Production of REA cases. Milling technology


Modern high-precision milling equipment from DATRON (Germany) allows us to process materials such as aluminum, copper and their alloys, plastic and textolite.

Production of REA cases

The company has modern high-precision milling equipment DATRON(Germany); YCM(Taiwan): allowing the processing of materials such as aluminum, copper, steel and their alloys, plastic and textolite.

YCM also presents a turning-milling machining center YCM-GT-250MA.

The development of control programs for CNC machines is carried out using a system of geometric modeling and software processing for CNC machines Mastercam.

We currently offer:

  • Manufacture of metal and plastic parts.
  • Milling and engraving of front panels and REA cases.
  • Creation of casting molds and models.
  • Various types of engraving and marking.
  • Various types of turning products.

Production Capabilities:

  • accuracy of manufacturing metal parts - 1 micron.
  • roughness class according to GOST2789-59 - 10.
  • the maximum size of the processed workpiece is 1000mm x 650mm x 250mm.
  • maximum depth of internal closed windows, grooves - 50mm.
  • maximum depth of threaded holes M2-4 - 12mm, M5-10 - 16mm (threaded holes can be not only metric, but also with any pitch).
  • the minimum cutter diameter is 0.2mm.
  • the maximum entry of the T-shaped cutter is 4.5 mm.
  • cutter cutter type "dovetail" 5-15 gr.

IN as soon as possible it is possible to manufacture high-quality prototypes, as well as small-scale production.
Details can have complex curved surfaces, a large number of technological transitions.

Input data for ordering and evaluation are accepted in the form of a 3D model of any modern CAD system or in IGS, STEP format. In the case when it is necessary to clarify the qualifications, types of thread, etc. drawing may be required.


We use advanced technologies in the field of fluoroscopy. The resolution is 1.3Mp, it provides recognition, down to 0.5μm, which makes the system almost unique.

  • 1.2.3. Finishing of external cylindrical surfaces
  • fine turning
  • grinding
  • Polishing and superfinishing
  • 1.2.4. Thread processing
  • Threading with cutters and combs
  • Thread milling with female head
  • Threading with dies and self-expanding heads
  • Thread milling with disc and comb (group) cutters
  • Thread rolling
  • 2. Manufacturing technology of body parts
  • 2.1. Technical requirements for body parts
  • 2.2. Hull Pretreatment
  • 2.3. Housing blanks
  • 2.4. Typical hull processing route
  • 2.5. Housing plane processing
  • 2.6. Hole machining of body parts
  • 2.6.1. Hole Making Equipment
  • 2.6.2. Holemaking in single and small batch production
  • 2.6.3. Holemaking in series and mass production
  • 2.6.4. Holemaking tools
  • 2.6.5. Operating conditions of the multi-blade tool
  • 2.6.6. Hole finishing
  • 2.7. Control of body parts
  • 3. Making gears
  • 3.1. Methods for processing the teeth of spur gears
  • 3.2. The main directions for increasing the productivity of worm gear milling
  • 3.2.1. Possibilities of increasing the speed of the main cutting movement
  • 3.2.2. The possibility of reducing the length of the working stroke of the cutter
  • 3.2.3. Increase the number of cutter passes to increase productivity
  • 3.2.4. Increasing the productivity of gear milling when using cutters with non-standard geometry of the cutting part
  • 3.3. Possibilities of improving the operational characteristics of the worm gear milling process.
  • 3.4. The main directions for improving the performance of gear chiselling
  • 3.5. The basing of workpieces when cutting teeth and the processing of surfaces that are bases.
  • 3.6. Finishing of gear blank bases after heat treatment
  • 3.7. Finishing (tooth finishing)
  • 3.7.1. Shaving gears
  • 3.7.2. Rolling gears
  • 3.7.3. gear grinding
  • 3.7.4. Gear honing
  • 3.8. Inspection of spur gears
  • 4. Manufacturing of bevel gears
  • 4.1. Rough cutting of bevel spur gears with disk modular cutters according to the copy method
  • 4.2. Planing teeth of spur bevel wheels
  • 4.3. Machining bevel spur gears with two disc cutters
  • 4.4. Circular broaching of straight bevel gear teeth
  • 4.5. Straight tooth bevel gear finish
  • 4.6. Production of bevel gears with circular and cycloidal teeth
  • 4.7. Machining of bevel gear bases after heat treatment
  • 4.8. Grinding circular teeth of bevel gears
  • 5. Manufacturing of worms and worm gears
  • 5.1.2. Worm milling
  • 5.1.3. Rolling worm coils
  • 5.1.4. Finishing worms
  • 5.1.5. Worm gear teeth processing
  • 2. With tangential feed movement.
  • 5.1.6. Technological aspects of choosing a rational worm gear
  • 6. Machine assembly
  • 6.1. Methods for achieving the accuracy of the closing link and the calculation of dimensional chains
  • 6.1.1. Complete interchangeability method
  • 6.1.2. Method of incomplete interchangeability
  • 6.1.3. Group interchangeability method
  • 6.1.4. Compensation Methods
  • 2. Manufacturing technology of body parts

    Billets of body parts are most often cast from cast iron and aluminum alloys, less often from steel or other casting alloys.

    Casting in sand-clay molds, chill molds, shell molds, under pressure is widely used. Less often - investment casting.

    Forgings are used as initial blanks. Finds application and welding of steel billets.

    2.1. Technical requirements for body parts

    When manufacturing body parts, it is necessary to ensure:

    1. The correctness of the form

    2. Small roughness (μm)

    3. The accuracy of the relative position of the main parts bases.

    So, for mating planes, the straightness tolerance is 0.05 ... 0.2 mm, roughness

    2. Small roughness

    3. The correct location of the holes relative to the main bases of parts, i.e. the accuracy of the coordinates of the axes of the holes, the parallelism and perpendicularity of the axes to the base planes, etc.

    4. The correct location of the holes relative to each other (parallelism and perpendicularity of the axes, center distances, etc.). For example, the tolerances of the parallelism of the axes of the holes and the perpendicularity of the end surfaces to the axes of the holes are usually from 0.02 to 0.05 mm, respectively, per 100 mm of length or radius.

    Requirements for the accuracy of center distances are established according to the standards and conditions for ensuring the normal operation of gears (usually 7-8 degrees of accuracy).

    The accuracy of the shape, dimensions and low roughness of the holes are necessary to increase the wear resistance of seals and the durability of rolling bearings, to reduce friction losses, liquid and gas leaks.

    2.2. Hull Pretreatment

    Before sending castings and forgings to the machine shop, flash, sprues and profits are removed. For this, cutting presses, milling, grinding, band-cutting and other machines, welding machines, pneumatic hammers, chisels and other means of production are used. In addition, cleaning, heat treatment, pre-painting, priming and control of the workpiece are carried out.

    When cleaning, the remains of burnt molding sand and small irregularities are removed in order to improve the appearance of the part, increase the durability of the applied paint, and increase the durability of the cutting tool during subsequent processing.

    Cleaning is carried out with steel brushes, needle cutters, pickling with sulfuric acid, followed by washing, blowing with shot, water with coarse expanded clay and soda.

    Heat treatment (low-temperature annealing of gray cast iron castings) is performed to relieve residual stresses and improve the machinability of castings.

    Coloring is done by brush, dipping, spraying or in special installations. Advanced enterprises use CNC painting robots. The coloring of the untreated surfaces of castings after aging binds the remains of the molding sand and prevents it from getting on the friction surfaces in the future.

    2.3. Housing blanks

    When choosing draft bases, you must:

    1. Ensure uniform hole allowances

    2. Avoid touching the internal surfaces of the housing and large diameter parts (gear wheels, flywheels, couplings).

    To do this, often in the first operations, the workpieces are based on the main hole or two possibly more distant holes, because. the internal cavity of the housing and the holes obtained in the casting are based on a common rod or rods connected to each other. Installation is carried out:

    1. In devices with cones (Fig. 2.1.).

    With the help of cam or plunger mandrels, which are fixed in the holes of the workpiece along with it, the protruding necks are installed on prisms and other supporting devices.

    Rice. 2.1. – Scheme of housing basing on conical mandrels

    Rice. 2.2. – Scheme of body basing on expanding mandrel

    It caused a lot of questions and discussions in the comments, so we decided to continue this topic and focus on creating prototypes of cases and mechanisms for electronics, so that it would be easier for you to navigate the various materials and prototyping technologies that modern manufacturers offer.

    As always, we will pay attention to the most pressing issues and give helpful tips based on our practice:

    1. What materials are used to make a prototype housing for electronic devices?
    2. Overview modern technologies prototyping: what to choose? Here we will look at different 3D printers and compare them with CNC milling technology.
    3. How to choose a prototype manufacturer, what documents to provide to the contractor?

    1. What is a prototype housing for electronic devices made of?

    The optimal materials for the electronics housing are selected taking into account the design requirements, the purpose of the device (operating conditions), customer preferences and the development price category. Modern technologies allow the use of the following materials for the manufacture of prototypes:
    • Various types of plastic: ABS, PC, PA, PP, etc. For housings requiring increased impact resistance or resistance to aggressive environments, polyamides and polyformaldehydes (PA, POM) are used
    • Metals: aluminum, various grades of stainless steel, aluminum-magnesium alloys, etc.
    • Glass
    • Rubber
    • wood ( various breeds) and other exotic materials
    Not all materials are prototyping. For example, some types of plastics that are used in the mass production of electronic devices. In this case, for the manufacture of prototypes, analogues are used that most fully convey the properties of the basic materials.

    When combining different types of materials in one case, it is important to get advice from specialists, they will help to competently implement the docking points, provide the necessary parameters of tightness, strength, flexibility, i.e. compare the desires of the client and the designer of the device with real production possibilities.

    2. Overview of modern prototyping technologies: what to choose?

    Hull prototypes can be created on mass production equipment, but other technologies are used. For example, plastic is not cast, but milled or grown, since the creation of an injection mold is a long and expensive process.

    The most common prototyping technologies today are milling and growing (SLA, FDM, SLS).

    Growing prototypes in 3D printers is especially popular, this trendy technology is rapidly developing and even superimposed on mass production. Today, a variety of products are grown, up to metal products And food products but all this has its limitations. Let's consider these technologies in more detail, and in the end we will try to choose the best option for creating a prototype case:

    SLA (Stereo Lithography Apparatus)- stereolithography technology, allows you to "grow" the model in a liquid photopolymer, which hardens under the influence of an ultraviolet laser. Advantages: high accuracy and the ability to create large-sized models. The high-quality surface of SLA prototypes is easy to finish (it can be sanded and painted). An important drawback of the technology is the fragility of the model, SLA prototypes are not suitable for screwing in self-tapping screws or checking cases on latches.

    SLS (Selective Laser Sintering)- selective laser sintering technology, allows you to create a prototype by layer-by-layer powder melting. Advantages: high accuracy and strength, the ability to obtain samples from plastic and metals. SLS prototypes allow assembly testing of enclosures using hinges, latches, and complex assemblies. Disadvantage: more difficult surface treatment.

    FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)- technology of layer-by-layer growth by a polymeric thread. Advantages: maximum approximation of the obtained sample to the factory version of the device (up to 80% strength compared to plastic molding). The FDM prototype can be tested for functionality, buildability and climate. The parts of such a case can be glued and ultrasonic welded, ABS + PC materials (ABS plastic + polycarbonate) can be used. Disadvantages: average surface quality, difficulties in final processing.

    As you can see, the limitations of various growing technologies do not allow to accurately reproduce and convey the tactile characteristics of the case. Based on the prototype, it will not be possible to draw conclusions about the actual appearance of the device without additional processing. Typically, a limited amount of materials can be used in cultivation, most commonly one to three types of plastic. The main advantage of these methods is their relative cheapness, but it is important to consider that the additional processing required for high-quality appearance products, covers this advantage. Moreover, the quality of the prototype is affected by the accuracy of cultivation, which is insufficient to create small hulls. And after processing and polishing the surface becomes even lower.

    Wherein milling on machines with numerical control(CNC) allows you to achieve manufacturing accuracy of one order with the accuracy of mass production. In this case, you can use the vast majority of materials that are used in the mass production of cases. The main disadvantage of milling is the high labor intensity and the need to use expensive equipment, which causes the high cost of this technology. Although these costs are quite comparable to growing the hull, given the long and expensive final surface treatment.

    3. How to choose a prototype manufacturer, what documents to provide to the contractor?

    When choosing a contractor for the manufacture of prototypes, you should pay attention to the following features:
    • Ready-made prototypes must be fully functional, as close as possible to serial products, so that they can be used for certification, demonstration to the investor, at exhibitions and presentations.
    • The manufacturer must work with a wide range of various materials and technologies, provide advice of their choice. So you can choose the best option for your specific project.
    • It is desirable that the contractor has a base of trusted manufacturers both in the CIS and in Southeast Asia, so that you get an assessment of various options for the timing and cost of manufacturing various components of your device. This will make it easier to choose the best option.
    Recall that in order to manufacture a prototype hull, you will need to transfer an assembly drawing or a 3D model to the contractor in the form of a STEP file.

    We hope that our tips will help you create your own

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