Presentation on certification of teaching staff d. Presentation - on the procedure for certification of teaching staff under the new legislation. Use and creation


Olesya Ryabukhina

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests!

I suggest that you get acquainted with my work experience, and electronic portfolio.

My name is Ryabukhina Olesya Alexandrovna, I am a teacher of the second qualifying categories.

AT "Pearl" I have been working for 10 years, in my position for 8 years. Assignment data categories you see on the screen.

I have a specialized secondary education.

Passed refresher courses in 2007 and 2009, the topics you see on the screen.

I have the following awards.

I consider the statement of the English writer and poet Oscar Wilde to be my pedagogical credo.

The following slides present the monitoring of educational activities under the program "Origins" since 2008

With monitoring of educational activities under the program "Origins" subject to federal state requirements can be viewed at the exhibition.

AT portfolio included summaries of the final test classes and the most interesting classes conducted by me. More details can be found using the hyperlinks.

Separately, open thematic classes are presented, one of them contains a digital educational resource. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them using hyperlinks.

As part of "Weeks of Psychology" class passed "Know the Mood".

In the project's boundaries "Smart toy" During the Week of the Family, a round table was held with the participation of parents and narrow specialists. In December 2011 I introduced this project to colleagues of the pedagogical community of the city. The materials of these events are presented in the appendices to portfolio.

Since 2008, I have developed and implemented three projects. The most interesting project "Child and Nature", the winner in the nomination "Innovative Format" in the municipal professional competition of information technologies "Informica-2011", the project has an electronic version in addition to the printed version. I suggest you read it in more detail.

Since October 2011, I started the project "Smart toy", which was mentioned earlier. The product of the project is an exhibition of educational toys made by the parents of my pupils, an example of such a toy is presented at the exhibition.

Without the participation of parents, without their interest, high-quality pedagogical activity is not possible. You see the most interesting forms that resonate with parents on the screen. They are presented in more detail at the exhibition.

Considering that a child spends most of his time in a preschool institution, and parents do not have the opportunity to observe his achievements, I, as a teacher, try, as often as possible, to capture the life of children in a group in photographs. AT portfolio included is a photo album of my pupils, which I present to your attention.

And now I offer for consideration the materials presented at the exhibition.

This is what she looks like presentation(portfolio) :

KSU "Basic School No. 42"



I use various forms of work with kids:

  • Work in groups, work in pairs;
  • Independent work of students;
  • The work of students on the technology "Assistant";
  • Individual work with individual students;
  • "Get ahead!"
  • Work on the program of the Third basic level.

Follow the famous principles pedagogy:

  • the principle of visibility;
  • the principle of accessibility;
  • the principle of science;
  • The principle of systematicity and consistency;

I use these in class methods learning:

  • reproductive;
  • Problem;
  • Partial search.

Theme of self-education: "Developing the skills of high-speed, expressive, conscious reading."

Target: disclosure of the importance of a person's desire for knowledge, as the main condition for the development of personality.


  • work on expressive, conscious, fluent reading, develop speed reading skills;
  • develop logically correct thinking, memory, speech, speed reading, attentiveness, observation, curiosity;
  • to cultivate interest in reading, love for books, interest in the subject, a sense of collectivism, patriotism, the desire to achieve positive results in educational activities, self-confidence and one's abilities.

Motto:“Knowledge comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.”

Innovative technologies

problem learning

health-saving technologies

collaborative learning

technology for solving research problems

collective learning system

debate technology

critical thinking development technology

technology of using game methods

information and communication technologies

The use of ICT in education


Use and creation

electronic presentations

Acquisition of information via the Internet

Using multimedia tutorials

Creation of a pedagogical information bank



The goal of educational work is to educate a healthy, spiritually developed and creatively thinking person.

  • birthday day
  • Knowledge Day
  • autumn festival
  • Nauryz
  • Concerts for mothers and grandmothers.
  • Come on, girls!
  • Knight Tournament.
  • Victory Day
  • Farewell 3rd grade!
  • Trips to theaters, museums,
  • Excursions.


  • Support tables and diagrams.
  • Video and audio aids on subjects.
  • Use in the educational process of a computer and information

teaching aids.

  • Lesson presentations.
  • Flipcharts

  • Scenarios of extracurricular activities.
  • Abstracts of open and working lessons.
  • Materials for school Olympiads.
  • Didactic material on calligraphy.
  • Didactic material and tests in subjects.
  • Support tables and diagrams.


  • Writing 4 articles to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and its role in the modern world."

Topic 1 st.:"Problems of diagnosing the readiness of children to study at school";

Topic 2 st.:"General characteristics of school failure, the causes of its occurrence and ways to prevent it."

Topic 3 st.: Aggression in children of primary school age. Causes of its occurrence and ways to deal with it.

Topic 4 st.:“Improving the skills of fluent, conscious, expressive reading.

  • Development of a methodological manual on the Russian language for grade 3 students.
  • Passing courses of the Third basic level.
  • Certificate of Appreciation from the Head of the City Department
  • Prizes for participation in the intellectual Olympiad "Parasat" (2 students - 5th place).

  • “If a teacher has only love for the job, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. - Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
  • "Boring lessons are good only to inspire hatred both for those who teach them and for everything taught." Rousseau Jean-Jacques

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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State budgetary vocational educational institution of the Republic of Crimea "Dzhankoy professional technical school" Kalinovsky branch Ibragimova Anife Rishatovna, teacher of mathematics of the highest qualification category 2016

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Composition of the Republican Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Chairman of the Commission 1. Zhurba Natalia Viktorovna First Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Deputy Chairmen 2. Volkova Ekaterina Ivanovna Chairman of the Crimean Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers 3. Rudyakov Alexander Nikolaevich Rector of KRIPPO Secretaries: 4. Kadesnikova Tatyana Mikhailovna Methodist for attestation of teaching staff of KRIPPO

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Composition of the Republican Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Members of the Commission: 6. Denisenko Irina Konstantinovna Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Certification of KRIPPO 7. Boyko Valentina Konstantinovna Head of the Department of Extracurricular Activities, Organization of Health Improvement and Recreation of Children of the Department of Preschool and Out-of-School Education 8. Gavrilenko Elena Pavlovna Leading Specialist of the Department of Children's Institutions and Inclusive Education of the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea 9. Marshavina Natalya Viktorovna Head of the Department of Higher Education and Science, Youth and Family Policy of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea

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Composition of the Republican Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Members of the Commission: 10. Nazarova Elena Stepanovna Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Department of Secondary Vocational Education of the Department of Science, Higher and Secondary Vocational Education 11. Kandagura Irina Nikolaevna Deputy Director of KRU "NMTsPTO" 12 Chernevich Tatyana Gennadievna Head of the Human Resources and Public Service Department of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea

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Composition of the Republican Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Members of the Commission: 14. Nasedkin Nikolay Nikolaevich Director of KRPTUZ "Simferopol Professional Construction Lyceum" 15. Shkirova Vera Sergeevna Director of the Simferopol Republican Special Boarding School for Deaf Children

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 1. Possession of modern educational technologies and methods, the effectiveness of their application 1.1 Use of modern educational technologies 10 Abstracts at least 5 lessons/classes or presentations of at least 5 lessons/classes (CD or printout on paper) confirming the reasonable and effective use of modern educational technologies by the teacher. PC user courses Certificate of passing the qualification test of the user in KRIPPO. During the test period

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 1.3 Use of electronic educational resources (EER) in the educational process: etc. 5 10 10 List of EER for sections of the program, screenshots of website pages, other electronic resources, presentation of a lesson / class conducted using EER. During the test period 1.4 Using elements of distance learning for participants in the educational process 10 Materials confirming the use of distance learning for participants in the educational process: students, parents, teachers. During the test period

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№ Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 2. Contribution to improving the quality of education, dissemination of own experience 2.1. The presence of published own methodological developments with the appropriate stamp and imprint: district (city) level, republican level, all-Russian level 15 25 35 Title page of the printed publication, page “contents” of the collection in which the publication is placed, Internet address, screenshot or certificate. Publications published during the inter-test Period (including Internet publications) are indicated. 2.2. Availability of published articles, scientific publications with the appropriate stamp and imprint: district (city) level, republican level, all-Russian level 15 25 35 Title page of the printed publication, page “contents” of the collection in which the publication is placed, Internet address, screenshot or certificate. Publications published during the inter-test period (including Internet publications) are indicated. 2.3. Presentations at scientific and practical conferences, seminars, sections, round tables, conducting master classes: district (city) level republican level all-Russian level / international level 10 15 30 Program of the event, certified by the head of the educational institution. the number of points for each of the indicators can be summed up depending on the effectiveness of participation (but not more than three events)

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№ Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 2.4. Public presentation of one’s own pedagogical experience in the form of an open lesson/class* positive feedback or positive feedback, contains recommendations for replicating experience . Feedback from jury member prof. competition (at the time of the competition). Registration sheet for those present at the lesson / lesson, certified by the head of the educational institution. During the intertest period *Summing of scores for these indicators is not performed 2.5. The effectiveness of participation in professional competitions: laureate/diploma winner of a district (city) level competition laureate/diploma winner of a republican level competition laureate/diploma winner of an all-Russian level competition laureate/diploma winner of an international level competition winner of a district (city) level competition winner of a republican level competition winner of an all-Russian level competition winner of a competition international level 20 30 50 60 40 60 90 120 Copies of certificates, diplomas, orders/instructions, certified by the head of the educational institution. the number of points for each of the indicators can be summed up depending on the effectiveness of participation (but not more than three events) In the inter-test period, regardless of the year of participation (starting from the winner of the district / city level)

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 2.6. Public activity of the teacher: participation in expert commissions, appeal commissions, subject commissions for checking the State Autonomous Examination and the Unified State Examination, in the jury of professional competitions, creative groups. 40 Copies of orders, instructions During the intertest period 2.7. Performance of the functions of a mentor 30 A copy of the local act, certified by the head of the educational institution. Intertest period 2.8. Increasing the level of professional skills from 5 to 25 Availability of certificates confirming advanced training, participation in seminars, trainings During the intertest period 2.9. Extracurricular activities from 30 to 50 Work plan of the circle, studio, living room, section, school scientific society During the intertest period

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 3. The results of mastering by students, pupils of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements 3.1. The quality of students' knowledge based on the results of the final certification in the form of the Unified State Examination from 20% to 39% of the number of participants or from 40% to 59% of the number of participants or from 60% or more of the number of participants 20 40 80 Certificate certified by the head of the educational institution. Scoring for these indicators is not performed. The number of students who showed results at or above the average city / district results (average data for the inter-certification period) 3.2. The quality of students' knowledge based on the results of the final certification in the form of the SIA from 20% to 39% of the number of participants or from 40% to 59% of the number of participants or 60% or more of the number of participants 20 40 80 Certificate certified by the head of the educational institution. Scoring for these indicators is not performed. Average data for the inter-certification period

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) № Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 3.3. The quality of knowledge based on the results of external monitoring from 20% to 39% of the number of participants or from 40% to 59% of the number of participants or 60% or more of the number of participants 20 40 80 Certificate certified by the head of the educational institution. Scoring for these indicators is not performed. average data for the inter-certification period external monitoring - monitoring conducted by district, city methodological services or education authorities 3.4. The results of participation of students in subject Olympiads: winners / prize-winners of the district (city) level winners / prize-winners of the republican level winners / prize-winners of the All-Russian level Documents confirming the role of the teacher in the preparation of the winners / prize-winners of the Olympiads. the number of points for each of the indicators can be summed up depending on the effectiveness of participation (but not more than three Olympiads) During the inter-certification period

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 3.5. The results of participation of students in competitions, competitions: laureate / diploma winner of the competition, competitions of the regional (city) level laureate / diploma winner of the competition, competitions of the republican level laureate / diploma winner of the competition, competitions of the All-Russian level (city) level winner/prize-winner of the competition, republican-level competition winner/prize-winner of the competition, all-Russian level competition winner/prize-winner of the competition, international level competitions Documents confirming the role of the teacher in the preparation of winners / prize-winners, laureates / diploma winners of competitions, competitions. the number of points for each of the indicators can be summed up depending on the effectiveness of participation (but not more than three events)

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Presence of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 4. Presence of administrative penalties, justified complaints from participants in the educational process - 50 Certificate of the head of the educational institution. During the certification period 5. Criteria and indicators that give additional points 5.1. Participation in the implementation of educational programs of experimental sites, laboratories, resource centers of the district (city) level of the republican level of the federal level of the international level 10 15 30 50 Copy of the order / order of the executive body of state power of the appropriate level on the transfer of the educational institution to the mode of the experimental site, laboratory, resource center . Materials confirming the result of the personal participation of the teacher in the implementation of the educational program of the experimental site / laboratory / resource center. During the intertest period 5.2. The result of personal participation in the competition of innovative products: laureate/diploma winner of the district (city) level laureate/diploma of the republican level winner of the district (city) level winner of the republican level 10 15 30 40 A copy of the diploma certified by the head of the educational institution. A copy of the order/instruction of the executive body of state power of the appropriate level on the results of the competition During the intertest period

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) № Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 5.3. The presence of a dissertation on the profile of the discipline taught, pedagogy, psychology: Candidate of Sciences Doctor of Sciences 50 100 A photocopy of a document confirming the availability of a scientific degree, certified by the head of the educational institution 5.4. Diplomas, Thanks, letters of thanks, including from public organizations for success in professional activities: district (city) level Republican level All-Russian level* international level* 5 10 20 30 Copies of Diplomas, Thanks, letters of thanks, certified by the head of the educational institution. Intertest Period * regardless of the year of receipt 5.5. Prizes of the Government of the Republic of Crimea 30 Copy of the certificate for the award, certified by the head of the educational institution, Decree of the Government of the Republic of Crimea

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CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS APPLYING TO ESTABLISH THE QUALIFICATION CATEGORY (FIRST, HIGHEST) No. Criteria and indicators Points Availability of supporting documents in the portfolio Note 5.6. Awards for success in professional activities: district/city awards republican awards state awards 20 30 50 A copy of the certificate certified by the head of the educational institution. Regardless of the year of receipt 5.7. The effectiveness of the class teacher from 5 to 30 Quality and level of performance of official duties In the intertest period Sum of points for determining the qualification category Pedagogical workers Number of points for the first qualification category Number of points for the highest qualification category Teacher (educational institution of secondary vocational education) from 160 to 400 400 and above Master of industrial training from 120 to 250 250 and above

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To the attestation commission of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea from __________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic in full) ___________________________________ (position, place of work (indicate the name of the institution in full) ___________________________________ (phone number (work, mobile) APPLICATION Please certify me on 20__ /20__ school . year for ____________ qualification category for the position (positions) _______________________________________________________________ Currently (I have ____________ qualification category, its validity period is up to _______) or (I do not have a qualification category) I consider the following results of work corresponding to requirements for __________ qualification category ____________________________________________________________ I provide the following information about myself: education (which educational institution graduated from, received given specialty and qualification) _________________________________________________________________ teaching experience (specialty) _____ years, in this position ________ years; work experience in this institution _____________; I have the following awards, titles, academic degree, academic title ____________________________________________________________________________________ Information on advanced training _____________________________ I am familiar with the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities (a). In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2011 No. 261-FZ “On Amending the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, I agree (agree) to the implementation of any actions (operations), including: receiving, processing, storage, in relation to my personal data necessary for certification. I ask you to conduct certification at a meeting of the certification commission in my presence (without my presence) "___" ___________20___. Signature__________________

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The structure of the portfolio of a pedagogical worker Title page Section 1. General information about teacher education (copy of diploma); a copy of the certification sheet of the previous certification; advanced training (copies of documents). Section 2. Documents for the certification procedure two sets of expert opinions (for the work of experts); sheet of self-assessment of pedagogical activity. Section 3. Possession of modern educational technologies and methods, the effectiveness of their application This section contains methodological materials that testify to the professionalism of the teacher: rationale for the choice of an educational program and a set of educational and methodological literature; substantiation of the choice of the educational technologies used by the certified person; substantiation of the use by certified in their practice of certain means of pedagogical diagnostics to assess educational results; the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, technologies for teaching children with developmental problems, etc.

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Section 4. Contribution to improving the quality of education, dissemination of own experience Work in a methodological association, cooperation with the regional methodological center, the Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, universities and other institutions; participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, participation in methodological and subject weeks; organization and holding of seminars, round tables, master classes, etc.; conducting scientific research; development of copyright programs; writing manuscripts for a candidate's or doctoral dissertation; preparation of a creative report, abstract, report, article. Section 5. The results of mastering educational programs by students, pupils and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements This section should contain: materials demonstrating the results of mastering educational programs by students and the formation of their key competencies in the subject being taught; a comparative analysis of the activities of a teacher for 3 years on the basis of control sections, the participation of pupils in school and other olympiads, competitions; list of winners of olympiads, competitions, competitions, intellectual marathons, etc.; results of intermediate and final attestation of students; information about the presence of medalists; USE results; information about admission to universities in the specialty, etc. The materials of this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of the pedagogical activity of the certified teacher.

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Section 6. Awards and encouragement for success in professional activities; thanks; awards; ranks. Sections 3-6 documents must comply with the requirements specified in the expert opinion for this position and type of institution. Each item has its own score. A teacher, having collected a portfolio, can conduct a self-examination and determine the amount of points necessary for certification for the first or highest qualification category. The teacher himself determines the “set” of documents (in accordance with his pedagogical activity), which he can collect during the inter-certification period. The expert opinion takes into account the activities of the pedagogical worker in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 "The procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities" and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n "On approval of the Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of education workers".

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Literature: Federal Law of 29.12. 2012 No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2014) "On Education in the Russian Federation" Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2014);base=LAW;n=165886 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 08, 2013 No. 678 "On approval of the nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations" Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 07, 2014 No. 276 "On Approval of the Procedure for Certification of Teachers of Organizations Carrying out Educational Activities" (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Procedure) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 . No. 761n "On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of education workers" as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 No. 448n http://docs.procspb .ru/content/base/164749 Order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea of ​​November 28, 2014. No. 327 "On the approval of regulatory documents governing the certification of teaching staff of educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea" Clarifications on the application of the Procedure for the certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, Department of State Policy in the field of general education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education No. 08-1933 / 505 of 03.12.2014.

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Physics and Mathematics Teacher Portfolio

Irtysh Secondary School No. 3

Beisebinov Baurzhan Saparovich

"Third" school - you are my marina, fate bound us securely,

Ah, the “third” school, I’ll say not melting, it’s already impossible without you ...

Business card

FULL NAME: Beysembinov Baurzhan Saparovich

Education: higher, PSPI, 2005

Diploma specialty: math and physics teacher

Place of work: Irtysh secondary school №3

Pedagogical experience: 9 years , in this school 9 years

Year of assignment: 2010

Family status: married , I am raising 3 children

Email address: [email protected]


In the process of using interactive learning methods, the student

becomes an active participant in learning, as it increases

interest in the subject, opportunities for self-realization develop

and self-expression

If you use in the educational process new interactive

technology, it will significantly increase the efficiency

educational process, its quality, will provide a positive

attitude of students to the educational process.

In general, it will increase the level of knowledge of students in the subject.


1. Problem learning (problem situation, problem


2. Work in groups, in pairs, individual approach.

3. ICT, visibility (electronic textbooks, video libraries, animations,

virtual environments (laboratories, experiment)).

4. Simulation of physical phenomena, the use of games,

joint problem solving.

5. Educational projects (presentation), etc.


and methods

Stages of work on the topic of self-education


Document's name



Issued by

"Competence approach in organizing the process of teaching mathematics"

When issued


"Implementation of a competency-based approach in teaching physics as a basis for improving the quality of education"





Branch of the CPM, Pavlodar

Teacher training courses for the program of the first (advanced) level within the framework of the level programs of the PC PC of the RK


Branch of the CPM, Pavlodar



Participation in seminars and conferences

Document's name


Issued by


"Darynda tұlғanyң tұgyrly құzіrettіlіgіn kalyptastyru »


RSPC "Ert is daryns »

When issued

RSPC "Ert is daryns »


"Using the capabilities of interactive equipment in the educational process with software ActivInspire »



"Technologies for the selection of content and new methodological approaches in teaching a school course in physics"




"Issues of preparation for the Olympiad in Physics"


RSPC "Ert is daryns »


Popularization of own pedagogical experience

Presentation Form

"The use of ICT in physics lessons"


3. Presentation and generalization of work experience

District August Conference

4. Report "Monitoring the information competence of the teacher"

5. Presentation of a report

School teachers' council

6. Report "Information and communication competence of the teacher in the framework of the modern lesson"

7. Report "Adaptation as the main condition for continuity at different levels of education"

School teachers' council

8. Master class. Conducting coaching. Moderator

School teachers' council

District Seminar of Certified Teachers

Participation in the expert and analytical activities of education

Commission name

District Commission for Checking Students' Olympiad Works (member of the commission)

Regional Methodological Association of Physics Teachers

(member of the creative team)

Regional commission for checking the quality of teaching the subject of physics (member of the commission)

Member of the jury of the district competition of scientific projects of students

District Commission for Attestation of Schools

(commission member)

Performance and quality indicators knowledge of students in physics

Academic year

Knowledge quality



academic performance


Test scores physics students

Academic year

Knowledge quality



academic performance


UNT results



Number of passing students


20 12 -201 3

Average score

18 , 5

Maksim. score

20 13 -201 4



1 3,3

33,3 %

33,3 %

Alumni-grant holders and students on a budgetary basis

F.I. graduate

Tleumbetov D.

Place of study


PSPI, Pavlodar

Sagitova A.

Professional education

Rylsky A.

Nabiev M.

automation and control


Technosphere safety

Tekzhanova J.

InEU, Pavlodar

Thermal power engineering

ENU them. L. Gumilyov, Astana

Waliyeva V.

automation and control

PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar

Computer Engineering

PSU im. S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar

Oil and gas business

Muratov R.

NGASU, Novosibirsk

Hydraulic structures


Queen R.

Fire safety


Technosphere safety

Student Achievements

Uch. year

F.I. student, class


Denisyuk Anna, 8B

Denisyuk Anna, 8B


Bagienova Asel, 8B

Regional intellectual tournament


District Olympiad of students

Bagienova Asel, 8B

Junior Olympiad

(district tour)

Denisyuk Anna, 9B

Junior Olympiad

(regional tour)

Denisyuk Anna, 9B

District Olympiad of students

Bagienova Asel, 8B

Regional Student Olympiad

Stepanova Nadezhda, 8B

Dumler Vyacheslav, 8

Republican competition "Fizmat"

Bagienova Asel, 9B

Dumler Vyacheslav, 9

Republican competition "Fizmat"

Republican competition "Fizmat"

Malik Elizabeth, 11

Winner of competition

District Olympiad of students

Winner of competition

Malik Elizabeth, 11

District Olympiad of students

Regional Student Olympiad

Student Achievements

Uch. year

F.I. student, class

Dumler Vyacheslav, 9


Amukov Yuri, 8A



Aksyuchenko Nikita, 8B

Malik Elizabeth, 11

Republican Distance Olympiad KIO

Dumler Vyacheslav, 10

Republican Distance Olympiad KIO

Republican Distance Olympiad KIO

The best result of the region

District Olympiad of students

My achievements


Regional Distance Olympiad for Teachers

Presentation Form


Solving olympiad problems.

Regional Olympiad for Physics Teachers.

Regional Forum of Teachers

Solving olympiad problems.

Teacher's Day Award

District competition "Teacher of the Year-2012"

Diploma of the regional akim

Regional forum "The fate of the country is my fate!"

Presentation and summary of work experience

Presentation with a report.

Regional Olympiad of teachers.

Diploma of akim of the district

Republican Internet Olympiad KIO

Solving olympiad problems, tests.

Solving olympiad problems.

Regional Olympiad for Physics Teachers.

Excellent result

Solving olympiad problems, tests and essays.


Certification of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities (as of February 10, 2016) Certification of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities (as of February 10, 2016) 2016 Elena Anatolyevna Kazakova, head of the NIRO certification center, Ph.D.

Normative documents of the federal level Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 276 "On Approval of the Procedure for Certification of Teachers of Organizations Carrying out Educational Activities ” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 23, 2014, Registration N 32408) Entered into force on June 15, 2014

Normative documents of the federal level Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761 n "On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of the positions of educators "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6 2010, registration N 18638) as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 N 448 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2011, registration N 21240) Section I of the nomenclature of positions, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2013 N 678

Section 1 point 2 of the nomenclature of positions of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations 8. Master of industrial training 9. Methodist 10. Senior methodologist 11. Music director 12. Teacher of additional education 13. Senior teacher of additional education 14. Teacher-librarian 15. Teacher-organizer 16. Teacher-psychologist 17. Teacher 18. Teacher-organizer basics of life safety 19. Head of physical education 20. Social teacher 21. Senior counselor 22. Senior coach-teacher 23. Trainer-teacher 24. Tutor 25. Teacher 26. Teacher-defectologist 27. Teacher-speech therapist 28. Speech therapist

Normative documents of the federal level Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662 "On monitoring the education system" Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2014 14 "On approval of indicators for monitoring the education system" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia March 6) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2013 "On approval of performance indicators of an educational organization subject to self-examination" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 28) state policy in the field of general education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, letter / 505 of the year)

Normative documents of the federal level Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 18, 2013 N 544 n "On approval of the professional standard" Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) "In accordance with paragraph 22 of the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 23 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, 4, art. 293), p u r i a y: 1. Approve the attached professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" 2. Establish that the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) "is used by employers when forming personnel policy and personnel management, in organizing training and certification of employees, concluding labor contracts, developing job descriptions and establishing wage systems from January 1, 2015. Minister M.A. Topilin

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2013 678), including part-time employment in the same or another organization, as well as by combining positions along with work in the same organization specified by the employment contract

The procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers The former Procedure for attestation was not applied to pedagogical workers of non-state (private) educational institutions, as well as health care institutions, social services and other organizations that are not educational institutions, the New Procedure for attestation is applied in the certification of pedagogical workers of all organizations engaged in educational activities , i.e. applies directly to the teaching staff of educational organizations, as well as organizations providing training. For the purposes of this Certification Procedure, individual entrepreneurs engaged in educational activities are equated to organizations engaged in educational activities in accordance with paragraph 20 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012.

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff is carried out in order (clause 2 of the Procedure) to confirm the compliance of teaching staff with their positions based on an assessment of their professional activities; establishing a qualification category (optional)

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to confirm the suitability of the position held Certification is carried out once every five years on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities by attestation commissions (ACO), independently formed organizations (clause 5 of the Procedure) ACO is created by an administrative act of the employer consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman commission, secretary and members of the commission. A representative of the elected body of the trade union organization (if any) is included in the composition of the ACO without fail Conducted on the recommendation of the employer

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the position held The submission contains the following information about the teaching staff: a) last name, first name, patronymic (if any); b) the name of the position on the date of certification; c) the date of conclusion of an employment contract for this position; d) the level of education and (or) qualifications in the specialty or field of study; e) information on obtaining additional professional education in the field of pedagogical activity; f) the results of previous certifications (if any); g) a motivated comprehensive and objective assessment of professional, business qualities, the results of the professional activity of a pedagogical worker in the performance of labor duties assigned to him by an employment contract.

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to confirm the compliance with the position held (clause 22 of the Procedure) The following pedagogical workers do not undergo certification in order to confirm the compliance with the position they hold: a) teaching staff with qualification categories; b) who have worked in their position for less than two years in the organization in which certification is carried out; c) pregnant women; d) women on maternity leave; e) persons on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three; f) absent from the workplace for more than four consecutive months due to illness. Certification of pedagogical workers, provided for in subparagraphs "d" and "e" of this paragraph, is possible not earlier than two years after their release from the specified holidays. Certification of pedagogical workers, provided for by subparagraph "e" of this paragraph, is possible not earlier than one year after their entry into work.

Scheme for the certification of teaching staff in order to confirm the compliance with the position held less than 30 calendar days before the day of their certification according to the schedule Has the right to: Submit to the ACO additional information characterizing his professional activities for the period from the date of the previous certification (for primary certification - from the date of employment) Introduces the PR with the submission against signature later than 30 calendar days before the date of its certification. Signs the order Signs the submission (in case of refusal to read and sign the submission, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the head and persons (at least 2) in whose presence the act was drawn up, transferred to the ACO) Must: arrive at the ACO meeting on time; In case of absence at the ACO meeting for a good reason, the certification is postponed to another date Issues an order to amend the certification schedule Introduces the PR with the order against signature no later than 30 calendar days before the new date of its certification Signs the order If the PR fails to appear for the meeting AKO without a good reason certification is carried out in his absence

The attestation commission of the organization The meeting of the ACO is considered competent if at least 2/3 of the total number of its members are present Considers: - representation of the employer, - additional information provided by the teacher himself (if any) Voting: open, by a majority vote of those present at the meeting Decisions of the attestation commission of the organization corresponds to the position held (the position of the PR is indicated) does not correspond to the position held (the position of the PR is indicated) an extract on the PR from the minutes no later than two working days from the date of the meeting of the ACO The head (employer) acquaints the PR with an extract from the protocol against signature within three working days after its preparation The protocol with submissions, additional information from the PR (if any) is stored with the head An extract from the protocol is kept in the personal file of the PR

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the position held (clause 23 of the Procedure) Qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers" of the Unified Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and employees and (or) professional standards, but with sufficient practical experience and competence, performing qualitatively and in full the duties assigned to them.

The procedure for certification of teachers in order to establish a qualification category (clause 27 of the Procedure) Certification of teachers is carried out on the basis of their applications submitted directly to the certification commission, or sent by teachers to the certification commission by mail with a letter with a return receipt or with a notification in the form an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

The procedure for certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category (comments, excerpts) 24. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out at their request. ... The qualification category is set for a period of 5 years. The validity period of the qualification category is not subject to extension. 29. Applications for attestation are submitted by teaching staff, regardless of the length of work in the organization, including while on parental leave.

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category (comments, excerpts) first qualifying category. 31. The expiration of the highest qualification category does not limit the right of a teacher to subsequently apply to the certification commission with an application for his certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the same position.

Grounds for establishing qualification categories (clauses 36, 37 of the Procedure) Category 1 (clause 36) Highest category (clause 37) Stable positive results in the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization Achievement by students of positive dynamics in the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization Stable positive results in the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring the education system Achievement by students of positive results in the development of educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system Identification of the development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities Identification and development students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions

Grounds for establishing qualification categories (clauses 36, 37 of the Order) Category 1 Highest category Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, broadcasting experience in teaching staff of the practical results of their professional activities, active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical employees of the organization Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving methods of training and education, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting in teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative Active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in development of software and methodological support of the educational process, professional competitions.

Grounds for establishing the first qualification category in the previous and new attestation 2011 - June The first qualification category can be established for teaching staff who: own modern educational technologies and methods and effectively apply them in practical professional activities; have stable results of mastering by students, pupils of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements are above average in the subject of the Russian Federation; make a personal contribution to improving the quality of education through the improvement of teaching and upbringing methods; June The first qualification category is established on the basis of: stable positive results of mastering educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization; stable positive results in the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662; identifying the development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities; personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving the methods of training and education, broadcasting in teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of the organization.

Grounds for establishing the first qualification category in the previous and new attestation 2011 - June The highest qualification category can be established for teaching staff who: own modern educational technologies and methods and effectively apply them in practical professional activities; have stable results in the development of educational programs by students, pupils and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements above average in the subject of the Russian Federation, including taking into account the results of the participation of students and pupils in All-Russian, international Olympiads, competitions, competitions; make a personal contribution to improving the quality of education through improving the methods of education and upbringing, innovation, in the development of new educational technologies and actively disseminate their own experience in the field of improving the quality of education and upbringing. June The highest qualification category is established on the basis of: students achieving positive dynamics in the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization; achievement by students of positive results in the development of educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662; identifying and developing students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions; personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting in teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative; active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support of the educational process, professional competitions.

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level Decree of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region of September 22, 2014 11 “On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public certification services in order to establish the qualification category of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities "(entered into force on January 01, 2015) Resolutions of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod region:" establishing the qualification category of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the supervision of of the Novgorod Region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities” dated February 17, 2015 4 dated September 03, 2015 34

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level Orders of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region, approving: Regulations for the work of the certification commission for the certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod Region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations those engaged in educational activities (order dated 1087); Regulations on the examination of the professional activities of certifying for qualification categories (first and highest) pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities (order of the city of 1184)

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level Orders of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region, approving: order of January 26, 2016 52) List of chief experts (approved for 2016 by order of February 1, 2016 74) Amendments to the Regulations on the examination of professional activities of certifying for qualification categories (first, highest) pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities (order dated March 30, 2015 285; order dated January 21, 2016 39)

The procedure for certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level Orders of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region, approving: Forms of expert opinions on the level of professional activity for the positions of teaching staff: 106 of February 11, 2015 - 13 forms 142 of February 20 2015 - 5 forms 254 dated March 24, 2015 - 5 forms 284 dated March 30, 2015 - 1 form 445 dated May 15, 2015 - 2 forms 904 dated September 24, 2015 - 1 form 905 dated September 24, 2015 - 1 form

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level List of forms of expert opinions Position Order 1Teacher 142 from Primary school teacher (implementing adapted, basic general education programs of primary general education) 142 from Physical education teacher 106 from Teacher implementing adapted educational programs of the main general and secondary general education (1-7 types) 905 from Teacher working in a general educational organization at correctional institutions of the penal system 142 from Teacher of a professional educational organization implementing educational programs of secondary general education 106 from Teacher implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education 106 from Master of Industrial Training 106 from

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level List of forms of expert opinions Position Order 9 Teacher implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education and additional general educational programs in the field of culture 106 from Concertmaster 106 from Organizing teacher 106 from Social pedagogue 106 from Senior counselor 106 from Educator, senior educator 106 from Pedagogical worker implementing the main general educational program of preschool education (teacher, senior educator, music director, instructor (educator) in physical education) 106 from Physical education teacher, head of physical education 106 from Methodist, senior methodologist , instructor-methodologist, senior instructor-methodologist 142 from

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category Regulatory documents of the regional level List of forms of expert opinions Position Order 19 Teacher implementing an adapted basic general education program for students with mental retardation 254 from Teacher-psychologist 254 from Teacher-psychologist of the center of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social help 254 from Teacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, speech therapist 254 from Pedagogical worker with an academic degree, state awards received for achievements in teaching, winner of the competitive selection for monetary incentives 254 from Trainer-teacher, senior trainer-teacher 284 from Teacher of additional education, senior teacher of additional education 445 from Teacher-librarian 445 from Tutor 904 from

Administrative regulations for the provision of public certification services in order to establish the qualification category of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod Region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities I. General provisions II. Public Service Standard III. Composition, sequence and deadlines for performing administrative procedures (actions), requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including the specifics of performing administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form IV. The procedure and forms of control over the provision of public services V. Pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing against decisions and actions (inaction) of the department, as well as its officials

Administrative regulations (comments, excerpts) I. General Provisions The location (address), schedule of receiving visitors, working hours, telephones, e-mail addresses, official websites of the department, NIRO are indicated; ... The schedule for receiving visitors at the NIRO certification center, which directly provides public services, is carried out: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - from to break - from to

Administrative regulations (comments, excerpts) II. The standard for the provision of public services A public service from the beginning of its implementation and until a decision is made by the attestation commission is no more than 60 calendar days (in accordance with clause 33 of the Procedure) in accordance with paragraph 32 a of the Procedure) In order to provide a public service, a teacher submits an application to the certification commission in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to this administrative regulation. The application is submitted within a calendar year. The application is submitted by a pedagogical worker: - directly to the educational and methodological laboratory for attestation of NIRO; - by mail with acknowledgment of receipt; - in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Application must be properly executed, clearly printed or legibly written in blue or black ink (paste) by hand. Filling out the application in pencil is not allowed. The application is drawn up in a single copy - the original and signed by the applicant. The data in the application must correspond to documents on education, assignment of qualification categories, and other documents.

Administrative regulations (comments, excerpts) II. Standard for the provision of public services The grounds for refusing to accept an application are the submission of an incorrectly executed and (or) incorrectly completed application that has erasures or additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections made in pencil. The grounds for refusing to provide a public service are: receipt of an application from a teacher, certification of which is not related to the powers of the department; receipt of an application for the first time from a pedagogical worker who does not have the first qualification category, on certification for the highest qualification category; receipt of an application from a pedagogical worker for attestation for the highest qualification category earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category; the receipt of an application by a pedagogical worker earlier than a year later for attestation for that qualification category, the assignment of which was denied to him by the attestation commission; receipt from a teacher of an application for the termination of certification; dismissal of a teacher; death of a teacher. The decision to refuse to provide a public service is made by the attestation commission. There are no grounds for suspending the provision of a public service.

Administrative regulations (comments, excerpts) II. Standard for the provision of public services Registration of an application executed in accordance with the subparagraph of this administrative regulation, with the assignment of a registration number in the electronic database, is carried out: on the day of receipt, if the application is submitted personally directly to the NIRO; III. The composition, sequence and timing of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions), requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including the specifics of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form ; consideration of the application of a pedagogical worker for certification and approval of the deadline for certification; examination of professional activity; adoption and approval of the decision of the attestation commission for the attestation of teaching staff for the relevant qualification categories.

Administrative regulations (comments, excerpts) III. Composition, sequence and deadlines for the implementation of administrative procedures (actions), requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including the specifics of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form certification, which is approved by the decision of the certification commission. Within 10 calendar days from the date of the decision, the attestation commission issues an order of the department to establish the qualification category. Not later than 2 working days from the date of issue, the order is posted on the official website of the department.

Regulations for the work of the attestation commission for the attestation of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities (comments, excerpts) Reason - p.p. 26, 32, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41 of the Order Determines: General provisions, requirements for the composition of the attestation commission, powers and procedure for its work. From clause 3.1: The powers of the certification committee include: setting the timing of the certification (the timing of the examination and the date of certification) for each teacher, taking into account the date of the previous certification; consideration of attestation cases of attesting pedagogical workers; making a decision on the certification of teaching staff for the declared qualification category (first, highest); consideration of controversial issues arising in the process of certification; consideration of applications of certified pedagogical workers on the postponement of the terms of their certification.

Regulations for the work of the attestation commission for attestation of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities (comments, excerpts) Number of members - at least 25 people (clause 2.3) the right to attend a meeting of the certification commission (clauses 4.7, 4.9). Employers of attested pedagogical workers, chief experts, members of the expert group may be invited (clause 4.8.). Voting rules are defined (clauses 4.11, 4.12, 4.13). The wording of the decisions of the attestation commission based on the results of the attestation of a pedagogical worker is given (clause 4.14). Registration of decisions of the attestation commission (4.15, 4.16).

Regulations on the examination of the professional activities of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and being under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod Region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities (comments, excerpts, taking into account the order on amendments) certified for qualification categories (first, highest) d) Basis - clause 3.4 of the Administrative Regulations Defines: General provisions, forms of examination, documents provided for examination, formation of an expert group and requirements for an expert, organization and conduct of an examination, duties and rights of an assessor analysis of employer representation. In the form of an analysis of the representation of the employer, the examination is carried out by: pedagogical workers with a scientific degree, state awards (honorary titles, medals, orders) received for achievements in teaching, the honorary sports title "Honored Coach of Russia"; teachers - winners of the competitive selection for monetary incentives; trainers-teachers, senior trainers-teachers who have prepared an athlete - a candidate for the sports teams of the Russian Federation during 5 years preceding their certification. In the form of an interview, pedagogical workers who are not listed in the second paragraph of this clause are subject to examination.

Regulations on the examination of the professional activities of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities and being under the jurisdiction of the Novgorod Region, pedagogical workers of municipal and private organizations engaged in educational activities (comments, excerpts) .4.1). The list of documents provided by the teacher for examination in the form of an interview (clause 3.1) and analysis of the employer's presentation (clause 3.2), as well as the deadlines for their submission (clause 3.3) is indicated. The result of the work of the expert group is not only the execution of an expert opinion, but also the formation of an attestation file and the return of copies of documents to the analytical report to the attestant. In p.p. 5.7.i.5.8 it is indicated that it includes an attestation file, depending on the form of examination.

Scheme of attestation of teaching staff for the qualification category (first, highest) (examination in the form of an interview) Pedagogical worker (PR) Attestation Commission (AC) considers the application no more than 30 calendar days. days from the date of receipt of the Application Documents for the examination (no later than 5 calendar days from the beginning of the established examination period): analytical report on professional achievements in acc. with the requirements for the declared category, signed by the PR and the employer, certified by the seal of the OO; certified copies of documents in the OO and materials confirming the information contained in the analytical report Expertise (no more than 48 calendar days) Expert group - at least 3 people Chief expert Sets the certification deadlines taking into account the validity of the existing category The certification duration is not more than 60 calendar days. days Recommended: no later than 3 months before the end of the existing category attestation center Information on the date and time of the examination by e-mail or phone Interview Formation of the attestation file: - statement; -analytical reference; -only copies and materials confirming information about the presence of special achievements -expert opinion Registration and signing of an expert opinion (EP) by the PR and the exp. group Employer In case of disagreement of the PR with the results of the exp. Evaluation has the right to express its opinion in writing. 12 3

Scheme for the certification of teachers for the qualification category (first, highest) (examination in the form of analysis of the presentation) Pedagogical worker (PR) Attestation commission (AK) considers the application for no more than 30 calendar days. days from the date of receipt of the Application Documents for the examination (no later than 5 calendar days from the start of the established examination deadlines): submission certified by the signature of the employer and the seal of the PA; Copies of documents certified by the PA confirming the awarding of an academic degree or awarding, or the inclusion of athletes in the lists of candidates for the sports teams of the Russian Federation existing category Duration of attestation no more than 60 kalends. days Recommended: no later than 3 months before the end of the existing category attestation center Information on the date and time of the examination by e-mail or phone Formation of an attestation file - application; -performance; -copies of documents on awarding a scientific degree or award -expert opinion for this category of PR Registration and signing of an expert opinion (EP) by the expert group Employer 12

Attestation Commission The meeting of the AC is considered competent if at least 2/3 of its members are present. Considers: - application; - attestation business; - documents and materials received additionally Voting: open, by a majority vote of those present at the meeting. category (the position of the PR is indicated) Drawn up in the minutes Signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, members of the AC present at the meeting Decisions on the results of attestation of the PR are approved by the order of the department, Which is posted on the official website Employer of the PR: categories; - issues an order to change the remuneration of the PR, taking into account the established sq. category refuse to establish the first (highest) square. category (the position of the PR is indicated) Decisions on the timing of certification are sent by letter of the department

Analytical report on the professional achievements of Maria Ivanovna Ivanova, geography teacher of the MAOU "Secondary General Education School", Ermolino, Novgorod Municipal District, certified for the first qualification category TEXT (in accordance with the points of the expert opinion) signature I confirm the information contained in the certificate Director ____________________________ Petrova O.I. MP signature

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