The scoring system is spelled correctly. Five-point grading system - criteria. School grades. What determines the effectiveness of training


I studied the official documents and is ready to explain what each mark is for.

First level (low): 1-2 points

Recognizing, recognizing and distinguishing concepts are requirements for the lowest marks.Yes, yes, no zero knowledge.

Second level (satisfactory): 3-4 points

Marks 3 and 4 are given to students who present educational material from memory, that is, a memorized theory is enough for satisfactory scores.

Third level (intermediate): 5-6 points

To get 5 or 6 points, the educational material must not only be reproduced, but understood. Plus, be able to describe and analyze actions with objects of study.

Fourth level (sufficient): 7-8 points

A student who claims to be of a sufficient level easily applies knowledge in practice and gives his own examples, similar to those given in the textbook. On the basis of a generalized algorithm, it also solves new learning problems. Another requirement is the ability to understand the essence of the objects being studied and perform actions with clearly defined rules.

Fifth level (high): 9-10 points

Applicants for "9" and "10" apply knowledge in unfamiliar, non-standard situations. And to solve qualitatively new problems. They independently describe, explain and transform the objects of study.

Is it worth it to equal the annual mark in the subject during the delivery of the CT? Before the introduction, this indicator did not coincide with the real test results. With the introduction of the new technique, this difference was leveled. And now you can roughly count on the result of the CT, equal to the annual score in the school subject, multiplied by 10.

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The wage system is a mechanism that helps the employer determine how much and in what volumes it is necessary to pay funds to its employees. The work of accounting and how the company will conduct office work depends on the choice of the remuneration system. Well, naturally, in order to adequately choose such a mechanism, it is necessary to understand in detail how it works. For example, the point system of remuneration - when it is used and what is its payment procedure.

Point wage system - basic concepts

Point wage is a tariff-free system of payments wages. If it is used in an enterprise, then the funds are paid according to how much each individual employee has contributed to the work process. That is, the salary of an employee is directly dependent on the volume of his participation in the overall production. The measure of such participation is the so-called ball, which helps the employer calculate exactly how much he should pay the employee.

In order for an employee to have the opportunity to receive these points, he must meet certain criteria called. They are listed in Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • What is the qualification of the employee?
  • How much hard work he performs;
  • The total amount of work that he performed;
  • The quality of the work performed by the employee;

In order to correctly assign points to an employee, you need to know what to build on. In this case, it is best to use standard calculation methods. For example, the qualification of an employee is calculated according to two characteristics - how much general experience a person has in this specialty, and what knowledge he received during specialized training. It is also worth noting that he can undergo such training while working in a position, which should also affect his salary.

In order to assess the complexity of the work performed by an employee, their volume and quality, there are no unified criteria. In each enterprise, the employer does this independently. Everything depends on the specifics of production, its harmfulness, the influence of working factors on the health of employees, etc.

The quality of work is most often more difficult to assess than other criteria. It must be considered from the standpoint of compliance with several criteria. For example, by the number of marriages or complaints according to the “severity” of this marriage or complaints.

Also, do not forget about the documents issued by the government, which regulate some of the relationships between employees and customers. For example, the letter of the Ministry of Labor dated September 16, 2016 No. 14-2 / ​​B-888, which states that the employee is obliged to communicate politely with consumers.

When is the point wage system used?

In order to introduce a point system of remuneration at your enterprise, you need to follow established by law algorithm. This procedure is set in Labor Code Russian Federation:

  • Only the head of the entire enterprise or a person who has all the necessary powers can introduce a point system of remuneration. He decides that he wants to switch to this system, in accordance with Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After that, the leader must decide on the circle of people who will have to develop a local act.
  • Employees who have been identified by the manager begin to develop a draft local act.
  • After the draft is developed, it is submitted to the bodies that will deal with it. They, guided by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must make a general opinion on the project, and they have 5 days for this. The term begins to be counted from the moment the responsible body receives all the papers for the project.

The trade union or representative of the organization that is considering the project can make both a positive and a negative opinion on the decision of the head of the enterprise. If they refuse, then the employer has three days to resolve all the troubles and disagreements that have arisen. And even if all parties have not come to a consensus, the head of the enterprise can still send his project for approval further. But in this case, the responsible organizations can appeal against it and help to ensure that it is not allowed.

But sometimes it happens that in an enterprise that wants to switch to a point system for calculating wages, there are no necessary trade unions or representatives the right organizations. In this case, the employer must:

  • Obtain written confirmation from all employees that they agree to such a transition. This is not necessary only in two cases, if the point system of remuneration is established at the enterprise as the first payment system, or if the further use of the old system is impossible due to a change in the organization at the enterprise, or if the technological conditions of work of employees have changed. This is stated in Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Approve the draft local act, which was developed by the circle of employees established by the head.
  • Familiarize all employees of the enterprise with the new project. This is stated in Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for remuneration under the point system

Trying to determine exactly how much and how to pay employees money on a point system, many managers face certain difficulties. They are associated with letter No. 111-6-1, which was published by Rostrud. It states that employees in the same positions are required to receive the same salary. But, as already established above, the point system of remuneration indicates that the amount of wages depends not only on the position held, but also on what skills the employee has and how well he performs his work. This means that even if two people occupy the same position, their salaries can still differ greatly from one another.

In this case, the employer can only act as indicated in the letter from Rostrud. All people in the same positions are paid the same salary. And the balls begin to influence, so to speak, everything that is paid extra above the salary - that is, bonuses and bonuses. In this case, additional payments will be calculated according to the formula of the point system of remuneration.

If the employer ignores the Rostrud letter, employees may consider this discrimination and apply to the relevant authorities.

The use of a point system of payment will be optimal if the organization is small and all employees occupy different positions.

An example of calculating payment according to the point system

A fairly common example is the point system of remuneration. medical workers. The matter is that doctors and physicians receive the salary corresponding to the position. But at the same time, they receive compensation payments, which are determined by the number of hours worked overtime, processing, night shifts, etc. This is a variation of the point system, although not as direct as the one discussed earlier. Also the scoring system budget institutions is also used with certain specific calculations.

In order to determine the salary of an employee, you need to calculate the following:

  • How many points this or that employee scored for the billing period. This is done using a special table.
  • Determine how many points were scored by all employees of the organization.
  • Determine how much money will be sent by the organization to pay wages.
  • Calculate wages using all the above data.

Suppose, in total, the company scored 140 points for the billing period, and the organization allocated 140,000 rubles for wages. And the employee for whom the salary is calculated was able to score 15 points. In this case, his salary will be equal to:

15/140 x 140,000 = 15,000

That is, one employee, having worked out the billing period and gaining his number of points, gets 15,000 rubles of salary. And a similar calculation will need to be carried out for each person who works in the organization - from the head of the enterprise to the worker in the shop. That is, the point system of remuneration gives the most advantages to fairly small organizations. If there are several hundred people in it, then such calculations will take a very long time.

Pros and cons of the point system of remuneration

Among the advantages of a point-based remuneration system, the following should be highlighted:

  • This system of remuneration is great for enterprises where there are no specific and clear indicators. For example, for accounting organizations, personnel services.
  • The criteria by which wages are paid can be set independently, based on the specifics of production and the work of the entire enterprise. For example, a large accounting or clerical organization may rely on the quantity and timely submission of the required documentation. Smaller organizations can be guided by how well this documentation is designed.

Among the disadvantages of such a system would be:

  • The salary will always be "floating". The employee will not be able to accurately count on a certain amount, because it will differ each billing period.
  • The point system of remuneration is difficult to use. For each period when an employee needs to pay a salary, it will be necessary to re-evaluate his quality of work and calculate the required amount. This will be a big burden for the responsible department, especially if the organization is large.
  • Conflicts may arise between employees, especially on the basis of the criteria by which the quality of work is calculated. This is almost inevitable and can lead to many problems.

It is also worth noting the wage systems, which are very similar to the ballroom, but they are not. For example, rating. It is somewhat different from the payment system under consideration in that the rating system is more stable in terms of wages. It is recalculated only if one of the three criteria has changed:

  • The employee's level of education has increased or decreased;
  • The employee's experience in the relevant position has changed;
  • Increased or decreased place in overall structure the entire enterprise;

The rating system is based not on the quality and quantity of work performed, but on the rating assigned to a person. It depends on the level of education of each individual worker, on what position he holds and what specialized experience he has. This wage system is somewhat better suited for large organizations, although no one exempts the employer from the need to take into account the letter issued by Rostrud.

Another system that is similar to a ballroom system is the bonus system. Only in this case, the employee is charged a certain percentage of the total profit of the organization. These funds are credited to him as a bonus on top of his salary, so that such a system is ideally suited to the requirements put forward by Rostrud.

The knowledge assessment system is an integral element of the educational process. In fact, this is the basic criterion for determining the level of assimilation of educational material. Most Russian parents are accustomed to and understand the 5-point system, because we remember it from our childhood. Abroad, new systems are relevant - 10-, 12- and even 100-point. This trend has not bypassed domestic education either: some schools, in addition to the usual 5-point scale, have introduced an assessment system on a scale of 10 points.

Which system is better? What to look for when choosing between the old and the new format of knowledge assessment? And how do children react to evaluation of their progress in general? Let's talk about it below.

Evaluation as a factor influencing the formation of personality

From early childhood, we go through the process of socialization, that is, integration into the existing society. The role of connecting links between the individual and society is performed by the so-called agents of socialization: first it is their own family, and then a kindergarten, school, university, work team. But if the family, as a rule, loves us for who we are, then the location of other agents still needs to be earned. Moreover, these agents are constantly evaluating us.

IN kindergarten the educator evaluates the behavior and success of the child: how he spends time, how he contacts other children and staff, how easy it is for him to play collective games, tasks and exercises. This is how children get used to evaluation - they begin to understand that their behavior is constantly compared with some reference values ​​("rather smart", "not too obedient", "very sociable"). Then they are evaluated at school, but here the emphasis is already on the level of assimilation of knowledge from the curriculum - the student receives low or high marks. This experience is extrapolated to the rest of the social life. At the university, a former student becomes an excellent student, a loser or an average student, and at work, respectively, a good, bad or mediocre employee.

The pubertal period of development falls precisely on the school years, so the assessment system at school has a special influence on the development of the child. Today the situation in schools is ambiguous: some educational establishments use the traditional 5-point system for Russia, others are gradually moving to a 10-point system, and some even use them in parallel. For example, in elementary grades, students are given grades from 1 to 5, and in middle and senior grades, from 1 to 10.

5-point system: pros and cons

As planned, the scale from 1 to 5 shows how the student has mastered the educational material. At the same time, each quantitative assessment corresponds to a certain semantic characteristic.


Student characteristics

Does not know or understand the material at all

Doesn't know much of the material. Answers oral questions uncertainly, makes gross mistakes in written works

Knows the basic material, but cannot use the acquired knowledge correctly in practice without outside help. Makes mistakes in oral and written responses

Knows the required material, answers questions without difficulty, applies the acquired knowledge in practice. Does not make blunders in verbal responses, but only minor errors in writing

He knows the program material in full, demonstrates an excellent understanding of the topic, answers the teacher's questions correctly and confidently, is able to independently solve practical problems using the acquired knowledge. Does not make mistakes in oral and written answers


  • the system is traditional and familiar, and therefore understandable to both students and parents;
  • good grades (in particular, fives) significantly increase the student's self-esteem.


  • assessment criteria do not make it possible to accurately and objectively assess the knowledge of the student (hence the widespread use of non-existent in principle grades like “4+”, “3-”, etc.);
  • the system does not objectively determine the student's educational progress (even if the student made fewer mistakes than the last time, or answered correctly, but made a mistake in writing, his grade will not change);
  • poor grades negatively affect the student's self-esteem and can cause serious psychological trauma;
  • very often the assessment is determined not by the academic success and real achievements of the child, but by the behavior and subjective attitude of the teacher.

10-point system: pros and cons

The main difference of this system is a deeper classification and detailing of the student's educational achievements. In addition to the level of assimilation of the material, such a scale also shows the qualitative characteristics of educational activities.



Level of learning activity

Complete lack of learning activity


Discrimination, recognition, superficial acquaintance with the subject

Almost Satisfactory


Memorization and unconscious reproduction

Very satisfactory

Understanding the theory, awareness

Quite good

Very good

Full knowledge of theoretical material

Almost perfect

non-standard creativity to the application of acquired knowledge


The system was called a 10-point system, although in fact it contains 11 marks - from 0 to 10. The mark "0" is provided for those cases when the student simply refuses to answer a question or complete a task. But at the same time, the assessment cannot characterize the level of assimilation of the material, which is why it was not displayed in the name of the scale.


  • extended gradation allows you to more clearly and objectively determine the current level of knowledge;
  • the scale allows you to analyze the mental abilities of the student, assess the involvement in studying proccess and discover its weaknesses;
  • the system is psychologically comfortable - scores from 5 points are already positive;
  • the gap between excellent students and poor students, which is uncomfortable for students, is reduced: all students who receive from 7 to 10 points are successful by definition.


  • the system does not solve the traditional problems of school education: the psychological trauma of poor students, the subjective attitude of teachers, etc.;
  • parents get confused in new scores and do not always understand what this or that score indicates.

Both systems cannot be called ideal, but it is obvious that the 10-point scale is still more comfortable for students and makes the process of assessing knowledge at least a little, but more adequate. Therefore, if there is a choice, it is better to send the child to a school where grades are given from 1 to 10. It is optimal if the child gets used to such a system already from the first grade and studies according to it until graduation. A sharp transition from one scale to another, which is sometimes practiced in domestic schools, brings children only additional discomfort.

An interesting fact: the Finnish school system, which is considered the best in the whole world, has abandoned grades altogether. According to employees of the Finnish Ministry of Education, children study in order to acquire and use knowledge, and not for the sake of getting good grades. The innovative approach has already proved its effectiveness: Finnish graduates are breaking all records of success, and their parents are calm about the psychological health of their children.

Good afternoon! Tell me, please, how to write the fifty-five point system correctly?

Right: fifty-five point system.

Hello! Which is correct - a ten-point storm or a ten-point storm?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: ten point storm.

Question #284383

What is the correct spelling: high-grade, five-point or with LL?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

These words are written with two l: high point, five-point.

Question #283345

Good afternoon! Can you tell me, please, what is the correct supplier score or supplier score? Thanks

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The score is called score.

Tell me, please, why do they write "point-rating system" with one "l"? How to write correctly? Logically: score but ... Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Ball ny - from score(assessment, unit of measure); ballroom - from ball(dance night). Right: score-rating.

Question #275323
Hello. Please answer, is the following spelling of the word correct: two hundred points? Is it generally correct to use it in phrases like “evaluate on a two-hundred-point scale,” or, perhaps, it is preferable to use such a spelling - 200-point, which is exactly what is found in the texts?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both spellings are correct: 200-point and 200-point. The choice of option depends on the style of the text.

Which is correct - "point-rating system", or "point-rating system"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #267296
Good afternoon! Please help me to understand the following question. If the state of the path is evaluated by points, then what is the correct way to say and write: "The path of zero points" or "The path with zero points"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible.

how to write correctly: score-rating or score-rating

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #253851
Please tell me how to write correctly: "stobal niki" or "stobalniki"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: 100 nick(from noun. score).

Question #248621
Hello! How to write correctly: score-rating or score-rating? Thanks in advance for your reply!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: score but...(from the word score).

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