What does the sign mean - to find a feather on the street. Miracle in feathers. The magical meaning of bird feathers in our lives


Many signs and superstitions are associated with bird feathers. They are widely used for the manufacture of magical attributes, charms from the evil eye and amulets to attract good luck. Finding them is considered a good sign, portending success in business and good news. However, in the interpretation of signs, much depends on the type of bird and the color of the feather.

On the street

Every person has ever found a bird feather lying on the ground. Such a sign promises a happy event in the near future. Especially lucky for those who see how the bird sheds its feathers.

The meaning of the sign largely depends on what in recent times a person's thoughts are busy, and may refer to:

  • Good luck in business successful development business, making a profit or paying bonuses.
  • Getting news from loved ones, meeting with an old friend.
  • Young girls can count on a sign of attention from a fan.
  • A feather found by a child often symbolizes the arrival of dear guests or the purchase of furniture.

If you can’t take a pen with you, you need to say the following words: “The bird is a pen, I (name) are good luck in business. So be it!”, and on the same day feed any birds with bread crumbs. In this way, you thank the higher powers for a good sign, and show that you accept it.


Sometimes it happens to find a bird feather in your house - on a balcony or windowsill, and even see how it flew into a window or an open door. Such feathers are considered news from deceased relatives or guardian angels who want to report something important. The feather is sent as a talisman and a sign of support in difficult times for a person and symbolizes the early resolution of problems in a favorable way.

Having received a feather, you should listen to intuition, she will tell you the best solution. You also need to be careful - the pen can be a warning that someone is trying to influence you, including with the help of black magic.

To catch

To grab a feather flying through the air means to catch luck by the tail, and portends success in business. If a feather fell on a person from above, he should be prepared for good news or happy events that literally fall on his head.

The size

A small feather or down of a bird symbolizes a small incident or news, such as a phone call or receiving a letter. A large pen means more important events in life - the successful conclusion of a contract, easy and fast promotion repair work, fast wedding, large purchase.

Light feathers are symbols of happiness and good luck. From the found feather, you can make a charm - weave a wreath from leaves, herbs and branches, symbolizing the nest, and hoist the feather in its center. You need to keep the amulet at home - it will become the keeper of comfort, strengthen family relationships, protect against negative impact and will help in any undertakings. Even sorcerers use white feathers exclusively for light deeds.

If you sew such feathers on clothes or insert them into earrings, you can protect yourself from the evil eye - due to their color, they are able to dissipate bad energy. Also, with their help, you can place quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses.


The night-colored feather usually belongs to a raven - a symbol of wisdom, courage and longevity. It is very useful to keep it in the workplace, among business papers, where it will contribute to making the right decisions and success in business. Also, through black feathers, you can ask for help from the dark forces, but it will be difficult for an ordinary person to cope with them. Dark feathers are most often used in black magic to induce damage.

It is impossible to pick up, and even more so carry into the house a black feather found near the cemetery, at the gate or on the threshold of the house. After such a find, it is necessary to carry out a purification ritual - wrap the feather in a scarf, tie it with a red thread, take it out into the street and say: “An evil person harbored a grudge, decided to kill me, I don’t wish evil to anyone, I just clear myself of blackness. As it came to me, so it passed by! Then the bundle should be burned, and the ashes scattered to the wind. After returning home, you need to wash your hands under running water, and shake off the drops from them over the threshold - to consolidate the cleansing effect.


A feather of mixed color or spotted is considered neutral, it can carry both positive and negative messages. It is used in magic for various purposes - both for good and for evil deeds. If you paint such a feather in gold, it will be set to attract wealth to the house.

Also from speckled feathers wild birds living in the wild, amulets are made to help them find their way in life and bring their dreams closer. To do this, in the evening after sunset, you need to free the kitchen table, including from the tablecloth, put an open new handkerchief on it, a feather on top, and put two burning wax candles on the sides. Then bring the third candle to each of the burning ones, thus obtaining a double fire.

Taking a pen in your left hand, and a candle with a double fire in your right hand, go around the kitchen clockwise, then go to the front door to the apartment and come back. Put the feather in a scarf and tie the opposite ends, getting a nodular amulet. It should be carried in your pocket or kept at home.


Depending on which bird the found feather belongs to, you can understand what area of ​​\u200b\u200blife it symbolizes and how it can help:

  • Stork. The feathers of this bird bring happiness and prosperity to family life. If an unmarried girl finds 2 stork feathers, she will have a wedding within a year. By keeping them, you can strengthen marital relations and avoid problems with conceiving and bearing a child.
  • Crow. These birds are often companions of sorcerers and symbolize dark forces. Therefore, crow feathers are widely used to send curses. They are also used in divination magic, where they successfully compete with Tarot cards. When making a dream catcher (a talisman that protects a sleeping person from evil spirits) with raven feathers, you can get rid of unwanted dreams and the arrival of prophecy dreams.
  • Pigeon. It is believed that evil spirits cannot take the form of doves - this bird is associated with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, finding a dove feather is a good sign, portending peace and harmony, the resolution of disputes, the fulfillment of the plan. You can safely lift it and use it to protect against any manifestation of evil.

  • Woodpecker. The feather of this bird brings happiness in all endeavors, especially in matters related to a career.
  • Vulture. An amulet made from vulture feathers improves susceptibility to energy and is able to endow its owner with the ability to foresee potential danger. By hanging a feather in the house at the front door, you can protect your home from the penetration of evil people and negative energy.
  • Goose. Goose feather talismans sharpen intuition, protect against deception, help to recognize enemies and their intrigues in time.
  • Kite. The found feather of a kite will be able to protect a person from theft and extortion, save money deposits, save from unnecessary financial costs.
  • Hen and rooster. Chicken feathers are used as a talisman against the evil eye. Feathers left after cockfights are often used to induce damage.
  • Swan. One or more feathers are a wonderful love talisman, symbolizing swan fidelity. Such feathers must be lost by a living bird, and not taken from a dead swan. Also, with the help of this material, the rooms are cleaned from negative energy.
  • Eagle. Feathers of this bird of prey are sacred and store a huge supply of energy. They embody calmness and strength, confidence and stability, serve as an excellent tool for protection.
  • Peacock. The specific color of the peacock feather resembles an eye and is often identified with the devil's eye. Therefore, in many cultures, keeping it in the house is not recommended - it is considered a bad sign that brings trouble and misfortune. However, finding such a feather on the street is a good omen, portending wealth and prosperity. In witchcraft rituals, peacock feathers are used in love and sexual spheres, for love spells, and also as symbols of deception.
  • Owl. This bird is considered a symbol of knowledge, the embodiment of the spirit of ancestors and the messenger of the gods. Owl feathers are used to decorate ritual attire - they stimulate intuition, enhance the ability to clairvoyance, and are also a powerful protective amulet.

  • Magpie. Magpie tail feathers protect the house from thieves. To do this, you need to symbolically sweep your home with them. They also bring good luck in business.
  • Ostrich. It has long been customary to decorate items of clothing and high ladies' hairstyles with ostrich feathers. The ostrich feather attracts wealth and is a symbol of wealth and success.
  • Duck. It is believed that the feather of this bird can protect against colds. To do this, it must be stuck into the window frame, then the disease will not enter the house. It also brings prosperity to the house, prevents the onset of poverty.
  • Pheasant. The image of the pheasant was transformed into the mythical Phoenix bird, capable of being reborn from the flame. Pheasant feather amulet gives inexhaustibility to vitality, promotes assertiveness in business, brings good luck and prosperity.
  • Gull. An amulet made from a seagull feather will become an indispensable tool for travelers and people whose activities involve constant traveling. It will prevent troubles on the road, make the trip successful and comfortable.
  • Hawk. The feathers of this bird symbolize skill and good luck in hunting - not only in the literal sense of the word, but also in work, study, and love relationships. Another meaning of such a find is the upcoming victory in various disputes, the suppression of competitors. In bad hands, this material can be used to send sickness and trouble to an objectionable person.

dream interpretation

Finding a bird feather in a dream portends the discovery of a loss or the achievement of a cherished goal.

The color of the dreaming pen is also important:

  • White - symbolizes good thoughts, receiving good news, meeting good people.
  • Black - sad news, partings, financial losses should be expected.
  • Red - means changes in personal life, love adventures.
  • Multi-colored feather - promises bright and eventful events, a time filled with happiness and positive emotions.

Feathers are traditionally used in nature magic and especially in shamanistic cultures for various purposes. With the help of feathers, you can cause changes in the world around you, provoke any events, they can be used to tune into a channel, an egregor, or even a separate creature, whether it be a Spirit, a person, an animal helper or someone else. Feathers are actively used in meditation, forming and focusing intention, sending intention (then the feather becomes the carrier of desire and goes on its flight in the wind like the petal of the Flower-Semitsvetik in the fairy tale of the same name.)

Feathers are actively used in the manufacture of various magical items. The staff is traditionally decorated with feathers. they symbolize the support of the Bird Spirits, and also indicate the power of the spirit of the magician himself, his freedom and ability to rise above everyday life and soar like a bird over the world. Another tool that can be crafted with feathers is a healing sachet. These feathers are selected according to the principle "does it bring me personal luck or not?" and, thus each such bag is made individually for a specific character. It is better if such a thing is collected for you not by you yourself, but by a person who loves you, especially a woman - a mother or sister. Sometimes the wife can do it, less often the bride. The fact is that the feather is traditionally associated with a feather bed, a pillow, that is, a bed. The bride cannot "make up the bed" for her dear, this is the right and duty of the female members of the family. If we recall the tale of P. Bazhov about the grandmother-Sinyushka (Sinyushka, either the red girl, or the grandmother - the spirit of the forest well, destroying everyone who dares to extract treasures from it, makes an exception for the "pure-hearted" guy who inherited one inheritance from own grandmother - a reminder, three feathers - white, red and motley.), it will become clear that the feather is a wonderful protective amulet that protects the owner from evil spirits and from his own wrong decisions and steps. The magic of the family, sealed in a feather carrier, in many cases turns out to be stronger than love spells and love spells. The one who collects a feather puts each feather with meaning in a bag or pillow, smoothes it, slanders it, asks: conjures. Sometimes such a bag is sewn up, and then it is no longer possible to interfere with the magic of feathers: the needle, sewing up the fabric, sews up the intention. Another kind of magic is when feathers, pebbles, herbs of a magic bag can be sorted out, examined, turned in hands. Then they again remind the owner of the one or the one who conjured for him, they convey the power of her (his) love, the energy of care. If the sorcerer or sorceress himself (a) collected a bag for himself, then another feather-spell from the bag can be corrected, corrected, and reformulated the original goal. Feathers are traditionally used to make dusters. Feathers adorn dream catchers. The snares of joy are embroidered with feathers. All these items use the property of feathers to retain certain energies, pleasant, desirable for the sorcerer, or vice versa - those from which he is subsequently going to get rid of (it is not for nothing that some of the sources say that dream catchers are used to attract, capture prophetic, kind and predictive dreams, and in part, that they also serve as a kind of web for words of malicious, nightmarish and empty). The point is that feathers can delay and/or preserve something. Feathers sewn onto clothes do more than just decorate them. They distract attention, attract envious glances and deprive them of their power (it’s not for nothing that there is such a boom in fashionable little things with feathers among occultists and among those who are more than far from magic). Feathers can be woven into witches' ladders, can be used when stringing rosaries. Ritual clothes are embroidered with feathers, turning them into truly bird outfits. The shaman or witch wave their hands, and it seems that they turn into birds, acquire the powers and skills of those birds they depict.

In magic, feathers are also used as a simple tool for training concentration and telekinesis. It is believed that feathers can represent the element of air on the altar, so they are used as assistants, tools in establishing channels of communication between people, drawing the Web of the World (if it becomes necessary to restore interrupted ties between acquaintances, make sure that one of the old acquaintances again appeared on the horizon). Feather "scatter" quarrels between spouses in folk magic. If a quarrel occurred between the lovers, then the witch would chalk with a feather from a girl's feather bed to the groom's yard, so that the feather would lead one loving heart to another through the dust of petty quarrels.

Feathers could be used in magic in their raw form, or they could be used in processed ones. Witches traditionally wrote in the Books of Shadows not with goose quills, but with crow quills, sharpened with Bollin. Altar (writing and ritual) feathers were even dyed in different colors (also ritually selected according to grimoires according to the purpose of use).

Each particular pen is endowed with its own unique properties. Of course, not least these properties depend on which bird the feather belonged to. Also significant is its natural color, the place where the feather was found, and, of course, the reason why the bird lost it. So, for light love magic and the magic of childbearing, it is better to take feathers from nests where chicks have already hatched: the bird touched these feathers, full of maternal care. If you want to attack someone, then rooster feathers lost in a fight are a great choice. By the way, it is better to choose the feathers that belonged to the winning rooster;). To induce damage and curses, the feather of sacrificial birds, usually black roosters, is used. These are just general rules, but experimentation in this area of ​​magic remains the most reliable source of information to this day - after all, "Feather Magic" is essentially how each magician learns to use this magic. Thus, each sorcerer or sorceress, ideally, draws up his own correspondence tables for the type of feathers - intentions - rites in which these types of feathers are used. For many it will always be trial and error. In martial magic, the feathers of birds of prey are used with greater success than, for example, pigeon feathers. Another important principle is to use only those feathers that were found on your own. During a search, a walk in nature, the magician plunges into meditation, moreover, in such cases, not only the magician is looking for a pen, but also the pen is looking for a magician. Then finding the right pen is a reason for special joy.

Ascension. The symbolism is based on the weightlessness of feathers, the ability of birds to fly and the spiritual qualities that birds were endowed with. In a broader sense, feathers worn by shamans, priests or rulers symbolized a magical connection with the spirit world or divine power and patronage. A cloak of feathers was an attribute not only of heavenly gods, such as the Scandinavian goddess freya, but also the Celtic druids, who tried to travel beyond the material world with the help of magic. The snake, covered with bright green feathers of the bird Quetzal, was considered the emblem of the great Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, as well as his power over heaven and earth. In North America, it was believed that the headdresses of the leaders, made of feathers, equate them with the Great Spirit and with the power of the gods of air, fire and thunder. The feathered sun, a disk with feathers directed both inward and outward, is the emblem of the Plains Indians of the Cosmos and the Center. Feathers are also a widespread emblem of ascending prayer; hence the symbolism of the feathered wands of the Pueblo Indians, which were used in rituals to bring rain on the solstices. In the Christian tradition, feathers symbolize prayer and faith and are sometimes used as an emblem of virtue, as, for example, in the coat of arms of the Medici family, where three feathers in a ring symbolize faith, hope and mercy. In ancient Egypt, feathers were an attribute of several gods of the sky, but especially the goddess of justice Maat, who, with the help of an ostrich feather, weighed the hearts of the dead in the afterlife - an allegory of justice, designed to separate sinful souls from the righteous. The opinion that white feathers are a symbol of cowardice originated in cockfights: it was believed that the white feathers in the tail of a rooster are a sign that the bird is devoid of the aggressiveness inherent in purebred fighting cocks.

Feathers conduct the energy that was put into them by the magician, they track, delay or attract the energy that they were tuned to.

There are, however, some features inherent in certain types of feathers:

Peacock feathers: In most cultures, they were considered to bring bad luck. Some sources explain this belief by the fact that the drawing in the form of an eye resembled an evil eye, the one that people were so afraid of. Therefore, the decision to purchase such feathers is at least non-trivial. (A fan of peacock feathers, donated by one sister to another, came to the court, but did not bring happiness - within a month the head of the family was repressed: he was shot, and the relatives went to the camps. At the same time, one witch has peacock feathers hanging over the head of the bed Both feathers and the witch feel quite good.) If you decide to get yourself such feathers for work, then pick up with a clearly defined pattern, shimmering with as many colors as possible. Peacock feathers are used as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is also possible to use it in love, especially sexual magic, when inducing trouble. They can serve as a symbol of deception.

Crow feathers. Like peacocks, they cause mostly negative emotions in people. They are a symbol of the Dark Goddess, the Warrior Goddess. Crows are Odin's companions. Perhaps that is why crow feathers are used in the magic of curses (including mortal ones) and in the magic of divination. It is necessary to distinguish between feathers of ravens and feathers of ravens. If you are creating a dream catcher and decide to use crow feathers, then keep in mind that, most likely, this catcher will drive away unwanted dreams and / or evoke prophecy dreams. For pleasant, affectionate dreams or inspirational dreams, you will have to pick up other feathers. Volts are decorated with crow feathers if they want to lime the one whom the volt depicts (According to popular belief, a crow sitting and especially screaming at the window is a bad sign. Such a bird was considered the soul of a dead man who cannot find peace and flies into other people's houses as a messenger of new death - usually someone from the household). Crow feathers can be woven into a rosary, for example, juniper - and hung on the fence of the grave of a dear person - as a sign of mourning.

Oracle "Three feathers".

Three feathers: take the middle feathers - one feather from a hawk or falcon (1), a raven or a rook (2), a dove, a jay or a magpie (3). Hang them at a distance of two palms or one elbow from each other on one crossbar or stick near the entrance to the house on a string at head level or slightly higher with the fan down. You can hang it on a branch of a tree standing near the house, especially if the tree is a totem at home. This oracle with a prediction for the day went out of the house and saw his day. Synchronous rotation, speed of rotation, lack of rotation and combinations are taken into account - the rapid rotation of the central feather (the feather of a predator) determines the behavior for the day - brisk, supple, swift, making instant decisions. On the left is the feather of wisdom (crow or rook) - if the rotation priority belongs to it, then attention, understanding of the situation, waiting is required. On the right is the feather of everyday life, daily bread, its rotation determines earnings, prosperity, food. His priority is to go with the flow, moderately and calmly, not to be greedy, but also not to give his own. The absence of movement of all three feathers says that it is better to return home and do household chores and it is better not to leave the house. If the feathers sway from side to side, then you need to be alert and stay at home in order to prevent the illness of loved ones and a fire or flood in the house (as well as theft or other troubles). Combinations of fluctuations and movements of feathers are interpreted by each in their own way.

swan feathers- a magnificent love talisman, a symbol of swan fidelity. It is clear that lost feathers should be used, but not the feathers of a dead bird. With the help of swan feathers, rooms are cleaned, they are placed in talismans tuned to protect the health of expectant mothers (especially primiparas). They symbolize goodness, grace, purity and beauty. If possible, it can be used in the bride's dress as a symbol of purity (unless, of course, this purity is at least partially present in the bride). Black swan feathers can be used for protection along with white ones. With the help of black, you can avenge betrayal (just remember that revenge, no matter how "justified" it may be, is always revenge, maleficia).

hawk feathers- a symbol of a successful and skillful hunter. This is not necessarily a hunt in the literal sense of the word - it can also be a hunt for knowledge, for mastery. In skillful hands, however, hawk feathers can also be used to send illnesses, failures.

Eagle feathers. It is believed that they contain a huge supply of energy. Among all feathers, eagle feathers are sacred. Being the feathers of a bird of prey, they represent peace, calm strength, confidence, stability. Great protective tool. The eagle feathers in the magician's attire indicate his power. If a magic staff is decorated with a bird's head, then the best choice for this - the head of an eagle. You can not cut out the figure, but split the upper part of the staff, fill it with resin (pine, cherry, plum), stick the feathers and tie tightly (in order for the resin to have time to “grab”, polymerize, the feathers must be fixed and left in this position). In principle, you can clamp it with anything, but many people prefer not to remove the clamp later, but, on the contrary, add magic power to the wand in this way. Then you can take a hazel (willow twig), remove a thin bark petal from it with a knife, pinch the feathers into the crevice and wrap it tightly with the bark while fresh. They take a rod (willow or walnut), cut off a layer of bark half a centimeter wide, make a loop. We release it so that it is free, then we tie it the way any broom is tied so that it does not unravel. Pine resin polymerizes for about two months, cherry and plum resin takes longer, but pine resin is more free-flowing and can crumble, and the resin of fruit trees is denser.

Lucky shards.

From a thread, better than silk, a snare is woven. If you know how to do it - good, if not - then a free loop is enough. The color of the thread is red, if you call love, spring, health, you want to conceive a child. If you need more money luck - green snares are placed. If you want to reap a rich harvest, please your household and Those Who Are Nearby, put brown snares. The snare can be threaded - and then it is hung over the entrance to the dwelling, over the window. If you are making a larger snare, take the tape. Then it can be made not only a magical tool, but also a home decoration. Such a silk ribbon is cut from a skein with Bollin and is not hemmed. With a thread without a knot, beads and feathers are sewn onto it. Feathers are usually selected brighter. You can also dye the feathers (the color matching can be found in the materials on candle magic). I advise you to choose red feathers (Maybe you heard that gold is sometimes called "red"?) And motley (these are classic feathers of joy). If you want a quick wedding - do not be lazy - find white pigeon feathers. Remember, no matter what and for whom you catch, these are honest snares: no knot will catch joy or grief for you or the one to whom they are intended, they only lure good luck or bad luck, and to keep it, hook it, or, on the contrary, catch and defeat - you need to be able to.

1. When you walk down the street and see a feather lying on the ground, pick it up and bring it home, you can put it in a vase, you can hang it or even just put it. This is a powerful amulet given to you by heaven. Notice such signs of the Spirits. (Karagai)

2. Collect rocks from rivers. They have great power and energy! (Karagai)

3. To feed on the energy of the Sun, it is necessary that the Sun be at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizon. It is necessary to fold the thumbs and forefingers of two hands to make a triangle and look through this triangle at the sun. Then the energy will penetrate into your body as much as possible! (Karagai)

4. Try your best to help others. If you cannot bring joy, then at least do no harm. (Karagai)

5. Take care of your life, do not take risks at the life-death level ... Death can joke, but her jokes are flat and vulgar. (Karagai)

6. Go ahead and don't look back! What was, then leave it, everything has its lesson, what you needed once you can let go. (Karagai)

7. Difficulties ... a formality! Serious difficulties serious, but a formality! There is a sky, it is sometimes behind the clouds, but it is worth making an effort (to get on a plane) and above these clouds is the same blue sky. Peace to all! (Karagai)

8. To get closer to a dream, sometimes it is enough to take at least one step. Do not be afraid of difficulties, they always are and will be. White road to you all in all your endeavors! (Albert Talipov)

9. Your first moral principle should be the refusal to harm anyone. This principle in your life should be very firm: "I will never harm anyone." Think ... (Karagai)

10. When you become the source of happiness for sentient beings, you yourself will become the happiest. And if you become a source of suffering for others, you will be the first to become unhappy. Think... (Karagai)

11. Spend at least an hour a day in silence ... You need it just like communication. (Karagay)

12. The ability to love the highest that is on earth. Know how to love everyone, even your enemies! (Karagay)

13. Do not throw garbage into water bodies. No. The water spirit can get very angry. To appease the Spirit of Water, you can throw bread, milk, coins into the water. (Karagay)

14. Usually we call our past golden time, golden days. This is mistake. It is very important to understand that every coming moment in your life is just that golden time. (Karagay)

15. It is very easy to create the causes of suffering, but it is not easy to create the causes of happiness. To burn down a big house, there is no need to learn, even children can do it. And in order to build a big beautiful house, you need to know a lot. Think about it. (Karagay)

16. The Summer Solstice is the highest point in the celestial circle of the Sun, when, having reached its peak, the Sun gives us all its Power. (In 2012 it will be June 20 at 23:09) It is good to meet this day in a cozy place by the water. Bathing in the river, the lake will be cleansing. You can also make a supply of water from a well, a key - water is considered healing. (Dmitry Ilyin)

17. There is no perfect religion and faith, there is no worst of them, God is one, so pray to whomever you want, but remember very important commandments: live according to your conscience, respect your ancestors, love. (Karagay)

18. If you have a goal to change the world, first change yourself. Learn to possess the energy of joy and the energy of love. These are the main moments and experiences of a person. Smile, laughter, joy have great power. When you learn this, you will discover “love” for yourself (Albert Talipov)

19. Wild trees have no place in the garden and garden. They are good in the front garden, at the gate and at the gate.
If the plot is large (more than 25 acres), then wild trees can be planted along the entire fence, or as a hedge. Wild trees suppress the growth of cultivated plants: chaos fights order. For example, a birch draws moisture from the soil within a radius of 30 meters, in spruce, in general, the root system is superficial and the higher the spruce, the larger the area it collects nutrients. In addition, spruce, like oak, attracts lightning. (Dmitry Ilyin)

20. Break birch branches. Put some of them in a vase to decorate the house, which will create a bright and kind atmosphere. Finely break a few branches from those brought, but with
Do not use a knife or scissors for this. Put the fragments of twigs in earthenware, glassware and pour boiling water for at least 3 hours. If you find lemon or orange zest, add it. When infused, dip a cotton or gauze swab into the infusion and wipe
yourself after an evening bath. You will feel the effect yourself. (Dmitry Ilyin)

21. There is such a very good saying: "The hand of the giver will not fail." Whenever possible, try to give money to the poor and the needy. It doesn’t matter what amount it will be, the process itself is important. (Albert Talipov)

22. Life is a damn short amount of time. Do not waste it on swearing and tears, foul language and alcohol! You can do good, give birth to children, relax and do a lot of other nice things! (Karagay)

23. Rain ... It can control the feelings and emotions of a person ... it can remind him of any moments of his life ... or, on the contrary, wash away all memories. Rain can cleanse. When everything is very bad ... I go out and just stand in the rain ... (Albert Talipov)

24. If your loved one began to get angry with you, if you are not to blame - hug him and hold him tightly, he will calm down. (Karagai)

25. Respect your ancestors, whatever they may be. (Karagay)

26. If you feel bad at heart and you feel lethargic, just sing ... Sing what your heart desires. She sometimes also wants to speak out ... (Albert Talipov)

27. Treat everyone with respect and do not put yourself above anyone, even if you help someone. This is very bad. If selfishness begins, megalomania, you have to hit yourself on the ground and lower yourself from heaven, because nothing good will come of this. (Karagai)

28. People of all classes, different sexes and ages turn to me, and almost everyone has the same problem or the root cause of the problem - the roots are lost, the roots with the earth and with the ancestors. Remember the dead, no matter what they were during their lifetime, they are wiser than you, the Spirits help you later. Bake pancakes, cakes, put a chula in the khuree, go to the temple ... (Karagay)

29. Always remember: there is no the most faithful religion, there is no most correct faith, the most intelligent priests of certain cults. God is one. God is the top of the mountain, and different faiths and religions are approaches to this peak. Pray to whomever you want, but know that your main goal is not to be without sins, but to reach and know God. (Karagay)

30. If you decide to do something, then do not doubt yourself. Fear makes you deviate from the right path, for this is the main tool of all evil. At the same time, do not lose hope if something does not work out the first time. Every small victory brings you closer to the big one. (Albert Talipov)

31. Remember one very important thing in life: everyone gets what they deserve. Don't allow problems into your Soul, into your thoughts, then the problem will not reach your body. (Karagai)

32. True love is always free. The first sign of vampirism is that a loved one, for some unknown reason, has cooled off towards you, but continues to use your feelings, i.e. you see that he is pleased with it and he encourages you to express your love, you need to carefully analyze your relationship. And, if you realize that you are addicted, start getting rid of it. After all, addiction is not love, and it should not have any value for you. (Aygo Aidana)

33. Acquiring the Power, the shaman enters into a special relationship with it, reminiscent of the act of hunting, so the fate of the shaman is the Way of the Hunter. Sometimes it happens that the hunter and the victim change places, so that this does not happen, first train your hunting instinct, and then hunt. (D. Ilyin)

34. No magic can make a person love someone who is indifferent to him. The love spell only binds the victim to the initiator, forcing him to experience unconscious discomfort when trying to leave or somehow end the relationship. This discomfort, in the end, harasses a person, drives him to despair, deprives him of health and gives rise to a feeling of hatred for the object of affection. Don't joke with love spells. You can destroy a person's life, and with it your own. I wish you a lot of true love! (Aygo Aidana)

35. Life can turn to face you, maybe in a different place, but few people understand that you yourself turn it. All evil thoughts towards others turn around to you. All envy also goes to you in the end. And why is it necessary? Live calmly and measuredly ... You can’t envy, and there’s no reason to.. Well, that person has a big car, but his face will not get better from this car ... Gold is generally a dirty metal, it has nothing to envy. Smile more often and passers-by, loved ones and even life itself will smile at you too. (Karagay)

36. If you want to be respected, treat others with respect. Respond to good with kindness; repay evil with indifference. A person who has done evil will suffer more because you did not pay attention to it (Albert Talipov)

37. Don't drink. don't sing at all. Alcohol ruins the body, brain, and soul. I have not drunk for many years and thank God. If you are a shaman or an esoteric, or someone else who does these things and drinks, then you will soon run out of all your strength, the Spirits will punish you. Alcohol really kills, don't be stupid. In order to relax, there is a bathhouse, in order to have fun, there are songs, in order to find a common language, there is tea, and in order to get to know a woman closely, finally, there are sweets ... (Karagay)

38. When you're in a bad mood, don't take it out on others. They don't deserve it. (Karagai)

39. In case of heart pain, try not to lie down, but sit in a more comfortable position for you. Breathe deeply and forcefully stroke the tips of the little fingers and the center of the palm. It is advisable to massage before the onset of pain, at least once every 2 days for 10-15 minutes. (Albert Talipov)

40. When looking for your soul mate, never listen to anyone, they say, the wrong person, the wrong figure, the wrong class ... Listen only to your heart and think with your head, and not with what is below. (Karagay)

41. Now is the most tick season. There is an excellent plot (great-grandfather gave it to me). At the entrance to the forest, stand up and say out loud: “I am in the forest, a tick is out of the forest”, emphasis on I and OUT. Ticks won't fit, and even if they do, they definitely won't bite. (Karagay)

42. Smile, smile more often and give smiles to people passing by! This will give both you and your interlocutor strength and energy. (Karagay)

43. Value your personal space and the space of others. Never impudently come too close to strangers, they can be very uncomfortable at the energy level ... (Karagay)

44. Never regret anything, it's superfluous. Everything that happens happens by the will of the Spirits and everything is for the better. (Karagay)

45. Stones that look like animals cannot be taken without a rite, otherwise you can invite trouble. If you find such a stone and want to take it with you, then contact the host spirit of the place with a request to take the stone and make an offering to it. Then cover the stone on the ground with a white cloth... (Kagarai)

46. ​​To protect yourself from bad influence on the Internet, the photo on the avatar must be taken in front of a fire or in smoke, then reading information is extremely unlikely, including exposure. (Karagay)

47. Smoking. Two monks sat at the entrance to the temple and smoked. One asks the other: “Why is that? Here the Master allowed you to smoke in the temple, but I didn’t ... ”The other answers,“ How did you ask Him? - "Well ... Master, can I smoke during meditation? he said sharply NO "-" Here .. and I asked if I could meditate while smoking? And he said Yes…” (this parable was told to me by a student of Osho, in India). You can treat smoking differently and the effect will be the same. It is better, of course, not to smoke, but if you smoke and are not going to quit, do not read what they write on the packs, because this is programming yourself for the occurrence of a disease. Do not smoke a pack a day out of habit, but only when you want ... And as much as you want. Don't treat it like a bad habit that kills you, and the harm from smoking will indeed be less. (Karagai)

48. Listening to good music, you cleanse yourself of the negative energy accumulated during the day. Music is a kind of meditation that can bring you to a sense and harmony with yourself (Albert Talipov)

49. In order to breathe better, so that the heart does not press, know how to cry ... (Karagai)

50. If you quarrel with a person and he says nasty things to you, curses you, and you start to feel bad about yourself, you can make a "return" (return to the person the negative that he sent to you). out loud - "your speeches are on your shoulders, your thoughts are on you and *** name ** hangs." (Karagay)

51. Your strength is in your thoughts. Never think badly of a loved one in anger, otherwise you yourself without meaning to bring trouble on him. Thoughts are one of the sources of hidden energies of consciousness. Every thought generates an action, if not for yourself, then for the world as a whole. (Albert Talipov)

52. To make people reach out to you, go to meet them! Be altruists, it will give you strength, energy, it will probably be counted in the next lives, but it will definitely affect you very well, but do not confuse sincere altruism with selfish (I think you understand me ...) (Karagai)

53. As a shaman, I always respect other religions. Tomorrow the Orthodox have a "parents' day", it is necessary to remember all the dead. To commemorate a person, you can make ritual cakes “pova” (flour, water, salt, fry in sunflower oil) and eat them with the words “I eat a thorn, I eat a thorn, I eat a thorn.” These cakes, like pancakes for Christians, are funeral, cult and ritual food, they should be eaten with special reverence and should not be thrown away. (Karagai)

54. If you feel that the situation that has developed is unsolvable, raise your hand higher, then abruptly release with the words “fuck it” and think again! As the Great said, “even if you were eaten, you have two choices” (Karagay)

55. Learn to love, learn not to be offended, and if you are offended, then quickly forgive! Be happy, love each other! (Karagai)

56. When a woman buys food, she buys future days of happiness for her family. Each fresh, beautiful, ripe and pleasantly smelling vegetable or fruit is a day of happy and peaceful life in this family. The man, for his part, must provide the woman with money so that she can choose the best quality products. A family that saves on groceries becomes poor and unhappy, since saving on groceries is saving on the happiness of their own relatives. (Aigo Aigan)

57. If you feel that you are not feeling well and something is bothering you, start performing smooth body movements in the form of a dance. You will return your energy to its former course and clear the mind of suffering. (Albert Talipov)

58. Leftover food. A good hostess has no food left. If the food remains, then it is tasteless. Whoever throws away leftover food is throwing away his luck. How much a person throws away food in times of abundance, exactly how much he will not have enough in times of need. It is necessary to eat so that the food does not go to waste. Do not eat all at once, save some for later. There are two eyes and one stomach, so put in as much as your eyes like and separate exactly half. It's just the right amount for your stomach. And if you still couldn’t eat everything, feed any person or, in extreme cases, an animal. (Aygo Aidana)

59. If there is such an opportunity, carry in your purse or just carry a piece of aspen bark with you, it will protect you from evil Spirits and the bad influences of bad people (Karagay)

The symbolism of bird feathers is directly related to how this or that bird was perceived in the cultural traditions of different peoples. Signs are also based on this. Finding a feather on the road is a good sign in most cases. And the find can be turned into a personal amulet that attracts good luck in personal life and family well-being. It is dangerous to pick up some specimens, because you can get negative energy with them. Let's start with what to do if a feather of a certain bird lies on the ground in front of you.

If found on the road

You are walking down the street and you see a feather lying on the ground. The sign says that this is certainly a good sign: a bright streak is coming in your life, and luck will be on your side. It is believed that such a sign is sent by higher powers when they favor you. If you practice magic, the find can be picked up and made a talisman. When circumstances do not allow you to take it with you, you can mentally thank the higher powers for their support and, until the end of the current day, pour a handful of bread crumbs or millet in the place where the birds live. At the same time, they whisper or mentally utter a conspiracy three times: “The bird is a feather, and I (your full name) have good luck in all matters. Let it be so".

If you picked up a "bird present" in one of the first three days new moon, perform a ritual to give it the power of a talisman. You will need one wax candle, a new handkerchief and a pinch of Thursday salt. Put the pen on the handkerchief, light the candle, wait until it burns down by a quarter, and then drive the candle flame from above with the words: “I open all the locks with fire, for good luck I open the way. For me (your full name), all doors are now open. The bird flew in the sky, dropped the feather. I (your name) for good, I (your name) for well-being. My word is strong. It's all right." Leave the candle in the candlestick, let it burn out to the end. Wrap the magic attribute in a scarf and hide it under the pillow. After a day, it can be shifted to a secluded place, and the scarf can be used for its intended purpose.

Feathers sewn onto clothes or sewn into the lining are a means of protection against negative energy programs. You can “hide” with them from the evil eye, damage and curses.

The feathers found on the days of the waning moon can also be used in a ritual to cleanse negativity in the house, which provokes frequent family quarrels. You need to collect three white feathers, tie them with a white or beige thread, and with such a broom walk around the perimeter of the matrimonial bedroom, moving clockwise from the front door. Perform cruciform movements in the air, mentally imagining how you “sweep” all the negativity out of space. At the end of the ritual, the brooms must be taken out and burned away from their own home, and then returned to the house, on the way back without turning around and not talking to anyone until you cross the threshold of the front door. The action taken must be kept secret.

Symbolism of the white feather

Pay attention to the color of the found pen. If it is of medium size, elongated and white, in the coming days you will be faced with a choice - you will have to, without hesitation for a long time, give preference to one of two, or even more, options. It may be related to career and family. If you accidentally found on the street, and especially if a small fluffy white feather fell on you in the truest sense of the word, expect positive changes in your personal life.

However, the symbolism of the white feather is not so unambiguous. For example, in the past in the British army, it was associated with cowardice. Such a "gift" was given to soldiers who shied away from their direct duties and tried to wait out the battle in the rear. The white feather at that time turned into a sign of social censure.

In occultism, the symbolism of the white feather is somewhat different and has parallels with the spiritual world.

The bird soars in the sky, the feather, as part of it, in the "spiritual heaven". That is why, in order to connect with the subtle world, headdresses were richly decorated with feathers. This tradition was adopted by Scandinavian shamans and American Indians. Even earlier, in ancient Egypt, bird plumage was used to decorate clothes and hats to emphasize belonging to the higher worlds. The white feather is associated with the goddess Maat, and in this case it symbolizes wisdom. A similar attribute was possessed by the great god Osiris, his son Horus, and also Amon-Ra. Having settled in the world of the dead, Osiris weighed human souls, placing them on one scale, and a white feather on the second.

Black color for fulfillment of desires

The black feather, just like the white one, carries a double symbolism - it is associated with dark forces, corruption and curses, since it can be used in pads to convey a targeted negative program. You can intuitively understand whether it makes sense to be afraid of such a pen or, on the contrary, it can be used by you for occult purposes. Having found this item on the threshold of your own house, of course, you should not pick it up. But if you find a black feather in an open area, or, which happens much less often, a bird dropped it right in front of you, then the find can be used in rituals for financial luck.

Everyone remembers the Firebird, which was considered a great success to catch. It was possible to count on the favor of Fortune even if one got even one golden feather of an outlandish creature. It was believed that with its help it was possible to find any gold hidden in the ground.

A black feather can be turned into gold and used to attract wealth.

As soon as the special black feather is at your disposal, on the first day of the new moon (if found during the waning moon, hide in a secluded place and wait for the new moon) light five gilded candles. Arrange them in candlesticks on the table. While they are burning, paint the feather with gold paint, which can be purchased at an art store.

After that, bring the feather alternately to the flame of each candle (at a distance of 10-15 cm) and mentally imagine how it absorbs the energy of golden-emerald color flowing out of the fire. Set your sights on attracting wealth. Extinguish the candles with your fingers in reverse order. Leave the pen in a well-ventilated area until completely dry, and then store the amulet in your room.

The meaning of feathers of different birds

Raven's feather is also used for energy protection

In love and healing magic, bird feathers are used, shed in a natural way, which have not yet been touched by a human hand. The feather of a raven and an eagle is used as a tool for writing spells and occult texts in a personal book, as well as for energy protection. They are also components of nodular amulets (in particular, chicken ones) and dream catchers (parrot). Feathers dropped during cockfights are used to induce the evil eye.

Swan feathers protect the family union, they are great for love amulets.

Owl feathers are considered a powerful amulet.

Owl feathers, represented in magic as the embodiment of the spirit of ancestors and the messenger of deities, are used to decorate ritual clothing. They are considered a powerful amulet. Eagle owl feathers are also associated with magic. With their help, magic formulas are depicted that enhance clairvoyant abilities.

The feathers of the hawk will prove effective in winning various disputes.

For protection during travel, as well as for winning in various disputes, hawk feathers will be effective, and vulture feathers will warn potential dangers. An amulet made from them will make its owner more receptive to subtle energies and help develop clairvoyant abilities. The vulture feather can become a home amulet. If you fix it in an inconspicuous place near the front door, it is believed that neither negative entities nor your enemies will be able to enter the house.

Dove feathers protect from all kinds of evil

If you find pigeon feathers on the balcony or on the outside of the window, problems will be resolved soon. If you are in a quarrel with someone, then again you will find a common language with this person, you will come to a compromise on a controversial issue. Found a dove feather on the ground and at the same time hear the cooing of doves? Then this is a clear indication that someone is suffering from separation from you and is looking forward to meeting you soon.

According to legend, sorcerers who have the ability to take on another form can turn into any bird, but never a dove. The dove is associated with the Holy Spirit, so it is believed that the feathers of this bird can be used to protect against all kinds of evil.

The found stork feathers portend great luck - if you carefully store them in the living room at home, then you don’t have to worry about family well-being. There is a sign that if an unmarried girl finds two stork feathers, she will be married that same year. If she keeps those feathers, her family life will be happy, and there will be no problems with the birth of children.

When picking up a feather on the road, consider both your own beliefs and the traditions adopted in your family. If your relatives say that black feathers are sure to bring trouble, and you bring your find into the house, you are unlikely to convince others that they can make an effective magical attribute. Yes, and your own doubts about this can nullify your undertaking. If the well-known sign about feathers coincides with your ideas, feel free to turn them into personal magical assistants.

When something unusual happens to us, we always look for a secret sign in this, relying on well-known signs. If a black cat crossed - expect misfortune, spilled salt - to a quarrel, etc. What does it mean if you find a bird feather on the street? What is worth waiting for and is it possible to pick it up? May I know what to expect? Now we'll tell you.

Finding a bird feather on the street: good or not?

Finding a feather on the street is quite problematic, so whoever succeeds immediately sees in such a find a special sign from above. Moreover, many signs are associated with bird feathers. What does it really mean if you find a pen: happiness or failure, success or problems? First of all, it all depends on how the find looks and what bird it belongs to. After all, you can find a bird feather on the street - in the yard, on the beach, in the garden or in the field. Each environment is inhabited by different birds. We will talk about this a little later.

If you are walking along the road and suddenly found this object on your way, this is considered a good sign of fate, which symbolizes the beginning of a new bright streak of life, means the presence of good luck and happiness in any new business. Those who are fond of magic may well make a charm out of such a find. It can also be used as a home cleanser. The rite is very simple. It is enough to walk them around the perimeter of an apartment or house.

Does the color and size of the pen matter?

Of course. When finding, be sure to pay attention to the color and shape of the pen.

If you find a white fluffy little feather - expect pleasant changes in life. There is another sign that indicates that you will be promoted at work in the near future.

Finding a bird feather on the street must be black also has several readings. Folk signs also say that such a find brings happiness, and may indicate failure. If you find a black feather of a bird in an open area, then this speaks of happiness, a white streak of life, and financial well-being. But if a person found a black object under the doors of an apartment, in a bag, at home among clothes, etc., this means that some person wants to jinx you. Such a find cannot be taken in hand, let alone brought home or stored.

The pockmarked feather of a bird is a sign that promises something in between a positive and negative mood. It can bring both joy to the one who found it, and sorrows. With such feathers, you need to be especially careful.

The size of the found bird object also matters. If a small object comes across, then this indicates a small event, small difficulties, etc. The larger the bird object, the larger the event that awaits you.

What if the pen flew through the window?

If a feather flew into the window, was found on the windowsill, this is also considered to be a sign of fate, good or bad, let's figure it out.

There is an opinion that if a pen flies through the window, then in this way the deceased relatives or friends want to warn and warn about something. The same can be said if a bird object flies onto the balcony.

A feather that has fallen on a balcony or on a window can warn of possible troubles, that you need to be careful and think over your decisions more carefully. If it fell at your feet - this is another warning and a sign from higher powers.

Catching a fallen feather is a good sign

And what does it mean if a feather flew right to the feet? This is probably the best sign that can be associated with such an object. The good news from the sky fell into your hands right away, which means it was intended exclusively for you.

The value of such a find can be interpreted in different ways, but always in a positive direction. Are you getting ready for work? You will be lucky. Are you taking an exam? Get five. Catching a flying feather is always a success and good luck.

Seeing a feather fall is also a good sign in the near future.

How to catch the feather of the Firebird. Full version. Cartoons 2016

Does it matter which bird the feather belongs to?

Consider the signs on the feather of different birds and what they portend to us:

  1. A magpie feather will protect your house or apartment from thieves and an evil eye. If they do a ritual every month - run along the walls of the dwelling, then you will not be threatened by any evil eye and negativity.
  2. The gull feather is the best symbol and sign for those who constantly travel. From it you can make yourself an excellent amulet. Such a charm will bring good luck on trips and business trips. This is what folk beliefs say.
  3. The feather hawk helps a person in love and work. This is help in any undertakings, affairs and even disputes.
  4. Such a bird as a crow is most often associated with magic, evil spirits and witchcraft. The feather of a raven is often used in rituals, inducing the evil eye and damage. It is best not to pick up such an object of a black bird, not to bring it into the house, not to make any amulets, so as not to harm yourself.
  5. The feathers of a chicken or a rooster are also used for various purposes. Of these, you can make both a talisman to protect your home, and damage.
  6. Swan fluff. Such a find is a real charm for love relationships. Put it in your purse, makeup bag, inside pocket, it will be the best protection against bad luck with men/women.
  7. The eagle feather carries a huge energy that can protect a person from negativity, the evil eye and other troubles in life.
  8. If you managed to find a duck feather, know that poverty will never overtake you. Such a find attracts wealth and material well-being.
  9. Ostrich feather - prophesies wealth and material success to a person. Not in vain, before rich people decorated their clothes with such feathers and made accessories from them for going out. In those days, swan feathers were considered a real amulet.

Find a bird feather in a dream

What does it mean to find a bird feather in a dream? Finding such an object in a dream means that very soon you will reach your desired goal or find a long-standing loss.

White feathers present in a dream indicate something good, about receiving good news and meeting with old friends.

The black color of the object speaks of losses, for example, financial ones. About parting with close and dear people, quarrels in the family.

Red feathers in a dream speak of love adventures and the beginning of a new relationship.

But if you dreamed of feathers of different colors, for example, rainbow ones, according to the dream book, it promises bright and eventful events in the future that will bring you a lot of positive emotions.

Do not forget that dreams are not prophecy and not an accurate prediction of your future. This is just a hint on how to proceed further, what to beware of and what to be prepared for.

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