Dates of spring hunting in a year. In Komi, the dates of spring hunting have been approved. Autumn hunting season in the Vologda region


The spring hunting season starts in Komi at the end of April.

In Syktyvkar, Syktyvdinsky, Kortkerossky, Ust-Vymsky, Ust-Kulomsky, Knyazhpogostsky and Udorsky districts - from April 30 to May 9.

In addition, the Komi Okhotnadzor published a memo for hunters telling about the dangers of bird flu. In a commentary to Komiinform, a representative of the Komi Okhotnadzor said that the memo received from the head department was finalized and supplemented so that information about the disease was presented in a more accessible and understandable form. There were no reports from hunters about the discovery of game infected with bird flu, either this year or in previous years.

Memo. Watch out for bird flu!

Avian influenza is an acute infectious viral disease of wild, synanthropic (following humans) and domestic birds, characterized by damage to the digestive and respiratory organs.

Pigs, horses, ferrets, mice, cats, dogs, other vertebrates and humans also suffer from this disease. This virus is not transmitted from person to person, it can only be infected from a sick bird.

Refers to diseases with a very high epidemiological danger, high mortality, capable of causing great economic damage to agriculture and hunting.

The source of infection is migratory birds (most often wild ducks), they are the main carrier and carrier of the virus. These can be sick or recovered individuals, as well as those in the state of the incubation period of the development of the disease. The virus is excreted by them with expiration from the beak, droppings and eggs.

Signs of the disease in birds are the depressed state of the individual, the expiration of viscous mucus from the beak, inflammation of the eyes, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue in the head, neck, chest, swelling of the larynx, cyanosis of the visible mucous membranes, paws, tail contaminated with excrement. The movements of a sick bird are uncoordinated: tilting the head back, rotational movement of the head with shaking, curvature of the neck, lack of response to external stimuli.

In order to prevent the spread of infection and prevent human infection with the avian influenza virus, the following rules must be followed:

Do not bring home wild waterfowl for personal keeping;

Hunt flying birds, avoid shooting at sitting and floating ones;

The caught bird should be brought home only plucked and gutted;

Before plucking and gutting (preferably with gloves), the bird should be dipped in boiling water for several minutes or treated with an open fire (on a fire, with a blowtorch);

In the event that a hunter has obtained a bird with the symptoms described above, it should be burned;

It is mandatory to report this event or the fact of finding a dead bird to the GKU RK "Okhotnadzor" by phone in Syktyvkar - 20-15-30, 20-24-72, or to the regional hunting inspector;

When gutting a bird, avoid contamination of the environment (objects, trees, soil) with blood, droppings;

After processing the poultry, all biological waste should be burned at the stake or buried to a depth inaccessible to wild and stray animals; it is forbidden to feed other animals with waste and raw poultry meat;

When in contact with a bird, observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands often with soap and water; when plucking evisceration, do not touch the face;

If gutting waste gets on clothes, it should be washed and dried in the sun, shoes should be washed thoroughly.

When cooking, the bird should be well boiled or fried;

Kitchen utensils must be thoroughly washed with soap and scalded;

Within network-ten days after contact with wild bird if you develop flu symptoms or an eye infection, you should seek medical attention immediately.

*** Received permits for the extraction of hunting resources must be returned to the place of receipt within 20 days after the end of the hunt.

Violation of the hunting rules entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to four thousand rubles with or without confiscation of hunting tools, or deprivation of the right to hunt for up to two years (Article 8.37 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

By order of the Komi Ministry of Natural Resources dated 31.08. 2016 No. 1424 established the norms for the extraction of hunting resources.

Hunting season rules required condition to maintain the population of animals and birds in the regions of Russia. Its violation entails heavy fines, up to revocation of the license and confiscation of weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to find out in advance what time it is possible to hunt in the fall of 2018. But first you need to define the basic concepts.

hunting seasons

Experienced hunters plan game trips 3-4 months before official permission. Information about this is posted on the Internet resources of the departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources. It also determines the maximum allowable amount of prey for each type of animal, the cost of a license for the extraction of limited game.

It is important for a hunter to know such features for the autumn hunting season:

  • The term is from mid-August to November inclusive.
  • Temporary division according to certain types of animals. Mandatory compliance with the norms of permissible production.
  • Timely payment of a license for limited species of animals. Its size varies from 2,000 rubles (boar of the year) to 50,000 rubles (roaring male elk).

The rules of the autumn hunting season are determined in each region separately, but taking into account the current legislation. In some cases, the time or amount of allowable harvest may be increased to control the population.

Hunter Calendar

For each type of animal or bird, you need to prepare the appropriate equipment. The size, the permissible degree of damage, the volume of future production (number of units) are taken into account. For beginners, this is the main problem - improper preparation for the autumn season will cause failure.

You need to decide in advance on the type of production:

  • Geese and ducks, upland bird. It can be hunted from August 20 to November 15.
  • Badger. Time is limited from August 15 to October 31. In some regions, hunting may be prohibited.
  • Wolf, fox, white hare. They can be accessed from September 15 to the end of February. For wolves, by special order, the season can be extended.
  • Boars. From June 1 to the end of December. The exception is females with offspring and underyearlings. For them, the season opens from October 1.
  • Field game and marsh-meadow. Hunting with a gun dog is allowed from August 5 to mid-November.

These are indicative dates, the exact time should be checked with the local offices of the Ministry of Natural Resources. You can also find out the permitted places for hunting there.


The best time for sport hunting with a gun dog. Features - you need a good orientation in the area, you need to walk a lot, know the habits of the bird. Special requirements for the skill of shooting. By the end of the season, birds become extremely shy and leave their homes at the slightest danger.

An alternative to a gun dog is to "trample" a bird. However, this method is inefficient in terms of production volume and is used only in sports purposes. It is not suitable for a beginner.


The beginning of the extraction of upland bird species: capercaillie, black grouse. The best time is mid-September. At this time, the birds are not yet so shy, willingly respond to bait, rarely change their place of overnight stay and feeding. It is also possible to shoot hazel grouse, although experienced hunters prefer larger trophies.

At the same time, the hunt for the hare begins. In popularity, it is comparable only to duck. The place of fishing is fields or territory near the forest. Due to the specifics of behavior and color in a dense thicket, it is problematic to find a hare.


The most desirable season for many miners begins - attacks on a bear are allowed. The best method is the arrangement of a storage shed. You must first purchase a license. Requirements - the correct calculation of the cartridge (), the choice of the optimal place. Bears are sensitive to foreign odors and are very cautious.

The permitted shooting of large animals also begins: wild boar, elk, deer. It is important to comply with the current regulations and the implementation of the rules. So, the extraction of a she-bear, which has cubs, is strictly prohibited.


In the final month of the autumn hunting season, battling of ungulates - elk, roe deer, and wild boar - will gain popularity. This is done when forming a snow cover for orientation in the area. It is important to prevent the appearance of a wounded animal that would have left the hunters. In the future, such an animal, especially a bear or a wild boar, will become a serious danger to people.

The video material shows an example of the correct production of game in compliance with the timing of the hunt. In 2018, it is recommended to act according to the same rules.

Years are already worrying millions of hunters from Russia, who are waiting for the decision of the relevant authorities. Rumors about the closure of spring hunting have long been circulating in society, so many people are worried about this topic.

Will they be allowed to enter the hunting grounds this year as it was in the past? The answer to this question is already on the surface and there is not the slightest doubt that hunting spring 2017 be.

Now you can calmly exhale and start preparing for the new season. Start loading ammo, stock up on all the necessary equipment, analyze all the mistakes of past seasons in order to prevent them in the new one.

This hunt has a number of goose hunters who are looking forward to the opening to get new experiences and try out recently bought stuffed and decoy, as well as brand new guns.

Many tend to go hunting mallard drake, woodcock, black grouse and capercaillie. Is it possible to hunt them this year, and by what rules? Now consider all the details and nuances of this hunt.

Rules and terms of hunting in spring 2017

As for the rules of spring hunting themselves, there will not be anything super new here, but nevertheless, the main prohibitions that apply during this period should be recalled.

Any snares that may be used in spring game hunting are prohibited. Electronic devices that make sounds reminiscent of those that come from wild animals should not be used.

Hunting boats may only be used to collect game, but it is prohibited to use them to search, track, chase or take the game itself.

It is against the law to conduct spring woodcock hunting on morning draft. You can use the method of approach on this hunt only when hunting for wood grouse during the current. On the gray geese You can't hunt in the spring.

The use of birds of prey for game birds during this period is prohibited, but hunting dogs can only be used as gun dogs to search for wounded birds or feed already beaten game.

It is forbidden to hunt the female duck, capercaillie and black grouse. Hunting for coot, hazel grouse, moorhen is also prohibited. I remind you once again that it is forbidden to hunt for a gray goose in the spring, so be very careful.

The dates for which the spring hunting of 2017 opens are regulated by a specific order. For some regions, the opening date is clearly defined, but some areas of the country do not have such certainty, since the binding comes with the weather.

The hunting period in spring will last for 10 calendar days. As for specific dates, there are slight changes from those that were last year.

For example, in the Kaliningrad region, hunting in the spring is planned to be carried out from March 15 to March 24. The Moscow region will open its doors for hunters from 15 to 24 April, the Republic of Adygea from 11 to 20 March.

In the Republic of Bashkortostan it will be possible to hunt from April 22 to May 1, but the Republic of Dagestan and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are glad to accept hunters from March 1 to March 10.

In the Republic of Kalmykia, the spring hunting period dates from March 11 to March 20. In the Stavropol Territory, it will be possible to hunt white-fronted goose, mallard drake and woodcock from March 11 to 20.

The dates of this year's hunt in all other regions of Russia remain the same as they were last season.




Opening dates for autumn-winter hunting in 2019 in Russia by region

Each hunter is obliged to remember which animal and when hunting is allowed. It's like knowing the rules of the road. Failure to comply with the established deadlines for shooting ungulates, birds or fur-bearing animals can lead to serious trouble for the hunter, for example, a large fine, seizure of a weapon, or even deprivation of a license. Therefore, we invite you to find out the periods for shooting fur-bearing animals, ungulates and birds in all regions using our hunter calendar for 2019.

Terms and conditions for opening a hunt

Hunters live from the beginning to the end of the season, waiting for the start of the date when it will be possible to start hunting. Each season is unique and individual in its own way. Therefore, the timing and order of the opening of hunting can vary significantly. This also affects the regions. For example, the opening of autumn hunting in the Moscow region in 2019 begins at one time, and the hunting season in autumn in the Leningrad region can start at a completely different time.

The exact opening and closing time of the hunt is determined by weather conditions, the region of Russia and other parameters. Orders on the opening of the hunting season are formed separately in a specific administrative unit of our country and communicated to the public using the means mass media. In addition, the exact conditions and discoveries of hunting can be found out:

1. on the websites of regional administrations;

2. in local newspapers;

3. in the departments of hunting farms.

Each of the periods involves the shooting of a certain type of animal. The timing of shooting in the regions may shift slightly. In addition, permits may be introduced regionally for the shooting of animals that cause harm during the entire period. Quite often, stray dogs, wolves, foxes or crows fall into this category. However, even in this case, appropriate permission may be required to shoot them.

Traditionally, the shooting of animals takes place in 3 periods:

1. Spring shooting game. In most cases, it is short and lasts 10 calendar days.

2. Summer-autumn. A special time for shooting lovers, because its duration exceeds 3 months. This period is the longest.

3. Shooting in winter is usually allowed for 30 days.

Opening of the autumn hunting season 2019

The opening date of the autumn hunting in the Omsk region or the Republic of Bashkiria may be somewhat different. This is determined by weather conditions, however, there are general dates that correspond to the start time of the hunt in most hunting areas. Usually for hunters, August 8 is considered the starting day, the season closes on November 29. The exact time depends on the organizers and owners of the grounds, depending on the local features of the schedule.

Attention hunters!

It is important to remember about the restrictions and prohibitions on autumn hunting in 2019. According to the Hunting Rules in Russia, autumn hunting is prohibited:

1. use any samolov when catching birds in sports and amateur hunting;

2. use any lighting devices;

3. use electronic devices that imitate sounds made by animals;

4. be in the hunting grounds on aircraft, mechanical vehicles, this also applies to watercraft with a running engine, including those that have not stopped moving by inertia after turning off the engine, with firearms (pneumatic) weapons loaded, uncovered or having cartridges in the magazine;

5. use of firearms with a rifled barrel, including rifled barrels of combined weapons;

6. use of hunting smooth-bore firearms, which are equipped with shot (buckshot) more than five millimeters and bullets.

Opening date of hunting in the fall in the Altai Territory in 2019

Hunting season in autumn in the Altai Territory in 2019:

5. for waterfowl, field, steppe, swamp-meadow game - the last Saturday of August - November 20;

6. upland game - the last Saturday of August - the end of the year;

7. for field, swamp-meadow steppe game, including with gun dogs - August 5 - November 20;

Opening date of hunting in the Republic of Adygea in 2019

Autumn hunting in this year in the Republic of Adygea:

1. from the 3rd Saturday of August until the end of the year. It is allowed to hunt steppe, field and marsh-meadow game (pheasant, dove, pigeon, quail), including with the involvement of gun dogs;

2. from the fourth Saturday of September until the end of the year. It is allowed to hunt waterfowl (goose, moorhen, coot, ducks and geese), upland game (woodcock), including with the involvement of gun dogs;

3. from the 1st day of summer to February 28 (29) you can go on a wild boar (any age and gender groups);

4. From May 20 to June 10 it is allowed to hunt European roe deer (males). From October 1 to the end of December for roe deer of all sex and age groups;

5. From October 1 to January 25, you can enjoy hunting for a jackal, wolf, raccoon, weasel, marten, squirrel, muskrat, fox, raccoon dog, hare.

Opening of the hunt for the hare in the Belgorod region

Hunting season in autumn in the Belgorod region:

2. From the 3rd Saturday of August to mid-November, you can hunt gray heron, steppe, field, waterfowl, and marsh-meadow game;

4. From 7 pm, starting from the third Saturday of August, on other days from dawn to 9 am in the morning and from 6 pm in the evening until dark, you can hunt in the fish-breeding reservoirs of the region's farms, where there are natural sources (streams, rivers). From October 1, there are no restrictions;

5. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year it is allowed to harvest rooks, gray crow, upland game;

6. from July 25 to November 15 you can hunt meadow game with continental and island pointing dogs, spaniels and retrievers;

7. From August 5 until the end of the year, it is allowed for steppe, field and upland game with continental and island pointing dogs, spaniels and retrievers;

Hunting season in autumn in the Vladimir region

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Vladimir region:

1. from July 25 to November 15, hunting for marsh game with the help of gun dogs takes place, from August 5 to November 15 - steppe and field game;

3. from Saturday 3 August to November 15 it is allowed to hunt steppe, field, upland and marsh-meadow game;

5. from September 15 to February 28 (29) - polecat, marten, squirrel, mink, fox, hare, raccoon dog, white hare;

7. From June 1 to February 28 (29) it is allowed to hunt wild boar (any sex and age groups, except for females that have young animals up to 1 year old). This restriction is removed from November 1 until the new year;

8. From the beginning of October until the end of the year, you can hunt elk (any age and sex groups). Until the end of September from September 1 - adult males "on the roar" during the rut;

9. from October to the end of the year - sika and red deer (any sex and age groups), males "on the roar" - from the beginning of autumn to September 30.

Opening date of hunting in autumn in the Republic of Buryatia

Opening of hunting in autumn in the Republic of Buryatia in 2019:

3. the last Saturday of August until 31.12 - field and steppe game;

4. from the first Saturday of September until February 28(29).02 - upland game in the Severo-Baikalsky, Okinsky, Muysky, Kurumkansky, Bauntovsky Evenki and Barguzinsky regions. In other areas - from 4 Saturdays of August until the end of February;

5. 01.11 - 31.12 - musk deer (all sex and age groups);

6. 01.08 - 30.11 - brown bear;

8. 15.08 - 31.10 - badger;

9. 01.10 - 01.04 - muskrat;

11. 01.08 until the end of February - forest subspecies of wild reindeer, except for the Altai-Sayan population;

12. 01.11 - 31.12 - all sex and age groups of the elk;

September 13 - September 30 - adult males of red deer, as well as elk during the rutting season;

14. 01.11 - 31.12 - all sex and age groups of the red deer;

15. 01.08 - 31.12 - all sex and age groups of wild boar;

16. 01.11 - 31.12 - all sex and age groups of roe deer;

20. 25.08 - 20.09 - adult males of the Siberian roe deer in the rutting season.

Autumn hunting season in the Vologda region

Opening of autumn hunting in 2019 in the Vologda region:

1. From Saturday 3 August until November 15, you can hunt field, marsh-meadow, as well as waterfowl, woodcock;

2. From June 1 until the end of the year it is allowed to hunt wild boar (any sex and age groups, except for females with offspring of this year). From the beginning of the year to February 28 (29) - any gender and age groups.

Opening date of autumn hunting in the Volgograd region in 2019

Autumn hunting in the Volgograd region:

2. the last Saturday of August to the 1st Sunday of December - hunting for field, steppe, waterfowl, upland game is allowed, except for pheasant;

3. from Saturday 1 November to Sunday February 1 - hare;

4. from the first Saturday of November until February 28 (29) - hunting for weasel, ermine, polecat, marten, mink, raccoon dog, corsac, fox is allowed;

8. from July 01 to September 30, hunting for ground squirrel (small, speckled), steppe marmot is allowed;

9. from October 01 until the end of the year - for elk, red deer, Siberian and European roe deer (all sex and age groups);

10. from June 01 to February 28 (29) - they hunt wild boar (different age and sex groups), except for adult females with offspring of this year. It is allowed to hunt adult females with offspring of this year from November 1 right up to February 28 (29).

Hunting season in autumn in the Voronezh region

Opening time of autumn hunting in 2019 in the Voronezh region:

2. from August 5 until the end of the year - it is allowed to hunt steppe, upland and field game with gun dogs;

4. from the last Saturday of August until November 15 - they hunt waterfowl, field, swamp-meadow, and also steppe game;

5. the last Saturday of August and until the end of the year - upland game;

6. from September 01 to September 30 - elk (adult males). All age and sex groups can be hunted from 18 October until the end of the year.

Opening date of hunting in the fall in the Jewish Autonomous Region in 2019

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Jewish Autonomous Region:

4. from the fourth Saturday of August until October 25, hunting for woodcock, pigeons, quails, waterfowl is allowed;

10. from October 25 to January 10 - amateur, as well as sport hunting for the American mink, column, lynx, squirrel, raccoon dog, fox, as well as wolf and hare;

11. from October 25 directly to February 20 - commercial hunting for American mink, column, lynx, squirrel, fox, raccoon dog, as well as wolf and hare;

In 2019, a ban was introduced on pheasant hunting.

Hunting season in autumn 2019 in the Irkutsk region

Hunting terms in the fall in the Irkutsk region:

1. from the 3rd Saturday of August until the end of February - upland game. From August 5 until the end of the year - hunting with gun dogs;

2. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year it is possible to hunt waterfowl;

3. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - swamp-meadow game. With dogs - from July 25 until the end of the year;

4. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - steppe and field game. With dogs - from August 5 until the end of the year;

5. from September 15 to February 28 (29) it is possible to hunt for a fox, a wolf, a hare, a white hare;

6. from October to February 28 (29) - weasel, otter, wolverine, lynx, steppe polecat, ermine, flying squirrel, squirrel, American mink;

11. from October to the end of the year - red deer. Males with non-ossified horns - from June 1 to July 15, 2019. Adult males - from September to September 30;

15. from August to November 30 - brown bear, except for individuals up to one year old, as well as females with cubs of the given year of birth.

Opening date of autumn hunting in the Kaliningrad region in 2019

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Kaliningrad region:

5. from October to February 28 (29) - muskrat, weasel, ermine, polecat, mink, marten, otter, beaver, raccoon dog and fox;

On the territory of the Kaliningrad region it is forbidden to hunt hare and black grouse.

Autumn hunting season in 2019 in Kalmykia

Dates of hunting in autumn in Kalmykia:

1. 2 Saturday of September and until the end of the year - waterfowl, marsh-meadow, steppe, as well as field game;

5. 2 Saturday of November and until February 15 - weasel, steppe polecat, stone marten, mink, raccoon dog, corsac, fox, wolf and jackal;

Opening of hunting in the autumn in the Kaluga region in 2019

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Kaluga region:

1. 2 Saturday of August to November 15 - swamp-meadow, field, waterfowl. From July 25 to November 15 - hunting with gun dogs;

2. 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - upland game, hunting with gun dogs is allowed from 5 August until the end of the year.

Autumn hunting season in Kamchatka

Terms of hunting in the autumn period in the Kamchatka Territory:

2. 4 Saturday of August until February 28 (29) - upland game (white and tundra partridge, capercaillie);

6. from October 25 to February 28 (29) - arctic fox, wolverine, lynx, common squirrel, American mink;

Autumn hunting season in 2019 in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Hunting terms in autumn in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic:

1. 2 Saturday of August until the end of the year - marsh-meadow, steppe, mountain, and waterfowl field game;

2. 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - upland game;

Hunting for stray dogs, wolves, jackals is allowed when performing other types of hunting.

Autumn hunting season in 2019 in the Republic of Karelia

Hunting terms in autumn in the Republic of Karelia:

1. from Saturday 3 August directly to November 15 - field, marsh-meadow and waterfowl;

3. from November to the end of February - forest polecat, ermine, pine marten, lynx, common squirrel, American mink;

Autumn hunting season in the Kemerovo region in 2019

Hunting terms in autumn in the Kemerovo region:

1. from Saturday 3 August to October 31 - waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field and steppe game, chipmunk;

2. from Saturday of September until the end of the year - upland game;

6. from November to February 28 (29) - fox, hare (hare and hare), from September 15 to February 28 (29) - with greyhounds;

8. from October 15 to February 28 (29) - weasel, ermine, steppe polecat, wolf, wolverine, lynx, flying squirrel, common squirrel, weasel, American mink, sable;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Kirov region

Hunting dates in autumn in the Kirov region in 2019:

1. from Saturday 3 August until November 15 - marsh-meadow, field and steppe game;

2. from Saturday 3 August to February 28 (29) - upland game (except woodcock), magpie, jackdaw, crow, gray crow;

8. from October 20 to February 28 (29) - weasel, forest polecat, ermine, marten, wolverine, lynx, flying squirrel, squirrel, American mink;

Autumn hunting season in the Komi Republic in 2019

Hunting dates in autumn in the Komi Republic:

1. from Saturday 2 August right up to November 15 - field, steppe, waterfowl and swamp-meadow game;

2. from the 3rd Saturday of August until the end of February - upland game.

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Kostroma region

Hunting dates in autumn in the Kostroma region in 2019:

Autumn hunting season in the Krasnodar Territory in 2019

Hunting dates in autumn Krasnodar Territory:

1. from the 3rd Saturday of September until the end of the year - waterfowl;

2. from the 3rd Saturday of September until the end of the year - marsh-meadow, field and steppe game;

3. from 1 Saturday of October until the end of the year - a pheasant;

4. from 4 Saturday of September until the end of the year - upland game;

10. from November to February 28 (29) - jackal, wolf, raccoon, weasel, polecat, marten, squirrel, fox, raccoon dog;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Hunting terms in autumn in the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

2. from 4 Saturday of August until the end of the year - field, marsh-meadow, mountain, waterfowl and steppe game;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Republic of Crimea

Hunting dates in autumn in the Republic of Crimea in 2019:

1. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - steppe, upland, marsh-meadow, waterfowl and field game;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Kurgan region

Hunting dates in autumn in the Kurgan region in 2019:

2. the last Saturday of August until the end of the year - steppe, field and upland game;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Kursk region

Hunting dates in autumn in the Kursk region in 2019:

1. from Saturday 3 August to November 15 - steppe, field, swamp-meadow, as well as waterfowl;

2. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - upland game;

4. from the 3rd Saturday of August until the end of February - raccoon dog, American mink, forest polecat, marten;

Autumn hunting in the Leningrad region in 2019

Hunting terms in autumn in the Leningrad region:

1. from Saturday 3 August to November 15 - marsh-meadow, steppe, field, waterfowl, hazel grouse and woodcock;

2. from October to the end of February - fox, raccoon dog, hare (hare, hare), weasel, marten, forest polecat, ermine, lynx, squirrel, American mink;
3. from October 15 to the end of the year - elk;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Lipetsk region

Hunting dates in the fall in the Lipetsk region in 2019:

1. from Saturday 3 August to November 7 - steppe, upland, field, swamp-meadow, waterfowl;

2. from November to February 28 (29) - European, ermine, European beaver, American mink, water vole, muskrat, fox, raccoon dog;
3. from October to the end of the year - European roe deer.

Badger hunting and gray partridge prohibited.

Autumn hunting in the Moscow region in 2019

Hunting terms in autumn in the Moscow region:

3. from 3 Saturday of August until the end of the year - upland game;

Autumn hunting in 2019 in the Republic of Mari El

Hunting dates in autumn in the Republic of Mari El in 2019:

1. from Saturday 3 August to November 15 - blackbirds, rooks, magpies, gulls, gray herons, field and waterfowl;

The spring hunting season starts in Komi at the end of April.

In Syktyvkar, Syktyvdinsky, Kortkerossky, Ust-Vymsky, Ust-Kulomsky, Knyazhpogostsky and Udorsky districts - from April 30 to May 9.

In addition, the Komi Okhotnadzor published a memo for hunters telling about the dangers of bird flu. In a commentary to Komiinform, a representative of the Komi Okhotnadzor said that the memo received from the head department was finalized and supplemented so that information about the disease was presented in a more accessible and understandable form. There were no reports from hunters about the discovery of game infected with bird flu, either this year or in previous years.

Memo. Watch out for bird flu!

Avian influenza is an acute infectious viral disease of wild, synanthropic (following humans) and domestic birds, characterized by damage to the digestive and respiratory organs.

Pigs, horses, ferrets, mice, cats, dogs, other vertebrates and humans also suffer from this disease. This virus is not transmitted from person to person, it can only be infected from a sick bird.

Refers to diseases with a very high epidemiological danger, high mortality, capable of causing great economic damage to agriculture and hunting.

The source of infection is migratory birds (most often wild ducks), they are the main carrier and carrier of the virus. These can be sick or recovered individuals, as well as those in the state of the incubation period of the development of the disease. The virus is excreted by them with expiration from the beak, droppings and eggs.

Signs of the disease in birds are the depressed state of the individual, the expiration of viscous mucus from the beak, inflammation of the eyes, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue in the head, neck, chest, swelling of the larynx, cyanosis of the visible mucous membranes, paws, tail contaminated with excrement. The movements of a sick bird are uncoordinated: tilting the head back, rotational movement of the head with shaking, curvature of the neck, lack of response to external stimuli.

In order to prevent the spread of infection and prevent human infection with the avian influenza virus, the following rules must be followed:

Do not bring home wild waterfowl for personal keeping;

Hunt flying birds, avoid shooting at sitting and floating ones;

The caught bird should be brought home only plucked and gutted;

Before plucking and gutting (preferably with gloves), the bird should be dipped in boiling water for several minutes or treated with an open fire (on a fire, with a blowtorch);

In the event that a hunter has obtained a bird with the symptoms described above, it should be burned;

It is mandatory to report this event or the fact of finding a dead bird to the GKU RK "Okhotnadzor" by phone in Syktyvkar - 20-15-30, 20-24-72, or to the regional hunting inspector;

When gutting a bird, avoid contamination of the environment (objects, trees, soil) with blood, droppings;

After processing the poultry, all biological waste should be burned at the stake or buried to a depth inaccessible to wild and stray animals; it is forbidden to feed other animals with waste and raw poultry meat;

When in contact with a bird, observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands often with soap and water; when plucking evisceration, do not touch the face;

If gutting waste gets on clothes, it should be washed and dried in the sun, shoes should be washed thoroughly.

When cooking, the bird should be well boiled or fried;

Kitchen utensils must be thoroughly washed with soap and scalded;

Within a network of ten days after exposure to wild birds, if symptoms of influenza or an eye infection develop, medical attention should be sought immediately.

*** Received permits for the extraction of hunting resources must be returned to the place of receipt within 20 days after the end of the hunt.

Violation of the hunting rules entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to four thousand rubles with or without confiscation of hunting tools, or deprivation of the right to hunt for up to two years (Article 8.37 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

By order of the Komi Ministry of Natural Resources dated 31.08. 2016 No. 1424 established the norms for the extraction of hunting resources.

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