Instructions for registration in eis fz 44. Electronic public procurement: new rules for admission of participants. The nuances of registering suppliers in the EIS


One of the innovations in public procurement is the ERUZ. What it is? For whom is it needed? How to get there and is it even worth registering in the unified register of procurement participants? We will analyze these issues in the article.

What it is

ERUZ or a unified register of procurement participants is a list of suppliers, contractors and performers, which is located in the EIS. Since 2019, accreditation in this register has begun. This accreditation gives participants the right to participate in procurement under 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

In the same year, accreditation of participants on certain electronic platforms is still valid. So next year only those participants who have ERUZ accreditation will be able to participate in public procurement.

Bidders were given a whole year to prepare for the new period in public procurement and receive accreditation in the URUZ EIS. And most importantly, after registration in the unified register of procurement participants, the participant is automatically accredited on all electronic platforms.

Is it worth it to register in the ERUZ EIS at all or can you wait

Now there is still an opportunity for suppliers to participate without accreditation in the URUZ, though not in all procurement procedures. In those procurements in which additional requirements are established, only those who have been registered with the ERUZ can participate now.

Since now participants in such tenders must upload to their Personal Area all documents confirming additional procurement requirements. And depending on the purchase itself, the ETP operator will select required documents participants.

In all other procurements, where additional requirements are not required, participants can participate with accreditation at the ETP. But if the participants want to continue their careers in public procurement, they must register with the ERUZ before the end of the year. It is not worth delaying accreditation, as it takes several working days.

How to register in ERUZ

In order to register in the unified register of procurement participants, several steps must be taken. First you need to get an electronic digital signature. It can only be obtained at a certification center, a list of which is on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Then you need to set up your work computer or computers from which you will work on purchases. Check the internal settings of the browser (the purchasing site works only in the browser - internet explorer) and install the CryptoPro program.

Next, register on the State Services Portal. First, through the State Services, you need to register your organization and the head of the organization. Then the manager must give the rights to those employees who will continue to work on procurement in the EIS and on the ETP. After all employees are attached to the organization on the State Services website, it is necessary to go to the EIS website and continue registration there.

When the head of the organization enters the procurement site, he needs to empower all his employees. After that, any of the employees can enter the EIS for further registration in the ERUZ. After entering the UIS, the employee fills in all the organization's data in the unified register of procurement participants, some of which are downloaded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP (by the way, this can take up to 5 working days), in addition, the employee must attach the necessary documents for registration (copies of constituent documents, decisions on approval big deals).

Important: If necessary, constituent documents can be replaced, but it is important to take into account the fact that the replacement will also take about 5 working days.

As soon as the employee fills in all the information, he must sign all this EDS. And upon successful registration, all information enters the unified register of procurement participants. And during the day, this information from the ERUZ gets to all electronic trading platforms. After that, the operators of electronic sites accredit such participants on the sites. And only after that it will be possible to enter electronic trading platforms using the EDS through the State Services and submit applications for purchases.

ERUZ: registration algorithm for a procurement participant

Last year, everyone was scared by the new registry in the EIS, which is called ERUZ. It was not entirely clear who needed it, what documents, where to carry it, and what would happen if innovations were ignored at all. The editors of the magazine "Supplier. Everything for tenders" found answers to these questions and publishes them together with step by step algorithm to register in the new registry. And we will also analyze bugs that you really don’t need to be afraid of. See also in the checklist what documents you need to select and check their relevance if you are a legal entity and if you are an individual or individual entrepreneur.

How long is the accreditation in the ERUZ

Accreditation in the unified register of procurement participants is valid for 3 years, after this time, you must confirm that you plan to continue to participate in all tenders and update your statutory documents. But it must be remembered that any participant can and will be excluded from the ERUZ EIS.

They are excluded from the unified register of procurement participants in cases where:

  • accreditation will end, and the participant will not have time to confirm it;
  • the participant will write a statement of exclusion;
  • the country of registration of the participant is recognized as offshore;
  • the participant will be subject to any judicial act, which will prohibit registration in the ERUZ;
  • the UIS will receive a notification from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the EGRIP that the participant is no longer operating.

In any case, the participant has 3 working days to correct the situation, if any.

Nuances of registration

  • Offshore companies are not registered in the UIS;
  • Participants with accreditation at the sites, but without registration in the ERUZ will be able to apply until December 31, 2019;
  • To register in the ERUZ, you need a KEF.

What is good about registering in the registry

Registration in the unified register of procurement participants is good because the participant registers immediately both in the EIS and at all ETPs. And there is no need to think about which ETP to spend money on accreditation, and which one is not worth it. And most importantly, the participant registers once and forgets about it for 3 years. Quietly works on all ETP.

Reasons for refusal to register

  • you have not provided the required documents;
  • the documents were signed by a person without authority;
  • documents contradict each other;
  • the court or bailiffs forbade registration in the EIS.

When will they be removed from the register?

  • according to your application;
  • if the FC receives information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the EGRIP on the termination of the participant's activity from the register;
  • Your registration has expired and you haven't renewed it yet.

Attached files

  • Key points about ERUZ.pdf
  • Registration procedure in ERUZ.pdf

Hello dear colleague! In today's article, we will talk about a single information system in the area of ​​procurement. Figuratively speaking, this is one of the “pillars” on which the system rests. public procurement in our country. Therefore, for successful work with public procurement, every specialist whose activity is somehow connected with the state order should know about this system, and even more so be able to use it. We will not go into the details of working with this system in this article, but will consider only general issues, namely: what is the UIS, why is it needed, and what functions and tasks does it perform? The material of the article will be useful to both suppliers and novice customers. I suggest not to delay much and start studying the article. Go…

1. What is an EIS?

As already mentioned in the water part of the article, UIS stands for unified information system.

According to paragraph 9 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as 44-FZ)unified information system in the field of procurement - a set of information contained in databases, information technologies and technical means providing the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of the unified information system on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

2. Official website of the EIS

From January 1, 2016 to replace the official website Russian Federation A unified information system in the field of procurement came to the Internet to post information about placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services.

The main goal of creating such an information system was to increase the transparency of public procurement so that all processes within the contract system from the stage of procurement planning to the completion of contracts become more public.

All information contained in the UIS is public (with the exception of information containing state secrets) and is provided free of charge. In addition, such information must be complete and reliable.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MED) is the responsible state body for developing the concept and defining the functional requirements for the UIS. And the Federal Treasury is responsible for the development and operation of the system.

On the initial stage two options were considered for creating a unified information system in the field of procurement:

  1. creation of a system based on the existing public procurement website;
  2. building a system from scratch.

In view of the fact that the second option turned out to be more resource-intensive, it was decided to create a system based on the existing site. For this reason, the EIS address remained the same -

The old version of the EIS is located at -// .

According to part 7 of article 4 of 44-FZ, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities have the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with a single information system. However, if there are discrepancies in the information posted on the website of the subject and the UIS, the information posted in the unified information system has priority. Those. For suppliers, this suggests that to search for information on ongoing public procurement, both within the framework of 44-FZ and 223-FZ, the functionality of the UIS will be more than enough.

3. What information is contained in the unified information system?

According to part 3 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the UIS should contain:

3) information on the implementation of procurement plans and schedules (since January 1, 2017);

4) information on the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, works, services, respectively, performed, provided by foreign persons, a list of foreign states, groups of foreign states with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties on mutual application of national treatment in procurement, as well as the conditions for the application of such national treatment;

5) information on procurement and execution of contracts;

6) register of contracts concluded by customers;

7) ;

8) a library of standard contracts, standard conditions of contracts;

9) register of bank guarantees;

10) register of complaints, planned and unscheduled inspections, their results and prescriptions issued;

11) list of international financial institutions, established in accordance with international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties;

12) the results of procurement monitoring, audit in the field of procurement, as well as control in the field of procurement;

13) customer reports provided for by 44-FZ;

14) catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

15) normative legal acts;

16) information on the prices of goods, works, services that are being procured in the commodity markets to meet state and municipal needs, as well as on requests for prices of goods, works, services placed by customers;

17) other information and documents, the placement of which in a single information system is provided for by 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types legal entities”(hereinafter 223-FZ) and other regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them.

4. What does the EIS provide?

EIS provides:

  • formation and placement of information through the information interaction of the EIS with other information systems without the need for additional entry into the personal account of the EIS;
  • control of information and documents to be placed in the UIS, in cooperation with other information systems;
  • transition to the use of OKPD2 and OKVED2;
  • implementation functionality for the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • implementation of enhanced functionality for control and audit bodies;
  • use of enhanced unqualified electronic signature for signing electronic documents;
  • filing applications for participation in the determination of the supplier (contractor, performer) in the form of an electronic document.

5. Benefits of the ENI

The main and fundamental difference between the unified information system and the previously existing public procurement website is the maximum automation of the procurement process from posting a notice to summarizing and executing the contract. All data entered into the system is processed automatically, and the required reporting is generated based on this data. The entire document management system is on the site in the public domain.

The UIS is closely connected with other regional information systems and electronic platforms, which together creates a single information space.

Also, an undoubted advantage is the fact that all procurement plans, as well as schedules, will be posted in the EIS (from January 1, 2017) only in a structured (machine-readable) form. This innovation will significantly expand the ability to search for procurement information using simple search queries, such as in the Yandex or Google search engine.

I note that on the old public procurement website, these documents were posted in scanned form, which did not allow suppliers, and other interested parties to fully search for information. Now, this innovation will allow suppliers to predict in advance the demand among customers for their goods, works or services and draw up a long-term plan for participating in purchases.

In addition to functional changes, the developers also made technological work to improve the performance and fault tolerance of the UIS, search functions have been improved, a search parameter constructor has appeared, and the user interface of its open part has been optimized. The system has acquired a more modern and beautiful interface. However, the full set of features will become available to users from January 1, 2017.

6. Legislative regulation of the work of the EIS

The requirements for the creation and supervision of the UIS are described in Federal Law No. 44-FZ and in Government Decrees No. 996 of September 30, 2014 “On the distribution of powers between the Ministry economic development and the Federal Treasury during the creation of the UIS "and dated January 23, 2015 No. 36" On the procedure and terms for commissioning the UIS ".

This concludes my article. I hope that the information was useful to you. See you in the next editions.

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Participation in government tenders is impossible to imagine without a unified information system. Who has the right to access information in the EIS and how to register in the system? See video advice.

EIS users are divided into two categories:

  1. Subjects of the EIS. They get access to the system after passing the procedure of registration, authentication and authorization in the EIS.
  2. Ordinary users who can view the site without registration.

Registration of an organization and a user under 44-FZ

The procedure for registration in the EIS in the field of procurement approved by Rikaz F Federal Treasury dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). We remind you that those who were already registered in the EIS before July 15, 2016 had to register in the system again before January 1, 2017 (clause 2 of the Order).

Expert Julia Mezhnikova, host of the webinar " » comments on how to complete the registration procedure in the EIS:

The registration process under the new rules is described in more detail in the Instructions for registering organizations and users in the Unified Information System in accordance with the Order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n. Besides,The Treasury of Russia, in connection with questions from users of the EIS, issued a letter dated July 21, 2016 No. 07-04-05 / 12-529. It clarifies questions about registration in the system.

By the way, do not forget that in order to place purchases in the EIS, you will need electronic signature(EP), which confirms the accuracy of the information posted in the EIS. In the UIS, you can use certificates issued by the certification center of the Federal Treasury. The certificate must contain the following information:

  • user name,
  • user's SNILS,
  • unique account number (SDR code) of the organization,
  • organization authority, user authority.

Management of state and municipal purchases (

In order to information support organization of public procurement, a special Unified Information System (hereinafter - UIS) was created, posted on the official website of public procurement (clauses 1, 5, article 4 of the law "On the contract system in the field of procurement ..." dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ, hereinafter - the law No. 44-FZ).

The composition of the EIS information is defined in paragraph 3 of Art. 4 of the aforementioned law. Among other information, the EIS contains registries that are publicly available to all users:

  • procurement participants;
  • issued government contracts;
  • dishonest suppliers;
  • sole suppliers of products, the production of which is organized or modernized and / or mastered in the territory of the Russian Federation.

From 01/01/2019, new participants in public procurement must be registered in the EIS without fail. Persons accredited on electronic sites are required to register before the end of 2019. Site operators are obliged to make it impossible to submit applications for participation in the auction if less than 3 months are left before the end of the supplier's accreditation. The rules for registering participants in public procurement in the EIS were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 1752.
The register is maintained by the Federal Treasury in electronic form.

Register of concluded contracts for public procurement under Law No. 44-FZ

The concluded state contracts must be registered in the EIS without fail (Article 4.1 of Law No. 223-FZ, subparagraph 6, paragraph 3 of Article 4 of Law No. 44-FZ).

You can get acquainted with the list of already concluded state contracts on the official website of public procurement. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • choose on the resource under which law, No. 44-FZ or 223-FZ, information about concluded contracts will be checked;
  • go to the block "Procurement information";
  • select the link "Register of contracts".

On the page that opens, there will be a search form. The summary of information about the contract contains the following information (clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for maintaining the register of contracts ...” dated November 28, 2013 No. 1084, hereinafter Order No. 1084):

  • name of the customer organization;
  • source of finance;
  • supplier selection method;
  • date of completion of the purchase or summarizing its results;
  • details of the documentation confirming the grounds for signing the state contract;
  • date of signing the contract;
  • volume, price, term of public procurement, cost of a unit of goods, name of the state from which the goods originate;
  • information about the selected supplier (including company name, TIN, location, etc.);
  • information about changes in the terms of the state contract with a list of such changes;
  • an electronic copy of the contract, signed by the customer's electronic signature;
  • a copy of the document on the approval by the control body of the execution of a state contract with a single supplier;
  • information about the performance of the contract;
  • information about the termination of the state contract, indicating the reasons;
  • public procurement identification code;
  • acceptance document (if a relevant decision is made);
  • decision of the medical commission in cases established by law;
  • other information.

Register of concluded state contracts under the law No. 223-FZ

The algorithm of actions for searching for information on government contracts concluded under Law No. 223-FZ is similar to that described in the previous section of our article (the reference to Law No. 223-FZ is selected accordingly).

The list of information displayed in the electronic registry is regulated by clause 2 of the Rules for maintaining the registry ..., approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 31.10.2-14 No. 1132 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 1132), and includes the following data:

  • name of the customer;
  • method of public procurement;
  • information on public procurement in electronic format;
  • information about the procurement, in which only subjects of small and medium business segments can participate;
  • date of determining the results of the procurement;
  • details of the documentation confirming the grounds for signing the contract;
  • contract details;
  • the subject and price of the contract, the terms of its execution;
  • supplier information;
  • information on changes in the terms of the contract with a listing of such changes and the attachment of documents confirming them;
  • documentation containing information on the execution of the contract;
  • information about subcontractors (on the inclusion in the contract of a condition on the involvement of subcontractors and agreements concluded with them);
  • information on procurement from small businesses;
  • information about the termination of the contract, indicating its reasons and supporting documents;
  • a copy of the contract signed with the customer's electronic digital signature (see also the article "The procedure for obtaining an EDS for public procurement (nuances)";
  • details of the notice of purchase (if necessary).

Who enters information in the register of concluded state contracts

Registers of contracts concluded by customers under both Law No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ are maintained by the Federal Treasury (clause 1, article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ, clause 5.24.1 of the Regulation "On the Federal Treasury", approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 703, clause 5 of Regulations No. 1132).

After receiving the necessary information from the customer, the Federal Treasury checks the submitted data, with its positive results, forms the appropriate registry entry in the EIS and places information and documents in accordance with the regulations (clause 4, article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ, paragraphs 12-13 regulation No. 1132). The period allotted for the verification of data and their placement is 3 working days.

The list of information and the timing of its submission by the customer to the Federal Treasury are indicated in paragraph 10 of Regulations No. 1132 and paragraph 3 of Art. 103 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Register of dishonest suppliers

Such a registry is another set of data available free of charge to all UIS users (clause 5, article 5 of Law No. 223-FZ, clause 8 of Article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ).

To access this database, the EIS user must:

  • open the official page of public procurement on the Internet;
  • choose on the resource under which law the information will be checked;
  • go to the "Registers" section;
  • select the link "Register of dishonest suppliers".

The body authorized to maintain such a register is the Federal Antimonopoly Service (clause 5.3.4 of the regulation "On the FAS", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 331, clause 4 of the "Rules for Maintaining the Register ...", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2013 No. 1062).

Information about unscrupulous suppliers is sent to the government agency empowered to maintain the register by customers.

Such suppliers include participants in public procurement (clause 2, article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ, clause 2, Article 5 of Law No. 223-FZ):

  • evaded the conclusion of a state contract;
  • the state contract with which was terminated by decision of the judicial authority.

Law No. 44-FZ provides for one more reason for recognizing a supplier as dishonest: the customer unilaterally refused to work with this supplier due to a material breach by the latter of the terms of the contract.

So, a unified register of procurement participants is a new term in the legislation of the Russian Federation. This register began to be formed from 01/01/2019. It includes potential suppliers of works, goods, services registered in the EIS. This system also has databases of already concluded government contracts and unscrupulous suppliers. All these databases are in the public domain and are provided for informational purposes free of charge.

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