The fastest jet plane in the world. Top fastest planes in the world. The fastest passenger plane in the world


Why don't people fly like birds? Enthusiasts have been asking this question since the beginning of the 20th century. More than a hundred years have passed, but we have not become like birds, but we fly much faster! In one century, aviation has gone from ridiculous biplanes to machines that travel faster than a bullet. What is the fastest plane in the world? We offer TOP 10 incredibly fast airplanes:

  1. Boeing X-43

The Boeing X-43 hypersonic unmanned aircraft was created by NASA specialists. The goal of development is speed. The car was supposed to be the fastest on the planet, and it became one. During the tests, the device flew almost eleven times faster than sound - 11850 km / h at an altitude of 30 thousand meters.

Over ten years of development, engineers built three prototypes. The first one crashed 11 seconds after being detached from the carrier due to an error in the control system. The second crashed in the Pacific Ocean after an engine failure. The third set a world record.

  1. Orbital Sciences X-34

The cigar-shaped plane was designed to test technologies used in reusable spacecraft. By 1998, two cars of this class were built. The first tests were carried out in 1999. However, they ended in success only in 2004.

During the tests, the X-34 reached a speed of 11,230 km / h, flying at an altitude of 75 km above the ground. The maximum declared speed of the device is 12144 km / h. It took seven years and $205 million to develop. On the this moment The project was canceled due to lack of funding.

  1. North American X-15

Fastest aircraft for 40 years since 1959. It was then that the first flight took place. The North American X-15 was created with several goals at once:

  • Study of flight conditions at hypersonic speeds.
  • Evaluation of new solutions in thermal insulation and construction.
  • The possibility of entry into the atmosphere of winged vehicles.
  • Studies of physical and psychological factors in aircraft control at suborbital altitudes.

All this was necessary to know for the development of ultra-fast suborbital bombers. During testing, the rocket-powered X-15 aircraft reached a speed of 7274 km / h. And this is in 1963!

  1. Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

Blackbird ("Blackbird") is a US reconnaissance aircraft that was used from 1966 to 1989. Even today it appearance causes excitement. Apparently, therefore, director Michael Bay decided to use it in one of the parts of the film "Transformers".

This monster is capable of flying at an altitude of 20 kilometers at a speed of 3715 km/h. To ensure normal life, the crew members had to wear special full pressure suits. At extreme heights, it was impossible to breathe without them. In addition, at maximum speeds, the edges of the hull heated up to 400 degrees, and the average skin temperature was 266 degrees Celsius.

  1. MiG-25 ("Bat")

The fastest fighter in the world. Developed in 1970, today this aircraft has set 29 records, including high-speed ones. The interceptor is capable of flying at a speed of 3395 km/h.

During its heyday, it was in service with 12 countries, now it is operated in Syria and Algeria. The machine took part in many military conflicts of the late XX - early XXI century: the Iran-Iraq war; conflicts in Egypt, Syria, Libya, India.

  1. XB-70 "Valkyrie"

US experimental strategic bomber. It was developed in the mid-1960s and built in the amount of two pieces. Serial production was planned, but final stages tests revealed that the fuel is very toxic and, more importantly, too expensive.

The plane was not small: length - 57 m; wingspan - 32 m; height - almost 10 meters. With a total curb weight of 250 tons, the Valkyrie accelerated to 3187 km / h. The flight range at an altitude of 23 km was more than 5 thousand kilometers without refueling.

  1. MiG-31

The MiG-31 is the first Russian (Soviet) aircraft of the fourth generation. Used to intercept fighters and cruise missiles, regardless of flight altitude and weather conditions. Operated by two crew members. High-altitude ceiling - 30 kilometers. The maximum speed at low altitudes is 1500 km / h, at altitude - 3000 km / h.

The combat radius of the interceptor is 750 kilometers. Four of these vehicles can control a 1,100 km front. The aircraft of several modifications is in service with Russia and Kazakhstan.

  1. Aardvark F111

The world's first aircraft with variable wing geometry. It was developed as a long-range tactical bomber, but later a modification was created on its basis to cover US Navy strike groups and combat anti-ship missiles.

The machine was in service with the United States from 1967 to 1998. In Australia, the plane was abandoned only in 2010. The maximum speed near the ground is 1450 km / h, at altitude - 2655 km / h. It was used in the Vietnam War, during Operation Desert Storm and during the raid on the residence of Muammar Gaddafi in 1986.

  1. McDonnell-Douglas F-15 ("Eagle")

One of the most successful fighters of the late XX century. Production and operation has been carried out since 1976. It is in service with the United States, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and South Korea.

The machine was widely used in the Syrian-Iranian conflict, the US war against Iraq and the Yugoslav incident. The fighter has impressive characteristics even today: maximum speed - 2650 km / h; height ceiling - 20 km; rate of climb - 254 m / s.

  1. Tu-144

At the time of its creation, the T-144 was the pinnacle of civil aviation not only in the USSR, but also in the world. In fact, this is the first supersonic passenger aircraft. Interestingly, the design of the airplane did not include ailerons - the classic control element. Instead, a variable engine thrust was used.

There were also no flaps, and braking to landing speed was carried out by a deflected nose of the hull. The aircraft could accommodate 150 passengers, which could be transported over a distance of up to 5,000 kilometers at a speed of 2,500 km/h. Unfortunately, the high cost of production and operation did not allow the Tu-144 to be used for more than seven months. A total of 14 cars were built.

Such speed is breathtaking. What will happen next is not known. But one thing we know for sure: technology does not stand still. Perhaps twenty years later, and the speed of 12,000 km / h will not seem so huge. Well, let's wait and see.

It would seem that relatively recently man created an airplane. Since that time, its design has undergone numerous changes. The first air machines could develop a small speed. What can not be said about modern.


Models of passenger aircraft develop significant speed. For some of them, it reaches 900 km / h. Only a jet fighter can overtake them in airspace.

Interesting fact! The fastest plane in the world can circle the entire globe in 5 hours.

New aircraft modifications fly at supersonic speeds. With their help, the duration of the trip is significantly reduced. Constantly traveling tourists try to minimize the time spent on flights. Therefore, in choosing an aircraft, they prefer high-speed aircraft. Let's try to figure out which are the fastest planes in the world, and what speed they develop.

Top 10

10th place: Tu-144

It is considered the fastest passenger aircraft in the post-Soviet space. Its design was developed in the 60s. The aircraft first flew in 1968. A year later, its designers have upgraded some of the technical characteristics. And since 1969, the aircraft could overcome the bar of supersonic speed - 2500 km / h.

It should be noted that the Tu-144 has practically no competitors in certain operational and technical specifications. Despite this, its use in passenger airlines has become unprofitable. Therefore, the aircraft began to be operated for government purposes.

9th place: Su-27

The aircraft is a development of OKB im. Sukhoi. It is a versatile fighter. Its maximum flight speed reaches 2876 km/h. Jet thrust is created by two engines.

Interesting! The aircraft has been in service with the Russian Federation for 35 years.

8th place: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

American made fighter. Its design was developed in the 70s. It can reach speeds up to 2650 km/h. This aircraft has quite interesting story. It was used in military operations in Yugoslavia and other states. According to statistics, the F-15 will not leave its position in the ranking until 2025. It is effectively exploited not only by the Americans, but also by the Arabs and the Japanese.

7th place: MiG-31

This is a combat aircraft of domestic production. Its design was developed in 1975. It is a two-seat fighter-interceptor. Its maximum speed reaches 3500 km/h. Compared to the previous model, this figure is increased by almost 400 km/h.

MiG-31 features:

  • the ability to develop supersonic speeds both at low and high altitudes;
  • the ability to transport missiles of the R-33 or R-37 class;
  • combat gun caliber 23 mm.

The production of these aircraft already stopped. They were released about 500 units. They were designed to operate in any conditions. Therefore, after the release, the model was put into service with the USSR, and after the Russian Federation.

6th place: F-111 General Dynamics

This is a tactical bomber. It has been in service with the United States Air Force since 1998. It's relative new model, which develops speed up to 3060 km / h.

F111 can transport the following types of weapons:

  • 9 air-to-air missiles;
  • 14.3 tons of bombs;
  • multi-barrel guns.

A feature of the aircraft is the ability to change the sweep of the wing.

5th place: Valkyrie XB-70

This is a North American bomber. It can fly at an altitude of 21 km. The maximum speed of the aircraft of this model reaches 3187 km/h. The design was developed in the 60s. Everything was assembled by two units of XB-70. On tests, they developed a speed of 3250 km / h.

Such speed was needed in order to get away from Soviet interceptors. During the Cold War, with the help of such a machine they planned to transport nuclear weapons.

4th place: BellX-2

This is an experimental model that was created specifically to study the conditions of flying at high speeds. The aircraft first flew in 1954. But after a few years, the research program was closed, and the production of models as well.

This happened due to the fact that during the tests the plane got out of control. The reason for this was a sharp maneuver that the pilot made. At the same time, the speed jet aircraft reached 3196 km / h.

3rd place: MiG-25

This domestically produced aircraft was created specifically for the interception of American reconnaissance models of the SR-71 model. The latter fly at fairly high altitudes.

Characteristics of the MiG-25:

  • speed - 3.2 speeds of sound;
  • flight altitude - 25 km;
  • ability to transport military weapons.

These air vehicles were effectively used in military operations during the Iran-Iraq war.

Note! MiG-25 is the fastest fighter in the world.

Analogues of such an aircraft have not yet been created.

2nd place: SR-71

The model was designed by American scientists. The first flight was made in 1964. All time produced 32 air apparatus SR-71. Its maximum speed reaches 4102.8 km/h.

The aircraft was used by the United States Air Force for research purposes. It has also been effectively operated by NASA. The main advantage of the machine is its ability to quickly move away from missiles and interceptors.

1st place: X-43A and X15

X-43A set a speed record - up to 11850 km / h. In fact, this is the fastest aircraft. But it was originally developed as a drone. It was released in several copies.

Its advantage is the ability to launch from the wing of another aircraft. He can also develop high speed in seconds. The record for maximum speed was recorded by the Guinness book.

Due to the fact that the previous model is a drone, the first place can be given to the X-15. It is the fastest supersonic aircraft. It develops speed up to 8201 km/h. It is worth considering that such a device can rightfully be considered a space ship. It can fly at an altitude of 107 km.


A bit of history

There were two passenger aircraft in the world that could reach supersonic speed. The first of them is in 10th place in our rating - Tu-144. The second is Concorde. This is a French aircraft. It was effectively operated by British Airways and Air France. In the fleet of each of them there were 7 units of this model.

The Soviet Su-27 aircraft reaches a speed of Mach 2.3 or 2876.4 km/h. The aircraft has two engines and a fly-by-wire control system. At one time, the car was created as a counterweight to the American F-15 Eagle. By the way, despite the age of 35, the Su-27 is still an actual machine and is in service.

2. General Dynamics F-111

A tactical bomber that reaches speeds of Mach 2.5 (3060 km/h). The machine was created in 1998. It is capable of lifting up to 14,300 kg into the air. Carries both conventional and nuclear bombs. In other words, this is a very serious device!

3. McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

Heavy but fast

American-made all-weather fighter. Without problems, it reaches a speed of 3065 km / h while in the air. According to the latest data, the Pentagon expects to keep this machine in service until 2025, and only after that it expects to change it to something more advanced.

4. Mig 31

Domestic aircraft, which, thanks to two incredibly powerful engines, reaches a speed of Mach 2.83, which is 3463.92 km / h. By the way, the device can reach supersonic speed, both at low and high altitudes.

5XB-70 Valkyrie

Another child from the Cold War. With a mass of 240 tons, the XB-70 Valkyrie reaches speeds of Mach 3 or 3672 km/h. He does all this with the help of his six most powerful engines. Such a speed was given to the aircraft in order to escape not only from Soviet interceptors, but also from the zone of destruction of a nuclear explosion. And all because it is a strategic bomber with a cruising range of 6900 km.

6. Bell X-2 Starbuster

Another American aircraft - this time not military, but experimental. Accelerates to 3911.9 km / h. The first flight of the car took place in 1954. The program was canceled after a test incident.

7. MiG-25

American intelligence interceptor. This is how the MiG-25 was positioned in its time. The maximum speed of this car is 3.2 times the speed of sound and is 3916.8 km/h. Ironically, the 25th did not intercept a single scout for all the time, but it showed itself perfectly in several armed conflicts.

8 Lockheed YF-12

This aircraft should not be confused with the Blackbird. This machine was developed solely as a prototype for taking new high-speed modes in the air. Top speed is Mach 3.35 or 4100 km/h.

9.SR-71 Blackbird

Needless to introduce the aircraft SR-71 Blackbird, which was in service with the US Air Force, and then transferred to NASA for scientific research. A total of 32 of these were made. By the way, it was the first aircraft with stealth technology. The maximum speed is 4102.8 km / h.

10. North American X-15

The fastest manned aircraft in the world. The maximum speed in the sky reaches Mach 6.7 (8200 km / h). The machine was created for scientific experiments.

Based on materials from open sources

Our age of speed and competition sometimes makes you think, but of all existing ones?

In this article, we will try to most fully and impartially answer this question. First you need to define terms.

For an aircraft, we will take a serial product controlled by a pilot and having two wings, stabilizers and other attributes of the aircraft fuselage. NASA in 2004 tested the pilot project X-43A with a jet engine, which reached a speed of 11230 km / h, according to the results of NASA tests, together with the Guinness book, they rushed to name it the fastest plane in the world. In fact, this is a drone, released in several copies, launched from another aircraft and using a rocket launcher as an engine, therefore it cannot be called an aircraft.

Of modern military manned aircraft, the American strategic supersonic reconnaissance SR-71 Blackbird blackbird, so named because of the dark blue color of the fuselage, is recognized as the fastest. This futuristic object was operated until 1998, due to high operating costs, and low reliability, a total of 12 out of 32 aircraft were lost, then operation ceased. The maximum recorded speed of the SR-71 Blackbird developed - 3540 km / h. Which is a record today. Thus, we can say that today it is 3540 km / h.

SR-71 Blackbird

It should be noted that the Soviet MIG-25 fighter, according to the pilots, could easily reach speeds, albeit short-term, up to 3600 km / h, which is almost 200 km / h more than the SR-71. But since, according to international rules, the speed was not officially recorded, the record remained with the SR-71 Blackbird.

Next on the list is the Russian long-range interceptor fighter SU-31. This aircraft was developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau back in 1979 and put into service in 1981, and has been successfully operated to this day. The maximum speed of the SU-31, in accordance with the technical documentation, is 3,000 km/h. But according to the assurances of the pilots, he is capable of more.

This bomber was developed back in 1960. Its main purpose was to carry out reconnaissance and conduct electronic warfare. The maximum speed of this device is 2655 km / h.

The fastest passenger plane

From civil aviation, the speed palm was shared by the Soviet TU-144 and the Franco-English Concorde project. The design speed of the T-144 was 2500 k / h against 2300 km /, at Concorde, but due to the fact that the TU-144 practically did not commit passenger traffic, nomination most fast passenger plane necessary , hand over to Concorde, which had been flying regularly for many years, until its operation was banned in 2000.

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