VKontakte: effective advertising in communities. The most effective ways to promote a VK group Why do you need all this


After reading this article, you will know:

  • How to choose the right advertising space
  • How to correctly compose a post / repost for an advertising group VK, OK
  • How not to lose money and reduce expenses
  • How subscribers are cheated and how to check for cheating
  • new. Examples of Effective Posts

External optimization

And so, we prepared our community: we made a beautiful and understandable avatar that complements the name of the group, made a clear description of the group, conduct discussions and write interesting posts (in the case of advertising our group, not an external platform). Now you can move on to searching for an advertising group, and after that, to writing the post itself.

Advertising in Vkontakte groups - the beginning

Most of the mistakes that lead to ineffective advertising in VK groups are related to wrong selection of advertising group. Many incorrectly prioritize when viewing the characteristics of a group.

What characteristics can a group have?

  • Unique visitors
  • views
  • Audience Reach
  • Feedback
  • Members (how many subscribe)
  • Section Views
  • Activity
  • Demography
  • Name
  • Avatar
  • Posts

What characteristics of the group are important when choosing an advertising platform:

  • Theme of the group/public page
  • Number of members/subscribers
  • Demography
  • Feedback
  • Price per post/repost
  • The number of unique visitors per day (more on how to find out quickly)

So, as in the examples above, the public page " Schedule Bucha Aquarius“, then we will consider the selection of the site in the framework of this example. Advertising in VK groups, with the right approach, can be more profitable than targeted advertising.
Theme of the group/public page

The closer on the topic to which your group belongs, you select an advertising platform, the greater the effect you will achieve.

The public page "Bucha Aquarius Schedule" is more of a Movie theme, although there is also Arts and Entertainment. So we need to look for communities of this particular topic, Cinema .. But!!!

How to search for advertising groups

There are currently two ways to search:

  • Through the VK search (not through the search tool, but the search in general in the VK spaces)
  • With the help of the sociate exchange (you can try Plibber.ru, more convenient interface, more flexible settings)
  • You do not know what you are looking for: you need a search by subject and target audience (target audience)
  • Distrust of group administrators towards "newbies" who want to buy ads
  • Difficulty getting statistics from group admins
  • You will not know in advance the price for advertising in a particular group
  • Large time costs
  • The largest database of advertising platforms among advertising exchanges
  • Convenient site search
  • Transparent group statistics
  • Quick organization of an advertising campaign
  • Payment is made after the completion of the advertising campaign, in fact. (“they won’t throw money at you”)

The sociate database now contains more than 29907 advertising sites (groups and public pages)

  • About 900 sites have more than 100,000 members/subscribers
  • All sites are categorized
  • The search has a large number of filters: it is convenient to find your target audience (target audience) in different groups
  • Real statistics are open in each group

Algorithm for finding a suitable group for advertising on sociate.ru

The search for advertising groups must be approached with all responsibility, because it does not depend on the number of likes and reposts, but the effect for your business. The right approach to finding ad groups will allow you to spend money on advertising in groups more efficiently.

And so, let's move on to searching for such a group using the advertising exchange

Let's define what our group is about:

  • Page of the local cinema Aquarius
  • Informing people about movie screenings
  • Publication schedule, trailers, movie information
  • Conducting surveys
  • Communication with visitors
  • girls and guys)
  • 14 to 35 years old
  • Ukraine
  • Bucha, Irpen, Vorzel, Kyiv

After registration, you can additionally watch the video, for greater clarity and benefit (you can start watching from the first minute):

Let's continue 😉, go to the page "Platforms"

Open advanced search

We set up an advanced search for the target audience. First of all, we find communities from Ukraine. But our main visitor, and he should be as close as possible. We choose the subject first Cinema, then Arts and Entertainment. When you select the keyword "Bucha" does not find anything. You can choose Kyiv (although for this case, where the exact location is very important, it is better to use Vkontakte search or targeting advertising). The price is not important at the moment. We are only interested in socio-demographic parameters and the size of communities.

We look at what kind of groups were found by such filters. We received 3 advertising platforms where you can advertise.

In sociate, it is very easy and convenient to see the statistics of groups in order to know when it is better to advertise and whether it is worth it at all (Plibber.ru has the same statistics and works more stable). The community should have good activity and growth of subscribers and views.

But let's assume that Kyiv is also suitable for us ... We order advertising in these 3 groups (let's say that a post / repost). We definitely need to think about how for these groups we can adapt our posts/reposts.

Think for yourself, you subscribed to the public about "Advertising", and here you are broadcasting about baby diapers and where to buy them. You can’t find a “client” in such a group, but you can drag him to your community using a thematic post / repost in the advertising group “about diaper advertising”

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with them: go into them and read and look at 20-50 posts in order to understand in what style you can make your post / repost for placement in this group.

Adaptation of posts/reposts allows you to:

  • significantly increase the effectiveness of advertising posts
  • there is an opportunity to advertise in different communities, regardless of their subject matter

Now we know for which sites we will adapt our advertising posts / reposts, which means that it remains only to compose assignments for placement and send them to sites

We create a post or repost that is adapted to the community where we will advertise

The most important thing when compiling an advertising post is to come up with an interesting post that will be beautifully designed, and the user should have a desire to go and get acquainted with your community or site. Advertising in groups is also good because the average post size is much larger and more visually noticeable than Vkontakte (target) advertising.
I strongly do not recommend publishing a post without pictures, as well as using links like vk.com/club20371757.
It is best to use links with a short address http://vk.com/akvariys(it is desirable to do this at the beginning, when creating a community). Design looks good:

In Buchansky cinema

try posting it on your wall. What is in square brackets before the vertical line is the address of the group, what is before the closing bracket is how the link will be displayed. Behind the brackets you can add the necessary text. Don't forget to include quality images.

That's all, the task has been created, you can give it for placement.

There is an important point when choosing a group for advertising. it define, whether most of the subscribers are cheated. If the group consists of the majority of the subscribers, it will not make sense to place ads in it. More on this

How to wind up Vkontakte subscribers and check for cheating

Often in a personal VK they ask me about how to wind up Vkontakte subscribers. Personally, I don't do this. But then people write that they ordered a cheat there, and after a while, the subscribers began to turn into “dog faces”. And what to do then? I decided to briefly add information here, maybe it will be useful to you. Let's start in order.

Sometimes you can meet groups with clearly cheated subscribers (bots). This can be seen by clicking on the “Subscribers” or “Participants” block; “dog faces” are often found in it:

When switching to such a profile, there are messages like “Unfortunately, we had to block page for some reason. There is a good chance it is a bot.

Why usually choose wrapping? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that an account with more than 1000 members is easier to promote than with 50 (and only then publish ads and attract customers). More groups with more members on average are displayed higher on requests in the VK search.

According to the reviews and experience of friends, I can advise an automatic service for online cheating soclike.ru.

But even in it, with a basic cheat, there are no guarantees that these subscribers will not turn into the ones in the photo above. To keep subscribers real, and not by bots and they have not “spoiled”, use the Vip cheat tariff.

Examples of Effective Posts

The comments asked for examples of effective posts. Added a few more:

Collections of usefulness

Have you noticed how actively they share posts-collections? Such posts least like advertising. Just place your offer at the beginning (at 1-2 positions), add a few other "usefulness" from non-competitive areas (preferably no more than 5-7) and order placement in a group of suitable topics. You can add a few more hashtags to the items (names for which mentions are tracked) and it is possible that in addition to the community subscribers, your promotional post will be reposted by those you mentioned in the post. Such “useful” collection posts can travel across social networks. months, sometimes for years.

In the modern world, social networks can make money. After learning how to create, people can recommend their services, put up for sale things they make with their own hands, or simply create a public that is interesting to others. Income will grow every month. In order for this to be so, the group must have not 1000, but 10,000 subscribers at least.

Group categories

Many people are wondering how to advertise the VKontakte group. This network has taken a special place in the advertising industry. In the modern world, any business can be developed through the Internet. We will provide you with information on how to proceed correctly. First you need to know something about the two existing categories of groups:

A group whose purpose is to discuss and solve problems related to virtual communication within the network.

Free ways to promote groups "Vkontakte". Option one

Let's start with free ways to promote the VKontakte group. This requires free time, a little imagination and perseverance. All of the above will be needed in order to recruit the required number of people in the group.

The method that will be considered first has one peculiarity: cheat services are used here, because none of us will be interested in a group that three people subscribe to, and two of them are blocked. First you need to get at least 100 subscribers through cheat servers. Check daily that subscribers to the VKontakte group are not banned. If there are such, delete them so that the group is not blocked. The most popular service is Olike, it will provide 50 subscribers in two hours. Then comes Likest. It is quite convenient to use, you will have about 25 people per hour. Turboliker is considered the fastest server. In half an hour - 30 subscribers.

Method Two: Correct Name Method

Try to choose the most appropriate name for the public with the most frequent requests. That is, if this is a group of a certain artist, indicate his hit or last song in the name, if there is a focus on some city, then indicate its name. First you need to determine the purpose of creating a public, what he can be interested in. How to advertise a VKontakte group by inviting friends? Consider below.

Method three: sending invitations to all friends and acquaintances

To implement your plan, create a group, describe the goal, indicate in the message that it is you, not spam, and send it to all your friends. This ensures that there are real subscribers of the group who will not be blocked. They will be active participants, which will have a beneficial effect on the reputation. The most important way to promote a group is its activity and renewal. This is all done when the community reaches a certain number of people. It is necessary to come up with a work plan, what time and on what days news, videos, music or pictures will be posted. All this should be of interest to the target audience.

Method four. Advertising in other publics

You can talk about your group in other communities using a link and small comments, which should indicate what the public is about. But be careful, you can get banned for it. Such actions must be coordinated with the administration of the group or find a special topic in which you can leave messages of this type.

Paid methods

There are also paid promotion methods. Consider using money.

If a person does not want to engage in promotion, you can already buy it. Its price will be about 1000 rubles, it probably has many subscribers, it remains to change the name and purpose of the public. You can also advertise a group on the left of the VKontakte page. This function is provided by the network, you can pay for advertising for clicks. In the settings, specify which audience you want to talk about the community.

Over time, you will perfectly understand how to advertise the VKontakte group. You can also attract subscribers by paying them money for it. Here you can apply sites designed to effectively perform such work. You can also use resources that promote the group. You set everything up as you need, the site administration takes care of the rest.

Why is all this necessary?

How useful is the promotion of the VKontakte group? The probability of sales and the demand for the provision of services depend on how popular the public is. The more subscribers, the more people see the news, it rises in the rating of groups.
The main task of promotion is to raise the community to the TOP. How this will be done is everyone's business, the main thing is the result. If all the above rules are followed, then the group will become the best of the best. The main thing is that spam in public, account blocking, fake subscribers and the like should not be allowed.

It is important to understand that it is not about speed, the main task of any team leader is to do everything qualitatively. You should not invest too much money in promotion, you can try all the ways: for starters, free ones, if it doesn’t work out, then take a closer look at paid solutions to the problem. It is best to create a group according to your interests, so that there is a desire to engage in it, because if the public is about a singer who is not interesting to the creator of the page, then there will most likely be no updates. Who is interested in being in an inactive group?

Now you know how to advertise the VKontakte group. You need to remember the main thing: you need to create a public when there is enough free time to do this. Then invite your family and friends to the group, do not forget about various contests, fill the free space with pictures, music and videos, as well as the latest news.

Many users are interested in the question of how to advertise a VK group. But they do not think at all about what goals they pursue when committing such actions. In most cases, the end result is income. But in order to get it, you need to ensure an optimal increase in the main indicators. VK group advertising is a complex multifaceted set of actions that allows the community to become more successful.

What goals do we achieve with the help of advertising groups in VK

Now you can develop your business through the Internet, some of its varieties do not even require financial investments.

VKontakte business is as simple as possible to start. You just need time and decency. If you do not fulfill the terms of the transaction once, you can significantly damage yourself in the future. In order for the business in the group to develop with the help of advertising, you should work on trust. Targeted advertising on VKontakte will provide you with customers as quickly as possible.

  • promotion of the group in order to make it a good advertising platform and make money on it in the future;
  • promotion of the group in order to increase income.

If not such global goals are considered, then among them will be:

  • increase in the number of group members;
  • increase in organic traffic, the number of views, likes, comments, clicks;
  • providing traffic for the organization's website, promoting an external resource.

Rarely, but still there is a promotion of a certain thematic group in order to create a team of like-minded people. As a rule, there is no commercial nature here. For example, in some city a small company is looking for like-minded people to spend time together: outdoor recreation, mass gatherings and games. Or fans of a virtual game gather in a group who share their experience, knowledge, and help beginners with some details. That is, groups exist on the principle of forums.

But most users are interested in the paid component of group promotion. Only schoolchildren will do this for free to increase their popularity or people who are passionate about something and have too much free time.

How to advertise a group in VK, step by step instructions

To promote your own or someone else's group, you can use the "Invite Friends" button to the community with equal efficiency. You can choose one of these existing advertising methods or combine several:

Pros and cons of advertising groups in VK

  • the ability to cheaply reach a large target audience;
  • high efficiency of promotion and attraction of real users;
  • simplicity and accessibility of most methods;
  • availability of any convenient payment methods;
  • a large selection of ways to promote a group in VK, both paid and free.
  • always remains with the advertising of the VKontakte group by various methods, the threat of a ban;
  • when ordering targeting or advertising in communities, it is impossible to determine the level of financial investment, it can vary from the minimum value and be very costly;
  • if the targeting is set incorrectly, it is quite likely that the budget will be drained without ensuring performance;
  • no guarantee of a quality result.

Possible problems with advertising communities:

  • Group ban as a result of the actions of competitors or users who are not interested in it because of clicking the “this is spam” button - you need to contact technical support to unlock it or wait for the expiration date on the counter, change the targeting settings when promoting, take a guide to a slightly different target audience, work on the appearance of the group, content, text and title;
  • refusal to advertise the group by the administration of other communities - you must try to find out the reason, change the ad in accordance with the requirements or look for another community to place;
  • Difficulties in placing ads of the group through the advertising personal account: ads are not placed - check the Internet connection, account balance, correct indication of offers; if a refusal comes, it is necessary to study the reasons, check compliance with the requirements of the social network;
  • advertising does not give any effect in the form of an increase in the number of subscribers, an increase in key indicators (views, comments, likes, reposts) - you need to review the selected target audience again, change targeting settings, choose a different time for posting ads or find another group, possibly in the previous one the audience is represented mainly by fakes.


Finding where to advertise a VK group is not difficult. It can be paid and free advertising. You can set up targeting or apply with a proposal for mutual PR to a community with similar topics. To create an effective advertising campaign for your group means to take your own business to a new level, increase revenues and get the opportunity to expand it.

Let us immediately denote that there is no universal solution on how to advertise a group in VK. A good result can only be achieved through systematic, systematic and high-quality work.


Before moving on to advertising the Vkontakte group, we will consolidate the common truths about the creation of the groups themselves. First of all, you need to be sure that the chosen topic/idea of ​​the project is really relevant and interesting. There is a pattern: the more interesting the topic, the faster the audience of the group grows.

Most likely, there are already groups on the network whose concept is similar to yours. Your task is to finalize the idea, make it wider / narrower, look from the other side, add zest and goodies that competitors do not have. The group should help users solve an existing problem (an interesting pastime, getting information about a product / service, communicating with like-minded people, etc.).

We decided on the profile, now we select the name. There are 2 options: positioning by service/product and by activity. That is, the name should reflect the main field of activity: “Window installation in Moscow”, “Laptop repair in St. Petersburg”, “Wedding limousines in Tomsk”. If there is a ready-made recognizable brand that has an impressive number of customers, we simply call the group the same as the company.

Please note that the social network VKontakte is perfectly indexed by search engines, provided that the name is correctly composed. That is, if you make the name in accordance with the most relevant search queries, this will provide an impressive influx of users from the search. To compile an attractive name, the Yandex Wordstat tool will help.

And last but not least on our list is content. 3 criteria for quality content: relevance, uniqueness, virality. After reading the material, there should be a desire to repost. If the user found the information useful, he shares it on his page and it becomes visible to his friends, which provides an additional influx of subscribers to the group. The number of reposts and likes are the best indicators of content quality. If there are few of them, it is necessary to change the direction and / or topic.

How to advertise a group in contact: effective ways

As you know, Russian people are terrible in improvisation, various limits and restrictions are a challenge for us. Therefore, there is a workaround for this mechanism: we buy fake pages and add friends to people who meet the criteria of the target audience (TA) of the group. Next, send them an invitation to join the group. In this case, the user receives an invitation from a friend, which increases the level of trust.

It is logical that, due to the existing limitation, you will need not 1-2 pages, but tens and even hundreds. Services and programs, for example, SmmLaba, will help with this. Issue price: 350 rubles for the purchase of pages (50 pieces for 7 rubles) + 1500 rubles for the purchase of a proxy for each fake (50 pieces for 30 rubles) + 700 rubles / month for the software.

Targeted advertising. These are the same annoying messages that appear on the side and in the news feed. Knowledge of the intricacies of targeted advertising is an independent science. We will only describe the essence of this advertisement of VK publics: advertising posts and offers are displayed only to the target audience, which you can set by gender, age, interests, place of residence. Do you need young mothers from 25 to 30 years old living in the Moscow region? The system itself will find them and show your offer, which they cannot refuse. To set up targeted advertising on your own, the Getuniq service will be useful.

  1. Advertising public Vkontakte through posts in other publics. This method is as old as the social network itself. The principle is obscenely simple: you get posts in promoted groups and communities, from where the user can follow the link to go to your site. An advertising post is placed for a certain time, the time of publication and deletion is agreed in advance. The most commonly used scheme is 1/23: the post stays in the first place for an hour, and then 23 hours in the feed and gradually lowers as other posts are published. To facilitate the process of selecting a "promoted" group, control over the time of publication and payment, special services allow, we will talk about them below. You can negotiate directly with administrators. The cost of the post will be 10-20% lower, but there are practically no guarantees.
  2. Inviting. The method is suitable for the promotion of a specific meeting / event. You create an event, mark the beginning and end, provide an organizer and invite guests. The difference from the first method is that invitations are sent out by other groups in which your target audience is. Scrolling through the community feed with jokes, you probably saw invitations to webinars, master classes or trainings. This is inviting in its purest form.
  3. Contests. Today, there is no more effective way to advertise a group in VK than to hold contests. In order to take part in the contest, the user needs to perform an action that is useful for your group - repost, comment, subscribe, and so on. Where to post posts that you are running a contest if the advertised group has few subscribers yet? Communities like “Competitions (city name”, “Freebie in “city name”, “Promotions (city name)” will come to the rescue, they already have an audience ready to perform certain actions.
  4. Mutual PR. That is, you advertise the post of another group / organization, and they post your post. There are a number of nuances here: the number of subscribers should be approximately the same, the content and topics should be similar, the owner / administrator should be adequate in order to be able to accept the offer and not throw out surprises.
  5. Expert opinions. This is a promotional post with a link to a group ordered from a celebrity/blogger/expert. For example, you sell sportswear through a group. You can order a post from a famous person that he chooses your online store for sports.

Texts for group advertising in VK: standard templates

The most common is direct advertising. Such posts convey the proposal in the forehead. The effectiveness of the message in this case directly depends on the art, talent and level of professionalism of the copywriter. There is only one rule here: the text should be maximally selling and minimal in size.

Direct advertising is effective both for increasing the audience of the group and for sales. You need to list the benefits of the product / service, convince the subscriber of the need to purchase, interest and attract to the group / site, etc.

An example of advertising a group in VK: “The object of desire of fashionistas from all over the world at a bargain price! Ugg boots from UGG for only 4000 rubles! Group members receive an additional 10% discount. Hurry up! The duration of the promotion is limited: from May 1 to June 1, 2018. An advertising post provides room for imagination, do not be afraid to experiment.

If you're looking to increase your following, the post should describe the benefits of joining a group. The group must be clearly positioned according to interests, then people are more willing to join.

For example: "We develop logic" - these are new tasks for logic every day, these are lively disputes and discussions, these are effective methods and techniques for developing intelligence, these are interviews with experts in the field and much more.

The second type of post is a post with a break. The bottom line is that you place an interesting text, or rather its beginning. And to read the continuation, the user must follow the link to the group.

The full version of the text is displayed in a group, above the wall, so that each visitor sees it first. If you do not fix the text, you cannot avoid the sea of ​​negative reviews and comments, and this will not add subscribers. When used correctly, a broken post can generate thousands of new followers. According to statistics, if the content is really interesting + the post is posted in a high-quality thematic community (with a real, not a cheated audience), every fifth visitor will remain in the group and subscribe.

And the last view is the wiki post. These are meaningful, informative posts designed as articles from Wikipedia. The better and more relevant the material provided in the Vivik post, the more users will join the group. For highly specialized professional groups - this is it.

How to set up advertising in VK for a group

Specialized services will help with this:

  1. http://oliveaclub.ru/. Here you can keep track of advertising campaigns and manage them, monitor the number of new subscribers from advertising, the number of transitions from a post, etc.
  2. http://allsocial.ru/. The service itself is looking for the best communities to place advertising posts, monitor the statistics of the group.
  3. http://borgi.ru/. It also searches for groups for advertising, makes an analysis of competing groups, monitors trends in partner programs.

Let's take a closer look at how to set up targeting. First of all, we open the VK market platform and create a profile here. To create an ad, open the “Targeting” section and select its type: “Community”, enter the name of our group, as shown in the figure: Finally, we determine how we will pay for advertising: for clicks or for impressions. And click "Create Ad". Everything, targeting is started.

Advertising a group in VK: the cost that you have to pay

We figured out how to advertise a Vkontakte group. Now let's talk about how much it will cost. Again, there is no universal figure or price scale. The cost of the advertising company of the group can be up to 1000-2000 rubles, and may exceed 20,000 rubles. The most important thing is to actually start doing something.

If you attract 10,000 subscribers, then it will be much easier, since the mechanism has already been launched. Bring the audience to 20 thousand, then 30 thousand, 40 thousand. And do not slow down, continue promotion, its cost will be lower, and the effect will be greater. But you already need to come up with original posts and unique offers, something new and original.

Let's analyze the approximate prices of the main types of advertising:

  1. The price of targeted advertising depends on the clickability of the submitted ad and the competition for the specified target audience. On average, 1 click in Moscow and St. Petersburg costs 25-30 rubles, 1 click - 5 rubles. An adult subscriber who joins costs from 10 rubles. In the Russian Federation and from 25 rubles. in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  2. An advertising post in the community costs between 500-3500 rubles per day, depending on the audience.
  3. The price of the post-opinion of an expert - as you agree, even barter for a product / service is possible.

So, how to advertise a VK group? The answer is simple: in different ways. Try all the methods, conduct analytics and track which method worked and which should be abandoned. Only an integrated approach and comprehensive coverage will give results.

Thank you subscribers and creative inspiration!

There are many ways of free advertising, consider the most popular. The first method is to send messages containing information about the group to potentially interested users. We do it as follows: we write the text of the advertisement with a link to the group.

Choosing a target audience– social network users who will be interested in your community. To do this, go to the "People" tab, select the age interval, indicate the country and city of residence, as well as other search parameters.

After that, open the "Job" tab and write "MLM". Now it remains to send users messages or friend requests with a promotional message.

Viral Marketing

This method eliminates the possibility of blocking. It consists in holding relay races, contests and all kinds of promotions for users.

all kinds of draws, which assume that users are interested in your group's repost on their page.

If the community is dedicated to selling goods or services, a free unit of production can be set as a prize.

Advertising in groups of similar topics

Collaboration with administrators of other groups is an opportunity to advertise yourself through the exchange of advertising posts. First you need to find promising communities of similar topics.

Partner selection criteria:

  • We pay attention to the activity of group subscribers. For example, even if there are many subscribers in the community, but there are practically no likes, comments and discussions, then most of them are most likely cheated. There will be no positive effect from cooperation with such a community.
  • Choose groups with frequent content updates. This indicates the activity of the administrator and the fact that users see posts and information in their news.
  • Preference should be given only to communities of similar subjects. If an ad is placed in a group that is not related to the specifics of your community, it will be perceived as spam and the likelihood that users will be interested in the ad is minimized.
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