United Aircraft Corporation. United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)


PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation" is a Russian public joint stock company uniting the largest aircraft manufacturing enterprises in Russia.

As of December 2015, UAC includes about 30 enterprises and is one of the largest players in the global aircraft manufacturing market. Companies included in the structure of the Corporation have the rights to such worldwide famous brands like "Su", "MiG", "Il", "Tu", "Yak", "Beriev" as well as new ones - SSJ, MS-21.

The priority areas of the Corporation's activities are the development, production, testing and maintenance of operation, warranty and service maintenance of civil and military aviation equipment.

In the field of work of UAC companies - modernization, repair and disposal aircraft, training and advanced training of flight personnel.

For 2015, the largest specific gravity in the structure of production, military products are occupied, both for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and for foreign customers. At the same time, since 2013, the main share of deliveries military equipment belongs to the domestic market.


As of December 2015, the corporation includes about 30 aviation industry enterprises, including:

  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association named after Yu.A. Gagarin",
  • Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association named after V.P. Chkalov ",
  • Ilyushin Finance,
  • Financial leasing company

and other companies.

Organizational structure


At the next general meeting shareholders of PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation" (PJSC "UAC"), held on June 29, 2018, the following Board of Directors of the Company was elected

Performance indicators


The United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) at the end of 2017 received a net profit of Russian standards accounting (RAS), as well as at the end of 2016, the vice-president of corporation for economy and finance Alexey Demidov reported in March, 2018. The amount of net profit of the UAC Group for 2017 amounted to 1.1 billion rubles, which is 10% higher than the result of 2016. Revenue reached 428.8 billion rubles, exceeding the indicator of 2016 by 9%. A.Demidov emphasized that the results of international standards financial statements (IFRS) will differ from the results under RAS. This is due to differences in approaches to estimating revenue, reflecting the cost of R&D and creating reserves.


The Group's revenue for the year amounted to 395 billion rubles. At the same time, the Corporation made a profit for the first time in 2016 in the amount of 1 billion rubles. The consolidated revenue of the UAC Group according to IFRS standards in 2016 amounted to 417 billion rubles. Revenue growth of more than 20% compared to the previous year is primarily due to a 60% increase in after-sales support and modernization of aviation equipment, including the supply of components (93 billion rubles). The increase in revenue from the supply of aircraft amounted to 6% (219 billion rubles). This is due to differences in approaches to estimating revenue and creating reserves. EBITDA, which characterizes operating profit, exceeded 30 billion rubles.

Due to differences in revenue recognition methodology (according to IFRS principles, revenue from a number of contracts is recognized in proportion to the degree of completion of the aircraft) and due to the accumulated production reserve in accordance with the planned growth in aircraft deliveries in 2017, revenue under IFRS exceeds the same indicator of RAS by more than 20 billion .rubles

The export revenue of the UAC Group in the reporting year more than doubled to 203 billion rubles. The revenue of the civil segment in the reporting year exceeded 69 billion rubles. Increasing both indicators is an important part of the implementation of the UAC strategy.

Over the past two years, revenue has grown by almost 40%. With a decrease in revenue from deliveries to the domestic market and through the state defense order, the main growth factor was export deliveries and work on after-sales support and modernization of aviation equipment, including the supply of components. Revenue from deliveries of aircraft for export in dollar terms for the period 2015-2016 has more than doubled.

This result was achieved through the sale of Su-35 and Su-30 aircraft and deliveries of the SSJ100 to foreign customers, including the first deliveries to the European market.

The level of debt (by the ratio of net debt to revenue) decreased from 0.8 in 2014 to 0.5 in 2016.

UAC expects further strong growth in revenue while maintaining a positive financial result in general for the Group. The Corporation expects to increase profits by increasing the export deliveries of aviation equipment and reducing costs, including as part of the implementation of measures to optimize the industrial model and organizational structure.

The implementation of the development plan of the Corporation will be provided at the expense of the investment budget of the UAC Group, which for the period 2017-2019. will amount to 400 billion rubles. The main investments of the Corporation will be directed to the implementation of civil aviation programs, as well as the development and modernization model range samples of military equipment. In the civilian segment, this is, first of all, the MS-21 program, which is at the peak stage of investment, in development work and preparation for mass production, as well as the SSJ100 program in terms of organizing service maintenance, sales support, reducing production costs and the cost of owning aircraft ship.


In the reporting year, the volume of aircraft sales remained at the level of the previous year - 156 units. in 2015 compared to 159 units. in 2014. The main share in the consolidated deliveries is provided by the military aviation segment: as in the previous year, customers received 124 combat aircraft. In 2015, 90 Su-30, Su-34, Su-35, MiG-29 and Yak-130 aircraft were delivered in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense. As part of export contracts for military equipment in 2015, a total of 34 Su-30, MiG-29 and Yak-130 aircraft were delivered to a number of foreign customers.

Positive dynamics also appeared in the transport aviation segment: serial production of Il-76MD-90A aircraft was launched at the Aviastar-SP Ulyanovsk plant, and in 2015 customers received the first two aircraft.

In the civil aviation segment, the largest share of deliveries - 25 aircraft - fell on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100). Of these, 20 are new aircraft for Aeroflot, Interjet, Gazprom Avia and a number of other customers. In addition, 5 SSJ 100 aircraft were transferred to the State Transport Leasing Company as part of the remarketing procedures for their subsequent delivery to Russian regional carriers on an operating lease basis.

The revenue of the UAC Group of Companies at the end of the year increased by 19% and reached 352 billion rubles. - This is the highest figure in the history of the UAC. The growth in revenue in the reporting year is primarily due to the growth in income from:

  • fulfillment of contracts for the construction of aircraft ─ by 50 billion rubles;
  • modernization and overhaul equipment ─ by 10 billion rubles.

In the reporting year, the UAC Group managed to earn a gross profit of 45 billion rubles, while the gross margin of 13% is due to the high share of revenue under the state defense order (these contracts have limits on marginal income established by regulatory legal acts).

At the same time, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, it was decided to carry out one-time transactions that resulted in a change in the operating result, including:

  • impairment non-current assets─ by 30 billion rubles;
  • writing off and depreciation of current assets ─ by 17 billion rubles;
  • creation of reserves ─ by 12 billion rubles.

Operations to depreciate and write off assets formed on the balance sheet of the UAC Group of Companies over the past few years were carried out based on the results of their fair value assessment.

In addition, a significant impact on the final financial result had an increase financial expenses, which occurred, among other things, due to changes in the macroeconomic environment:

  • growth of interest expenses ─ by 11 billion rubles;
  • growth of other financial expenses ─ by 14 billion rubles.

As a result, the measures taken led to the appearance of a net loss for the UAC Group for the reporting period in the amount of 109 billion rubles.

At the same time, in the reporting year, there was a decrease in the consolidated net debt by 35% to RUB 169 billion, primarily due to strategic support from the main shareholder - Russian Federation- expressed in the additional capitalization of UAC by 100 billion rubles. for the financial recovery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 program.


As part of the implementation of contracts for the production of aircraft, an increase in the supply of aircraft from 111 units is noted. in 2013 up to 159 units. in 2014.

At the end of 2014, the company took 14th place in the list of 100 leading world arms manufacturers, prepared by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The company's arms sales in 2014 amounted to $6,110 million.

The growth in sales of aircraft was primarily due to the growth in deliveries of military aircraft to the RF Ministry of Defense by almost 2 times compared to last year - from 54 to 102 units. In addition, within the framework of the civil aviation business in 2014, 27 SSJ 100 aircraft were delivered to customers, incl. 9 aircraft - for export.

The Group's revenue in 2014 increased by 34% to RUB 295 billion. The growth in revenue in the reporting year is primarily due to the growth in income from:

  • modernization and overhaul of equipment for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, performed incl. at 15 aircraft repair plants included in the control loop of JSC UAC in 2013-2014 - by 35 billion rubles;
  • sales of components for aircraft and aviation property ─ by 17 billion rubles.
  • R&D ─ by 10 billion rubles.

In 2014, the UAC group of companies managed to increase gross profit by 10% to RUB 48 billion, while the decrease in gross margin to a level of 16% was due to an increase in the share of revenue under the state defense order (these contracts have limits on marginal income established by regulatory legal acts RF).

Growth in aircraft production and revenue led to improved EBITDA and operating profit margins in absolute terms and relative terms. EBITDA at the end of 2014 showed an increase of 45% and reached RUB 24 billion.

Despite the positive dynamics, the corporation failed to achieve net profit in 2014, which is primarily due to:

  • a high level of depreciation charges totaling RUB 22 billion. due to the implementation of a wide range of investment programs for modernization and technical re-equipment;
  • servicing the loan portfolio: interest expenses amounted to almost 23 billion rubles;
  • negative foreign exchange differences: the loss on foreign exchange differences exceeded 3 billion rubles.


At the end of 2013, UAC became one of the top three world leaders in the military-industrial complex in terms of sales growth. The United Aircraft Corporation entered the top three world leaders in terms of growth in arms sales. With such data, a report of the authoritative Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SPIRI) was published, which drew a line under its own statistical calculations at the end of 2013.

At the same time, as recorded in the rating, UAC managed to increase sales of its products by 20%, up to $5.5 billion. services for military customers.

JSC "UAC" revenue in 2013 exceeded the same value in 2012 and amounted to 12.1 billion rubles. In 2013, as part of an optimized funding scheme from federal budget JSC "UAC" received a subsidy in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles. to compensate for the costs of paying the 5th coupon yield on bonded loan dated February 22, 2011 No. 4-01-55306-E, which made it possible to ensure the growth of other income by 9.77% compared to 2012.

In addition, it was possible to achieve a reduction in other expenses, incl. by reducing negative exchange rate differences. As a result, the delta of other income/expenses at the end of the year amounted to almost 2.2 billion rubles, which allowed the Company to achieve a positive financial result in the amount of 0.7 billion rubles, net profit margin at the level of 5.8%, and also reduce uncovered loss up to 1.5 billion rubles.

The size of the net debt of JSC "UAC" for 2013 decreased by more than 13.85% and amounted to about 31.0 billion rubles. overall structure of the Company's debt from 14.68% to 8.72% compared to the beginning of the reporting year, and to reduce interest expenses by 3.42% compared to 2012.

As part of the cash flow analysis, inflows Money from operating activities in the amount of almost RUB 5.9 billion, as well as an almost 6-fold increase in cash flow allocated to investment activities, which, nevertheless, allowed us to achieve a positive value of free cash flow and, accordingly, reduce the dependence of the Company's activities from external funding sources.

The mission of the corporation underlying the strategy is to achieve and maintain the long-term competitiveness of the corporation among the leaders of the global aircraft manufacturing market that develops, manufactures and provides after-sales services for civil and combat aircraft.

The corporation's strategic target for 2025 is to achieve an annual revenue of at least 25 billion US dollars and a net profit margin of at least 10%. At the same time, labor productivity should increase by 7.3 times.

The strategy of the corporation, adopted in early 2011, requires updating, including in connection with the adjustment of government documents, such as:

  • State program "Development of the aviation industry" for 2013-2025;
  • Federal target program "Development of the military-industrial complex for 2011-2020";
  • State armaments program until 2020;
  • "Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of aviation activities for the period up to 2020",
  • Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030.

Information technologies in UAC


“The key factor of competitiveness is time. Time to create and bring new products to market. The only way to drastically reduce the time is to apply information Technology. Therefore, we are striving for the digitalization of all business processes. Digital design, virtual testing, shaping production environment around the “digital twin” of the product is an urgent need for us and a key factor in increasing competitiveness. Moreover, the peculiarity of the digital approach lies in the fact that each “digitized” element of the system forces the others to also transform, otherwise it will not be effective on its own,” said the UAC President at the XXIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2019, speaking about the future of the aircraft industry.

UAC introduces digital technologies at all stages of the aircraft development life cycle. All the latest models of aviation equipment, MS-21, SSJ-100, Il-114-300, CR929 aircraft, are designed using paperless technologies based on 3D modeling, digital twins of products are created, which makes it possible to analyze and predict many aspects of aircraft behavior using modern software.

In the interests of the program for the reproduction of the modernized Tu-160 aircraft, a single information environment has been created, within which, using modern software systems, more than 1,800 designers and technologists in different cities are united and work online, creating a new aircraft. Computing power allows storing and processing terabytes of data and transmitting information via secure communication channels.

Supercomputer simulation technologies are being introduced, which can significantly reduce field testing and semi-natural simulation with pilot testing. This optimizes costs and reduces the time to market for new aircraft. For example, the introduction of such technologies in the interests of the Il-114-300 program will lead to a 15% reduction in the number of test flights.

At production sites where SSJ-100, MS-21, Il-76MD-90A aircraft are assembled, robotic lines are used, which reduce the time production cycle and ensure the positioning of individual elements when docking the airframe structure with maximum accuracy. Moreover, in the production of heavy transport aircraft of the Il-76 type, for the first time, a domestic robotic assembly line was created, which allows increasing the assembly speed of aircraft by 4 times. A significant part of the processes in the production of a composite wing for the MS-21, for example, the laying out of a carbon tape, are fully automated.

In the future, UAC plans to create a service for the operators of its equipment, which will accumulate all data on the technical condition of the aircraft, which will make it possible to predict and reduce the timing of Maintenance and, ultimately, to optimize the direct operating costs of airlines for aircraft ownership. (OAK). The decree on the transfer of shares was signed on October 24, 2018 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. 18 months are given for execution. Read more.


Priorities for the year

The Board of Directors of the United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC "UAC") approved in March the priority areas of the corporation's activities for 2017, which are in line with the implementation of the adopted UAC Strategy. The list of projects is grouped into four main sections.

  • Chapter " Strategic Transformations» includes, in particular, projects for optimizing the organizational model and the gradual transformation of the corporate structure, product portfolio, increasing sales, quality and profitability of after-sales service (AFS).
  • Chapter " Resource support for strategic transformations» includes the formation of the principles of a single treasury, provides for the improvement of pricing and cost management in accordance with the target management structure and taking into account changes in the pricing mechanism of the state defense order (SDO), improvement of the UAC investment management system, formation of the policy of the UAC Group in matters of public financing, the policy of insurance coverage of the UAC Group , a number of other projects.
  • Chapter " Strategic management ”, in particular, involves the implementation of a number of projects in the field of strategic marketing.
  • Chapter " Aviation Program Management» is focused on the tasks of implementing the key programs of the UAC Group, for example, PAK FA, Tu-160, SSJ100, MS-21, Il-114, Il-112 and others.

To strengthen control over the implementation of the State Defense Order, the Department of State Defense Orders was created in the UAC. In addition, in order to increase the efficiency and transparency of the activities of the UAC, as well as to strengthen the function internal audit, by decision of the Board of Directors, the position of Internal Audit Director was introduced.

UAC changed its mind about moving to its new office in the Moscow region

The United Aircraft Corporation refused to move its head office to a new building in Zhukovsky near Moscow. Several real estate consultants told RBC about this at once and confirmed it in the corporation itself. According to the sources of the publication, one of the main reasons was the reluctance of most employees to go to work in the Moscow region.

UAC has been building a building in Zhukovsky at its own expense since 2012. Now the object is almost finished, there are finishing works. Square office center- 39.9 sq. m, 1.6 thousand people were supposed to work there. The construction cost the corporation at least 1.6 billion rubles, the managing partner S.A. Ricci Alexey Bogdanov.

Refusal to move may be associated with a change in the management of UAC after the start of the project. In early 2015, Mikhail Pogosyan left the post of head of the corporation. He was replaced by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Yuri Slyusar.

The building is looking for another use, but no specific decisions have been made, the UAC representative explained. Perhaps, engineering units will be placed here. We can talk about the specialists of the joint venture of the UAC and the Chinese COMAC for the design of a wide-body aircraft.

is a public joint stock company, a corporation uniting a number of companies that create and maintain civil and military aviation equipment.

Source: http://www.uacrussia.ru/

Military aviation


Transport aviation


Special purpose aviation

Enterprises "UAC"

  • Mutilrole Transport Aircraft Limited
  • SuperJet International
  • JSC "KAPO-Composite"
  • JSC "Aviastar-SP"
  • JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft
  • JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG
  • CJSC "AeroComposite"
  • Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP) - branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation
  • Kazan Aviation Plant. S.P. Gorbunov - a branch of PJSC "Tupolev"
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarin - PJSC branch
  • Company "Dry"
  • Novosibirsk Aviation Plant named after V.P. Chkalov - a branch of PJSC "Company" Sukhoi "
  • OJSC "Aviation Complex named after S.V. Ilyushin
  • OJSC Ilyushin Finance Co.
  • JSC "Flight Research Institute. MM. Gromov"
  • OAO Nizhny Novgorod Aircraft Building Plant Sokol
  • JSC "UAC - Transport Aircraft"
  • JSC "Experimental Design Bureau named after. A.S. Yakovlev"
  • OJSC "Financial Leasing Company"
  • JSC "Experimental Machine-Building Plant named after. V.M. Myasishchev
  • LLC "UAC - Antonov"
  • LLC "UAC - Procurement"
  • LLC "UAC - Integration Center"
  • PJSC "Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Building Company"
  • PJSC "Company" Sukhoi "
  • PJSC Research and Production Corporation Irkut
  • PJSC Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after V.I. G.M. Beriev"
  • PJSC "Tupolev"

aircraft repair plants

  • JSC 121 ARZ
  • JSC 123 ARZ
  • JSC 360 ARZ
  • JSC "170 RZ SOP" repair plant of flight support equipment
  • JSC "31 ZATO" plant of aviation technological equipment
  • JSC "32 RZ SOP" repair plant of flight support equipment
  • JSC "680 ARZ" aircraft repair plant
  • JSC "720 RZ SOP" repair plant of flight support equipment
  • JSC "VZ RTO" Volgograd plant of radio equipment
  • OJSC 20 ARZ
  • JSC 275 ARZ
  • OJSC 308 ARZ
  • JSC 322 ARZ
  • OJSC 325 ARZ
  • JSC 514 ARZ

Short title: iAviastKao
Security code: UNAC

April 17, 2014 - Moscow Exchange included ordinary shares of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation in the Innovation and Investment Market (RII) sector, created to attract investment in companies in the innovative sector of the Russian economy.

UAC shares are included in the RIM sector in order to position the company as a high-tech company, increase investment attractiveness and liquidity of the share market due to additional demand from investors.

About the Corporation:

PJSC "UAC" was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 140 "On open joint stock company"United Aircraft Corporation" in order to preserve and develop the scientific and production potential of the aircraft building complex of the Russian Federation, to ensure the security and defense of the state, to concentrate intellectual, industrial and financial resources for the implementation of promising programs for the creation of aviation technology.

Today, the Corporation unites about 30 enterprises of the Russian aviation industry complex, joint ventures with foreign partners operate in India and Italy. The corporation owns the rights to such world-famous brands as Su, MiG, Il, Tu, Yak, Beriev, as well as new ones - SSJ, SBJ and MS-21. About 100 thousand people work at the enterprises of the Corporation.

The main activities of the Corporation are the development, production, testing and maintenance of operation, warranty and service maintenance of civil and military aviation equipment. In addition, the Corporation is engaged in the modernization, repair and disposal of aircraft, training and advanced training of flight personnel.

The largest share in the structure of revenue is the production and sale of military aircraft, both for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and for foreign customers. Since 2013, the bulk of the supply of military equipment has been on the domestic market. At the same time, the world civil aviation aircraft market, as the most capacious one, is the Corporation's main development priority. The product strategy provides for an increase in the Corporation's share in the global civil aviation market through the formation of a product range of global products: SSJ 100, MS-21, as well as other potential projects, incl. wide-body aircraft in cooperation with COMAC.

key strategic goal Corporations - achievement by 2025 of the status of the third world center of aircraft manufacturing. In accordance with the Long-Term Development Program, by 2025 it is planned to increase revenue to more than 800 billion rubles, while the return on sales in terms of net profit should be more than 10%.

Shares of PJSC "UAC" are traded on the Moscow Exchange under the ticker UNAC, are included in the Second Level Quotation List and the Innovation and Investment Market sector of the Moscow Exchange.

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