Presentation on social safety for preschoolers. Presentation "we and security". Resource support of the project


valentina nikulina
Teachers' council on the topic "Life safety of a preschool child"

Teachers Council on the topic

« Life safety of a preschool child»

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Senior teacher6 Nikulina Valentina Ivanovna

Target: improving the professional competence of teachers and improving their pedagogical skills.


1. Theoretically substantiate the formation of .

2. Determine the content of the activities of preschool educators in the formation life safety of preschool children.

3. Make a decision based on the results of the pedagogical council.

Work plan:

life safety of preschool children:

3. Teacher's message life safety of preschool children»

4. Corner presentations security in groups.

5. Game - training " Child safety

7. Summing up.

preliminary work:

1. The study of methodological literature.

2. Teachers to prepare messages on topics.

3. For teachers to prepare presentations of the corner security

1. Justification of relevance, communication of the work plan.

The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many rules security were formulated when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. Conditions have changed over time human life, the rules have changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed network of communications, and a large crowd of people.

Life safety human is a serious problem of our time. Formula security says: anticipate danger, avoid if possible; act if necessary. For children, it is rhymed in poetry:

We must see, anticipate, take into account.

If possible, avoid everything

Wherever you need to call for help.

At preschoolers often there is a weak development of skills and abilities to analyze the situation, predict the consequences of their actions. Thus, there is a need to protect children from dangers without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world, not to scare them and prepare them for a full-fledged life. In this regard, it is necessary to search for pedagogical conditions for ensuring social child safety.

2. Development of methodological foundations for the formation life safety of preschool children(work in groups and collective discussion):

Is it necessary to solve these problems?

To have an educative and educational impact on children in the GCD and in free activities;

Organize problem and game situations that ensure the developmental interaction of children with each other;

To create a developing subject-game environment that encourages the use of familiar rules in the independent and joint activities of adults with children.

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and well-being depend on it. safety. These rules should be explained to the children in detail, and then follow their implementation.

But safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children can find themselves in an unpredictable situation on the street, at home, so the main task of adults is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility.

« Safety» present in direct educational activities. But it is allocated a day for 1 minute or 5 minutes a day. Therefore, it is more expedient to conduct GCD on security Once a month for 20 minutes in the form of conversations, reading fiction, observations, practical activities, situation games, didactic games, viewing plot and subject pictures.

When working on the formation life safety of preschool children the following activities are integrated (work in groups and collective discussion)

3. Teacher's message: "Determine the content of the activities of preschool educators in the formation life safety of preschool children»

4. Corner presentations security in groups.

5. Continued teacher's council game - training« Child safety in dangerous and emergency situations"

So that the elements do not suddenly overtake,

Trouble did not suddenly cover

We must take measures such

So that the rebuff was always ready for her!

Look for solutions to win

You can't back down from adversity

You will receive our knowledge

And know how to use them!

Exercise 1. "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

Who will name more fairy tales, where the violation of the foundations life safety led to sad consequences. Explain why?

Task 2.

1. To kid made another injection. What kind of acquired immunity did he acquire - natural or artificial? (artificial)

2. What is the largest organ of the human body? (leather)

3. What is a violation of posture - scoliosis or flat feet? (both)

4. An adult has 206 bones. At more or less child? (300)

5. Hammer, anvil, stirrup - where is it located? (in the middle ear)

6. Why do you need a wisdom tooth? (no need, vestigial organ, exits last, collapses first)

7. What should be kept in the first aid kit in your group? (bandage, adhesive plaster, brilliant green, iodine, activated carbon, ammonia, cotton wool)

Task 3

8. Section « Child and other people» : Children are told that the appearance of a person does not always correspond to his character. Children think that only people with an unpleasant appearance are dangerous, but beautifully dressed and attractive people do not pose a danger. But this is not always true. What example from a fairy tale can you give? (Cinderella)

9. "Health child» : we give this concept to children, explaining that without this a person cannot be healthy and strong. What's this? (vitamins)

10. « child and nature» : What is this mushroom? (bilious)

11. Which section of the program security includes fire safety? (Baby at home)

12. « Child on the city streets» - How to cross the roadway with a group of children?

13. "Emotional well-being child» : the study of this topic involves

in addition to creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, explaining fears

child as well as solving these problems. For children, this is a very difficult situation, the extreme way of solving which they see in a fight. What it is? (conflict)

Skill work safe Behavior in children must begin with identifying the level of their knowledge and interests. Twice a year, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic work to determine the level of cognitive development of each child, based on its results, further individual work is planned.

Use a variety of methods tricks:

1. It is advisable to play different situations: child at home alone; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults, etc.

2. Study the literature on child safety.

Great importance is given to reading works of art, namely fairy tales. Fairy tales are a textbook by which a small person begins to learn to live. The content of fairy tales - vital the experience of many generations. In fairy tales we learn - the same lessons security that our children need to learn. listening and "discussing" folk tales with you, playing them, the baby will easily learn some new situation or problem that the growing little man will have to face in real life. life.

3. Pay attention to the illustrations.

Children have figurative memory. Child psyche "insured" what the baby saw - and will stand before his eyes.

4. Ask questions.

If a child until he can speak (or he still speaks badly, he will understand you anyway. The essence of the matter, after all, is not even to immediately get

correct answer. The question emphasizes the main thing, makes you think. And you (us) just what is needed.

Encourage the baby to ask you questions (however, they do it without problems, the main thing here is not to deviate from the topic).

React emotionally. Young children are able to ask and answer with gestures, sounds, actions. They react emotionally, and what is lived through emotions remains deeper in us.

5. Walk.

Walking is the perfect time to talk to child about his safety. Of course, 5-7-year-old children, as a rule, have difficulty perceiving "naked" advice on how to behave in a dangerous situation or how to avoid it. But if you express them, so to speak, "with binding" for specific circumstances...

6. The game is a very important moment in the lives of young children.

It is through the game that they get to know the world and get used to it. So play together in plot-role-playing games, didactic games for the development of cognitive processes in children.

If you become aware that child did the right thing in difficult circumstances, you must definitely praise him. This will help him be more confident in the future. If a child did wrong, no need to scold him - calmly explain the mistake made and tell about the possible consequences.

Work with children must be carried out systematically. Education safe behavior is a job for many years. One or two conversations won't accomplish anything here.

Target « safe» education - instill the child's confidence

possibilities, in that if he strictly observes certain

rules of conduct, he will not get into a dangerous situation, and if this happens, he will find a way out of it.

Every skill safe behavior is developed gradually. Check if you got it baby what you said. Find out what didn't make sense. It has already been emphasized that compliance with the rules security should be brought to automaticity. Only then is it guaranteed child safety.

6. Making a decision based on the results of the pedagogical council.

1. Create a working group to develop recommendations for working with parents.

2. Create a functioning library for parents on the formation life safety of preschool children.

3. For the purpose of professional competence of teachers, conduct a series of consultations, seminars, trainings.

7. Summing up teachers' council.

So, we can conclude that in order to conduct a GCD on the “Fundamentals life safety of preschoolers”, you can use a variety of methodological tricks:




Plots from life,

Works of art,

Drawing on various topics.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations and learn on their own, make decisions and then trouble will not happen.

But we must remember that the main thing is the personal example of parents, educators and just adults.

The project is cognitive - creative
Short term: September-November

* physical culture classes (traditional, training, competitions);

Health Corner

Sports section

Didactic games

Posters from the series "Me and my body"

Fiction by children's writers

Role-playing games

Project participants: children, teachers, parents

Integration of the project "Health and safety of children" in educational areas

Social and personal direction

Physical development

Foot exercises.

P / game "Zhmurki".

Breathing exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Cognitive speech development

Conversations with children:

"Me and my body"

"What do you know about the heart."

Why We Breathe

Free communication, conversations with children

Conversation "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy."

The game "Correct, correct, absolutely true", "Tell me a word."

Making up stories from pictures

from the teaching aid A.V. Vlasina "Be healthy."

"Reading Fiction"

G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Y. Prokopovich "Why do babies need a nose"

Fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov “How the bear found the pipe”.

Poems by E. Moshkovskaya.

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

Riddles and proverbs.

Consideration of the manuals "Human Body", "Respiratory Organs", "Organs of Vision", "Structure of the Ear".

The cycle of classes "Helpers of a person - sense organs."

"How We Breathe"

"Eagle and Mole"

"Can - can't"

"Helpful - Harmful"

"Wonderful bag"


Listening to classical music for children, Sounds of Nature.

"Artistic Creativity"

Drawings of children "Useful - harmful",

from the literature read.

Book - coloring "Health".

Plot - role-playing game "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic with different departments"

Working with parents

*Issue of magazine for parents #3:

Piggy bank tips:

* "Healthy lifestyle - what is it?"

* "How to protect your child from a cold"

* Photo essay "Introducing children to your body"

*Competition of drawings of children together with their parents "Let's Be Non-Sick"

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"Project "Health and safety of children of preschool age""

Municipal budgetary preschool institution kindergarten of a combined type No. 269 of the Leninsky district of Nizhny Novgorod

Project on the topic: "Health and safety of preschool children"

Educator of the highest qualification category Shirshina E.N.


"A healthy person is the most precious product of nature"

Thomas Carlyle

The most important thing is the health and life of the child.

  • Life and health is the most precious thing a person has, and the life and health of a child is doubly expensive.
  • From birth, adults take care of their baby, try to make him comfortable and safe, so that he has good health. Of course, the child always needs the protection of health from adults, but the child must also be taught to take care of his own health.

The project is educational and creative Short term: September-November

* To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and to ensure maximum activity of children in the independent process of learning about the world.

*Expand and deepen children's ideas about the rules of personal hygiene, ways to protect their health.

*Help children learn healthy lifestyle habits.

* To educate in children a caring attitude towards their body, to teach them to take care of it, to avoid situations dangerous to health.

* Develop logical thinking, speech, the ability to draw conclusions.

Main areas of work with children:

* physical education classes (traditional, training, competitions);

* a system of hardening procedures (air hardening, walking along the “health paths”, walking, observing the daily routine, morning exercises, physical education);

*health technologies (game massage of the nose, finger, breathing exercises, vitamin therapy, prophylactic administration of oxolinic ointment for the nose);

* consultative and informational work (individual oral consultations, publication of a magazine for parents, health corner);

* a cycle of conversations about health, a person and his actions, habits.

Project implementation model:

*practical games - trainings for the development of healthy lifestyle skills in children;

*group drawing competition "If you want to be healthy...";

* selection of didactic games; artistic works; viewing illustrations; role-playing games;

*a selection of classes, conversations;

* cycle of consultations for teachers and parents;

* reasoning "What is a healthy lifestyle?"

Resource support of the project:

sports section

didactic games

health corner

role-playing games

Posters from the series "Me and my body"

Fiction by children's writers

Project participants:




Cognitive-speech direction



Artistic and aesthetic direction

Physical culture and health direction

Integration of the Children's Health and Safety project into educational areas.

Cognitive - speech development


quite right"

"Say a word."

Cycle of Conversations

with kids:

"Me and my body"

"What do you know

about the heart,

Why do we breathe?

Making up stories by pictures

teaching aid A.V. Vlasina

"Be healthy".


G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

Y. Prokopovich "Why do kids need a nose",

Fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov “How the bear found the pipe”.

Poems by E. Moshkovskaya.

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

Riddles and proverbs.

Didactic games:

"Eagle and Mole"

"You can - you can not"

"Helpful - Harmful"

"Wonderful bag"

Working with benefits"The human body",

breathing”, “Organs of vision”, “Structure of the ear”.


to the medical office.

Classes: "How we breathe", Why do we need a nose?

Social and personal development



Plot - role-playing game "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic with different departments"

Game situations: “Tell me what to do”, “Correct the mistake”.

Conversations on the topic "Beware of dangerous objects."

D / game "How to avoid trouble", "You can - you can not"


Caring for indoor plants in a group.


"Physical Culture"


Game exercise "Smooth backs".

Foot exercises.

Walking along the massage path "Caterpillar".

P / game "Zhmurki".

Conversation - reflection "What does it mean to be healthy."

Talk to children about the need to brush their teeth and rinse their mouths after eating.

Training "Inflate the balloon", "Listen to your heart."

Breathing exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

D / game "Useful-harmful"

Activity Center "Physical Culture"

Artistic and aesthetic development


"Artistic Creativity"

Listening to classical music for children.

ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko" (melody "Sound of the Sea")

Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker" ("Waltz of the Flowers")

Drawing by content

read literature.

Coloring book "Health".

Relaxation using the recording "Sounds of Nature".

Working with parents

Parenting Magazine Issue #3:

"Health and safety of preschool children".

Photo report

"Let's Be Non-Sick"


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The most important thing is the health and life of the child.

Often drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers lie in wait for a person on the path of life. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he possesses elementary knowledge of the basics of life safety.

This knowledge is formed in the process of education, therefore, teaching children the safety of their life is an urgent pedagogical task.

Project on the theme "Health and safety of preschool children".


"A healthy person is the most precious product of nature"
Thomas Carlyle

The project is informative and creative, long-term.

Project implementation period: academic year (September - May)

Project goals:

  • To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and to ensure maximum activity of children in the independent process of learning about the world.
  • To study the peculiarities of the attitude of each child to his health and to identify the level of formation of his ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • To expand and deepen children's ideas about the rules of personal hygiene, ways to protect their health and ways of safe behavior in various situations;
  • To form in children a value attitude towards their health and an understanding of their own responsibility for maintaining their body in a natural, healthy state;
  • Help children learn healthy lifestyle habits;
  • Develop the child as a subject of knowledge.

Phased implementation of the project

Stage I (preparatory)

The tasks of children at this stage of the project implementation are: entering the problem, getting used to the game situation, accepting tasks and goals, as well as supplementing the tasks of the project.

The last point is important, since one of the important tasks of the teacher is the formation of an active life position in children; children should be able to independently find and identify interesting things in the world around.

Stage II (main) October - April

Implementation of the plans

At this stage (in addition to organizational activities), the teacher helps children to competently plan their own activities in solving the tasks. Children are divided into working groups and assign roles.

Main areas of work with children:

  1. complex diagnostics of children's health culture;
  2. physical culture and health-improving work and educational activities:
    • physical culture classes (traditional, training, competition classes, integrated, sports holidays);
    • a system of hardening procedures (air hardening, walking along the “health paths”, walking, observing the daily routine, morning exercises, physical education);
    • health technologies (acupressure, finger, breathing exercises, vitamin therapy, prophylactic use of oxolinic ointment for the nose, phytoncidotherapy, aromatherapy, creotherapy);
  3. consultative and informational work (individual oral consultations, folders, sliders, health corner);
  4. a cycle of conversations about health, a person and his actions, habits, proper nutrition.

Project implementation model:

  • practical games - trainings for the development of safe behavior skills in preschoolers;
  • thematic exhibitions of children's works: "We draw a street", "We want to live in a world without fires"
  • group drawing competition "Winter sports", "If you want to be healthy...";
  • writing a fairy tale “How fruits and vegetables argued about their benefits”;
  • a selection of didactic games; artistic works; viewing illustrations; role-playing games; dramatization of fairy tales.
  • selection of occupations, conversations, leisures, entertainments;
  • a cycle of observations, excursions, targeted walks;
  • a cycle of consultations for teachers and parents;
  • sports festival "Mom, dad, I am a sports family";
  • Reasoning "What is a healthy lifestyle?"

Resource support of the project:

  • health corner;
  • sports corner in the group;
  • didactic games, board games;
  • role-playing game center: attributes for organizing role-playing games
  • "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic with different departments".
  • center of literature: books about health, works by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, G.K. Andersen, A. Barto and other writers.
  • posters, illustrations on life safety.

Project participants:

  • children;
  • teacher;
  • parents.

Diagnostic material of the compensatory orientation group preparatory to school No. 10 (slides 9–12)

Stage III (final) April

Identification of the level of knowledge, skills, skills on this topic.

Systematization of the collected material on the topic.

Thematic plan in the preparatory group

Project name Block Theme Lesson Topics Type of activity and forms of work Working with parents
"Health and safety of preschool children" "Me and my body" Cognitive lesson "I will save my heart, I will help myself" Examination of illustrations from G. Yudin's book "The Main Wonder of the World" ("Blood Circulation").
Reading: G.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen", Y. Olesha "Three Fat Men".
Games: "Great worker and magic rivers", "What do you know about the heart."
Role-playing game "Polyclinic with different departments", "Pharmacy".
Advice "Take care of your heart while it's beating"
Cognitive lesson "How we breathe"
Presentation on theme: "Why do we breathe?"
Reading “How a bear smoked a pipe” S. Mikhalkov, E. Moshkovskaya “My wonderful nose”, Yu. Prokopovich “Why do kids need a nose”.
Breathing exercises.
Smell game.
Consultation "Therapeutic gymnastics and acupressure for frequently ill children"
Cognitive lesson "Alimentary tract" Examining the illustrations in the book "You and your body."
Conversations on the topics: "About the profession of a cook", "Useful and harmful food."
Reading Y. Tuvim "Vegetables", Dragoon "Mishkina porridge".
Riddles about vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.
Role-playing games: "Supermarket", "Canteen", "Family".
"Nutrition and health of the preschooler"
Cognitive lesson "Let's be slim and beautiful" Examination of illustrations by S. Kozlova "I am a man."
Conversation on the topic: "Watch your posture."
Reading S. Marshak "Giant", A. Barto "I'm growing up", Carroll "Alice in Wonderland", V. Kataev "Seven-color flower", E. Bagryan "Little sportsman".
Didactic game "Show me the answer."
Consultation "How to form the correct posture"
Integrated lesson "Magic Land - Health" Conversations: How to maintain health”, “Rules for a safe life”, “The sun, air and water are our best friends”.
Conversation-reflection "What is a healthy lifestyle?".
KVN "If you want to be healthy."
Reading: S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination", K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Adventures in the country of health" L. Lieberman, V. Lancett.
"Seven commandments to keep children alive"
"Fundamentals of children's life safety" Integrated lesson "Safety on the road" Examination of illustrations "Street of the city".
Conversations: "Know and follow the rules of the road."
Quiz What? Where? When?".
Reading: Ya. Pishumov “About the rules of the road”, S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “The Tale of the City of Road Signs”.
Excursions: Arrangement of the roadway: "Bump", "Zebra", road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Point of medical care", "Point of food".
Advice to parents on the rules of the road
Complex lesson "Fire is a judge of people's carelessness" Examining illustrations on the topic of fire.
Conversations “Fire in the apartment”, “Fire hero, he fights with fire”, “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”.
Reading: S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", K. Olenev "Fire Truck".
Game dramatization "Cat's house".
Excursions in the kindergarten "Escape routes in case of fire."
Consultations: "Children's prank with fire", "Safety in your home"
Cognitive lesson "Dangerous situations with strangers" Conversations: “If a stranger comes into the house”, “About the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions”.
Reading: A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower" G.K Andersen "Cinderella", Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio".
Dramatization of fairy tales: “Cat, rooster and fox”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “Little Red Riding Hood.
Consultation "Fundamentals of personal safety of a preschooler"
Integrated lesson "Poisonous mushrooms and berries" Conversations: "Environmental pollution", "Respect for nature."
Consideration of illustrations "Edible and poisonous mushrooms", "be careful, berries!".
Compilation of the book "Complaints of mushrooms and berries".
Game-quiz "Connoisseurs of nature".
Consultation "Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms" "Recommendations for ensuring the safety of children in summer"

IV stage. Project presentation (May)

The teacher prepares a presentation on the activities of the project and conducts it. Children actively help in preparing the presentation, after which they present the product of their own activity to the audience (teachers and parents).

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in elementary school"

The game is designed for preschool and elementary school, but can also be used in the middle level of high school.

Game Goals:

1. Educational: to form ideas about the main sources of danger on the street and at home; to form motivation for health promotion and a healthy lifestyle;

2. Developing: to develop abilities that would give children the opportunity to correctly assess various situations; improve skills of observation and vigilance;

3. Educational: to bring up responsibility for life and health, to bring up a culture of behavior.

Efficiency and practical significance: this multimedia material contributes to the creation of an information and communication environment, activates the cognitive activity of students.

Presentation contains"Puzzles" (puzzles about the dangers of traffic); "Riddles" (riddles about hygiene items); "Fairy Tales" (questions about healthy foods found in fairy tales); "Cartoons" (questions from cartoons about the rules of conduct in emergency situations); "Anagrams" (tasks for compiling words related to ways to improve health).

Questions are divided by difficulty from 5 points (the most difficult) to 1 point.

Game-presentation "Health and safety"

Tishkevich Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of mathematics and computer science, first category, master of pedagogical sciences, secondary school No. 18, Baranovichi, Brest region of the Republic of Belarus. 14 years of teaching experience. Pedagogical achievements: Diploma of the II degree in the city competition of projects of class teachers "Project activity of the class teacher"; Diploma of the III degree in the distance competition of student self-government among the leaders, leaders and representatives of student self-government bodies of educational institutions and institutions of out-of-school education and training of the Republic of Belarus; Winner of the III All-Russian Distance Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies" 2013; Expert of the IV All-Russian distance conference "Project activity in an educational institution - 2014"; Expert of the V All-Russian distance conference "Project activity in an educational institution" -2015.

At the same time, children can be explained that red and green colors correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. The red signal prohibits movement, and the green one allows (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with little men). When conducting the game “Red - Green”, the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you must stand, and if it is green, turn your head left and right, and then walk. This is how the habit of looking around before entering the roadway is fixed, even at a green traffic light.

In the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with various types of vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The guys are looking at illustrations depicting cars, watching transport while walking. Using various illustrations, visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such dangerous objects on the road (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, in the course of practical exercises, develop the habit of leaving because of obstructing objects, carefully looking around.

In the middle group, reinforcing the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway", children get acquainted with the places of movement of cars and people, work out the skill of walking on the sidewalk, adhering to the right side). New for them will be a conversation about a pedestrian crossing, its purpose. Children should learn to find it in illustrations in books, on layouts. After that, the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it should be explained to the children.

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