The biggest parrot in the world. The largest parrots in the world place - Kakapo Owl Parrot


Bright plumage, interesting habits and the ability to copy human speech have made parrots one of the most beloved pets. Together with representatives of the corvidae family, or crows, parrots are considered the most intelligent birds living on Earth. Parrots are very sociable, cannot stand loneliness and get along well next to a person.

Of the huge number of different birds that live on our planet, one can always single out one representative who can be recognized immediately. And in fact, there is not a single person who would not recognize a parrot at first sight. To date, there are approximately 300 species of parrots, but today we will talk about the largest of them.

yellow-headed amazon

Yellow-headed Amazon (lat. Amazona oratrix) is a very beautiful green-yellow parrot. Found in moist forests and high deciduous forests of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and northwestern Honduras. These colorful birds have a body length of 37 to 41 cm. Qualified as endangered. There are about 6,000 left in the wild.

blue-faced amazon

Blue-faced Amazon (lat. Amazona versicolor) - lives exclusively in the Lesser Antilles. This Amazon, like the yellow-headed Amazon, is on the verge of extinction. In 1980, the blue-faced Amazon was declared the national bird of Saint Lucia ( saint lucia). It is under state protection. At this time, only 450 individuals remained in the wild. This is a fairly large bird - up to 43 cm in length.

Large vase parrot

Large vase parrot (lat. Coracopsis vasa) - is considered one of the most unusual parrots on the planet. An inhabitant of the dry deciduous forests of Madagascar and the Comoros and the owner of an unremarkable gray plumage. The length of this parrot can be up to 50 cm. Most of the parrot's length falls on its tail.

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo (lat. Calyptorhynchus funereus) - a rather large bird - up to 55-60 cm in length, weighing - about 900 g. He taught his name thanks to the black plumage and a yellow spot on the head in the ear area. In females, this spot is much larger and brighter than in males.

Kakapo or owl parrot

Kakapo, or owl parrot (lat. Strigops habroptilus) - a rather rare parrot, large and even heavy build. Kakapo has lost the ability to actively fly. Prefers to walk rather than fly. Its body length is 60 cm, and its weight is about 4 kg. This type of parrot has a pleasant and strong smell that resembles the aroma of flower nectar or honey.

black cockatoo

Black cockatoo (lat. Probosciger aterrimus) is a larger representative of parrots. Body length from 70 to 80 cm, weight - 700-1000 g. It has a characteristic black plumage with an almost imperceptible shade of green. On the head is a beautiful large crest, which consists of long narrow feathers. In addition, this parrot has a large massive beak (8-10 cm in length). The black cockatoo is considered one of the largest parrots in the world.

red macaw

Red macaw (lat. Ara macao) is a very colorful and large bird that once seen, you will never forget. The body length can reach 90 cm, the wingspan is about 80 cm, the tail is 50-62 cm long. In some areas, these parrots are considered pests, as they often triple raids on agricultural land.

blue and yellow macaw

Blue-yellow macaws (lat. Ara ararauna) is another representative of the macaw genus. One of the most popular parrots that can be kept in the house. These are very sociable birds that require a lot of attention. The body length of the blue-yellow macaw is about 80 to 95 cm, and the wingspan is the same as that of the red macaws - about 80 cm.

hyacinth macaw

Hyacinth macaws (lat. Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) - the largest and most "titled" parrot in the world. It is considered the most expensive, rarest and largest bird of its family. Hyacinth macaws can grow up to 85-98 cm in length, and their weight can reach up to 1.5 kg. However, the wingspan of these parrots is less than that of the previous representatives (about 70-75 cm).

As we see representatives of the genus Ara (lat. Ara) are the largest among all parrots currently living on Earth. It is worth noting that today there are more than 350 species of parrots, but about 1/3 of them are under the threat of complete extinction. In addition, 72 species, as well as 14 subspecies, are listed in the IUCN Red Book.

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About many animals that inhabit our planet, people do not know. However, everyone has heard of such funny exotic birds as a parrot. Very often, and indeed, always, they can be found in pet stores, at exotic bird shows, and, of course, in films, especially about pirates. Only now, many people do not know all parrots, but only those that are popular among parrot lovers.

In fact, there are a huge number of parrot species, maybe not even all of them have been discovered by ornithologists. Multi-colored and parrots with monotonous plumage. There are big ones and small ones. Some of them are comparable to the size of an ordinary sparrow or dove, and some species can be compared with birds that are large in mass and size. But there are only a few of the largest in the world.

The favorite habitat of these beautiful birds are the forests of the regions of Mexico and other countries of Latin America. They feed on berries, seeds, food leftovers from tourists.

The name speaks for itself: the head is painted yellow, which is closer to lemon color. The parrot itself is green, and the elytra is slightly pinkish or reddish. The beak is large, sharp (they open nuts easily with them). Species under threat of extinction. Can reach a length 42 cm. About 6 thousand of these parrots are registered in their natural habitat.

An interesting name that again speaks of the appearance of the head of this bird. The front of the head of this parrot is painted in a bright blue color. You may also notice that he has red spots in the neck or chest area.

The rest of the plumage is colored green, but slightly darker than that of the previous representative. The beak is slightly smaller, from a distance it may seem like a pigeon. can reach 49 centimeters in length. They live mainly on the islands of Lesser Antilia. This type of parrot received the title of national bird in the state of Saint Lucia.

It has nothing to do with this decorative household item. This name "vase" he received in connection with the linguistic characteristics of the locals. It lives on the Komodo Islands and in the forest parts of Madagascar.

From afar, it may resemble a bird of prey of eagle species, but a huge strong beak makes itself felt. Up to 50 centimeters in length can reach its massive body. This parrot weighs about one kilogram. Despite the fact that he is somewhat similar to a predator, he is not engaged in predation, but he is able to crack the shell of a large nut in a matter of seconds.

55 centimeters long. They live in China, can be found in India and other adjacent countries. Large birds with a variegated color, in shape a bit reminiscent of individuals of chicken families.

This is one of the representatives of the cockatoo. Lives in Australia. The name is familiar to almost everyone, but this particular one, yellow-eared mourning, is quite rare.

In the head area, on the sides there are bright yellow spots, it looks like ears. Funeral cockatoo, because the rest of the body is black. It is also called mourning because not only its appearance, but also ominous cries seem very gloomy. can reach 60 cm. It eats the same as the rest of the listed parrots. Flies heavily, very massive. They lead only a daily lifestyle.

Another name is kakapo. It very much resembles an owl in appearance, but apart from the color, it is green. Kakapo are very large and heavy. Therefore, they fly less than they walk. Strange as it may sound, these parrots emit a strong floral scent. People are not afraid, even in their natural habitat.

It may seem sleepy, like an owl itself. Its body length can reach 60-65 cm, and the mass sometimes reaches up to 4 kilograms. The beak is small, strongly pressed to the lower part of the head. There is also an opinion that the owl parrot, like the owl, feeds on small rodents. This is not true. Of the predatory species of parrots, there is only one. The only thing that still brings him closer to owls is that he leads only a nocturnal lifestyle, and during the day the kakapo sleeps.

The black cockatoo is already more like its relative, which can often be found in pet stores. But it looks like only the shape of the body. The color of black cockatoos is a distinctive blue-green color. On his head is a large beautiful crest. Scarlet cheeks. Cockatoos have a massive curved beak, somewhat reminiscent of the shape of a dinosaur fang.

It feeds on large nuts and fruits. Very much appreciated by lovers of collecting exotic birds. body length can be up to 80 centimeters. As well as many types of cockatoos, we teach speaking well.

At the moment, it is dying out, since its color does not camouflage at all, and parrot catchers for sale, in this regard, it is very easy to catch this bird. They are considered pests, since they do not always like to search for food on their own: macaws regularly attack plantings of cultivated plants. Body length often exceeds 90 centimeters, but does not exceed 95.

The same as red, only two colors predominate in the coloring: blue and yellow. Nuts, fruits are its main delicacies. Macaws are easily trained to speak, and therefore are highly valued among buyers of overseas animals.

At home, they require quite a lot of attention and care. There is an opinion that a macaw can not only learn to speak, like, in fact, a cockatoo, but also knows how to understand: what he says. The blue-yellow macaw is slightly larger than the red one, its body length can exceed 95 centimeters. Having noticed such a bird in the wild, it is difficult to forget this sight.

Another representative of the macaw. He takes first place in this ranking. The rarest, largest are hyacinth macaws. Why the name includes hyacinth is a moot point: either the parrot itself is associated with this flower, or its color, bright blue, makes itself felt. The beak is very massive. The price of such a “bird with a title” reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles per individual! We teach speaking, the voice is loud and rough.

It lives in the forests of South America and feeds mainly on fruits and large nuts. The species in the wild is carefully protected, as it dies out due to regular captures. Moreover, it is clearly visible even in the dense forests of this continent, since hyacinth macaws are not only painted in unmasking colors, but also scream very loudly. The body length reaches one meter.

Parrots are interesting birds. Their mental abilities, ability to parody, charm and intelligence - all these virtues have won the hearts of many people. To be objective, two specimens should be called the largest parrot in the world: the hyacinth macaw, whose length from the withers to the tail is about a meter, and the kakapo (owl parrot) - the heaviest.


This is not an ordinary representative of its kind. It leads a nocturnal lifestyle and has completely forgotten how to fly due to the absence of predatory mammals in its habitat. You can meet a parrot only on some islands of New Zealand. Outwardly, the kakapo really resembles an owl: there are facial feathers on the head, and the whole color is the same. Body length - 60 cm, and weight can reach 4 kg. Another feature of the bird is the pleasant smell of flowers and honey that comes from it.

During the day, parrots hide in rock crevices and burrows, and at night they come out along beaten paths to feed on plant shoots and berries. With the help of its paws and beak, the kakapo can climb any tree, and descend - gliding on its wings.

The parrot's favorite food is the seeds of the Rimu tree. The time of its flowering coincides with the mating season of birds. At this time, the males gather and arrange serious fights with their powerful beaks. And then the male does not form a pair, but mates with several females during the season.

Today, kakapo are endangered. They do not lay eggs every year, there are always more males than females - all this makes it difficult to breed in captivity. The paradox is that these are one of the most ancient birds on the planet that survived the dinosaurs, now there are only 125 individuals. They are all given names, every parrot is kept under control, but rats, stoats and cats in the wild nullify all efforts.

Great Hyacinth Macaw

In terms of body length, this is the largest parrot in the world, weighing about one and a half kilograms. Individual representatives of the species can reach 98 cm, but the main part of the length is the tail. The hyacinth parrot is named because of the beautiful blue color of the plumage.

They can be found on the banks of rivers, in palm groves and forests of Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia. The bird is active during the day. Every day, parrots fly several kilometers to find food (water snails, berries and fruits), but in the evening they always return to their place of spending the night.

When a hyacinth macaw finds a mate, it joins a family colony of up to 10 individuals, and if there is a shortage of a hollow for a nest, they can dig a hole in the ground with their paws and a powerful beak. Chicks are hatched several times a year, but very often only one of the two remains alive.

The hyacinth macaw is on the verge of extinction. People have always hunted them for their beautiful feathers. In addition, their natural environment is constantly being destroyed as people take forest spaces for grazing or crops.

In captivity, macaws are more likely to be found in a zoo than in home keeping - a powerful beak and an incredibly loud voice (heard up to one and a half kilometers) create some difficulties in breeding these birds.

There are about 300 diverse species of these entertaining birds on earth, but only the largest parrots live almost like people - kakapo up to 100 years old, and macaws about 90 years old.

What is the largest parrot in the world? A person who has not previously asked this question, for sure, will unequivocally answer that this is - and will be almost right!

Beautifully colored, noisy and tall macaws personify the riot and luxury of tropical nature. In a large detachment of parrots, they are considered giants. But if you delve a little deeper into the taxonomy, it turns out that most of the representatives of this genus are birds of a very modest size and only 4 species are really large: a large green, red-blue, blue-yellow and green-winged macaw. Only now none of them bears the title of the largest.

The world's largest parrot

The largest parrot in the world is the hyacinth macaw, it is a close relative of the aforementioned parrots, but they belong to a different genus - the hyacinth macaw, in which, besides it, there are two more representatives: the small hyacinth and the gray-blue hyacinth macaw (presumably extinct).

But back to our record holder - the hyacinth macaw. In length, some individuals reach 1 meter, and weigh up to 1.5 kg. Females are slightly smaller and slimmer than males. There are hyacinth macaws in the Eastern and Central parts of Brazil. They are very beautiful parrots with bright blue plumage and a distinctive yellow eye ring.

Height or weight

If we approach the issue of size in terms of growth, the hyacinth macaw would remain an unprecedented leader, but there is another unusual representative in the parrot family - or the ground parrot. It belongs to the genus of owl parrots and can rightfully be considered the heaviest, does this mean that it is also the largest? With a body length of about 60 cm, a mature bird can weigh up to 4 kg. Kakapo are primarily distinguished by the fact that they have lost the ability to fly and lead a terrestrial lifestyle. True, sometimes they climb to the tops of trees and can plan from a height of up to 50 meters. Ground parrots are found in New Zealand, but, unfortunately, are on the verge of extinction.

Everything is relative

Touching on the topic of the largest parrots, one cannot fail to note the previously mentioned macaws, which only slightly lose to hyacinth birds in size. For example, the body length of a blue-yellow macaw ranges from 78-95 cm, weight is about 1.3 kg. Its relatives, green-winged and red macaws, grow up to 78-90 cm and weigh 1.4-1.7 kg.

Parrots are the most diverse and beautiful creatures of our planet, which, with their bright plumage, can stagger our imagination. These birds are extremely intelligent and emotional, they have a cheeky nature, are curious and are considered the most intelligent birds.

More than 350 species of parrots are known, most of which settled in the tropical regions of Australia, Central and South America. The most popular species of birds are wavy, cockatoos, lovebirds, grays, cockatiels, amazons and macaws - a species that has the largest representatives (red, blue-yellow), the species to which belongs the largest parrot in the world - hyacinth.

Parrots amaze not only with the variety of plumage colors, but also with their dimensions. There are species whose size is small and is only a few cm, but parrots of considerable size, whose length reaches a meter, attract the main attention and interest.

most valuable parrot

The parrot, which in terms of size, value and uniqueness is the leader among other types of parrots, is the hyacinth macaw. The length reaches 1 meter, with a relatively small weight (1.5-2 kg), life expectancy is up to 90 years. Macaw nests in hollows of trees and creates a married couple for life. One of the striking features of the hyacinth macaw: despite its size and large powerful beak, the bird is very gentle and funny.

A distinctive feature of the parrot is an impressively beautiful dark blue plumage, contrasting with a yellow ring around the eyes and a yellow patch of skin near the bottom of the beak. However, such a flash of color in the wild is becoming increasingly rare. The hyacinth macaw, due to its spectacular plumage and indicators that led to the highest price for these birds, has always been captured and destroyed. Unfortunately, this has led to the threat of extinction of this species.

The largest representative of the cockatoo

What parrot can compete in parameters with a hyacinth macaw? Of course, the black cockatoo, known as the Goliath cockatoo. Of all the parrot species that look almost exactly like this cockatoo, it is the largest. It reaches a size of 60 cm and a weight of 1000 g, is able to live in captivity for up to 90 years (the life expectancy of birds in the wild is not exactly known).

The black cockatoo, unlike other birds of its kind, does not live in a flock; it spends its entire life with only one partner. The male convinces him to choose the female by creating several impressive hollows, showing this to the chosen one, along with a demonstration of his massive beak, red cheeks and wingspan.

This species of cockatoo is endangered due to progress that destroys their habitat and the sociable nature of the birds, which leads to their capture and sale.

Yellow-crested cockatoos are bright representatives of their species, they are slightly inferior in size to black cockatoos and are the opposite of them in color. The name of the bird gives an idea of ​​the nature of its color - it is a bright yellow tuft against a white plumage. Yellow-crested cockatoos are beautiful, smart, friendly, affectionate, able to easily tame and become attached to a person, very popular among exotic lovers.

The size of the bird is 40-55 cm, weight - 800 g, while the Australian subspecies is much larger than the subspecies from New Guinea. This is Australia's most famous parrot. Yellow-crested cockatoos are social, living in large noisy flocks. They spend most of their day searching for food, damaging and damaging crops and fruit crops planted by Australian farmers.

The largest parrots amaze not only with their size, but also with the qualities that are inherent in these birds. Charm, intelligence, tenderness, bright plumage, sociability and love for a person - this is what all types of parrots will always be interesting and attractive to us.

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