Full Life - Jim Lauer, Tony Schwartz


Jim Lauer, Tony Schwartz

Life at full capacity. Energy management is the key to high performance, health and happiness


The cure for downshifting

Many have been waiting for this book for a long time. They waited, still unaware of its existence, name and authors. They waited, leaving the office with a greenish face, drinking liters of coffee in the morning, not finding the strength to take on the next priority task, struggling with depression and despondency.

And finally we waited. There were experts who convincingly, extensively and practically answered the question of how to manage the level of personal energy. Moreover, in various aspects - physical, intellectual, spiritual ... What is especially valuable is the practitioners who trained leading American athletes, FBI special forces and top managers of companies from the Fortune 500 list.

Admit it, reader, - when you came across another article about downshifting, you probably thought: “Maybe I should drop everything and wave somewhere in Goa or in a hut in the Siberian taiga? ..” The desire to drop everything and send everyone to any of the short and capacious Russian words is a sure sign of a lack of energy.

The problem of energy management is one of the key ones in self-management. One of the members of the Russian Time Management Community once came up with the formula "T1ME"-management - from the words "time, information, money, energy": "time, information, money, energy". Each of these four resources is critical to personal effectiveness, success, and development. And if there is quite a lot of literature on managing time, money and information, then there was a clear gap in the field of energy management. Which is finally starting to fill up.

In many ways, of course, one can argue with the authors. Undoubtedly, they, like many Western specialists, tend to absolutize their approach, rigidly oppose it to the “old paradigms” (for which, in fact, it is not a denial at all, but an organic continuation and development). But this does not detract from the main advantages of the book - relevance, simplicity, manufacturability.

Read, do everything and fill your Time with Energy!

Gleb Arkhangelsky, CEO company "Organization of Time", the creator of the Russian Time Management Community www.improvement.ru

Part one

Full power driving forces

1. At full power

The most precious resource is energy, not time

We live in the digital age. We race at full speed, our rhythms are accelerating, our days are cut into bytes and bits. We prefer breadth to depth and quick reaction to thoughtful decisions. We glide across the surface, hitting dozens of places for a few minutes, but never staying anywhere for long. We fly through life without pausing to think about who we really want to become. We're online, but we're offline.

Most of us just try to do the best we can. When demands exceed our capacity, we make decisions that help cut through the web of problems but devour our time. We sleep little, eat on the go, fuel ourselves with caffeine and soothe ourselves with alcohol and sleeping pills. Faced with relentless demands at work, we become irritable and easily distracted. After a long day at work, we return home completely exhausted and perceive the family not as a source of joy and recovery, but as another problem.

We have surrounded ourselves with diaries and to-do lists, PDAs and smartphones, instant messaging systems and reminders on computers. We believe this should help us manage our time better. We pride ourselves on multi-tasking, and our readiness to work from dawn to dusk is everywhere like a medal for bravery. The term "24/7" describes a world where the work never ends. We use the words "obsession", "crazy" not to describe madness, but to talk about the past working day. Feeling that there will never be enough time, we try to pack as many things as possible into each day. But even the most effective management time does not guarantee that we will have enough energy to do everything planned.

Are you familiar with such situations?

You are at an important four-hour meeting where not a second is wasted. But the last two hours you spend the rest of your strength only on fruitless attempts to concentrate;

- You carefully planned all 12 hours of the upcoming working day, but by the middle of it you completely lost your energy and became impatient and irritable;

- You are going to spend the evening with the children, but are so distracted by thoughts about work that you cannot understand what they want from you;

- Of course, you remember your wedding anniversary (the computer reminded you of this this afternoon), but you forgot to buy a bouquet, and you no longer have the strength to leave the house to celebrate.

Energy, not time, is the main currency of high efficiency. This thought has revolutionized our understanding of what drives high performance over time. She has led our clients to rethink how they manage their lives, both personally and professionally. Everything we do, from walking with our children to communicating with colleagues and making important decisions, requires energy. It seems obvious, but that's what we often forget about. Lacking the right quantity, quality, and focus of energy, we jeopardize every undertaking we undertake.

Each of our thoughts or emotions has energetic consequences - for better or for worse. The final evaluation of our life is not based on the amount of time we have spent on this planet, but on the basis of the energy we have invested in that time. The main idea of ​​this book is quite simple: efficiency, health and happiness are based on the skillful management of energy.

Of course, there are bad bosses, a toxic work environment, difficult relationships, and life crises. However, we can control our energy much more completely and deeper than we imagine. The number of hours in a day is constant, but the quantity and quality of the energy available to us depends on us. And this is our most valuable resource. The more responsibility we take for the energy that we bring into the world, the stronger and more effective we become. And the more we blame other people and circumstances, the more our energy becomes negative and destructive.

If you could wake up tomorrow with more positive and focused energy to invest in your work and family, would that improve your life? If you are a leader or manager, would your positive energy change the work environment around you? If your employees could rely on more of your energy, would the relationship between them change and affect the quality of your own services?

Leaders are conductors of the energy of the organization - in their companies and families. They inspire or demoralize those around them—first by how effectively they manage their own energy, and then by how they mobilize, focus, invest, and renew the collective energy of their employees. Skillful management of energy, individual and collective, and makes possible what we call the achievement of full power.

To turn on the full power, we must be physically energetic, emotionally turned on, mentally focused and united in a common spirit to achieve goals that lie beyond our selfish interests. Working at full capacity begins with a desire to start early in the morning, an equal desire to return home in the evening, and a clear line between work and home. It means the ability to fully immerse yourself in the fulfillment of your mission, whether it be solving a creative problem, managing a group of employees, spending time with loved ones, or having fun. Working at full capacity implies the need for a fundamental change in lifestyle.

The publishers tried to persuade me for a long time to give them the right to use my photo on the cover of this book, and I refused for a long time, not understanding why I was doing it. The fact is that I liked the book: everything is reasonable and simple in it, but what I have to do with it is not very clear. However, I wondered: could it encourage entrepreneurs to start playing sports and save themselves? And I thought it would rather. I am in favor of having more talented guys in our country who will succeed, and the methods of big sport can help them with this. That's how my story and photo ended up here. Hope the book helps you!

Ride your bikes!

Oleg Tinkov

Champion of Russia in business!

When preparing the Russian edition of this book, the image of Oleg Tinkov immediately arose in my thoughts. It is he who embodies the image of a businessman in Russia who is seriously involved in sports, namely cycling, and applies the methods of big sport in big business. Perhaps Oleg does this even unconsciously, but the result is obvious. He is undoubtedly the champion of Russia in business! And although he is not the richest entrepreneur in the country, he started every business from scratch, without privatizing or taking anything away. This deserves special respect.

I have no doubt that if Oleg had not become a businessman, he would certainly have won the Tour de France and the Olympic Games. Not less! His irrepressible energy infects from the first meeting. His charm is captivating. He is not afraid to be himself and remains himself in a variety of situations - from dancing at an Odessa disco with "brothers" to dinner with the oligarchs in London.

Having gone through all the leagues, from fartsovka in the early 1990s to a bank in the 2000s, he created such vibrant brands as Tinkoff beer and Daria products. He feels the game well and knows how to sell the business at its peak in time to launch new, even more ambitious projects.

Recently, Oleg joined a new race, in the highest - banking league, creating a bank "not like everyone else" Tinkoff Credit Systems". It looks like he will turn this business upside down, proving that logic, energy and creativity work great in this very conservative industry. Surely, having won the Russian championship, he will not stop and go further to the most interesting world markets. He simply cannot ignore this challenge. Russia is too small for him.

What do big sports and big business have in common? A lot of things. The ability to endure stress - emotional and physical. Ability to recover. The ability to count the opponent's moves and create the infrastructure for victory. Ability to play in a team and win.

In fact, today's businessmen are experiencing, perhaps, even greater stress than professional athletes of the high level. And at the same time, very often they do not take care of themselves, burning their lives at the stake of business. Oleg is not like that. He knows how to work and how to relax one hundred percent.

It was cycling that saved Oleg in his childhood from the crooked path that many of his peers went to in Leninsk-Kuznetsky and throughout the country. And now, cycling five or six thousand kilometers a year, he maintains an excellent shape. During training, he makes decisions on the most difficult issues, both in business and in his personal life. In his inspiring book, I'm Like Everyone, he wrote that it was during training that he decided to marry his wife after twenty years of marriage.

I think cycling and skiing (another of his passions) make him a better entrepreneur and a better person. He lives to the fullest. It is known that we cannot control the length of our life, but its width and depth are completely in our hands. You can spend even a very long life in the cabinets of ministries, or you can take risks, open new businesses and markets, during breaks riding around your beloved Tuscany.

Interestingly, there is a causal spiral at work here. Exercising makes you more resilient, you eat and sleep well, your head works better, and you do better business.

Unfortunately, the reverse spiral is also inevitable. The lack of sports in your life and improper nutrition lead to a decrease in stamina and immunity, and they lead to illness, bad mood and defeat.

In this book, the best methods of training world-class athletes are collected and transferred to the lifestyle of a businessman. After reading it, Oleg wrote in his blog "simple and effective." And indeed it is.

It would seem that if everything is so obvious, then why do we change our habits only when we start to get very sick? Why do we waste our health so thoughtlessly?

In conclusion, I want to wish you to be not like everyone else. Take an example from Oleg Tinkov, live at full capacity.

Mikhail Ivanov,


Part one

Full power driving forces

1. At full power. The most precious resource is energy, not time

We live in the digital age. We race at full speed, our rhythms are accelerating, our days are cut into bytes and bits. We prefer breadth to depth and quick reaction to thoughtful decisions. We glide across the surface, hitting dozens of places for a few minutes, but never staying anywhere for long. We fly through life without pausing to think about who we really want to become. We're online, but we're offline.

Most of us just try to do the best we can. When demands exceed our capacity, we make decisions that help cut through the web of problems but devour our time. We sleep little, eat on the go, fuel ourselves with caffeine and soothe ourselves with alcohol and sleeping pills. Faced with relentless demands at work, we become irritable and easily distracted. After a long day at work, we return home completely exhausted and perceive the family not as a source of joy and recovery, but as another problem.

We have surrounded ourselves with diaries and to-do lists, PDAs and smartphones, instant messaging systems and reminders on computers. We believe this should help us manage our time better. We pride ourselves on multi-tasking, and our readiness to work from dawn to dusk is everywhere like a medal for bravery. The term "24/7" describes a world where the work never ends. We use the words "obsession", "crazy" not to describe madness, but to talk about the past working day. Feeling that there will never be enough time, we try to pack as many things as possible into each day. But even the most effective time management does not guarantee that we will have enough energy to do everything planned.

Are you familiar with such situations?

You are in an important four-hour meeting where not a second is wasted. But the last two hours you spend the rest of your strength only on fruitless attempts to concentrate;

You carefully planned all 12 hours of the upcoming working day, but by the middle of it you completely lost your energy and became impatient and irritable;

You are going to spend the evening with the children, but are so distracted by thoughts of work that you cannot understand what they want from you;

Of course, you remember your wedding anniversary (the computer reminded you of this this afternoon), but you forgot to buy a bouquet, and you no longer have the strength to leave the house to celebrate.

Energy, not time, is the main currency of high efficiency. This thought has revolutionized our understanding of what drives high performance over time. She has led our clients to rethink how they manage their lives, both personally and professionally. Everything we do, from walking with our children to communicating with colleagues and making important decisions, requires energy. It seems obvious, but that's what we often forget about. Lacking the right quantity, quality, and focus of energy, we jeopardize every undertaking we undertake.

Jim Lauer, Tony Schwartz

Life at full capacity. Energy management is the key to high performance, health and happiness


The cure for downshifting

Many have been waiting for this book for a long time. They waited, still unaware of its existence, name and authors. They waited, leaving the office with a greenish face, drinking liters of coffee in the morning, not finding the strength to take on the next priority task, struggling with depression and despondency.

And finally we waited. There were experts who convincingly, extensively and practically answered the question of how to manage the level of personal energy. Moreover, in various aspects - physical, intellectual, spiritual ... What is especially valuable is the practitioners who trained leading American athletes, FBI special forces and top managers of companies from the Fortune 500 list.

Admit it, reader, - when you came across another article about downshifting, you probably thought: “Maybe I should drop everything and wave somewhere in Goa or in a hut in the Siberian taiga? ..” The desire to drop everything and send everyone to any of the short and capacious Russian words is a sure sign of a lack of energy.

The problem of energy management is one of the key ones in self-management. One of the members of the Russian Time Management Community once came up with the formula "T1ME"-management - from the words "time, information, money, energy": "time, information, money, energy". Each of these four resources is critical to personal effectiveness, success, and development. And if there is quite a lot of literature on managing time, money and information, then there was a clear gap in the field of energy management. Which is finally starting to fill up.

In many ways, of course, one can argue with the authors. Undoubtedly, they, like many Western specialists, tend to absolutize their approach, rigidly oppose it to the “old paradigms” (for which, in fact, it is not a denial at all, but an organic continuation and development). But this does not detract from the main advantages of the book - relevance, simplicity, manufacturability.

Read, do everything and fill your Time with Energy!

Gleb Arkhangelsky, General Director of Time Management Company, founder of the Russian Time Management Community www.improvement.ru

Part one

Full power driving forces

1. At full power

The most precious resource is energy, not time

We live in the digital age. We race at full speed, our rhythms are accelerating, our days are cut into bytes and bits. We prefer breadth to depth and quick reaction to thoughtful decisions. We glide across the surface, hitting dozens of places for a few minutes, but never staying anywhere for long. We fly through life without pausing to think about who we really want to become. We're online, but we're offline.

Most of us just try to do the best we can. When demands exceed our capacity, we make decisions that help cut through the web of problems but devour our time. We sleep little, eat on the go, fuel ourselves with caffeine and soothe ourselves with alcohol and sleeping pills. Faced with relentless demands at work, we become irritable and easily distracted. After a long day at work, we return home completely exhausted and perceive the family not as a source of joy and recovery, but as another problem.

We have surrounded ourselves with diaries and to-do lists, PDAs and smartphones, instant messaging systems and reminders on computers. We believe this should help us manage our time better. We pride ourselves on multi-tasking, and our readiness to work from dawn to dusk is everywhere like a medal for bravery. The term "24/7" describes a world where the work never ends. We use the words "obsession", "crazy" not to describe madness, but to talk about the past working day. Feeling that there will never be enough time, we try to pack as many things as possible into each day. But even the most effective time management does not guarantee that we will have enough energy to do everything planned.

Are you familiar with such situations?

You are at an important four-hour meeting where not a second is wasted. But the last two hours you spend the rest of your strength only on fruitless attempts to concentrate;

- You carefully planned all 12 hours of the upcoming working day, but by the middle of it you completely lost your energy and became impatient and irritable;

- You are going to spend the evening with the children, but are so distracted by thoughts about work that you cannot understand what they want from you;

- Of course, you remember your wedding anniversary (the computer reminded you of this this afternoon), but you forgot to buy a bouquet, and you no longer have the strength to leave the house to celebrate.

Energy, not time, is the main currency of high efficiency. This thought has revolutionized our understanding of what drives high performance over time. She has led our clients to rethink how they manage their lives, both personally and professionally. Everything we do, from walking with our children to communicating with colleagues and making important decisions, requires energy. It seems obvious, but that's what we often forget about. Lacking the right quantity, quality, and focus of energy, we jeopardize every undertaking we undertake.

Each of our thoughts or emotions has energetic consequences - for better or for worse. The final evaluation of our life is not based on the amount of time we have spent on this planet, but on the basis of the energy we have invested in that time. The main idea of ​​this book is quite simple: efficiency, health and happiness are based on the skillful management of energy.

Of course, there are bad bosses, a toxic work environment, difficult relationships, and life crises. However, we can control our energy much more completely and deeper than we imagine. The number of hours in a day is constant, but the quantity and quality of the energy available to us depends on us. And this is our most valuable resource. The more responsibility we take for the energy that we bring into the world, the stronger and more effective we become. And the more we blame other people and circumstances, the more our energy becomes negative and destructive.

If you could wake up tomorrow with more positive and focused energy to invest in your work and family, would that improve your life? If you are a leader or manager, would your positive energy change the work environment around you? If your employees could rely on more of your energy, would the relationship between them change and affect the quality of your own services?

Leaders are conductors of the energy of the organization - in their companies and families. They inspire or demoralize those around them—first by how effectively they manage their own energy, and then by how they mobilize, focus, invest, and renew the collective energy of their employees. Skillful management of energy, individual and collective, and makes possible what we call the achievement of full power.

To turn on the full power, we must be physically energetic, emotionally turned on, mentally focused and united in a common spirit to achieve goals that lie beyond our selfish interests. Working at full capacity begins with a desire to start early in the morning, an equal desire to return home in the evening, and a clear line between work and home. It means the ability to fully immerse yourself in the fulfillment of your mission, whether it be solving a creative problem, managing a group of employees, spending time with loved ones, or having fun. Working at full capacity implies the need for a fundamental change in lifestyle.

According to a Gallup poll published in 2001, only 25% of employees in American companies work at full capacity. About 55% work half-heartedly. The remaining 20% ​​are “actively opposed” to work, which means they are not only unhappy in their professional life, but they constantly share this feeling with colleagues. The damage from their presence at work is estimated at trillions of dollars. Even worse, the longer people work in an organization, the less energy they give to it. According to Gallup, after the first six months of operation, only 38% are fully operational. After three years, this figure drops to 22%. Look at your life from this point of view. How fully are you involved in the work? What about your colleagues?

Have you ever had such a state that you wanted to change your life, but something certainly stopped you?

Today there is no time, too much fatigue, unfinished business, bad mood...

However, absolutely everything that we see around us is a projection of our internal state onto the external world. But how do you start living life to the fullest?

It is very important to pay attention to what is happening inside us:

  1. It is important to form new habits and maintain them.
  2. It is important to learn to keep track of everything good ideas that come to your mind about your life, and be sure to give them a sequel! If you want to start playing sports, do it today, if you want to start working on a new project, start it right now.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the rhythms that always accompany us in our lives. As you noticed, we always start doing something new on the rise.

There is a lot of excitement, inspiration, anticipation - we start any business like this. It is this novelty that attracts and invigorates us.

Emotional pit after getting up

But always after this splash of energy there comes some recession. The main snag is to be able to keep yourself in a state of inspiration.

  • Criticism and discontent are the main enemies of all undertakings. If we do not monitor our condition, they will appear out of habit, no matter what we do.

We are very good at feeling bad. Getting into some kind of pit, depression, laziness, we immediately begin to scold ourselves. We are drowning in the usual swamp, from which it is difficult to get out.

Fear of moving forward

Try right now to remember what you thought about yourself at that moment when you did not want to do anything. What did you think about yourself?

  1. Realizing that you are faced with a serious task, you suddenly begin to realize the full responsibility of the situation and slow down, even stagger back at the mere thought of it.
  2. I want to plunge into the world of longing, to feel small and insignificant, but freed from the obligation to go all the way to my goal.
  3. Suddenly you think, do you need all this, maybe you live well with the amount of money that you have now.
  4. It suddenly becomes lazy, as if all the forces are spent only on thoughts of something new.

How do limiting attitudes manifest themselves?

  • You understand that in order to earn money, you have to work tirelessly. Is it really necessary? You start looking for excuses.
  • Maybe you always thought that you do not need to receive money, your husband will earn money - why did you get involved in this game at all, because others can perfectly increase their income.
  • Also, the fear is that you do not have enough awareness and responsibility, while successful people this is sufficient. You think that you are a failure and nothing will come of it.
  • Some people develop allergies due to stress, you start to get sick more often, for example, your neck gets stuck - the body resists new actions.
  • In fact, you will experience downright pleasure from the realization that you cannot fulfill your plan, there is no strength, no time, you do not know how, and so on.

Such behavior is a childish reaction: when in childhood our parents did everything for us.

No arms, no legs, I can't do anything. No responsibility, no worries!

We have a whole piggy bank of excuses: I don’t want, I’m afraid, I can’t. We will discuss the situation with the husband and partner in another article: and the possibility of earning and attracting money with the help of men.

At this stage, you can see what is stopping you from developing your projects, starting to live the life you have always dreamed of. Start life at full capacity!

Now you can find these reasons, choose how you can replace the old installations and, as a result, you will maintain yourself in a new state. Or you can always stay in the old one. Of course, new installations are difficult to stick.

The main thing is not to give up

Remembering the conversation about habits, you know that they are formed in twenty-one or, even better, in forty-five days. All habits are important to maintain every day.

  • Do exercises - continue, develop in yourself a sense of responsibility for yourself.
  • Get into the habit of using .

It is important not to quit what you started, to be attentive to yourself.

Don't let your soul be lazy

In some ways, we always give ourselves indulgence, and one of the rules of successful people is to not let ourselves relax.

Rain, blizzard, blizzard, flood - they still go to work and do what they decided to dedicate a certain time of their lives to.

  • Women's excuses give us the opportunity not to strain.
  • Our emotions are jumping, and the mood is very unstable.
  • Women are easily hurt, they are so sensitive.

On the one hand, this is a virtue, such manifestations allow us to be so sensual, sensitive in life, however, in terms of work, excessive sensitivity very often interferes.

First, you can start a research notebook for your excuses if you like.

Just to write them down, cross them out, somehow work with them, crumple, throw them away. It is important to see them very consciously and carefully, to notice when they bloom in full bloom in your head.

Second, don't berate yourself for them.

In no case do not blame yourself and do not condemn. Just celebrate their existence, treat them neutrally. You look for them, then throw them away to do something with them.

How to work with affirmations?

Many are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to pronounce affirmations aloud or can they be mentally reproduced. You should say them out loud, while you interact more with the outside world.

Prayers and mantras are great to say out loud. I have no doubt that everyone will find some moments when you can do it.

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So, it is important not to give up, not to stop there. Even if the achievements are not so tangible for you. You have to be happy with what you get.

". This book helped me to summarize my practical knowledge about the "basic" energy, which I call "practical", and already on top of it to complete the metaphysical and esoteric knowledge, and build the first training.

It contains very important things that have greatly influenced my life, and I want to remind you of them once again.

About the book "Life at full power"

Main idea of ​​the book: the most precious resource is energy, not time. I cover this point a bit in my book. If you do not have enough vitality (energy) in order to take some action, then no time management or planning will help.
The table below sets out the new paradigms that the authors propose to replace the “old” ones.

Take your time to scroll through, think about them:

First principle Achieving full power requires connecting all of these interconnected energy sources.

Second principle says that we must maintain a balance between the expenditure of energy and its accumulation. Since our energy capabilities are reduced both with excessive and insufficient use of energy.

Third principle is that in order to increase the capacity of our energy reserves, we must go beyond the usual norms of its expenditure, that is, expand our comfort zone. This principle can also be described as supercompensation. This term is used in sports. Jim Lauer himself works with many athletes and teaches them how to use energy. And what he found in these consultations, he now invites others to try.

The effect of supercompensation is easier to explain in physical energy: after a muscle load, some fibers are destroyed, and they need some time to recover. As muscle fibers are restored, physical energy grows and at some point it exceeds that which was before training (load). And if at this moment you load the muscles again, then by the end of this cycle the energy will be even higher. Of course, there is a limit to all this, but it is difficult to achieve it. If you do not maintain these pauses for recovery, the so-called overtraining occurs, and the effect is the opposite - the energy decreases.

The same patterns (only without the destruction of “muscle fibers”) can be found in the behavior of other types of human energy. And for them, the concept of “muscle” is also introduced.

In order to achieve full power, you need to do everything three steps:

  • Determine what you really want;
  • Face the truth;
  • Take steps to change your habits (rituals).

Understand exactly what I want is to define your values. What is important for me in life, what are my goals, desires, how do I want to live my life? In different areas. In detail - you can write about this for a very long time, but the essence is the same: what is important to me?

Take action in changing habits. You don’t have to change everything at once, otherwise you are doomed to failure. Will have to use willpower, which is a limited resource. And you will not be able to follow the second principle - to maintain energy balance. The authors suggest introducing positive rituals, bringing them to automatism, so that later you don’t waste energy on them at all - they will work on their own.

Strengths and weaknesses of the book

The strength of the book is that it uses only " practical energy- that is, no metaphysics. Only physical laws and their projections on the psycho-emotional state of a person, and on his body. This is a huge plus, so these manifestations of "energy" can be proved, felt, you can call it science without any profanity. Only a reasonable, systematic and even "mathematical" approach. It can be implemented into your life very easily.

This is not sarcasm, I really respect the authors for their work. So much to simplify and systematize into "materiality" knowledge that is more often transmitted and available only to esoteric masters, and even build a coaching program on this - this deserves respect.

And this same "materiality" is the minus of the book, incompleteness. The authors in the book tell us that a person chooses what he values. But they do not consider at all what a person feels, receives intuitively. That these skills of "living at full capacity" easily open access to metaphysical energy. Perhaps they didn’t write on purpose, because it’s more difficult to “prove”, and scientific literature, but still they didn’t write it.

It is practically possible to implement the knowledge gained from the book only from outside, with the help of a specially trained coach. You have to have too much awareness to do anything. Our consciousness is too much tied to habits, and likes to push out what we really need to change, and forget about values.

But if we start to connect such our ability as " feeling of energy“, to accustom ourselves to respond not only to conscious messages, but also to a feeling of disharmony and harmony, a feeling of fullness of energy and emptiness, we can attach “triggers” to these sensations - the same rituals, but specific ones - triggered internal reactions and constructive management habits his " full power«.

About my approaches and trainings

When I created training « Energy flash mob«, « Energology-2«, « Energetic start"- I set as my first task precisely the development feeling of energy for the participants, and secondly, the current increase in the energy of the participants and the incorporation of several constructive rituals.

Main results those trainings - that the participants have a feeling of the difference between a saturated state and an empty one, as well as a feeling of the processes of devastation and saturation. When you feel that right now, in current case energy flows out of you, you can change something yourself. How to change? With the same tools, but without the help of a coach from the outside.

Not everyone understood why they came to the training, but almost everyone left with gratitude, as evidenced by their feedback on the trainings.

Now in my database there are a lot of people who feel the energy.

And I decided to go down to the basics— 4 specific bricks on which the energy industry is built. But at the same time, to supplement these basics not only with the methods of "practical energy science", but also with other methods, from esotericism.

New training will help many people summarize their knowledge about human energy, others - will make you feel different types energy on oneself, and to divide one internal "fatigue" or "fullness" into specific instrumental components: turned this lever - it worked here, not enough here - turned on this knife switch.

The esoteric component will provide additional tools for managing all types of energy. Often, these methods are faster than the "introduction of practical rituals", although they are not canceled. In other cases, esotericism will simply give something that is difficult to find in the material world.

In any case, I am sure that this training will be useful to the absolute majority of my subscribers.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation