, since every time you need to turn the eggs, you need to open the incubator and thereby violate the temperature regime, which is very important in the initial stages.
  • Mechanical. The coup is done manually, but with the help of special levers, which allows you not to open the incubator during the coup.
  • Automatic. The coup occurs according to a given program in automatic mode.

Chicks will hatch in any device and the problem lies not in the incubator, but in the strict observance of all the rules and recommendations.

Preliminary preparation

Before hatching chickens in an incubator, it is necessary to prepare it for work. Otherwise, you can ruin the whole party. Preparation consists of two stages:

  • Thorough washing and disinfection of the device. Soapy water is best suited for these purposes, the latter is prepared with laundry soap and a few drops of iodine. All parts of the incubator are treated with this solution and then dried thoroughly.
  • Preliminary check of all systems of the device. An empty incubator is connected to the network for two to three hours and the operation of temperature and humidity sensors, a time relay are monitored, and the rotary mechanism (if any) is checked.

Bookmark incubation material

Self-incubation is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. There are a number of strict rules that must be strictly observed in order to get healthy chickens:

  • Do not put cold eggs in the incubator. 8-10 hours before laying, they are transferred from the room where they were stored to a room with a temperature of 25 degrees. During this time, their internal temperature should be equal to room temperature. If the temperature is below 25 degrees, then they will not have time to warm up, and if it is higher, then the embryo may develop improperly.
  • It is necessary to preheat the water in the pan to 42 degrees. This is necessary so that after turning on the incubator, increased evaporation of water begins to quickly raise the humidity to the required level.
  • Chicken eggs are laid in the incubator in the evening, after 18 hours. In this case, the first chicks will start to emerge in the early morning and then the entire brood will emerge over the following day. This is convenient from a practical point of view.
  • During laying, the eggs are sorted by size. The largest eggs are laid first, medium-sized eggs are placed after six hours, and the smallest eggs are laid after another six hours. This tactic allows you to adjust the hatching schedule and get the whole batch hatched at the same time, because larger eggs take longer to incubate.

Phases of chick development

In the process of incubation in a healthy egg, a gradual chick embryo formation and turning him into a chicken. This process lasts for 21 days and can be conditionally divided into five successive phases:

  • first seven days. The beginning of the formation of all organs of the future chicken. On the second day, the embryo's heart begins to beat. By the end of the first week, the size of the chicken embryo is 1.5 cm.
  • From the seventh to the eleventh day, the skeleton, beak, claws are formed. During candling, the circulatory system begins to be clearly distinguished.
  • From the twelfth to the twentieth day. The covering fluff is formed, the formation of all organs and parts of the body is completed. Protein reserves are completely depleted, the yolk sac is retracted and practically disappears. Clearly distinguishable squeaks through the shell. The chicken is almost ready to go out into the big world.
  • Twenty-first and twenty-second days. Final stage. The eyes open, the lungs begin to work actively, the umbilical ring closes completely. The chicken breaks the shell and comes out.

At the moment of exit from the egg, the chicken in no case can't help. He must do everything himself. This process is quite slow and takes several hours before the chick is finally freed from the remnants of the shell.

If after 24 days the egg has not hatched, then the chick has died and it makes no sense to wait any longer.

Hatching chickens

3-4 hours before the direct laying, it is necessary to turn on an empty incubator and warm it up properly. The temperature should be set at 37.8-38 degrees. Strict compliance temperature regime is the determining factor during the whole process.

At the very beginning, it is very important to prevent hypothermia, and at the final stage, on the contrary, overheating.

If the incubator does not have an automatic flip system, then each egg must be marked with a marker on two opposite sides. For example, you can put the numbers "zero" and "one". This will help in the future avoid mistakes when flipping.

The process of laying eggs in an incubator is best done with sterile gloves.

In total, there are four stages of incubation of chicken eggs:

  • First week. The optimum temperature in the incubator is maintained at 38 degrees. Humidity 70%. To maintain high humidity, an additional pan with water is installed. The ventilation holes are closed. The coup is carried out every three to four hours. On the sixth day, candling is performed to check the development of the circulatory system of the embryo.
  • From the seventh to the eleventh day. The temperature drops to 37.8. Humidity drops to 45%. To do this, open the ventilation holes and remove the additional pan with water. As a result of a decrease in humidity, water begins to evaporate faster from the eggs, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes inside the embryo and faster maturation of the chicken. Regular upheavals continue. The frequency of flips can be reduced to two times a day. On the eleventh day, a second candling is carried out. Embryos that have stopped developing are discarded.
  • The third stage lasts from the twelfth to the twentieth day. The temperature drops to 37.2. Humidity rises 75−80%. For this purpose, an additional tray with water is placed again. It is necessary to increase the movement of air inside the incubator. To do this, open all the vents to the maximum and turn on all available fans (if any). During this period, the hardening process is carried out. The surface of the eggs must be cooled to 32 degrees, for this the trays are removed from the incubator and kept in a room at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • Twenty-first day. The chick breaks through the shell and comes out. You can not immediately take the chickens from the incubator. It is necessary to give them 6-8 hours for complete drying. Otherwise, the chickens may die from hypothermia.

After the chickens are dry, they are taken from the incubator and placed in a special brooder. And that's where the incubation ends.

Raising chickens in an incubator is not that difficult with a good incubator. There are many little things on which the health and life of future chicks depend. About all this gradually and in more detail.

Growing chickens in an incubator. How to hatch chickens in an incubator?

A chicken is a bird that has been living next to a person for many centuries and provides us with products such as meat and eggs. Modern laying hens have practically no incubation instinct. Therefore, the main way to obtain young animals, not only on an industrial scale, but also on the scale of their own Agriculture, and is growing chickens in an incubator.

Growing chickens in an incubator - choosing an incubator for eggs

In our rapidly developing time, it is not difficult to buy an inexpensive incubator. But you can also make your own. Everyone chooses according to their own taste. But I still advise you to buy a "factory" incubator - such "machines" are made based on rich experience in breeding chickens and, therefore, they will help you avoid mistakes and get chickens with the least losses. Also interesting is the fact that during incubation the level of healthy and live chickens is higher than under natural conditions. Everything is simple here: modern knowledge about the process of breeding chicks is so great that a person can control all this and make this process happen almost without unnecessary accidents.

So what is an incubator? An incubator is a device designed for the artificial breeding of chickens. Modern "machines" are equipped with all necessary functions: they have in their presence all sorts of sensors that measure both temperature and humidity, and also automatically turn the eggs when necessary. All incubators are divided into domestic and industrial. There are a lot of names of incubators, here are some of them: Remil incubators, Cinderella, Ryabushka incubators, etc.

Regardless of what kind of incubator you have (homemade or factory), in order to grow healthy young animals, you need to follow certain rules.

1. Selection of hatching eggs.

To raise chickens, it is necessary to take eggs from only healthy chickens, and for a period of not more than 5 days. It is also worth paying attention to appearance eggs: they must be clean, fresh, of regular shape, without visible defects, of the same average size (weighing 50-65 g). Eggs of the same size will allow the young to hatch at about the same time, small eggs produce weak chicks, and large eggs are usually two-yolk, i.e. generally unsuitable for incubation. To do this, I recommend using an ovoscope. It allows you to enlighten the egg and see the location of the air chamber, the state of the yolk, the presence of all kinds of unnecessary inclusions, etc. Choose hatching eggs very carefully - the health of future chicks, as well as their number, primarily depends on this.

2. Stages of incubation and incubation mode.

Each incubator is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to give complete recommendations for its use. All this will come with experience, it is enough to hatch one or two batches of chickens, and you will master all the subtleties of this apparatus. The incubator should be located in a fairly warm room with a temperature of 15 - 22 ° C and be prepared for the placement of eggs (have a constant desired temperature, all appliances are included, there is a bath with water). For convenience, it is better to place the eggs in the incubator in the evening, then the main conclusion will come in the morning.

There are three incubation periods: initial (days 1 to 11), intermediate (from 12 days to the start of pecking, usually 18-19 days) and the final period (from 19 days to the final hatch of the chicks, usually 20-21 days) .

In the initial period, the air temperature in the incubator should be around 39°C. Also, do not forget about humidity (humidity is about 30 ° C). From the first day you need to start turning the eggs. The best option is every 2-3 hours. In order not to stray, I recommend that you draw “zeros” on one side of the egg, and “crosses” on the other, and also write everything down in a special notebook or notebook.

In the second period, the temperature is lowered by up to 38.5 ° C, and the humidity is reduced to 28 ° C. Airing must be done more often than during the initial period, for this it is necessary to turn off the heating for 10-15 minutes and cool the eggs. But after that, it is necessary to provide the desired temperature for thirty minutes. If necessary, you can use additional heat sources, and when the desired value is reached, remove them.

In the final period, the temperature in the incubator is reduced further - to 37-38 ° C, and the air humidity, on the contrary, is increased to 31 ° C. Ventilation ducts must be fully open. During this period, turning and cooling of the eggs stop. After the start of the hatching of the chickens, you need to remove the bath with water. After complete drying, the chicks are removed from the incubator and cleaned.

3. Control.

Development control is one of mandatory conditions getting young. It is especially important to control the air temperature and humidity in the incubator. It is also necessary to carry out a complete control three times during the incubation time: on the 6th, 11th, and 18th day. It is carried out with the help of an ovoscope. With this device you can observe the development of the chick and separate unfertilized and other defective eggs. Based on the results of the inspection, it is necessary to draw the right conclusions in order to avoid mistakes when laying the next batch.

Only by following these rules, you can achieve healthy chicks with minimal losses.

Growing chickens in an incubator - incubation of eggs

During the incubation period, events can occur that can kill the chickens. One such event is a sudden power outage. If the temperature in the incubator drops below 35°C, then the chance of death of the chicks increases significantly. What to do? Yes, you just don’t realize it right away, and the embryos can die. To prevent this from happening, it is best to use heating pads. Pour boiling water into them and place them on the incubator. This will help to raise the temperature within a few hours. You should also close the ventilation openings to maintain the temperature, but only if this happened before 12 days from laying the eggs. If after, then the ventilation does not need to be closed - the heat released from the eggs will be enough for them for 2-3 hours.

Like any job, raising chickens requires, firstly, the desire to do it, as well as a lot of time and effort. If there is no desire, then there will be no result. If you decide to raise chickens in an incubator, then pay special attention to the chicks and you will be rewarded for your many days of work.

We welcome you, our dear readers, and express our gratitude for visiting the web-resource! Today we will reveal the topic of reproduction of feathered offspring through its maturation in an artificial way. Instructions for hatching chickens in an incubator in our material.

The owners of many poultry farms are engaged in rearing young animals, creating all the appropriate conditions, but the scale of private farming does not always allow them to be achieved. Incubation of offspring in a natural way with the help of chick moms is also a very troublesome task, its result depends on the breed, health, and even on the temperament of the hens.

Since most modern poultry breeding has completely forgotten the instinct of motherhood, this format is the most problematic for industrial factories. IN Lately reproduction of birds by artificial means is successful, in view of the cost-effectiveness of the method. "Incubator" ("couveuse" from the French "couveuse", i.e. "hen") is a useful item in the private sector.

In general, if you are looking for opportunities to provide yourself with chickens, there are two main ways available to you:

  • purchase at a livestock farm;
  • independent cultivation in special equipment.

The first way can be, in a sense, expensive, in addition, the buyer does not always have an idea about the conditions for growing offspring on the farm. This prompts the thought of acquiring your own equipment, in which you can already grow.

Using incubation devices while at home saves significant amounts of money and time. To breed chickens on the territory of the personal plot, you should acquire specific tools.

Instructions for hatching chickens in an incubator video

Selection for incubation

In order to produce high-quality offspring with the help of a domestic incubator, a number of rules must be followed. The key factor is the choice of high-quality eggs and the adjustment of the correct operation of the equipment. The right decision in this case is to take the advice of a specialist who will help with the choice of a compact kit for home areas.

Experts and people who have experience in such care for a domestic chicken, among other factors, recommend taking into account the time of year.

Firstly, the equipment is designed to operate and maintain an average temperature suitable for embryos, if the passport operation regulations are met, and secondly, after the fluffies grow up, they will need to be sent to acceptable “adult” living conditions.

A dubious decision is the cultivation of young animals in the "apartment" mode. The ideal time for poultry breeding can be called spring, when it is warm outside and the soil is well warmed up by the sun's rays, providing a habitat for chicks.

Quality of raw selection

Attention is paid to the selection of incubation raw materials regardless of the modification of the equipment.

Criteria by which the assessment is made:

  • The optimal weight is 50-60 gr.;
  • Shelf life no more than a week;
  • Dents, punctures, growths and roughness - this is a marriage;
  • Angular, elongated and spherical units are subject to rejection;
  • Instances that have been in the refrigerator, having foreign inclusions and / or dystrophy of the air chamber are unsuitable.

The size of genetic carriers has an important aspect, since weak chicks hatch from too small ones, and large ones often have two yolks, which completely excludes hatching.

To select high-quality material, it is best to use an ovoscope. The device makes it possible to distinguish all deviations from the norm. Although minor sideways movements are acceptable, specimens with the yolk close to the shell should not be left for propagation.

The correct position is centered or near with the air chamber on the blunt side.


To determine the start of embryonic development, some poultry breeders scan the eggs with an ovoscope. On the last day, it is necessary to inspect, then turn the "houses" with future chicks with the sharp end down, and the total number of turns is 18 times (see the section on the amplitude of circulation).

From the very beginning, the procedure is quite complicated, but it's worth it - understanding comes after the appearance of the first grown fluffies.

Storing eggs before incubation

In the practice of breeding chickens, fresh eggs are used, which are stored for no more than a week in special cardboard boxes, as already mentioned - vertically, with the tip down. At the same time, the climate control in the room is adjusted from 8 ° C to 12 ° C, due to thermal fluctuations, the development of the fetus may be disturbed.

The instructions for hatching chickens in an incubator indicate such an importance: the samples must be clean, but it is strongly not recommended to wash them - after that they lose their natural condition, reductions in volume occur and microfibration absorbs moisture present in external environment, infectious agents.

Accurate mechanical cleaning strong pollution. You can increase the shelf life of eggs up to 15 days, having previously kept them for 5-6 hours inside the incubator sphere at t 38 ° C, and already before incubation hold them at room temperature about one third of the day.

Also, if the material is fertilized, all the regulatory parameters are met in it, but the protein inside is stuck to the shell, the birth of chicks will be impossible.

Instructions for hatching chickens in an incubator

Schedule technological process very laborious. There is a huge variety of modifications of incubators, differing in the volume of eggs they can hold, service functions, etc.

High results are achievable when carrying out certain manipulations with the incubation material of the bookmark: constant turning, as well as monitoring indicators inside the perimeter - periodic cooling or additional heating.

Rules during the incubation period:

  • control of the correct operation of the device;
  • maintaining temperature and humidity.

Special attention!

The thermostat is adjusted so that the humidity level in the working area is 60% at t 37.5 ° C. According to the instructions, water is added to the lower tray.

Important! If the breeder uses his own equipment, then experts recommend the use of a "Soviet-style" thermometer.

Experience shows that it is this model that shows the most accurate results with minimal errors.

Features of turning eggs

Trays with masonry must be turned over 2 times a day, directing - in the morning with a blunt end down, and in the evening - with a sharp one. The operation of the entire system is monitored throughout the entire hatching process, the check is carried out 6 times a day.

A failure that lasts more than four hours can lead to a disastrous result - the loss of offspring.

The algorithm of artificial cultivation throughout the entire period is divided into four main stages:

At each stage of incubation, it is recommended to conduct a control inspection of the clutch for timely culling and identifying possible deviations in the development of the bird. Those units in which ovoscopy showed a halt in development a week after laying should be removed.

Control and Troubleshooting

When breeding feathered stock by the incubation method, strict control over compliance with the entire range of key operations is required. Even extra-high-quality equipment does not guarantee the absence of failures. Unplanned, slight overheating entails a risk to the life of the chicks, an immediate reduction in the thermal surge and cooling of the equipment is necessary.

In cases of hypothermia, such as during a power outage, urgent measures should be taken to restore the heat supply.

Weak cooling, of course, is not capable of destroying the brood, however, the best way out of an emergency is to use hot water heaters laid on top of the incubator. This measure will help overcome the predicament for a few hours.

What's next?

Babies, as it should be according to technology, appear in three weeks, and this happens in 5-6 hours. As the chicks appear, they are dried, allowed to gain strength and promptly relocated from the apparatus. It is forbidden to leave the brood too long inside, as this is detrimental to health - its conditions are categorically unsuitable for the further life of newborns.

The use of the equipment is limited to the moment the chicks appear and some time of their drying. After that, they must be carefully moved to the nursery, under the heater or nest.

According to the technical documentation, the "maternity hospital" should be left empty for a short time for "rest" and technological revision, so that there would be no trouble when the next batch arrives.


The instructions for hatching chickens in an incubator turned out to be large and detailed. The process of maturation of birds in a couveuse is similar, but requires the constant, direct presence of a specialist (breeder). Responsible attitude determines the success and effectiveness of this method of breeding birds.

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Hatching of young domestic chickens with the help of an incubator is an artificial process, without which breeding of some breeds is impossible. Yes, and the industrial production of eggs and chicken meat also involves breeding chickens in an incubator. It is this derivation method that will be discussed below.

There are a number of requirements for eggs intended for laying in an incubator, the observance of which guarantees the timely hatching of healthy and viable chicks for subsequent breeding. The video for this article illustrates the main points of hatching domestic chickens and caring for embryos.

Even a non-specialist understands that the masonry placed in the incubator must be fresh. Pre-incubation storage of embryos should not exceed ten days. Moreover, eggs should be stored in a cool place and always with a blunt end (base) up, periodically turning them around a vertical axis. This procedure must be done twice a day.

Although purity eggshell and is important for the selection of embryos when laying in an incubator, eggs cannot be washed. After such processing, the masonry becomes unusable.

It is best to select specimens that are initially clean, of the correct oval shape, without chips or damage. Common shell defects can be seen in the photos and videos for this material.

When viewing embryos through a special device (ovoscope), an air bubble (camera)
quality eggs located at the base and slightly shifted to the shell. The yolk has a pronounced color and is located in the center. The protein structure is transparent.

You should buy eggs for laying in a kuvez (incubator) at a poultry farm or from the owners, in whose decency you are sure. Embryo defects can result in the hatching of a diseased and non-viable bird, or nothing will be hatched from the eggs at all. Oddly enough, the time of year for incubation also matters.

Despite the fact that chickens lay throughout the year, and the incubator is able to provide a constant temperature, it is still recommended to lay eggs in the couveuse in the spring.

This is done so that artificially bred young animals immediately get into comfortable warm and dry conditions and have enough fresh green food. Chickens from an incubator are much more tender than their counterparts from a laying hen, and it is possible to grow a viable bird from them only with proper care, which is possible only in the warm season. Summer is the best season for breeding birds.

Preparation for hatching

Before placing embryos in a home incubator, carefully adjust the thermostat of the device so that the moisture content in the chamber is 60%. Humidity fluctuations are extremely undesirable. Egg laying is carried out at a temperature in the incubator of 37.5 degrees. Such conditions are the most optimal.

When turning on a household home incubator, you must carefully study the instructions attached to it, the controls and incubation modes. To install the couveuse, you should choose a flat and hard surface away from door and window openings and household appliances. The position of the device must be as stable as possible.

It is advisable to wipe the masonry shell with a dry rag from dust. The trays of the incubator should be rinsed well with hot water and dried in the sun. To humidify the air on the floor home incubator small containers of water should be placed. The ready-to-work couvez is shown in the video. Embryos should be placed in the incubator one day after the device is turned on.

Incubation process

Constantly monitoring the temperature and humidity in a working incubator is not required, the hatching of the chicks occurs without human intervention, but one should not eliminate oneself from the hatching of the chicks. To ensure the timely hatching of the chicks from the bookmark, it is necessary to change the location of the eggs in the tray twice a day. How to do this is shown in the video at the end of the recording. It is convenient to carry out the coup of embryos with a special device. On the last day before chicks are hatched, all clutches should be base down.

For the first two weeks, the temperature and humidity in the chamber are maintained at a constant level, and only on the 16th day the thermostat is set to 37.4 degrees, and the humidity level rises by ten percent. It should be remembered that even slight temperature changes in one direction or another can lead to the death of the embryos or disrupt the timing of hatching.

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