Nosov on the hill presentation. Presentation on the topic "N. Nosov "On the hill"". Analysis of the work, selective reading


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  • Introduce students to the content of the story.
  • To learn to divide the text into parts, draw up a plan, find the main idea, state in detail what was read.
  • Develop reading skills, coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.
  • Cultivate diligence and respect for other people's work.

EQUIPMENT: textbook “Literary reading” part 1, presentation, didactic materials with tasks

Planned results:

Cognitive UUD:

  • familiarization with the story of N. Nosov "On the hill"; conscious perception of a literary work; formulating answers to questions on the content of the work; division into logical parts, construction of evaluative reasoning.

Regulatory UUD:

  • fulfillment of the accepted educational task; adequate perception of the assessment of the teacher and comrades; planning your actions;

Communicative UUD:

  • interaction with others, the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, correctly express one's thoughts, provide support to each other and effectively cooperate with both the teacher and peers;

Personal UUD:

  • the ability to express one's opinion about the knowledge of moral norms of behavior, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

During the classes

1. Organizing moment

The teacher greets the students, checks their readiness for the lesson.

Let's start the lesson of literary reading. I see that everyone is ready for the lesson, everyone is in a good mood. Well done!

The change passed quickly
We need to get down to business!
You need to listen carefully
You have to work diligently
Learn more new
And get a five!

2. Work on the development of reading technique.

1. Breathing exercises

  • Inhale through the nose exhale through the mouth
  • Smell the flower
  • Extinguish candles

2. Practicing diction (slide 2)

Ok-ok-ok - it's snowing
Ip-ip-ip - I hear the creak of snow
Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver

3. Self-determination to the activity setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, in front of you are photographs of writers and poets known to you. Let's remember their last names and names. (slide 3)

Children call names and surnames (No. 1 M. Plyatskovsky, No. 2 K. Chukovsky, No. 3 V. Orlov, No. 4 children find it difficult to answer)

What does it mean? (children's guesses)

That's right guys. Today we will get acquainted with a new writer, whose name is Samuil Marshak, as well as with his work.

Let's learn a little more about it. (slides 4-11)

Riddles will help us find out the name of the work: (slide 12 words - riddles fly out in the right order and the name of the work “On the Hill” is obtained vertically)

* The blue tent covered the whole world (sky)

* The green calf is tied with a rope, lying on its side and getting fat. (Watermelon)

* While the children - each in a beret have matured - put on hats (mushrooms)

* The ball grew white the wind blew the ball flew away (dandelion)

* A painted rocker hung over the river (rainbow)

* He does not know the days himself, but indicates to others (calendar)

*Winter and summer one color (spruce)

What name did we get?

That's right, "On the Hill".

Who can tell me what a hill is.

Do you think the word hill has one or more meanings?

Where can we find out about this? Of course in a good dictionary. (slides 13-14)

- “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of stuff."

And also called a slide a flight of a sports plane, or a glass cabinet for beautiful dishes.

There is the concept of “Red Hill”, it is very old. This is the name given to the first week after Easter.

At home, we can see a hill of salt, a hill of sugar, a hill of flour, a hill of seeds, etc.

What hill does Nikolai Nosov suggest we learn about? (about the snow hill)

What do you need to build a snow slide?

Building a hill is no easy job. It requires great strength and patience.

One person can't do this job.

What do you think this story will be about?

Let's see if our assumptions are correct. To do this, we read this work. At the same time, we emphasize incomprehensible words that we will encounter while reading.

4. Primary perception of the text

a) reading the text (the text is read in turn by well-read children.)

After reading, we find out the meaning of incomprehensible words.

What words in the text do you not understand?

b) Vocabulary work (slide 15)

Dvornitskaya - a room for a janitor, an employee who maintains order and cleanliness on the street.

On all fours - a pose in which a person stands while leaning on both arms and legs

5. Physical education (slide 16)

The teacher organizes a change in the activities of children through a dynamic pause in a playful way.

Well done boys! Now we will rest, and then we will complete the tasks that I have prepared for you.

One, two, one, two - (clap hands)
The game starts.
Shoveling snow with a shovel (simulating movement)
We build a hill in the yard.
White and fluffy cotton (stretch arms forward, turn the body to the right and left)

The yard is decorated in December.
One, two, one, two (rhythmically stomping)
Here the game is over.

6. Secondary perception of the work

Didactic task: organize work on adequate understanding of the content and main idea of ​​the text and dividing it into logical parts.

a) talk about:

And now we will answer the questions.

What mistake did Kotka make and why?

And what did Kotka do when the guys were working?

Why didn't he come out? ( did not want to work, but wanted to ride)

What is he? ( cunning)

What happened when the guys left for dinner?

Why was Kotka in a hurry when he was going out into the street?

Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.

And why did he sprinkle the hillside with sand? ( he couldn't climb it)

What came of it? Read.

How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch?

(scolded Kotka and forced him to cover the hill with snow).

Kotka immediately agreed to do this? ( no, he offered to wait until the snow falls)

Did Kotka like working?

Support with words from the text...

What do you think, has Kotka changed? ( yes he got better).

Who helped him get better? ( his comrades)

b) work in pairs

Proverbs cut on every table (Attachment 1)

Collect proverbs and find a proverb that expresses the main idea of ​​the story:

1. Hurry - make people laugh

2. Measure seven times, and cut one.

3. Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

Let's check if you made the proverbs correctly. (slide 17)

You have done the right thing.

Which proverb expresses the main idea of ​​the story? (children call the proverb under number 3)

Why did you choose the proverb under number 3?

7. Physical education (Relaxation) (with calm music)

Eyelashes fall down
The eyes are closed.
We rest in peace
We fall asleep with a magical dream ...
We rested calmly
We fell asleep with a magical dream,
We open our eyes together
And let's get to work.

c) work in a group

Each group has glue, an envelope with pictures, a sheet on which pictures will be glued (Appendix 2)

The artist drew pictures for this story. Consider them. (slide 18)

Does the order of the pictures match the events in the story? (No)

What pictures are missing? ( Sly Kotka looks out the window, Kotka makes steps)

Let's arrange the pictures in order and title each picture.

(Children stick the pictures on the sheet in the right order and sign each picture)

  1. The guys are building a hill. (+)
  2. Sly Kotka looks out the window. (-)
  3. Cunning on a slippery hill. (+)
  4. Kotka spoiled the hill with sand. (+)
  5. The guys scold Kotka (+)
  6. Kitty helps the guys. (+)
  7. The cat is making steps. (-)

After the presentation of the groups, you can ask a question

Guys, tell me, when you put the pictures in order, what did you get (picture plan), and when did you title each picture? (verbal or written plan)

8. Reflection of educational activity.

Didactic task: to organize the analysis and evaluation of educational activities in the lesson, to fix unresolved difficulties.

The teacher conducts a frontal conversation to check the fulfillment of the tasks of this lesson, to check the level of assimilation of the content.

Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's summarize it.

Continue the phrases: (slide 19)

1. I met ...

2. I learned...

3. I was wondering...

4. It was difficult for me ...

5. Most of all I liked ...

6. I realized that ... (- We do a lot of things in life, both bad and good. But the main thing is to stop in time, be able to admit our mistake and correct it. This is the only way to earn the respect of others.)

9. The result of the lesson:

And now we will build our own slide of snowflakes. Each of you has snowflakes on the table, glue them on the corresponding slide. White snowflake - not everything worked out, not everyone liked it, blue snowflake - it was interesting, everything worked out. Which hill is the highest? (two sheets with a picture of a slide are attached to the board, the children stick snowflakes on the corresponding slide)

I am satisfied with our lesson, thank you very much for the good work! (slide 20)

10. Homework:

You have papers with homework on your desks. You can make it your choice: (Appendix 3)

1. Retelling on behalf of Kotka.

2. Retelling according to the picture plan.

3. Retelling according to the verbal plan.

Class: 2

Presentation for the lesson

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  • Introduce children to N. N. Nosov's story "On the Hill" and the author's biography.
  • To develop the mental activity of students, the skills of fluent and correct expressive reading.
  • To learn to feel, determine and predict the mood of the work; to consolidate the skill of accent subtraction.
  • To form the ability to convey the mood and feelings of the characters with intonation, to draw up a story plan.
  • Cultivate communication skills

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, multimedia support of the lesson, envelopes with cards-names of the parts of the plan.


Lesson start

1) Emotional mood

A cheerful bell rang
We start our lesson.

- We have a lesson in literary reading, a lesson in communication. It's nice to communicate with a cheerful, friendly person. Let's start the lesson with the game "Hello, neighbor!"
- So, turn to each other, hold hands and smile ...

Children in chorus pronounce the text:

Hi, neighbor!
Smile back at me.
I want you not to be sad
Gave everyone smiles today.

– I am very pleased to see rays of curiosity and creativity in your eyes. I feel that you are ready to listen and hear me
Who wants to be a real reader?
– What should be done for this?
- Be able to read correctly! To read quickly and correctly, we will conduct a small speech warm-up, warm up our speech apparatus.

Slide 2: Exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus.

(The deeper we breathe, the stronger the effect of the exercise): inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; inhale, hold your breath, exhale; stand up, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight, 1.2 - a deep breath (to yourself), 3 - hold your breath, exhale - a smooth count from 1 to 10 (or until there is enough breath);


Slide 3:

Ok, ok, it's snowing.
Ip-ip-ip - I hear the creak of snow.
Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver.

- Read the end of the 1st sentence with an interrogative intonation.
- Read the end of the second sentence with an exclamatory intonation.
- In the third sentence, put logical stress on the word snowy.
- Read the speech in a whisper and slowly.
Now read it out loud and quickly.

2) Reporting the topic of the lesson, its goals

Slide 4:

By completing the following task, you will find out which writer's work we will meet today. Do you know the names of these writers, which of their works have we already studied?
Fill in the missing letters and you will know the name of a wonderful children's writer

Ag*nia Bart*
Chukov * cue K * rney
Mikhalko* Sergey - NOSOV

Slide 5:(portrait)

Slide 6:(a story about the biography of N.N. Nosov

What works of this author do you know? Slide 7.
Today we will read another story by this writer and learn how to retell it. And what is the name of this story, try to guess ... I give you a hint: the title consists of two words.

Children guess the anagram:

Slide 8: A N K E G O R slide 9.

3) Preparation for the primary perception of the text.

- We already know how many books there are in the world, but there is one, from a series of special ones, that knows everything about the word. This book is our guest: "EXPLANATORY DICTIONARY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE". slide 10.
- Which of you wants to know everything about the word "hill"?
- “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of stuff."
- And they also call a slide a flight of a sports plane, or a glass cabinet for beautiful dishes.
- There is the concept of "Red Hill", it is very old. This is the name given to the first week after Easter.
- At home, we can see a hill of salt, a hill of sugar, a hill of flour, a hill of seeds, etc.
- What kind of hill does Nikolai Nosov suggest we find out about? ( about the snow hill
- Tell me, what is needed to build a snow slide?
- Building a hill is not an easy job. It requires great strength and patience.
- Guys, do you like to be on the hill?
- Why?
What do you think this story will be about?

Vocabulary work. Slide 11.

- Read in syllables, and then in whole words:

CRE-BA-LI - RAKE (Choose a word that is close in meaning: collected)
SWA-LI-WA-LI - Dumped
WORK-CHILD-XIA - WORK (Choose a word with the opposite meaning: lazy)
VZOB-RAL- SIA - CLIMBED (Replace with a synonym)
DVOR-NITS-KA-YA - DVORNITSKAYA (Find the definition of this word in the dictionary on the page of the textbook)
THU-V-RENK-KI - FOUR (How do you understand this word?)
NA-PORT-TIL - PORTED (Choose a word that is close in meaning: broke)

4) Primary perception of the text

5) Checking the primary perception of the text

Emotionally appraisal conversation

Who liked the story?
What part of the story did you like the most? Why?

Physical education: slide 12.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky
Like a fairytale picture.
Let's catch them with our hands
And show mom at home. (Children raise their arms above their heads and make grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.)
And all around are snowdrifts,
Snow covered the roads. (Sipping - arms to the sides.)
Do not get stuck in the field so that
Raise your legs higher. (Walking in place, knees high.)
There is a fox jumping in the field,
Like a soft red ball. (Jumping in place.)
Well, we're going, we're going (Walking in place.)
And we come to our house. (Children sit down.)

6) Analysis of the work, selective reading

- Who is the main character of the story? ( Kitty and his friends)
- What did the guys do?
Read how they built the hill.
- And what did Kotka do when the guys were working?
Why didn't he come out? (Didn't want to work but wanted to ride)
- What is he? ( Cunning)
What happened when the guys left for dinner?
- Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.
- Why did he sprinkle sand on the hill? ( He couldn't climb it.)
– What came of it? Read.
- How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch? (They scolded Kotka and forced him to cover the hill with snow).
- Kotka immediately agreed to do this? (No, he suggested waiting for the snow to fall)
Did Kotka like working?
- Confirm with words from the text ...
- Do you think Kotka has changed? ( Yes, he got better.).
Who helped him get better? ( His comrades)
Close your eyes and imagine that a year has passed. What was the cat like?
- Find a proverb that expresses the main idea of ​​the story: Slide 13:

1. Hurry - make people laugh.
2. Measure seven times, and cut one.
3. Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

- Why did you choose the proverb under the number 3?
- You did the right thing. His comrades who worked with him helped Kotka correct the mistake.

Physical education (Relaxation) Slide 14.

Eyelashes fall down
The eyes are closed.
We rest in peace
We fall asleep with a magical dream ...
We rested calmly
We fell asleep with a magical dream,
We open our eyes together
And let's get to work.

7) Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a plan, retelling. slide 15.

The artist drew pictures for this story. Consider them.
Does the order of the drawings match the events in the story? (No)
Let's put the pictures in order.
What picture is missing?
- We have a picture plan. Let's title each picture.

Drawing up a story plan(by groups).
- Guys, you have envelopes on the table. Try to make a plan for this story. On the cards you need to put the number in order, and in the text find the beginning and end of each part, marking them with a pencil.


  • The construction of the slide by the guys.
  • Cunning on a slippery hill.
  • Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.
  • The guys made a friend work.
  • Kitten liked to work.

– I think many of you are ready to retell the text right now. But I want to make it harder. Maybe someone will try to retell the text on behalf of Kotka?

8) Generalization of the material

Choose the words that you think fit this story: slide 16.


- For what purpose did Nikolai Nikolaevich write the story "On the Hill"? slide 17.

  • Cheer up the reader.
  • Make fun of someone.
  • Help to see actions, reflect on them.
  • Awaken fantasy.
  • Help the reader to distinguish the right thing from the wrong?

- So, all 5 conclusions are correct, and I hope that you guys will now be able to distinguish good from bad, and forgive an ugly act to a friend and help him not to do this again.

9) Summary of the lesson

- Everyone has a snowflake on their desk. Take her. Write your name on it, evaluate your work in the lesson and give yourself a mark.

- And now we will build our hill. You will attach all your snowflakes to the board.

10) Giving and commenting on grades

11) Differentiated homework

  • Reread the story and prepare its retelling according to the plan in the textbook.
  • Choice of creative task (optional):
    • draw a filmstrip for the story;
    • continue the story. “The next day the children decided to build a fortress…”.

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Annotation to the presentation

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov - Soviet children's prose writer, playwright, screenwriter. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree. He is best known as a children's writer, author of works about Dunno. A hill is defined. There are also assignments on this topic.

  1. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov
  2. Slide
  3. The words
  4. Tasks


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Kuzmina I.A.

    The audience

    The words




    • For the teacher to teach

slide 1

Kuzmina I.A., primary school teacher, Zharkovskaya secondary school No. 1, 2nd grade.

slide 2

  • OK-OK-OK - the snow is falling
  • IP-IP-IP - I hear the creak of snow
  • RE-RE-RE - mountains in snowy silver
  • slide 3

    Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

  • slide 4

    • A N K E G O R
  • slide 5

    • “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of stuff."
  • slide 6

    • raked-ba-whether raked
    • sva-li-va-li dumped
    • work hard work
    • slippery slippery
    • climbed climbed up
    • yard-nice-ka-i janitor
    • from-push-null-sya pushed off
    • four-ve-ren-ki all fours
    • na-por-til spoiled
  • Slide 7

    1. Hurry - make people laugh.
    2. Measure seven times and cut once.
    3. Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

    Slide 8

    Slide 9

    • JOY
    • ENVY
  • Slide 10

    1. Cheer up the reader.
    2. Play a joke on someone.
    4. Wake up fantasy.
    5. Help the reader to distinguish the right thing from the wrong thing.

    View all slides


    Abstract of an open lessonin literary reading


    1. Beginning of the lesson.

    Emotional mood

    D children in chorus pronounce the text:

    Hi, neighbor!
    Smile back at me.
    I want you not to be sad
    Gave everyone smiles today.

    Breathing exercises

    * smelling a flower;
    * Extinguish the candle.

    slide 2
    - What are these works?

    Children guess the anagram:

    A N K E G O R slide 3

    slide 4

    about the snow hill

    - Why?

    vocabulary work


    meaning: lazy)



    Who liked the story?

    Physical education minute

    Like snow on a hill, snow
    And under the hill snow, snow.
    And on the tree snow, snow,
    And under the tree snow, snow.
    A bear sleeps under the tree.
    Quiet, quiet, don't make noise!

    Kitty and his friends)
    - What did the guys do?

    Why didn't he come out? ( )
    - What is he? ( cunning)

    he couldn't climb it)


    yes he got better).
    his comrades)

    Physical education minute(Relaxation)

    Eyelashes fall down
    The eyes are closed.
    We rest in peace
    We fall asleep with a magical dream ...


    We rested calmly
    We fell asleep with a magical dream,
    We open our eyes together
    And let's get to work.

    slide 6

    What picture is missing?

    Plan. Slide 7

    The construction of the slide by the guys.
    Cunning on a slippery hill.
    Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.

    The cat liked to work.

    8. Generalization of the material

    FRIENDSHIP Slide 8

    To: Slide 9

    Cheer up the reader.
    Make fun of someone.
    Help to see actions, reflect on them.
    Awaken fantasy.

    9. The result of the lesson.

    Abstract of an open lessonin literary readingconducted by Kuzmina I.A. in 2nd grade.

    TOPIC. N. Nosov "On the Hill". Creative writing training.

    1. Introduce students to the content of the story.
    2. Learn to divide the text into parts, draw up a plan, find the main idea, summarize what you read in detail.
    3. Develop reading skills, coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.
    4. To cultivate industriousness and respect for other people's work.

    EQUIPMENT: textbook, presentation


    1. Beginning of the lesson.

    Emotional mood

    We have a lesson in literary reading, a lesson in communication. It's nice to communicate with a cheerful, friendly person. Let's start the lesson with the game "Hello, neighbor!"
    - So, turn to each other, hold hands and smile ...

    D children in chorus pronounce the text:

    Hi, neighbor!
    Smile back at me.
    I want you not to be sad
    Gave everyone smiles today.

    Breathing exercises

    Let's do breathing exercises and prepare the voice for work:

    * inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
    * smelling a flower;
    * Extinguish the candle.

    Ok-ok-ok - snowball is falling Slide 1
    Ip-ip-ip - I hear the creak of snow
    Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver

    Read the end of the 1st sentence with an interrogative intonation.
    - Read the end of the second sentence with an exclamatory intonation.
    - In the third sentence, put logical stress on the word snowy.
    - Read the speech in a whisper and slowly.
    Now read it out loud and quickly.

    2. Message of the topic of the lesson, its goals.

    Which author's works did we study in the last two lessons of literary reading? slide 2
    - What are these works?
    - Today we will read another story by this writer and we will learn how to retell it. And what is the name of this story, try to guess ... I give you a hint: the title consists of two words.

    Children guess the anagram:

    A N K E G O R slide 3

    3. Preparation for the primary perception of the text

    We already know how many books there are in the world, but there is one, from a series of special ones, that knows everything about the word. This book is ours:


    Who among you wants to know everything about the word "hill"?
    - “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of stuff."
    - And they also call a slide a flight of a sports plane, or a glass cabinet for beautiful dishes.
    - There is the concept of "Red Hill", it is very old. This is the name given to the first week after Easter.
    - At home, we can see a hill of salt, a hill of sugar, a hill of flour, a hill of seeds, etc.
    - What kind of hill does Nikolai Nosov suggest we learn about? ( about the snow hill
    - Tell me, what is needed to build a snow slide?
    - Building a slide is not an easy job. It requires great strength and patience.
    - Guys, do you like to be on the hill?
    - Why?
    What do you think this story will be about?

    vocabulary work

    GREB-BA-LI - raked (Choose a word that is close in meaning:
    WORK-DYAT-XIA - WORK (Pick a word with the opposite
    meaning: lazy)
    VZOB-RAL- SIA - CLIMBED (Replace with a synonym)
    YARD - NITs-KA-I - Dvornitskaya (Find the interpretation of this word in
    dictionary on page 214 of the textbook)
    THURSDAY-THRUD-KI-FOUR-FOUR (How do you understand this word?)
    NA-PORT-TIL - NAPORTIL (Choose a word that is close in meaning:

    4.. Primary perception of the text

    5. Checking the primary perception of the text

    Emotionally appraisal conversation

    Who liked the story?
    What part of the story did you like the most? Why?

    Physical education minute

    Like snow on a hill, snow
    And under the hill snow, snow.
    And on the tree snow, snow,
    And under the tree snow, snow.
    A bear sleeps under the tree.
    Quiet, quiet, don't make noise!

    6. Analysis of the work, selective reading

    Who is the main character of the story? ( Kitty and his friends)
    - What did the guys do?
    - Read how they built the hill.
    - And what did Kotka do when the guys were working?
    Why didn't he come out? ( did not want to work, but wanted to ride)
    - What is he? ( cunning)
    - What happened when the guys left for dinner?
    - Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.
    - And why did he sprinkle the hillside with sand? ( he couldn't climb it)
    - What came of it? Read.
    - How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch?
    (scolded Kotka and forced him to cover the hill with snow).
    - Kotka immediately agreed to do this? ( no, he offered to wait until the snow falls)
    - Did Kotka like working?
    - Confirm with words from the text ...
    - What do you think, has Kotka changed? ( yes he got better).
    - Who helped him to become better? ( his comrades)
    Close your eyes and imagine that a year has passed. What was the cat like?
    Find a proverb that expresses the main idea of ​​the story:

    1. Hurry - make people laugh. slide 6
    2. Measure seven times, and cut one.
    3. Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

    Why did you choose the proverb under number 3?

    You have done the right thing. His comrades who worked with him helped Kotka correct the mistake.

    Physical education minute(Relaxation)

    Eyelashes fall down
    The eyes are closed.
    We rest in peace
    We fall asleep with a magical dream ...


    We rested calmly
    We fell asleep with a magical dream,
    We open our eyes together
    And let's get to work.

    7. Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a plan, retelling

    The artist drew pictures for this story. Consider them. slide 6
    Does the order of the drawings match the events in the story? (No)
    Let's put the pictures in order.
    What picture is missing?
    - We have a picture plan. Let's title each picture.

    Plan. Slide 7

    The construction of the slide by the guys.
    Cunning on a slippery hill.
    Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.
    The guys made a friend work.
    The cat liked to work.

    Find in the text the part that you would attribute to the first paragraph of the plan (to the 2nd, etc.). Where does it end?
    - What should be said in this part?
    - I think many of you are ready now to retell the text. But I want to make it harder. Maybe someone will try to retell the text on behalf of Kotka?

    8. Generalization of the material

    Choose the words that you think fit this story:

    FRIENDSHIP Slide 8

    For what purpose did Nikolai Nikolaevich write the story "On the Hill"?

    To: Slide 9

    Cheer up the reader.
    Make fun of someone.
    Help to see actions, reflect on them.
    Awaken fantasy.

    Help the reader to distinguish the right thing from the wrong?

    So, all 5 conclusions are correct, and I hope that you guys will now be able to distinguish good from bad, and forgive an ugly act to a friend and help him not to do this again.

    9. The result of the lesson.

    Everyone has a snowflake on their desk. Take her. Write your name on it, evaluate your work in the lesson and give yourself a mark.

    And now we will build our slide. You will attach all your snowflakes to the board.

    Download abstract

    Summary of the lesson on literary reading on the topic: N Nosov "On the Hill"

    Goals: 1. Continue to acquaint students with the biography and work of N. N. Nosov and introduce them to the new work “On the Hill”.

    2. Teach correct, conscious reading, activate the dictionary.

    3. Correction of attention, analytical and synthetic activity of students.

    4. Raising motivation for learning, interest in books, the ability to work together, in concert with the guys.

    Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, multimedia support of the lesson.


    1) Emotional mood

    A cheerful bell rang
    We start our lesson.

    Look at each other and smile. Look at me. I wish you good mood and interesting work at the lesson.

    Who wants to be a real reader?
    – What should be done for this?
    - Be able to read correctly! To read quickly and correctly, we will conduct a small speech warm-up, warm up our speech apparatus.

    2) Exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus. (Slides)

    1.* inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
    * smelling a flower;
    * Extinguish the candle.

    A O U Y I E
    A S O U E I
    O U A E I S
    W S F

    3.Ok-ok-ok - snow is falling.
    Ip-ip-ip - I hear the creak of snow.
    Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver.

    Read the end of the 1st sentence with an interrogative intonation.
    - Read the end of the second sentence with an exclamatory intonation.
    - In the third sentence, put logical stress on the word snowy.
    - Read the speech in a whisper and slowly.
    Now read it out loud and quickly.

    3) Checking homework:

    What piece did we study in the last lesson?

    What was given to you at home?

    Let's hear how you prepared a retelling of Nosov's story "The Living Hat" at home

    2) Reporting the topic of the lesson, its goals

    And now you will find out with a story which writer we will meet today. To do this, perform the following task. You have cards on your desks. Read the names of the writers. Do you know the names of these writers? Which of their works have we already studied?
    Fill in the missing letters and you will know the name of a wonderful children's writer

    Ag*ia Bart*
    Chukov * cue K * rney
    Mikhalko* Sergey –NOSS

    - Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of Nosov.


    What do you know about Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov? (children's answers)

    Slide: (a story about the biography of N.N. Nosov)

    N. Nosov in his youth was fond of theater, music, did a lot of self-education. Worked as a film director and director of animated films

    He wrote such works "Dreamers", "Mishkin's porridge", "Live hat", "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends". N. Nosov is called a humorous writer.

    How do you understand the writer-humorist? (writes funny stories)
    Yes, his stories are funny, but instructive.

    Today we will read another story by this writer, and at the end of the lesson you will tell me what he teaches. And what is the name of this story, try to guess.

    I give you a hint: the name consists of two words.

    Children guess the anagram:

    Slide: A N K E G O R

    Preparation for the initial perception of the text.

    We already know how many books there are in the world, but there is one, from a series of special ones, that knows everything about the word. This book is our guest: "EXPLANATORY DICTIONARY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE".Slide.
    - Which of you wants to know everything about the word "hill"?
    - “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of stuff."
    - And they also call a slide a flight of a sports plane, or a glass cabinet for beautiful dishes.
    - There is the concept of "Red Hill", it is very old. This is the name given to the first week after Easter.
    - At home, we can see a hill of salt, a hill of sugar, a hill of flour, a hill of seeds, etc.
    - What kind of hill does Nikolai Nosov suggest we find out about? (
    about the snow hill
    - Tell me, what is needed to build a snow slide?
    - Building a hill is not an easy job. It requires great strength and patience.
    - Guys, do you like to be on the hill?
    - Why?
    What do you think this story will be about?

    Listen to the story (turn on the soundtrack)

    Checking the primary perception of the text

    Who liked the story?
    What part of the story did you like the most? Why?

    Physical education: Slide.

    Snowflakes are falling from the sky
    Like a fairytale picture.
    Let's catch them with our hands
    And show mom at home.(Children raise their arms above their heads and make grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.)
    And all around are snowdrifts,
    Snow covered the roads.
    (Sipping - arms to the sides.)
    Do not get stuck in the field so that
    Raise your legs higher.
    (Walking in place, knees high.)
    There is a fox jumping in the field,
    Like a soft red ball.
    (Jumping in place.)
    Well, we're going, we're going(Walking in place.)
    And we come to our house.(Children sit down.)

    Exercise for the eyes: blinked their eyes; closed - dreamed; draw number 5 and number 9 .

    Vocabulary work. Slide

    We read in syllables, and then in whole words:

    GREB-BA-LI - raked (Choose a word that is close in meaning:collected)
    SWA-LI-WA-LI - Dumped
    WORK-DYAT-SIA - WORK (Choose a word with the opposite meaning:
    VZOB-RAL- SIA - CLIMBED (Replace with a synonym
    get in, climb up)
    DVOR-NITS-KA-YA - DVORNITSKAYA (Find the definition of this word in the dictionary on the page of the textbook)(room for a janitor who maintains cleanliness and order on the street)
    THU-V-REN-KI - FOURS (How do you understand this word?
    A person stands leaning on both legs and arms at the same time)
    NA-PORT-TIL - PORTED (Choose a word that is close in meaning:broke)

    Reading the story in sequence.

    Analysis of the work, selective reading

    Who is the main character of the story? (Kitty and his friends )
    - What did the guys do?
    Read how they built the hill.
    - And what did Kotka do when the guys were working?
    Why didn't he come out?
    (Didn't want to work but wanted to ride)
    - What is he? ( Cunning)
    What happened when the guys left for dinner?
    - Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.
    - Why did he sprinkle sand on the hill? (
    He couldn't climb it. )
    – What came of it? Read.
    - How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch?
    (They scolded Kotka and forced him to cover the hill with snow).
    - Kotka immediately agreed to do this?
    (No, he suggested waiting for the snow to fall)
    Did Kotka like working?
    - Confirm with words from the text ...
    - Do you think Kotka has changed? (
    Yes, he got better. ).
    Who helped him get better? (
    His comrades )

    Pay attention to the slide.

    Let's read the proverbs.

    1. Hurry up - make people laugh.
    2. Measure seven times, and cut one.
    3. Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.

    Find a proverb that expresses the main idea of ​​the story.

    Why did you choose the proverb under number 3?
    - You did the right thing. His comrades who worked with him helped Kotka correct the mistake.

    Generalization of the material:

    For what purpose did Nikolai Nikolaevich write the story "On the Hill"?Slide.


      Cheer up the reader.

      Make fun of someone.

      Help to see actions, reflect on them.

      Awaken fantasy.

      Help the reader to distinguish the right thing from the wrong?

    So, I hope that you guys will now be able to distinguish good from bad, and forgive an ugly act to a friend and help him not to do this again.

    Homework: pp.60-63 expressive reading

    Lesson Summary:

    What story did we learn in class today?

    Who wrote this story?

    What does this story teach?

    Which of you wanted to read some more stories by N. Nosov?


    - There is a snowflake in front of you, take it.

    Put a mark on it in the middle that you would give yourself for this lesson. And now we will build our slide with you. You will attach all your snowflakes to the board.

    The meeting ends with a wonderful literary work. Well done, you did a good job! In the next lesson, we will continue to work with this work. And I want to finish the lesson with a wish: may you have a kind soul, be hardworking, play together, help each other, and then you will succeed!

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