Payback period and economic effect from implementation. Economic effects from the implementation of CRM. Direct economic effects


The development of a corporate portal is the creation of an automated information system, autonomous or integrating all the necessary information resources of the company. This also includes the development of a software package that provides a secure personalized web-interface, through which authorized employees of the company and regular partners have access to the information and applications they need in accordance with the rights of access control on the company's corporate network (Intranet) or on the Internet ( protected Internet) to ensure corporate governance and business process automation.

At the same time, the corporate portal will provide round-the-clock work in real time in all cities and countries, anywhere in the world where there is Internet access, and satellite Internet and Mobile Internet practically removes all admissible borders.

The scale of the corporate portal extends from a fairly simple automated Information Systems located on a company server or Internet site, to large complexes integrating in a single information environment the internal resources of all geographically remote points of the company (their automated control systems) or having a single automated control system located on a secure web server.

In addition, a corporate portal can be developed and implemented gradually, covering the company's tasks one by one.

The process of creating a corporate portal includes the following steps:

1. Analytical research;

2. Feasibility study of the project;

3. Creation of a corporate portal, preliminary tests;

4. Trial operation, regular operation.

Analytical research

The purpose of the stage is a refined assessment commercial efficiency of the corporate portal being created, development of the corporate portal concept, description of business processes, release project documentation.

Collaboration with a contractor

The first step in creating a corporate portal is to assist the contractor in studying the company itself, the features of its business and the organization of business processes.

Then, together with the contractor, they preliminarily formulate:

Goals of the project to create a corporate portal

The main goals of the corporate portal

Tasks of the corporate portal

Enlarged business processes

In conclusion, the terms of reference (TOR) for the preliminary project - for analytical research on the creation of a corporate portal - are issued and a contract for the work is concluded.

For the simplest corporate portals, at this stage, part of the work of the preliminary project can also be completed and the TOR for the development of a corporate portal is immediately issued (in this case, part of the outstanding work is included in the TOR).

Description of the company's business processes

This is a joint work of the Contractor and the Customer. A description of business processes can be provided by the Customer and they are coordinated with the Contractor and optimized taking into account the capabilities of the corporate portal. Or they are developed by the Contractor and their optimization is carried out in coordination with the Customer, taking into account the traditions, capabilities and needs of the company.

Control of the Contractor, coordination and approval of the Avan project materials

The work on the TOR is carried out, of course, by the Contractor, but the Customer must control the progress of work, coordinate and approve intermediate materials in the following main areas:

1) Creation of the concept of a corporate portal;

2) Definition of the required sections of the corporate portal (approval);

3) Formulation of organizational and technical requirements for the administrative system for managing the corporate portal (approval);

4) Determination of the structure of the corporate portal, taking into account the tasks set, the required business processes;

5) Formulation of design requirements;

6) Clarification of the cost of creating, implementing and maintaining a corporate portal;

7) Creation of a concept for the development of a corporate portal;

8) Creation of the concept of corporate portal support.

Work on this stage is completed:

Release of an analytical report

Release of project documentation

Issuance of terms of reference for the creation of a corporate portal and the conclusion of an agreement for further work.

And only after carrying out the work described above, you can actually start creating a corporate portal. And it will not just be the creation of a corporate portal, but the creation of the required automated business system.

· Feasibility study of the project.

The purpose of the stage is the most preliminary assessment (without the participation of the Contractor) of the commercial effectiveness of the project to create a corporate portal and, with a positive assessment, making a decision on its development.

The corporate portal is a more affordable alternative to purchased ERP, MPR, CRM automated company management systems - company business process automation systems.

When purchasing a purchased system, you have to rebuild your business processes to match the processes embedded in this system, which is far from always optimal. In addition, purchased systems, due to their versatility, are always redundant, time-consuming and difficult to operate, and require specially trained personnel.

In contrast, a corporate portal is created directly for the company's business processes and provides maximum ease of use. It does not require special client software, any browser is sufficient.

The cost of creating a corporate portal can be estimated only for specific scheduled business processes, which is almost impossible at the beginning of work without analytical work and the participation of the Customer.

You can estimate the cost of creating a corporate portal in the following simple way: its cost should not exceed the cost of a purchased ERP system of the required class.

At the same time, custom corporate portals for automating simple business processes can cost as little as two to three thousand dollars.

Thus, the costs allocated for the creation and implementation of a custom corporate portal can be tentatively estimated as the cost of implementing a purchased automation system. At the same time, a custom system will always be more convenient and cheaper to operate. Those. the cost of owning a custom corporate portal with this approach will always be lower than the cost of owning a purchased automation system.

Automation systems are rarely built from scratch (only for new companies), there is always at least an accounting system that has a strict regulatory framework (which is also constantly changing) and which is not advisable to create as a custom corporate portal module.

§ Profitable part of the project

This assessment can only be carried out by the Customer based on the economic effect of automating the company's business processes due to:

Reduction of time and reduction of requirements for personnel qualification (reduction of salary and overhead costs, reduction of personnel);

Reduction of operational errors and related losses;

Reducing the time of passing business processes;

Reduction of warehouse stocks, creation of systems "just in time - just in time".

This list is far from complete, each company must develop its own, analyze them and evaluate the total revenue of the site.

§ Grade economic efficiency

As a result, it remains to evaluate the payback period of the project and the expected profit, as well as to assess what additional cost increase can be allowed when creating a corporate portal.

Armed with all these assessments, you can make a decision to start a project to create a corporate portal, develop technical and economic requirements and contact the Contractor.

§ Formulation of requirements for the corporate portal

Technical and economic requirements are not terms of reference, but namely the requirements put forward by the Customer and on the basis of which the Contractor begins analytical work on the creation of a corporate portal and issues TOR.

Creation of a corporate portal, preliminary tests

The purpose of the stage is the creation and development of an existing corporate portal, a fully completed company automation system, only filled with test information.

At this stage, the Contractor works almost autonomously on the basis of the ToR and project documentation developed at the previous stage.

The contractor carries out:

Layout design of the corporate portal;

Corporate portal programming;

Database creation;

Creates a corporate portal, fills it with test information;

Sets up the portal and conducts its preliminary tests.

After that, the corporate portal is installed in the company's network (Intranet, Extranet, Internet) and presented to the Customer. The customer is also given the necessary documentation (manuals for administrators and users).

Further work is carried out by the Contractor together with the working group of the company, whose members, if necessary, undergo preliminary training. At this stage, the layout of the corporate portal is tested in real conditions, on real workplaces (but only on a part of workplaces), on real business processes. The corporate portal is adjusted to the company's business processes and, in some cases, business processes are corrected and optimized, technical documentation is corrected.

After that, the corporate portal is presented to the Customer. Final tests are carried out, an Acceptance Certificate of work (stage) is drawn up.

§ Pilot operation, regular operation

The purpose of the stage is the creation of a fully functioning (at all workplaces, at all business processes) corporate portal with the debugging of all business processes, and entering normal operation.

Preparatory stage and pilot operation

At this stage, firstly, if necessary, training of all employees of the company associated with the work of the corporate portal is carried out. Further, the company's employees with the participation of the Contractor's dedicated employees carry out the following work:

Initial filling of the corporate portal database (catalogues, directories, etc.)

Begin practical work for all business processes of the company.

At the same time, the main attention is paid to the collection and analysis of comments, the corporate portal is being promptly finalized in simple cases, a list of further major improvements is being prepared (both the corporate portal and the company's business processes).

Trial operation of the corporate portal is carried out within 1-3 months, depending on the complexity of the project.

§ Refinement based on the results of trial operation

Trial operation ends with the preparation of the Act and, if necessary, a schedule for the elimination of comments. Comments arising from non-fulfillment of any points of the ToR are eliminated by the Contractor free of charge.

§ Corporate portal support

Support of the corporate portal is carried out, as a rule, by IT specialists of the company. The contractor is involved in cases where it is necessary to restructure the company's business processes and appropriately correct the corporate portal software.

Sometimes a corporate portal is required to be configured programmatically when changing the company's business processes (as in purchased ERP systems). However, this immediately deprives the corporate portal of the advantages of a custom product: detailed reproduction of the required business processes, ease of maintenance. Significantly increases the cost of both its creation and the cost of its maintenance.

§ Assessing the organization's readiness to implement a corporate portal

The creation of any corporate system is not the installation of some computers and programs, it is primarily a restructuring of the company's organizational structure and its business processes. Complete restructuring with the introduction of a global corporate system, or partial, with the introduction of separate subsystems and corporate portals. This is, first of all, the restructuring of both the way of work and the way of thinking, a reassessment of values.

Even the creation of the simplest corporate information portal is the reengineering of a certain area of ​​the company's work. If earlier it was possible to apply for certain information only to a certain employee, then with the introduction of a corporate information portal, it can be very easily and quickly found in the portal catalog or make a query to the database. The work of storing and searching for paper information and issuing it to the consumer is replaced by the work of entering information into the database of the corporate information portal. The work is of a completely different plan, different qualifications and information that is completely invisible to consumers. Hence, there is opposition to the introduction of even such relatively simple systems.

More serious problems arise when implementing more complex corporate portals, such as collaboration. In this case, the work process of employees is regulated by the business processes embedded in the system. In addition, all actions of employees are documented, who did what and when. A clear and transparent system in which you can not hide behind someone, sit on the sidelines. In addition, dispatchers, controllers, etc. are not needed. The image of work is so far from the usual socialist image.

The most serious problems arise when introducing corporate systems related to the automation of the company's main business processes, with automation management accounting. It's no secret that now in Russia there is a situation in which many officials, managers, etc. seeks to create its own business within the company, based on the appropriation of assets, the transfer of profitable contracts to its firms, etc. Moreover, this can be done by the heads of the company, and even the first person of the company (if it is hired). Corporate information systems, if properly designed, practically put an end to such an initiative and, therefore, their implementation cannot but have serious opposition.

Moreover, the opposition has two expressions, direct and hidden.

Direct opposition is going to the leadership, compromising the system, putting forward a mass of “reasons” for which the creation of the system is not profitable, and work on it is inefficient.

Hidden resistance - issuing incorrect initial premises when creating a system, setting the team against the system, blocking actions to create a system, delaying data entry, and introducing incorrect data into an existing system.

intranet portal intracompany communication

Before making any investments, investors necessarily try to find out when investments will start to make a profit.

For this, such financial ratio as payback period.


Depending on the purpose of financial investments, one can distinguish some basic concepts of payback period.

For investment

The payback period is the period of time after which the amount of invested funds will be equal to the amount of income received. In other words, in this case, the coefficient shows, what time will be required in order to return the invested money and start making a profit.

Often the indicator is used to select one of the alternative projects for investment. For the investor, the project with the lower coefficient value will be more preferable. This is due to the fact that it will become profitable faster.

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For capital investments

This indicator allows you to evaluate efficiency reconstruction, modernization of production. In this case, this indicator reflects the period during which the resulting savings and additional profit will exceed the amount spent on capital investments.

Often, such calculations are used to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of investments. If the value of the coefficient is too high, you may have to abandon such investments.


The payback period of the equipment allows you to calculate how long the funds invested in this production unit will be returned at the expense of the profit received from its use.

Calculation methods

Depending on whether the change in cost is taken into account when calculating the payback period Money over time or not, traditionally allocate 2 calculation methods this ratio:

  1. simple;
  2. dynamic (or discounted).

Easy way to calculate is one of the oldest. It allows you to calculate the period that will pass from the moment of investment to the moment of their payback.

Using in process financial analysis this indicator, it is important to understand that it will be informative enough only if following conditions:

  • in the case of comparing several alternative projects, they must have an equal life;
  • investments are made at a time at the beginning of the project;
  • income from the invested funds comes in approximately equal parts.

The popularity of this calculation technique is due to its simplicity, as well as complete clarity for understanding.

In addition, a simple payback period is quite informative as investment risk indicator. That is, its greater value allows us to judge the riskiness of the project. At the same time, a lower value means that immediately after the start of its implementation, the investor will receive consistently large income, which allows maintaining the level of the company at the proper level.

However, in addition to these advantages, a simple calculation method has a number of shortcomings. This is because in this case not taken into account the following important factors:

  • the value of cash changes significantly over time;
  • after the project has achieved payback, it can continue to be profitable.

That is why the calculation of the dynamic indicator is used.

Dynamic or discounted payback period The project is called the duration of the period that passes from the beginning of investments to the time of its payback, taking into account discounting. It is understood as the onset of a moment when the net present value becomes non-negative and remains so in the future.

It is important to know that the dynamic payback period will always be longer than the static one. This is due to the fact that in this case, the change in the value of cash over time is taken into account.

Next, consider the formulas used in calculating the payback period in two ways. However, it is important to remember that if the cash flow is irregular or the amounts of receipts are different in size, it is most convenient to use calculations using tables and graphs.

Method for calculating the simple payback period

When calculating, a formula of the form is used:

Example 1

Suppose that a certain project requires investments in the amount of 150,000 rubles. It is expected that the annual proceeds from its implementation will amount to 50,000 rubles. It is necessary to calculate the payback period.

Substitute the data we have into the formula:

RR = 150,000 / 50,000 = 3 years

Thus, the investment is expected to pay off within three years.

The formula proposed above does not take into account that in the process of project implementation, not only the inflow of funds, but also their outflow may occur. In this case, it is useful to use the modified formula:

RR = K0 / FCsg, where

PChsg - received on average per year. It is calculated as the difference between average income and expenses.

Example 2

In our example, we will additionally introduce the condition that in the process of project implementation there are annual costs in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Then the calculation will change as follows:

PP = 150,000 / (50,000 - 20,000) = 5 years

As you can see, the payback period when taking into account costs turned out to be longer.

Similar calculation formulas are acceptable in cases where revenues are the same over the years. In practice, this rarely occurs. Much more often the amount of inflow changes from period to period.

In this case, the calculation of the payback period is carried out somewhat differently. There are several steps in this process:

  1. there is an integer number of years for which the amount of income will be as close as possible to the amount of investment;
  2. find the amount of investments that are not yet covered by inflows;
  3. considering that investments during the year go evenly, they find the number of months required to achieve the full payback of the project.

Example 3

The amount of investment in the project is 150,000 rubles. During the first year, an income of 30,000 rubles is expected, the second - 50,000, the third - 40,000, the fourth - 60,000.

Thus, for the first three years, the amount of income will be:

30 000 + 50 000 + 40 000 = 120 000

For 4 years:

30 000 + 50 000 + 40 000 + 60 000 = 180 000

That is, the payback period is more than three years, but less than four.

Let's find the fractional part. To do this, calculate the uncovered balance after the third year:

150 000 – 120 000 = 30 000

30,000 / 60,000 = 0.5 years

We get that the return on investment is 3.5 years.

Calculation of the dynamic payback period

Unlike simple, this indicator takes into account the change in the value of cash over time. For this, the concept of discount rate is introduced.

The formula takes the following form:


In the previous example, we introduce one more condition: the annual discount rate is 1%.

Calculate the discounted income for each year:

30,000 / (1 + 0.01) = 29,702.97 rubles

50,000 / (1 + 0.01) 2 = 49,014.80 rubles

40,000 / (1 + 0.01) 3 \u003d 38,823.61 rubles

60,000 / (1 + 0.01) 4 \u003d 57,658.82 rubles

We get that for the first 3 years of receipts will be:

29,702.97 + 49,014.80 + 38,823.61 = 117,541.38 rubles

For 4 years:

29,702.97 + 49,014.80 + 38,823.61 + 57,658.82 = 175,200.20 rubles

As with a simple payback, the project pays off in more than 3 years, but less than 4. Let's calculate the fractional part.

After the third year, the uncovered balance will be:

150 000 – 117 541,38 = 32 458,62

That is, until the full payback period is not enough:

32,458.62 / 57,658.82 = 0.56 years

Thus, the return on investment will be 3.56 years. In our example, this is not much more than with easy way payback. However, the discount rate we adopted was too low: only 1%. In practice, it is about 10%.

Payback period is important financial indicator. It helps the investor to assess how expedient the investment in a particular project.

The next video lecture is devoted to the basics financial planning, investment plan and payback period:

37. Performance evaluation innovative project: internal rate of return, payback period

The effects of the red view (explicit) are all that can be traced to the last penny. In most cases, such an effect is associated with the introduction of a new or replacement of an old one with a more productive technology.

Green effects from “subtle” factors are the most difficult to trace and prove with purely mathematical models, but they have the greatest potential for benefits. An example of such factors can be better coordination of the actions of departments, the accuracy and speed of transfer of internal corporate information, knowledge of the strategy and understanding of one's responsibilities, staff training, and processability. "Green" factors, as a rule, appear in the implementation of managerial and organizational innovations.

To assess the effects of the red type, the theory of finance recognizes four main ways to calculate the effectiveness of an innovative project and its value to the company - this is the calculation of net present value (NPV), rate of return on investment (ROI), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period (РВ) . These figures are based on the discounting method.

Mathematically, the internal rate of return IRR is found by solving an exponential equation with an unknown discount X. In this case, the IRR value is taken equal to 0:

where D i - income of the i-th period; Ki - costs of the i-th period; n is the number of project implementation periods;

However, in practice, the method of approximate estimation of IRR is used. To do this, a series of calculations is carried out with a gradual increase in the discount until the IRR becomes negative. Then the approximate value is calculated:

Where NPV is net present value

d+ - the maximum value of the discount at which NPV took a positive value; d- - the minimum value of the discount, at which NPV took a negative value; NPVd- - value of NPV at a discount equal to d-; NPVd+ - NPV value at a discount equal to d+

The criterion for the economic efficiency of an innovative project is the value of IRR, which exceeds the value of the discount adopted when justifying the effectiveness of the project.

The payback period of RV is also found by solving the exponential equation for calculating NPV with an unknown realization period N, i.e. discounted income is equal to or covered by discounted costs:

However, in practice, the method of approximating the payback period is used:

Where t is the last period of the project implementation, in which the difference between the accumulated discounted income and discounted costs takes a negative value;

NVPt- - the last negative value of NPV;

NVPt+ - last positive NPV value.

The criterion for the economic efficiency of an innovative project is the value of the payback period, which does not exceed the project implementation period.

The advantage of financial methods is their basis, the classical theory of determining the economic efficiency of investments. These methods use criteria generally accepted in the financial sector (net present value, internal rate of return, etc.), which allows managers to find a common language with financial directors

Discount-based methods (financial methods) usually encourage companies to refrain from investing in an unstable environment. A high degree of uncertainty implies more high level discount rates and lower net present value (NPV). Because most promising investment projects currently cannot guarantee solid returns in the near future, they are often rejected by managers and executors due to their high risk. financial methods often lead to underestimation of what is hard to imagine: underestimation of the value of industries that are characterized by high uncertainty, such as the Internet. In addition, financial methods often pose barriers to managers in the form of zero or negative NPV, although such investment is often a prerequisite for detailed R&D.

38. Qualitative methods for evaluating the effectiveness of an innovative project. Balanced Scorecard by Nortan and Kaplan

All effects from the introduction of innovation can be divided into 2 groups: explicit and implicit.

The effects of the red view (explicit) are all that can be traced to the last penny.

Green effects from “subtle” factors are the most difficult to trace and prove with purely mathematical models, but they have the greatest potential for benefits. An example of such factors can be better coordination of the actions of departments, the accuracy and speed of the transfer of intracorporate information, instant access to organizational structure everyone, knowledge of the strategy and understanding of their duties, staff training, process. "Green" factors, as a rule, appear in the implementation of managerial and organizational innovations.

AT recent times there has been some progress in terms of the transformation of qualitative indicators into quantitative ones (“green effect”). This problem is quite easy to understand and at the same time difficult to evaluate. For example, ease of access to organizational infrastructure through the use of information technologies significantly affects, and it is obvious, on client base companies. Only in two cases can one give an unambiguous answer about the results of such influence. Firstly, if for a long time the number of customers remained constant, and after the implementation, an upward trend was discovered. Secondly, if before implementation there was a tendency to reduce the number of customers, and after implementation - growth or stabilization.

But how to determine the impact, if there is a tendency to increase before and after the adoption of the innovation, or, even more difficult, if a constant number of customers remains before and after. This may mean that money is wasted. But it is quite possible that the introduction of innovation saved from losing customers.

In part, this problem can be solved using qualitative methods, among which the main ones can be distinguished:

Their activities are significantly inferior to private enterprises. CHAPTER III DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR DETERMINING RESERVES TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES 3.1. Substantiation of reserves for increasing efficiency innovation activities and their classification Technical level and the efficiency of industrial production in the future are determined by...

Sets the task of constant and general "brainstorming" for the majority of employees, and, ultimately, for the entire staff of the company. Chapter II. Market factors affecting the nature of innovation 2.1 External factors The innovation process acts as a resultant of many economic factors, objective and subjective, external and internal. To objective factors ...

The calculation of the economic effect of the proposed activities is carried out in order to determine the feasibility of financing a particular project, the essence of which is to make a profit.

Types of economic effect

Assumes the investment of capital in order to generate additional profit to achieve In the second case, the economic effect cannot be calculated, since the social effect does not involve making a profit.

The economic effect can be positive and negative. To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to make a profit. In other words, the amount of the investor's income must be higher than the amount of the investment. This effect is called profit. The second way to get a positive effect is not through investments that increase the volume of income, but through savings in production costs. The most profitable way to get a positive effect is to increase revenues and reduce production costs.

A negative positive effect is achieved when the costs of the proposed activity exceed the income. In this case, the economic effect will be called a loss.

Methodology for calculating the economic effect

The classic formula for calculating the economic effect is as follows:

Eph \u003d D - W * K, where

Ef - economic effect;

D - income or savings from events;

C - the cost of events;

K - normative coefficient.

Regulatory coefficient

In addition to the concept of "economic effect" there is another term that is used to determine the feasibility of investing. This is economic efficiency. It also requires a standard coefficient. It shows the minimum acceptable efficiency investment project, which should be achieved for the state and society.

The normative coefficient is a constant. Its meaning varies depending on the industry in which it is used. The value of this index ranges from 0.1 to 0.33. The highest value of the parameter is in the chemical industry, and the lowest is in the transport industry. In the industrial sector, the standard coefficient is 0.16; in the sphere of trade - 0.25.

Feasibility of calculating the economic effect of the proposed measures

The economic effect can be calculated for any period of time. It depends on how long the events are. The calculation of the annual economic effect is carried out in cases where activities requiring investments are carried out or can be carried out during the year. An example is the payment of bonuses to employees for increasing sales volumes by months. So no better way understand the expediency of bonuses, how to calculate the economic effect for the year. The formula for calculating the economic effect of the proposed measures in this case will look like this:

Er \u003d (D1 - D0) * Z * K, where

  • Er - annual effect;
  • D1 - income after the events;
  • D2 - income before events;
  • Z - costs;
  • K - normative coefficient.


In order to more clearly understand how the expediency of an investment project is determined, it is necessary to consider an example of calculating the economic effect.

The company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of furniture. The management decided to give bonuses to employees if they can improve the quality of products. As a result of the measures taken to improve the quality of the goods, the company was able to earn 100 thousand dollars, which is 15 thousand more than before the implementation of the measures. 8 thousand dollars were invested, and the standard coefficient is 0.25. Accordingly, the economic effect is calculated as follows:

Eph \u003d 15 - 0.25 * 8 \u003d 13.

Long term investment

In cases where the investment will be carried out over a long period of time, the economic effect indicator will not be able to reflect the feasibility of financing. Opportunity costs must always be taken into account. They appear when an investor makes one or another choice in the presence of another alternative. In this situation, the opportunity cost is considered to be the lost profit that the entrepreneur could have earned if he had chosen another option for investing his funds.

There is always at least one alternative investment option, and it must be taken into account in order to get a more complete picture when calculating the economic effect of the proposed activities. This alternative is a bank deposit. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the percentage of the deposit and discount income and expenses.

In this situation, the net present value will act as an economic effect. However, if the calculation percentage was not taken into account when calculating the classical economic effect, and a positive effect was achieved when income exceeded costs, then in the case of net present value, even its negative value can indicate that the costs are greater than the costs.

The thing is that not always a negative value of the net present value means the excess of expenses over income. If a calculation percentage is included in the calculation, for example, 5%, then a positive value means that the return on investment is more than 5%. If the NPV is 0, then the investment is profitable by exactly 5%.

To understand how profitable the proposed activities are when it is less than zero, it is necessary to calculate the internal percentage. A positive value indicates the profitability of the project, and a negative value indicates its unprofitability. If the internal interest is 2 at a calculation rate of 5%, then the investment paid off by 2 percent, but with an alternative use of these funds, they could return 3% more. Thus, in contrast to the economic efficiency ratio, it is a more suitable solution for calculating the financing of measures to improve the enterprise, designed for the long term.

§ Evaluation of economic efficiency

As a result, it remains to evaluate the payback period of the project and the expected profit, as well as to assess what additional cost increase can be allowed when creating a corporate portal.

Armed with all these assessments, you can make a decision to start a project to create a corporate portal, develop technical and economic requirements and contact the Contractor.

§ Formulation of requirements for the corporate portal

Technical and economic requirements are not terms of reference, but namely the requirements put forward by the Customer and on the basis of which the Contractor begins analytical work on the creation of a corporate portal and issues TOR.

Creation of a corporate portal, preliminary tests

The purpose of the stage is the creation and development of an existing corporate portal, a fully completed company automation system, only filled with test information.

At this stage, the Contractor works almost autonomously on the basis of the ToR and project documentation developed at the previous stage.

The contractor carries out:

layout design of the corporate portal;

corporate portal programming;

database creation;

creates a corporate portal, fills it with test information;

configures the portal and conducts its preliminary tests.

After that, the corporate portal is installed in the company's network (Intranet, Extranet, Internet) and presented to the Customer. The customer is also given the necessary documentation (manuals for administrators and users).

Further work is carried out by the Contractor together with the working group of the company, whose members, if necessary, undergo preliminary training. At this stage, the layout of the corporate portal is tested in real conditions, on real workplaces (but only on a part of workplaces), on real business processes. The corporate portal is adjusted to the company's business processes and, in some cases, business processes are corrected and optimized, technical documentation is corrected.

After that, the corporate portal is presented to the Customer. Final tests are carried out, an Acceptance Certificate of work (stage) is drawn up.

§ Pilot operation, regular operation

The purpose of the stage is the creation of a fully functioning (at all workplaces, at all business processes) corporate portal with the debugging of all business processes, and entering normal operation.

Preparatory stage and pilot operation

At this stage, firstly, if necessary, training of all employees of the company associated with the work of the corporate portal is carried out. Further, the company's employees with the participation of the Contractor's dedicated employees carry out the following work:

initial filling of the corporate portal database (catalogues, directories, etc.)

practical work on all business processes of the company begins.

At the same time, the main attention is paid to the collection and analysis of comments, the corporate portal is being promptly finalized in simple cases, a list of further major improvements is being prepared (both the corporate portal and the company's business processes).

Trial operation of the corporate portal is carried out within 1-3 months, depending on the complexity of the project.

§ Refinement based on the results of trial operation

Trial operation ends with the preparation of the Act and, if necessary, a schedule for the elimination of comments. Comments arising from non-fulfillment of any points of the ToR are eliminated by the Contractor free of charge.

§ Corporate portal support

Support of the corporate portal is carried out, as a rule, by IT specialists of the company. The contractor is involved in cases where it is necessary to restructure the company's business processes and appropriately correct the corporate portal software.

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When driving in difficult conditions, walking propulsion machines can be more efficient than traditional vehicles. The use of the walking method of movement gives a qualitative increase in a number of basic indicators of transport vehicles in comparison with wheeled and caterpillar movers. There are principal...

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