The study of the job description of the cashier at this enterprise. Cashier job description. Criteria for evaluating the results and quality of work


(Name of company)



(Position name) (Organization name)

______________(___(FULL NAME.)____)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the cashier (name of the organization in the genitive case) (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The cashier is appointed to the post and dismissed from the post in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The cashier reports directly to (name of the position of the immediate supervisor) of the Company.

1.4. The cashier must be able to use a computer at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use special accounting programs.

1.5. A person with an average professional education and at least 1 year of experience in accounting and finance.

1.6. The cashier must be fluent in all the methods of working on various types of cash registers used in the enterprise.

1.7. The cashier must know:

Decrees, orders, orders and other guidelines and regulations relating to the operation of a trade enterprise and the conduct of cash transactions;

Forms of cash bank documents;

Rules for acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage Money and securities;

The procedure for processing income and expenditure documents;

Limits of cash balances established for the enterprise, rules for ensuring their safety;

Rules for maintaining a cash book, compiling cash reports;

Rules and methods of organizing customer service;

Rules for the operation of cash registers and computers;

labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.8. The cashier must have good communication skills, must be energetic and positively disposed to carry out their tasks. functional duties, have a perfect command of the methods of work on cash register.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the cashier, his duties are assigned to (name of the position of the deputy).

1.10. The cashier in his activities is guided by:

current legislation,

Regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Archives and other intersectoral bodies;

Local regulations of the Company;

Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation;

This Job Description.


The cashier is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

2.1. Receive cash from a bank and hand over cash to a bank or collector.

2.2. Do not issue cash from the cash desk if the recipient does not have the relevant documents or upon presentation of documents that are incorrectly executed or expired.

2.3. Report to the immediate supervisor on all identified shortcomings within their competence.

2.4. Carry out operations for the receipt, issuance and storage of funds and forms of strict reporting.

2.5. Maintain a cash book (f. 440) and a journal of accounting for money issued to distributors for the payment of salaries (f. 320).

2.6. Monitor the timeliness of the delivery of paid payrolls to the cashier by the distributors and check the correctness of their execution.

2.7. Compile cashier's report daily.

2.8. Prepare payment and other orders to the financial and credit institution.

2.9. Issue power of attorney to receive material assets.

2.10. Keep a log of issued powers of attorney (f. M-2b).

2.11. Monitor the receipt of valuables under issued powers of attorney and the return of unused powers of attorney.

2.12. Carry out other tasks assigned by the immediate supervisor.

In case of official necessity, the cashier may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime by decision of the head of the Company in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.


3.1. The cashier has the right:

Make proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description;

On protection during the receipt and delivery of monetary values.


4.1. The cashier bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor;

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and tasks entrusted to him;

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes;

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him;

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees;

4.1.6. Failure to comply with labor discipline;

4.1.7. Loss, damage, shortage of money and other material assets in accordance with the agreement concluded with the Senior Cashier on full liability;

4.1.8. For the uninterrupted operation of cash registers at the enterprise, their timely prevention and repair.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the cashier is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions;

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criteria for evaluating the work of a cashier are the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.


5.1. The cashier's work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Company.

Familiarized with the instruction _____ (____________) "__" _____ ____ y. (signature)

Job description cashier is designed to regulate the relationship between the employee and the employer. The document contains a list of functional duties, items related to the rights, working conditions, and responsibility of the employee. The standard form below can be used when compiling a job description for a cashier-operator, cashier of a trading floor, cashier at a bank, store, supermarket, at an enterprise, etc.

Sample job description for a cashier

I. General provisions

1. The cashier belongs to the category of technical executors (employees).

2. The basis for appointment to the position of a cashier or dismissal from it is the order of the director of the organization.

3. The cashier reports directly to the senior cashier/director.

4. A person with at least secondary professional education and at least one year of work experience is appointed to the position of a cashier.

5. The cashier must know:

  • methods of working with cash registers;
  • regulatory documents, resolutions, orders, orders related to the conduct of cash transactions;
  • established forms of cash and bank documents;
  • norms of turnover of funds, inventory items;
  • rules for processing incoming and outgoing documents;
  • limits on cash balances at the cash desk, requirements for ensuring their safety;
  • norms of maintaining a cash book and registration of cash reporting;
  • rules for servicing visitors to the trading floor established by the organization;
  • rules for handling cash registers, computers;
  • labor legislation;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor protection norms, safety measures, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire protection.

6. During the absence of the cashier, his rights, functional duties, responsibility are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

7. The cashier is guided in his activities by:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • Internal labor regulations, the Charter and other regulations of the company;
  • this job description.

II. Responsibilities of a cashier

The cashier has the following responsibilities:

1. Perform transactions for fixing funds received from buyers by means of a cash register.

2. Form the final amount of the purchase for each buyer according to the indicator of the cash register or by means of a counting device and inform him about it.

3. Receive funds from the buyer for the purchased goods in an amount equal to the amount reported to him or indicated in the price tag, in accordance with the following sequence:

  • name the amount of money transferred to the cashier and put the funds received in the buyer’s field of vision, separately from other money;
  • draw up a check using a cash register;
  • name the amount of change required for issuance to the buyer, place the money received from the buyer at the cash desk and give him the change along with the check (paper notes and coins are transferred simultaneously).

4. To hand over from the cash desk to the end of the shift (if necessary at another time) the money received from the buyers to the senior cashier.

5. Carefully handle cash, prevent their deliberate contamination, damage.

6. Provide friendly service to customers, monitor compliance with the rules of trade. Take measures to eliminate and prevent queues.

7. Contribute:

  • safety of cash placed at the cash desk, other material assets;
  • uninterrupted operation of the cash desk, be at the workplace at the set time;
  • termination or elimination of conflict situations.

8. Be kind to visitors to the trading floor and employees of the organization, set a personal example of quality service. The cashier must be attentive, patient, polite.

9. Follow the rules of labor and production discipline, labor protection standards, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire protection, civil defense.

III. Rights

The cashier has the right:

1. Leave your workplace only with the consent of the senior cashier.

2. Take measures to prevent conflict situations and their causes.

3. To put forward proposals for the management to improve their work.

4. Send demands to the management to create the necessary conditions for the performance of their duties, rights.

5. Independently make decisions within their own competence.

7. Draw the attention of management to shortcomings in the activities of the organization.

8. Do not start performing official duties without ensuring proper working conditions and safety.

IV. Responsibility

The cashier is responsible for:

1. Causing material damage to the organization, its employees, contractors, customers.

2. Improper performance of their official duties.

3. Violation of the deadlines for the execution of work operations or failure to comply with the provisions of instructions, orders, orders.

4. Providing customers, employees of the organization with false information.

5. Disclosure of confidential information, personal data.

6. Violation of the provisions of labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection, safety.

V. Working conditions

1. The working conditions of a cashier are determined by:

  • orders, orders of the management of the organization;
  • the requirements of the current sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • safety regulations, internal labor regulations;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Man at the checkout: tell you what's included official duties cashier - a financially responsible employee who deals with big money.

From the article you will learn:

Cashier is a responsible position associated with the receipt, issuance and storage of funds. The need for personnel serving cash desks is almost everywhere: at trading enterprises, at banks and currency exchange offices, at catering establishments (cafes, bars, restaurants). Often the duties of a cashier are performed by accountants, bartenders, administrators or sales assistants in the order of combining positions. The range of duties and powers of a cashier largely depends on the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise, so work at a ticket office, for example, will differ significantly from the labor functions of a cashier who pays salaries.

Responsibilities of a cashier in a store

Don't miss: the main article of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

A complete reference book of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

A cashier can be found in almost any outlet - a kiosk, a supermarket or a small shop. In large stores, there is usually a clear division of personnel serving customers on the trading floor into two groups (sales assistants and cashiers). The former help to choose goods and provide information support, and the second - work with a cash register.

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Responsibilities of a small cashier outlet, as a rule, are more diverse: he has to simultaneously work with the cash register, perform the functions of a consultant and merchandiser, administrator and merchandiser. Job responsibilities of a sales clerk include:

  • receiving and distributing goods;
  • customer consulting;
  • maintenance and accounting of cash documents;
  • acceptance of cash and non-cash means of payment;
  • registration and issuance of checks;
  • formation of collection bags;
  • inventory control;
  • control over the placement and availability of price tags;
  • reconciliation of cash in the cash register;
  • accounting of expenditure and receipt orders.

Not every person will be able to effectively perform the diverse and not always simple duties of a sales assistant-cashier. Therefore, the requirements for the applicant applying for this position are serious: stress resistance, emotional stability, readiness for learning and development, experience practical work and merchandising skills.

Job description of a cashier: structure and content

Important: if the functions of the cashier are performed by Chief Accountant organizations, it is not necessary to conclude an agreement on liability - the employee already belongs to the category responsible for the damage caused to the employer in full.

Order on the assignment of the duties of a cashier: sample-2017

If it is not possible to provide staffing a separate position of a cashier, you can assign the duties of servicing the cash desk to another executive(for example, for an accountant of a company) or establish a dual position that is not in the tariff and qualification directory (“accountant-cashier”).

Since the labor functions of an accountant differ in many respects from the duties of a cashier, the first option is preferable from the point of view of the law and more beneficial for the employee. Read about the nuances of the procedure in the article " . What are the restrictions? Expert opinion on dual posts and helpful tips employer you will find in the article “How to to do without GIT's claims".

If the employee agrees to work in an additional position, the employer simply issues an order to combine professions (positions) according to a standard model:

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The administrative part of the order indicates two positions: the current (“accountant”) and the one held in combination. The conditions for combining and the amount of the surcharge are also prescribed here. The order is certified in the usual manner and transferred to the employee for review against signature.

A cashier is a specialist who is engaged in receiving, issuing, counting and storing cash. Now it is rare to see a situation where an employee only receives, counts and gives out cash. This position is increasingly combined with the activities of a salesperson in a store (for example, the duties of a cashier at Pyaterochka also include advising customers), an accountant at an enterprise, a bank teller, and a manager. Working with money is quite monotonous and requires constant concentration. One miscalculation can bring big losses to the company. Therefore, companies take a responsible approach to finding employees for this position.


The requirements will depend on the functionality that the employee must perform. For simple and monotonous operations, an employee without experience can be hired. But at least minimal knowledge is required (signs of counterfeit banknotes, how to work with cash register other).


Since this profession in a particular company can be combined with others (accountant, teller, etc.), it is necessary to describe in detail the job responsibilities of a salesperson-cashier. In addition to receiving and issuing cash, the duties of a cashier in a store can also include laying out goods on shelves, checking expiration dates, maintaining cleanliness in the trading floor and utility rooms.


The employee can use all the rights that are specified in Labor Code and other laws. It does not matter if they are described in the job description. But in this document it is permissible to write additional guarantees (for example, provide for a vacation of not 28, but 30 days). This can increase the attractiveness of the position.


The peculiarity of this profession is the complete material liability worker. If the company is harmed due to a violation of the job description, the employee will have to fully compensate for the losses. This is evidenced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2002 No. 85.

Job Description Sample

It is important to remember that any job description can be modified taking into account the peculiarities of the work of various organizations. You need to understand exactly whether you are indicating the job responsibilities of a cashier at an enterprise or the duties of a salesperson-cashier in a store, and, depending on this, formulate those points and provisions that will suit a particular company.

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