Is it possible to work part-time for 1 hour. How many rates can I take for an internal part-time job? How many hours can you work part-time


The Labor Code entitles a citizen to perform another one or more paid jobs in his spare time from his main job.

Such work is called. Its concept, conditions and procedure for registering an employee as a part-time worker are disclosed in articles 282-288 of chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A prerequisite is the design, which will clearly spell out the terms of payment, the operating mode and the responsibilities of the parties.

The legislation does not limit the number of combined jobs in any way, but sets a limit on the amount of working time of a part-time job.

Section 284 states that he can only work part-time and not more four hours in a day. If the employee on some days is completely released from his main job (he has a day off or), then he has the right to go to another job for a full day. At the same time, for the accounting period of working hours, the part-time worker should not accumulate more than half of the norm for the main workers for the same period.

For example, if we take a week for the reference period, then the standard working hours for a full-time accountant in the main job will be forty hours (five-day work week, eight-hour day). For a part-time accountant, this rate will be half - that is, twenty hours. At the same time, he can work throughout the week for four hours a day, or three days for four hours and one full day on his free day (day off) at his main job or position, if this is an internal combination.

These restrictions cease to apply if the employee is not paid wages at the main place (for more than 15 days), or if he is removed from his post for health reasons.

In proportion to the hours worked or when performing the scope of work specified in the employment contract.

Also, the terms of payment can be reflected in the employment contract.

Separate categories of workers

For some workers, the hourly rate per week is reduced to less than 40 hours. Accordingly, for persons belonging to these categories and part-time workers, it is still divided in half.

Restrictions on the norm of working hours apply to socially weakly protected categories:

  • for disabled workers of the first and second groups, the working week is no more than thirty-five hours at the main job and 17.5 hours part-time;
  • among workers in (third and fourth degrees of harmfulness) work time per week will be no more than thirty-six and eighteen hours, respectively.

For , medical workers and pharmacists are also limited: they cannot work part-time for more than half of the hourly rate set for a month.

The exception is those with half working norm less than 16 hours per week. In this case, part-time work should be no more than 16 hours per week.

Medical personnel in areas where there is a lack of it can work as part-time workers within the monthly norm established by them.

Workers in culture are limited in the amount of the working norm per month.

Processing fees

One of the points of the employment contract with a part-time job is the establishment of conditions wages.

If this is not the amount of work performed and not other conditions, but the number of working hours per day, then if it is voluntarily exceeded, the work is considered and paid in accordance with the norms of the law.

for example

Under the contract, K. R. Gurinov was hired as a part-time programmer at Rassvet LLC. His working day is two hours a day. working week Monday through Friday. If necessary, Gurinov stays at work for an hour or two. This time will be paid as overtime. At the same time, we must not forget about the current restrictions on the hourly rate in the accounting period for this category of workers. That is, a part-time programmer cannot be forced to overtime work three hours a day all week, as that would be above his twenty hour rate (forty for core workers and twenty for part-time workers). In case this is recorded labor inspectorate, the head will face a fine of five thousand rubles, and the organization - from thirty to fifty thousand.

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For many people, getting 2 jobs at the same time is the only way receiving a decent salary. In order to implement this option of employment, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements of the legislation for employment in two organizations. In many cases, this can be done only in the regime of external labor combination.

Outsourcing - what is it?

External part-time employment is a simultaneous employment in 2 organizations, one of which is a permanent place of employment, and work in another organization is carried out only in free time from the main labor activity. This type of workflow organization is very common in such areas as education, culture, and medicine. In almost every field of activity, a citizen can count on additional employment in another organization.

The only exceptions are production hazardous to health, as well as organizations that use hard physical labor.

External part-time job according to the Labor Code

The procedure for hiring a part-time employee is described in detail in the following articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: 282; 283; 284; 285; 286.

Before you get a job according to this option, you need to study these articles in order to know exactly how much working time you can count on when you work part-time, as well as about the rights and obligations of an employee who works in this mode.

Restrictions on accepting a part-time worker

Taking care of the health of citizens who are forced to combine their main work and labor duties in another organization, the legislator has developed restrictions for this category. On the extra bed work is prohibited:

  • Work more than 0.5 wages.
  • Work according to this schedule if the employee is under 18 years old.
  • Find a part-time job if holding this position according to such a schedule is prohibited by federal law.

In all other cases, the labor code provides an opportunity for any citizen of the Russian Federation to find additional part-time jobs. The number of such combinations is not limited.

How to accept such an employee?

It will not be difficult for an employer to accept an employee for a part-time position. On the contrary, if this employee is already working in another organization in this specialty, then this means that this specialist has professional experience in real time".

To receive such a specialist, you will need to obtain the following documents from him:

The process of hiring an external part-time employee is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A citizen who is employed according to such a schedule must write an application addressed to the head of the organization. In the application, you must indicate a request for admission to a specific position in this organization, indicate the date, and certify this document with your signature.
  2. An employment contract is concluded with such an employee, which indicates the amount of monetary remuneration, as well as his rights and obligations. This document is certified by the signature of the employee, and on the part of the employer, the head of the organization puts a seal and a personal signature.
  3. The head of the organization draws up an order for the admission of an employee to a specific position. The order indicates the surname, name, patronymic of the new employee, the name of the position for which the specialist was hired. In this document, it must be indicated that the citizen is hired by. The order is certified by the seal and signature of the director, and the accepted employee must be familiarized with this document against signature. The order on the admission of an employee under an external part-time contract must necessarily be assigned a number and the date indicated.
  4. A personal card is issued for the employee, which indicates his marital status, information about education.

At the request of an employee who wishes to enter information about work on, the employer must provide a copy. The employee must present this copy at the place of permanent employment so that the employer makes an entry in the work book.

The nuances of working conditions

If a this worker will be employed in an organization according to such a schedule with a load of more than 0.5 of the rate, then this will be gross violation TK RF. For the work of an employee of the company, who is employed part-time, there is a restriction on the time of work, which should not exceed 4 hours a day.

It is allowed only on those days when the employee is not involved in the main service. Leave for an employee who is involved in this organization according to such a schedule must be granted simultaneously with leave at the main job.

The rest of the conditions do not differ from ordinary employment.

How to apply for an employment record?

If you wish, you can make an entry in the work book about external part-time work at the place of your main job.

To confirm this type of employment, a citizen can present one of the following documents:

  • A copy of the employment order.
  • Letter from the place of work.

A copy of the order must be certified. To do this, the inscription “Copy is correct” is made on the document, and certified by the signature of a personnel worker. Certificate from the place of work, should be drawn up in such a way that
so that the position, date of employment and details of the order for the admission of this employee are indicated.

In order for an appropriate entry to be made in the work book, it is necessary to write an application addressed to the head of the organization where the employee works on a permanent basis. A copy of the employment order or a certificate from the place of employment according to such a schedule should be attached to the application.

When all the documents are collected, the head of the organization issues an order in any form, which refers to changes in the work book of an employee who has an external part-time job.

Making an entry in the work book is made in the following sequence:

  • Affixed serial number records.
  • An exact record of the date of admission of the employee is made.
  • A record is made of hiring an employee for a specific position, the specialty of the employee and the name of the organization where this specialist works
  • An entry is made about the document on the basis of which this entry was made.

When an employee is dismissed from the place where he works part-time, a similar entry must be made in the work book, as in the case of admission to an external part-time job.

In the event that an employee leaves the main place, his external part-time job does not automatically become a permanent place of employment. If there is a desire to do secondary
employment as the main one, it is necessary to terminate the part-time contract, and draw up a standard contract.

Working hours and mode of operation

To ensure high labor efficiency, the legislation establishes temporary restrictions on the performance of labor duties at the place of external labor combination. Employment of an employee in such a place is allowed no more than 4 hours a day, and no more than 20 hours a week. It should be noted that the number of such places of work is not limited by law and a citizen has the right to cooperate with an unlimited number of organizations.

An employee can count on employment for more than 4 hours a day only if he has a day off at his main place of employment. In the context of the economic crisis, many people are thinking about additional earnings. When employed in an additional place, it is necessary to adhere to all legislative norms in order to have all the rights of an officially registered employee.

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The need to obtain additional income forces working citizens to look for additional places to work. In this regard, a quite reasonable question arises: how many jobs can one worker officially get?

When additional employment, it is the official status of the employee that should be taken into account in the first place, since only in this case he will have the right to all social, payments and benefits (if any are provided for by law for a specific category of working citizens).

Another limitation concerns the norm established for the main place of work. Additional labor duties should not take more than half of this monthly norm.

There are two types of additional labor activity (according to article 60.1 of the Labor Code), each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. means working for one employer. In this case, the initiator is more often the employee himself, who submits an application with a request to be accepted into a vacant place as a part-time worker. For internal part-timers the rate cannot exceed half of the salary! Accordingly, additional labor activity cannot exceed four hours daily.
  2. implies labor activity for at least two employers (legislation does not prohibit part-time work at more jobs). Usually, employment is done at a half rate. The employee is also the initiator. He looks for a free place, and then writes an application to a new employer asking him to hire him.

For persons employed external combination, both a half rate and a smaller rate can be set.

The number of additional jobs depends on the capabilities and desires of the employee, but at each of these jobs, the maximum employment on weekdays cannot exceed four hours. On weekends and holidays the full rate is charged, since during these periods the employee is not engaged in the main work activity.

Payment order

Depending on employment, additional job responsibilities a person can receive 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 or half of the rate.

The sizes are fixed in the contract, while the employer takes into account time limits (no more than four hours daily and no more than 20 hours every week). Two payment methods can be set:

  • for hours actually worked;
  • for the amount of products or goods produced (the so-called).

More often, the first option is chosen, as it is more convenient and understandable for both interested parties. The basis for calculating the salary is, which displays the actual hours worked.

The accrual of funds is made by multiplying the hours worked by the rate established according to the contract. Then all the allowances are added to the result obtained. For example, an additional payment (surcharge) is due for work at night. Night hours are multiplied by the established surcharge factor.

And work on holidays and weekends must be paid in double the amount, that is, the rate is doubled, and then hours of work on weekends or holidays are multiplied by it.

Rates for teachers and health workers

For medical workers, the norm is set at half the working time assigned at the main place of work (according to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor under number 41). For example, a nurse working 30 hours can work no more than 16 additional hours per week. That is, the rate will be one and a half. At the same time, processing is allowed for doctors and other medical staff in settlements where there is a shortage of medical workers.

According to the mentioned Decree, they can also count on half the rate. And according to Article 333 of the Labor Code, their full weekly employment cannot exceed 36 hours.

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Has your subordinate decided to work part-time? How many hours a week can he work so hard, how can he be paid wages, give him vacations? We will look at this in more detail in our article. The main thing to remember is that both part-time jobs are protected by the laws of the Russian Federation, which is why it is so important to know all the nuances of registration.

What types of partnerships are there?

Part-time employment is the official labor activity of a specialist with one or more employers. This information is spelled out in more detail in article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The Labor Code regulates that part-time employment must meet such requirements as:

  • Payment is carried out as for the main work.
  • You can only work in this type of activity if your main employer has free time for this, when you can work in a second position.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that part-time employment can be of two types (according to the specifics of the place of employment):

  • Internal.
  • External.

Internal combination

In this case, the employee combines two positions in one organization, which involves the signing of two contracts with one employer. Such work is beneficial for both the head of the company and the employee - the first one receives a qualified specialist, and knowing him, and the employee himself does not need to look for additional income, spending time on this.

External part-time

Here the worker concludes supplementary contract in another company and performs his duties there in his free time from the main workplace.

Part-time work - who can work like that?

If you decide right away, then your main boss has no right to interfere with this. True, in articles 282 and 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are some restrictions regarding the combination.

So, the following categories of persons do not have the right to work part-time:

  • Teenagers under 18 years old.
  • Workers who carry out their activities in hazardous or hazardous production.
  • Drivers of any public transport, persons employed in the regulation of traffic on the roads.

There are also some restrictions:

  • State Duma deputies can additionally conduct only scientific or teaching activities.
  • Employees in senior positions employed by legal entities can work part-time only after obtaining permission from the founder of the organization. The document must be in writing. This is due to the increased responsibility of the employee, and his employment in the main position. It is best if this issue is made a separate clause in the employment contract.

How to apply for a part-time job in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

To apply for a second job, the applicant must have the following documents with him:

  • Passport.
  • Certificate from the main work. True, such a document is needed only if the new position is associated with risk.
  • Certificates and diplomas, if required.
  • SNILS.

Truth, employment history located at your main employer - it is he who must enter into it records about your additional place (only at your request).

Part-time work - how many hours per week?

The norms of working time should be discussed separately by the entrepreneur and the part-time worker, reflecting them in the work schedule and necessarily in the employment contract. When preparing these documents, it is important to consider - on additional work an employee's working day should not exceed 4 hours, a week - a maximum of 20 hours. The fact is that employment is considered to be no more than 40 hours a week maximum, no matter how many jobs you work.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 284), the full employment of an employee can be established on weekends or during an unscheduled vacation taken at the main job. The main thing is to work in second place for at least 10 hours a week. In some cases, the employee is allowed to work more time (the rules are spelled out in the second part of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These include:

  • In the event that the second job was suspended due to delays or non-payment of wages.
  • The employee was removed from the main workplace due to poor health, while his position at the enterprise was retained by him.

The hours worked part-time must be recorded in the time sheet - in the case of internal part-time work, two such documents must be kept.

How is part-time salary paid?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work is paid in the same way as at the main place of work. calculates by time, then the payment depends, respectively, on the hours worked. If a piecework option is introduced at work, then the calculation is carried out on the basis of output or on the basis of other conditions that must be reflected in the contract.

If the activity is time-based, and the required volume is set, then the calculations depend on the amount of the task completed. For example, if a part-time cleaner has to clean two offices in three hours, but was able to complete her job in 1.5 hours, her wage will be calculated in full.

At the same time, a part-time worker, being a full-time unit, is also entitled to receive bonuses, salary increases, other payments that are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or are included in collective agreement. According to article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of a part-time job cannot be less than the minimum wage in a given region. However, in practice it often happens that he spends fewer hours on the performance of his duties, naturally, the payment will be lower.

Heads of enterprises accepting a part-time job should remember the need to pay all guarantees social character. For example, if an employee has been working in a position for more than two years, the manager must pay maternity benefits, the same applies to vacation and sick leave.

By the way, if a person went on sick leave and work on, you need to provide one to the personnel department sick leave, in the case of external - two. In the second document, you need to enter that he was hired part-time, indicating the main position and details of the company.

How to arrange holidays?

As it is written in article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any part-time employee has everything legal rights to receive leave. If the time worked in the second place is less than six months, then the leave is issued in the form of an advance payment. The employee must be compensated for unworked leave.

The main thing is that the part-time leave coincides with the leave at the main workplace. To do this, the head of the second job, you should provide a certificate (a copy of the order is also suitable) from your main bosses.

If the combined leave is shorter than at the main place of work, the hired person can extend it at his own expense.

What about business trips?

Any employee can be sent on a business trip (the main thing is that this should be spelled out in the contract), but if we are talking about the main job. But if we are talking about a part-time employee, then business trips are possible only if he has free hours at his main job.

True, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not spell out what needs to be done if the duration of a part-time business trip turned out to be longer than he has free time at his main job. In this case, it is better to write an application for a vacation or days off for. But you need to remember - your boss may not sign it.

It is much easier if the trips coincided - they will be paid in volume and in two places at once. But your leaders should agree on this.

A few points about dismissal - what does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say?

In this case, dismissal is no different from dismissal at the main place of work. It is also impossible to dismiss an employee if he is on maternity leave, at the time of dismissal on sick leave or on vacation.

If there is a reduction, then the employee should be notified no later than two months in advance (this is provided for in Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a part-time employee works on a permanent basis, slightly different rules apply here: he can be fired if a person for whom this place of work becomes the main one comes to this position. In this case, he is warned two weeks in advance. The employee, of course, may not agree - in this case, you need to draw up an act, which will later become the basis for terminating the contract.

After the dismissal of the employee, it should be calculated no later than the date of termination of the contract. If for some reason the employee was absent at that moment, the calculation should be issued (in cash or on a card) no later than one day after signing the leave. Together with the calculation, the specialist must receive a certificate of income and a copy of the order.

It often happens that the employer deliberately withholds the payment of earnings. According to article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is a serious violation. In this case, for each day of downtime in payments, the company must pay the employee a percentage that is equal to 1/300 of the Central Bank refinancing rate. Naturally, the employee has the right to sue - in this case, you will not only pay compensation, but also all legal costs.

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