The track number is not tracked on Aliexpress - what to do. Tracking Russian Post (internal) Why there is no tracking of parcels


When ordering goods from online stores, many are afraid that they will lose money and not receive the goods, especially such fears arise when cooperating with foreign sites. Often, panic occurs when the track number of the parcel is not tracked. However, do not immediately fall into despair, there can be many reasons for this.

So what to do if the track number is not tracked

To begin with, consider the reasons why this could happen:

  • seller error. Sometimes it happens that sellers, due to their carelessness, or for other reasons, send incorrect or incomplete track numbers. In this case, you can ask the seller to double-check the postal ID;
  • small parcel. You don’t necessarily order large items, it also happens that the item turns out to be very small, and in this case the seller writes the wrong or someone else’s track number, but don’t be upset, this doesn’t mean at all that you stumbled upon an ill-wisher and won’t get yours order. The answer is that sellers ship small packages differently. Often they prescribe all the details in a message or in a note to the track number. Therefore, before you get upset, carefully re-read all the information that the seller has provided you;
  • wrong track number. There are also cases when you can get to an unscrupulous seller. If it is impossible to track the postal identifier for 10 days, it is worth opening a dispute and trying to return the money.

Why the track number is not tracked

There may also be several options. The track number may not be tracked if the track is entered in the wrong format, all track numbers must contain both digital and alphabetic characters, if there are no letters in the code, it is likely that the package will either be partially tracked or not tracked at all. Also, the reason may be that you have come across an unscrupulous seller.

If the track number on Aliexpress is not tracked, you should not immediately sound the alarm, the main reasons for the inability to track the package may be the following:

  • the track number on aliexpress is not tracked due to the seller's desire to save money. Most often, the seller can send a package that cannot be tracked;
  • fraud. Intentionally sent a false track number;
  • very rarely, but still there are errors on the part of the tracking service;
  • slow system update, the registered package has not yet appeared in the database.

It is also worth preparing for the fact that if you ordered a product worth less than $ 10 on Aliexpress, the track code will not be tracked, so you just need to wait.

What track numbers are not tracked

Basically, numbers without alphabetic characters are not tracked, on Aliexpress, basically, just such track numbers, however, there are resources with which you can track such mail identifiers.

Basically, when ordering from foreign sites, not being able to track the package, keep track of the deadlines, and if necessary, open a dispute, opening a dispute on time helps save money.

Online Tracking Service postal items the site will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered by Russian Post.

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Post of Russia" receives, sends and delivers mail in the territory Russian Federation and other states. In the branches of this national postal operator, the dispatch and receipt of both internal and international parcels. If parcels and postal items are sent within Russia, then the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit identification number consisting of numbers, and for international shipments, an identification number of 13 characters (numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet) is assigned.

Both numbers comply with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union and both the sender and the recipient of the postal item can track the parcel on them.

Features of Russian Post parcel tracking numbers

The track number of the Russian Post differ in the types of parcels and differ in their appearance.

  1. Packages, registered letters and small parcels have a 14-digit number.
  2. Parcels and parcels are tracked by a 13-digit code (4 letters and 9 numbers).


    • The first 2 letters of the code are the type of departure
    • 9 digits - departure code
    • The last 2 letters are the country of departure of the parcel
  1. EMS parcels - track number starts with the letter E

Parcel tracking by type of shipment ZA..HK,ZA..LV (Aliexpress)

Thanks to the cooperation of the Russian Post, this type of parcel with Aliexpress is distinguished by a simplified clearance system, which allows you to make the shipment even faster and cheaper. It is worth considering that this type of delivery can only be tracked in the sender's country, when the parcel arrives in the territory, the shipment will no longer be tracked, but after the parcel arrives at the recipient's place of delivery, a similar status will appear. The approximate delivery time is 25-30 days from the date of departure.

ZJ..HK parcel tracking (JOOM)

Parcels with a number containing the letters ZJ at the beginning are parcels from the Joom online store, which also cooperates with the Russian Post. This type delivery is budgetary, and is used mainly for the delivery of cheap goods and at the same time have limited tracking functionality. The fact is that Joom parcels during tracking can have one of only three statuses:

  • Package sent
  • Parcel arrived at the branch
  • Parcel received by addressee

That is, your parcel cannot be tracked at all stages of delivery, but important information that the goods have been sent or have already arrived at the post office will be known.

Problems of tracking Russian mail parcels?

Sometimes there are problems with tracking parcels of the Russian Post. Most often this happens for the following reasons:

  1. Not enough time has passed since the sending of the parcel and the tracking number has not yet managed to get into the database, since not enough time has passed since the moment of departure. It is worth remembering that the period can reach up to 7-10 days.
  2. The sender provided an incorrect tracking number. In this case, you should once again check the number with the sender and copy it correctly into the tracking line on our website.

How to track a parcel of the Russian Post?

Tracking the status and location of a parcel by the Russian Post is extremely simple: to do this, you need to enter a unique track code for the parcel in the tracking line. After specifying the number, click on the "Track" button and find out the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment by Russian Post.

If you need to save data on several shipments by Russian Post at once, then register in personal account online package tracking service site, and track several shipments at once and get accurate information on each package.

In order to determine which post office your package is located in, use our

After sending the goods to Aliexpress, the seller gives the buyer a track number by which the parcel can be tracked. And from that moment on, inexperienced buyers begin the most nervous period of waiting for their purchase. During which many regularly panic. One of the most common reasons for concern is the situation when the tracking status of a package is not updated for a long time. And with any minor delays in updating the tracking status of the package, many people panic. They are afraid of losing money, they are worried that the package will not arrive, and that they may need to do something urgently.

Let's take a closer look at what causes delays in updating tracking statuses, what delay periods are considered normal. And what to do if the status of the parcel is not updated for a long time.

Why is the parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

1. Information about the parcel has not yet entered the database of postal services and track number tracking systems.

If you received a track number, this does not mean that your parcel has already arrived at the post office. On average, it is considered that before it starts to be read. Because first the seller will book the track number, then the courier picks up the parcel, and it goes courier service to mail. Next, it takes time until the parcel data is entered into the tracking system. In this case, you do not need to do anything, just wait two weeks until the information about the package starts to be read.

2. The parcel began to be tracked, but not sent.

It happens that the first tracking status appears in the tracking systems and on the Aliexpress website, indicating that the mail has received information about the package. This means that the seller booked a track number, but did not physically send the parcel. It even happens that at this stage everything stops.

3. Your track number is only trackable within China.

When ordering cheap goods, parcels can be sent to you by courier companies or Track numbers of which, in fact, are internal invoice numbers. And they are tracked only in China. After passing the border, your parcel will be assigned a new track number, with which it will go further. You, like tracking systems, will not be able to recognize it. And the last tracking status will show that the parcel has been sent to the destination country. There will be no further updates to the tracking system. Therefore, it remains only to patiently wait for a notification that the parcel has arrived at your post office.

4. The package is under import.

Basically, the process of importing a package is the longest stage. On average, it can take two weeks. But there are especially slow sorting points with old equipment or high load, in which parcels hang for a month or even more.

You can not influence the speed of crossing the border in any way. Since it is not known in which country it may be located. It may be marked as "Shipped", but in fact it was placed in a container that is waiting to be sent, and then it can lie in a temporary storage warehouse, waiting for its turn for further processing. Therefore, you need to be patient and monitor the terms of buyer protection.

5. Parcel stuck at customs.

There are situations when the last status in tracking a parcel means that it has entered customs. And there is no further movement. There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, there may be a large load at customs and employees physically do not have time to process incoming parcels quickly. Secondly, the package may get lost at customs. If more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the day the parcel arrived at customs, then you can call the right department yourself and ask the employees to find out what happened to it.

It should be noted that the speed of parcel delivery is a seasonal phenomenon. If you placed an order during the holidays (especially during ), during or after the sale, then due to the load or the large number of holidays, the parcels will be slow. Not only can the mail not work physically for some time, but also huge congestion is formed.

We cannot influence this fact in any way. You just need to take this into account and calmly wait for the parcel to wait for its turn and budge.

7. Delays in tracking database updates for some email services.

Some mails are notorious for the fact that the information in the databases is updated with huge delays. And the package can go far ahead, and the data about it has not yet appeared in the database. Or the buyer has already received the package, and in tracking it has not even reached the moment of export. For example, this is very typical for Estonian post. And a standard problem with China Post is that their server can be down for a long period of time. Accordingly, status updates will not occur because of this.

8. Physical movement of the parcel.

At the very beginning of a package's journey, tracking statuses may be updated frequently. And it seems that your product is moving from city to city, going through various stages quickly. And then, at the next stage, it freezes for a week. And all due to the fact that she is now physically sailing on a ship. And, sometimes, she needs to overcome long distances by navigation. Naturally, this stage takes time and the next status will appear when it arrives at the next waypoint.

9. The parcel was lost.

And the last, rather rare case, when your parcel was lost on the way or it was stolen. Many buyers are afraid of this very reason, because they believe that the loss of the package means the loss of their money. And that they need somehow. Actually it is not.

What should I do if the status of the parcel is not tracked for a long time?

H but in fact, everything is simple! There are two options.

First- if there is no information about the track number, then in the first 10 days you just need to wait. And only then or .

Second - if information appeared in the tracking statuses, then it is considered that the package was sent to you. And whatever happens to her in the future, you will not be able to open a dispute until time will pass delivery guarantees (blue alarm clock). Therefore, seeing that your track is being read, just make sure that your package does not go to another recipient and patiently wait for it. Experienced buyers on Aliexpress advise to extend the timer 5 days before the expiration of the buyer's protection period if the parcel was delayed somewhere in your country. Or, a couple of days before the end of the protection period, open a dispute that a lot of time has passed, and the package is still on the way. This will allow you to return the money for the unreceived goods. And it doesn’t matter where and for what reason the package got stuck.

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Finally, you decided on the choice of the right thing, chose the right size, consulted with the seller and ordered. The payment went through, the funds were debited, the goods were sent, but is all this true? For such situations, a tracking system for the parcel by track code was introduced. Those. thanks to a unique set of numbers and letters, you can find out where your package is now and roughly estimate how long to expect.

But what if this digital combination does not work, why is the track not being tracked? We will talk about all the main user errors and control methods in our article.

Usually beginners make mistakes, their main problem is inexperience or inattention. First you need to figure out where to look for this number:

Very often, the support service receives tickets with the subject “Item shipped, but not tracked.” In almost 60% of cases among beginners, the track code was confused with the order number. The track number is first, and the order itself is already lower.

Many conscientious sellers, as soon as they sent the order, immediately write an SMS in which they indicate the name of the transport company and a link to track the goods.

No tracking information

The data was copied correctly, but for some reason the order from Aliexpress is still not tracked? Maybe it's your impatience. Information on the track code appears only 10 days after the shipment of the parcel itself (not the order). It turns out during this time there is nothing to worry about.

The allotted time has passed, but the delivery window has not been updated? Your package may have been sent by one of the transport companies, which does not have such a tracking system:

  1. China Air Post - track number with Aliexpress is sometimes not tracked in Russia. Those. we can control the route of the parcel in China, but in Russia we are "blind".
  2. SFExpress is one of the most popular delivery services. The parcel is perfectly tracked, but there are times when it crosses the borders with Russia and seems to “freeze”, and only then it is announced at your post office, bypassing all secondary points.
  3. Hong Hong Post, Swiss Post, Singapure Post is the least busy service, so track codes always work
  4. EMS is a paid delivery service. Usually, the order reaches the buyer in two weeks (maximum), each stop of the parcel is recorded through the service.
  5. TNT, DHL - a similar paid service that delivers parcels in 10-20 days. Frequent problems at customs affect the tracking process.

Most often, sellers offer their customers as additional service tracking shipped orders. A convenient service that requires only entering a code.

Difficulties with transportation

There are 4 main problems that buyers face when trying to track a package:

Issuance of a non-international track

The reason that the track has ceased to be tracked may be the issuance of a different number. Each transport company has certain standards for generating tracking codes. However, you may be given a regular number that does not have any letter designations.

In this situation, you should not worry, since your goods have been sent, it will simply not be tracked after crossing the border.

An example of an international track:

Track number is not tracked after export

There are a lot of different local transport companies in China that transport parcels to the border, where they transfer it to employees of the local postal service (customer's country).

It turns out that you can track your package throughout the country of the seller until the moment it enters the territory of your state. As soon as the goods are transferred, the track is no longer tracked, as it changes. The seller will not receive a new number, so you should not torment him with questions.

We are all human and we understand that it is not always easy to cope with a huge flow of orders. Very often, sellers confuse the numbers themselves, and only buyers can (almost always) notice a mistake.

As long as it doesn't track Aliexpress package no one will know about the wrong code. It will be a surprise for a Russian if his order crosses the ocean and ends up in the capital of Canada. It turns out that in this situation the track is tracked on Aliexpress, but the package did not arrive.

At this moment, it is worth sounding the alarm and asking the seller to double-check everything, because if the parcel reaches its destination, a positive answer will follow along the track, which means that the buyer’s protection time will be reduced by 10 days.

If all the above points are taken into account by you: the service always tracks the parcel, 10 days have passed since the shipment, then you should resort to one of the available options. What to do if the track with Aliexpress is not tracked:

  1. Write to the seller and clarify whether he really sent the order and whether the track code is correct.
  2. Open a dispute, and the reason to choose problems with the delivery of goods.

Most importantly, remember that if the parcel arrives at your post office, you will be aware of it. An email notification will be sent to your name, by filling out which you will be able to receive the parcel.

Correctly draw up a dispute

In order to open a dispute, we need to find the necessary product on the order page for which the track does not work. The " " button will appear in the third column. Please note that it will not be active in the first 10 days after sending the goods. When you click on the button, a dispute window appears. We act as follows:

  1. When asked if you received the goods, you must answer in the negative.
  2. Next, from the drop-down list of reasons, we select "Problems with the delivery of goods."
  3. The next question is clarifying. If the track is not tracked on Aliexpress, then you should select this item:

Thus, the answer to the question: “Why is the product not tracked on Aliexpress?” hiding in the following:

  • the transport company does not have such a function;
  • less than 10 days have passed since shipment;
  • Invalid tracking code given.

How to win a dispute if the track number is not tracked

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